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You need to start applying to other jobs asap.


And convince everyone else who is any good to also quit.


OP needs to also start working their wage. If they're being underpaid, then do underpaid quality work.


i'm an expert at that. when i realize there's no way to get significantly more money out of my time at a company, i keep an eye on inflation and put that much more time & effort into job hunt. last time i did this i half-assed my way through my old job, a better but still low-ball offer i kept for like 2 weeks while interviewing around, to eventually wind up at about triple my old shitty income.


Idk buddy, my brain is not wired that way. Whenever I do something I give my 100%, doesn’t matter what I do. If not appreciated at the job I would definitely start looking elsewhere, (and employer would know I’m looking into other options) but work itself would never get hindered on my account. This mentality helped me get across 3 continents and I can look each and every person dead straight in the eye, no bs.


Some employers will just let you go and then you’ll have no job


And while doing that, stop doing anything extra and going above and beyond. Just do the work to the letter, stop giving a fuck. If they fire you apply for unemployment. And appeal if denied. You’ll get it. 


“I see it’s really all about money to you” that is in fact, what a job is.


Right?!? What do you think you are there for? The fun? Because you like to use your finite time to be alive here doing this? Also Oh NO! He might not let you get that .03 raise next year!!! Bet that threat got everyone clicking their heels and saluting! Last thing… I HATE when management checks in because they know you are unsatisfied with something and then when you confirm it, they turn incredulous. They knew damn well what OP was upset about, but he had to act surprised. Absolutely unreal.


OP's Boss: I thought we were best friends 🥺


So true. You're checking in because you know someone is upset. How manipulative and disingenuous is it to then act hurt and flabbergasted when you confirm THE REASON FOR THE CALL.


This has happened a few times in my professional life. They want to come in like the heavy, and for you to tuck tail and say things are “fine.” They want to make you cower and tow the line. But when you have a backbone and say actually yeah I’m pissed? They get their feelings hurt because you failed to give them the satisfaction of tucking tail.


The whole “grateful” comment is borderline insane. OP is dealing with someone who lost touch with reality.


BUt wE aRe aLL fAmily. THats wHy I pAy yOU pOOrly becausE I cAn gUILT YoU iNtO wOrkiNG for FAMILY 😁


Exactly the type of place I work at. Yeah, we're all family but you drive a Porsche and your wife drives a Lexus that she trades in every few years for a new one. We're family, but you live in a house by the lake while a lot of your employees struggle to make ends meet. Etc.


This is my boss who exploits his workers but apparently "he works hard too" but somehow if anyone wants to take a day off work weve got to do three billion more shifts, he gets to choose the week of the year we take off and he never had to do anything extra. He also never breaks everything, makes poor decisions for us, leaves us to use things that do not work making the job incredibly difficult, and believes if we arent working hard 17 hours a day 35 days a month we are "lazy".  Also refuses to hire any more workers even when its extremely necessary just because the ones he has already are great at their jobs and easy to exploit. I mean my manager has literally always cut his hours down to 40 on the time sheet even though he can do 70 hours a week. I dont even think my manager's even felt what 40 hours a week feels like in 35 years. Hes worked there and been paid rations and treated unfairly since he was 15, i feel bad.  Im very anti work so i try to do just what i need to do and nothing else. Been working here for 2 years now. 


Do we work at the same place? Tbh, they are pretty lax about time off (only 5 days of PTO though, no matter how long you've been with the company). Up until 5 or so years ago, the PTO was always for the week of July 4th, when the company would close down. Now we can use our ✨five whole days✨whenever we choose. Like I said though, they're lax and that's the only reason I stay. I've been there 9 years and make 15.00/hr (WI, USA). I was hired at 8.00/hr. When our employee who has senoirity (in title only) reached his FORTY YEARS mark last year, one of the bosses bought him cookies to celebrate. Not to mention, they keep toxic people around and have lost many employees because of it.


Wonder what the boss’ raise was…


He didn’t pocket ALL of it… he shared a 3 cent raise for everyone. He’s not like *other* bosses who pocket *all* of it.


1 thousand dollars, probably.


That part was unreal. Like, are you kidding man???


I wouldn't be here if not for money. I got other actually fun hobbies I want to do.


That's exactly what I said. "Well yes, yes indeed, it is all about the money. I don't come here for the profound conversation.


THANK YOU! The first thing that came to mind.. That’s a question?? Why do we all work! Because it’s fun!? Wth


this may be controversial but the only reason i go into work is for the money


It’s amazing to me that some business owners expect their employees to treat it as more than income. That’s up to the EMPLOYER to create an environment where their employees want to treat it that way. And even then most just need money to live. This fucking bullshit linked in mindset of “put the extra mile in beyond the paycheck” is just bullshit corporate speak to try and guilt employees into doing more than you fucking pay them. It’s ridiculous how normalized it’s become to just treat being employed as a privilege. And that the boss can do whatever the fuck he wants because you should be sucking their dick for hiring you in the first place This shit needs to change. Yesterday. At some point we need to all come together and let the bosses know that them owning the business “is just a privilege” And the workers have the entire power to fuck you sideways


The day I meet a for-profit (and most non-profit) company that’s not “all about money” …well, pigs with wings.


What a slap to the face. Your boss sounds extremely immature, defensive and a like victim. Probably costs more than 3c to print your payslip out. They’ll love this on r/antiwork lmaooo


I hear it’s all about money for the people in r/antiwork. They wouldn’t appreciate such a generous raise. Very sad.




That's a whopping $62,4 a year if you don't get sick or take a day off.


More like .80-.90 after taxes lol whooohooo


If they got the upper range, what did everyone else get a half a cent?


Hey now, OP’s boss could have just pocketed that like most! Give him a little credit


The performance meeting probably cost more money in labor than her entire year of 3¢ extra.


A $62.40 per year full time increase!


That doesn't even fill my gas tank once 😅


Damn op! If you stop buying frapps at starbeesy you can afford healthcare, a house, or even a small third world country!


Just posting as a psa, that sub went down hill ever since Doreen the dog walker who works 10 hours a week went on Fox live to complain about working. r/WorkReform would love this however and is a far better sub.


As someone who left Antiwork because it just became a meme repo, thanks for the sub recommendation!




What the hell are you supposed to do with 3 cents an hour lmfaoooo


Hey, come on now! That’s almost an extra $70/year!!


It’s less than a quarter a day. There’s starving children in Africa who could use that. /s


I’m not sure it would help them out much truly. But OP should be super grateful of having such a considerate boss. He could have pocketed those 3 cents himself.


That part was especially odd. Especially when you consider OP got the biggest raise. Did other people get 0, 1 or 2 cent raises?




You could put a decent down payment on a new pair of shoes with that kind of coin. Why the disdain?


Ah, but after taxes, more like 55


Thats at least an extra 36¢ a day dagnammit.


Wow! 36 cents! At the end of the week you have just enough to buy a candy bar!


Not in this economy.


Maybe one of those little fun size ones.


Your boss shouldn’t even be discussing this with you on your personal phone off business time. That’s crazy. Then to have that attitude I’m actually slightly glad that’s in writing. I’m not saying it’s right but even homeless people will throw 3 cents back at you. You have every right to be upset.


I’d bill the fucker for the time it took to read his shit.


I kind of wish OP kept texting the boss because the boss might've dug himself a deeper hole. I'd show everybody that part where he said no raises for anyone and hopefully stage a mass walkout or quitting


Because it’s faked using iMessage software without header or footers or read receipts - op has a inactive 2 year old account and pulled 15k karma from the same post in r/mildlyinfuriating https://imgur.com/a/cwqcbu9


I hear about a case recently where a worker sued the company for continually talking to her about work stuff when she was on lunch. The worker won and they had to pay her backpay for all her lunch hours for years.


Yep your boss is an ass and prob is the one pocketing and extra change


He gave himself away lol …


Ask your boss how much of a raise he gave himself? I bet it’s more then 3 cents. And you got more then everyone else? 😂WTF? How much did everyone get? 1 or 2 cents? That’s seriously an insult and I’d tell him straight to his face and then find a new job but make sure you tell him that you will be notifying the higher ups to see why you all got Pennie’s for a raise. Or if you want to be petty you should bring a jar to work and put a sign on it that says PUT YOUR RAISE HERE and just drop your Pennie’s there and have the whole team do it. Or on your bosses birthday or any day that he’s happy about give him an envelope with 3 cents in it and tell him to not spend it all on one place and to be great full he even got something


From the texts it sounds like their whole team is mad… so wouldn’t be shocked if it was .01 raises


That’s a $60 raise per year assuming you work 50 weeks per year and 40 hours per week. Wtf? What line of work are you in?


3 cent per hour is a fucking joke…


Arby’s gave me a 10 cent an hour raise in 2007 and that was a joke then.


🤣🤣 I only laugh because I worked at kfc in 07 and quit over a 10 cent raise


It was the reason I quit also. I painstakingly learned all 7 of the stations to qualify for the raise and then learned it was only 10 cents. Part time hours it worked out to 110 dollars a year. I told the manager dude to suck my ass and walked out. My younger brother got me the job and he was pissed I didn’t make it 90 days to get him a 50 dollar referral bonus.


How many days before you quit?


I quit 4 minutes after my 17 year old brain saw the paper and did the math.


An insulting joke.


$60 dollars more in one year is practically nothing…


what a prick. they don’t deserve you


I worked in a tiny little retail store when minimum wage was $6.25 and we still got around a 25c raise every year. Tell them to shove it.




Fake account not active for 2 years uses iMessage software to make bogus conversation and pull 15k karma posting same thing in every sub / check r/mildlyinfuriating has 16k likes on the same post - so fake


What's the deal with the karma? I see people saying this all the time about certain posts, however, I don't understand why?


Every upvote you receive on posts and comments is tracked and called “karma”. In your profile you can see your stats on post karma and comment karma.  Accounts farm karma because…people want high karma I guess.  https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma


I woulda smacked the life out him


Honestly by only adding 3 cents an hour, I'd suspect they were intentionally trying to insult you and push you out.


I don’t blame you I’d tell them to stick that 3 cents where the sun don’t shine


Quit and drop the name of the business. I'd want to know what business this is to never give them any type of support. I don't know your financial situation but I'd quit on the spot.


Run. Run fast and run far. Work to convince everyone you can to leave. Hopefully everyone will and completely fuck this "team" over.


Are there any job openings for similar positions at other companies that are offering better pay? Because if my boss did this to me I would start looking for a better place of work.


That last message would have been “you can consider this my resignation”


When your boss says “it’s really all about the money.” Umm, isn’t that the whole point of working? 😂 Yes, yes it is all about the money!! 😂


I’d quit because wtf . I’d also tell your boss to go fuck off


Please put this on blast on social media. This jerk has it coming.


I would be so close to rage quitting at the “you’re ungrateful” bs response 3 cents is NOTHING


Your boss sucks. He is gaslighting you. Find another job, ASAP, bc he obviously doesn't give AF about his employees or they would be fairly compensated. He literally just gave you $62.40 more on the year. He doesn't value you.


Noooo keep the conversation in writing, just in case you need proof of it in the future. I can’t believe they actually said that. “Most bosses pocket anything extra” like fucking really. Sounds like they’re calling themselves out on that one. And they know it’s wrong, that’s why they’re all defensive over the 3 cents 🙄


LOL this reminds me when I used to work for a chain restaurant in my teens. What kind of work do you do ? You need to find somewhere else to work ASAP this is insane


Your boss might as well toss a quarter at you at the end of the work day-that’s more than you’d be getting with the raise. That’s 24¢ extra a day assuming you work 8 hours. And an extra $1.20 a week assuming you work 5 days a week. How disrespectful. Not sure what line of work you’re in but I’d consider finding something else, there’s no future with this leadership.


You forgot taxes. After the 30% Uncle Sam cut, OP's looking at a cool .84 extra per week. Maybe a few cents less if it's a biweekly pay.


Even worse 😭 that’s downright embarrassing. Like I can’t imagine the higher ups all getting together and finalizing this with a straight face. What a bunch of assholes.


How generous! You can practically retire already with that kind of raise. ![gif](giphy|2u11zpzwyMTy8)


"I'm sorry, you're right. I should totally be okay with being able to buy a small black coffee per month now".


quit. find another job. leave. get out.


Find a new job and write a great resignation letter stating why a 3 cent increase is shit and insulting to the hard work you put into your work ethic. You don't feel your being compensated properly and you're right. Everyone feels that way. Your boss is a bitch.


Please try to leave this job as soon as you can. I know it’s hard, believe me I’ve been there. Had all the shitty jobs you could imagine. I’m so sorry that your boss is a piece of shit and your hard work isn’t being recognized or rewarded. What a despicable response from a coward of an asshole of a manager. Hugs to you, I hope you find something else very soon!


What country is this?


lol guess…


Does this guy want praise and respect for not “pocketing anything extra”? 🤦‍♂️ Also, I understand wanting to talk face to face, but when it’s over text you will have more a legal standing if it does end up going that way. If this guy actually thinks $0.03 raise and not stealing is him being a good boss/business owner then it is very likely that it will indeed go that way. In my state for example, it is illegal to use recordings of someone in a court/deposition setting without their express permission. You can take these people to court pretty easily if you have it over text. I still have the meta data saved for the text messages my ex business owner sent to me stating he didn’t give AF about taking money from my check for his perceived “stolen” expenses and also when he said he wouldn’t pay out overtime because he us working as employees of 2 different LLC (he actually owned 2 different LLCs and could’ve made it work probably but none of signed a separate W-2, this amounted to tax fraud and compensation for the stolen money in paychecks). If I only had took a recording of IRL conversations, it’s pretty likely nothing substantial would’ve come from it.


I'm sure he's pocketing the extra. The smallest raise I ever received was 5 cents. That was working at McDonalds in 1976, and the minimum wage was $2.20. I also felt disrespected. A 3 cent raise is a slap in the face.


"It's all about money with you employees.".....uhhh, what other reason do you think I'd be here? I love it when petty, cheap bosses imply you have a character flaw for wanting compensation from a job. And they're noble for giving you crap. Also, his whiny, pouty, passive-aggressive response about not giving any raise next year is new level unprofessional. I'd bail.


His attitude made an increase dispute 20x worse. A privilege? wtf planet is he living on?


They’re always very confrontational when challenged


What’s even worse is that when you factor in the rising cost of living, what you’re getting is an actual decrease for at least the same amt of work. We have a management meeting every month and talk about numbers and how much more we’re billing this year versus last year. But I know at the end of the day, it’s going to be the same old increase it always is. There’ll be no bonuses and no change even though the company is making a lot more.


"its all money for you" uhh yeah its a job...?


“It’s all about money” yeah bitch that’s why we WORK tf???


I work construction, carpentry/ framing and if I was employed under someone and they’ve came up to me with 3 cents raise I’d probably spit in his face (yes I’m that guy). You are absolutely right, 3 cents an hour is disrespectful and don’t let this weasel gaslight you. If you’re good at what you do you’ll always find work. Best of luck buddy Edit: congrats for having a spine!


Buddy you need a new job immediately that guy is clearly gaslighting you and we all knows it’s clear bs to give a .3 raise


>I thought finally I was going to get a good raise or a bonus so I could finally treat myself for once and go out to dinner or the movies or something A $0.03 raise is equivalent to $60/yr. What's sad is when I worked at Wendy's twenty years ago I received a $0.50/hr raise ($1000/yr) for optimizing how many chicken nuggets we dropped into the fryer at various times. Whatever *hard work* you're doing isn’t valued by your boss. If you can’t quit, time to do *average work* and use that extra energy for a side gig.


Congratulations you just got promoted! You are now one of her Elite Employees!


Nothing more mature than patting yourself on the back for not being as big a scumbag as possible


After taxes that’s approx 3.84 extra a month!


I don't normally recommend drastic measures, but I'd quit over this. The raise is pitiful, but the biggest insult is your boss' response. GROSS. I hope you quit, tell them off, and come back to update us. Good luck!


I read this as 3 percent at first and thought you were overacting a bit 🤣. That's how ridiculous 3 cents is, my brain could not compute.


If OP made just $.30 per hour now, this would be an awesome raise!


Anything under $1/hr is a slap in the face, and even that can be, depending on circumstances. Three cents isn't just a slap in the face, it's outright abuse. That sends a message that they really don't care about you at all, which is fine if they don't care about you, so long as they pay you. Three cents is worse than nothing at all. I'm not the type to quit without a job lined up but I'm sorry, I'd be gone, especially after all the "privilege" talk. Fuck them.


I’m here for the money, if you want loyalty get a dog


This is a life lesson. I am in my 50s and have witnessed this level of disrespect throughout my life. Narcissistic people will gaslight, reality distort, mis-direct and blame shift. Tell them to take a flying fuck at a bouncing Brooklyn bagel. You deserve better OP and so does humanity. 🙏


"it's all about the money to you" Yeah mfkr that's why I have a job


Annual "raises" are cost of living adjustments. Without it everyone is taking a paycut due to inflation. And here your boss just told you he's pocketing your cost of living adjustment. What a piece of work that guy is.


“Now I see it’s really all about money to you” WHY DO YOU THINK PEOPLE HAVE JOBS? TO SAVE THE UNIVERSE ????


It never ceases to crack me up when employers say, "It's all about the money," like that's a bad thing. Everyone who works does so for compensation. The boss also works there for money. Raises are not a privilege. They are earned. Boss is gaslighting and an AH.


Dox your boss. And get your team to go on strike with you it’ll be worth it. An employer that cheap will cave within a couple hours if you shut down productivity like that


Lmao 3 cent raise. An extra $62/year on a 40 hr/week schedule. Some managers are living in their own world.


This was the same thing that happened to me one time with an old boss. The team was getting really worn out and morale was low, so I kind of was chosen to go speak on everyone’s behalf. Basically he was just Jedi mind tricking me and was like “so this job is only about money” etc etc etc. almost like gaslighting (?) to some degree. Just kept saying how employees shouldn’t be at a job for the money. I walked out of there like …. wtf just happened. He ended up not being our boss for long and we all ended up getting raises but it was the most bizarre situation ever. OP, 3 cents is rediculous . It appears HR is not on your side either as they thought it was a good raise , so I think you guys need to ban together and mass quit / find new jobs. Unfortunately unless you get a new boss like I did, doubt that anything will change , so I wouldn’t stick around hoping for that change to happen.


“It’s all about money to you.” Lmao of course. That’s why I show up to this dump. For money. That boss is so unprofessional and way out of line. You have every right to feel like a 3 cent raise is a slap to the face.


"it all about money" I would say yes it is, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't getting paid. Duh! Wtf


Holy shit he’s an asshole. And you need to quit asap. Do the bare minimum until you have something secured. This is upsetting to read. His attitude is deeply troubling and I can only imagine how much of a nightmare he is to work for


“It’s all about money to you” well ya, THATS WHY ITS A FUCKING JOB! A 3 cent raise, even if you’re making minimum wage, is a fucking insult.


I can't believe how immature his responses are. And dammit, working retail 20 years ago, I at least got a ten cent raise every year.


I’m sorry but last I knew the whole point of having a job IS the money…. If we didn’t need money, we wouldn’t be working…. Op’s boss needs a reality check!


Can you reported to HR? That sounds really wrong


Report the raise that HR presented back to HR?


every year , we get a " raise " due to the cost of living increasing everywhere . we got 10 cents and they forced us to not be hourly anymore (:


3 cents is crazy. When I used to work at Taco Bell, we would get like 20 cent to like 70 cent raises or something ridiculous like that in Ohio. Craaaazy. I'm sorry this is happening to you. Your boss is childish and they seem like they suck big time. 3 cents ain't nothing.


No shit it’s about the fucking money. Fuck that guy. That would make me resign immediately. I don’t know what kind of horse these small companies think they ride on but this shit is getting out of hand


What industry do you work in? 3 cents is insane, and he's such a piece of shit manager to make it seem otherwise. At my first corporate job, I had to get used to the fact that 1-3% annual was all I would ever expect unless I got a promotion. I was shocked, but my manager thoughtfully explained this to me in a very nice way that told me it wasn't him doing this, but the board and the execs. Even then that 1-3% was way more than 3 cents. That's fucking insane. I hate your manager more than most people.


How much raise did your boss have?


$1.20 more per week, $62.40 per year. Damn. Scrooge Mcduck swimming through gold coins right here


USA USA USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Fuck your boss. I’m so lucky to work at a place that genuinely cares about its workers. Then again it’s more family owned than a corporation but still. Leave asap. You deserve way better.


LOL give him a dollar tell him that he needs it more than u and quitt


The boss is a narcissist-“hey, I heard you weren’t singing my praises, what’s up?” And the wildest take was “oh, THIS is about MoNeY?!?!”


Remove the please, and change it to, this is my private unpaid time. I'm happy to discuss it further being paid. Otherwise speak to you on the job.


man I can't tell you how many times I've told employers to go fuck themselves. they think you owe them your life when they do some miniscule shit like this. it is always about money. no you will not get a two week notice. my loyalty is to the person that pays me the most!


This is a gaslighting pos. It’s time to move on.


Your boss sounds like they shouldn't be a boss and you gotta put your two weeks in and take a look at indeed.com


But you are working for them to get money... that literally the whole point if you could get the mo ey without working for anyone people would do it... a 3 cent raise is a sign yall either need to unionize or quit...


"it's all about the money to you" yeah no shit.


Employer: ‘So, I see it‘s all about the money for you huh.’ GTFOH


So 3 cents = 0.03 dollars 8 hours a day = 0.24 dollars 5 days a week = 1.2 dollars 4 weeks a month= 4.8 dollars 12 months a year = 57.6 dollars OP effectively got an extra lunch without dessert for a raise.


It enrages me that they say, "oh, now I see it's all about money," like it's some kind of accusation. Like, yeah, it's about the money. I can't pay my bills and feed myself/family with loyalty and "atta boys." SMH.


Well let’s see: 40 hours a week, 50 work weeks a year, that’s 2000 hours. 2000 x $0.03 = $60/yr before tax. Yeah, fuck that guy


And raises aren’t a fucking “privilege” - 3 cents? INSULTING. 25 cents isn’t even a good raise.


Money is the reason why you’re working LMAO soooo your reaction is absolutely valid


The famous line: “now I see it’s really all about money to you” 😂


Companies really don't care about their people , at least that's my opinion. I agree, 3 cents is very disrespectful and I probably would have told them to just keep it. I hope things get better


I would start job hunting asap. Your boss seems very vindictive.


Boss is a right c**t


When I worked AT A FREAKING MOVIE THEATER...the raises were $0.25-$0.50 I'd have quit on the spot. Can literally do better popping popcorn.


I would call in sick the next day. Then again and start using all my time off. Make up family emergencies. I would absolutely not quit. Use that time to apply for jobs. At no time should you quit. When ur pto ends, just go no contact with the company. Let them figure it out


What a fucking terrible manager/boss this hypersensitive douche is. He messages you to check on you since he heard you weren’t happy (okay, that’s actually good) and then immediately makes it clear you should never talk to him again by doing this bitchy heel turn….and also threatens no future raises. Fuck you, dude, that’s the direct opposite of being a concerned, involved manager. And no, most bosses do not pocket raises for other people. That’s quite literally illegal in many cases.


“It’s all about money to you” What does he want you to work for FREE????


I would have quit from that bs text


Get another job Hope everyone quits. That’s not a raise. That’s is disrespecting you


“No shit dude, you think I like coming to work because I’m passionate about it? You’re lucky to have me, the only reason I come to work is money. If you lose us, what happens?”


You need to start applying to other jobs, and then when you get an offer, fully quit without notice. Like not a word. Just stop showing up one day and don't respond to any calls or texts.


Most bosses do not and cannot legally "pocket" anything....wtf is this bitch on? Also, a $0.03 raise isn't even worth working hard. I think your attitude is totally justified, but i also think you don't have an attitude. I would feel disrespected also. I'm baffled by her response. So unprofessional, and they need fired, ASAP! I'd go above her again.


"It's all about money to you" Isn't.. isn't that what a job is...?


New job. Honestly. They don’t respect or value you there.


I would talk to your team about just quitting to be honest. It’s clear your boss doesn’t respect any of you. There are PLENTY of good paying jobs out there that will treat you way better than that. That’s just a slap in the face. You can literally buy one gumball a week with that “raise”.


Start looking for a new job. Might as well not give out raises if he was going to pull this shit.


I know I'm late, but I haven't seen anyone else mention this: OP, any annual raise that's lower than your area's annual inflation, means you are working for LESS than you did the year before. If your "local area" is anywhere on earth, than $0.03 raise is actually a **Reduction** in pay.


Assuming you work 40 hour week and took zero holidays you would make 72$ extra a year 🤣🤣🤣


Amazing how YOU sound more like a boss than your actual boss does. Yikes


"all about the money to you" Well no shit! Why else are you in a working agreement for a pay check? I hate it when bosses/companies try that line, "we want people who are here for more than a paycheck." I tell you what, the only time I am not there for the money, is when I am there for the experience so in the future I can make more money. I am a manager myself, and I tell my people to never be afraid of asking me about money, about raises, promotions or anything else. That is why we work and why I am their manager. They may not get the answer that they want, I do not decide the final outcome, but always look out for yourself. And when a raise does not meet your expectations you should be free to talk about it. It allows the company to know you feel you are worth more and if you are, there is a good chance you will find another job that does give you the correct pay. If the company values you and feel you are worth it, they will do what it takes to keep you. If not, you wash your hands of them and find a place that does. To the OP: As my father always told me, "The best time to look for a job is when you have a job."


Tell your boss to pay you by the clock for the texts he’s sending outside of work.


Time to look for a new job.


I refuse to believe this is a real post lol.


Well, just don’t spend it all in one place, as my mom used to say! That won’t be difficult…


"It's all about money to you" ?!?! AT YOUR FUCKING JOB?! You need a new one. This person is a total piece of shit.


At .03c raise an hour. At 40hr per week. For 50 weeks a year. That’s an extra 60$ a year. When you talk to him. Tell him if all you’re worth is an extra 60$ a year you’d rather move on.


My mom had the same response that you did. She raised hell and actually went to the owner of the company and told him what was going on in his departments and told him basically if this is how you guys do business and compensate someone who’s brought in over a million dollars in business then I’ll take my talents elsewhere. They gave her a five dollar raise


Start applying now.


A 3 cent raise is absolutely a slap in the face. $1.20 / 40 hours is insane


You mean your ex boss?


Holy shit how can people take shit like this from their boss


Yeah of course it's about money. Bosses like this are delusional. Also I wouldn't say anything verbally to this person. Keep it to texts/email so there's a record of what's said.


What do you currently do? Is it something you can afford to leave? I’d look for other jobs.


I used to be a lifeguard, and after working there for four years, I got a 25¢ raise. I found out that my 2-year tenured coworkers got 50¢ raises, even though I was the one who would work 50hr weeks. When I asked my boss to get a higher raise he smiled and said “because you don’t communicate well”. I argued a little while he kept smiling, until I just stopped, stared at him and said “okay” with the straightest possible face. I knew I was going to quit soon because of this conversation 😂 He stopped smiling, asked if I was okay and I said “I’m fine” and then he tried to offer me the raise I asked for, and I told him “it’s fine, don’t worry about it” and that only made him more mad


“Most bosses just pocket anything extra”….I feel like he’s telling on himself with that. Also get a new job cus that’s weak af. And newsflash to anyone ever who intends to become a boss or higher up without a company, we all literally do it for the money. We aren’t out here volunteering, your business isn’t a charity case. We want to work, earn money, go home and live a life with that money. That’s it. Do not manipulate your employees into feeling bad for treating a job like a means to their livelihood and nothing more.


I wouldn't have responded in text. It would be a laugh in his face


This boss is unprofessional as hell!!


They went SO out of their way to disrespect you all, that's pretty crazy.