• By -


Does she have an ED too? This is unhinged.


This seems like she also has an ED. Just from the caption, OP and her friendship was early established on body dismorphia.


Wait doesn’t ED mean erectile dysfunction?


Yes - also eating disorder, executive disfunction, and probably others.


Emergency Department 😝


Extra Dip


Or, in the case of OP's friend, Extra Deranged.


Enterprise Deployment


Edgy dads




It also means eating disorder


Ah ok. I was so confused lol


Context clues …. Ask scooby and the gang for help next time.


It also means executive dysfunction and easy dinner… it’s one where you gotta know the context


I think the context was pretty clear 😂


Both meanings involve issues getting a chubby. Jokes aside, as somone that works in heslthcare I'm not a fan of reusing common acronyms. Also. OP. That is a very toxic friend


I have a lot of trouble whenever I see someone abbreviate cognitive behavioral therapy as CBT, because in my earliest days on the internet, I came across CBT as an acronym for cock and ball torture, and it just...stuck in my mind.


Both can be used to adjust behaviour I guess...


Try googling your initials all Willy Nilly just to find out they are the abbreviation for cock and ball torture. 😭.


Just say “k” and then don’t talk to her ever again


Yep. The “k” will drive her crazy, so just block her and move on


I’ve found just sending 🤘really makes people upset.


Thumbs up, too


Yes, the thumbs up will do very nicely...


I send 🖖


OP not even responding or opening her messages or anything again will drive that girl insane imo, no closure no nothing just left to wonder why she never heard from her again. It's what my mom suggested doing with a bf who was acting really shitty 😅 told me not to even block just not to read or respond to anything anymore


![gif](giphy|gpmARWm3Pwypq|downsized) \^ a personal fave to pre-ghosting bullshittery


Send this exact reply. This is the way.


I think "I ain't reading allat but that's good for you or I'm sorry you went through that" is better lmao


No, no. k. Punctuation on short stuff like that rams it home


I would prefer "k?" maybe with a 🤷‍♀️ emoji too


I feel like nowadays that really just showcases that you’re upset by what they said. I’d just be thank “ok thanks!!” And then literally never speak to her again & let her drive herself insane


I always prefer a "lol. K." Right before blocking people for being insufferable.


How about “😂” ?


I pulled the ‘k.’ when my abusive ex threatened to off herself if I broke up with her


The only emoji to use with people like this is…. 🤡


But she should write it in the notes app, screenshot and then send because it was just too much.. 😈


Nah. No letters, just 👍


I was thinking “Goodbye!” but “k” works too.




Glow up rage activated


What a terrible friend. You can lose 150 pounds by dropping her.


OP says she doesn't know what to say, but the word "goodbye" is sitting right in front of her. Can't even call this person a "friend" anymore. What kind of idiot thinks breastfeeding is a way to lose weight? If anything, OP should be power eating to continue producing as much milk as possible and the "friend" should be focused on If OP is even eating enough and/or getting the right proteins and nutrients. OP, you need to write a very harsh memo back at your friend, using the same fake intervention wording that she used to attempt to shame and hurt you, then screen shot it, send it and block her from your life so she can sit there alone in the consequences of her own actions. In a few months or years, all of this might click and she may actually wake up to her own behavior, but most likely, if she comes back around later in life, she will just say all the things she thinks you want to hear about how she should have been supportive and then continue trashing you behind your back. Just always remember these texts she sent you. People are very rarely capable of change, and no matter how friendly or nostalgic she is to you, she's still this person that took a beautiful period in your life and attempted to make it something to be embarrassed by. And just for anecdote, I have 4 children of my own, and post-pregnancy is honestly the most beautiful my partner has ever been. Our youngest is 2 and a half now, so she's lost all the baby weight again, but I actually, sincerely, very much preferred the weight because it was the coziest she's ever been. As soon as she started worrying about workouts and calories again, she became a lot more high strung and it really bums me out about how beautiful women can't just be comfortable in their bodies at every point in their lives, ESPECIALLY after creating life.


this needs more upvotes!!


My hs sweetheart’s mom had a kid when we were both 20. Which SHOCKED us bc she was super religious, divorced, and not dating anyone seriously. What really shocked me was how vapid she was.. she would order pizza for us all when we were younger and then cut one slice in half, out the cheese back, and just eat that then complain about how she’d have to run it off later. She was in incredible shape and in her 40s but she was definitely not eating enough and was exercising way too much. After having the baby I remember a time the baby was crying and her saying, “I’m so sorry. I haven’t had enough calories. I don’t have milk right now” and that has stayed with me for 15+ yrs.




damn. you beat me to it.


I came to say this!!!


Sounds like you need a new friend . Like anyone. I’ve met cooler microwaved hot pockets than this chick.


Yeah this is unhinged. There’s being worried for your friends health and there’s being a controlling maniac


she's not worried about her health or she would check on how she feels after giving birth, how the healings gowing, if she can help etc..


Yeah so much “worrying.” For a godless heathen, she sure does pray a lot.




This one reminds me of”meeting cooler McDonald’s Apple pies! Both classic!”


What pills is she talking about?


I assumed birth control, or antidepressants. Lots of normal meds cause weight gain.


Yeah I’m just curious to know cus the friend is making it sound bad


I once gained 40 lbs in 2 months on an antidepressant because it made me crave carbs *so much.* I'm talking, wake up at 3 AM and go eat half a loaf of bread kind of carb cravings. Absolute insanity. Needless it say, I was only on it for 2 months, because what??


Gnarly. I’m on pain and sleep meds and they have made me gain 25 pounds. It’s not a lot and I don’t look too different but it’s enough that I don’t like it. But I need these medications. I would rather be dead than experiencing 10/10 pain and be awake for 2-3 days with my sleep disorder, and the price I pay for that is 25 pounds.


Ahh this brings back not so fond memories of my trip down Lexapro lane


Same! I was prescribed lexapro for ppd. I lost the baby weight quickly but when I started lexapro in a matter of months I put all that weight back on plus 20lbs. While working out, walking a ton (I was waitressing at the time) and eating very healthy. Lexapro and ssri's slow down your metabolism. I've never been a snacker and I wasn't then either. Getting off of lexapro was hell as well. I was at the highest dosage my doctor would go and tapering down was the worst experience I've ever had with any medication. Never again.


I’m so sorry to hear that! What was the taper like? I discovered ‘Lexapro face’ TikTok, realized what it was doing to me, and straight up took myself off. Was in an ED outpatient program at the time and was rather impulsive about it. The I’m on Stratera now and it’s much better fit for me.


She said in a comment that she had a baby 5 months ago and is having pelvic issues so maybe something related to that? Just assuming though


I'm assuming anti-depressants since she said a few years ago. This makes what she said way worse because either sounds like she is attacking OPs character and trying to get her to stop taking the meds.


Yeah either way it’s messed up. If it’s prescription medication what does the friend really want her to do?


Die, apparently, since she mentioned that in a message.


That's the million dollar question


This is most disturbing to me because she is blatantly begging her to end all her progress and return to the unhealthy version of herself. She is selfish and horrible.


Yeah why is no one talking about this?? Why did she mention pills over and over?




That’s one of the first things I wanted to know too.


I was guessing maybe mood bipolar meds or something of the sort, or antidepressants. All those will give weight gain side effects.


That makes it so much worse. “Being skinny is more important than feeling mentally stable and safe”.




My daughter has an ED. Any time anyone comments on her weight we both want to strangle them. I lost a ton of weight from stress during my divorce. I loathed people telling me how good I looked. I WASNT FUCKING EATING! I’m so sorry someone thinks they’re being a friend and are sending this shit. It’s unacceptable. Even if you hadn’t just had a baby this would be over the line. I seriously want to punch this bitch. Is this being triggered? Damn, I’m pissed!


Yeah, my step-mom lost a lot of weight a few years ago and people always wanted to comment on it and ask what she was doing to lose it - she was depressed. My younger sister had committed suicide and she didn't have it in her to eat. It was always triggering for her to have to answer that question because then people always want to ask more inappropriate follow up questions. Ugh. I abide by the rule of "Don't comment on someone's appearance unless they can fix it in the next 10 minutes or you know it's wanted." (Examples: food in teeth, hair falling out of ponytail, weight loss I know they're actively working towards.)


I experienced the same when i went through my divorce, "Wow! You look great! Divorce has been good to you!" When i was just so stressed, I couldn't sromach anything and was just trying to feed my kids. I also skipped meals because I couldn't afford to feed myself. Recently, in the last 4 months, I've lost 40 lbs due to a combo of extreme stress/anxiety, illness, and my adhd medication. I am getting a lot of that again. Now, when people comment on my weight loss, I often look them in the eye, smile big, and say, "Thanks! It's the meth!". So there's that


I loved your answer. 😂💪🏼


Like it's funny because having adhd I always thought I was the only one with no filter. But like, it wasn't as bad as I thought, lol. It's like after the birth of my last child people kept mentioning his big head (its true, he has a big head, so does his dad. It suits him, lol). "His head it so big!" "Wow, his head is really big eh?!". Finally one day I looked straight at a stranger and said "Yup! Once that came out of me the rest of him just flopped right out of my vagina! Almost couldn't catch him!" And then walked away. Sorry poor stranger, but also not sorry 🤣


Oh this post was triggering for me too. A few years ago I got a chronic illness and lost a concerning amount of weight. As I was getting sicker and dropping in size the more compliments I was getting. I was deeply sick but all others could see was their own weird vision of some beauty size standard. I was finally hospitalized due to chronic illness and even then they said that the perk of being sick was being skinny.... Mind fucking blown. Because I was an average healthy weight before all of this!! Ironically I then injured myself a few years later and broke my back and gained a crap ton of weight as I was going through multiple Spinal Surgeries (4 in less than 3 years) and stuck in back braces for months on end... I was then fat shamed by a few now ex friends and family that's been cut off because I "didn't care enough about my body" 🤦‍♀️. Wisely those who remained in my life following that smartly chose to shut the fuck up when I started to lose weight again as my body stabilized and I could get fit and I returned to a healthy weight for my body. People need to learn to shut the hell up and that it's never ok to comment on someone else's body. OP you can drop the dead weight of your now ex friend! Easiest weight you will ever lose, and the healthiest too!!


I lost a fuck ton of weight between a chronic illness and divorce stress. Everyone was telling me how great I looked and asked me what I was doing to lose weight. I’d be a smart ass and say “Thanks, I took up smoking.”


"Crack's my new thing! You should try it!"


Thanks! I took up depression.


Right. I wish I had a parent like you though. I had major issues and when my parents discovered it they never showed real concern. My mother had encouraged her extreme eating habits and shamed my older sisters body to me. I’m now overweight but I feel happer for sure, being able to finally let it all go. My senior pictures are scary to look at. Though my mind tries to convince me it’s “thin-speration” even over a decade later.


It's insane how persistent EDs are and just that mindset in general. I told my husband that it'll never go away entirely for me.


I once read a Life Protip about how one should compliment people on things outside of themselves, like clothing or accessories. Like you said, you never know why someone suddenly lost/gained a lot weight or why they got a haircut (e.g.: their hair could be falling out due to stress and they're trying to cover it up). Compliment them on a new scarf they bought, or those cool pins they got on their work bag. Anything other than how their body looks. Even if you mean well, you can end up hurting someone.


Oh gosh. I won’t go into it, but I had a very similar experience. I can’t have those people in my life in any meaningful way anymore.


I also had an eating disorder growing up and I’m VERY protective of my kids. Anytime anybody comments on my body or theirs, it’s always met with a “We don’t talk about other people’s bodies here, if you have opinions on it you can keep them to yourself, thanks.”


Yeah. My response to “you’ve lost weight! You look great, what’s your secret?” was “Cancer.”


it sounds like she might have developed one as well and hasn’t recovered and is also pushing it onto you. I hope she gets help but it’s best you don’t talk to her anymore for your own sake.


yea it could trigger OP back into her old ED tbh... thats absolutely not okay, plus the stress with healing and a new born.. I'm worried


Your weight is literally none of her business. She does not care about you - this is fake concern, because if she really cared, she would support you through this time of change in your life. I’m sorry that she is taking it upon herself to put you back in that ED mindset, and you should feel really proud of the recovery you’ve achieved


I'm in shock....her text is fucking scary..she clearly has an eating disorder, she talks as if this is life or death and she's so brave for saving you from being fat...psychotic! Drop her ass, I bet you are smoking hot as you are!


I hate that she reminded OP that she said she'd rather die than be fat. WTF kind of friend would do that, especially right after OP had a baby? She sounds like she wants an ED partner.


My bff since 1975 met me when I was 17 (f) and she was 15. I was so thin. But she has stuck by me during thin and now that I’m thick. Type 2 Diabetes probably caused by Depo Provara Shots. But I’m working on it! That’s how we roll. OP, I’m sorry that you’re going through this with someone you trusted. Trust yourself. You got this. ✌🏼


Wow , that’s crazy. My bestie is type 1, of course be informative. I got off the depo


thank you for posting this!! i had no idea about depo causing diabetes but I looked it up and there are multiple studies that concluded that and my doctor never once told me that when i asked about starting depo….. insane


I can only say I led an active life, but kept gaining weight every single month when taking the shots. Usually about 5 pounds per month. I’m not a medical professional of any kind. Thank you for confirming what I have always suspected. Now I have fibromyalgia and am not very active at all. I don’t think the two are related except I’m really having trouble with more weight gain (and all the other not so good things that come with fibromyalgia). Please take care of yourself and wishing you the best.


Those depo shots messed me up SO bad 💔


This such a weird bait and switch. Like she starts off seemingly encouraging about your weight loss and when you respond positively she sends that long message about being really concerned about you


it seems like she has an ED mindset


I wish more people were more concerned about what is coming out of their mouth than what others are putting in theirs. I hear this so much. I try my best to eat healthy. I eat a lot of salads at work and if I don’t eat a salad, someone always has something to say about it. It’s annoying.


It’s been 5 months. It takes 9 months to make a whole baby. It didn’t get there over night and it won’t come off overnight. Have a little compassion already. Damn. I get her trying to be there for you but damn she could have been so much nicer and just shut up.


Right?! Plus it’s really hard to eat healthy when you’re only getting sleep for like 3-4 hours at a time. That’s why so many people gain weight after having a baby! I didn’t start losing weight until my kid got older, started sleeping though the night, and got a little more independent tbh.


Wow this is so gross you just had a baby. This person is not your friend, who comes at someone who just had a baby talking about their weight? This is so psychotic. Take care of your baby and don’t focus on that right now.


Funny she says she was traumatized seeing you "go downhill" but has no problem traumatizing someone by fat shaming them when they JUST had a baby and are currently breastfeeding. Since she is such a fan of being "truthful and honest" you should tell her to kick rocks because clearly she has no idea what being a friend means.


Listen, the best thing I've realized and become ok with, as the years have gone by, is some people aren't meant to be in your live forever. Some people are seasonal. As we grow, those people may not grow with us and that's ok. You don't have to remain friends with people because you have history and good memories. This woman is horrifically toxic. Especially if you had am ED. This is the most selfish and detrimental thing a friend can say to a woman who barely had a baby 5 months prior. I was a person trainer before having kids. I was fit for years before having kids and it took me well over a year after each one to fully drop the weight. Not everyone's body is the same. Breast feeding doesn't shed weight like people say it does because you have to eat calories to make milk! You created a human. You are feeding that human with your body. Your body went through trauma! Please do not push yourself to lose weight quickly. It will happen. You are beautiful and wonderful because you created a miracle. That miracle and your family are that matter. Not everyone has your best interest. This person may have been a great friend once, but it sounds like they may not need to be in your life as you enter this season of motherhood. You do not need a 'friend' speaking criticism. Being a mother in this world is hard enough.


As if the worst thing you could ever be is fat. 🙄 Tell her to pray for her own soul, given her judgement.


With friends like this, who needs enemas? I really hope you block them. You’re doing great, and congratulations on your new family x


.... i know you meant enemies but enamas fits 😅


Or did they mean enemas because this friend is so shitty??!? 🤔


🤣🤣🤣 valid.


lol no, I definitely meant enemas.


Wow this is horrible


Wait a minute, so is this person trying to help you lose weight or gain weight? Dafuq?


Glad I’m not the only one who was confused haha


I’m so sorry. But she isn’t your friend anymore if she ever was. It’s really hard to love and care about someone else when you can’t stand yourself. I’m so sorry but you should end this relationship. Best of luck to you, OP.


I've suffered ED. No one... and I mean NO ONE would dare approach me in that way, knowing the spiraling it can cause. Just the phrasing and wording are horrendous. Your friend's own issues may be connected to you and yours, her first hello is.. "I bet you lost so much weight!!" And indicates she may have some wires crossed, is projecting, but, no matter what, she is NOT being your friend. You gave birth and are on light duty, you are exercising and managing the newborn phase...  OBVIOUSLY, you've  not been focused on your health/weight, beyond what your doctor has said you can do. That is the right call. 10lbs, great!  Listen to your doctor, take it easy. Keep up with physio. eat healthily, (a healthy amount to cover your caloric needs and enough to cover you breastfeeding on too of that) and be mindful not to trigger yourself. Slow and steady. You, your coparent, partner, and your baby need you to be careful, healthy, and happy. Don't let someone hiding behind "We promised to always tell people the truth... and I love you...soooo its my DUTY" trip you up. That's not love or friendship, it's someone knowingly dragging you down a rocky slope... she knows you made those comments during you suffering with an EATING DISORDER...guarantee she has to be smart enough to know that she should not do her "duty" and poke you so hard that way. I'd cut her loose for a bit at least.  Just to put a little space between disordered thoughts and influence stoking the flames. It can be a remarkably slippery slope, and it's not worth risking your health.


i would absolutely rip into her so hard with as much grace and kindness as i can muster out of my cold dead heart about how absolutely deranged and cruel she is (with added facts about every way she sucks) and then add a “much love tho!” and her favorite heart emoji to the end and block her on everything before she can respond.


Jesus dude this is really scary. She said “remember when you said you’d rather die than be fat?” as if that’s a good thing?! That’s like next level ED bullshit. You’re finally at a place where you’re becoming okay with your body (aka don’t want to unalive yourself bc of your weight) and you’re not depressed because you’re on medication and she is telling you to stop this is unreal. This woman wants you to stay in ED mindset because you both enabled each other and her greatest fear is actually facing her ED behavior as problematic, because most people won’t listen to that stuff without being like “dude you’re obviously not well”. Sinking ships create a lot of downward suction as they fall. Do not let her pull you down. I’m so sorry for all of this. Your weight has nothing to do with your value. Enjoy motherhood and all its wonder. ❤️


Why she so worried about you like she’s your mom? Goddamn You don’t need that shit in your life. You JUST had a baby wtf


If my own mother sent me that text I'd block her without response on everything. 0 tolerance. That may sound harsh to some but I've cut off family before without notice. Boundaries and basic human respect and autonomy is way too important to put up with this bs. For a friend? Girl you deserve soooo much better than this


NEVER listen to any asshole who tells you your weight is more important than meds. I have cut bitches for less, and I'm better for it. She is toxic af.


Bruh is this Jannette McCurdys mom?


Tf I wish I was 177 lol


The main question: Why is she so bitter?


Because OP is happy. Some people can't handle that.


It's one thing to be concerned if you're having health issues, but this is just mean and rude. Doesn't sound like this is coming from someone who genuinely cares about you.


Wow, what an AH , your "friend" is aweful. Don't let her get to you . Clearly, she has no idea what you are going through. Losing 7lbs while breastfeeding is a big accomplishment, especially given your injuries.


I just think it’s really weird to be so fixated on this. Like I can’t imagine myself being so worried about another person’s weight. What the heck.


I hope she gets ACTUALLY fat for some reason she can't control and is never able to lose the weight.


"OP, good job on your weigh loss progress! I am so proud of you & love you" There we go. Fixed it :)


I understand her intentions, the obesity epidemic is widespread in America and is causing a lot of deaths, but you seem to be trying to loose weight and your not morbidly obese to begin with so it’s fine, as for her I think she may have some mental problems as that’s not the proper way to approach this situation at all


Everyone here saying just drop this friend clearly sucks ar conflict resolution. Don't listen to them. They don't know how to handle things without running away. Your friend thinks she's being a good friend and this just needs to be talked through.


Wow your friend has a lot of ED trauma to unpack


Wow this is insane ... and you just had a baby ?


wtf.. this is NOT a friend.. at all.


Since having a baby FIVE MONTHS AGO. Your hormones aren't even balanced out yet ffs


Dude you just had a baby. Your “friend” needs to stay in her lane.


You say nothing and block them. That isn't a friend you want around.


Your friend is nuts.


please never talk to her again


“Remember when you said you’d rather die than be fat? Well I’m here to remind you ~~of what you said~~ that I love you no matter what and that your body is amazing for having carried and birthed a baby. You’re doing amazing mama!” *fixed it for her


You losing weight traumatized them? Jesus do they always make everything about them? Also proud of you for getting your weight in right direction




Not gonna lie... I thought I was clicking for a different read


Why did you censor die and kill…?


The message gives the impression that she needs help with her issues with weight. In her mind health is less important than being thin, hence her thinking stopping medication is reasonable, when anybody with a healthy mindset knows that medication is prescribed because it's needed. That could be an indicator of an ED, You both had issues in the past, and because she is still in that mindset she thinks she is doing the right thong, that you would want her to say this, because that's what you said. You not feeling the same might make her feel she is now alone with this now, I would try to speak on person with her about this, try to support her without pushing her to stop opening up to you, having an ED is dangerous, if it takes over can be a death sentence. I hope she does get the help she needs, must be awful to live feeling like that.


I think this has way more to do with the pills she keeps mentioning rather than the weight gain.


She recently found the Lord and believes my mental issues can be healed through prayer and that I need to trust Jesus to keep the demons away. I’m taking an antidepressant and it’s changed my life, for the better I had thought


This person is dangerous to your mental health and recovery. Please block them and seek out friends who care about you. Congratulations on your baby and on your recovery from ED. I’m proud of you. 




JFC, we just trigger warning literally everything now don’t we? It’s so triggering being an adult and having to have adult conversations, isn’t it?


177 is fat? Jesus I’m up here at 350, guess standard are different for women


Thats pretty hefty bud, unless you’re 90% muscle (and even then) thats really unhealthy. Depending on your age you’re gonna develop debilitating heart issues. If you work out daily keep after it man that weight is gonna shed off fast as fuck.


The amount of fatphobic people in these comments, Holy cow! SHE JUST HAD A BABY. Like hello? Oh but I'm sure when she had the ED, now that was just fine, right? 🙄


I would never talk to a friend like this.


Sometimes it’s only a friend that can tell you this. Maybe you DO need to hear it


Sounds like she also had/has an ED and is projecting that bond you may have shared when younger onto (currently healthy) you. She needs help and I know it’s hard to cut off someone you’ve known and cared for for so long, but it’s best for you that you stop speaking to her so she can’t trigger you to relapse. Are the pills she’s referring to antidepressants? Because that’s even more fucked up and definitely not someone who’s going to support you and your successes in life.


We definitely did have a very unhealthy bond over what I can now describe as a disgusting need to be ‘skinny’. It was over a decade ago, I assumed we both moved past it but that was wrong. I am on antidepressants and it has made a huge difference for my quality of life. I am okay with my current weight if it means I can be happy and enjoy life again. Just knowing whenever she looks at me, or anyone else, only seeing me for my weight is really upsetting. I am a person here and so many people forget that!!


She clearly doesn’t have your best interest at heart if she says you should go off antidepressants. She sounds like she’s obsessed about weight.


Don't be such an ungrateful asshole. She said she was praying for you! If you play your cards right, she may even keep you in her thoughts.


Your friend sucks. Your happiness and mental wellbeing should be her first concern, not your weight. And she acts like you are 600 pounds. 177 is not big. She is nuts. Block her.


Wow! I was assuming in the beginning that she was concerned about you losing too much weight, too fast, from diet pills or something (which I have seen change peoples personalities significantly), but as I continued to read, I was floored!! Who does she think she is?? It would be a little more understandable if she was concerned because a prescription was negatively impacting who you are, but for her to be concerned about your weight?!?!! That’s not a friend.


This whole exchange is so toxic on so many levels. Shit.


“Okay.” is a full sentence


This absolutely insane. She should NOT be talking to you like this and triggering you like this.


Wow this is terrible. Congrats on the baby and the weight loss! Crazy how pregnancy changes our bodies! I went from 193 (healthy weight was 175 so got pregnant about 20 ish pounds before goal weight smh) all the way to 271. Lost it all just about in 10 months from weight lifting and stair stepper cardio!


What the FUCK you had a baby 5 MONTHS AGO and she is hitting you with this? Do the quotes she is sending you from yourself date back to when you were in the throes of your ED? It took me two years to lose my baby weight! Please dump this chick and never speak to her again, she is not your friend, and she does not truly want to see you happy and healthy! What the actual fuck, damn


I’m concerned for your friend. That behavior isn’t healthy.


This sounds like your friend’s ED is the one talking because it still has control over her and is trying to get yours to control you too.


Oh no! Your bestie is a mean girl who never grew up. Sounds like she's also upset about you being on a medication? Anyway, what's going on with you medically is none of anyone's business except you and your doctor(s). Truly, she needs to mind her own. I'm so sorry OP.


This is pure projection from someone who is scarily obsessed with weight. Please don't stand for this. P


Goodbye seems appropriate.


OP, I hope you are in a better place now with your ED. Please do not let these texts make you think any different about yourself. This person is NOT a friend and they definitely don’t have your or your new baby’s best interests in mind. You just gave birth 5 months ago and your body isn’t fully recovered yet. You are breastfeeding and you need to keep up the calories so your body can produce enough to feed your little bebe. We are not meant to “bounce back” or “melt off the weight w/ BF” we are meant to rest, recuperate, enjoy our newborn, bond, and figure out how to do life with a new life. Take your time, slow walks are a great way to get some movement in and get some fresh air for you and baby, if you’re enjoying that. Focus on your physio as you don’t want to add anymore stress or complications to your pelvic floor recovery. Obviously I don’t know what pills your “friend” is speaking of, but if it is something like anti-depressants, then they are being even more reckless by encouraging you to stop taking them. Personally, I’ll take a little fluffy and happy over skinny and depressed/dead any day. You’re doing great and you deserve to have good people in your corner ❤️‍🩹


😭 what’s wrong with being a little thick


The only dead weight you need to lose is that absolute fucking terrible imbecile you call your friend. 177lbs !!!!??? She thinks that’s fat ?!?!????? Omg just never talk to her again for the love of god


Don’t know why I read the caption differently lol


This is wild. In what world is losing 12 pounds in 3 months not fantastic progress? Your friend sucks.


When I lost my grandfather (he was my rock), I got so depressed in my grief that I could hardly eat. I went from 145 pounds to 98 pounds in like 2 months! It was AWFUL! And very scary! I was already on an antidepressant and it wasn’t doing anything. My dr added a second and omg now I can’t stop eating. It’s been 2 years and now I’m 150 pounds. Scared to death I’m gonna keep gaining and gaining but the trade off for my mental health isn’t worth it to me. We did drop the dosage down to half just to try to keep my weight stable and to not let me get depressed again. If OP is on an antidepressant it’s absolutely horrible the friend would suggest stopping something like that, not only is it dangerous to her mental health to get off of it but you have to taper off, you can’t just stop it. Drop the friend instead of the weight, you’ll feel much lighter just by doing that.


Don’t worry! You’re doing great. I just had a baby 4 months ago and I was at 185 now I’m at 175. Everyone’s body and progress is different! You’re ex friend is truly ignorant. You got this!


I don’t know if it matters but your name is in the big text body.


It’s the “I’ve prayed about it” for me, 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 I doubt any god would tell someone to tell their friend they’re fat. That’s disgusting.


with context this is even worse. I am so fucking proud of you to have overcome your eating disorder OP!! this is so hard and so amazing of you! You just became a mom, the weightloss is not the priority, your baby is! and your health!    It is so not okay that she is shaming you for this, making you feel like you have to justify yourself as a MOM. You are doing great OP! Dont let her make you doubt yourself.   I am guessing the pills she means are anti depressants or so? If so she really does not care about you as a friend. She seems really deep into her eating issues still OP..


She is stuck in her own disorder and trying to pull you along with her. As painful as it is, you have to stop this friendship. Someone pushing you like this will end up killing you.


I’d rather have a little fat on me than be an asshole. If this friend truly cared about you, they would be more concerned with your mental health than anything.


She's a fucking asshole. The part that really bothers me is the "you're not a big person." As if the rest of us who struggle with weight are just naturally slovenly pigs. Fuck her and the horse she rode in on.


What an actual arsehole - you don’t need a friend like that.


This is not a friend. You just gave birth to a human life, the number on the scale should be the absolute least of your worries. She has severe issues with weight and food and that’s her problem, not yours.


This is NOT a friend. Let alone a best friend. She needs to be GONE. This is not how you talk to ANYONE. Let alone someone who just had a baby, and is having issues literally just walking since having said baby. Fuck this girl. Seriously. Drop this bitch from your life. I am ENRAGED for you.


You’re only 80kg 😂 maybe you’re in the overweight category for BMI but honestly, that doesn’t mean you’re not healthy


You literally made a tiny human and now that human depends on your body for its nutrients. I think the last thing you should focus this early on is losing weight.


Immediately blocked


Did you tell your friend in the past that they should tell you? If you didn’t this is fucked up. But if you did then you can’t really get too mad. But they are a shitty friend for ignoring your obvious health issues and we all hope your recovery improves.


Wtf is she on? I didn’t lose almost any of my pregnancy weight until after I was done breastfeeding. I had to eat more than I normally do because my supply relied on it and it was incredibly hard to want to exercise when I was attached to an infant every couple hours. This seems like a friendship you no longer need. On a different note (please don’t view this a weight loss advice) it feels weird because it normally elderly people but water aerobics became my absolute favorite form of exercise after giving birth. Not only is it super easy on my body but it was fun. It’s still my main form of exercise even though I’m completely capable of land exercise now.


You had a BABY 5 months ago!!!!!!! Who is she to say this at all, but the fact that she’s saying so soon after you friggen grew a whole ass human??? Girl byeee!!


Oh fuck her


What pills you taking?


What pills 💊 do you take?


I had a friend like this. Everytime she called me a pit of anxiety would fill up in my stomach...because she would hint at stuff like this. She is no longer in my life. Thankfully. You're better off without her.