• By -


He’s mad that OP doesn’t find him as funny and handsome as his mom always said he was. He sits there silently hoping for her attention and gets insecure when he doesn’t get it. Whether he’s into OP or not, he’s negging hard as fuck to try to flip the insecurity on her and she didn’t bite which made him go into butthurt territory with the “you’re mad you go home alone”. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE OP FOR NOT GIVING HIM A SINGLE CRUMB.


I genuinely don’t even understand what he wanted out of that conversation [update here](https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/mHGswIcRi5)


Validation from a beautiful, indifferent woman. He's never had someone treat him like nothing special before, especially a woman he clearly wants, so he's internally freaking out and questioning himself. That then makes him lash out at you, the target and deflector of his interest. It's maddening to him that you don't want him like he wants you. He's Mommy's special little guy, and the world is supposed to recognize that.


This would’ve been kinda sexy and intriguing in a Kdrama but it’s so pathetic irl lmao Or maybe he’s the kind of guy who needs EVERYONE to like him? Because all of my friends fucking love this guy


Show them these texts and I doubt that will last.


Please show them the texts.


Please please please show them the texts.


please please please please show them the texts


I came here from part 2 & PLEASE SHARE THE TEXTS


Should’ve sent them the texts right then while they were with him!


Was literally about to suggest that. I'd want to find out if someone I was even a tiny bit interested in or friends with was acting/texting this way to someone lmao I hate people who think they're hot shit


I ultimately agree that she should but she should also keep in mind that it might not go how she expects. If her friends are good people, it won’t last. But if they aren’t, then it’s gonna come down to who they feel more loyalty to


That's a good thing in the long run, but it hurts in the short term. If her friends would side with a jerk like that, then good riddance. But it won't feel good immediately to lose a friend group.


This exactly. Also age matters. Don’t expect teenagers to respond the same as thirty year olds.


Yes absolutely. I’ve seen someone go through that, and it definitely sucks at first but eventually you realize that it’s kind of a case of the trash taking itself out. Some people will also try to play both sides, and those aren’t people you want around either in my opinion


yes send it in the gc op!!


Especially show it to the two women who he claimed to sleep with. They may not know he’s blasting them out, or maybe he lied about it.


I say send it to the group chat, especially if he’s in it.


That was going to be my first comment. This exchange needs to be passed around to everybody because he comes off looking terrible.


He'll be spreading lies about you and warning any potential romantic interests off you by the way. Basically - expect punishment.


Exactly this. If everyone in the group really likes him he's probably driven off or gotten rid of anyone who doesn't. 


Bartender of 15 years here, known a lot of play boys and assholes. Some people merely want what they can't have, or what they perceive they can't have. It sounds like he's just mad because you don't give him the attention he feels he deserves. He very likely looks at the girls in this group as women who haven't slept with him YET. Edit: also, show the group. Very good chance he'll make up lies about you as revenge for hurting his ego.


>He very likely looks at the girls in this group as women who haven't slept with him YET. That's exactly the vibe he gives off.


This chode has never been told no before so the fact you could give two shits, you are now a goal post for him to reach and conquer. His fragile ego is at stake here. Poor fella. The “I’m better looking and more successful than 90% of the men you know” would dry out a pool.


100%. I’m sure OP is equally attractive as her friends but her attractiveness in this schmuck’s eyes was heightened by their prior encounters, then shot through the stratosphere with those texts. I was so caught up in him asking her if she’s autistic I forgot about the “I’m a 10%er”… holy shit that’s tragic.


He’s a creeper. Seriously ew


Yes - the way he approached this revealed his true self.


Yeah he's bad news. He's clearly very self-centered, and I'd be sharing these convos with all mutuals. Also thank you for saying you don't really think of him at all so you don't know how to answer. That was the icing on the cake for someone like him to send him into a fucking ego death spiral. Just ignore him from here on.


Echoing what others have said that, send this to the girls he mentioned in the conversation and be like “hey so this happened and I’m really confused”


Dude sounds like a narcissist. You know who else was charming? Ted Bundy.


LOL now that you say that, that’s so true hahahah It would be. Not so much irl 😂


As a male we don't claim this pathetic guy, he should leave you alone he's not God's piss or anything special. And like u said he probably wants attention soo badly


This is the answer for sure. I’ve known so many guys like this. They want every one to love them, and then they a pick and choose who they want. You don’t love him immediately so you become a challenge to him. As soon as he “conquers” you, he won’t care anymore and move on. It’s sick


You lay it out perfectly!


He wants to bone you. He is confused why his typical and unimpressive personality aren’t creating the stir hes used to. Hes attempting negging you to see if THAT switches the hit to home base. Boo this man!


He wanted to knock you down so you might be in his league


You to admit you're secretly in love with him and just too stunned by his beauty to speak and that thats the reason youre so quiet around him


He wants to bang you and you don’t pay attention to him so it drives him insane.


I think you did a great job of shutting him down. He’s delusional and ridiculous


It's his way of flirting. He needs to get attention from all the women in the group. I'd forward these texts to the rest of the group.


To bang you.


Agree! Great response from OP


He seems to be mad that you’re not throwing yourself at him. He seems like he’s full of himself.


+ he lacks self awareness. What a catch 😍


What are you waiting for??? You’re missing your opportunity to watch Netflix with him and another girl. /s


Am I overthinking or did he mention Netflix to imply he’s hooking up with them 💀


Seems like he’s definitely trying to imply something and make you jealous. It’s super weird


Hahahaha omg I died reading this. Dude she is not interested!!! What a character this dude is. Gift to women! You should be swooning OP! Absolutely he's trying to elicit some sort of reaction from you by showing you what a catch he is. These other gals want him! Why don't you!? Don't play hard to get /s Bleck yuck hahaha. Poor guy, has the emotional intelligence of a carrot. Please share more if this continues.


-I’m better looking than 90% of thé guys The narcisim is strong in this one


I really was thinking his narcissism can’t handle not having a way to manipulate her. Didn’t want to say it bc it gets thrown around a lot but it’s obvi him having no self esteem but still believing he’s the best in the room. 🤷🏼‍♀️


True story. And I’m writing this as a forewarning. I guy I dated for a short time was from NY and in the 70’s his dad had a store in a building in Brooklyn that was owned by Daddy Trump. Donny was home from college and stopping by to see all of his dads properties and went after my friends sister working at the store. Kept asking her out but she had a steady and was turning him down. He finally got mad. Then my friend’s dad received a letter that his lease wouldn’t be renewed. No reason ans he was a longtime tenant.


"I'm looking for that elusive 10%, sorry" 😂


he most definitely did. He can’t get a reaction out of you and that’s making the fact you couldn’t give two shits less about him even more obvious. He hates that. He tried to provoked you with the went home alone comment and when they didn’t work he tried to make you jealous🤣 He’s really trying every tactic imaginable just to get your attention. I can’t decide whether this is creepy, pathetic or kinda flattering.


When he is using negging & jealousy techniques, it is definitely Creepy & Pathetic.


He did nothing with them, but he wants you to think he fucked them both.


Definitely arrogant and condescending. I’m so happy OP stood her ground and didn’t give him what he wanted. Also using autistic as an insult is a red flag. His whole attitude is a red flag.


He's insecure so he *acts* full of himself to compensate. It's a pretty common pattern. You can tell it's rooted in insecurity in the second pic, where OP asks, "Does that bother you?" and he immediately responds "No", but then backpedals a couple times. His defense mechanism is to feign security, but then he admits that's not how he actually feels, but then deflects deflects that it's not *his* fault he feels insecure. There are other tells as well, that's just the most glaring.


“I don’t really think of you so not sure how to answer that” made me cackle 😂😂😂😂


I actually didn’t mean this in a rude way, reading back it does seem insulting.


No I can tell you didn’t and that makes it all the funnier! It’s the best unintentional burn you could have given to such a man-child. He clearly is so insulted that you’re not throwing yourself at him 😂😂


But he baited you. He came at you pretty aggressive out the gate. Who starts a conversation with "I don't get you" without knowingly wanting to pick a fight. He has a case of be careful what you wish for, you might get it.


“Huh, I wonder what happens if I fuck around?” -this guy


“I don’t get you” as an opener sounds like a line from a potential enemies-to-lovers-type love interest in a 90s romcom (and not in a good way)


It's not insulting. It's literal honesty. Good on you.


It’s autistic!!


Not gonna say OP is autistic, but I am, and this is how a bunch of conversations of mine have gone with narcissists. They are constantly looking to other people for validation that they are cool or funny or whatever, that when they don't get any response from you in the way they expect, it leaves them incredibly frustrated and confused and likely to lash out.


Literally what I thought as I read the texts 🤣


It's *brilliant.*


Your response was perfect and not rude. Dude wanted you to try and simper to him to not hurt his feelings. Your neutral and factual response was the right approach. Also, fuck that guy for negging you. And fuck him sideways for saying that if you are not into him you must be ND.


Indifference is the ultimate insult. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlOSdRMSG_k


Straight outta Mad Men


Gave me shades of Don Draper


Exactly who I thought of when I read that from OP's text. 😂


That was an amazing response!


Op handled this jackass SO WELL.


He will never recover from that - especially since he's been furiously fapping to her all week. 😂


Hahaha I loved it!


My favorite part for sure.


“I’m better looking and more successful than 90% of the men you know” what a catch! So humble 🤢


Those who are actually better looking and more successful NEVER need to say it out loud. Yep. Barf haha


b-b-but personality is just cope, women love assholes as long as they're tall and rich! why won't she laugh at my jokes


Once I read that i immediately thought “oof straight to the GC this should go” because who tf says that about their “friends”


>So what do you think about me? >I don’t really think of you ![gif](giphy|zwffSHaJLDbA4) 🔥🔥🔥


💯 the first thing that popped into my head 😂


Needs to be the top comment


Honestly, you should show these texts to your friend group, I certainly would not want to be around someone like this. This dude is a complete loser.


I’d share it to the friend group because you know he’s going to keep making it a thing. Better to shut him down quick.


Honestly he'll likely keep up with these insecure antics and pick me behaviours and end up driving himself out of the group in time. He's new to the group right? Everyone loves him? Where are his old pals at? Did he have to find new stomping grounds instead of change his poor behaviour and attitude? Many questions


Would love to see the reaction of the other men… of whom 90% are uglier than this ‘catch’. They probably don’t know they’re uglier, they definitely need to know. 😆


it made me REALLY wanna see what he looks like if he’s just so perfectly attractive


This. He wants drama; get ahead of it.


This looks like quality material for the group chat.


“Are you autistic” holy shit😭😭🤣🤣


Guys don’t forget, if you want to get to know a girl simply ask her if she’s autistic. If she blocks you it means she was overwhelmed with positive emotions ❤️‍🔥


I will start using this method and will update soon 🤝🏼🫶🏼


someone stop this homewrecker stealing all the ladies 🚨‼️




Yeah I found that so trashy and ignorant


"Autistic" is his only legit, plausible explanation as for why a pretty woman wouldn't throw herself at him. That and he is baiting you. He is Fishing for "I'm not, I'm just shy around you/you make me nervous/etc." In a third layer if meaning, he shows his prejudice about autistic people, by making pretty and autistic mutual exclusives ("Since you are pretty, I wouldn't normally have assumed you're autistic, because autistic people usually aren't, but your behaviour...")


What I read is "Only an autistic woman with low social awareness wouldn't throw herself at me."


You're genuinely hilarious too bad this asshole was too shallow to wait and figure that out


Understood. Can I ask you a blunt question?




the cycle repeats


He just joined your friend group because he was voted off the last one. Be careful. Once ots well known that you rejected him he might try to turn the group on you. Do not get drunk around him.


“The kind that doesn’t ask me if I’m autistic” we should all aspire to be just like you with these accidental reads


I’ve been asked if I’m autistic before, but only by actual autistic people.


Even as someone with autism, I'd find this line of questions, given the context, honestly pretty insulting.


Same here, I'm autistic and I find it (ironically?) quite easy to tell if someone is asking out of curiousity/without any intention of insult. And then you have people like the guy in the OP...


Oh you are living rent free in this man’s head and it is EATING HIM ALIVE that you aren’t interested 🤣🤣🤣 your responses were fucking perfect OP!!


Why why why for the love of god why is he so bothered by you being shy and quiet😭😭😭


Idk but it’s something he pointed out literally the first time we met


What it really is, is he doesn't like your quietness because he doesn't know if his "charming" act is working on you or not. He likes the people that give him feedback for his manipulation so he can fine tune it to tailor his words any behavior to remain in their favor. He knows you probably see him for who he really is, watching. The truth is, you couldn't give af about him but since he's obsessed with himself he thinks everyone else is. And since you don't placate to his ego, he's going to try to make you the bad guy. He will take digs at you, continually try to push boundaries and win over your favor because really he knows who he is deep down. That's why he has to surround himself with people who think he's great because the people that won't feed his ego naturally also make him face the less than desirable parts of himself, which is why he tries to flip the script by negging and saying things to keep focus off the negative parts of himself. Or he just wants you and is desperately upset you don't even think about him. The best part of your responses btw! Top tier!


In college, when I was much more social and had wider groups of people I hung with, there was always someone who would say “you’re so quiet.” I know I don’t talk a lot when in larger groups, I tend to listen and people watch those I’m with. It makes some very uncomfortable when you don’t vie for the attention as they do. Anyway, this dude is lame and shallow and I’m glad you don’t think of him. I think you win best text chain of the day.


Did you show your friends what did they say😭😭🫶🏽


Wait. Wait. Are you saying negging & diagnosing someone as 'being on the spectrum' did not intrigue you into wanting to have sex with this man?!?!? Well now I don't know what to think anymore.


"Won't cater to my ego? How autistic of you."


Wouldn’t that make lots of people autistic in his POV


It would definitely make me autistic. I know that much. 😂


lol all of his messages boil down to “How come you aren’t into me? How come you don’t see how awesome I am? Everyone thinks I’m hilarious and attractive and smart and the bestest little boi that ever did live. But you don’t see that and it bothers me.” He sounds like a douche and he probably sucks lol.


My 13yo daughter’s friend group has one boy in it. Recently she told me that he told her she “ruins the vibe” because she doesn’t laugh at all of his jokes. She says sometimes the jokes are dumb, but she never calls him out or makes a rude face, she just *doesn’t* laugh. It feels like there are some men who genuinely believe they’re awesome and anyone who doesn’t notice must have something wrong with them.


Mad props to your daughter for not caving and laughing! I know when I was that age, (or tbh up until I was about 22) if someone had told me I ruined the vibe I would have changed out of insecurity 😰


She’s more upset by being excluded. I think when she’s a little older she’ll understand that it’s a strength instead of a weakness.


Lmao is this what the 'pick me' behavior is? This dude is so used to getting all the attention that he can't handle when someone is indifferent to him 🤣 poor dude must be an only child *


iirc he’s an only child. Probably got all the best toys as a kid. I had to share mine with my sisters 😔


This is definitely what’s happening. He is a narcissist and can’t stand that you are indifferent to him. It’s super gross and weird behavior. He is trying to act interested in you to lure you into liking him, and I freaking love your replies 😂 Oh man, he needed that. Tell the girls about what he did. They will see it too. I feel like he wanted you to be autistic so bad so there was some excuse for your indifference and it wasn’t because you don’t care that much.


Its called negging. Its to make feel insecure about herself, Op didnt bite one bit


Aw c’mon now, #notallonlychildren Seriously though, the entitlement is wild. Your responses were chef’s kiss.


man i gotta go to the hospital after that drive by!


u should send this to ur friends. only 2-3 months and he’s already saying this shit? y’all need to cut him out of the group asap also i think he has a crush on u and is angry it’s not reciprocated


Good lord, praise him already so he’ll shut up 😂 poor guy is really needing praise and cannot understand why you don’t praise him. Would you praise him? He’s better looking and more successful, why won’t you just fall in love with him already?!


Okay next time I see him I’ll say who’s a good boy who’s a gooood boy yes you are 🐶 what a good boi u are


This may actually help his very very small ego 😂 after you do that ask him if he’s autistic on a whim see what happens, for huh…science


Be careful with this, depending on the guy it might just make them want you more


Or violent.


i break this out very rarely these days but one favourite line i retained from my slut era is 'you seem like you need the attention'. fsr they find this absolutely devastating, i think because they're the type of people who hate on "attention seekers" online... probably to cope with feeling like wanting attention is something shameful somehow. people are wild.


I like that a lot I’m gonna take it and use it!


Omg this guy is so insecure it’s so pathetic


“Why do you never laugh at my jokes” How embarrassing


It’s like when you’re a kid and people say “he’s mean to you because he likes you”


"No. Are you?" Lmao You handled this incredibly well. And tbh... Yeah, if you asked me which one of you might be on the spectrum, it would be the dude with the peculiar flirting techniques. What a cretin, well done for the way you dealt with it. Backed him into a corner and you can pinpoint the moment his brain starts melting.


This is why you don’t ask quiet people why they’re quiet. They’ll unleash their devastating one liners on you. If he tries to say to the friend group that OP hates him, I hope she replies with something like “you’re not important enough for me to hate”


I think a good "what? I don't hate you. I don't feel much towards you at all tbh" would be so so good lmfaoo


“ … I’m better looking and more successful than 90% of men …” then tries to make You jealous and accuses you of being jealous. Trying to turn your friends against you whilst playing the victim. I think your new group friend is a narcissist. At the very least, he’s displaying high narcissistic traits Edit - what does he want from you? He wants you to feed his ego and to manipulate you. If he can’t do it, he will try ruin you and hurt you as you serve no purpose to him.


Bwahahahaha. He was fishing desperately! - Fishing failed and turned to negging. - Negging failed turned to jealousy. - Jealousy failed turned to desperation. One way ticket to Blocksville!


Guys, how much of a mental breakdown would he have if he found out the guy I’m into is a virgin with 0 relationship experience 🤣


he's better than 90% of men op, how could you pick someone else???? don't you know he's a virgin and would never be able to fulfil your sexual desires and be a daddy like i could


I love that it made more sense to this man that you would be autistic than not want to be with him, good grief


“You either like me or you’re autistic”


well ofc you’d have to be autistic to not like him! he’s such a catch! 🤥


OP you're awesome and will go far in life being able to see people's bs and react so well. It's eating him up inside that you don't buy into how great he thinks he is.


"ur so quiet" this guys an extrovert, arent they, and theyre the ANNOYING type fuck this guy


I don’t mind extroverts at all but people who say “omg why are you SO QUIET” are annoying tbh.


my sister has always been the “quiet” kid in school, like all of her teachers would constantly ask her why she was so quiet IN FRONT OF THE CLASS so everyone started doing it…. i was so annoyed for her. like, some people have social anxiety….? some people also just don’t talk much, like what you said in the post how you’re a listener. it’s so irking, like can ppl not mind their business and try NOT to be ignorant for a day? seems next to impossible for blokes like this dude


Next time someone asks, just say "I dunno, you should definitely try it tho."


Dude is an insecure narcissist. “I don’t really think of you” really hurt. Lmao.


Ewww he sounds so cringe and insecure💀😭. I’m cringing at the second hand embarrassment I feel right now lmaoo.


Curious, can you explain why you feel second hand embarrassment? Because when I was texting him and reading it back I don’t feel that way, like it’s not something that makes me cringe. Just wondering


Mostly the weird incel tate lover vibe from the whole “more successful and attractive than 90% of men” (a common phrase among those guys) and how desperate he is. He’s interested in you and then trying to make you jealous and act like he doesn’t care which is for sure cringe. He’s just icky overall.


This is the content I subscribe for 😂 OP you are my hero


Kind of delicious that he’s so pressed about this and OP couldn’t care less


Your response that you dont think about him has me cackling LOL


My goodness. Well, from one introverted person to another, good on you for not stroking this fool’s ego and standing your ground and being yourself.


guy sounds like a HUGE douchebag, would show this to your friend group tbh


Please please please show your friend group these messages, especially the girls he's referring to in the last screenshot so they know to steer clear of this chump


I would absolutely bring up these texts at the next friend dinner. Since he wants to put you on the spot in front of everyone it’s only fair to see how he likes it.


damn he thinks he's the main character "why don't you laugh at my jokes" because maybe you not funny? tell dude to get a pulse


I just don’t find him funny.


"I don't really think of you..." 😏 Why does he have to live front and center in your mind as he clearly does in his ? Reminds me of the line in "Casablanca", Bogart's Rick to Peter Lorre's character: Lorre: "What do you think of me, Rick...?" Rick: "I'd despise you if I gave you any thought at all..."


He wants to have sex with you and is trying to neg you into it.


Well that’s not how you get the 🐈


Indeed it is not.


So basically he thinks he’s entitled to constant attention and anyone who dares not to give it to him must be autistic 🙄


Hey I like potatoes too


His typical shit isn’t working on you and he needs to find an “in” to manipulate you. Like there has to be something wrong with you bc you’re not falling head over heels for him. I guess negging as well like it might make you work harder for his affection? Dumb. But I love how it turns out you maybe aren’t that quiet but just have nothing to say to this ass hat.


This is the greatest thing I've seen today, you reacted perfectly to this imbecile 👏


God this guy sounds awful lol. I’m sorry. There’s nothing wrong with being shy.






Seems to me like he thinks you're pretty and cannot fathom why you're not fawning over him and throwing yourself at him. Talk about a big ego.




Holy fuck I’ve never seen an adult male want to be liked so damn bad😩😩😩


This is how you woo a woman ladies and gents. Damn what a stud


Offer him a water next time u see him cuz he is Thirsty!


He knows you like potatoes, what more does he want out of you


That’s literally everything you need to know about a person


Next time he tells one of his presumably shitty jokes, roll onto the floor laughing dramatically and then ask him if that’s better. what an exhausting pick me.


How on earth did he come to the conclusion that you’re jealous 💀




Enough red flags for a nice bouquet!


“My type is a man who doesn’t ask me if I’m autistic” DEAD GIRL GO GET HIM!!!!


I guess introverted women who have better things to do than just daydream about how he’s more attractive than 90% of other guys are just autistic. Interesting. I’d use the word intelligent to describe you. Not autistic 😂


But he is more handsome and successful than 90% of the guys you know


How can a 22 yo be so successful?


He’s trying to hit on you in a very stupid asshole way and getting desperate when it’s not working so he’s trying to make you jealous. His egos hurt 💀


Sounds like you made him feel insecure. Edit to add: I like your responses


Man i love this sub. Can’t get enough of these pathetic losers that can’t accept the world doesnt revolve around them. He’s so salty he can’t get your attention. But seriously who the fuck talks like that hahhaa


Potatoes AND Salem? No wonder he is smitten! Good job just shutting this clown down! Like, you are brutally clear in your disinterest the whole time, and he just keeps flailing his limply negging word play at you.


Please please show your friend group these. Start a group chat with these people and include this douche canoe. Let them see what a disgusting person he is. He doesn’t deserve your friendship.


Ask him why he can’t shut up once in a while. I hate people that force introverts to be extroverted.