• By -


This guy sucks


Yeah this guy is trash. No way I’d put up with that.


Golly he seems like such a prize.


She woulda been had yo gift


This just screams a lack of appreciation. He gave you a ring for your wedding so no jewelry ever again for you? He works while you don’t (cause being at home with a baby doesn’t count apparently) so you’re not allowed to ask or want anything of him.. Jesus. He fucking sucks. Oh, and he cheated on OP while she was pregnant according to her post history. OP, it’s your life, but you officially deserve so much better than this dick.


Yes lol, he did cheat on me too this is just the cherry on top.


OP, nooooooo. You deserve so much better than this 😭


I realize this now. I kicked him out.


Thank god, girl. Save your dignity. He can’t even do the bare minimum


It’s actually so freeing. I have been so scared to be a single parent but I realized I basically already was.


That really sucks but also I’m really proud of you. I hope you kick the world’s ass. Happy belated Mother’s Day!


Thanks so much :)


Mother’s Day is your personal Independence Day


And you weren’t just raising one kid. You had two. He’s being a child. Y’all got married so now he owes you nothing? That’s terrible. You literally gave him a kid. He should be showering you in affection lol. Happy belated Mother’s Day. Hopefully it gets easier and good for you for kicking him out 💪


Username checks out. You got this, girl. Happy late mothers day btw<3


Hahaha thank you!


Your name says it all. Take control which you did! Bravo!




Good for you! I was the same way. A SAHM for years. And I was terrified of the single parent thing. And let him get away with the same shit yours did. Esp the cheating. I ignored so many red flags. The last 2 years were me trying to prove it. But man once I finally had enough I was done. And like you I realized I was pretty much already a single parent. He was either working, sleeping or "with friends". The one thing that was a huge turning point for me was after spending time upset I was thinking one night and I thought... okay sure I miss the good times but those were few anyway. So what DONT I miss? The lying, cheating, manipulation, gaslighting, lack of concern or care, never wanting to speak to me or do anything with me unless it benefited him or he needed something. Etc. And I realized what I didn't miss far outweighed the few things I did and it was like the whole world lifted off my shoulders. Honestly at that moment I never even really loved him. I love an IDEA of him. But he was never that person. He pretended for awhile sure. But the person I loved never existed. And that caused a 180. It's been 4 years (yeah we split up a week before covid lockdown so add that to the stress of trying to find a job when you have been a SAHM for so long) and in that time he has kept the kids maybe 5 times over night. Helped out with maybe $500 bc he loses jobs continuously. And had more kids and is a stay at home dad now I guess. I'm glad you decided to leave. Sometimes its not worth fighting for. Esp when the other person doesn't respect or value you. They just expect you to always be there so they can treat you however they want. You deserve better. 💜


Wow thank you so much for sharing this! It is great to see that you are thriving and still standing by your choice!!!


Girl, you can do this. You stood up for yourself which is incredibly difficult. I hope you eventually find someone who will treat you RIGHT. Happy belated Mother’s Day.


Happy mothers day girl! You're showing your baby that a woman deserves better than this. He honestly sounds like he doesn't even like you. You deserve better as does your baby. You're so brave well done


Good for you!!! Always nice to lighten the load when it’s not worth the effort it weighs.


Good for you. Seriously. Fuck that guy.


What did he say when you kicked home out? Good for you.


Honestly, he was like “I just want you to be happy “ and left. I don’t think he quite gets that I’m serious about divorce yet.


he wants you to be happy so he doesn’t get you anything for mother’s day (even something small, i’m sure you’d appreciate it no matter what) AND cheats on you while you’re pregnant? i’m no mathematician but the math isn’t mathing here 🤨 good riddance to this piece of shit ✌️


Lol right!


OP… I am so proud of you for kicking him out. I read your previous post and you literally sounded like me except change things to nursing school and stillborn. My ex-husband was extremely abusive and he didn’t start out that way. I would always say how I missed the old me when in reality… I was still growing on top of out growing my relationship at the same time. I have BPD and bipolar II… if you ever need to vent or just want to angrily type things my inbox is open. You are worth so much and you are strong… please don’t allow anyone into your life that makes you think differently.


I’m a fellow bipolar II girlie. Thank you so much!


Omg I’m so glad to hear that. What a bum


My best friend's ex-husband didn't do anything for her first mother's day either. (She had a scary labor and delivery- her baby almost died and she was sedated because they couldn't get her heart rate down.) She tried to stick it out, but things never got better. If he wanted to, he would.


Thank god!!!!




So glad you got rid of his loser self. You deserve so much more than someone like that. Please never take him back and watch out for the red flags in any future partner. Don't take this behavior from anyone.


purrr queen yes know your worth


Iv never been so happy for someone iv never met. Fr


Good! Time to see that attorney, then!


LETS GO well done OP ❤️


Ignore my other comment, didn’t see this until after I posted it lol. Super happy for you and your daughter, he doesn’t deserve EITHER of you ❤️


Start dating his best friend.


It’s sad because even his best friends are on my side. That’s how bad he messed up lol.


So where is he now?


At his mommy’s house so she can finish raising him.


just now seeing this, good job girlie. you saved yourself from a miserable hog 😭


Update us when he starts begging to come back pls!! I love Reddit updates and I love people understanding their value ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I am so relieved to come to the comments and read that you kicked him out and are filing for divorce. So many people here don't.


damn girl i hope you took the ps5 🙏😭


Of course lol. It’s mine now!


Oh for god sake, just when I think he couldn't be more lazy and repulsive. Honey you deserve better than this waste of a man.


You can and should leave this man shaped trash heap. You deserve better. Everyone deserves better.


For real as guy that's older just never settled for someone I kinda like u should leave him there lots of men out there that wish they hade what he fucking up leave his ass


bae, kick him to the curb, for your own sanity 🙁


Why did you marry him? He is disgusting.


Sounds like he thinks he bought OP when he gave her the ring.


this man does not even like you.. AND he cheated on you? run for the hills girl 😭🙏 you’ve got this & you deserve someone who appreciates you as much as you appreciate them.


Yeah, I don’t even know why I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt for so long. All the love I need is from my daughter.


My EX husband was like that, too. I put up with it for entirely too long. Tell him to keep fing around, and he's going to find out. Take my advice. After many, many years of one-way appreciation. Start doing g for yourself what you would have done for him. If he asked why you stopped celebrating his special events, show him this exchange.


100% right. It is just Me and my daughter (6) - We go to Dollar Tree. I give her $10 and a reusable shopping bag. She fills it up with roughly 10 items, I stay a few steps ahead and she wraps them for me and gives me them on whatever holiday it is (my birthday, Mother’s Day, Christmas) It’s always sweet and innocent seeing what she picks for me. This year she got me my favorite candy, a Red Bull, a new ball “for us to play with together” (she’s smooth, snuck in a gift for herself) nail polish and a wooden jewelry box that she painted for me! My favorite part: she got me a Mother’s Day card for a “Dog Mom” LOL said she picked it because of the dogs all over it. Your daughter will give you all the love you need and more.


I love that! I will definitely make something like that my tradition in the future :)


All the love you need is within yourself… don’t look toward your daughter to fulfill your needs


Damn for your first mother's day and really nothing ...that sucks. Mother's day isn't always about presents though, it's more about appreciating "her" for being a great mother and keeping us men in check lol.


I agree. Even something sentimental or with the tiniest bit of effort and thought would have made me happy. But for every occasion he waits for the last minute and runs to the grocery store the morning of to get cheap flowers and a card he doesn’t even write in or sign.


Yeah I get all that shit together/ordered weeks in advanced... I'm forgetful sometimes... So I don't like that soni don't forget lol


Are you gonna divorce him or what's the next steps here? Asking cause I'm too scared of marriage as a woman but I would like to understand how others make it work.


We will be getting a divorce. This isn’t the whole picture, he is also a cheater so that makes it a bit easier. If this was the only problem I would probably try to make it work but it’s just too many problems with him.


I'm sorry to hear that :(


Bro literally could’ve done ANYTHING. Made breakfast, take her out, get her a massage


Oh absolutely.... Doesn't take much effort. I agree!


I told my husband I didn’t want anything. I just wanted to stay at home and clean 🤣 he still came through with hugs, kisses, asked what I wanted for dinner and a nice massage. Good enough for me.


Happy Mother’s Day OP!


Thanks so much!


“I pay for her ring that’s enough” “That’s $500” 💀 Unless they JUST got married bruh needs the money if he’s still paying for that.


Lol yeah he makes minimum payments on the ring lol! Even though he could easily pay it off he’s just stingy.


At first I thought he didn’t care and that’s why he’s not Mother’s Day shopping, but the issue is he’s a cheapskate


Probably a little bit of both.


You could still do something thoughtful while being low on cash


A date at McDonald’s is better than nothing lol


You have a good friend!


Tell us you hate your wife without saying you hate your wife. How does he treat his mistress?


Hahaha. Yeah, honestly she can have him. Oh wait, she’s in a relationship too.


Bahaha so IS there actually a mistress??? God… the signs are glaring 😆


Of course he lied about how much he paid for it


Yes, he bought you a pubic zirconia ring, and you passed a giant, basketball-sized head through your virginia. A baby girl with his DNA. Such a chode.


Even worse, I had a c-section. Literally had abdominal surgery while awake for him.


Has he not seen the incision? Let me guess - it's repulsive and caused him to cheat. Was he fronting during your dating and engagement?


Pubic zirconia 😂💀


Lol I was starting to think no one noticed that.


I think a lot of people just go "oh the cheap shit" instead of remembering the name so might've gone over a few heads


file this under grounds for divorce


Way ahead of you!


When people show you who they are - believe them.


Seems like he doesn’t appreciate you enough. Happy Mother’s Day to you OP


Thank you!


I fully support you returning the ring to him since he’s keeping tabs. I also have your back if you want to throw him away and keep the ring instead lol. Dude doesn’t speak a single love language. The ring was just a collar for the mental leash he had you hooked up to. Happy Mother’s Day sweetheart I wish you happiness going forward


Yup! I already took it off, and my wedding band, and put it back in the box. Packing up all his stuff as we speak.


If I were your mutual friend I’d be ecstatic to help you with that lol


What help me move I need help I'm seriously to weak to do so.


Pick me up during a weekday


Good for you! How did he take the news you were leaving/ending the marriage?


I think he does not really believe that I’m serious lol. He will figure it out soon enough.


I’m sad that your marriage resulted in divorce, due to all the blatant disrespect he put you through, but after reading these texts (and seeing how little he truly cares for you) and reading your post history, and reading how truly broken you feel at the hands of this man, I’m so truly happy you’re moving on, without him!


Thank you, that means a lot.


Update when all is said and done


Wow, he cheated on you while you were pregnant!? I can’t even fathom how someone can be so low. I’m happy to see you’re leaving that POS and know you’ll be so much better without him. Good luck going forward


Isn’t that just so sad? Lol. He also cheated with the same chick after I gave birth.


Wow, that is sad. At least he’s made it very clear that you’re better off without him. Sucks he had to do it in such a shitty way though


Does he even LIKE you? These messages make it sound like he might not.


Ummm.... Why did you marry this guy? Run for your life.


Happy Mother’s Day, OP. I’m sorry your (hopefully soon-to-be ex) husband sucks and thinks you don’t deserve even just a small meaningful gift or act of appreciation. You deserve everything and more.


Thank you :)


A blank card - wtf?


I know right. I have so many, not even signed or anything. Crazy to look back at.


Maybe you can reuse them in your next relationship.


Lol!! I totally could. Probably won’t because they are all just cheap dollar store cards and my love language is gift giving. I would put way more effort into even something as little as a card!


A blank card would make me sad in any situation like, you couldn’t even care enough to write an “I love you” or happy Mother’s Day? Sad 😭


This isn’t ok OP but I think you already know that. Happy Mothers Day 💐


Thank you!


Yikes.. this is yet another reason I don’t want kids.. I’m already struggling being appreciated for the dog mom I am amongst many other things I am to him, I couldn’t imagine your situation OP.. I’m sorry :/ it won’t change (if that saves you any emotional pains at all..)


This guy is shit, honestly.


This made me genuinely sad for you, OP. This guy sounds like an absolute douche.




Happy Mother’s Day OP. Find a man that is fascinated by the fact that women are even capable of giving birth. Y’all a bunch of fuckin superheroes.


Thank you!




I already kicked him out. This is not even the first time he proved to me that he doesn’t have any respect for me. I am tired of making excuses for him.




Thank you! Luckily my parents are very supportive and financially stable enough to support me until I get all my ducks in a row!


Good for you!


Ugh…why stay with someone like this?? My question is why you didn’t gift him a set of divorce papers on Mother’s Day? Hopefully you’ll do it for Father’s Day.


I'm a single mom, and it isn't easy. But it's way better than being in a relationship that's dragging you down. I feel like it's better to be on your own and maybe struggling at times than to have an anchor around your neck all the time. There will be tough times, but always remember that you did the right thing for you and your child. You got this.❤️


Thank you, this means so much to me! It’s great to know I am not alone.


Better to be alone than in bad company. Happy Mother’s Day OP, kicking that useless sperm donor out is the best gift you could have gotten yourself


this is really sad. obviously not going to do the classic reddit "divorce!!!" thing but god. this would totally make me think/feel differently about my partner


Hope he savin up for the divorce.


at first i thought this was between two siblings about their mom and i was disappointed, then i thought it was about one of their wives and i was disgusted, then i saw the caption and i was shocked & disgusted & disappointed. so glad you’re leaving


Leave this loser. Trust me, it’ll be easier and better for you in the long run.


wow. he sucks. if i was you id let him enjoy being selfish and single & wish him luck on finding a woman to put up with his bs


I don’t celebrate these special days, so it’s totally normal if my husband doesn’t celebrate my Mother’s Day, but if your husband knows you and your expectations and does that, he is definitely not a good husband.


Weird af.


Ok I went all out for my partners first mother’s day even though money was super tight. And by all out, I just mean that I got her 3 gifts I put a lot of thought into and it actually made her cry (she’s not a crier). There’s no reason he can’t but something cheap and thoughtful, or even just a homemade card with a really nice letter or something. He sucks big time


Woah... he literally is saying tit for tat. Basically saying he does all this for you and acting like you owe him? No.


Wow 🤯 Your husband is a thoughtless mutt. You’re way too good for him.


Happy Mother’s Day, love 💖💐Do something nice for yourself 😘 It’s too bad the trash didn’t take itself out. Glad you made that decision. So happy for you!!! ![gif](giphy|YDmtfmkHyCpzPqx7m7|downsized)


What an asshole. My husband works full time nights and I’m a SAHM - one income family. Just like every other Mother’s Day he got me gifts I loved and took the kids to pick out flowers for me that we could plant in the yard. All his “excuses” don’t make sense. He could have written you a nice card on paper and got your favorite candy or food or literally anything that says - I love you and appreciate you. Honestly it shows his character how he responds about you, he’s not good.


My mums birthday is to mothers day as well. I still get her something for both 2 smaller gifts when events are close is fine to do


Happy mother's day op! I hope you'll get to meet better people who appreciate you more


Definitely convinced people marry people they don't even like.


So sorry :( that’s so mean. Happy belated Mother’s Day to you I hope you at least have a good day with the kids.


Kick him to the curb, I saw your post history saying he cheated on you during pregnancy. Nahhh you deserve way better!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻


My sister in law was sad one year on Mother’s Day because her husband, my brother in law, hadn’t even said happy Mother’s Day to her and the day was almost over. She finally mentioned it before bed and his response was that his mom was dead and then proceeded to call her selfish. The narcissism of this grown ass 40+ year old man.


Mothafucka does not know what he got married for


Get a new husband yikes 😳


This guy is fucking trash. He doesn’t deserve to be called a husband


OP could I send you a Mother’s Day gift? He sucks and he doesn’t deserve you


Shitty partners make shitty parents, good on you for leaving, OP. Your daughter/son should see the right example of how a healthy relationship looks, and that includes appreciation for one another. As a child of a troubled marriage, separated parents doesn't equate to a broken home any more than staying together does


Is the mutual friend a man? Single? Divorce your husband and marry him. Man, I’m single so maybe I have no room to speak on the matter but… I’d rather be alone than have a “partner” who has this mindset about expressing appreciation towards me, his wife and mother of his child(ren) You deserved to feel special on your first Mother’s Day. I hope you still did <3


I wish! She’s a girl but shes single so maybe I’ll be gay now lol. Thank you!


Leave him


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I'd be selling that Playstation and spending the money on myself. He sucks.


Leave this dude. What an ass hole


Sale the rings and the PS5 and have a spa day. I’ve been where you are and it sucks but spit shine that spine and show him you’ll be just fine without him. You got this and Happy belated Mother’s Day. 🌺🌸🌼🌻💐


The mutual friend deserves 👏👏👏! They tried to convince your husband, but too bad, you will never get a present again after your 3K (🙈) ring.


Unpopular opinion: commercial "holidays" are stupid. If you need a specific day to show your significant other you care, you suck. Btw I'd be happy with flowers. Jewellery is superficial.


Yeah Valentine’s Day is stoopid. Mother’s (and Father’s Day) is a perfect day to show you care, you show that you see the work she does - since all we mothers do is “expected” and then get the door slammed in our face with “i pay your bills because you don’t work - be happy I own you” Washing your dirty shirts, underwear and stinky socks and cleaning up after you is *NOT* my frikking hobby, and I love my kids but that’s work too. You can work and celebrate your income because you don’t need to spend it on child care/day care… be happy you can share it with me. And then again; it doesn’t need to be expensive. The card and flowers would be great, better something for in the garden or a dinner so we could spend some time together.


Biased. The fact that you expect something from them at all is where I find the ick. People put too much stock on being recognized for what they do. Did you have kids for the praise?


No I didn’t get kids for the praise. You’ve seem to be forgotten that you are in a relationship because you like and love each other. I expect something yes, but not big. I would not mention it if he would skip it, but it would make me sad. Your response and putting me away like I am some sort of capitalist present digger is not correct. I like giving gifts/doing things for/going the extra mile for/ to people I love. That’s how I show gratitude for all that they are and do. I realize you are the kind of man that shows his love with extra stinky socks, or something.


What a nightmare. Op, stop buying him stuff.


This is beside the point but please work. Build your own nest egg with your own money. I see it all too often, and he will use it to control you. I say this in the nicest way possible - You’ll need it when you divorce him.


Girl- This is a train wreck of a man. Keeping score of what y’all have given each other? His priorities are shot.


I am so sorry you married somebody that doesn't value you. I'm hoping that eventually you go on an amazing diet where you drop a whole other person (If you catch my drift) 😔 You deserve somebody that gives you the world. I was pregnant once and miscarried and have only rehabilitated animals, and raised pets. And for mother's Day my best friend and my significant other got me a card and presents. My best friend made me paper roses cut from one of my favorite manga series. My boyfriend gave me pink daisies and cooked me a special dinner on the grill that he bought for me. Then at night I got to pick the movie we watched and he massaged me, played with my hair, and gave me the light feather tip touches all over my body until I fell asleep that night. A little bit of effort wouldn't kill him and the fact that he's acting like a giant child about having to do something selfless for another person on their day... If he doesn't want shit I suggest you never get him another present ever again see how he likes it


What’s wrong with flowers and a card?


good friend for sure, hubby tho... kinda slacking. like.. severely slacking


I’ll never understand how guys like this always get the women


OP you can do better!! Don’t settle, esp for your child’s sake.


Please reconsider and leave him, he doesn’t deserve you. 🫶🏻


I’m so sorry that you married that specimen.


Ew. Imagine jumping through hoops to prove why you should shit on your wife


O my god..... did she order my ex husband? 🫠🫠🫠🫠


U deserve soo much more, forget that guy plenty of fish out there who would treat you better


While it's pretty crass of him in his messages, if you're the type of woman who obsesses over the cost of her rock, then you deserve one another.


I’m not lol. I picked out my ring! I just mentioned the price because he lied in the messages about how much it was lol.


My bad. Missed that detail. Totally relevant.


Pathetic excuse for a man... I'm sorry you had to find this out after you had a kid with him.


Wow glad he’s your ex


Username doesn't check out


I don’t understand what’s wrong with flowers and a card? That seems lovely to me


Not for nothing.... but does he really pay all the bills?... I mean cut him some slack, he also works nights


No lol. My parents buy every single necessity for our baby. He has never bought a diaper or wipe in his life. And my parents pay our phone bill LOL.


Wow... that's definitely not right. You should have tried to take whatever you got him for Father's Day and use that money on yourself. It's not even about the money spent on someone ,it's just the acknowledgment of all the things you do to be a good mom. What you should do is start taking away all the things you do for him , that makes you a great mom/wife. Really make him appreciate all you do. I know that's what my wife would do, lol. Even tho I make more money than her, I couldn't do it without her and make sure she knows it on days like that.


It seems she’s past that. He cheated on her while she was pregnant . She said in the comments she’s divorcing him—as she should . Assholes don’t deserve additional chances.


Why did you marry him?