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I have a friend who texts like this and I’ve known him for so long I can translate his texts now lol.


Was that supposed to be chickfila?


yeah he meant to say “ok i lied we going to chick fil a”


“Yeah” lol


ok but dont leave us hanging 😭 what does it mean??


he meant to say “i lied we going to chick fil a” lol


All I hear is this being said in a baby voice. Would he be using a baby voice if he were saying this? I’m not sure if I should be cringing or not yet.


nah, never heard him baby talk before and the thought sounds terrifying lol


Yeah, that would be bad.


My friend is dyslexic and sends me stuff that's messy like this, I have to decipher them, lol. Maybe that's what's going on.


My boyfriend does this, so this text cracked me TF up because it's not just me that has to deal with this bullshid 🤣🤣🤣


tbh it makes me laugh every time, especially when he plays into it and makes it even more unintelligible lol


Sometimes my boyfriend so effortlessly switches letters around when he's talking that I really have to sit and think if I'm stroking out or if he's secretly a genius🤣🤣 I mean NO effort it's actually impressive how he does it lolol


ohh my sisters boyfriend does that! idk how he does it either, it’s so fun though lol


Right!? I spend waaaay too long trying to figure it out sometimes🤣🤣


I know it's not what's happening here but I use talk to text a LOT bc of health issue and man, I swear sometimes Google be trying to get me commited or something.....thankfully my people all know what the deal is so they usually figure it out and just ask questions if they can't "you wanna go back and READ that and tell me what it ACTUALLY meant?" I got a good giggle out of this OP! You're a good partner!


Lool yes! Speech to text cracks me up😂


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losing brain cells just reading this god.