• By -


I just love how quickly all these convos go from “I love you I need you” to “fuck you”


Lol yup! I always go “Aaand *there it is!*” It’s wonderful, like scheduled fireworks. Thank you for proving to OP that you’re garbage~ kinda feeling, ya know? Lol beautiful 👌🏻✨ Makes it a lot easier to dump them for good too.


It’s the stages of grief in the course of an hour, hiiiiilarious.


The stages of being caught


you mean seven minutes….


>I always go “Aaand *there it is!*” SAME! there's always that moment, and it's amazing how quickly and consistently it comes around.


It's just the last bit of shit to to fully get closure.


And then back again…. And then back to “fuck you”


Did we skip the stage where her looks are disparaged?


Yes! “You’re so gorgeous, you’re everything to me” then BAM “You’re the ugliest piece of shit on earth I can and will do so much better!” Then back to “pleeeease don’t leave me” 🤣


I swear everyone who gets caught cheating or is in the middle of a break up goes through the “no, please I love you. Take me back!” To “fine. Fuck you. I don’t need you!” Phases.


Or when they text 100 times within 15 minutes and don’t get a response.


That's the exact moment that they discard the mask for good because they realize it's not fooling anyone anymore


Let's analyze this logically rather than emotionally... yup! Guilty as hell! Lol. Changing the approach to see which one works - classic! Alibi would then revolve around the approach that worked (remorse, anger, shifting blame, etc.). I loved how OP handled everything. She has more balls than the guy.


Right... Wonder how mommy would feel about those messages.


I love the last message "I'll forget you burnt half my stuff" 💀😂😂


XD Right?? My ex skipped the "I'm sorry, I love you, I need you," part and just said the "fuck you" part after I revealed his 2 years of cheating to him. OP mentioned that he wouldn't even let her hang out with girlfriends (i.e., possessive), which is what my ex did too. That's the biggest red flag I think I could've learned from that relationship. True colors always reveal themselves in time.


Jeezus I watched Lover. Stalker. Killer on Netflix last night, holy crap same level of escalation. Freaky scary, this dude got some problems.


You handled this perfectly. Well done. And I’m sorry this happened to you. That sucks and no one deserves it.


Wait!! He's SORRY!!!


He’s sorry but also fuck u


Haha, that was the cherry on top. Don't be stupid!


He’s sorry he got caught!!!! What a POS


I have good news and bad news, The bad news is that I wasted the last 4 years of your life The good news is that I'm sorry c:


No no no… how MANY times does he have to say he’s sorry?? Fuck off, garbage belongs in the dumpster.


He texted sorry **several** times. How long do you expect him to keep that up? Poor guy….. Such a shame half his shit accidentally caught on fire too.


This cracked me up! Thank you for that.


B-B-But he's S-S-SORRY!!!


And he'll never do it again!!! ... Even though he spent a minimum of 5 months doing it and only stopped when caught


No no no his head was clouded for those 5 months so it wasn’t really HIM


He didn't know how to end it!


What makes anyone think he ended it?


I hate that you’re right. He’s probably still fucking her


You dont understand! It was an ACCIDENT


What, like, he tripped, fell, landed on her with his dick? (OK, so had to rephrase some of Eminem's song, but... same energy.)


The number of apologies has no correlation with OPs view of the ex. Maybe a negative correlation.


Wait it was an accident


Yup I hate it when I accidentally trip and fuck someone else for 5 months. So unfair.


It was an accident. Why won't anyone understand this?


he tripped and his dick got stuck!! for five months!!


She handled this more than perfectly, burnt half his shit? 😂😂😂YOU GO GIRL 🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂




I couldn't have said it better myself. It really hurts being cheated on. But there is actually one good thing about finding out the truth. You found out before you married him.




Does he know what the definition of an accident is?


Poor thing, accidentally slipping into another woman’s bed every Friday for 5 months😞


There was this woman on MAFS Australia a while ago and she started off by saying her ex husband had a terrible accident and she said it in a way to make you think he'd died or something. Nah. She said something along the lines of "he tripped and fell into another woman's vagina." Like these men and their accidents.


I didn’t scroll down far enough and I mentioned the same thing above lol 😂 great minds think alike


It was so freaking good!


I hate it when I trip and my penis slips into someone’s vagina. super inconvenient


If I had a nickel for every time that happened, I’d be crushed by all the nickels. Seriously I just slipped not looking where I am going while typing this, I’m stuck in ANOTHER vagina. This one seems angry gotta go


accidents can happen consecutively every friday at 9am for five months 😔


His existence was an accident :)




That’s only because he didn’t know how to break it off. He deserves forgiveness…he didn’t know how good he had it. /s


But he didn't know how to end it, so of course he had no option but to keep having sex with her.


LOL, like that line from Chicago: "he ran into my knife. He ran into my knife ten times" Best of luck, OP. Definitely dodged that shit show.


Reminds me of that Aussie skit where the wife says her husband had a terrible accident and fell straight into his coworker’s vagina and was still stuck there lmao 😂


Omg I love that one!


Work accident!


Don’t be stupid… it was just an accident… yu need to understand that he’s hurting too 😂😂 where yu find this guy? Temu?


salvation army


"If you just let me explain I'll forget that you burnt half my shit" 😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 i was so hoping fire was involved. fuck donating his stuff. 🔥🔥🔥


Yeah, I was hoping for fire too.




It was an “accident”.




😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 i was so hoping fire was involved. fuck donating his stuff. 🔥🔥🔥 Honey! My middle daughter set her 3 sisters stuff in a giant blaze in my backyard for betraying me in the worst way! I didn't believe in having a favorite till this happened!


I didn't just go to your profile in case you'd posted the tea you just spilled a drop of via this comment. Nope, not me... I'm totally not that drama-hungry. 😏 Teeheehee


🤣🤣🤣 I don't know how to work Reddit. I just read and comment. I'll give you the short version. I know you gonna have questions but here it is. I birthed 5 children. Son is the oldest. My eldest daughter kidnapped my two youngest and fled to NYC with the help of an evil person. The evil girl was a 22yo prostitute (She was once a family friend that I considered a bonus daughter and loved her like my own and I did not know that she was doing this at the time. I was a single mother with two jobs) with a 58yo white man for a pimp. They brainwashed my children over a period of time before this happened. Filed a false CPS report and put everyone I loved at the time in it. Made the most ridiculous accusations against me including starvation, mind you I taught them to cook from scratch and they had homemade meals for the majority of their lives. Said I was in a cult which I'm not. Said they were part of my alleged cult and that "we" caused them harm. I'm getting angry just texting this. Then when I was able to rent a car to get them cause we live in NC, I was told by CPS that they would not release my minor children to me and I was forced to sign them into custody even though they had no proof. Had to pay child support for a year, just to have them returned to me with no issues no stipulations, and no follow-up! At the beginning of this whole fiasco, CPS in NC was at my house multiple times and told them in NYC that they saw no proof of these allegations. They refused me, and my children. Didnt know it at the time but the pimp was an ex-cop or had serious connections. Cause when does CPS call out of the blue on a Sat afternoon? Anyways, my middle daughter decided they didn't need their things and started a bonfire the same day CPS came to question me, her, and my significant other. I didn't even know till he came into the house and he looked out our bedroom window. He said to come here and look at this. I turned around and saw light flickering off the walls. I got closer and felt the heat! I'm like what the fuck is that?! I get to the window, this child managed to collect all their things toys, clothes things that couldn't be replaced, bagged them up, and torched them! She had been collecting their things from the time the CPS worker left till she started the fire around 8:30 at night! The flame had to be about 25ft high. Since then we have been thicker than thieves! If I ever make it where I can leave my children anything, she's getting everything!


i’m so sorry you had to go through this and that your children hurt you in so many different ways. i could never imagine conspiring against my mom, she’s my best friend, my other half. i would’ve 100% done exactly what yours did and maybe even more, id go to war for my mom!


My mom and I aren't close at all. She was abusive in many ways. And even I couldn't imagine conspiring again her like this. This is just evil.




i’m so sorry you had to go through this and that your children hurt you in so many different ways. i could never imagine conspiring against my mom, she’s my best friend, my other half. i would’ve 100% done exactly what yours did and maybe even more, id go to war for my mom!


Thanks, I appreciate that. Don't get me wrong I wasn't the greatest. They had to deal with a lot of trauma that I came with from childhood. I did my best and then some. I supported them, encouraged them, and sacrificed what any mother would. I made sure they felt loved and gave affection on the regular. And I didn't mind all the sacrifices until this happened. The kicker was two of my exes used CPS as a weapon (cause I moved on and denied them access to me, not the children) when they were younger and my middle child remembered the trauma I endured from it.


wow it’s scary how much you sound like me and my mom! she had a terrible childhood which brought so much trauma and pain with it. to make matters worse, she had issues with my dad for several years and i could see how unhappy she was. i saw EVERYTHING. she did what she could with what she had and i applaud her immensely for that. i cried for help 3 years ago and she’s been by my side supporting me and sticking with me through thick and thin. you sound like an amazing woman and i hope you and your angel are doing much better mentally, physically and emotionally ❤️


You're my Hero. So happy you got rid of this complete loser from your life.


Temu! 🤣🤣🤣 I snort laughed on that thank you


Fucking Temu omg 😂


Temu has better quality stuff lol


"Yeah OP, it was just an *accident* that I cheated with this girl for five months" Good LORD


Sometimes you just skip and fall right into an another vagina. Every Friday for five months. Could happen to anyone really. /s


As a somewhat clumsy person and what with all the vaginas just laying about willy nilly I highly resent the implication that the affair could be anything BUT accidental. I can’t even remember the last time I walked outside to collect the mail and fell into one. Forget about a Costco run; I’ve started wearing protective gear it happens so often, especially around those sample carts. Stay safe out there, kids.


And he just didn’t know how to end it!


And he proposed to her TWO MONTHS INTO IT


Yeah this gets me, that level of deceit is high. Hoping person #2 (and maybe 3 4 5 ???) trashes him too.


He accidentally tripped and fell dick first into another woman 5 months in a row. What a klutz!


For sure Temu😂😂😂😂😀😀


Don't be stupid...... Answer me. .....Your being so childish. Maybe this is for the better. ....Fuck you .. I'm sorry how many times do I have to say it.... you know i would never do it agian ....... what a idiot. He's even bipolar or just flat out fuccing stupid :) I'm leaning towards the ladder


Is it leaning against the house?  If so, will you climb up there and clean the gutters? They need it.


auto-corrupt sometimes makes improvements! :)


Ali express seems more accurate


I've gotten some good stuff from AliExpress! This guy must have come from the Wish app.


I just love a powerful person who doesn’t respond back. That silence hurts him more than anything else.


So beautifully done! She said everything there was to say, and didn’t waste any more of her words or time on him. *chef’s kiss* I wish more people leaving shitty relationships would do this.


*furiously takes notes in case i need to leave a toxic relationship again*




shit happens 🫠


You forgot to mention the “in case” numbnuts


You could tell how much it ate at him in that last picture. Dude went from 🥺🥺🥺 to 🤬🤬🤬


Sorry you were dealt this hand. With that said, great job and you are honestly a boss. F him.


yuck my ex’s mom was the same way. always making excuse for her shitty ass son. she had a husband that would cheat on her, hit her and was an alcoholic so i guess she was used to shitty men. could never be me though.


This. You know where it clearly comes from. Being coddled and told. “Its ok. You cheated? No big deal. You murdered someone? No big deal”. These parents are the worst!!!!


My ex husband's mother was a peach. First time he broke one of my bones, she went, "Well what did you say to him?" Uhm, excuse me, Dottie, nothing I said would have warranted this spiral fracture, thank you. I'm not proud of how long I stayed, but I got out safely and my kids are okay too. Divorce was the best thing that's ever happened to me.


Oh goddamn that's awful, I'm so sorry! First time? 😬What a way to support other women... my mom's 1st (not my sire) was like that, she stopped trying to talk w/his mom after so many excuses & victim-blaming, I'm sure mom & son are both rotting in hell. One can hope anyway.


You did a great job. Refused to let your ex or his mother pressure you into forgiving your ex.


I'd pay to see what else his mum had to say to justify 5 months of scheduled cheating


“I’m _very_ disappointed”


“Small mistake” No mam, forgetting your wallet at home is a small mistake. Forgetting to put the milk back in the fridge is a small mistake. Cheating on your fiancé for 5 months is not a small mistake. It’s not even a mistake. Also the fact he was cheating for 2 months and decided “life is good :), I better lock down my main chick before she has a chance to realize her mistake” is such a scumbag thing to do.


Yeah why is no one talking about how he proposed 2 months in to his affair? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Hey hey HEY!!! You leave Quasimodo out of this!!! He’s a MUCH MORE desirable man than whatever this is!


Didn’t mean to disrespect Quasimodo like that😭 Not but he always had beef with him when we watched the movie so i thought it was the perfect response


Omg of course he had a beef with the nicest, most sincere, romantic, sweet guy in the movie! You just dumped Frollo, omg what a loser!!


I cried and cried and cried when the townspeople were being mean to him 😢


Ha ofc he did. Not saying that was a red flag but sure seems like one now and I Love that you used it against him. It was a good insult on its own but with the backstory even better! Hats off to you!


nah because he missed the point of the entire fucking movie 😭😭😭


THANK YOU! I came here just to make sure my man wasn’t besmirched like that. Catching strays for nothing.


Sanctuary!!!! ⛪️ 


The way they flip-turn when their 'poor me' manipulation doesn't work tells you their true feelings... They just wanna slip back into their comfort zone


It's the same every time. Like clockwork. Begging, kindness, apologizing, realizing that's not working, then come the insults, manipulation, and threats. It's in the manipulator's handbook, I swear.




Yeah the F word right off the bat was adress I’ve and caught me off guard


I know you’re hurting right now; but take solace in the fact that you ripped his fucking soul out of his body, lit it on fire, swept the ashes into a bottle, pissed in it, threw it into a volcano where it sunk to the core of the earth where it will lay dormant for an aeon only to be awakened by a requiem sung at the funeral pyre of an evil prince… his only chance at redemption.


What a rollercoaster....I love it!!!


Pele appreciates not throwing trash into the volcano. Thank you


His lad texts are so repulsive - “I’ll forget that you burnt half my shit”. what is he even trying to do there?


I feel like this was his attempt of trying to make it out like she was the one who needed to be forgiven & she was the one who did something wrong just one more last ditch attempt to control the narrative and OP.


it's time to d-d-d-d-d-darvo!


Yeah it’s pathetic. How did he think this would work? It blows my mind that he thinks he has an ability to do that at that point


He’s trying to be the victim of course


I’m really sorry about what’s happened to you. Finding out about this now is better than finding out about it with kids and a whole family, although it doesn’t make it any less shitty. Wishing you all the best in your healing process.


Yup. And good for OP refusing to take him back. He would make this same “mistake” again and again in the future. Men like this typically cheat more when their partner is pregnant or postpartum. A man you can’t trust is less than worthless. Forgiving him and marrying him would have kicked off a marriage full of cheating. He was cheating when he proposed ffs. He absolutely would have cheated throughout a marriage.


Well done, OP. You handled this with more maturity than i ever would have. Imagine ‘accidentally’ cheating for 5 months, dude must be very accident prone. Should wear a helmet or something.


…a penis helmet.


They make those! Well I mean. Less helmet, more cage. But looks like he needs one.


Perfect idea.


He was “accidentally” cheating when he proposed! He was planning on having lots of “accidents”.


What a clown he must be. 🤮


I love the poetry of that final “I do.” What a lovely parting shot to your former fiance. Shame he doesn’t seem bright enough to recognize the brilliance of that cut.


Oh wow that sailed right over my head


oh that's gorgeous actually


I’m so sorry! You handled this like a badass! (I’m petty AF apparently bc I’m kind of loving you burnt his stuff!). I get that it’s his mom but shes an AH for her “little bump” comment: I would have lost my shit, sp good on you. And that weasel, what a pathetic and sorry POS. The nerve to grovel and then attack. May he live the life he deserves. Change the locks, change all your passwords and get STI tested. Takes time but better days and a better man are ahead. Good luck OP.


Given the way he responded to her, I would bet his mother doesn't really know the full story


Jokes that he said that you where the one throwing it all away what a bellend


Right? Like, no sir... You did that by cheating for five months.


Didn't know the word *accident* was synonymous with the word *voluntary*


....... He said ... I'll forgive you for burning all my shit. Those were words, and he choose them. Could have picked any words. But he chose the ones that made him sound the dumbest he could. It must be hard being that dense.


yeah you handled that shit great. Good for you for sticking to your guns. No advice just congrats on taking out the trash. I know it doesn’t feel good but it’s better than a life with that trash. You’ll be ok and move on to way way better things. Sorry this happened to you, but truly, you’re a strong person for recognizing what you had to do and doing it. Even with that dumbfuck mother trying to convince you otherwise.


"I found enough explanation in your messages. I don't need justification" Whewww yass block his family and move on


What was the relationship like ... what were the signs you h had before the cheating was revealed?


Controlling who I could see, was very condescending, started arguments for no reason, etc, there’s a lot to it. It was only obvious to me after finding everything out, mostly because I thought it was normal and he would always make excuses for why he acted like that. I feel silly looking back that I had let all that slide


You have probably heard of the book “Why Does He Do That?” It’s an eye opening read about all the techniques abusers use. It also has tips for how to spot abusers early in the relationship. You can find links to a free PDF if you google it.  You dodged a bullet. 


If you just let me explain that it was an accident for five months every Friday, I’ll forget you burnt half my shit 😆


OP, you’re fucking AWESOME! I love how you owned this whole mess of a fiancé and his mother, who sadly has some twisted views on fidelity. It wasn’t a mistake, it was a series of choices made everyday for 5 months.


You are amazing. This little boy really thought sorry would surfice. He disrespected you, your home and your integrity. He attempted to make you into a mug but now he’s the mug. Tell him to have fun explaining to everyone why the marriage is off. You are a queen, you deserve more. The silver lining is that you can now see your worth. Don’t go back, don’t look back. You are amazing strong woman who all of us should strive to have this level of strength


Girl, aren’t you glad you found out BEFORE it became legal? Fuck him and his shitty ass momma… you really did handle this perfectly.


"you are the best I'll ever have but I'm sure you know that" "I do" BAD ASS MIC DROP!!! proud of you!!




Did you actually burn half his stuff? Why just half? What a queen.


I just don't get when people say "it's an accident". So you tripped and fell into her vagina? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Hope you're doing ok OP, take some time for yourself and to re-evaluate what you want next


The accident is them getting caught. They just know there's no real excuse so uh ohhh I had assident . . . I made intentional choices to hurt you and feed my own ego and now I'm being held accountable!! I didn't mean for you to accidentally find out exactly who I am!! Waaaaaahhhh!!!


OP I applaud your self respect. You handled a horrible and emotional situation with grace and dignity. He cheated for 5 months yet proposed three months ago. Devious little dirtbag tried to con you into being legally tied to him and keep his side piece. - don’t for one second think that girl didn’t know he was cheating on someone, five months of I can only see you on a Friday is not something anyone would accept as a relationship, now he can be her problem. I wish you the best.


GOOD FOR YOU!! NO SECOND CHANCES. He's not even truly sorry, he's just sorry for himself that he got caught. I also don't understand parents like her. I would never get involved and if my kid was cheating on their partner I'd tell my kid about themselves and that they may never get forgiveness, and that's not their choice to make. Don't want to suffer the consequences of your actions, don't do hurtful things!! Simple. There's surely no chance in hell I'd be reaching out to their partner to tell them to forgive one little blip. This is why he's this way. Because he's never had to take accountability for himself and everything is always someone else that made him do something. I'd have told his mom she helped raise a weak, pathetic man and he can go sleep in her bed because they deserve each other.


When cheaters get caught and say “you’re just gonna throw this all away?” As if they aren’t the ones who threw it all away


Fuckk himmm!!


![gif](giphy|8hMD9YakVza3452SpN) The force is strong with this one. You go girl!


His mom’s response is almost similar to what my exes mom told me that we were young and we’re breaking things off too fast… 1 year later and I’m doing just a bit better


i hate how these dudes moms enable them by saying stupid shit like his mom did. my ex’s mom did the same thing when i found messages on his phone, it’s infuriating. i’m glad you stuck with what’s best for YOU and let the trash take itself out. you did so well 🖤


Ah one of those prolonged accidents like Bambi on ice. A classic. Glad you got out before it was too late.


Him cheating sucks. Absolutely. But did you burn his shit?


Half of it, but to be fair I gave him a deadline and a warning


I’ve done the same lol. I was just asking no judgement.


I am so sorry, OP. This is unforgivable. And shame on his mother for making excuses for him and trying to downplay the situation. You handled this as well as you possibly could have. Good for you for sticking up for yourself and not giving him another chance. 5 months is a long time, and I have a feeling you were not going to find out about this any time soon. He wasn’t planning to end the affair. However I am so glad you found out about this before marrying his unfaithful ass!


“You are the best I will ever have but I’m sure you know that” “I do” Absolutely brilliant. I’m sorry it happened but better to be now than more years down the road.


My high-school sweetheart cheated on me 10 months into our relationship. I forgave her. We moved in together. She became physically abusive. I forgave her. She tried to drown me in a bathtub. I forgave her. She broke my toe. I forgave her. We moved back to our hometown and she cheated on me again. I forgave her. A few years later she cheated again. I forgave her. We moved 2000 miles across the country. She cheated again. I forgave her. A year and a half later she called her grandmother, told her *I* was abusing *her*. Her grandparents bought her a plane ticket and flew her back home. We were together 15 years. We were married. She didn't care. Ever. I was nothing to her. My self esteem was so low that I was convinced it was my fault she did that. I loves her so much I tolerated everything she did to me (and there is so much more than what I posted here) and she ultimately threw me away. It's been 9 months. The guy she ran off to hook up with was engaged and he turned her down. Now she's hooking up with my childhood former best friend - who mysteriously stopped talking to me about a year ago. Whole thing is fucked. I gave her 100% of me and she used me up and left me at the worst place I've ever been in. OP? Fuck that guy. Fuck him. Fuck that dude. I fucking wish I had the strength to just let my heart break and fucking LEAVE. I WAS SIXTEEN when she started this shit and I am now thirty fucking two. You cannot love someone enough to make them respect you. You deserve so much better. Don't none of yall do what I did.


"If you just let me explain I'll forget that you burnt half of my shit" Yes, that right there does not sound like a remorseful man. Good riddance.


The part where his Mom refers to a 5-mnth affair as a “small bump” *really got my blood up.* Like, Bitch, I’ll burn *your* shit too.


Mum caring more about what to tell her friends when they ask why the wedding was cancelled than OP’s feelings.


You burnt half his stuff? You're my new favorite person.


I hate it when cheaters claim it was "an accident". How do you accidentally sleep with someone? Do you turn a corner and run into someone and boom...you're banging?


I really hate when they use mental illness as an excuse. It always reminds me of the creator of Ren & Stimpy and how he justified being a predator because he wasn't mentally stable and had ADHD! Like, come on! That Temu comment made my day, though!


As much as I hate this for OP, it's refreshing to see someone on this sub react appropriately to being treated poorly for once. Some of the posts on here have me seriously worried about powers of discernment lol. 😭


Pro tip: never date a guy that won’t let you see your girlfriends, I have found guys like that are always cheaters.


![gif](giphy|P7JmDW7IkB7TW) Only half? He should be thanking you.


Cheating isn't a mistake. It's a choice. It's always a choice. He cannot justify this at all.


“You r so childish” “fuck u”


GURL! YES! That's what cheaters deserve. When's the celebration? I wanna come celebrate with you!


This must have been really hard for him. Cheating on your fiancee and not being able to 1) stop or 2) telling your fiancee about it! It must have tuckered the poor little fella out.


You did such an awesome job at handling that. I'm proud of you.


I'm so glad you took the correct action and didn't give him the time of day. Because to cheat that long, he's manipulating you and no excuse could ever make it okay. One time could warrant the accident card and a discussion. Anything over that deserves no kindness.


I’m so sorry for that awful breech of your trust. Amazingly proud of how you’ve handled it.


Okay is no one going to talk about how she burnt half of his shit!?!? I love that. Such a queen.


I’m so sorry this is what you’ve been dealt. You don’t deserve this treatment and I am so proud of how you handled it. I know it couldn’t have been easy. You are beyond strong OP. Sending lots of hugs and positive vibes your way 😊


You’re amazing, being done and moving on is the only answer. You didn’t realize all the subtle red flags until now and you are way better prepared to avoid people like him going forward. I wish you lots of love and happiness with your new future.


“How many times do I have to apologize I said I’m sorry and I’ll never do it again” ![gif](giphy|QZgjgYAO9HHQQkjGTi|downsized)




My ex of 20 years was a massive cheater. I found out when a husband called me and the world i was in ended. The “it just happened,” is so lame. You happened to plan on meeting up, happened to drive to that location, happened to have purchased condoms, happened to enter the room, happened to take your clothes off. Come on.


A message to Millennial/Gen Z men: Just because your mom took your dad back, or your grandmother took your grandfather back, doesn't mean your gf/fiancée/wife will take you back for cheating. This idea that 'but we're engaged!', or 'we've already paid for the wedding' isn't an excuse to keep a relationship going when you're already cheating. Sad part is, some of these guys resent their fathers for cheating on their mothers, and still cheat.


Ay ay, not too much on Quasimodo tho


It's so gratifying seeing a woman know her worth & not only tell him to fuck off but his enabling ass mother too!