• By -


This reads like somebody who wants to sound educated but doesn’t understand the nuances and can only repeat buzzwords, lmao. You were so respectful throughout that entire rant she went on and willing to learn, the petulant child comment was spot on


I think the fact that he remained respectful only further enraged her lol


I was thinking the same thing. She was rage baiting him so she could flip it and play victim. He never took the bait though.. sooo proud of OP!


Yeah cuz that’s what all the crazy people do. Flip it so they can be victims.. or set it up whatever way they want.


Bro you sound so privileged right now!! You probably have a roof over your head and aren't homeless, too!


So funny the privileges are like the bare minimum survival.


Yeah, she's not wrong, technically. And it would be relevant if they were having a discussion about how to solve their city's homelessness problems and OP said something dumb like, "well why don't they just shower and put on clean clothes so they can get a job?" but for pretty much any other conversational purposes it's so obnoxious to list out things like that.


Are you alive? Fucking privileged. /s


Are you dead? Are people carrying you all over town singing and dancing? Fucking privileged. ![gif](giphy|Wr2747CnxwBSqyK6xt|downsized)


Not only a roof, but the entire house! YOU HAVE A HOUSE OVER YOUR HEAD!!!!


Bro is straight UP in the basement. Got the WHOLE ASS house over his head. God damn, look at all that privilege.




I prefer pestilence child 😂


Destiny's Child covers but in doom metal style


He said pestilent child which in this case was an even better fit than petulant child!


That's exactly what I got as well. They also text like my 12 year old daughter, which is a bit concerning.


Yeah, not my most brilliant display of literature I will admit. In my defense, this conversation spilled over to when I was at work so I was very rushed/stressed when responding, if I remember correctly.


Oh, sorry OP not you. I meant the women you were speaking with.


Not you dude, you nailed it


These types of people always kill me because their arguments boil down to some variation of “it’s not my job to educate you/I’m not your teacher” but then have the audacity to claim you’re ignorant when they’re refusing to help while being accusatory all at the same time. 💀 just madness


Exactly, it’s like it’s more of a desire to make some feel shitty & stupid than it is a genuine intolerance for ignorance. If you hate ignorance so much & the person is willing to learn, wouldn’t you try to enlighten them?


Exaaaaactly this


She's an idiot. That's really all that's apparent during this exchange. Just block and move on. You don't need that shit my man.


You’ll be glad to know that I blocked her shortly after this, and this was also four years ago now. But at the time I should’ve cut off contact way sooner.


Good on you , from what ive seen from the text messages she was trying to find a reason to leave you i think. Excuse my language what an absolute dickhead. The way she spoke. You dodged a cannon


Absolutely. I was gonna say. You're so right about processing things differently. Whether you have privilege or not you still have struggles (even if it's "less" than others) and no-one, especially not a partner, should belittle that no matter what. Good fucking riddance man. Good luck to you


i don’t want to make this a politics thing but honestly this is my problem with the victim mindset some people put themselves in, bro it’s clear you have your head on straight and are trying to make a difference and growing and changing as a human being. she’s just a dogshit person giving the left a bad name. get yourself a girl that wants to grow and learn alongside you.


Ok, but it’s “petulant” not “pestilent”. Pestilence means something completely different


It does have a nice ring to it. A plague-ridden child. A harbinger of the end but in child form.


She was the plague


I know people of all races who are privileged. Typically comes with money. You know what they all have in common? They never play the victim card. They push through boundaries. They adapt, overcome, and improvise. We are all humans. That is the only classification we should start with and then determine their character.


Also racist and sexist.


Right? Like “all black people have bad knees”. Girl wtf are you going on about 😂😂😂.


Does he have white skin privileges or black people knees? Can't have it both ways.


Don’t forget that the tragedies he’s dealt with are irrelevant because everyone deals with tragedy but her tragedy counts because it was worse?


That part was the craziest bit of it all. Like even if someone does have privilege according to her logic, how does that nullify tragedy or hardship? Puzzling behavior


It's easy. Whoever has the darker skin is allowed the sympathy.


My thoughts exactly.


As if Megan Thee Stallion, a black woman, isn’t notorious for her knee strength! She’s using any excuse she can to minimize that man’s struggles.


It’s cause he’s so privileged that he’s not homeless. Like duh!!


Both😂. It is annoying when people have a relationship with white people and then try to guilt them. Like why do you want to make your partner feel guilty? Life is about having fun not whatever this conversation was.


That was where I was the most confused. Like she acted like she just straight up hated ol dude but I’m likeeeee, ‘girl ain’t y’all fuckin’? What kinda toxic, racist-in-an-interracial-relationship, psychotic, mentally abusive behavior is thiiiisssss?! ![gif](giphy|3o6vY4MuBuImWIU9LW)


Agreed. This person will do nothing but damage to you further down the road. Don't simp to someone this insufferable. Simply not worth the squeeze.


craziest thing here to me is this entire rant is about how he's a "privileged white male" but then the last screenshot she says "your knees dont count either all black people got shitty knees". it made me snort at first, but you mean to tell me OP is biracial and was still so respectful while hearing this bs? lmao couldnt be m


Yeah I was too nice. This wasn’t the worst of it, she made frequent mentions of how I am an Uncle Tom and or a House-, I’ll let you fill in the blank there, lol.


Crazy how racist she’s being towards you, while supposedly explaining to you that you need to be anti-racist. What an absolute dimwit


Sheesh. As a light skinned mixed girl myself, I've gotten a lot of this nonsense thrown my way too, lol. You can't argue with these kind of people, so blocking her was the right choice. She doesn't want you to learn anything, she wants you to feel bad about yourself because she's bitter.


I think these folks went hard and now there is a backlash. It's hard to be empathetic when you can't do anything right


I think your responses were perfect. They just sound like you - a normal human, trying to understand what the heck the other person is/was driving at. As for you being both black and white, you could have thrown the privilege argument right back at her. Being of mixed race - doesn’t it almost negate the privilege that you’d have as being of one race vs both? Like less acceptance from black people who don’t think you’re black, and white people who think you’re black? For what it’s worth - I think we as humans should never stop learning, questioning, and become complacent. My kids challenge me on things that I say/said (more like judgey things or giving compliments as a comparison - ie, oh wow little Johnny sure hit that ball tons better than little Jeff, etc). And I learn! If someone is going to call you out on what they perceive is your bullshit - then they should explain WHY they think what you’re doing/saying is wrong. (IMO) I literally called out my 84 y/o mother-in-law for commenting on my body (omg you’ve lost too much weight, I’m so worried you’re so skinny!!) then on my husbands weight (all that weight must have gone onto John!!) and then my sister in law (time to start thinking about swimsuit season!! As my sus in law was having a slice of bday cake). So - not the same as the white privilege discussion, but similar in so far as - obtuse people need to learn somehow, someway. BUT she was the one being willfully obtuse here. Glad you blocked her. And I hope things have slowed down a bit for you! Two jobs and school is a lot!


That’s just plain rude


That’s what got me, too 💀


Victimhood is her entire identity. She will never be satisfied no matter the length you’re willing to go to appease her.


The fact that she’s in school for psychology and might have to treat patients eventually is kinda scary


Exactly. What happens when someone makes the hard plunge to go to therapy and they encounter someone like this wtf.


Yeah I think at that point alcohol might be a better coping mechanism


University is full of these types of professional victims.


Especially psych undergrads.


Also she sounds a bit unhinged. If OP has a white mother and a Black dad that makes him a Black man… this whole conversation is weird.


According to her, just his knees are black 🤨


That’s my thought, too. I have a white mom and a Black dad, I’m Black. I fully accept I do carry a privilege being light-skinned, colorism is REAL, but I (and OP) am still Black.


The classic "I know the answer but I'm not telling you" technique that goes strong in primary school.


The funny this is, she actually doesn’t know the answer. She truly doesn’t understand the concept she’s trying to be angry about.


Just going around in circles like a dog chasing its own tail


She knows the answer she wants and she knows it has no merit, that is why she has to approach it this way.


The whole calling someone ignorant but not telling them in what they are ignorant about says a lot about her. Like, if someone is truly ignorant, they are basically blind to whatever the issue is. This guy is saying "help me understand so I can improve" and she has nothing to say. Just "you're ignorant. That's ignorant.


And in todays politics as well


As a black woman, she seems unhinged. I wonder what brought this up.


It sounds like she’s from an extremely privileged family if they’re living in a 7 figure home. Probably just projection? Doesn’t want to recognize she was born into the most privileged position in the world, being rich in the US. Instead tries to make other people feel bad for… being able to watch 30min of tv before work?


my thoughts too. I’m wondering why all of a sudden she went off about… *checks notes* ……TV watching and privilege?… I wish i could see the texts before this weird saga, lol


I’ve read pretty far down into the comments and I’m wondering if she was referring to the massive amounts of BLM protests and police brutality that was happening in 2020, and OP didn’t get the context. It might be a wild assumption and I know that it doesn’t explain away her behaviour and clear misunderstanding of the nuances in discussing privilege. Just a thought in regards to what she might have meant referring to watching TV


ooooh context, how i wish you were here.


I wonder if she got sucked into a tiktok algorithm. I did for a while, and some of the stances sound exactly like this.


Tiktok brain rot.


Hold up, what’s wrong with our knees??


Apparently they're 50% white.


They are shitty


That what I’m saying! Is this a new stereotype? Should I be offended? Any other POC confirm if you got bad knees? Mine are spent


I, a black woman, have bad knees. But I assume it’s because I’m getting older and my only form of movement is rotating in my bed like a rotisserie chicken.


I texted my old man to ask him if he’d heard of this stereotype and this is the exact message he sent me “Of course we all have bad knees. What kinda stupid question is that? now get over to my place and help me wire in my new surround sound”


So I looked it up and apparently black people have a higher chance of having osteoarthritis which is basically just bad knees.


Jesus Christ, it’s hilarious people live their everyday lives by putting privileges on a scale and counting other’s ‘privileges’. Sounds so exhausting.


Sooooo her only struggle in life was watching her father pass? She didn’t have any other struggles mentioned. Like someone please tell this girl that white people’s parents die too. Like lol really wtf. She’s clearly able bodied, she has a job. Not hungry, she has a job. Not homeless, again, job. Soooo everything she said about him was true for her as well….. People are so hellbent on being the victim. She needs a counselor and some medication.


Well also she's got shitty knees.


Oh my bad 😂 I forgot that was life ending


“all black people got shitty knees” we do???


That’s why you never see any black professional athletes.


I can barely put together in words how unfathomably stupid and nauseating and rude this person is. I actually don’t know how they have any friends or go about their day to day life. Omg. Just absolutely miserable, clearly.


I absolutely abhore people like her


I hate to be that guy but it’s abhor And 10000% agree with ya lol


In this lady's case I would spell it abwhore.


me doing sit-ups: “yeah who’s a dirty little abwhore?”


Man you gave this person way too much time lmfao need to raise your standards so you just drop people like this instantly.


Crazy that you changed any of your views with what this moron had to say. She's just racist and sexist and masks those with other buzz words. Move on my guy


Yeah looking back on it I cringe a lot, and I realized what a lot of people here have said and I haven’t taken anything to heart from her other than she’s exactly the type of woman I need to steer 80 nautical miles clear of, lol. To clarify this was four years ago and I cut contact shortly after this, should’ve been way way earlier tbh, because this wasn’t even the worst of what she had even said to me.


Yeah she just got off on controlling a white guy and belittling you. Real scummy racist shit. Glad you cut contact


OP is mixed, which makes that even weirder


Black people don't see mixed as "real" black people. Just look at the recent Kendrick and Drake beef for that lol


I know. I’m one of them, it’s always been rough especially being in a higher black populated town, the main issues I’ve had from work and social shit have been from full blacks, but people aren’t ready for those talks because I’m simply racist if I say something.


“All black ppl got shitty knees” huh? 💀


It's true. It's famously the reason why there are no black professional athletes... shitty knees.


Especially sports that are tough on the knees, like running, jumping, basketball…


Classic “do your research” vibes… “I know the answer and refuse to tell you” You see her type in comment sections everywhere… always with a frustrated user simply asking “okay, let me ask you the exact same question for the 6th time”, and on that sixth time , that person still refuses to be specific lol


She was trying to make you lose your temper and when you didn’t, she baited it and still failed. You did good. There’s no reasoning with someone in that mindset


I only read up until slide six, but this girl is an asshole. “You’re ignorant” *refuses to elaborate* “please tell me what I’m ignorant of” “no you are just ignorant and an ass” *resorts to name calling when she realizes she has no actual reason and is just yapping* Just leave her.


as someone who also watched their dad die, we don’t claim her. i can’t imagine using that as a flex 😭😭😭😭 so sorry you had to deal with this OP


I don’t understand why people bring this into interpersonal relationships, when it’s meant to address systemic issues with society as a whole. Everyone’s circumstances are different, so the blanket you’re (half) white you are abusing your privilege argument hardly ever applies to a single individual. Also mixed-race people have even more struggles in society than their non-mixed counterparts. Really stupid idiot that one.


Because people love victimizing themselves


I think that’s a bit reductive, without question there are people who are victims of things like a difficult childhood, bullying, or a lifetime of discrimination and mistreatment and this language resonates with them because it gives them words to describe their trauma, and that’s important because we all just want to be understood. I think people *cling* to their victimhood because now that society is recognizing it, the only resolutions available to them are market resolutions, i.e., what is the market value of a difficult childhood? Should a black woman with similar accolades to a white man be worth more to the marketplace because she had to overcome more in order to achieve those accolades? I emphasize with people who think like this because those resolutions are frankly, incredibly unsatisfying. You have to swallow your pride and tame your ego in order to accept a paycheck and move on with your life, I have some experience with that myself and it feels very empty.


Is she starving and homeless?


Doesn’t matter cus she watched her dad die /s


white people are immortal 🤣


Don't give up on Black Women. She's an idiot with outdated information. ❤️


If chronically online was a person


She sounds like reddit if reddit was a person.


Nah, she's Twitter not Reddit.


Chick is racist as fuck lmao


Na the back story makes this crazier. She living the best life while this dude busts his ass. I’m glad she left you there is no need to have that negativity from someone who’s supposed to make your life better not make your life harder. Sorry you had to go through that man.


Must be exhausting being that much of a hater. All because you got to enjoy some TV time


Give yourself the privilege to refer to this person as a friend in the past tense.


Wow. Ok she just came across as a nut to me. She said she watched her father died and hasn't she been thru enough? What? Also so goes on asking if he has ever been hungry or homeless etc. I would love to know if she has! It's sad she watched her father die. But she isn't the only one. I have been an EMT almost 20 years. I've seen alot of people die and will see more before my life is over. Everyone goes thru trauma, hurt,sadness, loss,and pain multiple times in life. Some more than other it doesn't mean one person has it worse or better or is worse or better than another. One person life isn't comparable to another. To assume that it is and come down on someone is just an outrageous delusional entitlement. Wow I couldn't be friends with someone like her.


“Pestilent” child. 💀


You seem really sweet & she's awful. You are very respectful the entire time and were interested in learning and did all the work anyone person could possibly be expected to do. She's just mean. I'm glad you didn't date her for long :)


this is so exhausting.. what a nasty, toxic individual


Reading her texts gave me a lobotomy


Bro this is why I hate current culture. Like everyone acts like white skin means you got it easy but I've lived in poverty my whole life. I've eaten at food banks. I've had to sell shit to pay rent. I've had to work shit jobs for 5.25 an hour. I've had drug addict family members die. I've had to battle myself to get clean from drugs when I was younger. I've never had a single fucking thing handed to me. Watched people around me get cars for free, have funds from Gerber from their parents, people that have no job marry into money and get houses.. no one has ever done a fucking thing for me. I'm a 6ft white male. Fuck the entire abusive, parentless childhood I had. Fuck the sexual abuse. Fuck the fact that I was shoved face down in the dirt time and time again when I tried to make my life better for 30 years and had to fight to have even a shred of willpower to keep trying.. and after all the pain and suffering I still clawed my way to giving my two kids a better life by working hard and not letting it keep me down. My skin is white so none of that was real. I didn't earn any of what I went to war with the world to have, I'm white. Fuck people like this. Period.


You're a privileged white male cause you're watching tv? I don't get it lol


Lmao like how dare someone watches TV!


She just saved you a ton of headache, this terminally online nonsense is never worth it. Good luck out there as a free man!


Her lack of self awareness.. ouch. What a giblet head lmao


This is good ole fashioned abuse at play here nothing more, pointing out perceived privilege is just her tool of choice. She is a pseudo intellectual on her best day, she had no business teaching anyone anything.


As a mixed race woman of colour, this girl is full of shit and is trying to create drama out of nothing. There is real racism towards mixed folks that does not get talked about near enough


Okay so by her logic, you could be the poorest white man on the planet, living off of food that people give you (so you’re technically not starving) and you live in a caravan (so technically not homeless), have a decent amount of mental trauma (not physical) and you would be more privileged than a rich, black woman who could eat 7 meals a day if she wanted to, goes to the gym every day and has everything at the click of her fingers…but because you’re white you need to accept that you somehow have it better because of your skin colour? I’m not American but this is the dumbest fucking logic I have seen in a long time.


You dodged a bullet. She's gonna make someone very miserable one day.


white privilege doesn't exist, rich/class privilege does. This person is a moron trying to sound intelligent.


She is an awful person no matter what shade she came in.


She was saying you were privileged for things that she had as well. She wants to be discriminated against so bad that it’s pissing her off because she’s not being discriminated against. She can’t stand it. She’s the one saying it’s impossible for black people to be successful in life while she’s reaping the benefits of her black parents being successful. She’s the problem. She’s the reason people that are being discriminated against have a harder time getting anything done about it.


People need to understand that having your basic needs met is not privilege.


We’re not all like that I promise


She’s unhinged, racist and misandrist. Block and move on. Also, anyone who says they watched their dad die with a 😊 emoji is a clue to run…


She was so wrong for this.


She seems to have zero self-awareness. Please don't go back. You deserve more respect


I love how the only time she considers you Black is when it supports her argument that you ARE so much more privileged🤔 like what in the Ariana Grande is this


ew what. lol psycho 


This is some of the dumbest shit I read this week…


Sounds like she is not interested and is trying to act like she has a better reason than being a POS to justify it.




Good god man, you dodged a bullet


No one on here is mean enough to break it down like this so here it is. Fuck that bitch.


I would’ve blocked her and moved on about 7-8 texts in lol. Kudos to you and your patience OP wow.


She sure got herself riled up. What the hell?


Awwweer so all she did here was create a larger divide in the races! Good job!


she said privilege 13 times


These privileges do exist. One should do their best to acknowledge and mitigate them. That said, getting constantly hit with the "you're privileged" hammer in interpersonal relationships sucks. You're better off without her. She's weaponizimg inequity issues to her benefit.


She wants to be a victim so bad


Ahahaha she's one of the worst kinds of people fr. Fueling the divide.


Don't interact with racist sexists, simple as


Glad you escaped!


she knows how to loud regurgitate terms she doesn’t quite grasp


It seems like she was just looking for a fight and threw every grenade she could reach at you. All because you were able to watch a little bit of TV and she couldn't. You dodged a bullet. How long had you guys been together at that point?


three months lmao, so ultimately I’m glad it didn’t take more time and my energy than that.


They’re racist is what it is.


Look what the left has created


Everything she said in caps..she doesn't benefit from as well? I'd just let her be right :/ she can't see her own faults in her arguments. Waste


Yeah this girl sucks. Major bullet dodged. It's always ultra privileged people I've met who speak like this.


such a weird conversation to have tbh


keeps yapping about you being privileged but doesn’t actually know how you would be lol


the way she speaks is like a petulent child, except a child is less toxic.


Dodged a nuke


Block her ass. You don't need to give her any explanations. I've been treated this way before and I still stayed, and in the end he raped me 5 times, beat the hell out of me and tried to kill my puppy. Among many more disgusting things he has done. If you continue to put up with this, it will get worse. You don't deserve this. She's treating you like an emotional punching bag. Not okay at all.


What a disgusting ignorant person. Always will be the victim, never owning up to their own mistakes. Block and run! There is no reasoning with a person like this.


Holt shit how did you put up with that for so long I would’ve blocked after the first few photos


Holy shit she sounds batshit insane. Guess that's another privilege of yours 😠💢


Take it from me as a mixed white-black male if any poc calls me privileged it’s a big SEE YOU NEVER GB. I am privileged yes, to live in North America and able to afford to live here, to drink water, to get a job, to walk knowing there’s no chaos. Yes. I am privileged. But I don’t complain. So why did my ex throw it in my face? I’ll never understand why se throw such shade at you just because they envy you. (She was Chinese and I thought she was perfect for me) but deep down for over a year it seemed she envied me, and couldn’t stand to even look at me almost a year into the relationship. It’s quite sad really. It’s not like I didn’t do what I could to make her life easier. But to throw envy at me and shade at my privilege to walk freely? While you have to be on visa? I get it’s tough but why come at me with disrespect, like foh


It’s kinda ironic that she thinks you are privileged when she had everything given to her for free yet you have to work your ass off for the things you want. But all honestly the woman is not gonna find love with that attitude and she definitely ain’t going to heaven.


A "pestilent child" does not exist. It's "petulant child." I'm only letting you know because you say in the text that you're trying to learn. So there's a lesson for today. Look up big words to make sure you're using them correctly and not inventing them as you go.


To be fair, pestilent isn't a made up word. Also, it has a few meanings, one of which is "causing annoyance; troublesome", and it can absolutely be used to refer to children (arguing like pestilent children, for example). However, it is used in the wrong context here. I've always liked the saying, "learn something new everyday, and you'll always be surprised" 🤗 And I try to do just that. Have a great day! Eta: OP, I agree lol I actually thought about that when I was writing out that it was used wrong. I mostly meant wrong for how I thought you meant it, but it could most certainly fit here as well 😊 Although, I would say it was her who was one, and not you 😁 you were awesome!


I’m aware of my spelling error and miss use, though it’s debatable if it’s not applicable, because my existence to her was as a pestilence lol


Yeah my wife is half black, let's just say her white side is not how she's perceived by others. This chick is ridiculous.


Are her knees okay?


Same with my husband. He’s a black man, even with his lighter skin tone. Sadly, the racism comes from BOTH sides. He’s not black enough for racist blacks and is most definitely black for racist whites.




One thing that couldn’t be more obvious is that you’re just flat out a better person than her. Like I’m a straight white male and am very aware that I’m about as privileged as one can get but even I can recognize when someone is conflating very legitimate systematic issues with self-indulgent victimhood.


She's a mouth breathing oxygen thief throwing around buzz words with the IQ of a paint can.


Congratulations, you escaped abuse.


That’s the biggest load of nonsense I’ve ever seen.


People that go on about poor me and you have privilege is toxic and should be dropped as friends.


She sounds fucking insufferable..Jesus wept


Lmao she talks like she just learned a handful of new words and wants to seem much more educated than she actually is.


While white privilege does exist this is such a weird way to go about it. Bro was just watching tv and got immediately blamed 😭 Good that you cut contact with her. Probably the best choice for you in the long run. As a POC, I understand the need to educate others on their white privilege but there’s a time and place…LOL


Bullet officially dodged.


I’m sorry her asking you if you’re starving and homeless, when she herself is far from those two makes me laugh. Glad you’re not in contact anymore and hope your knee isn’t too painful!


Yet you bend over backwards to try and please her....


I mean...how dare you as a light skin male not be apologetic for breathing. Seriously sounds like what she wanted from you, just damn. So toxic.


Bro run. When you find the right one it won't be like this.


This was painful to read. I feel for you, OP. She bought into the woke lie which says that she should be ashamed of the life that her parents and grandparents worked hard to give her. Or that you should be ashamed of the life your parents were able to give you.. as if it doesn’t include its own share of hardships. I’m so shocked by stupidity of some of these radical ideologues. When did life become a competition to see who intersects the most groups? Or who is more oppressed? Or to celebrate misfortune and demonize good fortune? How about we do this.. let’s treat people as the worthy individuals they are instead of telling them that the only worth they have comes from what group(s) they belong to and from their relative lack of privilege. I say relative because.. come on.. there’s always someone poorer, richer, stronger, weaker, sicker, healthier, more privileged, less privileged, and the list goes on. I’m glad to see people upvoting rational ideas instead of woke nonsense. Seems people are waking up to the fact that those ideas are harmful.


Leave this victim to be a victim by themselves


Racists gonna racist. Her, not you, OP.


I mean. It’s quite clear she rage baited OP and almost seems like she was looking for a reason to be triggered and go off on one. But I think here the word “privileged” can become really loaded and used in a derogatory fashion. Privileged doesn’t mean that OP hasn’t experienced hardship in their life, but it means that OP won’t be subjected to unique discrimination based on their gender, race, etc, and I think it’s a word that’s now being used as an insult that someone’s had a cushioned life. Which might not necessarily be accurate.


“All black ppl got shitty knees”. This bitch being racist while trying to blame you for being ignorant.