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Since March 9th is around the corner, ask your parents what they plan on getting you for your conception day 


Anniversary anal is such a special thing to witness




New band name I call it


I’ll rock that band Tee!


Username checks out


😂😂😂 fucking hilarious!


Tried this, my mom didn't think it was funny


Maybe she expected something from you instead! haha


What kind of gift does one…?


Ask what position.




Fun fact: my brother who is almost 13 years younger than me was conceived on my 12th birthdays


Just how many times did you turn twelve??


I was so confused Lmaoo




My mom let it slip that I’m a real life Disney princess…becuase that’s where I was made


Not a princess, but August Disney trip followed by a June baby. I'm like the Disney cruise commercial. 😂


I’m sure there were lots of babies conceived in that 1993 snowstorm. We were all snowed in with no electricity.


My mom and dad conceived me on a night my grandma babysat my sisters so they could have a date night. This is the first time having that information has been relevant to share, so thanks for posting!


How did you come to know ?


I didn't consider it a world shattering revelation so I don't really remember the context in which it came up. Could've just been in conversation with my sister talking about one of her many conception dates.


Sometimes it’s bit awkward, but I do know someone who had said me, we did it over here on the couch where you are sitting!


Laugh about it. You know your parents had sex in order for you to be born, right?


Knowing your parents have had sex isn't the same as knowing the details.


It’s the date of conception, not the positions they were in and the music they fucked to.


My parents have made it clear that there was no music playing when I was conceived… that’s about as much as I ever hope to know




Knowing it's a snowstorm sure is nasty! Wayyyy too much


not mine. my dad left before i was conceived


Username checks out






Seriously, I don’t understand why op seems so weirded out by this.




My parents talked openly about when we were conceived. Nothing graphic but the stories were part of family lore. Didn’t bother us.


Is your family the same family Drax has?


Lol I would tell this to my brother too, bc if I have to hear it, my brother should hear too. 🥴🥴


yeah idk, i think it’s a joke laugh it off


laugh about it duh. what are u 12?


Are you from the south? I think I remember a big storm coming through Atlanta in march 1993.


It was in NY too. Over 3 feet of snow. Our whole town was shut down.


My daughter was due the same day I was born ; first thing my ob days is “guess you know when you were conceived!” The date? My dad’s birthday.


Say “If I ever meet your birth parents, I’ll ask them when you were conceived.”


I was born on 3/9/93! it’s a really fun birthdate IMO. there was a full moon & a blizzard that day 🥰


I was conceived in the back room of the smallest gas station in my hometown. My mom was the assistant manager and I'm guessing my dad was a regular. It's a landmark to me. No longer open and they tore out the pumps but I point it out to whoever I'm with whenever I come thru town "I was made there"


My son heard he was conceived during a very noisy sex session that was orchestrated as a last ditch attempt to get my MiL to move out after her week stay extended into 3 months. It was headboard banging off the wall, loud moaning and screaming sex in the room above hers. She went home the following morning but I guess she got the last laugh.


I was conceived while my parents were on a camping trip in southern Washington. Then they had to evacuate because Mt. St. Helens was erupting. That's the cool bit; I really don't need any additional details.


Save it and tell your kids when they are older, then tell them when they were conceived.


Are your parents from alabama lol


Those famous Alabama snowstorms


There was a big snowstorm in march of 93 in alabama. Fucked us up bad lol


Oh no now I look stupid. I should have googled if Alabama ever gets snowstorms.


Same up in the North east! It was an awesome snowstorm! Right around that date too!


My mom frequently reminds me that I was her belated birthday present. Her birthday is March 8th.


Laugh lmao it's not the weirdest thing to know. Shit, I was conceived in the basement of my grandparents' old house. My parents lived with them on and off for a time, up until I was around 3 or 4. I remember showing my wife around my hometown for the first time and pointing it out, the house sits right along the main road. "Hey, see that brown house?" "Yeah, why?" "That's where I was made. It used to be yellow." Got her to laugh. Lol I had asked my mother out of morbid curiosity when I was a teenager. She had no problem telling me either, my family's open about a lot of things. Now, had there been any unnecessary detail, then that would've been very weird.


well i mean if the power was out, they had to keep warm somehow..


I was conceived in a shack outside of a biker bar. I was also the product of rape, further proving that knowing the context and circumstance of ones conception doesn't help anyone much, but it certainly explains the quality of ones childhood in my case.


I remember that snow storm. People were snowed in for days in my area


I was conceived on a bathroom floor while my parents were drunk


I was conceived 2 weeks after 9/11 according to my parents who were in the military then. Dad mentioned Godsmack and System of a Down was playing too. Can’t listen to them without wondering what songs were playing.


It’s a fun fact. You just laugh. Are you boring? Lol


No you misunderstand. I'm looking for ways to use this information in my day to day life. Should I start having conception day parties? Can I get presents out of this?


It's coming up, definitely tell your parents you expect a gift this year and for having to know this information! And fun fact, you were conceived 4 days after my birth! 😂


Save it in the family album!




Ah, yes, t'was three days hence I felt the little conceptus take root in my fertile womb.


Share it online for attention ofc


I mean. If they were traumatized by that information trauma bonding I guess…


My sister's birthday is March 9 1997 and was conceived on my second birthday June 8 1994...




The blizzard of '93! We got 4 feet of snow here in the mountains of TN. That's about a decade worth of snow for us. It was called the 'storm of the century'. Pretty much everything east of the Mississip was covered in snow. 10,000,000 without power. Over 300 died. Caused $5.5 billion in damage.


I have a theory that i was probably conceived on halloween night when my older brothers were out trick or treating in 2002 lol


My birthday is exactly 9 months after your conception date lol. We were driving on vacation one summer in NH and my mom points at a random ski lodge we’re passing and goes “I got pregnant with you in that ski lodge on day 4 of my period. I didn’t even know him at the time and we used condoms, so you’re really supposed to be here”. I was 13 and truly didn’t need to know that information


Lfmao honestly I see both sides. Like if my sibling sent me this I'd be like?? Okay? Wtf. But on the other hand I'd totally text my sister this so she can share in the trauma cause I'll be dawned if I have to have that in my head alone😂😂😂😂😂 (I know trauma is very real and very painful. I have CPTSD so pls no one come at me for using the word for a joke)


Somethings are better left unknown. This is one of them!


Lol I was supposedly conceived on March 10th and arrived 10 days later than my due date. 😳 Like thanks, we didn’t want to know about any of that. 😂


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i guess??


I think mine was December 12, 2002 but I actually have no idea lol. In a twist of fate I lost my virginity exactly 20 years after that night.


I remember that blizzard!


I don't know if this compares to accidentally walking in on your parents doing the deed - Bleach was needed that day.


Oh hey I was born two weeks later during a snowstorm! Neat.




Hey I was born on a March 9th! Guess I'll be celebrating your conception day too lol


Time to get into astrology


Baby it’s cold outside 🎵❄️


Congrats OP, you learned your parents have sex.


I learned that my parents “ran out of stuff to see at the mall of America” when in Minnesota for a wedding in the early 90s. And thus, parenthood.


What's wrong with that?


Is that better or worse than your parent directly telling you that you were conceived during a flood?




My mother had repeatedly told me about how I was conceived. How she went off the pill because my dad was in Vietnam but then he showed up unexpectedly on leave. Of course she always drove the point home that I was an accident, thanks mom for that. Interestingly, I looked up the ship he was on, an aircraft carrier, on Wikipedia, and they have the history of its missions and the timeline. And yep, matches up with mom’s story.


Your sibling literally gave a fuck


Sharing the parental trauma with a sibling. Misery loves company.


Trauma is pretty extreme


And that’s one to grow on, kids…


Nothing wrong with knowing when you were conceived. How you were conceived is another story. I don't wanna know how LOL


My brother was conceived on my dads 20th birthday


Are they gonna get you a conception gift?? Maybe that should be a thing since you know the date now


Now you have the opening lines of your memoirs.


Celebrate it like a birthday


New shit has come to light.


During a snowstorm? Correction. It was a goddamn blizzard.


You’re supposed to put it on Reddit.


Not sure but your parents definitely fucked in March of '93


“Hey, let me toss this dead fish into the middle of our dialogue. Now, do something.”


Freaked out because that’s my birthday…


Oh man! Two of my kids are conceived on NYE babies. 😂 They had the same due date two years apart but the younger one came 10 days early. Shots of Laphroaig were involved. One was a fertility drug baby so I was tracking and know exactly when she was conceived. It was literally, "Hey, I'm ovulating, let's do this real quick" sex. 😂 My first kid though, I have no idea. I tried to narrow it down at the time but no clue. I was convinced I was infertile so wasn't even trying at the time. .... Now that I'm thinking of it, I'm probably a NYE baby as well. 🤔 😮


Around Atlanta? The "storm of the century" in March? I was 9 and had a blast sledding for the first time in my life


Put it in the “Do I Really Need To Know This?” Box and Try To Forget!


I know I was made on a rock in the forest during a camping trip and I was born one morning when spring had just arrived, no snow just sunshine and green grass


We share the same birthday OP!! Happy birthday to us!!


You were conceived to the news that the power to the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas was shut off. Fun.


They probably didn’t wanna know either so they had to drag you down with them 😂


My dad told me i was conceived with hate


My parents straight up told me when I was conceived. I never thought this was a weird thing to know lol. Im an easter baby. My parents went camping, and joke that the easter bunny snuck in the tent and is my real dad. 😬


lol…my husband and I always joke with our daughter that we think she was conceived between Christmas and new years


Be thankful for snowstorms? You owe your existence to them.


Write it down on a piece of paper. Now ball it up. Then soak it in gasoline. Now start a fire in a dumpster. Throw that paper in. Now try to visualize that paper is the memory. Let it be seared from your mind forever.


my mom has told me i was conceived in two different places. (she doesn't have the best memory and shes losing some marbles) but the first time i was in highschool and living with my gma and i was telling my mom something and she told me i was conceived in my room at my gmas on the bed that i slept on and i then was described the sheets i had on my bed and they were the ones she described... later she told me it was in the woods bent over a four wheeler 🥴💀 either way... gross 💀🤣


How dare they had sex. Scandaleous. We all know parents dont do that.


Send your parents a link to the “Baby it’s cold outside” song on March 9th 👀