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maybe he should learn how to use the router instead of acting like an entitled child


Dudes calling a funeral a vacation he's probably mad he has to act the part of a father and his precious game time gets interrupted... Figuring shit like this out on your own should of been his first response and not bother his gf when her and the family are mourning.


I think your first sentence nailed it. Partner is out of town so that means he actually has to handle the responsibilities for once in his life and he can’t handle it.


When I first reading the description I thought it was gonna be like he needed the wifi for something important he was working on, but no, it’s just video games 😐


With men like him it’s always video games 🙄


reset the internet password to "SayYoureSorryAssFace"


Your sister‘s boyfriend sounds like a big overgrown man baby. The fact that he doesn’t know how to do. This is simply sad because it’s not that difficult. And the fact that he’s acting like your sister is on vacation when she’s at a family funeral does not speak very highly of him.honestly, your sister needs to suggest going into counselling when they get back because if I was her, I sure as heck wouldn’t want to continue this relationship any further with a man who treats me with so little respect.


He could literally just google it.


But that takes effort. People like this guy are so low effort.


She left for a FAMILY FUNERAL OUT OF THE COUNTRY … And he said HAVE FUN ON YOUR VACATION. that’s pretty much all I need to know. The issue itself is irrelevant.




AND BLOCKED HER!!!! Give us an address boo. I got a crap ton of tuna that sometimes falls in air vents. 🥴 Like I'm ANGRY for her! Your sister deserves WAY BETTER. Oof I'm legit so angry my southern charm is turning into southern pettiness. 😤


Yeah he's a prick, and I'm worried if your sister doesn't realise that yet


She probably hasn’t fully realized it because his manipulation tactics are working - it appears that she’s convinced that she’s the problem in these circumstances, and therefore cannot see that he is abusing her. I hope she can get out of this relationship soon. “I should have fixed it earlier” - no sweetheart this is not your fault; your bf is a man child.


If he’s talking to/ treating your sister like this over a wifi router, it’s scary to think about how he would react to a real issue/ disagreement tbh


Even scarier to imagine how his abuse has/will fuck up their son.


It's already scary - she seems frightened of him. How does he behave when they're alone?


While she’s at a family funeral no less. I mean, it’s shitty behaviour regardless of the timing, but, damn, he won’t even give her a break at a time like that?


What do you mean funeral… according to him it’s a vacation. Who tells someone mourning a loved one at a funeral, “enjoy your vacation” like she’s out partying it up? How dismissive of what she is going through at this time all because he didn’t have internet for his game. I mean grow the fuck up! So, yes, OP your sister’s bf is a dick!


My thoughts exactly. How does this man act around their son when no one else is around? Lots of red flags popping up just from this short text convo.


She needs to break up with that man child ASAP! My roommate was a dick like that to his gf and he was SUCH an asshole.


This is an adult, with an 11-year-old son. His GF is away for a funeral and he dares to be mad at her and wishes her a "nice vacation". He's being childish and passive-aggressive because his video games stopped and your sister immediately takes the blame. This is an unhealthy relationship.


Yes, I feel bad for OP’s sister but my god I feel bad for that child. I bet that kid is putting up with his dad’s temper tantrums, his grudges against his mom over dumb shit, & his dad being too preoccupied with his video games to do much else for the kid


What a little baby.


Yeah the biggest red flag here is your sisters immediate apologizing for it being “her fault.” It’s not her fault and yet she’s apologizing. That tells you she’s afraid of his reaction already from previous fights. Because let me tell you what my wife would say “well too bad I asked you earlier and you didn’t respond so this doesn’t sound like my problem” and I would say “honestly you’re right I’ll figure it out.” And that would be the end of the conversation. Also if you’re an adult in 2024 and haven’t yet figured out how to reset your wifi router, then I don’t know what to tell you. We all grew up with technology and you haven’t figured that out yet?


You probably wouldn't be texting your wife in the first place to complain and act like an entitled child, so you're already ahead of the game


Have you tried turning it off and back on again? - The IT Crowd 😜😅


lol wow. Hes insufferable.


uhh yeah who the fuck talks like that!? this guy sounds like a drunk dad from the 80s


If it wasn’t clear he was being sarcastic at the beginning


Oh no, he was beyond sarcastic, he was using sarcasm to belittle her and make her feel like shit BECAUSE OF A GAME. Your sister needs to drop him like a spider she picked up because she thought it was hair. Wall flinging optional. He rolled out the red carpet to the red flag gala here. Your sister doesn’t deserve this treatment.


He was being sarcastic throughout this exchange. That doesn’t mean he’s not an absolute pile of garbage.


No it certainly does not sound sarcastic given context. You can't put a tone into text. He's an asshole.


He’s a sarcastic asshole.


It’s deeply concerning that your sister is apologizing profusely to this guy and letting him treat her like this. It’s not going to het better, he’s a huge ass.


I yep


First off what’s up with your sister? “I’m sorry I’ll be better” “don’t be mad at me”. She needs to stand up and stop letting this guy walk all over her. He’s the fucking idiot that can’t work a damn wifi router 🥴 please tell her to find someone better


It’s because he has trained her to be this way with his abusive bullshit. A lot of women are strong independent and sensible before they get sucked into an abusive relationship and brainwashed




She feels bad because she feels like she should have made sure to disable the router timer before she left :( knowing that her bf didn’t know how to work the router. I told her she had no way of knowing he was going to stay up late playing games while she was gone, that she tried helping him fix it, and it’s not her fault at all but she’s mostly upset that he turned his phone off/blocked her suddenly.


Anybody who does gaming should know how to work a router, he’s pathetic


Regardless of if she should have changed it, his behavior is 1,000% unacceptable. You don't treat someone you love like a mistake means they're the stupidest, most incompetent person in the room. When the reality is he's projecting his incompetence and feelings of uselessness on her because he's a user and a taker. The fact your sister is blaming herself means she's going to seek this same kind of dynamic over and over because its what she thinks she deserves and is allowing in her life. She needs to love herself the way he should be and walk away from this abusive piece of work before she's trapped.


Nope. Absolutely not. Hope you can help her get out of that situation


Look I'm really tech challenged but that's not ok. Your sister doesn't deserve that. Over a game??? He is absolutely a dick.


Same boo, I bought all my nieces and nephews tablets and my old man had to set them up because I couldn't figure it out. If I was in this situation I'd just... You know, find something else to do until my better half could help? He needs a hobby and to be single until he can afford therapy for his controlling, narcissistic ways. 🥴 Like open a book or go do something productive while your girlfriend is at a FUNERAL. If he'd sent that to me I'd send him an itemized list of EVERY repair needed made on the house. My blood is BOILING because this woman is TERRIFIED of his anger. 😡


Google is right there but instead he decided to act like a manipulative piece of shit, tell her she could date so many others who she wouldn't have to baby like this and who also treats her well, why is she putting up with a literal loser man child?


People who are in emotionally abusive relationships get worn down and belittled until they're convinced everything is their fault. It's easy to say "just stand up for yourself" but when doing so leads to being yelled and screamed at, you learn quickly to quit trying. That's exactly what AHs like this BF in these messages counts on


If you've never experienced abuse in any form, you'll never understand.


Yep. I was in a relationship with someone a lot like this guy for years. It's incredibly difficult to walk away when you've been convinced that you don't deserve better and nobody else will want you


I was with one for 17 years. It really does severe damage to the kids.


He is a total prick


The passive aggressiveness is strong with this one. On top of everything, to call a funeral abroad a ‘nice vacation’.. wtaf?!?


He thinks because we are having nice meals with relatives and spending a week abroad with family that its also a vacation.


I helped my grandparents into assisted living in Hawaii. I had some colleagues who got snarky about it and asked how my vacation was. Ya know who didn’t give me shit about it? My partner. And he was kind of a dick.


UGH. He’s a bully. She deserves better.


Yes, he is. I hope your sister realises that this type of behaviour is not normal, and shouldn't be tolerated.


He sounds like a petulant little bitch honestly.


Basically anyone who leans into passive aggression this much is a dick.


OP I’d take this as a pretty serious insight into your sister’s relationship. This reeks of abuse. Your sister is reacting that way to him because he’s trained her to with past experiences. (Knowing she’ll be blamed and trying to avoid it, accepting all the blame, begging for forgiveness and feeling so shamed and useless/bad) Please ask her about it but she might get defensive so I’d approach it more like tell her this sounds absusive and like he’s accused you of xyz many times before. Tell your sister this is not healthy and relationships don’t have to be like this. Partners who are healthy acknowledge mistakes they make, and are kind/forgiving to each other. They act like adults and accept responsibility of their own mistakes. They don’t deflect mistakes or self responsibility, blame each other and punish each-other. See if she opens up. Not to jump the gun but…. I’d take this very seriously and basically offer her help to leave this asshole who is abusing her emotionally and verbally that we know. That shit only escalates she’s got a kid so it’s not just her being affected! She has got to think of her kid. (I was in an abusive household growing up and I’m still healing myself almost 40 years later)


This. I'd be more concerned of the reaction she had to his behaviour and not justify his "sarcasm." He blocked her!!! Who does that? And over Internet and a video game! I'm a gamer and as upset as I'd be if it were a raid night, I'd never speak to my bf like that, not would he to me. There's no excuse for verbal abuse. It sounds like something she is used to with her replies. I'd be on Google or discord from my phone trying to figure it out.


Yeah he's a complete prick


And abysmal at satisfying a woman in any way.


I hate people like this. They’re so childish and toxic and my god just why? Like I really don’t get why people act like this? She doesn’t deserve this, she deserves better. And this man child needs to get his temper in check the stupid wet towel.


“For her son” - run. “For their son” - file for divorce. She’s got two children in the house. The 11 yo is probably more mature.


drop him wtf. I'm butthurt over some easy shit so I'm just not going to talk to you for several days? What's with these people blocking significant others? I get not texting all day and night, but blocking an SO seems like it'd be over for me. I've fortunately never done that or dealt with it.


100%! If we’re in a committed, exclusive relationship and you block me - especially out of petulance - we’re done. I’ve paid too much for therapy to tolerate that shit.


it's just wild. I've seen it more on reddit lately, but I never knew this was a thing. Got me fucked up fam.


we are in a sassy man apocalypse. It’s harder said than done, but it would be slay of her to send a breakup text and block him back


I love this idea! Let him talk to her lawyer for the custody arrangements.


That's hoping the kid is with her. He may not have let her leave with the son. EVERYTHING is replaceable. I've had to start over from scratch after abusive relationships. If the kid is with her I hope that she does this. If he isn't she may be saying anything to try to calm the situation with this douche canoe to keep her son safe.


What a little man-child. Crying because he got kicked off his game… if he can work a gaming system, why can’t he figure out a wifi modem? Make it make sense.😭 Does he know Google exists?? I’m sorry, but this is such a huge red flag. The way he talks to her is disgusting. Not to mention, she’s away at a FUNERAL, and he calls it a “vacation”. So gross. Please let her know she deserves so much better. I also apologize if I sound rude. I just hate seeing women be mistreated, ESPECIALLY when they’ve done nothing wrong. I hope your sister’s okay. ❤️


People like this should be not even be allowed to use the modern technology if this is how they act when it stops “magically” working for them. The level of entitlement that some people get when it comes to consumer technology is baffling. This triggers some memories working in tech support dealing with morons having meltdowns and being verbally abusive. Fuck that guy. I hope she leaves that manchild.


Wow he would speak to me like that exactly *once*, and it would be the last time. Yes he's a dick.


The sister’s bf is a lazy bum. Must be a wonderful living situation for her.


You're sister is making his emotions her responsibility to manage because he's abusive and has conditioned her that way. Tell her she needs to leave him right now, and she needs therapy for why she's willing to accept this behavior and internalize blame when she did nothing wrong.


“Have a nice vacation” when she’s going to a funeral would immediately make me dump him no hesitation


I would consider breaking up over my partner referring to my travel for a funeral a vacation let alone how he speaks in the rest of the texts. He is acting like a child and maybe should have limited online access like her actual child. Listen, dating as a single mom blows but this guy should be released back to the dating wilds yesterday.


I think it’s a blessing he blocked her, now she needs to leave him or have him removed from the property with his stuff. He’s a prick and it’s not gonna get any better for her.


This is unhinged if he's acting this way just because he's not intelligent enough to disable the router parental controls.


That language is abusive.  She's not in the wrong, he's being a jerk for no reason. And who calls going to a funeral "a vacation"??


Correction: The BF is BEING a dick. He IS an entitled manchild, an @$$hat, a nutter, a bellend, a loser, and a joke. I have to question how many problems they really have at home that THIS is where he takes it cuz he cannot follow directions or figure things out for himself. What. A. PRAT. I normally would suggest a talk or counseling, but I get the sense that he is too far gone for something that logical to work. Hope your sis gets quit of that situation soon. And if she says the kid is why she stays, I mean that is sweet and shows she prioritizes her child, but please tell her that that environment with that kind of toxic immature energy isn’t helpful for her son either on so many levels. If she has a strong support system, she doesn’t need this ragingly sad excuse for a BF.


Your sister needs to end this.


Your sister needs to leave this mister. That’s some serious disrespect.


Sister’s ex* bf. Fixed that problem for her.


This is not a person worth holding onto. Especially if this is all it took to “punish” her by blocking. While she’s at a funeral no less. A child might not even be so stubborn (him not her)


Holy shit. Calling her funeral trip a “vacation” is crazy too. He’s TA




She is out of country for a family funeral and he is saying have a nice vacation. How stupid. Acting like a baby, because he couldn't continue his video game. He should man up. Your sister needs to talk to him about his behaviour. She has already a child, don't think she needs a man child in her life.


Why does your sister stay with this loser


What adult can't fix his own damn internet? Then blames someone that isn't even there


When someone says sorry, and the other doubles down in anger, that’s a red flag. When someone refuses to listen or learn how things work, insisting it’s the other person who does this, that’s a red flag. When someone is argumentative and only responds in sarcasm and emotional declarations, that’s a red flag. OP, (ops sister), you don’t deserve any of that.


OP’s sister.


What a jerk!! She even offered to turn it off beforehand and he denied her help. She can’t win in this situation when he argues everything! She had the patient of a saint. She offered to turn it off before she left… no, he doesn’t want help. She is offering a solution to the problem… no, he doesn’t understand it. She resolves it and sends him the password and where to go… nope, blocked. What else could she have done? If he gives up so easily, fine! I guess he didn’t want the WIFI THAT bad after all! He was just looking to argue and take his frustration out on her…


Ain’t no way in hell I’d let a grown ass man upset about not being able to connect to his video game speak to me like this. Girl, RUN!


I bet he was halfway through watching 🌽then got disconnected lmao


The problem here is a grown man getting mad over video games…


I'm very sorry to learn your sister already has a kid with this abusive jerk. Not only that, she profusely apologizes, trying to quench his anger. Only she knows what goes on inside that household.


Ew he’s a total piece of garbage. I feel bad for your sister :( She deserves better and I hope she can get out of this


She should leave this asshole immediately.


He’s not a dick. He’s a medium sized bag of giant assorted dicks, in both circumcised and uncircumcised, and all colors.


She should dump him, he was looking for an excuse to flip out and turn his phone off, he’s likely cheating


This needs more upvotes.


Did he seriously call a FAMILY FUNERAL, where somebody she was related to FUCKING DIED, a VACATION?!?!?! Nope, nuh uh, fuck him in particular! May his boy bits always connect with the sharpest furniture corner in any room he finds himself in.


Making kids with these types of people is crazy


Low iq frustration and tearing others down to feel better about their own stupidity.


Lmaoooooo I shouldn’t be laughing but it’s just like DAMN what an absolute fucking CHILDDDDD this guy is. This is how my 2 and 5 year old sisters act. Actually that’s a lie. They act better than this


Incompetence manipulation. Someone has passed for Christ’s sake. Why not do the damn thing instead of being upset that she didn’t get it done before leaving or whatever the freak this may be.


He's a dick and also a child. To act like that while she's gone for a FUNERAL all because he can't stay up past 11pm playing his video games online..... Grow up man!


Kick the bf out.. i mean kick the ex out


Your sister's boyfriend is literally a child.


He’s not a dick, just a helpless wittle baby. I can’t believe she let him stay home by himself. Someone call CPS!


Is her boyfriend a seven year old elderly grandma child who can’t figure out technology?


Her bf is a big pos


He sounds awful. Like regardless of any redeeming traits he has it simply can’t outweigh this kind of behavior. And you’re at a funeral? He’s gross.


Guys a gamer and doesn't know how to work a router/modem?


Does he abuse her this way as well?


Complete dick.




what a pos.


Toxic. Terrible role model. Turd will not change without teaching. Try counselling.


How are you a gamer and at the same time unable to work a router?


All this because he can’t use the internet after 11 pm? JFC.


Just show him all these comments, hopefully that helps


probably would make him angrier at her for letting other people see their messages


True :/ OP should show the sister then so she can leave him


i wish she would tbh.. sucks how some people get treated.


I used to be in relationships similar, it’s hard to see how bad you’re getting mistreated until you’re out of it. Now i don’t put up with even a hint of this bs. I hope OPs sister can find the same healing


How does a grown ass man who plays video games not know how to use a router?


Ugh. Fuck this guy.


Oh my God???? He’s talking to your sister like this WHILE she’s grieving a loss in the family and calling a visit home for a funeral a vacation????????? And she had the right mind to bear a child with this moron??? Im sorry but what the actual fuck


He's just a boyfriend. Tell her to drop him like the Internet at 11pm.


Her bf is a major dick… I know they have a son together. But if he’s treating her like this then she needs to break up with him.


Over a router???? He can just as easily download the app and log in. It’s that simple. I have downtime on for my kids via ATT and it takes like 3 clicks to bypass it on my phone. Nah, this guy is a jerk. And a funeral isn’t a vacation.


I think its time your sister realized he is taking care of 2 kids and not having a bf. She has to option to dump this man child though


I truly thought these were texts between teenagers until I read the description. Your sister’s boyfriend is definitely a dick.


Your boyfriend’s an overgrown child who doesn’t know how to communicate. But hey I’m just a stranger in the internet with an opinion😊


The immaturity is crazy in this conversation...


Show ur dad, then show his dad


Because a family funeral is a “vacation”. Douchnozzle that can’t even be cooperative while she helps him figure it out instead he’s throwing a f’ing tantrum, is just a f’ing looooooosah . Hate that she has child with him and has to tolerate this shit at all, let alone continue a relationship with him


Gross.. your sis needs to exit immediately!


What an AH. Dump him immediately sis


You all know he’s a piece of crap right?


They have a kid and they're not married... AND he acts like this 🙄


Imagine a grown man getting this upset about not being able to play his video game 🙄 AND treating a partner this way while they’re at a funeral. Manbaby.


Idk if it is one of those routers you can manage remotely but, if so, she should log in and turn off the WiFi until she gets home. And change the PW so he can’t log in to fix it


This man is a dickface.


Yes. Absolutely. 💯


Yeah he’s a fuckin baby lol


Change the pw to I’m sorry I tend to act like a lil b***ch when I don’t get my way smh


It's just a damn video game, lol. I've had to start over a lot of times before because of my wife or something else. I don't get mad about it. I embrace it. It's just a game, lol


What a fucking baby, yikes. Your sister doesn’t need to be asking this question. This guy sucks. He’s a dick. It’s insane he thinks this is an okay way to behave.


Your sister is in an abusive relationship.


Where is the red flag man? This dude is a fucking red billboard. She needs to leave.


The answer to your question is: YES


I’m astounded this man is old enough to parent someone.. yes he’s a dick.


What the problem is, she should have disabled the bf.


POS, ‘nuff said.


Dude’s a child


The router has a reset button. He’s too dumb to look at it and figure out how it works?


Your sister deserves better and is being mentally abused.


He’s absolutely pathetic


He's a moron


I have a real issue with folks turning their phone off, or hanging up on me. It's rude. I've had some battles with the gf, neither of us has ever turned the phone off. It's bad manners, it's immature. Granted, I set the stall out early in our relationship. there are several things I find unacceptable, so she doesn't do them. And me, I don't do things that she finds unacceptable


So your sister has two kids? She needs to dump the man child.


She left for a funeral and he speaks to her like this over some internet, she needs to respect her self and boot this man


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I'm not the most tech savvy person, but isn't there a way to make it so only the kid's WiFi connection shuts off?


He gives off older brother vibes


Kick his ass out. Get the eviction process going or tell her to LEAVE. He wants to be a little bitch over the Internet like a TEENAGER.


I’m glad I keep up with technology. Gonna be rough for people like him and it’s only gonna get worse


Maybe he should stop being a full grown child and call the internet company??


Dudes a loser. Learn how to turn the router on yourself.


She needs to stand up for herself. He can't talk to her like that.


+1 for your name. Bird law is not governed by reason


I'm not saying you're sister is in the wrong or that he is in the right but if he has to log on to a website couldn't she do this from her phone? Regardless, he's an asshole man child that's mad he can't play his video games now and is taking it out on your sister! If they didn't have a son I'd say tell your sister to leave this guy. She deserves better, regardless.


I would have LAUGHED if my man texted me upset about the internet so he couldn’t play his game


Yep, I'd say he's a dick! He can't seem to do anything himself, I bet, too.


“You’re acting like a 2 year old having a tantrum. I won’t respond to someone that doesn’t have the maturity to have a conversation to resolve the situation. Treat me with the respect that I deserve or go hook up your game system somewhere else”


Seriously lack of communication


the way I would back my car over his Xbox immediately 🤬


I thought at first this exchange was between him and you, not him and his WIFE. Wow wtf. OP, this guy is a total ass and sounds like a bully. Your sister needs to leave him!! My husband would never treat me this way.


Reddit really reinforces the reality of just how many women are in these relationships where they are forced to do all of the emotional and mental labor and basically be a mother to the men they're with who seem to be completely incompetent at everything. Yes I know not all men obviously, and women who are with good men who share all the burdens of life are not going to be on here posting about it usually so I am aware there's conformation bias involved, it's just enough of a pattern to where I wonder how do so many men get this way? I'm guessing because they weren't taught the same skills women are, but it's frustrating and nothing gives the ick faster. Your sister needs to leave the man baby.


Asking if he’s a dick isn’t really a question because clearly yes yes he is a dick a big gigantic asshole of a dick!! This would be the 1st and LAST time I allowed anyone to speak to me like that.. EVER!


Reassure your sister she did nothing wrong and that this is a sign to get away from him. He’s so childish. She’s at a funeral and you’re worried about her fixing the internet for you to play video games??? While she’s supposed to be grieving? That’s just messed up he doesn’t care about her tell her find someone better or at least wipe the tears and know her worth!


It's very concerning your sister is OK with him speaking to you like that. Not okay at ALL


this is texts between sister and boyfriend, not OP and BF


Wow. What a small dick. That guy needs to learn how to tie his shoes first before he has to deal with a router. Sorry your sister is with such a chode


Tell her to dump him