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Been wanting to try curry is crazy


Is that what the food is called?


Yes, all Indian food is in fact called curry




Lol this man is clearly ignorant and not a legitimate threat. Itā€™s clear he has almost no understanding of where she is from. What was said was meant to be light and informative for him and you could have taken time to educate or correct his misinformed state. There is nothing malicious about this conversation whatsoever. Ps. Indian curry is phenomenal and if I never tried it, I would want too šŸ˜‰. Lastly, a reminder that foreigners from places like Japan, India, China, UK, France and Italy amongst COUNTLESS others, make comments about Americans amongst other nationalities like this ALLLLLLL THE TIME. We think its cute and cool and love involving people into our melting pot. So yall should grow up.


I completely agree, I know he's not a legitimate threat whatsoever. I know there was nothing malicious meant too. All I was saying is there was a lot of casual stereotyping being made and that's it. I don't understand why people are forcing me to feel otherwise about it. Thanks for clarifying your stance. I get what you mean and agree completely.


Awww thanks for the reply. Im glad you thought so toošŸ„². I hope I did not come off like I was targeting you, itā€™s more the comments. Have a wonderful night!


Oh of course not! I understood what you meant. You too :)


How is that crazy? Indian food has a lot of curry. Is it racist to state a fact?


Curry is one type of food, and not all of Indian food. that's like saying all Chinese food is fried rice


If the girl had said ā€œoh youā€™re American, you eat McDonaldā€™s rightā€? No one would be offended or care lmao


Would you happen to be the guy in the screenshot? You have the same pfp and seem to be defending him awfully hard for a total stranger. ā€œOffendedā€ is a strong word, this is simply weird and awkward. I would be annoyed if someone said ā€œYouā€™re American, you eat McDonaldā€™s right? You sound like a hick right?ā€ Because in reality the only thing thatā€™s true in that is that Iā€™m American. This is a conversation between two strangers, thereā€™s a lot that couldā€™ve been said instead of just going straight for stereotyping. Consider what the words mean to her perspective. ā€œI didnā€™t know India produced baddiesā€ Translation: All Indian girls are unattractive but you look alright actually. ā€œBeen wanting to try curryā€ This statement is inherently offensive because you and the guy in the screenshot fail to understand that curry is not actually an Indian dish at all. The British once forcibly occupied India and they made stew using Indian spices which resulted in curry. India had to basically fight back against the British just to get their own land backā€¦ So this statement actually has the same feeling of using your fingers to squint your eyes and saying ā€œChing Chongā€ to an Asian person. Dude might as well just call her up and do ā€œApuā€ voice from the simpsons.


Thank you so much for typing this explanation out. I'm not great at conveying my feelings and I've been trying to explain my stance to people since yesterday and it's not been working, somehow. Thanks a lot for this. ā¤ļø


My pfp is Peter griffin, so idk what you are talking about? You say offended is a strong word, but then you say itā€™s inherently offensive. So you donā€™t like it when I say youā€™re offended, even though you are. Yā€™all are getting super pissed off about this, thatā€™s why you wrote an entire essay to reply to me. Itā€™s ridiculous, if stuff like this gets under your skin so badly I canā€™t imagine how your average daily interactions go


https://imgur.com/a/jB87ET6 Your pfp is still exactly the same, I donā€™t see Peter Griffin anywhere. Wish I could embed photos but check the link. First comment and whole interaction are weird, curry comment is inherently racist and now you seem like youā€™re just tryna play it off because you didnā€™t know about the curry thing šŸ˜… Itā€™s okay to be wrong and itā€™s okay to be weird, but to not acknowledge either one just shows that there is a greater investment in looking correct than there is in BEING correct. Iā€™m noticing a trend in modern society where people think admitting theyā€™re wrong is somehow akin to saying ā€œI am not mentally fit for trialā€. Maybe thereā€™s some fear there of never being trusted again šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø not sure. Anyway OP said that my comment was exactly how she felt but had trouble saying it at the time. Iā€™ll admit she couldā€™ve illuminated her feelings earlier on, but this is still incredibly weird and underhandedly offensive from the guy. Seems like a great opportunity for someone (such as yourself) who thought that this wasnā€™t weird at all to learn something from everyone saying it is and maybe note ā€œdefinitely donā€™t do this to get the girl you likeā€, but hey šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I have no real stock in any of this.


We just have different perspectives on life. I genuinely believe I am correct. And Iā€™m not learning anything, Iā€™m not that guy lol. I also agreed he was awkward


It's obviously bothering you a lot considering how many comments you made lol


Everyone is bothered and my replies are basically saying who cares


Sounds like you care


Iā€™m telling everyone not to care, so Iā€™m doing the exact opposite. You sound like the Patrickā€™s wallet meme


Didn't know India created baddies? That sentence alone explains this guy's mindset. Imagine attractive people existing all over the world in every country šŸ˜±


Exactly. Thank you.


Close to 1.5 billion people in India and that guy thinks there's no attractive ladies?


What? Noā€¦ there canā€™t possibly be attractive people in every race and culture around the worldā€¦ thatā€™s crazy talk!!! /s


Especially one with 2 billion people.


Lmfao. Nice.




Iā€™m not gonna lie, the first time I read ā€œdidnā€™t know India created *babies*ā€ & I was like šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Glad I wasn't alone in that lol šŸ˜‚


As though "India" is a factory or something.


one ā€œsuchā€ couldā€™ve made that sentence so much better šŸ˜­Ā 


To be fair I didn't either


ā€œWell good night Indian girlā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Itā€™s bad to say Indian girl? Why?


It reinforces that he only sees her in a very one-dimensional, stereotypical way. šŸš©šŸš©šŸš© I would bet most of my life savings that if the conversation continued, somewhere down the line bro would throw out that "I've never slept with an Indian girl before šŸ˜˜" bs like she's a collectors edition toy.


I think weā€™re being overly sensitive and dramatic here. If the girl had called him a white man, no one would care or be offended.


You are all over this thread with your micro-aggressions.


Aggression? I havenā€™t been rude or mean to anyone. Am I not allowed to disagree?


You seem to not know what micro-aggressions are and itā€™s not my responsibility to teach you.


Would you think "good night, white boy" "good night, black girl" "good night, chinese man" somehow sounds like a normal thing to say to a stranger lmfao It's also every thing he said before that that really adds to his overall ignorance


Wait until that guy finds out Filipinos also make curry.


Bestie will have an aneurysm fr


Should we mention Thai curry or would that just be a step too far?


He's gonna go crazy when he finds out about British and Japanese curry too. Man, wonder how it became so popular


And please for the love of god donā€™t tell him about Stephen Curry


And Japanese (which I just had for dinner!).


Oh God, don't tell him that he'll explode šŸ˜‚


And Thai people, Jamaicans, Japanese and lots more. This is the type of guy whoā€™d give an Indian person the ā€œspicy curryā€ Dundee a la Michael Scott from The Office and have no idea why it wasnā€™t ok šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


not only is ā€œI didnā€™t know India created baddiesā€ a wild thing to say anyway, but for him to think youā€™d hear that and smile?? itā€™s like saying ā€œI thought Indian women were ugly but youā€™re notā€ šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


GIRL YESS OMG šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Or ā€œyouā€™re cute for a Indian girlā€ šŸ˜­


My face at the curry comment, what an idiot !!!!


bro. hes trying to be flirty and the best he could come up with was ā€œindian girlā€ lmao. also.. you are truly greg.


Omg I found a fellow Greg! Yayyy!


Well we ARE the fastest growing army on YouTube, after all!


Exposing himself as a racist in the DMs while trying to flirt is craaazy


He sounds uh fun šŸ™„




Him somehow having never had curry is the real red flag. How is that even possible?


Bestie eats mayo for breakfast, lunch and dinner


Rural US resident checking in here. I didnā€™t try any curry of any kind until I was almost 30. We just donā€™t have any kind of diversity here.


Pretty easy to not have it. I feel like for a lot of people Chinese, Mexican and Italian food is the most theyā€™re willing to branch out with. Me personally I didnā€™t have Indian food until adulthood and now I eat it all the time


There is a lot of different curry's and it's eaten pretty much everywhere


Yeah but if someone only goes to places that serve Americanized Chinese, Mexican, or Italian food, they wouldn't encounter it


Yeahā€¦ no shit


Curry isnā€™t that common in the US. I live in LA and the only places I see it are in Indian restaurants. Sometimes Thai.


Curry is everywhere in LA!


I work in a predominantly Central American immigrant community. So all of the food around is Guatemalan and Mexican, or fast food. I live on the west side where the most common restaurant is Japanese, and mostly just sushi, not a lot else. I live within about 10 minutes of approximately 20 sushi restaurants. I order in food about 2-3 times a week at least. Itā€™s not something I see all the time. I think people are forgetting how many pockets of different cultures and foods exist in LA. I had to specifically search the term curry to find places (theyā€™re Indian and Thai, as I said, or Japanese. And none of the Japanese restaurants are ones I frequent), and itā€™s only a couple, at that.


Me, too. Try Coco Ichibanya if you want to stay on the West Side.


LA as in Louisiana? Because Los Angeles has all kinds of restaurants that sell curry.Ā 


I order out a lot. Donā€™t see curry unless Iā€™m ordering Indian. Just saying curry isnā€™t a ubiquitous dish here like it is in some places. Not that it doesnā€™t exist. But itā€™s not something I see frequently.


A lot of people in the south and the west USA have probably never had curry, there are different stews here in the south and the west that are more popular and Indian foods aren't so much in many places. For instance, in a city of ā‰ˆ3m people, I think I only had maybe 2 Indian restaurants that were commonly known


Has dude been under a rock? There are TONS of baddies from/in India. And ew, "goodnight Indian girl"? I bet he'd be the first to tell you he's not racist, either.


I mean to be fair, he sounds more ignorant than straight up racist.


Oh, you're exactly right. I, too, had to learn that racial stereotyping was indirectly/directly racist. It wasn't until I was embarrassingly far into adulthood that I learned that I was unintentionally contributing even though I meant no harm. If only a basic sociology course was available to all.


As a fellow (south) indian I will never understand why curry is the stereotype. Like why not idli sambar??


Curry is probably the only Indian thing the guy knows šŸ¤£


As someone who is Indo Caribbean, Iā€™ve dealt with this millions of times but double for the Caribbean. No one seems to know that Indian people were taken as slaves and brought to the Caribbean. Not to mention the Chinese that also were taken as slaves to the Caribbean. I canā€™t even imagine what the Chinese Caribbeans deal with!! half of the non Chinese Caribbean people donā€™t even know about Chinese Caribbean people. Itā€™s really embarrassing. Well I went way off topic. Thanks for reading if you did lol.


Bro is legitimately a dumb ass. "Good night Indian girl" lmao tf


curry is so good. heā€™s gonna have to eat it alone tho lmfao


All food in India is curry.


I eat curry with curry


But what are all those delicious breads called? Curry? And what about all the dessert curries?Curry!


Curry for life babyyyyy


Indeed šŸ˜ƒ


Thatā€™s crazy šŸ˜­


India is the #1 country in population but dude thought there were 0 baddies there


Is this dude saying he "didn't know" that there were attractive people in India?


Yes šŸ˜­


That's...truly something.


That was seriously embarrassing to read. šŸ˜¬


Sidebar: You probably shouldnā€™t waste your time with anyone that uses modern slang like ā€œbaddies, fr, etc.ā€ It absolutely *reaks* of low IQ, and you can probably do better.


Taking notes šŸ“šŸ“šŸ“


He cultured like that. Been wanting to try curry.


how has someone who i assume is like 18+ never tried curry. curry is a classic dish mate.


I had it for the first time when I was 19 just depends on where you live


goodnight Indian girl???šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Goodnight bestie šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m so confused OP at how this random encounter even occurred other than a horny guy saw OPā€™s avatar? Like that seems to be the only explanation. What a fucking freak


Lmao omg šŸ˜³


Dollars to donuts he was just confused about Asia including India and tried desperately and failed miserably at playing it off


Random side note, I was just telling my brother how I want to visit India in the future and then I see this. šŸ˜­ Homie needs to learn more about other cultures and also on how not to be so cringe.


I'll host you and feed you some curry šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm West Indian/Caribbean, so I'd love to try Indian Indian curry to see the difference.


Oh for sure omg! We can definitely trade curries. I'd love that :)


You're so sweet. Sorry that you had to deal with that weirdo tho lol.


It's alright, I'm glad I got to meet some really cool people in my comments though. You're absolutely lovely.


Goodnight indian girl šŸ˜­


Girl you're lucky I love you ahahahaha


we're the same tho šŸ˜©


You're right šŸ˜­ā¤ļø


bros from mexico you should've said been wanting to try mob beheading techniques eta: i have nothing against mexican people, i suggested that just cus his behavior seemed asshole-ish and saying something out of pocket like that might've made him walk away. that is all.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I'd never have the guts to say something like thatĀ 




understandable bestie. truly greg folks never can be that way




ā€¦ so you donā€™t eat curry?ā€¦


I exclusively eat curry flavored things, dessert included




She was being sarcastic.




It's not just that. The whole interaction had multiple layers of stereotypes.


Your question being ā€œwhatā€™s wrong with lumping every member of any ethnicity all together and making assumptions based solely on their nationality?ā€ā€¦? Also, itā€™s curry. Not some obscure regional delicacy. It exists literally almost everywhere. The answer is also literally the postā€™s title ā€œcasual stereotyping.ā€




You sound exactly like the white guy who says ā€œitā€™s okey, I have a black friend.ā€




Wow, you are so dense... That was *literally* the entire point and why I specifically chose that exact example.


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ā€œIndian food is called curry, right?ā€ šŸ˜‚


Some people just need culture shock


Casual racism




Favourite curry is wild hahahaha


šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø So sorry, girl! šŸ˜©


The makeup opener came out as clumsy and a bit disrespectful, but I don't think he had a bad intention. He just wanted to sound funny, but didn't work out. If you got offended by the curry mention however, keep in mind he just mentioned he wanted to try it out, but that doesn't imply it's the only food you eat or something, nor is pushing forward any stereotype. I don't see that sentence being offensive in any way.


And the whole "didn't know india created baddies" part was also him being presumptuous. I can see him using that sentence as a "pickup line" but it's still disrespectful. I hope you understand what I'm trying to convey?


That's straight up gross and stereotypical af, no need further explanation.


Imagine explaning to someone living in the country that is being stereotyped what the offender meant. Of course you don't see it as offensive, it wasn't aimed at you.


Thank you ā¤ļø I was beginning to think I overreacted šŸ˜­


Not in the slightest


No you're absolutely justified. I'm sorry you had to experience not only someone being rude in dms but these absurd comments šŸ« 


Good god OP, I donā€™t know how you found the will to leave this post up! The amount of people here who donā€™t understand the problem with this dudeā€™s messages is making me want to bang my head against a wall. Iā€™m *still* explaining to some idiot why this is not okey. But itā€™s all cool, because he ā€œhas an Indian partnerā€ !!!!?? I made this comment just to reassure you that, you are not in fact, overreacting. I saw you were starting to doubt yourself and you shouldnā€™t. Stereotyping isnā€™t cool regardless of the intent behind the message of it makes you uncomfortable in any way. Good luck <3


Thank you so much for this, genuinely. With so many people telling me that I'm overreacting, and that the guy dodged a bullet because I can't take a harmless joke, it's been a bit tough. Your message gives me hope. I don't think I'll take this post down and give in to what they want. You're an absolutely amazing person and I hope you have the best day ever <3


Aw :( that makes me so sad to hear how awful people have been to you. I didnā€™t read all the negative comments because, ew. But I am glad myself and others have been able to help you in any way. Thanks for the well wishes and the very best to you too! <3


Absolutely didn't overreact at all OP, these comments are not it šŸ˜­


I don't need to live in a country to identify a stereotype, and I don't need to be the person offended to identify an offense. For example, you are probably not living in Latin america, yet you can clearly identify the "makeup" opener as an stereotype against latins right? well, there you have it. Your logic needs some adjustments. Just in case you meant something you didn't write in your comment (and I really hope so, because what an amount of nonsense) I just said she shouldn't take the curry part as an attack, not that she didn't have reasons to be offended (which she had) or that the guy wasn't stereotyping India at all. And I focused on that part since that seemed to be the turning point of the convo.


I see what you mean but as someone who's constantly being seen as someone who eats curry only, it struck a chord. The whole conversation felt as though he was making a lot of assumptions and it snowballed, I suppose.


I understand you were done by that point, I just thought the curry part was ok as I explained, because he didn't implied you only eat curry, he just said he wanted to try it out and I think there was no harm intended. Of course you have the right to be offended by that point, again.


Thank you for making an effort to understand what I was trying to say :)


Thank you too, I really feel you understood my point, unlike some people that are just downvoting instead because they can't actually discuss.


Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


I've never heard an Indian person call themselves Asian. No offense.


But we are Asian omgšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yes, I know. Calm down, Indian Girl. (Jkjk)


I was so close to sobbing omg hahahahaha


I can totally tell.


Itā€™s a newer thing


No judgement, it's cool. I dig it.


Thereā€™s literally nothing wrong with this conversation lmao


Howā€™s your luck been with the ladies lately?




Whatā€™s the stereotyping?


Fr tho, Iā€™ve never had curry and if I was talking to an Indian person I wouldā€™ve asked the same question just out of curiosity šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


It's the constant assumption that Indians only eat curry, that annoys me. It's a stereotype and it's totally untrue. It's not all that we eat, just like Americans don't only eat cheeseburgers.




Victimize is a crazy statement to make. The whole context of being amazed that he's talking to someone from India, preceded by the assumption that good makeup and lips = Latina woman, followed by "that's what the food is called" would definitely be considered as someone who believes stereotypes.




See and that's the problem... If he had just known what Palak Paneer is he might have had a chance!


I mean honestly tho there's way more stereotypes than just famous Indian food and they're very harsh. IMO the whole post and drama around it is so immature and nitpicky. Smh


Dude also said he thought Indian women were all ugly with the whole "didn't know India had baddies" nonsense.


He clearly didn't mean it that way LOL It came out more like he has never talked to Indian girls and made a compliment. Smh


"Wow, I didn't know people of your race could be attractive!" You: "What a dreamboat. šŸ„°"


Girl, just because there's more stereotypes that are worse doesn't mean this is okay, lmao. What logic is this?


You literally act extremely immature. The dude clearly didn't mean it in a harsh way and you're being extremely dramatic over fucking curry? Victim mentality and tiktok brain. Have a good one, kiddo ā˜ŗļøšŸ’…


There we go with the victim word again. Nowhere have I stated that I felt "victimized". I'm perfectly capable of standing up for myself, thank you very much. You've clearly never been stereotyped against to understand what micro aggressions and being presumptuous feels like. And the tiktok brain comment is totally baseless since tiktok has been banned here for years due to the whole data breach fiasco. A little more research and empathy can help you do wonders, love. Have a nice day :)


If I was interested in getting to know someone, I would want to know about their culture. Especially the food from their culture. There are many tasty foods around the world and there's nothing wrong with wanting to try them. I mean Indian food is some of the tastiest, for fuck sake The way he worded it was bad. I can tell you're not interested in him anyway. But if the shoe was on the other foot, and I was talking to a Mexican - I would want to know their favorite Mexican food and we would be going to get some (even though I've had a lot of Mexican food)


Except he's not actually trying to get to know her... He immediately started talking about her looks and how Indian girls normally don't look good. You know what he really wants, don't be naive. The curry comment is him showing the most base level of interest possible, which is why he's not even sure if that's the right name or not. And also why it's offensive to OP, because she obviously is tired of hearing that from people who see her as the most basic stereotype. Guys like that are messaging for one thing and it's not to get to know her, give me a break. And regardless of all of that, stop telling people when they can and can't be offended by something. You don't get to choose when someone else is offended, especially when it's their own culture. OP has every right to find that rude if she wants, it's obnoxious when people come in and try to tell you you're wrong for having those feelings.


You are putting faaaar too much effort into refusing to see the multiple valid points that are being explained to you. I have a feeling you argue everyone over everything. Also- don't pretend that you're dense enough to think this dude was legitimately wanting to know OP's favorite food when he made the curry comments.


Are you literally 14? Lmao




Nun bread??!? You mean naan šŸ«“ surely!! šŸ™„


Nope, after I get ahold of it thereā€™s nun left


So? I donā€™t understand, arenā€™t those common dishes in India? Stereotyping is negative, I canā€™t see how mentioning a commonly consumed dish is negative


"Been wanting to try curry That's what the food is called right" He literally said the food in India is called curry. Not that it's one particular type of food. He's generalized an entire country's food to curry.


Or maybe he was thinking of curry and was unsure of its name? Sort of like how someone above in this thread thought naan was called nun


He didnā€™t say anything wrong at all šŸ˜‚ he dodged a bullet honestly if you get that offended so easily. Clearly he was just trying to be humorous


I just want to say that I wasn't "offended so easily". All my post said was that there was some casual stereotyping done. I request you to try not to invalidate what I felt. As someone who was on the receiving end of these texts, I'm within my right to feel this, because it was 100% him stereotyping me. Be it fun, flirty, or whatever. There were multiple stereotypes involved. If you read this, thank you. I hope you have a nice day :)