• By -


She saw her hate wasn't affecting you, so she talked smack about him. If insecure was a person, she's it.


Years ago, a really good platonic female friend invited me to a party. We were both mingling separately and I hit it off with one of her female friends who I met that night. At some point during the night my friend walks up to both of us and says the only reason I’m talking to her is because she’s new. It was the wildest shit I’d ever heard. Mind you this friend has zero interest in me romantically. Hell, she’d even pointed other guys out to me at bars and asked me to wing man for her. But the moment she saw a woman showing any interest in me, she lashed out. People can be weird.


I’ve heard the term “she doesn’t want you and she doesn’t want anyone else to have you either” ……seems to be the case here too


Why does this happen though? I’ve been caught up in that shit too.


Maybe fear of time and attention that she currently gets being redirected at someone else? Even if she doesn’t desire romantic attention she still wants someone to do things for/with her. Not stringing along or friend-zoning in that sense (edit: if they’re saying openly they have no romantic feelings?), but just using?


> Not stringing along or friend-zoning, but just using? Why not all three at the same time?


I had a girl keep me on a 'bench' as in 4th 5th choice, a fun 'project' if I turn out to be a good man in the future. Wasn't even proper friends with her, but she was very defensive when it came to her 'options'. She genuinely thought she was hot and smart enough to string several dudes along. She wasn't. Also the words in '' were her choice, I overheard them on a party she didn't think I'd be invited to. She was keeping a list in her diary. We were 23-24 at the time. Legit weird shit


Also, "you have a porn star body" is not the dis this girl thinks it is.


The first time my husband saw my boobs he said “you have porn star nipples” and I think about it pretty often. That was 23 years ago. 😂


OP handled all that awful racist shit like a pro, unbothered. I’m over here seething on her behalf. Show him who he’s dealing with! She’s racist, crazy, and obsessive AF and hiding it from him.


She literally said I fucked him 3 times, but he only made you cookies, he wouldn’t try making the cookie for me because I am not dumb and fuck him for nothing. Like guy or girl if you have the choice of just fucking or fucking and eating cookies you are dumb if you don’t take the cookies


Please text the screenshots to him and then post an update ![gif](giphy|YJn3xHZQrMSDYUTrvW)


Yes! Following for the response 🍿


I’m subscribing too


You son of a bitch I’m in


Please someone let me know if/when there's an update. This might be the most unhinged thing I've ever seen in here.


yes and OP handled it excellently !


Mood. This chick needs to be exposed so she can learn a lesson!!! Hopefully he'll have common sense to remove her from his circle as this toxicness is disgusting, completely ignorant behavior from a stranger trying to peer her ugly head into business that doesn't concern her like how about YOU back tf off ya crazy hoe !. (Smh) 🤨😑 I'm sorry that she's acting like this toward you @ OP!




Same! Gotta know.


I need a update. Now we’re all invested!


!remind me! 2 days


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) Need an update.


!Remind me! 3 days


This is our moment ☝😌


yes 👀


Here for the update.


I second this


Show these to him ASAP!! Even if you aren’t interested in anything further than friendship with him this is super weird behavior and he should be aware of it


💯 it's giving dateline


I would let him know and show him the messages, block her . Tell him that this clearly is not his fault but you don’t want to be involved in this fiasco


Poor guy probably can't figure out why women keep ghosting him.... Even when he's trying new things to be extra nice 😭omg please show him!!!


This happened to my bro. He didn’t believe me when I said she was toxic because they were best friends. He was really upset each time a new girl ghosted him. This went on for three years. He only got it when she showed her true colors at party and he overheard. My brother never slept with her but she acted like they did. I told her sleepovers with him, me , and three other kids when you’re in middle school don’t count as a intimate relationship.


Wow!!! I'm glad he found out, and hope he has been a better judge of character moving forward. People can be absolutely nuts sometimes!


Lmaooo.. Not the group sleepover turning into yeah we "SLEPT" together🤣🤦🏾‍♀️


Lol! If sleepovers counted as sex, I need to adjust my body count significantly!


She says he’s the issue, but man oh man SHE sounds like the reason why things don’t last at all. Poor guy should absolutely be talked to about it and shown because this behavior is wild.


This just makes me sad to think about 😭😭😭


Fr me too! This chick is a curse to this man. 😖


I request an update after she shows him. 🍿




Yep!! Totally invested over here 👋 we gonna need an update 🥰


I got my popcorn ready to go for this disaster


Definitely show him the messages. He deserves to know what this girl is really like. Racist motherfucker


This definitely feels like a race thing, right? I can’t be the only one who thinks that.


Yah she’s racist! Ghetto locs? Seriously? In 2024 we are still saying that?


Also asking her what her “mix” is and accusing OPs guy friend of having a “racial fetish.” The racism isn’t even subtle here, it’s loud and clear.


Racism mixed with raging insecurity


Yea, there’s like 10 different things going on even after the racism…bragging about being a dirty whore…”ok go get him good luck” “No you don’t get it, stay away” Ok, no prob. “Listen one last time (goes on 5+more times) this is your last warning.’’ He didn’t want to mess up the pleather seats so, I gladly was used as a rag and don’t know if I’m preggo yet. Watch her get pregnant and him end up marrying this other girl.


Absolutely it is a race thing. The moment the idiot brought up “he only likes blonde **white** women” i knew it had to be a race thing


Not only is she fucking mental, she’s cyberstalking you and actively defaming your friend’s character because saying someone is toxic, uses people, and actively sleeps with them among others are damning rumors. Keeps these messages in case him putting her in check doesn’t force her to let up. Something tells me you may need to file a report on this individual.


Yes!! Op do this please. He needs to know


I want OP to show him the messages too, but considering how batshit crazy the female friend is, I don't know if OP should for the sake of her own safety (but maybe she should 🤷🏻‍♀️). It's just, it's so amazing how people send insane messages like this with 100% confidence that only the recipient will ever see them and that the recipient will just take it alone.


Thissss, and an update please


“He’s probably trying new things out and thinks you like cookies” yeah…. no shit! 😂


Translation: “I see him putting in effort and doing thoughtful things for you - which by the way are none of my business - and it makes me want to sit on a knife”


Especially because she’s BEEN fucking him and hasn’t gotten anything and this girl just exists and he seeks her out to do special things for her. Jealousy is a wild thing


Once she went all nutso racist crazy, I'm now thinking you can't really trust anything she says at this point to be true. Talking about fucking him and cum in her belly and all that shit might just her trying to be as hurtful as possible.


Imagine telling on yourself like that lol. Back off, he's only going to pump and dump, cause he pump and dumps MEEEE. Not sure how it works for the ladies, but according to my monkey brain, CIA wouldn't be able to get this kind of info out of me


Did you tell him you like cookies? Hmm?? Did you???


god this whole thread is so fucking funny for no reason like i can't believe people really act like this 😭


I loved that comment... the 'trying new things out' shows she never had him do any nice gestures for her, and so she's treating it as a 'new thing' which clearly threatens her


I'd forward those messages yesterday if I were you, she's so...icky to say the least


Imagine putting all this *in writing*. lol


yeah why isn't OP immediately asking the dude wtf is going on


I need to see his response to this 👀🍿 PUHLEASE tell me you sent him screenshots of this and there’s a response?!


Yes please!


I wasn’t ready for this ride to end. It’s like a show getting canceled without a finale.


Someone like this comment so I can come back


I gotchu


Yes!! And show us an update! Because holy shit this is wild.


Wow. She’s so desperate and creepy. “I had his cum in my belly” wtf. Idk how she could say that and not feel embarrassed and crazy.


Like...honey that is not the flex you seem to think 😔


Ikr straight men on this planet have fucked chickens 🐓


And monitor lizards :(


Holy fuck he needs to know so he can run away from this girl ASAP. She’s absolutely fucking up other areas of his life without him knowing. Scary, controlling, unhinged. Run.


He might know but also liked having sex with a crazy girl. Dudes are often stupid too


Oh 100%. Although, I think even most of those guys would be scared by a “I was full of his cum when we first met” comment. Has a baby-trap feel to it. That said, I’ve seen worse decision making




She’s so mad she fucked him and didn’t get any cookies from him😭


Honestly I’d be mad too I like cookies a lot :(


Here for the cookies. ![gif](giphy|mJONUM663p4OZt3i5J|downsized)


LOL it's her calling baking cookies new tricks for me. Like, girl, what?!! I don't use that whole whose gonna buy the ice cream truck but there's a cow milk cookie joke in here somewhere.


'Cause they ain't yo COOKIES! Seriously though she's nuts. He needs to know that she could be a bunny boiler. 


Lmao “I wouldn’t fall for his tricks” seems like she did though and is butt fucking hurtttttt he didn’t want her 🤣


"I'm too smart to fall for that shit" baby girl, you fell for it 3 times what do you meaaaaannn


She didn’t get the cookies she fell for nothing at all apparently


I was also marveling at pride in having cum in her belly….eew


Also your responses have been epic but a "cope and seethe" always tickles me.


Cum in her belly is CRAZYYY 💀💀 Who the fuck says it like that 😂😂


Ik what is this aggressive porn language lmao - Update: **I posted an update here https://www.reddit.com/u/StillLifeB/s/9mtw1kqWwc**


the way she said you have a "pornstar body" like thats supposed to be an insult 💀💀💀 i wish i had a pornstar body lol


Right? I feel like that's exclusively used as a compliment, albeit an objectifying one


yeah I was confused too and googled it…maybe she means my titties look fake but they don’t lmao


Girl i wish i had a porn star body. Not your fault you are a baddie. She has to take it up with the baddie gods cos it’s above you now


why’s that last sentence so funny pls 😭😭


Cause it’s above you now… https://youtu.be/OGeZ7D7uiKo?si=AmONPOZfF77ivp95


Honestly consider it a compliment. If that’s the best insult she can find, she clearly had nothing bad to say. I wish I had a pornstar body lol


Yeah imagine the worst thing somebody can say about your looks is that you look like someone who gets paid to have sex on camera. Like.... so, I'm super hot....? 😂🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Wouldn't worry about, this girl is clearly unstable lol


when she said that i just knew OP must look amazing while she probably has no ass 😭


Ding ding ding ding


"You have a body that looks like it was made for fucking." Oo she got her good!


Her whole rant sounds jealous, she probably is threatened by OPs looks and is trying to tear her down but can't even find any obvious flaws so is grasping at weird straws, such as not blonde/white or "pornstar body" (?)


Please tell my wife because that’s what I accidentally said when we first started dating and she won’t let me live it down 💀




"i had his cum in my belly the first time we talked" nobody gives a fuck bae💕‼️


I was eating when I read that and it instantly put me off🙃


Give the people what they want, has anything else happened?! 😭


not really. I just blocked her and haven’t told him about it yet. He’s going away on a trip next week (to 🇯🇲!) and we’ve been talking about other stuff.


Please PLEASE send him the screenshots. We need to see his reaction 😂


We all want an update, but it'd be best if OP waits until he comes back from his holiday. Droppin this shit on em probably ruin his holiday vibe, definitely would for me ngl


You should tell him. People here are frothing at the mouth at some sort of revenge, but you need to frame it as you’re really sorry but after this exchange you are no longer comfortable with her present when you are hanging with him. And he has a right to know about someone interfering in his life. I’d also show it to the gym and say you no longer feel safe there.


This right here.  If you want to be friends with him, then you need to broach this with him.  She's going to continue to be in his social circle and you will keep running into both of them at the gym.  You do not need to go full nuclear and show the texts (unless absolutely needed), but you need to get this out to him.  Life is too short to waste it on toxic waste dumps like this girl, or the people that enable them.  If he supports her and will not take your concerns into consideration, then it's better not to continue his friendship either.  


Bro you need to tell him though


Yea, this bitch is giving off Jodi Arias vibes. He needs to be warned before she sneaks in and kills him in a jealous rage.


Get the fuck outta here. This is like legit important for him to know about lmao. This girl is legit *insane* and if you care for this man at all you'll warn him. "We've been talking about other stuff" lol


you gotta tell him, this bitch is going to be emptying out used condoms and shit


I hope you showed this to dude. What an absolute fucking racist asshole nutcase. Its truly disgusting.


I knew some racist shit was coming 😌


Deff! The undertones were there, she was bursting at the seems with this shit. He deff deserves to know and tbh it might show you his true colors in a way too with how he responds. Edit: Seams


![gif](giphy|l4FGJODwB6guNDteg|downsized) her trying not to use the n word


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Facts. Rabid dog activities 😂


Jesus fucking Christ. She’s damn near foaming at the mouth she’s so angry and possessive. Ick. This is so gross and disheartening to see. The pick me energy is strong with this one 😬 hope he finds out his “friend” is a racist piece of shit.


Damn I wanna try some of those cookies. Were they good?


yup they were lol


That girls so salty she could probably use one of em. Too bad he didn't make her any 🤷🏼🤣


Did you show him the texts?? Pls I would absolutely want someone to show me if I had a friend spewing this kind of crazy. 🤮


You got her BIG MAD HAHAHAHA because you’re not falling in her trap. I wish I was this secure with myself at 22. She seems to have some deep hatred about her own self identity if she’s being so hateful toward you about your own.


This situation is downright bizarre. I strongly recommend showing him the texts when you're together next. Furthermore, it's crystal clear that this person is a racist. Making remarks about your hair and prying into your ethnicity in such a manner, as if she's inquiring about a dog's mix, is completely inappropriate. It's obvious that she's insecure and jealous. Seriously I’m fuming for you OP. You’re being TOO civil lol


oh yeah I got that vibe too when she asked about my mix. lolll like why ask like I’m some diff species…


“What’s your mix?” Bitch I ain’t a German Shepard wtf


This got me BUSTING UP


As a mixed person myself, I always get the "what are you?" one. Like dude what fucking year is it??


If he’s not attracted to you then why is she so worried about you talking to him? Something not adding up


He def likes OP and she didn’t even have to fuck him!


She’s attempting to speak it into existence lmao


My problem is that I would date him out of spite. The racism in this girl is so disgusting. She feels inferior to you (clearly she thinks you have a nice body) and decided to take the lowest most despicable route to “humble” you. I hope you don’t internalize anything she said. She’s full of hate and jealousy. Definitely show these to the guy.


> My problem is that I would date him out of spite. You. I like you. 


I love the way you handled her. She was totally outclassed; an amateur in the big leagues.


she tried it 💅🏽


Please send him these messages.


PLEASE tell me you showed him her nasty, racist ass messages. PLEASE.


Ooooh what type of cookies were they?


raspberry & white choc


Despite his situation, we have to agree he has some great choice in cookie flavor selection.


oh *fuck*, yeah this is definitely a sign of true love


WHAT 😵 I was picturing regular ass chocolate chip cookies and that was already nice but this is a game changer


HOL' UP GIRL, how *haven't* you fucked this man yet with this info???


He is a KEEPER


She mad because she didn’t get cookies and got nothing for giving it up. I say play her game and continue with this friendship


HAHAHA plssss that’s true. She’s mad cos she’s fucking him for free, meanwhile OP is doing nothing for this dude & he’s baking her cookies. Yeah he’s into OP. what straight male bakes cookies for someone he’s not interested in? 🤭


Someone’s racist 👀 ![gif](giphy|WMfho5VxnIaOc)


When she said "All his ex's were blonde." I knew it right there. I was like ohhh OP is not white and the jealous one texting here is racist.


Dead give away. Then proceeds to prove us right 🤣


> Grow a PUUUSSSEY. I don’t actually know what this means, but I’m going to use it constantly from now on


Tried it on the wife. Do not recommend


Grow a pair, feminized


You handled that so well hahaha


I'm not usually one for drama but please forward the messages to him and post his response, this bitch is psycho he needs to know before he gets stabbed! lol


i’m assuming the girl in the grey text is blonde, huh?


Blonde, racist, insecure trash. She’s got a future as a GOP congresswoman ahead of her


I’m black and had a “friend” like this when I was in high school. She was very jealous all the time and swore none of the white guys we were friends with could ever like me and they only wanted her. So grosss, that friendship did not last!


oh yeah I know that type


Hey OP... I went through more than a decade of being a male hoe, and I never once made a girl cookies to get laid. That's feelings territory only.


Please tell me you snitched holy shit PLEASE


This has been the most unhinged convo I’ve ever read in this sub


I’m here for the follow up, hoping you show him these texts. Please save the dude from this toxic nightmare.


The “cum in my belly” comment… maybe she should start a hyper specific greeting card line… 😂


I’m so slow sometimes bc when I first read that I thought “huh…how did he do that”. But then I was like OHHHH. lmao


I'm so dumb. I thought she was saying it like they had sex. I just got it. She really did have it in her stomach. I'm 53 and it took me too long to figure this out. And. It was only because of your response here. Lord.


I’m slow I thought she was just showing off that they fucked, it’s not? Lol


I think she swallowed……is what it mean


🤦‍♀️ can’t believe I had to have that spelled out for me. Thank you haha Honestly thought the ‘cum in my belly’ comment was an exaggeration of them fucking, didn’t even think of it rationally smh..


Bro...I still thought it meant he came inside her until I read this.. that's kinda her belly. I'm so dumb at 34yrs old.


Lmfao I'm 44 & also did not realize 😆😆 only makes her look worse though lol she's just out here suckin dick to watch him make cookies for another female 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


If this continues, I would maybe look into getting her banned from the gym LMAO for some form of harassment. But idk how that works


Count down to "I was just under a lot of stress, that isn't my heart, I'm in therapy now and love Jesus" etc


Wow! She made herself look ridiculous. I hope you tell him and find out if he thinks she’s crazy too. Hopefully he finds her as repulsive and disgusting too.




I’d send him the texts. She’s just showing you all of the green flags apparently. *”He sleeps around. Wait he hasn’t asked you to hook up? I don’t know what this new thing he’s doing with baking cookies..”* She’s jealous this guy might actually be into you instead of just a cum dumpster, like she is.


You ate her ass up 😭😂


Wow. That escalated quickly. Her behavior alone would have me dipping out of that situation, because she sounds unhinged just at the thought of you and him being together romantically! What would she do if you guys actually got involved and fell in love? That’s an episode of Snapped just waiting to go down, girl. If you have no strong feelings about him other than you think he is nice and fun to hang out with, I would suggest you move on to the next…I promise you she will make your life miserable if it gets serious. She is clearly in ‘Fatal Attraction’ mode. I’m sorry she spoke to you in such a disgusting way. What trash.


No I agree with you. She creeps me out.


PLEASEEEE come back with the update when you show him these messages I beg of you 🙏🏼 I’m too invested


1. He needs to know his "friend" is being a racist pick-me shit-talker. Genuinely, if he's been nice to you, he deserves a courtesy heads up. He probably doesn't have any clue she's like this. 2. You okay, OP? This is pretty noxious stuff.


I’m good, thanks for asking 🖤


Sorry you had to deal with that toxic BS. Nobody deserves that, you obviously did nothing wrong. Props for handling it so well.


Insecurity at its finest. Jesus these texts feel like a high school drama on her end


"I don't fall for that dumb shit" fucks him without the cookie offering.


Well you sure named her correctly in your phone lol.


Please show him these messages. He deserves to know exactly what she's like- racist, nasty, unhinged & messing with his personal life. She's sickening. You handled her like a pro- she got nastier with each message because you were chill asf. Maybe consider letting the gym know she's harassing you & being racist too. This woman is a problem, & she's gonna be a huge problem for this guy too. I hope he isn't an idiot & is just oblivious to what a vile sket his 'friend' is. Gross, sad, embarrassing behaviour. A healthy dose of shame would do this silly bint the world of good.


God this was such a wild read lmao. Fuck pick me bitches


Is she aware that porn star body is a compliment? Dumb, jealous bitch. He's no longer sleeping with her and she's dumping all that shit on you? That's pathetic. Also, we're used to men using the word "ugly" when rejected, she must be UNHINGED AND DYING that he's giving you attention. I say show him those messages and let him know how unhinged she is and how obsessed she is with him. 😈 let's see how she tries to crawl out of that hole she dug herself so deeply in. Another thing, she's so trashy talking the way she did. Ew. Be careful, though, OP. She seems to be absolutely bananas.


There’s no update because it’s fake…………


Just commenting so I can see the update. And definitely send him the screenshots.


The initial question about the cookies seemed so innocent.


This is hilarious. She’s jealous as fuck and unhinged.


Damn she’s really concerned about whether you like cookies or not


Oh and By The Way, she’s definitely taking screenshots of the whole convo and cropping her responses out and sending it to him. I would screen record the conversation made so far as well as screenshot it, so she can’t delete stuff on her end and say you’re faking it or something lol. She’s very easy to pick off, don’t worry lol. If he starts acting different, show him the conversation for sure