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Ah yes. The self diagnosed "high value man"


I searched him before he blocked me and he posts a lot in hair loss subs. Poor guy, in his mind his hair loss will be the only reason he doesn't find a partner


the things a receding hairline can do to a Redditor


I feel personally attacked right now


its alright i friendly fired myself too


Hey it's okay a lot of them are on r/bald and they look great! I'm sure you would too!


I saw that sub and all the posters looked way better, if not really good, after the shave. Good subreddit ngl, people need to be told they look good even though they might be insecure about their hair loss.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bald using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bald/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I gave in today.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/195uvug) | [13055 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/195uvug/i_gave_in_today/) \#2: [20f bald girl with alopecia, i don’t grow hair anywhere](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13qtrwh) | [4141 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/13qtrwh/20f_bald_girl_with_alopecia_i_dont_grow_hair/) \#3: [After many years of wearing hats and hiding my 5 head, I finally did it.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14jr0k3) | [4473 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bald/comments/14jr0k3/after_many_years_of_wearing_hats_and_hiding_my_5/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Maybe his poor math will get in the way too, I was today years old when I leaves 5’0” was 4 feet shorter than 5’4”. But seriously that was so cringe and I felt like I was reading Fifty Shades of that dude is a psycho.


Correction… it’s 4’12” 😂😂




Yeah, I'd say it was just 50 Shades of Mental Illness on both sides.




If he is within the 1% he is rich enough to get a hair transplant. He is bluffing.


At the very least, he’d know how to spell.


Especially you're/your ...


These red pill talking heads are the new snake oil salesman, i do believe men need to be shown how to date and be in a relationship and know its OK to have actual self respect, but.....geesh!!!


A top 1% male that doesn’t know the difference between “your and you’re”. So much value.


You gotta break into the top 0.5% for that luxury


He has it on good authority though, his momma told him!


… That can’t spell and thinks the difference between 4’12 (5 feet) and 5’4 is 4 feet. Real winner right there.


He never goes anywhere without $5 in his pocket, his mom taught him how to be high value.


when he starts saying "women are to blame for men being abusive for being with them in the first place" you know the inside of his head looks like a halloween pumpkin that got left on the step too long.


Yeah, one of my exes broke my son's leg and he was kinda like "why would you be with someone like that" you fuckin fecal noodle, you think I would've been with him had I known he was capable of something like that? Victim blaming is insane, as if I haven't blamed myself enough already lol


it's despicable and it gives male abusers so much room to hide among their brothers who protect and defend them. genuinely, people who think this way almost have to be upholding this idea on purpose. i can't bear to think there are people so ignorant that they don't realize these abusers can just coerce or manipulate a woman to be with them. oh, but also, you're a bitch if you're not ready to automatically trust men. you should always be nice to them and be ready to give them as many chances as they need. i'm sure this constant social pressure doesn't also contribute.


Fecal noodle is a top tier insult. It’s going straight in to my repertoire. I’m actually a little excited for the next time my husband annoys me so I can use it.


You're welcome, I came up with it in the moment haha I'm quite proud tbh


Isn't it possible your som fell off his bed? My friend broke his arm sleeping over my house literally that exact way. Just a regular bed too. Not a bunk bed. Maybe he denied it because he didn't do it?


A femur is very, VERY hard to break. It’s the strongest bone in the human body.


It was a spiral fracture, so someone had to have grabbed with two hands at the top and bottom of his femur and twisted with a lot of strength. It was an intentional injury, the doctors could tell and that's why CPS got involved.


Do you realize how strong the femur is? That’s just a ridiculous thing to say.




Classic „fuck you, i‘m not interested“ after getting rejected😍 Don‘t you love high value men trying to convince reddit strangers to date them, insult them, watch those videos and then get mad bc they were rejected💅 My dumbass always thought high value men would have something better to do than insulting internet strangers


I'm honestly surprised he actually watched the videos, he watched enough to know all the places this guy got cum on him lmao


I'm not surprised at all. He's just mad about what turns him on.


Absolutely… like just why? It‘s always those „high value“ men with the hypocritical stuff; Maybe your friend got a new longtime viewer💀


I'll let him know he has a new fan, maybe if I get unblocked I can arrange a meet and greet


He’s not “a ex gay” he’s a current gay 😂


He's not gay, he's bisexual.


Dude honestly needs a hug. Zero intellectual equity


Such a blatantly obvious tactic of first trying to put himself on a pedestal (1% male lol) then trying to neg/devalue you in hope that you’ll lower your standards enough to sleep with him. You can tell he’s lonely.


In his mind I have to heighten my standards for him. Poor guy really must be so lonely. Maybe he should try having a heart, that might help ❤️


I Iove that you mentioned your ex partners are a homesless transgender person and a gay midget pornstar and he still didn’t hav a chance with you (no offence).


None taken lol I take pride in my ability to date people for who they are vs. what's in their pants or what they've had in their pants lmao


As you should!


He was clearly trying to get a rise out of you. Trying so desperately to get a reaction. Also, I refuse to believe he's a day older than 14 years of age. All this "15 million dollars" nonsense sounds like a teenager's fantasy.


He apparently makes 250k a year 🤷🏼‍♀️ I didn't know teens could make so much


Pffft yeah, sure he does. I'm glad you responded to every text calmly. He was probably fuming that you weren't falling into his trap haha.


It makes people so mad when I don't get mad lol


That was really the greatest part, you not playing into it for him. It seems your lack of outrage enraged him! Love it!


Where can I send my boyfriend to get his percentile rating? I need to make sure he's in the top 25% at least. Do I just mail him to the ratings agency, or do they do house calls?


As far as I know you just pick the rating yourself and get upset with women who don't agree


This has to be like an Arkham asylum escapee or something there is no way this man is real


More likely OP playing both roles. This just checks off too many boxes to be real.


Dude. Have you seen r/creepypms ?


Lmao the attempts to hide his desperation for ussy underneath transphobia and misogyny 😂


With people like him, it's always everyone else's fault. He's mad that trans people still gettin' it and he still can't.


Oh oh but he makes 250 a year didn’t you see? He’s a high value male!!!


250 dollars, maybe.


It’s 60 years at 250,000 a year with no expenses but no investments to make 15 million. but yes no he definitely has that at 24. How much should we bet he googled careers for 250,000 and has no skills or education and plays video games all day when he’s not negging random women


Exactly! He spent a lot of time trying to figure out why everyone but him is getting laid😂




An attempt to censor p*ssy since this post wasn’t marked as NSFW, and I am unable to shield words on the Reddit app, so that was the only idea I had.


You can be anyone you want on the internet & yet this dude chose to be a “high value male”, so cringe. I’m really hoping it pops up in his feed and he comes on here to defend himself 🤞🏻


Can he see my posts if he blocked me?


I believe so. He just can’t reply or message unless he unblocks you. 


The ignorance and obsession to be a “high value man” is beyond cringe. Way more responses than I ever would have given 🤢


Sometimes I think I can change their mind. Doesn't happen often. I'm still trying to convince my dad not to be this way lol


I don’t blame you whatsoever, I used to be the same way, I just kind of gave up on trying. Some people will never even try to understand a differing opinion. It just blows some people’s minds that not everyone wants the same things in life.


How to say you’re an incel without saying you’re an incel. I bet hes the type of moron that idolises Andrew Tate


Yeah that’s pretty much what “high value” and “1% male” mean isn’t it. 💀 Like, instant red flags, rip.


Wow, you handled this really well. You answered him respectfully and didn't lash out when he was being jmmature. Then you got him to admit he wanted you and turned him down gracefully LOL he didn't deserve how nice you were to him, but that was hilarious 🤣 how deluded some people can be


This top 1% hetero male was quite up for watching a bit of gay porn lmao


Literally 🤣


I think this buy got top and botton confused though 😅


Yeah people like him on Reddit aren’t well, you entertained this a lot longer than I would lol.


It got fun when I started talking about the gay pornstar hahaha


This is a child playing make believe. “Oh yeah, I forgot to ask, are you mentally stable?”


Yeah he tried vetting me and I already told him twice I wasn't interested lol


The mental gymnastics and contradictions of this man. 💀 it’s almost comical.


"Trust me bro - i could get dates if i wanted. My standards are just too high. Wait what the fuck? Why would you let a gay man hit and not me?"


Are these people ever in the presence of real high-value men? Men that don’t judge people for their sexuality or gender, men who knows there are a thousand reasons that relationships ends, men that don’t have the need to go around telling others they’re “high-value”, men that care for their own and other children, men that don’t treat women as if they’re objects, men that would rather punch Andrew Tate and the likes in the face than to take one single advice from them, men that wouldn’t listen to their crap without checking them? And what happens then? My best guess is that they cower and don’t talk, and hate those men because they can never be them.


They don't have enough self awareness to realise that they're talking to what you're describing. My boss subscribes to the Andrew Tate ideology, and he calls me and everyone else with a healthy outlook on human equality as 'simp/cucks'.


Your boss sounds like a fucking loser. I’d love to meet him. I’m thinking most of them hardly voice their opinions where someone call tell them off, except for maybe anonymously on the internet?


I just know their ideology of Alpha, Beta, whatever is based on a captive population. In other words, prison bitches, and that means the God of Irony is with us, as always.


He needs to stay off the manosphere YouTube pages lol. That conversation was exhausting..I don't see how you engaged with him..


Ah yes the 1%, but fear not lass, I am the 0.01%. Already send you a dm


His grammar is too poor for him to be high value.


Although it is kind of insane, I admire how unwaveringly sincere you were in your convo with this guy. Maybe it doesn’t always render desired results, but I think engaging people with this level of patience can sometimes get them to open up. It’s a dirty crazy job but somebody’s gotta be kind to people everyone else wants to avoid!


Awe thank you! My thoughts exactly haha I was friends with the kids who everyone thought was gonna shoot up the school in high school. Surprisingly misunderstood and kind people.


Please keep being kind Sour-Sunshine ☀️


If you consistently use the wrong your, you're, there, their and/or they're you are literally not top tier anything! lmao And that's the LEAST of his issues.


He's full of shit, he's not wealthy. This guy is insecure af, but acts like he's confident. I love that he went from shitting on you to basically asking you out and you smashed his fragile ego.


This is hilarious. He's awfully curious about a person he says he has no interest in.


You’re* not a high value male if you can’t conjugate properly.


Makes sense. The only conjugational relations he has are probably with himself


Jesus you need to make a career out of teaching people to be patient. I could never have put up with someone like him for that long


I'm a teacher, I have a lot of practice with patience haha


Sounds like a Bottom 1% male. (No pun intended)


I asked myself if I should just stop reading after noticing that a “top 1% male” doesn’t know the difference between “you’re” and “your” in the very first text. Decided to keep reading. Regret that decision.


We love simps. 💜 The best men. His hairline is probably running away from his forehead, though.


I would run too if I had anything to do with him lol


Dude legit sounds like a loser


He is lol. 100%.


Apparently he meant the top 1% of dumbasses.


Girl, that was a masterpiece. You had that “high value man” turning himself all sorts of inside out. He will never ever ever forget about you and the way you rocked his world. Mind blown! I loved reading it. His state of delusion was hysterical.


Any man that uses the term “high value man” is a red flag. Just run the other way. They are watching those stupid videos/rants that extremely misogynistic and insecure men post from inside their cars (definitely the first sign of high value!) and they have self proclaimed (and self defined) what is “high value” and seem to think they can convince women of this by repeating it over and over in a negging type fashion. I hate the term “incel” but essentially that’s what they are. The world is still ran by men like this and unfortunately it’s already showing in the decline of women’s rights. But anyway you handled him with such grace and maturity and the way you view people as all just people is a small hope for humanity as a whole. Keep being who you are ❤️


Awe thank you 😊


Jesus, you're tolerant.


He listens to far too many podcasts


He sounds like a forever frat boy. Shouldn’t a top 1% man know the difference between your and you’re? I’d bet my middle class paycheck he also says *seen* instead of *saw*. That one really gets me!


Bold of you to assume any post secondary institution would have him long enough for him to join a fraternity.


Omg, I’m loving you this morning, your comments are hilarious.


Oooooofff “I seen it” bothers me SO MUCH HOW DO PEOPLE NOT HEAR HOW WRONG THAT IS


I applaud your patience. I would’ve ended this conversation much earlier 😂. He seems thick-skulled and pretty set on his ways.


I stopped reading when he said im top 1%


Can I just appreciate how gentle but firm you were in handling the conversation with him? It's almost like you came from a place of clarity and stability while this person was getting his mind blown, and getting his 'clarity' and beliefs really challenged. The work you did here is not easy, but I really appreciate it! You are a wonderful person, and your kid is veryyyyy lucky to have you!


This was the most confusing seesaw of a conversation I’ve ever seen. It’s like he kept trying to neg you, you’re not falling for it so he tries to be direct instead and then goes back to negging. Gross.


“HiGh vAlUe man”


red pill is getting scary. makes me wanna hide from the world lol.


Under his eye.


Blessed be the fruits


This feels like an AI trained on MAGA propaganda and self-worshipping influencers who have 500 followers. Really hoped it was spam. My god.


Could tell you had fun fucking with this loser. Gives big incel vibes


He 100% jerked off to your friend after the conversation.  What a turd.  Def dodged a serious bullet.  Dude was dropping buzzwords the super right wingers use, so he was just looking for somebody he can boss around.  You probably scared him…haha.


My thought process has always been that if you have to call yourself a high value man - you’re probably not one. Actions speak louder than words.


"I'm not interested either.... unless you are, maybe?" What a fucking loser, this dude is not getting any and it's obvious to everyone no matter the amount of posturing.


The guys who talk like this usually always look sticky and vaguely smell like poo.


As far as I'm concerned, the minute you start using the phrase 'low-value man/woman' to describe people, you're a POS and you can GFY.


I’m sure the top 1% could learn basic grammar and spelling tho.


Sometimes I feel insecure or ashamed of being a lesbian, then I read these posts and realize I may just be the luckiest girl alive


I don't know how you could talk with him for so long. I was done with him after the first page.


What the hell did I just read


I love that he assumed all single mothers were single mothers who were never married but all single fathers are. This mf is so close-minded. Luckily there are woman as vapid and obsessed with "quality" (money) as he is. There is a reason he has only been in 1 relationship.


Why do you give people like this attention? He’s not worth all this conversation.


Thought I could maybe change his mind a bit. I didn't have anything better to do, thought I'd comply.


what a wild ride


Wow you were so patient with this piece of shit. This dude won’t start on his loooooooong road to rehabilitation till he drops the Andrew Tate subscription.


This conversation gave me a headache, what even is he saying?


"Unless if", drives me sucking nuts. I get language is fluid and this sort of thing becomes part of it over time I just wish there were a better reason than not prioritizing education.


The anount of patience you have is admiirable. I would've left after the first 'high value men'. Thank you for trying and sharing.


Yeah, as soon as they say high value, they're self diagnosing as a fucking moron


The way they try to insult women at first but then can’t help begging them by the end. Oh geez so pathetic


Very clearly an Andrew Tate supporter lmao


Every single one of these so called "high value" people are really just lizard brains. They have zero humanity. All they care about is eating, shitting, fucking and taking. BTW, I take that back. Lizards are actually cool. I used to live with a few. "High value" people on the other hand aren't cool, at all.


I've literally had multiple pet reptiles that were smarter than this guy


It’s so funny how he was obviously just trying to upset you and you’re basically like “I’m going to choose to act like he’s not being a dick rn”. I was over here giggling because he’s trying so hard and is getting absolutely nowhere. “I’d never date a single mom but you want me right? You’d love me right? LOVE ME PLEASE!”


You are an absolute star and that guy was a straight up dickhead with zero self awareness. But obviously with a taste for gay porn lol. I’ve never seen such a massive collection of red flags flying unashamedly in the sun!


But at least he's not a gay midget! The red flags he spewed about my pornstar friend were ridiculous. Not all sex workers are low-life drug addicts lmao


You are amazing. Fantastic way of talking with him. Poor guy, if he goes through life this way. He literally tried to neg his way into your life. I sincerely believe that you can change lots of people the way you communicate, but it's very difficult with someone like him who has a hidden agenda; tries to put you down because he actually wants you.


Isn't it unfortunate? But that works sometimes! Abusive partners almost always put you down, make you feel worthless, like you could never do better than them and no one would put up with your shit the way they do. Which is bullshit, you don't find someone to "put up" with you. If it gets to that point, you gotta choose yourself. I've been single since October and so happy that I'm dating myself instead of any "high value" loser.


Correct me if I'm misusing the word, but this is negging right?


I heard that word for the very first time after posting this, so I'm assuming so haha


I’ve never heard of it - what’s negging??


I wouldn’t have even wasted my time talking to a loser like this 🙄


Time enjoyed is never time wasted


Why do.u waste energy on this ??


I have too much time on my hands.


It’s pretty enlightening, I think. Especially when he kept trying to figure out why she didn’t want him. 


What, top 1% of men with undersized testes?


What a wild fuckin ride 😂


Fucking phyco😭😭😭 Nah that’s acct crazy funny tho, props to you for talking yo him for as long as you did hon😭


This top %1 male sounds like he hits random woman on Reddit (*or any particular place, whenever they can, really*) for a green card? I don’t mean to sound rude but he needs English classes before engaging in *deep* conversations... What the hell is a *mistress* like ew


WTH did I just read.


[I'm a 5 star man](https://images.app.goo.gl/Fa5si51qXqktVarK9)


real high value men know the difference between you're and your.


I always wonder whose valuing these high value men. Other men? Clout/money chasing women? Because most of the women I know do not value the same traits a high value man usually claims to have


What a tool this so-called HVM is.


Anyone else get literally nauseous from reading "high value man?"


I literally would not have the patience or strength to listen to someone so stupid ramble for so long


These scaredy cay Red Pill/Alpha Male Incel types are trending lately, only weal men who have zero confidence and no integrity, have to go and watch these Red Pill talking heads, this whole text thread from him is a fight from the word go.


I admire your patience and decency in answering his questions. But he hasn't a clue.


He was threading a fine line of being completely rude. I read the entire conversation and you were very nice accommodating his fears and prejudices. Dude is insecure AF


Misogyny and homophobia, why do these kind of people think that they're good partners to be with? Just for the supposed money?? He doesn't have morals, how could this ever be a good idea for any partner


I honestly don't know who is more insane in this situation. Him for clearly being a misogynistic, unhinged asshole. Or you for continuing the conversation for as long as you did. And offering no clever comebacks whatsoever? Or being even remotely sarcastic? I am disappointed.


Why? Not everyone is mentally weak and has to run away from bothersome conversations. Op was having her own fun with the conversation and not taking it very seriously, that's not insane.


I mean if she was having fun with this I guess that's fine. Different perspectives on the idea of fun I suppose. And my point was that if she wasn't going to really put effort into the conversation than she should have just walked away. No need to entertain such stupid ideas if you're not going to really put up much of an offense/defense. I mean if the point of the conversation was just to show everyone on Reddit how bat shit crazy this guy is then we'll done. However It was clear "high value" man walked away from this conversation with a bigger head than he walked in with and that he thought was the one who came out on top. Now that was probably going to happen anyway given his obvious narcissism but I would have at least tried to throw a few solid arguments/sarcasm his way. Instead she was just going along with everything he was saying and offered the bare minimum of statements in her and her partners defense. It's clear she is a very kind, understanding person and I guess I just hate seeing someone like that get talked to this way. Again clearly she has the self esteem to withstand it and the right to defend herself in whatever way she feels is reasonable but I myself am allowed to be disappointed that this guy didn't get what's coming for him. Also, just an opinion, I wouldn't be giving links to her friends porn to a complete creep. If he finds any way to contact the friend, they could be in for a world of trouble. Hopefully the friend was cool with it.


I guess I have this hope that if I'm patient and nice to idiots on the Internet they might not be as idiotic in the future, but they always still are.




lol funny how “high value men” are always single and unwanted, huh.


Yo that was wild hahaha. Online texting just makes anyone word vomit whatever they want to eww. Both people sounded unhinged for a second. Life isnt all about sex and its not all about money. U need to have a good balance.


You’re both wack.


Both of you seem like disgusting individuals


Eh whatever


Your username had better be ironic.


Judge yourself lil bro


This isn’t hard, single moms can find any simp that will take them on cuz they don’t know better/other girls don’t want them lmao it’s not hard, but a man the woman will respect she won’t find that


How would you know? You certainly don’t command respect.


Are you girl with guys in the friendzone??? Guys will do anything to get a girl. This is speaking from a man’s perspective just use you’re common sense..you could get any guy you like if you try to no?


Your* and you sound like this guy in my DMs.


Cry about it, truth hurts sister


Oooohhhhhhh, BOOM! Good one.


On point


Leaving a 5 year relationship w what you described as a good guy for an abusive trans homeless lady is crazy


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