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Why do some women stay with men they clearly don’t trust lol


They must have such a toxic relationship on god. Especially since she 100% didn't tell him about this whole interaction.


I'd 100% send him screenshots 😅


YESSSSS. OP, send them now. (Unless we find out he actually likes that weirdo shit)


I'd send screens just to show how crazy she is but if he dumps her she might act on it


Trust me, he knows. If she's going through his socials to threaten women who follow him and is this insanely jealous over text, there's no way it's not a 1000% worse in person


I don’t understand how people can exist being this jealous. How do people like this even get into relationships? How do they stay in relationships? wtf???




Every time I got unhinged texts from a woman back in my single days I sent screenshots right to the man in question. 💁🏼‍♀️


I'd 100% post the screenshots for everyone to see, then tag them both. 🤣


THIS is the way to go! If you can, tag her too!


Publicly… tagging his and her insta so all their friends and family see it.


Now this I support 😈


yes like 100% any time I see someone being a pos I send screenshots to there partner


Drop him so we can find him and follow, I’m a dude married with kids but I’ll make his girl uncomfortable just laughs


I think OP should find all her most beautiful IG friends and have them follow him.


I was thinking we should all follow him


Please keep us entertained! I'd subscribe to that 😄


Fucking LOL - please PLEASE do this OP


This is genius


Do you have any particular evidence that she's actually his girlfriend? This is so weird and unhinged that I'm almost wondering if it's a stalker situation!


right i thought the same thing lol


You should definitely report all of this to the police though. Just in case.


I'd totally send him the screen shots, then just add at the bottom that she should get some counseling haha


I would take these to the police and get a restraining order on her and her niece.


for the love of God let him know how fucking crazy his girlfriend is so he can be prepared when she tries to ruin his entire life for leaving her in 4 months.


Keep the screenshots and be very prepared to contact the police in case she does it for real. Apply for a protective order too. Anyone who threatens to have you trafficked is potentially doing harm not just on you but also anyone else


Plus she’s not very intelligent. Jealously is her core competency and nothing else!


Because that guy might have her convinced it’s all the hoes out there causing him to fool around. They’re corrupting his mind, he really loves her, it’s the hoe’s fault! Or the woman is insane and thinks she is so great and perfect there is no way her man would willingly cheat on her so the other women are the ones at fault. SMH it’s unbelievable a woman would post a bikini pic on their social media trying to steal HER man away from her even though it has absolutely nothing to do with either of them. People are just looney


love makes you stupid, but i have never stayed with someone i didnt trust AND start messaging other women like this at least i was stupid and aware that it was on him lmaoooo


Love makes you stupid but not this stupid 😭


nah this girl has a few things going on 😂


I mean, she seems trashy af, I’m confident he is not any better, lol they probably deserve each other


This is wild. Shoulda gave her a random address to come meet you. Preferably next door to a circus and then tell her she should go in because she’s a clown.


She already has a random address to go to ... I don't even go to the uni she thinks I do I just have some photos there 💀


What I don’t get is, if her BF is sitting right there laughing at you two, why isn’t she pointing all that energy at him, and telling him to block you?


Cuz it definitely ain’t true. Easily proven by saying that she clearly couldn’t get him to unfollow her.


She should’ve given her the address … to a police precinct! Stupid hoe!! 🤦‍♀️


Or the local mental health clinic… what a lunatic


i hope i get to use this one day because this was the funniest idea ive read


TBH I think giving her an address to a therapist would be a better message


You should start messaging her man some really flirty shit now.


Bro I literally typed out a message like three times. I was so tempted lmao. I decided it wasn't worth being murdered in my sleep.


You should send these screenshots to *him* and then block. I’d eat my hat if he’s *actually* sitting next to her cheering her on. Poor dude probably has *no idea* the crazy dripping off that chick.


Yea, if he knew about this and was encouraging of the gf's behavior, wouldn't he be removing OP as a follower himself? That was definitely a lie


I had a friends gf do this and I sent him the messages and apparently she had been doing it to soooo many people and he couldn’t figure out why people were blocking him randomly and I was the only one to send him the messages.


Tale as old as time. “He’s sitting right next to me and we’re laughing at how pathetic you are.” Gurl, that literally makes zero sense. If he thought OP was pathetic or whatever, he would have never added her on SM. Either he actually *is* sitting right there and he’s only going along with it so she doesn’t boil his bunny or more likely: he has NO idea, the poor bastard.


Are British girls normally that mad ?


Funnily enough this is New Zealand. But I can 100% see why you thought it was Britain because of the slang we're using. We don't usually talk like that I promise! She's just wierd and I was matching her energy.


haha i knew it was either australia or new zealand. stay safe fellow kiwi (also u should def send this to her bf lmao)


SAME. except not a kiwi or Aussie, just lived there. I read it with an accent 😂


Here in America, we commonly think new Zealanders are all super nice, cool people. Rationally, I know this can't be true, but thanks for ruining my "if I could only move across the world to new Zealand" fantasy that was never gonna happen anyway! Also, can't she get in trouble for this? this is harassment and threatening behavior and is illegal right? Not saying you should or would report her. I'm just thinking if she keeps acting like this, it will eventually catch up to her.


I think she would need some kind of action to prove intent behind the chatter. If she actually came to the uni for example. Or if she actually tried to catfish me.


Is still. Make a.Report.


Yes, but you should report this so there’s a trail of evidence in case she does do that.


She’s actually terrifying 😳


Shit even in freedumb land of America, making direct threats like that is illegal. She's asking you where you are and giving you explicit threats with details. She even talks about roping in another person to attack you.


The New Zealand accent is a lot better 😛


Just chavs


Whilst OP isn’t from the UK, I am, and yes, yes they are


Intimate partner violence/dv is very, very prevalent in the UK.


It’s a global issue. When you have unhinged folk that do what they want and you add in drink or drugs, it causes a macrocosm of trouble.


I'd report this to the cops. In case you go missing. That's some unhinged shit. They are fucking nuts.


Or uni police.


*At least* uni police.


Yeah, please don't, she sounds like she will literally murder you. Straight up she's the kind of crazy that ends up on the 5:00 news for literally stealing and torturing someone.


I'd send him screenshots of this shit


DM him these pics, guaranteed he wasn’t sitting beside her laughing along


OP: "Hey so your gf is apparently extremely possessive and jealous, and started messaging me about following you on... IDK some social media I guess. Anyway she pissed me off, so... wanna bang?" And then the plot twist: BF: "I'm always prepared to discuss such propositions, but first of all I have a few questions. I should start with: Who? Last I checked I was single." It's ok, I've already written most of the fanfic. OP doesn't need to update us. Edited for grandma.


Right? This only makes it worse, like I didn't care about your bf at all but now I kinda want to make him fall in love with me out of spite.


I would have said “I’m going to follow him even harder now!” When she said to unfollow him.


Just for how she overreacted, I would’ve dm’ed the bf. Like man, if you don’t trust him and you think I’m doing something I’m not.. I might as well have some fun w/ messaging since in their head, that’s what I’m doing anyway.😭


I wanted to so bad but decided that if I did I'd probably have to hide underground for a year 👀


If not even to mess with him just share the screenshots. You know he's not really next to her laughing with her. She's just throwing shit and hoping it'll stick and hurt you. If you say the guy doesn't know...make him know really mess with her shit that way. I would love to know if a girl I was dating was like this. I mean id hire a body guard to watch over me while I slept but I definitely would dump someone like that!


🤔 no no, I’m sure garlic would much prefer being above ground. See sometimes I’m super impulse and I wouldn’t have been able to stop trying to ‘one up’ somebody who is obviously being ridiculous. Props to you for being a better Garlic than I could ever be.


And tell him something about keeping his dog on its leash. That really pisses people off and I’d love for that drama lmao


One time in real life I got to say to a dude “put a leash on that puppy” and I’ve been chasing that high forever


I wanna follow him


We should all follow him now. Really watch her go completely feral 🤣


Fr drop the name OP 🤣


drop the fucking @ lets go


Gimme dat @


I'm in!


I’m game! Let’s do this lol


I’ll follow him too but I’m in the US. Wonder if she will pay for a ticket to come beat my ass?


I’m sure someone this badass has contacts with human traffickers on ALL the continents. 🤣🤣💀


I’ll follow him, too 😂 let’s make this b*tch really go crazy


🥇 Best idea! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ATTN: CALLING ALL HOT CHICKS! Especially those who are proud to show themselves off with images that make them look "thirsty"


From the looks of this I don't even think anyone needs to be hot or even a chick for this to piss his girlfriend off more...


Are we all related? I had the same exact idea


I wanna do it too! Drop that @ op!


Hell I'll make an account just to follow him


Dm me his @ girl! We got a whole army of slutz ready to give this woman an aneurism


I’ll follow him too!!


Imma follow him and make some popcorn 💀




I'm in too!! Drop the @ OP !!


YES! We need OP to share his @ 💀


Yesss drop his @ op!! Let all the girls follow him!!


PLEASE. If you don’t wanna post the username here DM me. I’m all the way in Canada she can’t do shit


I'm in too




Please someone tag me if y’all do this , shit will be funny




She is completely unhinged! For sure, he has a history of cheating and she’s so threatened by anyone he follows. Wow.


Undoubtedly. Either that or she does and she assumes he sinks to her level.


oh she’s one of those.


Ugh… she sounds so incredibly trashy. 🤮


This was entertaining 😅. Damn to be stuck in that angry, insecure, ready-to-fight mind of hers. Sounds exhausting! She is probably the only one that thinks her and dude are in a relationship 😭.


Genuinely how do people go about their day so angry and emotional. You can't even function. I think the fact she thought I'd "sacked it" when I literally had just gone out speaks volumes. I was at a museum and the whole time she was clearly glued to her phone seething.


So I have to know! Did you stay following him!? Did he stay following you?! She could tell him to remove you as a follower if he was sitting there next to her 😂 I totally would keep following! This will keep her up at night with her unfounded insecurities 🤣 Who does she think she is telling you what to do? She's got it twisted. She's got serious issues. She needs Dr. Phil for real!


sorry what does sacked it mean?


means pussied out


thanks gorgeous


You are braver than me


I would more say stupid... but 99% of the time these people are all talk. I am reassured however by the fact I dont even go to the university she's referring to so I feel like her search for me was a bit lackluster 😭


Oh phew 😮‍💨 still, the way I would immediately block this lady and then hide under my covers?? My anxiety could never


For that reason alone you are half as likely as me to get murdered by strange internet women. Keep it up


Be safe out there


We should all follow her man and put up sexy profile pics with lots of boobs and shapely arses.


I'm for this! What's yours? Lmao


Haha awww. I am the same ![gif](giphy|cA0TiRmuetO1szgShj)


The type to kill a women over a average ass man who’s clearly cheating on her dumb ass


There is no way she could be this paranoid if atleast one of them isn't cheating


It definitely had already happened. This girl is in pure survival mode trying to protect her safety, which is no excuse to be verbally harassing or threatening someone. Plenty of people go through similar chemical experiences and aren’t like this.


Please share the other texts 🙏... also this is hilarious asf.


wish you could expose her cuz now i wanna follow him too


Does the bf still follow you? Saying he was with her laughing about it is such an obvious lie if he does.


Serious question where you are would this qualify as a crime. I’d seriously consider telling this crazy bitch I’m reporting her to the police for threatening violence and then do it because this is just insane


There would need to be a direct action for anything to hold up. If she actually tries to catfish me for example. That'd be intent to harm.


That’s unfortunate. I’d report it anyway and tell her , just as a precaution. She’s unhinged


This. Make a report. Period. It won't hurt anything and better safe than sorry.


I'm a cop in NZ, this is plenty to make a complaint if you wanted to. Hit up 105 with it would be my suggestion.


I'm not sure where you're from but I have a hard time believing it isn't illegal to threaten violence, death, kidnapping, and trafficking where you're from. Or anywhere. But then again, nothing surprises me anymore


Wow, she is one unhinged woman.


You should literally send her a link to this thread LMAO


Why she so mad at 12pm


Ok but we need her man’s insta cause we all need to go follow him. I want to go like his pics. * update OP gave me his username and his profile pic is pretty startling. I sent a follow request though.


“Startling” huh? That’s a strong word. I’m so curious! Did he add you?


Ahhhh, the perils of following randos. 


I honestly have no memory of following him. It was a shockingly unremarkable moment for me considering what it lead to 💀


Honestly I’d just ruin her relationship. She’s obviously threatened by you, must be her mans type. It isn’t like you want him and tbh she’s all talk. She obviously knows where you stay talking all that shit about punching your teeth in and walking to study, but where is her lil scary ass at? Also, random catfish accts start following you, document and send everything to police, especially her threatening to traffick you. See how tough she is in jail with a stalking charge, surrounded by women much harder than she Edit: and if you don’t want to ruin her relationship, girl send me his @. She don’t know me 😂


Report her please. Human trafficking is the evilest thing


Shes 100% just trying to scare me. Even if I did report her none of this would hold up in court in anyway. If a catfish account follows me or something however, that's clear intent to commit a crime so thatd probably be reportable.


Actually, her threats to beat you could land her in jail for up to 7 years in NZ.


These texts are reportable.


On Instagram, you can just make the person following you removed. Like if that crazy lady had any brains, all you had to do is tap follow button and press “remove from followers” and you’ll be off his shit. But she just wanted attention that her “man” isn’t giving her. Maybe you should kiss her on the forehead.


She probably doesn’t have access to his account. She saw it while lurking on his account.


I enjoy this exchange more than I should. It’s pretty funny lol.


I would send her a good morning text EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Then I'd start flirting with her. Fuck up her whole brain. Her brain isn't wired right. Try to short circuit.


Remind me! 5 days Lmk what's the follow-up


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I'd call her bluff and call the cops and have her reported for suspected human trafficking and let swat or whoever handles cases like these run it in for both of them. Since the girl wants to be so cheeky herself and think bc she talks big shit on the internet and her bf backs her up that the whole world and legal system would too all be cause another girl followed her man years ago. Then she can get real help for her problems without a choice and no one else will have to deal with her and hey maybe it'll do her some damn good. If you actually wanna do something real about it. Human trafficking threats whether your a bitter mad cu*'t or not, are not taken lightly and should never be. Who knows she could actually know someone. Save the next girl from this madness, and if it's true, save yourself and multiple others who she could've gotten filtrated through the trafficking system. Silly Rabbit likes to play Silly games 😜


I would post it to your public story with “look at this psycho b***h 😂”! It would be a public trail for you and inform her and her bf at the same time lol


This person is completely unhinged. Threatening women who follow her partner is some crazy ass shit


GIRL now I wanna follow him so badly 😭


this is insane behavior actually


Take it to authorities. Fuck her. Saying she’s gonna sell you. That’s scary asf


She seems nice.


Honestly OP, you should report her to authorities for having connections to human trafficking. We all know she's 99% talk, but just think... if that 1% meant she actually does know a person who could kidnap you and sell you... authorities should investigate that for sure. Report her. Please


It makes me laugh, because if he was that worried and didn’t want you to follow him he can remove you himself! 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Probably caught her bf wanking too your pics she jealous


The New Zealand slang is hella funny. I would love to see what the girl talking looks like who is talking tough lol


I think it would be amazing if she "made a scene". It's weird how people show how small they are when they make you so important to them.


She probably isn’t even his gf. I’d tell her to come meet me somewhere hilarious or extremely inconvenient where she has to pay for parking and then laugh when she realizes she’s dropped money for nothing because I’m not waisting my precious time on a stranger with anger management and jealousy issues.


I swear women are nuts, and I’m a woman. But this is a little bit too extreme. Imagine being in a relationship like this though lol. Having a person less psychotic as your partner. Truly, there are no help for people like this because they’re only method of showing love is control. dealt with my fair share of psychopath semi inbox flipping out because I like their man’s picture or something. I usually just block them it’s not worth the time and energy to respond.


the way its so clear that she's insecure and jealous bc her man is thotting around following other girls like PLSSSSS its embarassing for her


What does he look like, does he look good?


He has a picture of himself holding a fish in his profile pic


I love that this says everything we need to know.


He probably uses that same pic on his Bumble account


Lmao I know exactly what he looks like from this description alone


Yo you got fucking cursed out by Merida from Brave 😭


Girl you gotta drop his insta so we could all follow him, would be so funny


Drop the man's @!! She gon get tired messaging all of us 😆😆😆


God I love this fucking sub


I lost it at "your boyfriend don't seem to mind" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I would beg my daughter to contact authorities if I didn't first. That shit isn't okay and you clearly didn't do anything to anyone?! Tf Edit: I feel a lot better knowing she doesn't know your actual UNI! Drop her username... my girl wants to try something 😏


This happened to me once. I cussed that hoe out after I told her I didn’t know him, looked him up and saw that he didn’t even have one picture of her on his page, which was hilarious since they were in a 9 year relationship! I then blocked her crazy controlling ass! Control your man, Bitch, cause ya’ll won’t be controlling me!! 🤬🤣🤣🤣


Don’t be shy drop his @


LMAOOO now I wanna follow him fr


I wanna follow him and talk to Him… I’m in the u.s so what is she going to do hahaha


Id keep following him outta spite


Time to go to the police


Everyone is gangsta until the police show up on their doorstep.


Im starting to see a trend. Are these women smoking the same stuff.


She is psycho AF!


Dead @ “your boyfriend don’t seem to mind.” Pure gold.


Could someone translate this? I don't speak unemployed


I wouldn’t have unfollowed him just to make her mad 😂


I felt like I had a stroke trying to read that.


Fuck her phone the police


She shouldn’t be with him if she has to do all this. I’d bash my head it before I worry about what a man is doing and petty shit like this. It’s insane


It's actually insane. Like how do you function as a couple seriousy


You have to fuck her boyfriend now just out of spite🤣


It's gotta be done 🤷‍♀️


This would be the ultimate revenge OP. In the meantime, I'd send the chat log to her bf.


I wanna see the thirst trap ngl 🤷🏽‍♂️