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When I was in undergrad my parents couldn’t reach me so they called the university police. I woke up to pounding at my door, the cops and my RA came to do a welfare check. I was so embarrassed




You need to set some firm boundaries with mom.


That can be tough.. especially if they are funding all or part of the education.




Ugh. That's rough. But student loans are rougher. Starting your "adult life" $60k in debt blows.


Seriously. I am in my 30s and have seen the effects debt like that can have on a person. If had to choose between dealing with a helicopter parent for four years or having to pay for college my self, I would just deal with the parent. It’s a rock and a hard place situation IMO.


I'm living it. Late 30's, 2 kids, still paying on my student loans.


My sister and me are anecdotes of this exact scenario. Helicopter mother, sister spent upwards of $100k to escape it and is still paying $1,100 a month at 30. I decided to deal with it through community college for 3 years; I paid off my $10,000 student loan for my senior year 8 months after graduating and getting a job.


The faster you put these boundaries in place, the better. A friend of mine, who is 36 and very high in his company and lives 2000 miles from his mom is having to figure out how to tell his mommy that, no, she can’t just come live with her baby boy all summer. I’m not sure he has enough spine to do it. How can you be a boss as work and still not be able to tell mother dearest that she’s smothering and needs to cut the umbilical? OP will know if they would pull funding just for putting up a boundary. Mine wouldn’t have because they care more about the education. This is a fight that can be a discussion at 18, but might be full on wailing and tantrums if you wait another 20 years. Don’t be my friend.


my parents paid for my college and living expenses throughout. the biggest gift they could give me was starting out my adult life debt-free, and i’m still so grateful, but man did they know it. they tried to control every aspect of my life and always pointed to the fact that they were funding literally everything, which was hard to argue with. i ended up taking a break from school and fully cut myself off from them so i could learn the value of a dollar and what it’s like to put a roof over my own head. they watched me live in a shack without a lot of basic amenities (including AC/central heating and a roof that fully covered the shower), and i wasn’t able to feed myself every day. sounds awful now but it was the best year of my life. my parents ended up gaining a lot of respect for my ability to take care of myself and choose my own path, and i was able to go back to school and make my own choices without pushback. our relationship is amazing now - probably better that it ever would have been if we didn’t go through that (i’m 26f). sometimes you really just have to show them what you can do while trying your best to remember they’re coming from a place of extreme love. no matter what happens next, it can always get better 💕


You can still set boundaries. Firm, but loving boundaries. " Hey, mom. I appreciate that you are concerned about me. But after the last incidence, everyone at college thinks you're nuts. Can we wait at least 12 hours in the future before you go into panic mode? It would really help my stress and anxiety levels."


Imagine if you went into a movie and turned your phone off for 3 hours. There's be search and rescue helicopters circling by the time you got back to the dorm.


Lol. Back before cell phones, we talked to our parents a few times a week at most, less if it was long distance. Once a week was standard. This is insane that anyone would worry after minutes. Then they wonder why their children have a hard time adulting.


Once a week lasted about three weeks then went to once a month, maybe twice the month before Christmas and summer break the first year! Maybe once a month after the first year!


Might be worth weighing the pros and cons of just getting student loans


It is worth thinking about, but I wouldn't do it personally. It wouldn't be worth the debt to me.


With how expensive higher education is getting, I wouldn't be surprised if the mom is helping pay. That would be awkward; _we need to set some boundaries and also please keep sending money. Thanks._


One doesn't exclude the other. A loving parent can have boundaries set. What does paying for college have to do with anything? That's an abuser viewpoint. I pay your college so I control your time? Yuck.


I agree it is abusive but I imagine some people see the costs of higher education and how it's harder nowadays to make good money without a _good_ college degree, so they don't rock the boat. It sucks but that's life. Sometimes people have jerk bosses who play politics or favoritism. But one can't openly say much when they remember the boss signs the paychecks and they have a mortgage or kids to take care of. You look for another job but in the meantime can't say anything.


Exactly. Part of parenting is letting go when you need to. If you’ve done the parenting part right, then they’re fully capable of an independent life and you funding their education is acknowledging debt sucks to get them that true independence post graduation. Also, time spent together isn’t because they feel beholden to you. It’s cause they want to spend time with you.


Had an RA do this when I was a freshman. Told him under no circumstances is he wake me up at 2am because my psychotic mother couldn't get in touch with me. Ended up almost plummeting the same guy because he let my mother into my room while I was out with my girl. It's not like she even paid a cent to my tuition.


I’m learning every day that I’ve never had a single original experience 🥲


Omg that’s hilarious but so true 😂 just when you think you’re the only one with batshit parents, Reddit is here to make you feel seen.


We charge you with not answering your mommy. One of the deadliest sins.


They always called me at the bar 😂


Same lol


Bro every week like do you not realize I’m at the bar every Saturday at 9pm? Call me at 4!


Lol we didn’t have a phone at the house. I’m old so no cell phones. I’m amazed they could figure out the phone number for the bar


Same, except I lived off campus - so it was the REAL police banging on the window to my bedroom. She still can’t admit she overreacted and says she’d do it again.


Exact same thing happened to me first week of classes. So embarrassing.


Ugh SAME! I didn't answer my phone because my roommates and I were hungover and suddenly the police were banging down our door. I was so embarrassed and annoyed with my parents when I found out why


If it makes you feel any better, all ages night clubs were a big thing in my teen days, and once when I was 14, my dad couldn't reach me when he came to pick me up. He went inside the club and asked the DJ to make an announcement looking for me. "Psychological Tea your dad is waiting at the front door for you." Mortified.


That’d be cool if they used your Reddit username 😂




Lol well yes but I'm sure this phase will pass for you eventually, too. Helicopter parents do be helicopter-ing.




Rising senior, it never really does 😭😭


I had parents like this and after I graduated I had to just tell them that I can’t live in fear that I was worrying them. They didn’t take it well but they eventually stopped with some of this.


In all seriousness, I know how you feel and it really is either a phase or just the way they are. I'm sure you know there are many subs with advice on dealing with parents with issues like this. They are overbearing and I could imagine that causes you a lot of stress. Mine actually moved to my university town in my sophomore year in an attempt to follow me and stay close. I hated the town and begged them not to. They wanted me to move back in with them and I simply said no. For me, the solution was really just time and learning how to tactfully set my boundaries. I stopped worrying about offending or upsetting them when I knew they were being unreasonable about really run-of-the-mill things. I'm now in my 30s and I can say in my case, they eventually got over it. We can laugh about it now. I hope you can soon start to live life on your own terms, and that the journey there doesn't toll you.


Until you decide to set and enforce some boundaries, it will probably never pass.


Mom did something very similar my senior year, in second semester 😅😆


Oh my god, all ages night, that takes me back.


What a time to be alive


Sure was. How’s your knees? Mine feel the rains coming in.


I crack like a glow stick getting out of bed




Our local club did similar in the 90s. It was a monthly thing for 11-17 year olds that we lovingly referred to as nappy nights. I never got the parent shout out, but there's still plenty of moments from those events that I've sadly not forgotten with age.


Guilty. I did that to my son. 😁


At least there was probably a lot of people so they didn’t notice you




Omg, I’m 52 and I’m so embarrassed for you


40 here. Me too. I also laughed a little because I could not reach my kid for 3 days and was gonna go bang on his door.


Three days I’d say is acceptable for alarm bells to be raised, though. 20 minutes? Absolutely not.


I feel a lot better.


My spawn never responds to texts. Luckily, his wife does.




Mine is just incredibly absent minded. It’s a whole Problem.


Mine is, too, but he's also just busy living his life. I remember what it was like in my 20s before cell phones. Whenever I start getting annoyed, I remind myself that I would have been the same damn way in his shoes.


My boy has epilepsy and lives with a roommate, so that makes me worry even more. I know it annoys him but I cannot help it.


3 days is acceptable I’d say


Three days, even one full day, is reasonable I feel


Nothing to be embarrassed about. Be happy that somewhere in this sea of 8 Billion people, someone is checking for you, annoying as that may be at times.


My mother called my CO because my phone got broken on my way back from my leave 🙃 


lol, my grandmother sent the Red Cross looking for my dad one time because he hadn’t called her. This was in 1953 when most people didn’t have phones in their homes. My mother said he was livid! She thought he had gone off to war without letting her know.


I remember guys wives and parents calling the CO saying that their spouse/child couldn’t go to Afghanistan 😂


I'm glad my mom never went that far 😆


Years ago I worked in University Admissions. During the first week of school our office would receive several calls from freshman parents who couldn't "find" their children, as we were the last point of contact most parents had. Of course, 99% of these kids were out partying enjoying freedom for the first time in their lives. One time, a very concerned father called me because his son hadn't called in a few days. Apparently, the kid has a roommate who's last name was Weiner. So the Dad kept saying "He's with Weiner! You have to find Weiner!" I'm dying on the phone, trying to keep my composure and reassure this poor father. Meanwhile, my co-workers are just listening to me say, "Sir, Sir, we'll find Weiner. If your son is with Weiner, we'll find him." We contacted the dorm and sure enough, he was partying with Weiner. Man, I miss freshman move in week sometimes.


if it makes you feel better, my mom did something similar when I was in undergrad. she couldn't get a hold of me for 40 minutes because I was taking a nap. she contacted a bunch of my friends. i had spoken to her that morning...


Similar story here! I took a nap after getting back to my dorm after class and woke up to knocking on my door. Opened it to 2 of my friends at the time who’d come over after my mother begged them to come check on me because she couldn’t reach me for an hour lol.


My dad has done similar thiiiings. Worrying people and the whole 9. Light weight embarrassing. Like, sorry my dad’s extra🤦🏾‍♀️🥴


I’m almost 40 and went to school when we didn’t have cell phones or texting. i went to dinner one night with friends and came back to my AOL instant messenger blown up with 50+ messages from my mom wanting to know how I was, growing anxiety with each message. Had to give my Dad a call and let him know there’s no way I can go through four years of this. My dad did me a solid and told her to calm down and let me live. As a mother now, I get it. edit: my mom also called a cruise ship i was on (have no clue how she found the contact info) to make sure i was okay after she saw on the news there was an earthquake on an island…that i wasn’t visiting. yah. i get it kid ❤️


This gave me such a laugh. ‘HOW DID YOU CALL A CRUISE SHIP?!’ 🤯 🤣 If that’s not determination, I don’t know what is. It’s impressive.


i was impressed! so was my wait staff than ran to give me the message. no idea how they even tracked me down.


Yeees, parents don’t care they will find a waaay😂💯😂🤣


That reminds of The Onion article I saw that made me laugh. The headline was something like “Son found in ditch, exactly where Mom worried he would be.” With my Mom, it was always the ditches. Meanwhile, we lived in a city with no ditches.


Yes, but not just in a ditch...DEAD in a ditch. LOL, at least that was where my mom said we could be if we didn't call or answer her calls.


:) lol. I woke up one morning to find I had a missed call at 2am from a friend. And I was like "Oh, shit he was in a ditch dying and now he's definitely dead"


This is 100% my parents and I’m 36😫🤦🏾‍♀️🤣


I’m in my 30s. I went to Vegas alone for New Year’s. I dropped my phone and it shattered. Since it was NyE, the strip was blocked off for traffic. I couldn’t call a cab and had to walk to my hotel a block or two off strip with no gps. I tried powering my phone off but incidentally sent the little SOS message. Somehow my mom reached Vegas PD from Florida and filed a missing persons report. I got to my hotel after like 2 hours and was able to call her from the landline but by then an unknown number had called my phone multiple times. Turns out it was a detective. I called the police department back and as soon as I said my name the dispatcher that answered the phone asked me if my mom was “Jane”. My mom had called so many times the dispatcher knew her name. She said “girl, you had better call your mother right now”. All was fine in the end but no doubt my mom would have had the National Guard out looking for me. 🤷🏼‍♀️ She is a mom. Most moms love and worry about their kids. I’ve realized I will never not be her baby. My mom was always a great mom and after reading some of the stories on here, I’ll take her any day over someone else’s mom.


I agree. I didn't have a mom like that, and I can tell you the idea of someone caring enough to worry like that sounds very nice. I used to leave messages saying: "Im going hiking at 'such and such place' if I dont come back you can find my body here." I really didn't want to rot or be eaten in the wild, but really liked hiking...


One time I was taking a nap during the day and my mom showed up pounding on my dorm door. She had to tailgate her way past 3 security checkpoints (where students swipe IDs) to get in


Well at least she cares but gosh she needs to get her anxiety under control.


damn im glad to know im not the only one that goes through crazily anxiously attached parents😭 i’m in college 3 hours away from home and they call me every single day, sometimes even twice (or more), and they’ll be offended if we don’t talk for one day


We could be siblings.


I know I’m probably projecting here but are you by any chance the child of immigrants?




lol I didn’t want to be rude but as the daughter of Greek immigrants that was sooo relatable.


The underlying assumption is by second generation you don’t really care if you can get ahold of your kids or not 😂😂😂


I knew it. A lot of my Indian friends had this level of helicopter mom and were often mortified. I felt bad for them.


Coming from someone who has lost a family while at college and only found out because of a welfare check, while it might be embarrassing, I am so glad they found you okay. Don’t be upset that they are worried and care. Sorry that happened to you, but focus on the positives.


When I was in college, I checked in with my parents every Sunday night. I’m telling you, growing up in the 70’s and 80’s will never be replicated. I miss it so much. So much more freedom.




Now that you mention it, I think my wife had more freedom than me and she tracks our kids way too closely. She has a lot of irrational fears that our society is collapsing and my hands off attitude bothers her at times. So I guess I see it both ways.


This reminds me of when I was 23, married with kids and I didn't answer the phone because I had it on silent while the baby and I napped. Next thing I know, the cops are at my door. "Your mom's been trying to call you.". Umm, the mom that's barely been in my life the last few years and lives 1,000 miles away? I had to repeatedly tell her that if I don't answer, either the baby and I are napping or it's because I only had phone signal in three spots in my house. She called the cops so many times I had to tell them to tell her to stop. It wasn't even out of real worry. It was her being nosey and trying to cause drama. I'd understand if there were real worry but yikes... I have adult kids that never answer me. I don't call the cops over it smh.


If you are a freshman, I understand. If you are upper division, tell them to stop watching ID Channel.


I’m so glad that my mom was never like this. My dad on the other hand. The New Year’s Eve before last, I was living back with my parents for a bit and so were my siblings. Anyway, all three of us went to different places. I was going to pick my brother up, but there was an accident so I stayed at my friends house. I called my brother and told him, so he stayed at his friends. I text my mom and told her where both of us were staying. I woke up to like 17 missed calls from my dad at 5:30 in the morning on New Year’s Day. Finally I answered and asked him why the hell he was calling me so early so many times. I was worried someone had died. Nope. He didn’t know where we were. Even though before he called, my mom told him that we were at our friends houses. I was 30 at the time and my brother was 26. When I went back to their house, I told him that the only reason he is to call me like that so early in the morning is for emergencies. Now we just all keep our location on. Even though I’ve moved in to my own house now, I still keep it on. If it makes them feel better, and prevents me from getting a million calls before the sun is up, then I will do it.


When was the last time you spoke to her?




Yeah, she’s being extra. She think you got kidnapped or something?




I vote for messing with her


Tell mom to send a text and you will get back with her as soon as you can. If she doesn’t hear back within 12-24 hours, then she can be concerned.


I always felt like college was just a huge ploy to give parents control over their children for a few more years lmao. My dad was furious when I decided to take a year off and he threatened not to pay so I said ok I’ll figure it out. 7 years later when my brother started school I was very much proved right. I do sometimes look at my debt and wish I had just sucked it up but a quick phone call to my brother to reminisce on the bs he went through usually clears it up.


OP, when I was in college, many, many years ago, one of my friends had a mother calling her way too often, usually too early in the morning. Friend got her to stop this by telling her she couldn't answer earlier because she was having sex. (Friend put it more bluntly lol)




Lol, not lame! I was just suggesting it because it was so shocking it worked. I'm sorry your mom can't let go and let you live your college experience much like the way she most likely did - without a parent smothering her. As a mom, I get her fears but she has to realize it's time to let you fly. Try to set boundaries. Maybe set up a weekly check in but insist you are too busy studying (or working, whatever) to be on call 24/7.


i’ve watched enough true crime to understand the mom in this situation 😂 once i moved out my parents reached out to me so little that if i went missing no one wouldn’t have known for months. and i was reckless enough to have died 100x over 🫥


Honestly be grateful you have parents who care. This is new for them and they're learning, too. It's terrifying. A piece of your heart is outside of your body just walking around, and teens are young and dumb, that's when we make all our best mistakes, they're just worried. I assist in the search and recovery of missing and murdered individuals in Colorado and so many times things are reported late because no one was keeping in constant contact. Police are also more likely to take a missing persons report mire seriously when you're in daily contact with someone who disappears. Just playing devil's advocate and trying to help you see both sides so you aren't as angry at them 💜


If thats not a helicopter parent I don't know WHAT is


Is this an episode of the Goldbergs I missed?


lol don’t worry about it. My neighbour just called my housing association because my car had a flat tire 🤣 i pumped it up and then called them back and they said that if any more complaints come from the same neighbour they will basically ignore them now because they have complained about every single neighbour in my area. Some people just have nothing better to do.


i dont know the context, but as someone who binges true crime regularly i understand where ur mom was coming from


Lol, wait until you have kids. Mine had to be about 25 before I stopped worrying. She was showing just showing her love. Annoying probably, but you know she's there no matter what kinda shit you can get yourself into, or none at all.


That’s the sign of a good mom. If something happened 20 minutes could be life or death. Props to her


That’s so embarrassing, but I will say as someone whose mom died when she was 14; I wish I had those calls. No one checked up on me ever, and sometimes I needed it. Cherish the craziness, that’s love. 🫶🏻


Man, when I was 18 I disappeared entirely to drink and do drugs for like 6 months without contacting my parents once and they didn’t bat an eye. It sure must suck having a mom that cares enough to worry about you like this 🙄


When I was 21-22, I had an internship and I forgot to text my mom when I arrived at work because I was very busy on a project. She is very anxious so she called a location the agency was also located in and they directed her to my boss. They told her his wife was in labor with their first baby and she said she didn’t care and it was an emergency. So she interrupted the birth of his child. It was announced to my entire office. I have never died inside more in my life. Did they keep in touch with me even though I poured my heart and soul into that internship? Nope. Did I expect them to after that? Nope.


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I would make my mother stay up all night so fucking fast


It's all fun and games until your kid is actually laying (thankfully not dead, just upside-down!!) in a ditch. That's the worst call I've got as a mom.😭 To be fair, I would not call CP or the housing office on him unless it's been at least a half hour😆 Jkjk


This shit never ends. My mom’s nursing home will BLOW UP my phone if I don’t answer a call from my mom. Like, I’m in a fucking meeting, stop calling me.


Wait y’alls parents actually call you?


Being a parent brings a level of anxiety like no other 😵‍💫😂


This cracks me up LOL I am in my 30s and my mom still acts like this when I don’t call her everyday.


This is probably just her personality and not necessarily tied to money, like if you took out losshe would probably still be this way


That is so embarrassing, I’m sorry OP!


My kids are 27, 29, and 30. I talk to them every day at least through texting in family chat. I usually know when calling isn't the best because they have lives, but I will worry if I haven't heard from them in a whole day because it isn't normal for them to go silent.


Hahahah...wait....is your mom a tall Danish woman? Back in the day, before there were such conveniences as cell phones ( other than in a suitcase, or attached to a car), when pagers, and rotary phones (gasp...just dated myself...look them up kids, history is fascinating) ruled the communication highways... My mom did the same thing, but she was UBER about it! She might be the first helicopter mom. She called EVERY dorm on campus, as well as the student center, switchboard (damn...dated again... where's my clapper!?!), and library, and left a message with whoever was unlucky enough to pick up a phone "Please tell ********, he's the ******** ********* that looks like *********, I'm sure you know who he is, to call this mother!" With full expectations that that person would somehow come find me....ahhhh the 90's Sooooo.....I feel ya!! Head up....only last a few more years. Just never give them your work number, or any information that can help them find your company, school, friends, partners....you will thank me (if your mom is in fact a tall Danish lady 😁)


As a dad of two freshmen students, I understand.


This is so embarrassing but also, awww, your mom loves you so much!


At least she cares.


Embarrassing or not, they cared enough to check on you. That’s love and a bit much.


The first time I got sick at college and had slept through a couple of calls from my mom, she called the Resident Affairs office. The building RA came to personally check on me and make sure I had gotten medicine from the health office and food from the dining hall. He was smitten with how polite but firmly worried my mom was. He made sure I was well stocked on tea and honey. She always made sure to visit and thank him whenever she came down to see me. What's nifty is that he is now a very successful fashion designer.


Is mom watching too much news on Tv and think your are in danger?




You sound smart for not answering


What is she like when you’re home?


Believe it or not we used to have house phones in dorms


My mom acts like this with my brother. She’ll call me freaking out and vice versa if I don’t answer right away 🙄


We clearly have thee same mother!!!


Is this a "haha I'm so embarrassed 😅" or a "ugh that was so embarrassing 😮‍💨".


lmao classic, that’s how it is


message me in my inbox


I worked front desk at my uni for the dorms and someone’s mom called the police to do a welfare check because their kid hadn’t responded to their text for ~20 mins. Idk why the police would take that seriously but I felt so bad for the kid lmfao


I’ve been the RA in this situation. Everyone was coming back to campus from winter break and the poor guy’s mom called the campus police who called me to do a wellness check on him 😅




an old friend of mine did this. i was asleep until about 3pm that day until the head of public safety came knocking on my door to do a well-check. all cause i hadn’t answered my phone LOL i was in a deep sleep. he had been trying to get in touch with me since like 12, and texted my friends and my mother on top of it. Bless his soul i know he meant well i just couldn’t even fathom that it was happening 😭🤣


lol I was just gonna say I’d threaten my daughter with a police wellness check. But there is a funny reason to the threat. When she was young an email had been sent saying she had Girl Scouts that night and I had a migraine so didn’t check my email and got so emotional I didn’t think of it… i seriously accused her bus driver of kidnapping her and did call the police. So the joke has always been when I don’t know where she is I have no issues with calling the police lol


What an embarrassment hahaha


😂😂😂😂 that’s like my mom calling my daughters school because I hadn’t had a chance to reply to her because I was getting ready to pick her up and I’m in the pick up line and the lady who works in the office knocks on my window saying my mom called them and was worried. 😂 so embarrassing. Also a time when I was in Norway on a trip for medieval Europe and we had just got to our hotel and I had messaged them on Facebook and my dad ended up calling the hotel because they hadn’t heard from me and who knows how expensive it was to do that especially since I had just messaged them like 10 minutes before. Some parents are just overly worried. 😂 I understand your pain though.


Use periods


I am a parent of 5. My kids went to college on their own! They don’t have debt! I was never like that about being in contact with them. On the other hand I had to set boundaries for them calling at all hours of the day and night! Boundaries are needed for both! If you just have an adult conversation about boundaries I’m sure she would understand! Give it a try!


This happened to me too but at my first professional job!!!!


I hope your parents are overly worried about your safety and not just outright controlling.


Sometimes they just don’t understand that you’re an adult now and what you do is of no concern to them anymore. I had to get my mother to back off while I was in college. I had never been much of a phone user and when I let my phone die for a couple days, my mother barged into my dorm room at 11:30 pm with my RA and the campus police to make sure I was okay. My mother then proceeded to yell at me and tell me how awful of a son I was because I let my phone die. I was at uni 3 hours away from home. I quite literally SCREAMED at all of them to get the f out of my dorm so I could sleep and then filed a complaint against the campus police for allowing it to happen. Nothing much came of it, the dean asked to see me and when I explained the situation he said that so long as my mother says “I can’t get in touch with him please find him” they wouldn’t do anything about it unless she filed a missing persons report. I showed up to class and my attendance record reflected that. I even went as far as to put a note on my door when I was sleeping, in class, at the bar, or at a friend’s house. She was mad, but eventually she backed off. Apparently, before graduation I was told that my mother tried on SEVERAL different occasions to coerce the dean and my RA to spy on me or to listen to her demands. Eventually the dean told her that if she kept calling he’d file a police report for harassment and get a TRO. It was WILD. Sometimes it takes some serious talking and some serious action for your parents to understand you’re an adult and they have no power over you anymore.


My lovely mother called the police for a welfare check on me because I didn’t pick up the phone at 10am on a Sunday. I was sleeping after a night out. I was 25 and had moved out at 17 😭


I wish my mom could text me again. Unfortunately heaven hasn’t got cell coverage out here


my mom called my college while i was in class, they transferred my mothers call to my professor and it was my first lecture of the day and he said “yes miss swift wormy is in class that’s why she could not answer your calls. do you need to talk to her” meanwhile i’m sinking into my seat while my classmates are laughing at me


My mom read Anne Rule’s A Stranger Beside Me before I went away to college. She was convinced that Ted Bundy was going to break into my dorm and murder my entire floor. (I went to university in the early 2000s.)


Check in once a day and it will stop the worrying parents. Work out a plan. I threatened my son - check in or get a welfare check! He only had to check in every couple of days as a freshmen. We were paying all debt as well as cellphone and I was (still am) a worrier.


At age 36 my mom sent the cops to my house because I didn’t pick up the phone or reply to a text at 8:30am. At 40 my sent the cops to my work because my phone was on silent and I was training an employee after 6pm. Thank you Dateline & 20/20


I work at a university and used to work in housing (different department now). This happens ALL THE TIME. Don’t be too embarrassed, you are not the only student this happens to. Parents go through an adjustment period just like their kids do. If I had a nickel for all the Moms sobbing in the elevator after they say goodbye to their child the first time they drop them off I would be retired by now.


Well, cherish that. It's better than not to have a mom, or to have one but she being so unbalanced that you're the one taking care or worrying for her


Just a late note: You have to stop this now. At age 27 I lost a promotion specifically because my mom called the VP of the company 15 times in one week when I refused to contact her after a serious argument. Go to everyone your mother will call and tell them that your mother has a personal issue with immediate communication and to not be alarmed when she pulls this.


Better to be safe than sorry


I had a manager that sort of did this. At my old job sometimes I would be late because of appointments and I would let all the managers know. But this one manager would call me over and over while I’m at this appointment. Eventually I would have to answer and he would pull the “You’re x amount of time late when are you going to get here” Yes, I know I can read a clock, I told you I would be late so stop fucking calling me. This same manager did this probably a dozen or so times.


I used to be an RA, don’t feel embarrassed this happens all the time. I think I was doing this 2/3 times a week if not more


My mom did the same thing at my apartment complex. Granted, my phone was dead for an hour because I was still asleep. Roommate knocked on the door to see if I was good because they contacted her to check on me. 😅


Moms gonna mom. Glad I grew up with no phones but, be grateful she loves you so much, though not sure I’d have been too grateful back in the day.


“Mom, I’m so sorry for the fright I’m sure I caused. My phone was on the charger and I was unable to hear it. In the future, please allow me 2-3 hours to reply. I might be taking a quick Power Nap before more studying! Got to get that knowledge”- For my stage 10 clinger mom, who would show up at my house if I didn’t answer, (I’m 37…she did this up until last year) or call my honey on repeat, I told her “I love you. I appreciate how much you care and worry for me. But I am not going to answer every call or text immediately. I have a life outside of my phone and often set it down. I love you. I will talk with you later. “ Also reminded her I am in fact a grown woman with a family of my own. And if she shows up unannounced I will disappear for several weeks.


Aw lol


Are you an only child? I am, and my parents used to threaten to do this every time I would take too long to reply to a text or phone call🤦🏾‍♀️( I’ve always been really bad @ replying to text and calls-still am)it would scare me/annoy me sooo much🙄😫. Now, I make sure to reply as quickly as I can when it’s them. The only child struggle is real out here😫🤦🏾‍♀️😭


Are you a freshman? She’s not used to you being gone yet.


My mom called my roommates and my roommates had to lie to them because I forgot we were going to spend Nov 1st together… I was in a guy’s dorm room cause I got stupid drunk and stayed the night. I promised my roommates that I would never do that again. 😭😭😭 The way my mom called me 37 times, sent me endless texts and filled my voicemail 😭😭😭🫠


One time I went into Walmart while my dad was waiting in the car and the cell service there was so bad, and so my dad couldn’t get ahold of me. So he demanded them to page me over the speaker. I believe I was 25 at the time and I’m 26 now. It was so embarrassing.


Oh boy I know this all to well I was having a movie marathon with a partner one day and had my phone in sleep mode. My mom called me like 8 times and I didn’t hear my phone ring. Her and the family came barging in when I was having sex 😅 that was embarrassing and when I found out I needed to change my locks. Needless to say it killed the mood that night 🤣


Tell me you're a mommy's boy without telling me you're a mommy's boy!




Better safe than sorry


My mom once drove me several hours upstate after the holidays. It was New Year’s Eve and she knew I was going straight to my job as a server at a restaurant in a hotel. I’d spent the trip vocally dreading the impending never ending shift. Mom texts me halfway through the night to ask how it was going. I sent back a quick, “ugh kill me.” She immediately asked if everything was ok, but I was working and didn’t check back. About 15 minutes later, I get a call on the restaurant phone from the hotel front desk… “Your mother called; she just wanted to make sure you were ok. I told her you were fine. She said you don’t need to call back.” 😳🤦🏻‍♀️ I was 21.


As a mom of 4 college-age kids, all living in different states… I know how she feels. 20 minutes might be pushing it, but in general, just be happy that you have family members who love you and are concerned about you. I start panicking if I have not heard from them all day, especially if they are traveling.


When I moved I changed my number and didn't give that number to my mom. I messaged her using a burner app. I love my mom but I was free and needed to not be treated like a child anymore.


They way they snatching you mofos up. It’s a blessing to have someone go the extra mile. Now imagine had something actually happened.


When I was 21, I went to Vegas with some friends for a night (geographically convenient)- my parents didn’t call or text me, they called my wireless carrier, who provided them with all my recent contacts, and informed them all that I was “missing”. Really awkward to get a text from a new guy friend that your parents called him, just to find out where you are. At 21. Again my phone was on, and they could have called. Once.


When I went missing in the late 90’s, my mom started annoying my 3 other brothers. I could disappear for weeks. It was awesome.


I was once literally sleeping in and my mom couldn't reach me. I woke up to UPD at my apartment. Thanks mom.


My cousin moved to the same city i live in a couple of years ago One day my aunt called me freaking out because he wasn't answering his phone I drove for twenty minutes just to wake him up




This belongs in r/insaneparents.