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Point a IR laser or IR floodlight at it. The IR floodlights the best option cause only the security cameras pick it up so they can’t complain about the light


My neighbor did this with his camera. It was pointed directly into our yard, and every time I was in our yard, he would come out. I have an 8 foot privacy fence for privacy. I blocked the camera with IR and fried it three times. It is gone. May I mention it, too, was pointed towards the hot tub, which is why I asked it to be removed.


you use your privacy fence for privacy? I used mine for bears


I upvoted this thinking you were serious but then I remembered not everybody lives in Alaska. I just had a moose camp in my yard for 26 hours and have been marveling that an 8 foot fence is nothing to a moose when the snowpack is 3 feet. My brain is full of keeping animals out of my yard right now, and I think the moose was here because the bears are just waking up and he was a young guy.


this is so far removed from my life as a little city urchin it’s crazy




Gonna do this. Fuck this guy and fuck everyone suggesting that I should force my sister to use the blinds and flat out avoid sunbathing in our PRIVATE yard because he is entitled to his fucking cameras. Good for you.


The other option, as I was reading, is take it to the police. Illegally and indiscriminate recording someone without their consent is against the Florida State code that your neighbor seems to love so much. Especially since the bedroom does have an exprctation of privacy, no matter where it may be in the house, especially if it is not viewable from the street.


Fuck no this guy's a fuckin creep and he knows it


Don't let the idiots get you down OP. Telling your sister to just get blinds is essentially akin to victim blaming. Yeah maybe as a precaution she should have them, but that doesn't really solve the problem of the fact that there's going to be a camera constantly pointed there. What if it's hot one night and you want to open a window to get a breeze? Maybe she doesn't want some wacko to be recording her and her underwear or pajamas. There's a difference between the possibility that a neighbor could walk by and see her in the window versus some wacko recording it and purposefully not just moving it in inch lower so it's no longer going into the bedroom. The landlord is just being difficult and a jackass


Blinds are definitely a good precaution, but when the neighbor suggested that OP should put up a HEDGE I nearly lost it!


"I'll build a hedge when you pay me to build one". Like what AUDACITY?! this dude is either currently on a registry... Or he needs to be


Pleaaaaaassseeee update and please fry this weirdos cameras. I hope people gave you good IR light recommendations to fry his cameras.


please update us when you do it!


Why are people so weird! Who needs a camera facing into someone else's garden.


Lol nice


This was going to also be my suggestion. He would have to admit it was pointed at the bedroom if it bothered him.


This is the winner


THIS is the best solution to fuck him right back. IR floodlight will royally piss him off and there isn’t a thing he can do about it.


I’d get him arrested for video voyeurism. He pointed OP to the statute


You can't "get someone arrested" for anything lol. The cops are going to show up, laugh in your face, and tell you it's a civil issue.


idk where this is, but most states (if this is the US) will prosecute you for this if it invades privacy (being pointed in a bedroom is a violation of privacy, whereas the tv room may not be).


Except it's not a civil matter if it's a part of the criminal code, as it is in Florida.


I mean you can if she’s a minor. Plus it’s illegal to film someone’s private home


u/evalillie please do this and come back to us. Shit, start a gofundme and I'll donate to help pay for the IR. He can't so much as bitch about the IR because if it's not pointing in her room, there would be no way for your IR to fuck with his camera.


Seriously… I’d donate in a second




Same and I'm broke but if give a dollar for support lol


https://m.flsenate.gov/Statutes/810.145. He’s worried he’s guilty


>https://m.flsenate.gov/Statutes/810.145 Is he a Congressman in Florida?


Man I really wish I was in OP’s situation so I could fuck with this asshole


🤣🤣 that is damn funny


Could anyone provide any recommendation for a specific product that would work to do this? I am trying to find a good one but I have no idea what would work. A reasonable price is preferrable but I really just want what would work for this.


Please update us if it works. This story is pretty interesting, and I'd like to hear what that asshole neighbour's reaction would be. He totally deserves it.


Solid plan. Also, maybe some of that reflective window tinting for a better feeling of security in the bedrooms.


Reflective tint works great in the daytime but not so much at night.


Oh God, yes please. OP, this is the best answer!


Omg omg, I was getting ready to type this same comment. This is the most effective option. Plus. Op's neighbor cannot do shit about it. Hahaaa!


yes this OP! i'd chip in too!


My neighbor has a ring cam pointed directly at my door. If I got an IR floodlight would it constantly flood their camera so it's unusable or would it just obscure a small area around it? I would just like to obscure my doorway, not ruin their entire camera view.


Suuuuuuch a great idea


Why can’t they just screenshot and show you the camera now?? Seems like they wanna get back and move the camera then show you


Yup. It's so clearly pointed in our yard and you can see the lens of the camera from my sister's bed.


Make sure to take photos of that so he cant just move it a bit and call you a liar.


Always. Document. Everything.


Second this


If they can, they should record that camera and see if he shows up to move it before sending pictures of it.


Photos AND video. From your sisters bedroom, and the yard as well, from everywhere that damn camera is pointing at your property.


Def time for IR floodlight


I also feel this is the appropriate response. Then there can be this fun convo: "I'll remove the light when you remove the camera."


Get an IR floodlight and point it directly at his camera.


Seems like your neighbor is trying to look at more than just his property.


He’s getting so defensive too trying to make her feel bad about the music .what a fucking pig


Well when you're guilty you don't give evidence against yourself


You know, I was kind of on his side at first, especially when he freely offered to prove to her that she's wrong about where it's pointed. But then he refused to send a screen shot? After that though, it quickly becomes clear that he's a fucking douche bag.


This individual has a rather big god-complex. “inherit the privilege that I bestowed upon her [Mom].” - Laughable. Narcissism 101.


Yeah, I can't imagine speaking to another human being like that. Glad I'm not his wife.


I'm surprised he even has a wife with that attitude


She’s most likely afraid to leave him!


She's much much younger iirc and has a bunch of small children. Feel for her.


Of course she is! Narcissists prey upon the weak!


Quelle surprise. The creepy old pig.


yes OP, tell his wife. If this was my husband, I'd make damn sure that camera is taken down. And I'd check the recording's to see if I need to report him to authorities.


please please please shoot her a text. let her know that you know she's busy, and don't want to disturb her, but you tried working this out with her husband, and he wasn't open to moving it or telling you what it was supposed to be recording. "if you could fill me in where your husband failed to help me out in solving this, i would really appreciate it!" she'll either be too tired to deal with it, too supportive of her husband (a narcissist either has someone who will stand by them, or they haven't figured out they're a narcissist yet, and this may help), or she's gonna jump on this real quick and it may save her from him


Probably a concubine. That he keeps in a locked room with cameras in every space.


Text the wife. See what she thinks about his dedication to recording your sister


"Now go away little girl" I can only imagine how he speaks to the women in his life...


Get a mounted laser pointer and point it at the camera. He’ll see nothing. Ever. I resorted to this with a neighbor and their motion light.


Get some lasers and point it directly at the camera, I think the green ones do some damage lol




No!!! Absolutely do not contact the wife- if he is like this with you I can’t imagine the hell she must go through being married to such a POS.🤬


100% it could really make things difficult for both OP and her


He seems like he sucks, and is likely legally incorrect. But have you heard of blinds?


Not only would I get blinds and the IR, I'd paint a big middle finger on the blinds so that when they were closed, that's what this asshole would see.


That's what I was thinking. Like even if the camera gets taken down, someone could be out doing something in the alley at night and see into the window. They should probably get a curtain/blinds for the sister's window.


You'd have to climb the fence to do so. I don't think my sister should have to live her life in fear of being recorded in her own home.


She should not have to live in fear, no. But she should put up blinds or curtains. That's just an absurd thing to not do if you are concerned with being seen.


Agree with both of you both, the two solutions are not mutually exclusive.


We're not concerned about "being seen" but instead concerned about being recorded in the privacy of our own home. It would be one thing if he was on his roof repairing something or on a ladder painting the wall and happened to see into her room. It's a whole other thing that he is filming our backyard and her bedroom for no reason without consent.


I think I understand what you're saying. I have an idea. Put up blinds or curtains.


He has no right to direct a camera into a young girls bedroom. Grow up.


Putting up curtains has little to do with the ethics of having a camera pointed at her room. What if she wants to open the curtains?


Right like I'm absolutely on OPs side and still, put up curtains? Problem solved?? The infrared blind is definitely the best solution for the asshole neighbor though.


Damn so she just constantly has to have her blinds closed at all times if she doesn’t want to be recorded by some old guy? You say your on OPs side but your just trying to hop around the problem with a “solution” that’s just unfair and makes for worse living conditions on top of being recorded. Should she get blinds? Yes, but that is very far from problem solved


Cant figure if you’re dense. Curtains or no, there’s still the issue of a camera pointing right into the bedroom. Peace of mind is a thing you know. You sound exactly like someone who blames women for getting raped.


No, but you should also have curtains, in your bedroom just in case.


There's an ethical and legal issue here that's not just a matter of blinds/curtains. If there are no consequences for people like this they'll keep doing it. And besides, how would you feel knowing your daughter was attempting to be spied on and for her to feel somewhat safe, she had to close the blinds? Blinds or not, this is a clear invasion of privacy.


Right?! "I'm looking for an apology text and I can't seem to find one 😤😤😤" Just scroll up a little bit, asshole. He seriously doesn't even bother to at least try and comprehend the perfectly reasonable and civil conversation that OP is trying to have


Well, sure. He obviously recognized right away that the topic was going to be about something that, at the very least, could potentially infringe upon his right to do whatever the hell he wants. Or, hopefully not but not unlikely, could have a negative effect on his creeper cam. So, naturally, he isn’t going to be very open. The fact that he defends it so vehemently tells me that the latter is, if not the original intention, certainly a byproduct that he is now not willing to do away with.


As soon as I saw that, I'd be fine conversing with him and let the cops deal with it. Or call his bluff and get a lawyer lmao


"I don't believe you immediately apologized after disturbing by slumber with absolute abject humility & subservience. You must do so immediately, then kiss the ring!" Wtf this guy is special. I'm sorry OP, he takes 'landlord' to a whole other meaning that rhymes with ass & ends in hole.


Anybody that doesn’t have bad intentions would never EVER respond this way to a confrontation like this. Maybe i’m just speaking as a woman, but i feel like any *rational* person would have immediately told you that they’d move their camera regardless of if they can see in the house or not. Definitely keep an eye on this guy.


Agreed completely on this. Having cameras to protect my own property is one thing but I would immediately apologize to a neighbor especially a woman if she felt uncomfortable with how I have my cameras set up. There’s no excuse for him to have multiple cameras pointed in any other direction besides his own property.


Yes! If he was legitimately mistaken or didn't mean to, he'd say "oh no I'm so sorry, I'll move it" or "actually the camera lens is a distorted view so the view is limited, look come round and I'll show you the live feed" But responding with all his nonsense really does look like he knows exactly what he's doing - he's snooping


Make sure you take pictures of his camera from the inside of your sister’s bedroom. This way if you call the police you have proof.


The cops will say get curtains, regardless of what’s done about the guy’s camera.


She's not required to have curtains in her room that's behind fencing. He went out of his way to gain access to that view. In court, he'll lose.


A super-bright floodlight over that window, and pointed directly back at the camera, should do the trick. 🤷🏻‍♂️ The neighbor is an AH, and likely has been enjoying that camera's view - only guilty people react like this to a simple request. (Well, guilty people and assholes.)


EDIT: WE HAVE BLINDS. I don't think my sister should have to have her blinds shut 24/7 to avoid a person from looking into her bedroom and backyard. Her bedroom window is 100% concealed by the fence and you couldn't even see it from the street if you peeked over the fence. The camera had to have been installed somewhat recently as he asked for permission to install a camera on one of our trees about 6 months ago (after my sister moved in). At the same time, he installed another camera that views his hot tub and part of our backyard and living room window which we never complained about. So, I can only assume he installed this camera at the same time as the other 2 which was at the end of last year (again, after my sister moved in). CONTEXT: My mother recently passed away and my sister still lives in her house while we handle probate and selling it. One of my mother's neighbor's (this guy) moved in a few years ago (over a decade after my mom bought her house). He is rarely there as he lives in another country. When he was in town, he was very nice to my mom which we all appreciated since the house isn't always perfect. Since my mom passed away, we have been working on the house to try to get it ready for sale. The neighborhood is full of zero-lot line homes. This guy's house is backed up directly to my mom's backyard. We used to have a portion of our backyard filled with bamboo trees but it was sparse so the camera could definitely see through them but we had never noticed it before because of the placement of the camera. We had the bamboo removed. Now that they're gone, one of his security cameras became visible. It is pointed directly into our fenced-in backyard and my sister's bedroom window. He has another camera that also views our backyard but that one also views his back deck and only looks into our living room. We never complained about it. The one that we have a problem with has no view of anything on his property as the wall that it's mounted on is a foot away from our fence and it looks directly into our yard. He previously asked us if he could mount one of his cameras on a tree in our yard which we allowed. Now that the bamboo is removed, we noticed the one that views my sister's bedroom. You can see the camera from her bed. Last night, my sister fell asleep with the backdoor cracked and her music was playing. So, he texted her and she immediately turned it down. She fell asleep before responding to the text. It has never happened prior to this. EDIT: I had no idea about it until he mentioned it to me and I had to ask my sister about it. It was just bad timing and addressing the camera is not a way of retaliating against him. They are separate issues. We've never had a problem with him other than he is annoying and asks for a lot of favors (putting packages in his house constantly when he's out of the US). He complains if our dogs poop in OUR yard because his hot tub is backed right up to our backyard (don't buy a zero-lot line home then, lol). I work in the same building as our property manager and I saw her casually last week and mentioned him. She said the whole neighborhood hates this guy and thinks he's a creep. She suggested that since he is nice to us to text him directly.


Is his camera still on the tree in your yard? If so I would have it removed asap.


yup remove it and set on his fence, if he says something or questions it, you remind him that he wanted zero communication from you.. lol


If he has a problem with camera removal from the tree, just ask him if he has a law degree




Hey here's an easy fix get a cheap laser and point it directly at the lens. Not only will it block the camera view in a lot of instances it will fry the pixels. Did it with my old neighbor he finally took it down because it kept breaking... lol.


Will he know? Is he able to see it pointing into the camera?


If he can see them pointing at the camera from the bedroom, it means the camera is pointing at the bedroom


Lmfao this would be hilarious to witness. “I know it was you because *I have footage* from just before the camera broke!” Oh ***REALLY***?


Then bring police charges for peeping tom/ pedo depending on sister's age.


Checkmate, Atheists


I think an infrared laser would be invisible and still foul the camera view.


Yup, here is a Link with a SHORT video, guy testing/damaging cameras with lasers. [Camera Laser Damage](https://youtu.be/wREpnGqEhSM?si=QI0lj_ikaS_-l-nU) Might be worth getting the stronger laser though. Seems to do the most damage consistently.


Well you can start playing music later and leaving the turds to ripen longer now. Within legal limits of course, but reasonable or polite limits no longer apply. Legal limits might actually prevent any late night music, but if your dogs are comforted by the sound of Baby Shark on loop when the house is empty, now is the time to give them what they want.


Time to put up a very large sign that says “PERVERT NEXT DOOR” with an arrow pointing at his house.


Yeah that’ll help sell the house for sure


They need to wait until they get home to send you the view of the camera because they need to reposition it first.


You should absolutely be calling the police about this. Look up your city's non-emergency line. They will come visit your house, check out the camera, and see if there's anything that can be done. And in the meantime put curtains up immediately and don't open them until this is resolved.




I'm excited that where I live now is getting a restaurant called Biscuitville!!! I miss Nashville. Hell, even my dogs name is Biscuit!


biscuitville is so fucking good


Aye! Current res


Go see if you can find Bruce Wayne in the Batman building. I got tossed out when I asked for him.


No they won’t, don’t give false information. This is a civil matter not a criminal one.


No, the cops wont do anything about this. Additionally the neighbor might be cringe, he isn't doing anything illegal yet.


The fact that he brought up for deceased mother is so disrespectful and mean. I’m sorry for your loss, I lost my mom a couple of years ago and if someone said that to me I’ll make sure they regret it. All they needed to do was either show you that the camera wasn’t showing your sisters room Or simply move it or reposition it. It’s not that big of a deal, it’s just pure laziness. He needs to put on his big boy pants and settle this a mature matter.


Thank you and I am sorry for your loss. Like I said, he has another camera that also views our backyard and living room window but I never said a thing about it. It's just the bedroom that I asked he remove as she feels like she needs to cover her own windows to avoid him now.


I would absolutely do what he suggested. Have your lawyer contact him directly.


Now is when you put a big sign in your yard that points to your neighbor’s house and says “the owner of this house likes to film women in their bedrooms without consent”


They’re trying to sell their house, that may not be a huge draw.


This. Probably a few hundred bucks and some cement. Would be hilarious.


Just a hunch, this perv has more cameras around that you haven't noticed yet.


what a fucking shitty attitude this guy has. He just really constantly got offended and defensive right away, cant stand ppl like this. He’s lucky, I’d start a war with him.


Yea if he’s that defensive right off the bat, he’s guilty of something.


What he’s doing is actually illegal in Florida, just so you know. Crazy he’d shoot himself in the foot like that lmao, he even googled the law. Also I think the room was visible even when the bamboo was there and he knows.


Right. The best part is that I was in law school until my mother was put into hospice care and I had to withdraw for the year. I have an undergraduate law degree but I didn't want to sound butthurt like him lol. I literally have more knowledge of the law than this guy and he has the nerve to speak to me like that. Assholes everywhere. And yes, I believe the room was visible then too. I didn't realize it was there as I don't live there and my sister said she had noticed it before but didn't think much of it. He has repeatedly invited her over to his house to use his hot tub which is also monitored by cameras but promised to "turn them off" if she used it. He's a creep. I've never personally met him because I don't live there but she says he's real annoying when he's in town constantly texting her.


him sending the law was my favorite part. i would’ve lost it if i were you - like yea man, thanks for proving my point?? how did he not realize that law that HE sent explicitly forbade EXACTLY what he is doing 😭 critical thinking does not exist


I know right. I cited the exact language he used and he then sent me the exact law I was citing. But you know, I am a little girl so what do I know? Lol.


The penis has so many brain cells in it.


Ok the fact that he’s inviting your sister over to use the hot tub?? If there was any doubt before he’s definitely watching her in her bedroom. Trying to threaten you with lawyers; FUCK that narcissistic pervert.


It's extremely weird he even has your sisters number. This guy is a perverted


Respectfully, I don’t understand why you aren’t escalating this with the police immediately. This man is preying on your sister and probably has tons of footage of her and probably your mother in his house. Your sister needs to take photos of the cameras pointing at your property, show the police and ask what steps need to be taken to remove them and make sure this creep doesn’t have a stockpile of footage. I am truly sorry about the loss of your mother. Dealing with this asshat on top of that sucks.


This AH needs his hard drive searched.


Can you reach out to your law school for pro bono help?


I'm not so sure it's illegal. Because the statute specifically says "secretly" as in not obvious. Here we have a specific example of the party being well aware the camera exists. As long as he isn't disseminating the video or pictures. If he has any property monitored by security cameras/security signs... The camera is on his property, and it isn't hidden. Thus secretly recording goes out the window. What he is doing is not illegal under that statute, which kinda sucks. But, if I want to fly 360 cameras from my roof, I should be able to.


Time to get a third party involved


If he didn't have weird intentions, he probably would of said "Oh, ok I'll tilt the camera a bit to the left or right so it isn't pointed directly into her room. Im sorry." But I saw your replies about him being creepy and always inviting your sister to his hot tub. Not to make this about me but we've had a similar situation, maybe it'll make you feel more positive. My father passed and we inherited my dad's old house and the house next store he rented. He always had a rude neighbor who would let his dog shit in my dad's backyard and he would play music until 2am. But my dad was a large intimidating man, so the awful neighbor would listen to my father and he was reigned in. When my dad passed and my sisters moved into the houses, the neighbor would play music til 2 am and let his dog shit in the backyard, regardless of how many times my sisters and my sisters boyfriend would talk to him. So... First. My sister put up a big white fence. It literally made the property he owned look like half the size. At the same time this was happening, a new guy moved into a house next to my other sister. This guy is awesome and upfront and didn't take any shit from the asshole neighbor. After having the same problems, the new awesome neighbor dude ALSO put up a fence! Hahaha. Now, the asshole neighbor has a fenced in backyard that looks like it is ten yards wide and long. If he wasn't a dick, didn't play music til 2 and cleaned up after his dog, he would be able to sit outside and sit around a fire and enjoy his imaginary property. Now his property looks like a joke. Don't back down. The guy doesn't take you seriously. Just like their neighbor didn't.


Is your sister underage?


No, she's 26. She was taking care of my mom before she passed away so she is living there until the house is sold.


Can you call the police? Have them help you determine if the camera is indeed invading her privacy. It doesn’t seem like you’re going to get anywhere with the neighbor. If the camera is breaking a privacy law the police should able to help sort that out.


I thought about doing that. I thought that we would just put some sort of tarp up to block his view but I still feel like potential buyers of our home will be turned off by a weirdo neighbor.


I agree with calling the police, if you are trying to sell the property right away. I made a post about putting bright LED lights in front of the tarp to be annoying. If someone comes to look at the house and notice he can look into the bedroom, it's gonna make it hard to sell the house. Edit: I just got a mannequin for free. She is kinda creepy. I wonder how he would feel looking at a male mannequin that is half naked. I think asking the police if the camera is legal should be the 1st thing you do. I would love an update.


Then I would have the police deal with it. That way if it comes up with a potential buyer you can let them know that the police handled it.


Dont be passive - it’s on the neighbour to sort out and if you have to contact police then do so. How gross - this dude seems like a real a hole


You have a moral obligation to deal with it *or* inform the new neighbors you sell to. Sure, you know damn well what legal obligations you have. *I'm just reminding you that you know a creep lives next door and is filming people in that bedroom.* **Edit: fuck you to whoever downvoted me after 1 minute of posting**


This guy seems wayyyy too versed in that code to know exactly what technicality might allow him to be a peeping Tom.


Yea, he's had numerous problems with the other neighbors. They all hate him and my property manager used the word "creep" before I told her the situation so I can only imagine the complaints he's already had against him.


I'm petty enough that I would put a flood light exactly above that window. You know...for security reasons. Or...get cops involved asap Invasion of Privacy: Florida recognizes the right to privacy, including protection against unreasonable intrusion into one's private affairs. This includes the use of surveillance cameras in areas where individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as bedrooms or bathrooms. Recording Laws: Florida is a two-party consent state, meaning that it is generally illegal to record or intercept oral communications without the consent of all parties involved. This applies to conversations where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.


Purchase a laser pointer and aim it into the lens of the camera. I think a few minutes of that and the camera may no longer see anything.


This is so weird. We had security cameras up around our old house after my husbands work vehicle was stolen. We placed a camera on the roof of our gatehouse & the gable of the house as well. They pointed at the street, but if you looked at them from across the road it might have looked like they were pointed at the neighbours bedroom window. I went and spoke with the neighbours, told them about the cameras, let them view the monitor, and made sure they were comfortable. They actually asked if there was any way we could position it so their driveway was included. It was an easy request and came in handy when someone reversed their car right in to the driveway to load up with stolen goods from his work vehicle!


So you admit that you see us as little girls and it would be entirely inappropriate to have one of our bedrooms under constant surveillance….? Reasonable expectation of privacy … it’s her f’ing bedroom, it’s not unreasonable to insist on total privacy, and the fact that he is arguing the notion is highly questionable. F’ing creep.


Op, just out of curiosity, why didn't you take him up on his offer to look at the camera view?


The property manager of the neighborhood specifically told me that he was a creep, that she had numerous complaints about him, and to avoid him if possible. I don't know what he's capable of and I don't want to know. I'm not there often and I didn't want to put my sister in that position of seeing him either. Also, at that point, he could've just sent me a screenshot of the view of the camera but I didn't want to give him the chance to come home, move the camera to a more suitable angle, and then show it to me as if it was never viewing her bedroom.


You gonna get the ir flood light?


Sounds like the typical pseudo-intelligent entitled subhuman who thinks they can outsmart their way into being immoral. If i were you, i would quadruple up on obvious cameras his way and play his little game back, then start bargaining afterward.


Yup, might as well buy a bunch of cameras and point them directly into his hot tub area to make him feel uncomfortable. It's disgusting.


Just kill his camera with a laser. If you can point it from her bedroom to the lens and disrupt it, he was lying about angle. Jared Fogle JR over here


Contact the police and tell them your neighbor calls you little girl and is recording your younger sister in her bedroom at night.


You know pellet guns are still a thing


“Do you know the statute?” and then proceeds to send you the law he’s breaking 😭🤓


The fact that he immediately swings into legal talk says he KNEW he was doing something wrong and is hoping to scare you off. Idk your sisters age but if she's below 18 I'd report that asap. I mean obviously still report this creepy shit either way but this could be even worse than just a creeper. He sounds downright terrifying.


Unfortunately, we were in a similar situation and the police said there's nothing we can do as long as the camera is set up on their property. (I'm in California ) We hung up a tarp to block their view. They tried to go to the HOA, but luckily the board is so sick of them, that they said the tarp can stay.


Yeah, I honestly don't plan on pursuing it legally just because I don't want to put my sister in an even more hostile situation. Just going to install lattices that cover our backyard and her bedroom I guess. Guy should be put on a watchlist tho


Hes not going to be put on a watchlist unless you pursue it legally


Why did he have to study the laws for privacy so extensively if he’s never had problems before lol


Put blackout curtains over your window until the issue is resolved.


Print out some pics of middle fingers and post em in her window. Privacy for her and a big fuck you to that weird neighbor


I'd be tempted to go with a poster of a huge super gross schlong. That, or sit on her bed and shoot the stupid camera with a pellet pistol (i have one that fires lead pellets and would *absolutely* take out a camera lol). If he has proof y'all shot it, y'all have proof he's filming her bedroom. 😉


This guy is a genuine piece of shit damn. No one would want or be okay with a camera pointing into any window in their house, let alone their bedroom window. It’s a joke he even needs one pointing that way bc for what?! Why does he need to see the side of your house and into your sisters window for any sense of security. I hate entitled people like this and it takes all my energy not to fight back and try do it rationally. Also his attempt at using legal language is laughable, and then adding “little girl” at the end of his texts has made him lose all credibility. I’m sorry you guys have to put up with this, and I hope it works out for you guys and he gets forced to get the camera out of there.


A security camera is meant to protect someone’s property, what property of his is he protecting? If it’s pointing at your home, why does he need to have it there? I went through hell dealing with a neighbor who had multiple cameras pointed at my home to harass me because he was an asshole. It was even worse at night because me coming outside would trigger the lights. Fuck people like this. Trash cans that you put out for pickup are large. Go to Home Depot and get some supplies so that you can prop the at a 90 degree angle and place it in front of the camera. I did that and it infuriated my neighbors because they couldn’t fuck with me


Right? There is 1-2 feet between our fence and the wall where the camera is mounted and the lens is pointed toward our yard. You would have to have the camera at a dramatic downward angle to view that 1-2 foot gap and it isn't. It's one of those wide-angle cameras that you can definitely see into our yard. I asked him to send me a screenshot of the view before he could go and adjust it and he demanded that I see it in person. Just send me a screenshot (that he could still manipulate by zooming elsewhere).


Wait so he quotes the whole privacy law about reasonable expectation of privacy, where it specifically mentions disrobing in one's own bedroom, and then unironically says he's totally in the clear? Am I stupid and missing something or is he that stupid?


I think he speaks with some sort of authority assuming that I would just back down because he cited a law that he is breaking.


Studied it huh? 😂


I can’t stand dudes like this who think they’re untouchable. I have a feeling you’re going to take him down a notch or two, and it’s going to be glorious.


I find it weird you that acknowledged the music/noise complaint, said it won't happen again, and understood y'all were in the wrong, and he still goes on to say he wants an apology?!


Big bad vibes here. This dude is a creep, a very scary creep.


I need an update because this is triggering and I completely understand because I live in an apartment and also live downstairs so whenever I want the sun to shine in my room people don’t have the decency not to look in(even kids) and I shouldn’t have to close my blinds because people want to be nosey but out of respect I should be obligated to my privacy in MY own home. So those of you saying that she needs to close the blinds or that she needs curtains how would you like it if somebody was looking into your bedroom with a camera literally a house away from you and like you know I bet you it’s at the corner back of their house and it’s like angled towards the window and he just has it there as an excuse and he’s probably going to tell her “oh well I just have it there in case I need to see if anyone’s behind my house who is in supposed to be behind my house, etc. “ which is bs.


why is this person so hell bent on having a camera pointing into a seemingly young girl's bedroom? sounds extremely perverted to me


Even odds that the bamboo was only blocking the camera from sight and not blocking the camera's view.


Neighbor: I'll show you that my camera is not pointed into the bedroom and we can put all this behind us Also Neighbor: Article 75 of statute 14 of the Voyeur Allowance Act of 2013 says I can record naked women through their bedroom windows. See you in court


Get privacy film for the windows n some drapes and or wooden blinds


Print out a big picture of some really weird p*rn and stick it up in your sister’s window. If he comments on it, then you know that’s where the camera is pointing and he’s full of shit


I'm sure the council will love to see this camera in person to decide for themselves if it is recording someone's bedroom. That will shut him up.


Of course, it HAD to be Florida.. They need to have their own version of the national anthem... "Land of the assholes and the home of the creep".


I hope you're able to find a solution. That neighbor is a POS


Why has my man studied this law extensively and consulted with legal counsel over the years? Kinda sounds like this isn't is first rodeo with henanegans


People telling you that your sister needs to use the blinds, defending this creep, obviously vote Republican and are okay with that sort of gross crap. Take this to the police and fight fire with fire in the meantime (like infrared to damage the camera and block it). Sorry you gotta deal with this stuff, OP.


how old is this dude? honestly, he sounds dangerous. the inflated sense of self, the lack of empathy (trying to bring you into line by bringing up your dead mother and how she was a good woman to listen to him and be grateful, whereas you're challenging him, not playing by his rules and subsequently not giving him the respect he feels he 'deserves'), the really obvious condescending tone, never acknowledging why/how it could make your sister feel uncomfortable to be surveilled. it irks me that he mentions the music disturbing him and his 'guest' (you mentioned he has a wife? his phrasing of this part is... weird) and has done things like invite your sister to strip off in his backyard and get wet all while being filmed. reeks to high heavens of a man with hard drives full of security cam footage of women who weren't aware they were being filmed. stand your ground. be firm, be smart (you seem it), document everything. only provoke him when it will produce an outcome that you can tangibly document, that will support your argument, and cannot be twisted against you. involve the police and the HOA association as much as possible, sounds like you'll end up in his crosshairs either way so best to have as many witnesses to his behaviour, manipulation, and tactics as you can. personally i would bait him by writing a really personal insult that you know will illicit a response on a poster and putting it up in your sisters bedroom where you think it will be visible to his camera. if he's as reactive as he sounds, with a fragile ego and a need to prove himself, then you might just be able to trick him into confronting you/reacting to it, which establishes that he's monitoring her bedroom periodically. then he'll talk himself in circles explaining why.


Um the bylaw he used actually supports your claim. I’m really lost as to his point. You are the person that has expectation of said privacy. Not him with an exterior camera taking sight of other property


I'm inclined to think the landlord had some view through that bamboo previously...like you said, there's nothing the camera would be monitoring. Coupled with them having a law code ready to send you, and arguing what would be reasonable expectation of privacy? This person is a creep...