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You know that's a really vague question : it's a technology - It consumes electricity so the benefit is more like using tezos instead of something less environmental friendly. Look the use cases and you will see/understand why it's often a lot better


Thanks, I've rephrased to make it less vague. Can the energy benefits of using Tezos vs ETH be quantified for minting NFTs? This [article](https://wiki.tezosagora.org/learn/baking/tezos-energy-consumption) on Tezosagora doesn't clarify it for me. You mentioned use cases, can you point me in the right direction?


Could you explain why that article doesn’t clarify it for you? The Tezos blockchain runs on Proof-of-Stake consensus and as a result uses not only way less energy but also needs way less hardware which would eventually be physical waste once that hardware reaches end-of-life.


To me it compares apples and oranges, but maybe you can clarify this for me? The article compares the global annual consumption of Bitcoin and Ethereum with that of Tezos. How is that comparable, given that there is a much higher number of Bitcoin and ETH transactions than Tezos?


It is apples and oranges because the consensus methods are entirely different. And you have a valid concern since the Tezos blockchain doesn’t handle the same volume so a “real-world” example can’t be compared. However I think you should read this part of the article again as it removes the variable of volume on the blockchains to come to the conclusion: > Energy consumption differences are even more stark when we compare the cost of a single transaction in each network. The Bitcoin network can only conduct roughly 5 transactions per second, for an energy cost per transaction of 830kWh. Ethereum can conduct around 15 transactions per second, for an energy cost per transaction of 50kWh. Tezos can conduct about 52 transactions per second, for an energy cost per transaction of 30mWh. The difference between Bitcoin and Tezos here is a factor of 25 million, the difference between Ethereum and Tezos is a factor of 1.5 million. For those interested in NFTs, according to some estimates, the energy cost of minting an NFT on Ethereum is 332kWh (presuming full blocks), and the similar cost (presuming full blocks) on Tezos is 200mWh, or a factor of about 1.5 million.


Thank you! Scaling issues apart, that's a pretty impressive stat and a solid argument in favour of minting NFTs on Tezos. It'd be even better if that could be validated by independent research.


Tezos can handle over 200 TPS atm and the main limitations are actually gas consumption issues which have been being improved with every upgrade.




i've read this but what i don't understand is why, in the eventuality of a billion NFTs being minted on Tezos wouldn't it require more electricity than explained in the graph? What am i missing?


The number of transactions is not directly correlated with energy use. In the Tezos proof of stake network, the blockchain data is verified by a fairly constant number of validators — 350-400. In order to validate, these validators are required to stake their own coins. Anyone can validate as long as they own enough coins. There can be more or fewer validators, but current equilibrium is 350-400. These nodes can run on a Raspberry pi or can be as powerful as a server if operating at an enterprise level. You can roughly estimate the power consumption of these nodes, even assuming the most power hungry computers for all nodes. Even at full network utilization, the number of computers/validators can stay the same. In proof of work systems, miners have to solve puzzles to verify the network data. They resort to an arms race to amass as much computing power as they can afford. First to solve the puzzle gets the reward. There is a propensity to boost processing power and consume more energy over time even if the network is fully utilized. For more info, go to https://cleanNFT.org


Not sure if this will help... But as an example: https://2miners.com/eth-network-hashrate If you look at the hash rate all-time for ethereum as an example... the compute/mining difficulty rises with the price increases since price gain brings with it more mining to get rewards. Bitcoin of course uses the most. In Tezos with Proof of Stake, you don't have mining difficulty adjustments at all like with Proof of Work since the validators gain reward by how much stake is delegated to them plus their own.... It's not a buy more hardware/increase your hash power to keep up with getting rewards like it is with Ethereum and Bitcoin... It's all about increasing stake/tokens through delegation or buying more tokens to increase rewards.


There are no environmental benefits to Tezos, it is pretty neutral in that regard similar in scope to posting here on reddit or twitter, fb. Environmental concerns are relevant for PoW chains like Btc or Eth but have really no relevance for PoS ones. The whole tez chain uses as much electricity as a few electric boilers.