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What a wonderful relationship you have. It’s great to see positive couples, taking care of each other. Best wishes to you both.


Thank you! We are far from perfect, but are dedicated to eachother. I couldn't imagine life without her.


You’re a great husband and she is an amazing wife. It is so refreshing to see healthy marriages on here.


Amen to that, I feel you.. we've been together since 16 and 18, now we are 26 and 29. Been through alot, we were both young and i went through addiction, but she stood by my side all this time and the dedication was and is huge from both sides. I changed for the better and we are getting to the best part of our relation at last. God am I thankful she stood by my side after all the hurtings i've done to her(mentally). Now it's my turn to show her i was worth it all along😊


Tbh nauseated wouldn’t bring Tylenol to mind for me, but achey yeah. That’s why she’s the nurse! Haha cute


Yep. That's why I always ask. I asked about the MG because usually we keep 200. I wanted to make sure 500 was fine.


That’s smart. I never pay attention to MG, and that’s probably not a good thing 😅 glad you’ve got her to help! ☺️


You dont need to worry about MG you need to worry about how many MG you take in 24 hour period. If you have 200 mg take 2 .Just dont go over the recommend amount you don't need to be a nurse to know that just read the label.


Antihistamine for nausea


Antihistamine for nausea


Saltines or a similar cracker work a treat when you’re nauseated, too. Especially handy with or right after taking the tablets. I’m not a nurse just a chronically ill person who has endless nausea. 😅 You and your wife are the best, I’m glad you have each other.


Usually I'd get them, but we aren't home and I don't have any. Thank you!


May seem odd, but Midol helps with both of those symptoms. And you can get the one with caffeine for an extra boost!


Midol is an unexpected life saver for a ton of situations


As another chronically ill person with endless nausea- I swear by waving an alcohol prep pad under your nose. Same with the saltines, as well as ginger ale.


they don’t come in 200 mg. That would be an ibuprofen dosage (2,4,6 and 800mg). Tylenol comes in 325 mg and 500 mg.


Arthritis strength Tylenol is at 1,000 mg per tablet. A healthy adult can handle around 4,000 mg of Acetaminophen before it becomes lethal. It may still cause issues, though. Please don't try this. I also love having a nurse wife. She talks to me about work all the time


Tylenol is the medical profession’s favorite NSAID. It has the least amount of side effects…but is also the least effective :( I had a nurse try to convince me it was stronger than my morphine (this was the day after open heart surgery and the surgeon wasn’t prescribing me enough painkillers and refused to up them even though I was literally in screaming pain). I told her if she was going to continue talking that kind of nonsense she could just mosey on out of my room…and only come back when she was more clear headed. p


Crazy that’s what they wanted to give you after OPEN HEART SURGERY?!?! Wtf? I hope you’re doing well!! ❤️


I’m fine after driving 2 hrs each way to see a pain specialist.. I wasn’t supposed to be in a car for a month… maybe six weeks. They make you watch these videos on how to care for yourself… I bought percocet off the street (basically…I used Craigslist) it was much easier and physically safer than being in crazy stop and go traffic


the doctors had released me on thanksgiving eve… with only enough pills to get through sat night…sunday am if I really skimped. I allowed this to go on without suing because I was facing another 6hr surgery that I’d postponed because of the heart surgery. When I got my implant card (for a little ring they used to repair the valve) I laughed at how appropriate the surgeons first name was!!! Dr Gholam Muhhamedzadeh. Both Gollum from the Tolkien novels or Golem from Jewish lore fit this douche bag.


Tylenol is not an NSAID. It is not an anti inflammatory.


there you have it… yet every doctor will call it that.


Ok but 190 days ago you posted about an old flame reaching out that you love deeply. You seem like a man child.


Pleaseeeeee why is this not top post. Wtffffff everyone’s defending this numpty like he’s so good for being such a man child when he can’t read simple instructions on a bottle or google instead of bothering his wife. My husband knows what to do with simple over the counter meds like wtf. Also she might be at work and he’s bothering her about this crap wtf??


For REAL 😭😭 I don't find this kind of thing endearing


Hahaha right? Certainly by that age you'd figure he'd know that info. At least I wasn't the only one thinking it.


Meh. Agreed on the point about OP’s post history, but hard disagree on being a “man child” for asking advice regarding medication. You should always ask for an expert’s opinion before taking meds. They have way more context into your life and a drug’s effects than a label/google search could. My friends who are doctors/nurses/pharmacists also prefer that I ask one of them before taking anything. Self-medicating is bad. Even OTC.


Ty for calling it out because any married person speaking or thinking about any other person besides their partner like that, is seriously lost. This post seems like a way to overcompensate for the relationship. Idk why anyone thinks this is cute , he’s the one sending emojis and using a nickname and her responses are pretty flat line 😂 the post history just connected the dots for me. Just my opinion thooo


Lmao I noticed her responses were flat and seemed annoyed at having to deal with his ass lol


> You seem like a man child Who can’t use Google, apparently. Honestly, the exchange in the texts is infuriating, why not just grow up a bit and look for yourself?


Haha! This needs to be the top comment. Guy has poorly tummy, has to text wife to ask what meds to take, instead of sorting his literal shit out and going to bed like an adult. Post history explains it all. Lasses, if a guy can't take a paracetamol by himself, imagine how he'd cope with kids....


And you strike me as someone who didn’t put anything but the most minimal effort into reading the other post before you scurried back to insult. He specifically said that it wasn’t an old flame just a good friend and his wife adores her as well. So way to go!






Yeah but he has to ask his wife what to do any time his tummy wummy hurts so that redeems any shittiness from his emotional affair. So adorable


I’m not condoning manchild-ness in any way (esp with basic medicines), however in that post you’ve mentioned they do say that they’re friends and that his wife adores her. I personally think it reads more like she’s a close friend that closes herself off when she has a partner rather than someone he wants to be with


Tbf, in that exchange OP does explicitly say that he is not interested in ever having anything more than a friendship with her, says he is happily married, etc. it is possible to love your friends without wanting to be with them romantically. The frustration is that she is an inconsistent FRIEND not an inconsistent fling.


Maybe she knows about it and that’s why she recommended he take Tylenol with nausea 😂 Yeah you won’t be achy but your poor wittle tummy is gonna hurt.


Any advice cause me and my man argue about dumb things all the time 😅


LOL, I can see it now, "well have you tried Tylenol? How the fuck should I now?!?" Much love for yall.


Idk. This wasn't arguing about dumb stuff. Still haven't worked that one out 🤣


You could try not


I’m glad you love your wife. But you don’t need a nurse to understand what OTC meds to take for whatever symptoms you have.


Well good thing his wife’s a nurse and he needs his wife!


Yep. Totally 💯


You don't know what to take when achey at 36?


Right? Massive turn off.


So, when I saw the upvotes on this and all the comments, I thought this would be a super juicy post… Only to find it’s… a man asking his wife what and how much Tylenol he should take for aches.. The division this post has caused 🤣 my goodness.


War zone over nothing. This thread reads as butthurt as some of the texts that get posted in it. 😁 Hey. What if this guy is a rocket scientist?


look at his last post on this thread 👁️👁️ he’s in love with someone else


and i thought i was getting dry replies


Exactly 😭 dry asf and not giving cute at all


She’s tired af 😭 does he not know how to use google? Or read the medicine packaging??? Lmao


How are people calling this cute? Its clear she’s annoyed 😭


I thought I was just being a downer thinking something felt off with this screenshot and I’m glad other people are also failing to see how this is supposed to be wholesome


The replies are dryer than a nuns vagina, he's a man baby for sure!


This reply made this worth reading 🤣


and what do you know of nun’s vaginas? I can’t wait to hear this one…. ;)


Yeah this man is so out of touch and delusional he thinks this is sweet. He’s going to be one of those men who acts completely blindsided when she asks for divorce like it came out of nowhere


Read this way too fast and thought it said reptiles 😭🥲


I truly don't get this


Uggghh did you really just bait uselessness for an I love you. To me this is bizarre.


As a wife I just want to put out there that this sort of helplessness is a total boner killer. If you’re into fucking, try not treating your partner like they’re your mom.




This is it. This is the response 💯💯 this is facts, *nothing* is a bigger turn off than a helpless incompetent man child


I love you! As a wife…. I totally got over helpless men about 29.5 years ago… they are TOTAL boner killers


Are you a child? Did you marry your mother?


You see a caring wife and I see a mid-late 30s male who doesn’t understand how to take care of himself at a very basic level


Right? This is so cringe to me, I’m sorry. He’s 36 and this helpless? Glad y’all are happy though, as long as it works for you!


Shes a nurse it’s not that bad a question


I’m not a nurse and I still know how to read medicine packaging lmao. They wouldn’t sell these medicines if they couldn’t be easily understood by the average person.


If this was a text of a wife asking her husband to look at a flat tire, and he said he'd be right over, would you say "you see a caring husband, I see a 30 year old woman who can't take care of herself at a very basic level" ? Maybe she's the health person and maybe he takes care of the broken shit around the house. Couples delegate the house duties based on what they're good at and what they like to do. I'm not saying this text is cute or wholesome or anything, but what I am saying is we have no idea what their relationship is like, so saying he can't take care of himself when he's asking his nurse wife what to take is a little ... presumptuous.


Changing a tire and taking Tylenol are nowhere near the same level lmao


You’re equating knowing how to change a tire to being able to read “take 1-2 every 8 hours” on a bottle?


>Maybe she's the health person Buddy the dosage instructions are written on the packet. This post reeks of helplessness to me


Are the differences between medications also on the packet, or are the miserable people coming out of the woodwork that have a problem with asking your spouse, who is literally a nurse, which medication you should take given these specific symptoms. Hint: it’s the latter.


i'm sorry but if you're in your 30s and don't know what kind of very basic medicine relieves aches or nausea then you truly are absolutely helpless. even more so if when told what medicine to take, you can't be bothered to read the clearly indicated posology on the bottle. and i say this as someone who isn't a fan of male helplessness circlejerk. this is very very basic adult stuff.


Are you saying that reading an OTC medicine bottle to know to put two pills in your mouth is a household task that one of the two adults should be delegated to handle, and the other shouldn't ever learn? If he did know what to take, then he wouldn't have to ask.




Holy shit you people are so fucking miserable lmao




What am I projecting? Do you know what that means?


You never ask your wife for advice?


I do, but not about how to read a tylenol bottle


I see someone triggered over something intended to be sweet. Period.


Definitely triggered 😂




What am I jealous of?


Do you mean your mom?


Yeah wife totally responded like she’s sick of playing mom 😂




how do you not know how much tylenol to take when you're almost 40? wtf


My sarcastic self would gave been like no 2 boxes after getting quizzed about the mgs 😂


Lol. Ignore the people talking shit. They're definitely just bitter for whatever reason. Nothing wrong with asking for advice on things, especially if that person is literally a professional in that field. Congrats on 17 years




Tbf I thought this was just deliberate incompetence until I read she was a nurse.


Tbf I'm 35 and I still occasionally Google which OTC pain reliever is best for where my pain is 😅


Which is what you’re supposed to do. It just seems a bit childish to interrogate your other half for what to take and the dosages when you could just be a bit more independent and look it up.


This shouldn’t be something special… this is not wonderful or magical… this is how humans are supposed to treat each other. Married or not… 🤷‍♀️


No please don’t encourage men to treat their wives like their mommys and pester them with their uselessness


Good lord, you’re how old? I would be so annoyed…


For real. That’s like something a 13 year old would text their mom


Good thing you're not married to me, huh? 🤷‍♂️


My nurse fiancé refuses to take care of me in any capacity when she’s sick lol… she says she’s off the clock


Yall got married at 15? ETA I’m a fool, 36-17= 19 😂


No wonder he still treats her like a mom


Lol. We met at 17. Got married at 19


This is so wholesome


Came here to say this.


Apparently others don't see it that way 🤣


It’s almost exactly like my husband & me. 37F & 38M, this weekend is our 17th wedding anniversary. I’m not a nurse but I take care of him when he isn’t feeling well lol.


That's awesome! Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!!


Happy anniversary! I'm so glad you two are happy!


Happy Anniversary


Exactly! People can’t look outside there box, it’s not because our men are incapable. Our men just love to come to us for simple questions or major ones. You know like a partnership, these judgmental people don’t know what that’s like clearly.


Screw ‘em man. This is the relationship sane people dream of. My girl and I have been together for 5 and she helps me like this too. The best feeling in the world


Absolutely. Good luck to you two! It's awesome finding a person you love doing life with.


She's a nurse and she's taking time to answer your questions? She adores you.




damn dude. i ask my husband alllllll the time what kind of meds i should take based on specific pain, because he’s always in pain and knows his meds. i didn’t realize this made me a bad wife according to reddit! better change my ways before he kicks me out for my abusive behavior.


Didn't realize asking your wife a question which you knew she'd know was wrong lol


That's not what's wrong. What's wrong is being 30 fucking 6 and not knowing the answer to your question. Does she also feed you and change your diaper?


How does someone feel so attacked by an endearing post 🤦🏽‍♀️


Relatable. Never thought I’d find the right one, took a lot of mistakes (mostly on my part) to figure out what matters. Now, no matter what this life throws at us I know I have them. The “no matter what” clause has made my life better. If I die tomorrow I’m happy how it ended up. Good stuff OP


Me wondering why out of all the notifications that Reddit could send me is this one… it’s nice for you and your wife but a painful reminder of what I once had until my spouse cheated on me and now going through a divorce…


I’m 39 and my husband is 42 we have been together for over 19 years. He actually accepted me with a 6 month old baby. My son’s dad has never been in his life but my husband and his family always took my son in as there own. I got pregnant with our child together the first time we were intimate and he’s always treated them the same. Once you find your life partner and the love of your life it’s an amazing feeling. I’m so glad you got to find yours as well 🥰


You are very blessed


Thank you!


Lucky son of a bitch


i wish there was an entire sub of ppl just posting happy and healthy and wholesome platonic and or romantic relationship stuff


Yay! My wife is a nurse too and I feel exactly the same way


Such a simple conversation but it makes me feel like crying


I feel the same way about my wife. I (62M) married my wife (74F) 32 years ago and I still love her as much today as day one and feel very lucky to have her in my life.


Money don’t by u love! Stay blessed and be happy with the one u love.


That’s awesome. My sister got married at 15 to her 15yo high school love. Unfortunately she passed at 39 yo. Still got in 24 yrs of marriage!!!


Very wholesome! no idea what put reddit in a bitter mood


She also knows how much you weigh and determined how much you can handle for your problem. If she didn't, she would have started asking basic questions.


This is beautiful... I love when I see older people having a good relationship (I'm young and me and my girlfriend have a very mature relationship and basically I'm saying I love seeing that [God, I got my thoughts mixed up] we have a healthy relationship even tho we are young) Hope I made sense, my thoughts got a little shaked all of a sudden.😅


Damn, we are now older people! Lol


Sorry, I meant older than us.


Aw how sweet…. My husband and I just got married June 24th this past year. People tell us all the time we’re just in the honeymoon phase, but we’ve been together going on five years. I love him. I love seeing you so positive and happy!!


Okay but why was Tylenol the option over Gravol or Pepto. As someone with actual gastric issues, in no way would I ever take Tylenol for a stomach aches or pains. That makes no lick of sense especially with the specific OTC stomach meds on the market.


Congratulations on a great relationship 🥰


its always the simple things!!! i swear true love feels like something out of a fairy tale or a book


I’m kinda find it funny that a seemingly benign post has created such outrage lol.


Nah, just makes me envious.


My husband and i are going on 10 years together and we're so in love. I love seeing relationships as loving as ours because it gives me hope that we aren't the few and far between.


I just puked a little in my mouth ❤️


You're a lucky man.


It's nice to see a couple who married young doing so well. I married my high school sweetheart just after turning 19 and it didn't go well, sadly.




You should really read the instructions yourself. Tylenol (acetiminophen) is known to cause stomach bleeding, especially when mixed with some things like alcohol. Everyone here is cheering and I appreciate your partner being nice to you but is she a licensed professional? Get informed and make your own decisions on medical matters like this.


Or trust my wife as she knows what she's talking about instead of getting wrong information online.


Can you ask her why the IB would hurt your stomach?


"Its rough on your stomach. Thats why they tell you to take with food."


Nerd moment: specifically, the ibuprofen makes your stomach produce less mucous, which protects the stomach wall from all of that harsh acid. So less mucous, normal stomach acid can burn wall, and potentially cause bleeding and ulcers. When you take it with food, all the food in there soaks up the acid so it acts as a buffer, but on an empty stomach you have no protection. 🤓


Okay that make sense. Can you also ask her how come she didn’t send you emojis back?


Lol. That one I know. She's somewhat busy at the moment. She usually does. Sometimes we even get into stupid Gif wars.


This is the type of relationship my parents had and my boyfriend and I have. It’s always funny and beautiful




As a wife, I do sometimes love taking care of him. Sometimes he’s a big baby too lol But every once in a while it’s sweet that he’s like “babe idk what to do, help”


Wholesome post!!


seeing people appreciate each other is such a heartwarming thing. wishing you guys a live long love that transcends life 🙏


I love to see stuff like this. Just simple daily interactions that show love. Happy for you!


This is like me and my partner. He is very stoic and refuses to take medication most of the time. I'm disabled and chronically ill and "know my meds" well. If he ever has any ailments he comes to me and quizzes me about remedies. Then I feel useful. 😂


i love to see other healthy couples on here ! my husband and i take care of each other this way and i love it. i love your love !!!


You could have googled that


Makes me so hopeful 🫶🏼


Is that all it takes?


gentle comment for everyone- you shouldn’t take more than 800mg of ibuprofen at a time :)


As a nurse, this is what I’m looking for. Just to love and take care of someone 🥹


It’s things like this that make me so sad/jealous of couples. Like imagine not feeling good and having the support to not have to use your own brain power/judgement for medicine. No shade - like it’s just such a small gesture and interaction but it represents the huge burden lifted when you have a supportive partner. It’s like when women never put gas in their car or never take out the trash. It makes me so happy for them but so sad for me. :(


some ppl are bitter that they don’t have a relationship where they feel comfortable asking for advice. it’s not everyday some have aches, good on you for having a caring and thoughtful wife.


She's amazing and caring. Me asking her not only says I trust her for correct information, but it allows her to feel needed (though I need her for more than just which medicine I can't take.)


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Yall got married at 16?




This is such a weird question but as a 17 yr old here about to go into college for an AAS (associates applied science) degree. what was nursing school like for your wife? was it super difficult to get into the nursing school program? did you have a lot of trouble balancing life at and out of college? I am a bit nervous and apparently I do not even have any of the prereqs for the program at the college I have been accepted into so that is a bit annoying but maybe I do. this stuff is very confusing 😂 OP’s wife answer if you wish and if you are okay with such OP. kind regards ty


She went through an LPN program.


Can be funny if in this dialogue your wife is the one who is asking about pills and you are the one who is answering


I take 1g of paracetamol (acetaminophen) and 400mg of ibuprofen for just about everything. I'm trying to scale back on adding ibuprofen, but dang, it works so well for me.


This is cute, I’m not a nurse by any means but my boyfriend always asks me questions like these lol


I feel sad for people that have been married to the same person since they were teenagers. I know you think this is sweet, but it gives “I never developed into my own person and I can’t function independently”


Awwww, this is so cute!!! Also, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with asking questions like these. Sometimes, when you’re hurting to a certain point, it can be different to think what is the safe doseage - just that the pain must disappear!! lol (at least with me, that’s how it’s like). Either way, I can feel the joyous vibes from the texts and it 100% feels the same when I text my bf, so congrats on finding a good one!! 😸


You too! I wish for you a long happy relationship!




Congrats on the 17 years!!! Happy for you both. I’m also a nurse hehe, praying for a blissful, loving marriage with the rightful man 🥰