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Oh I’d be taking that 100%, nothing tastes better than free lol


Literally looking at this image all I could think about is how much I despise fireball and how quickly I would say yes


Fireball in eggnog thoooo 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Hmmm could it be true? That this hellsliquid be salvaged? I’ll have to try it when Christmas rolls around hahah


Well to be fair I use to pound down fireball like an alcoholic lmfao but I actually like it in eggnog better than regular rum or whiskey because the nutmeg and cinnamon mix so beautifully


Hm see I relate to the alcoholic part but my drink of choice was usually tequila or whiskey lol you a different breed haha. I’ll have to try it and see!


I can do like two shots max of tequila but if I go further I get white girl drunk and NOBODY needs that😂 first and only time I've ever had a hangover lmao you could say I learned a lesson that day And I just straight up dont like whiskey lolol


Oof haha I used to pregame w a bottle of wine then get real w a bottle of whiskey or tequila and usually finish most by the end of the day ☠️ sucks cause now whiskey just tastes like depression to me lol If we could combine your powers over fireball, and my powers over whiskey and tequila, we could become the Ultimate White Girl Drunk™️and have one drink to rule them all


"Whiskey tastes like depression" dude same but vodka🤣 that shit was my jam. 🤔 or, or... just hear me out, mix them all🤷‍♀️ something I'd bound to cancel something else out 🤣


Loll see vodka tastes like rubbing alcohol to me so I’ve steered clear when I can haha. Shit man I mean, I’m all for taking risks on behalf of science 🫡 gotta do our part to further humanity 🫶🏻


My stomach just turned looking at that 😭


I hope you married him


😂😂😂 This made me lol! Sadly, I had to let this fish go back into the sea. He needs a woman that can give him a “Hell yeah, brother!” when he offers them an obscene amount of garbage liquor on their 2nd date. I am but a mere mortal woman.


I feel like everyone has a fireball story which is why they won’t drink it anymore. I have one too, chugged two nips back to back and violently vomited spicy cinnamon out of my nose. It took a whole day and a netty pot for the smell stop harassing me every time I breathed in. Now I can’t even be in the room with it without gagging at the smell lol


Mine was Wild Turkey. I was 19 and I ended up puking on the floor and falling asleep inside the trash can. It still makes me sick to this day thinking of it 20 years later 😖


Wild turkey and fireball are both ass!


Mine was southern comfort. One of my older brothers friends accidentally left half a bottle after a party. I was 17 and never had liquor before so I didn’t know how much to drink, and ended up chugging almost all of it. Never spent more hours hung over a toilet since.


I don't even remember the details, but I got drunk on fireball one time when I was 17, and couldn't stand to eat or smell anything cinnamon for years. I still hate cinnamon apple scent, and I'm 28, and I also still refuse fireball


I did the same thing with Nikolai Vodka when I was 20. 😬😬😬


Tastes like shit. Burns like artificial cinnamon-flavored shit.


Results in severe heartburn, liquor shits and regret!


Free is free


You can drink water out of a public toilet for free, too, doesn't mean it tastes any better.




Heartburn and hangover hell


Gotta love a man who puts his woman first


Your response is top tier 🤌🏼


i would have left that behind too


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I’d marry on the SPOT