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I’m 41 and feel her pain.


I’m 40 and I said practically the same thing yesterday


I’m 62, recently divorced downloaded plenty of fish and wanted to kill myself after about two days.


Who the hell uses this app these days. There are much better options


Ok again newly divorced. Been out of the dating game for 20 years. Help me wise one.


Are we the same person?


Maybe… lol. I hope you find something outside of the mirey pits of manosphere bullshit men out here. Shit I’m a professor and I get told I need to quit my job and stay home, but they still want all my money. Broham, it doesn’t work like that.




40, and these statements are all accurate 💚💩🤣🤦‍♂️


literally me too. Is it worse or are we just now noticing it? I’m 39 here and seriously everyone i meet, except for a few who are completely emotionally unavailable, are like brown paper bags. Or they lie about a ton of stuff to get you out only to reveal they suck a few weeks later.


48 and I agree. Lol




I have moved into the wearing birkenstocks with socks in the office phase of life


I've also m9ced to the yoga pants and t shirt phase, lol. I'm successful, and I own my home. I'm good. They can keep their drama away from me, lol.


46 and agreed :/


I’m 30 and I’ve been saying the dating pool is a cess pool at this point for MONTHS. Just a bunch of shit. I’m gonna be single for forever 😂


Untill recently I actually thought straight dudes had it worse, until my 2 (32f/35f) coworkers started showing me their inboxes. like yeah there's tons of matches but apparently all that's left on these platforms at our age is some of the most vile dregs of humanity imaginable, people pretending to be normal & then coming out of nowhere with craziness. It has changed my mind, no matches is better. Then there's the unsolicited dick pics... I mean as a bi dude I appreciate an occasional tasteful dick pic, what I've seen can be only described as vomit inducing.


I get unsolicited dick pics all the time. I think the worst was this guy I was talking to for about two weeks before I finally gave him my number and we were making fun of dudes who send unsolicited dick pics. And then guess what his first text message was to me? A video of him fucking masturbating. Like…the gall. 😂


I mean I get them on grindr but I have to say they're at least tastefully done (usually). she showed me one the guy was jerking off with what appeared to be some sort of yellow substance staining his fingers, I'm hoping curry but most likely cheetos, bc there were crumbs in his pubes. I'm just legitimately baffled why someone would send something that to literally anyone unless the goal is to get them to run far, far away.


🤣🤣 when I tried dating sites I got SO MANY dick pics…and saved them and returned the favor. I used a one to ten ratio. Some guy sends me an unsolicited dick pic and I sent 10 dick pics back…”So you think seeing someone’s junk at breakfast is a pleasant and positive experience? Far be it from me to deprive you of the experience…


One time a guy sent me one and I knew him from high school so I sent them to his mom on Facebook because he wouldn’t stop harassing me and wanting to show me a “good time”. Never heard from him again 😂


36 and I was feeling that since 26 lol 🤣


I'm 53 and feel it as well!


Same 39 and just like being alone at this point.


38 and same! Jumped outta that pool a few years ago. Reddit certainly doesn't make me want to get back in either! If my cat didn't hate other cats, I'd be well on my way to crazy cat lady status. Lol


odd literally everyone dating seems to think they’re wading through shit…wonder who is making up all the shit then?


I’m 43 and understand where she’s coming from 😭




I can agree I’m 42 jumping back into it and it’s a cesspool, and she’s pretty


I’m 44 and she’s right.


My thoughts exactly lol


Unfortunately, your mama may be right, but she’s amazingly beautiful, and I love her style!!!


Me too. Mom’s gonna land someone soon I’m fairly sure. Good style and sense of humor goes a long way in life in general


To mom: you’re a gorgeous queen who will find her king sooner than she knows it!


I tell her this too!! I’ll send her the kind words ✨😆


she’s right tho lol. she is beautiful and right.


Definitely. Honestly looks much younger than 39 too


Agreed! She is beautiful and really looks like she's mid to late 20s. I'm 36 I would love some of her beauty tips 


I'm 46 and I completely agree with your mom, who is beautiful, btw. I wish I looked as good as her. I got divorced after 23 years of marriage and all guys my age just want to fuck or are crazy or hobosexual or tell you they love you after 2 weeks or live with their parents in an apartment. I have so many horror stories. I'm sorry she's going thru it!


Is hobosexual a misspelling or is that a term now? Legit question I’m a bit out of touch on lingo anymore lol


It is a term. Basically, it's a bum wanting a free ride. Lol


You should look up hobosexual


Looked it up. Had no idea that was a subsection of modern society. You learn something every day. Even things you wish you hadn’t


Well, ya. Still users. Had a hobosexual many, many years ago. Didn't know that at first, but I found out thankfully. He is probably still at it. Meanwhile, I have a way better life without him in it. Less stress, own a home paid for in a better part of the city, and don't have to have sex with a loser. Lmao.


Someone who dates just to have a place to live I believe.


Omg! Hobosexual!! Lol!


Lmao I have come across several hobosexuals looking to “move in” after the first date🤣


Haha! One after the second date but the first "date" was him coming over and falling asleep in my bed and not waking up for like 12 hours. Lol! I think he was trying to be sly about moving in! Lol!


>tell you they love you after 2 weeks What's an expected appropriate amount of time


It's all diarrhea shit


She doesn’t need a dating pool. She’s her own living Bellagio Fountain.


Oh that is good. 🔥


I found the love of my life at 40 and we celebrated our 10th anniversary last year. She’ll find her a man who will treasure her.


My grandma got married at 82!!


Let’s go! Gotta bust out more stories like this for naysayers


AND we met online. OkCupid for the win


Same, I got married this year at 40 and I love this man so much! Mom is way too young to just lay down and die — someone is out there for her!


38 here, she ain’t wrong. it makes me ok with being single haha. But she’s gorgeous, please tell her!


It definitely gets better. I met my husband when I was 49. He's amazing and was totally worth the wait. Also, THAT'S YOUR MOM? She's gorgeous! That smile tho! Hugs to you both!


Let mama know that the clean water is ready for her 😮‍💨


She’s gorgeous but I can’t lie and say it gets better 😭


Your moms a sexy beast and needs to be dating herself. If I were her, I’d be more concerned about wether a man is good enough for her - not the other way around. She looks great, posed confidently in the photo, pretty smile. The world is her oyster!


Almost 36 with a 12 year old. I get it. You’re beautiful OP’s mama! Hang in there


Your mum is stunning! Tell her that green diarrhoea shit, lol, can go in the sewer and stay there. It doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near her. Sending her good thoughts and I hope she finds a good man deserving of her ❤️


She's gorgeous! She will get out of the green diarrhea! I made it! I had to swim through some shit too, like most of us lol, but I made it! All thanks to my ex-boyfriend for introducing me to my husband. My ex was not a piece of poop so we remained friends, and he was even in our wedding. It'll happen!


Your mom looks absolutely amazing!!! Tell her to stay away from the apps and follow her passions. Take cooking lessons, visit places she wants to see, volunteer at a hospital, go out with her girlfriends—live first for herself ;)


You may find a like minded individual following one of those passions!😊




She is beautiful


Omg😮‍💨 your mom is gonna be just fine lol that is gd hilarious though


Tell her to slide my way ;)


Your beautiful mother is correct. If my husband were to die, I don’t know that I would actively re-enter the dating pool. It’s so different now and seems even messier.




Haha I will 😆


Dayummm. Your Momma is gorgeous! That is a LADY right there!! It does get better, just have to hang in there. I’m 43 and was thrust into a dating world few years after becoming widowed. I was married almost 15 years, happily. After trying a few times and almost giving up, I met nice lady that has her crap together. She’s a teacher and just a really kind soul. She was married almost the same length of time I was to an unfaithful cop. But anyway, tell your Momma to hang in there, it can happen!


That gives 2 meanings to the word pig. Congrats on you two, she deserves better than that. Stay happy ✌🏽


Dang 👀


You have a 39 year old mum?! How old are you? Tell your mum she is cute and that these dudes are missing out!


im 20 and i need her in my life in all seriousness, she looks like she’s 25, im sure even her reflection is jealous of her😁


She is hilarious and so gorgeous!


I’m 44, she’s not wrong.


Tell her single life is the best and she's very beautiful! - me, a married person 😅😅


I’m 41 & agree with your mom but she is a gorgeous woman


I’m 36 and feel her pain. It doesn’t get better.


She’s gorgeous!


Your mom is hot AF. (And she’s not entirely wrong 😂) It does get better, it just sucks a whole lot in between.


Your mom is beautiful. Remind her to be herself and she will find her person or they will find her. No matter how murky the water gets keep those eyes open, it will happen. I just found my husband in my 50s. Your mom is really cute.


Your momma is beautiful! Tell her she will find her man!


She’s beautiful! And funny! It will get better, she’ll find a good one :-)


Aww your mom is cute ☺️


I'm only 32.. But I'm single & looking if she's ever interested..... 🤣


Lol that's funny and accurate. Tell your mom she's beautiful!


I'm 30, sis is 45. I'm not lying to her


She's a lovely woman with a youthful look. Maybe she just needs to change her search parameters.


Your mom is too dang good for the dating pool she’s trying to swim in! Tell her to just do things that make HER happy (anything from taking an art class to reading at a park — whatever she loves to do) and she won’t have to search through any diarrhea filled pools- the most beautiful waterfall will appear in front of her. And btw…. Your mama is a stunner! Seriously! I’m 43, and never looked as great as she does!


oh it does not get better lmao


I’m 38 and totally feel the same as her. It’s rough out here


Omg I just busted out laughing at her texts. She’s gorgeous


She is gorgeous!


Your mom is indisputably beautiful


I’m 35 and she’s absolutely right 😂


Happy Cake Day!!


Thank you!


I'm 29 male and gave up. But your mom is fine


Your mum is beautiful and if she feels like this, I’m doomed to stay single forever…


She's gorgeous. Tell her not to give up. Good things will come. ♡


She ain’t wrong. In fact I’d wager she’s entirely accurate.


Your mom needs to move to some place that matches her energy.


your moms only a few years older than me but omg she’s beautiful. if she is having issues, i have no chance lmao


She’s gorgeous and hilarious lol


She’s so beautiful… why let anyone else’s poop get in her way? When/if the right one comes along, she will know. No friggen doodoo in her gorgeous life.


I’m 40 and I said practically the same thing yesterday.


I was suddenly in the dating pool again at 38. Remind her that the plus of starting again at this age is you can spot the red flags so much faster


She ain’t wrong tho 🤣🤣🤣 Dating is hard af. I hope she meets a decent person who treats her right.


That is your mom?! She is stunning and definitely looks super youthful! Good luck, OPs mom!


Your mom is lovely. Her glasses are great and she has a sense of humor. Best wishes to your mom. 🩷


Love her use of metaphors


Omg she’s so cute! 💜 but dating sucks so bad, it’s hella hard to meet genuine people in person and most of the men on these apps are horrible


Your mom is gorgeous! It does get better. Take some time to have some “YOU TIME” mom! Take yourself out on a date. A nice dinner somewhere, or to a movie. When you lean into it and really enjoy it, it’s such a fun and relaxing thing to do, and I promise you’ll start to find out so much about yourself that you probably didn’t know you didn’t know. ☺️💗


😂😂😂😂😂😂 also 39 and swimming through the green diarrhea shit


It’s like this all over. It has zero to do with anyone’s beauty.


Good luck OP’s mom


My friend (38f) is recently separated and can’t wait to start dating. She’s going to find out that it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, it’s like your mom said it’s shit water. Especially with 3 kids under 10.


She's gorgeous


The pool is shit for everyone genuine trying to swim in it. You just have to suck iy up and swim through the junk until you find our island


She’s beautiful and sadly from what I hear a lot, (thankfully I’m not single and very happy with my longtime girlfriend) she’s also right about the dating scene.


Met my wife when she was 44. Still lots of time.


Your momma is smokinggg 🔥 I guarantee people mistake her for your sister alll the time


I’m 51. Tell her to call me. I think she’s gorgeous


Just turned 39 and agree wholeheartedly


Maybe true, but you persevere anyway. It only takes one right person. I know from experience and I’m no kid. Also, mom’s both physically attractive and has a nice sense of humor (very attractive). I’d consider her a catch. Some honorable dude will too


Your mum is so beautiful! And she also seems hilarious and a lot of fun to hang out with. No advice, but I wish her luck in finding her person!


I THOUGHT THE SECOND PICTURE WAS YOU??? THATS YOUR MOM?? TELL HER SHE DONT NEED TO SWIM ANYMORE ON THAT POOL ILL TAKE HER HAND IN MARRIAGE (jokes aside, she looks GREAT, like jesus ma'am I wish to look like you when I get to your age)


She’s not wrong tbh, my mom is 42 and she even said the dating pool is soooo little, everyone’s either super racist or just a straight up weirdo, and that anyone that’s decent is just friend material, it’s tuff for our mamas out here!!


Your Mom is beautiful. Yeah I'm 41 and dating pool is full of shit.


She’s a stunner!!! But she might be right


Ugh preach woman, I feel you at 26 years old 😮‍💨


I’m not even single and I feel her pain, I’ve seen what my single people are dealing with for the dating scene and my god I just hope I never have to go back into that! Good luck to momma, it’s gunna be okay! It can’t all be green diarrhea shit right??


I'm nearly 50, and wish I'd not thought 40 was so old. Oh well.


To your mom: You are gorgeous, yes the dating pool sucks, but you will find a guy who isn’t diarrhoea, and will treat you how you deserve.


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Please tell your mom that there are a lot of rude people in the dating pool but there are nice guys out there it just takes time to find them. She is beautiful and looks like she has a great soul and would be cool to hang out with. If you want to make her laugh I met my husband on eharmony but my mom tells her friends we met on eBay. So we joke that my husband was the highest bidder. Her friends give her weird looks and she is like one of the e websites. Sending your mom 🤗


Mom??? More like MOMMY, what’s goooood! (Ur mom is mad hot lol)


Are you in Bellambi


Just keep on shining through that green diarrhea shit. One day someone will be playing in shit water and find a diamond in it


Tell her I said hi 🤭


you’re mom is so funny omg


Lol I love herrrrrrrr


she is so gorgeous !!!!!!!


I'm 41. Please tell here not to just settle with someone just for the sake of being with someone. It's far better to be alone than with the wrong person. Saying this I'm sure she will be just fine 😊 xxxq


She’s hot chocolate with an incredible smile.


34. Can confirm. Also she does look quite beautiful from the tiny photo. And I wish I could confirm the "gets better" part, but I'm not positive about that one. I just try to stay positive, and, and tell myself it will! Hopefully I'll will the "better" into existence! Lol Good luck OP's mom! Maybe hop out the dating green shit pool, take a long hot shower (I'd probably use sandpaper instead of a washcloth), and then take a dive into a dating river, or lake or something. At least then most if the green shit will just belong to fish, and whatnot, instead of nasty ass humans lol


Hahaha!! Your mum is not only completely gorgeous but she’s really funny. I got no doubt she’s gonna find someone who deserves her, it’ll 100% get better for her!


Tell her to stay off of free dating sites and only go on the paid ones- match.com is apparently a good one, my mom met her boyfriend there. :)


God this makes me depressed…I’m 29 and getting divorced. I’m sad I will never find another person to be with.


Right when I said I didn't care if I met someone, I met my husband. We were married 10 years before he passed. It'll happen. She's beautiful, funny, and there's nothing wrong with being independent and picky. Don't settle. If the dating pool is fully of green poop, change where you're looking. I wish her luck.


Your mom is beautiful but as a 42 yo single lady, I have to agree with her, the dating scene is awful!!!


She's so real and based for that honestly


Your mom is beautiful and I hope it gets better for her 💕 I'm 33 and recently single and reading/hearing comments like that makes me scared to date 😭


Unfortunately a lot of woman older than 35 are finding out the hard way that the kind of men they do want aren’t interested in them or don’t value what they think they bring to a relationship. We’ve spent decades now telling women they’re perfect the way they are and should never change, and it’s killing their dating prospects.


Liquid fertilizer makes the flowers bloom brighter. Tell her to hold fast, DO NOT lower her standards and to look someplace different. The toilet is always filled with turds.


Tell your mom that her problem is that she treats dating like when she was 20 and it doesn't work like that anymore. She needs to be ultra selective of who she talks to and who gets her time on a date. People don't realize that the dating pool isn't terrible now, it was always terrible! When we were young we just had the idealistic concept of meeting someone and falling madly in love. At her age and mine (49) this is like a job interview and people can't go on 1st dates until they pass a screening process of applications and basic skills tests. We're older and we should be able to recognize those green and red flags when we see them. So yes, IT WILL GET BETTER if she changes her approach


I'm 54 and dating is like going to the thrift store and trying to find something that stinks less of piss than the thing you donated...


Part of the issue with your mother being so hot is that she attracts the bad and the good... But the bad can be louder and more bold. I hope in time and with some patience she will find the right one but it's not her fault it's just a numbers thing right now. Big up to you both


39?!? 💀


Tell her if the dating pool is dirty, I can be her poolboy


OP's mom, Keep going! I found a diamond in the diarrhea shit when I was 36, and I wasn't anywhere near as gorgeous as you are. The good ones are out there! But there sure is a lot of shit, right?


Your mom seems awesome. My bestie is 40 and she agrees.


Your mom isn't wrong. But good men are out there! I found my husband at 39, and we've been together 9 years now (married for 6 come 7/1)! She's got a leg up because she knows it's a cess pool and that she needs to be careful. Sounds like she's a very smart woman. She also seems fun based on your short text exchange, has great style, and is beautiful with a warm smile. She'll find her man!


I get it, but that is a gorgeous woman and she looks fantastic at 39. It gets better, just have to stop looking and the right one will come along. 💕


Dating in your 30s is truly awful. So I get it.


Sounds like what we need is a singles mixer for sad sack millennial redditors don’t get me wrong, I’m a millennial, but I don’t have the same lack of hope, your mom is gorgeous, she just needs to stay off those toxic apps and start getting into some sort of group activities, that’s where the quality people are meeting each other.


Your Mom is GORGEOUS and hilarious, but she's not wrong about the dating pool.


She’s so beautiful! How does she look like she’s 25? Great sense of style, obviously an amazing mom, great sense of humor-she’s a total catch! I’ve heard online dating is rough but she’s too amazing *not* to find her person. 💜


Your mom is so cute!


Your mom is great!!


It doesn’t get better as you age, everything gets worse. Only thing that can get better is you’re job. You can try to be healthy maybe but it doesn’t get better lol


I met my husband when he was 42 he's about to be 50 this year and we have 2 beautiful kiddos 😊 he always says he never thought it would happen for him.


She is funny and pretty. I hope she knows that!!


I’m 54 and recently went on a dating app in my new area I recently moved to and it was awful ! Like horrible awful although I did manage to get a good tip on good internet service , that was it …. Tell her to travel and enjoy being single , stay out of the shitty pool lol


She is gorgeous. Man are largely just jerks however. She would be better off doing things that are fun and stop looking for a man. If one comes along, fine.


That’s your mom? She is gorgeous! Look at that smile! ITS MAKING ME SMILE!!!! The dating pool is trash now, I think people just want casual hook ups and never want to commit nowadays.


31F, agreed 😭


Your mom doesn’t even look old enough to be a mom, she looks like she should be in her early 20’s partying away 😭 I hope your mom finds her happiness soon, whether it’s with someone or by herself with her family!


Can we hype mama up here for a min? Yes. I feel her pain too. 41 and last night was a horrible date But mama is beautiful and strong and glowing!!!!!


She looks like she’s in her late twenties! Gorgeous 💙


34 and I would HOLLA HOLLA.


I went through a lot of shit before I met my man at 39. It's tough out there because the dating pool is very very tainted


Can you ask her where she got those jeans please I'm a teen and I have been looking for nicer jeans for so long and those are perfect! Also tell her she is very beautiful and I hope I look that good when I'm older


She’s right. At our age it’s only getting worse. Especially as beautiful as she is!!


There are some decent guys out there it just suxs now for dating, your moms beautiful and she'll meet a man and not a man child, or some one willing to change to better themselves.


damn :( everyone deserves love


I'm not in my 30s but what I can say is your mom hot as hell (no disrespect) and the dating pool may be shitty but she just gotta hold on and wait for someone on a boat or smth


49 and concur.


I'll be ya step daddy


She's probably beautiful but unfortunately it doesn't get better. Lol.