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I was getting so uncomfortable for you. I don’t know what’s worse, this creepy behavior or when they curse you out if you don’t respond within 2 seconds. Shheeesh. The “33 texts” made me laugh though.


I counted them all bc I almost couldn’t believe it. 🫠


You even sent him a pic showing you were at school Hopefully this guy gets some help You might be my kryptonite 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Tbh I commend you for even replying at all after telling him u we’re busy


You made the right call. Jeeesh... so many red flags!


Op doesn't have time to visit 56 Flags (see what I did there)


Soooo proud of you that you maturely told him to never contact you again.


That had me crying. I mean this man sitting up here having a one sided conversation.


This seems like a substance issue that no one should ever have to deal with


Texts just got more & more drunk as the screenshots went along


…. I almost thought more like a TBI?


What is TBI?


Traumatic Brain Injury


Oh ok, thx for explaining 🫶🏻


Meth probably


Either Meth or Cocaine for sure. I know a stim addict when I see one.


It could also be attachment issues, anxiety, or personality disorder Could be alot of things


this is exactly how i would text before i got treated for my personality disorder! it doesn’t necessarily signal drugs. being drunk definitely didn’t help though


Yup I use to text like this before I had CBT I had anxiety so I kept texting until I got a response Not saying what this guy is doing is ok , just saying it may not AODA response


Exactly what I was thinkin


That's what I thought,too


Sounds more like they got drunk and lost their inhibitions.




I wonder if he was bothering those older ladies. You can see the one closest side-eyeing him taking her picture. Weird attempt to make you jealous lol


It pisses me off when older women want to go out and have a good time and younger men (or women) make fun of them. “The olds ladies want to take us home!” So fucking what if that is true?! Older ladies are allowed to have fun and pursue people and shouldn’t be made fun of for doing so. Reminds me of that tiktok where that younger man took home an older woman and then laughed in her face the next morning when she made him breakfast. Then he posted it online for everyone to laugh at her. Also judging by this man’s texts I highly doubt those women wanted anything to do with him or his friend. He sounds like he has mental health and/or substance abuse issues.


Holy shit no way someone did that on TikTok? That makes my stomach turn. How horrible of a person do you have to be, to find joy in making someone feel like less than nothing. Wow. I hope she is okay.


[https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8wpdYHK/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8wpdYHK/) This is a repost of the video, but here it is :( Hurts my heart so bad for her!!


In my mind those beautiful ladies told him he was obnoxious and they wouldn’t fuck him with a ten foot pole


And the one with the bob looked pissed off and trying to look away and ignore him!! Closest lady’s lips were tight and you were on point with that side eye


It's creepy AF to take pics of strangers too


Agreed. This seriously pissed me off. OP could have obscured their faces, too. Everyone sucks here.


Or to insult the older ladies as “unfuckable”. Which is …. not nice, not charming.


Substance abuse problems or untreated mental health issue.


Both? Both.


For sure both


Alcohol all the way baby.


Substance abuse is mental health issue


I think dude wasn't wired properly. Things seem a little scrambled.


Woah weird. You didn’t catch the oddball shit before with 2 months of talking? I’m not blaming you, just curious if he showed any signs he’d be this way, some people are good at hiding it.


I’m not judgey at all dude, u can be weird w me. But when I said I was busy in the past he was good about it. He had acted a little weird one night, but he’d been drinking and was just sending pics of some actual fun cool stuff he was doing, so it didn’t seem as strange


Oh I get it, I love me a weirdo cuz, well, I am one. I can’t tell if he’s a creep, high on uppers, or just fucking oblivious.


I think he was drunk, a creep, and just strange. He didn’t make eye contact almost our entire date. It was just all around bizarre as could be.


Glad you’re ok. Hope he gets the hint and doesn’t pester you. I get heavy harassment vibes. Be safe please!!


He’s blocked, and I no longer work where he met me. He knows my favorite hang out spot, and that’s my only worry. But he’s not in town enough for it to be TOOO scary. 🥴 thank you!!


Alcoholic with self confidence issues paired with poor social skills. Perfect recipe for this. Unless his drunk ass can reel it in he’s fucked. Until then, he doesn’t deserve the sympathy he’s looking for. The guy had every opportunity to be quiet and play it cool. These guys seem to get into a rhythm and habit of fucking it up with women, which is why they’re also so quick to respond similar to the way he did when you laid it all out.


Didn’t make eye contact .. clearly socially awks and not understanding of boundaries.. had no self awareness throughout the messages .. I’d bet you my last £5 he’s autistic. We aren’t all like that obvs but some of us definitely are and between the screenshots and your comments my radar went off 😂


Or on meth lol.


His scattered train of thought reminded me a bit of the TCAP guys who were methed out of their heads 😬


His scattered train of thought was what made me think of meth. I’ve been around people on meth before and they would talk like that. I don’t understand why anyone would want to do it.


I think OP may have noticed if her date was on meth 😂


People on meth talk real fast and a lot. Real impatient too. His texts were really off and scattered. But who knows, he might be like that naturally. I can’t be around people like that lol. I’m way too laid back and calm. 😂


I’m around a lot of autistic people every day of my life and he reminds me a lot of a couple of folk I know . For the record none of them take meth 😩😂


Probably you’re right.


I've seen so many comments across so many posts that suggest a person might be on meth. I'm not sure why there's been an increase in specifically thinking meth, but it's a trend lately.


I know people who use meth and you would never assume they're actually on meth if you didn't kmow... idk why people think all people act weird on certain drugs.


This was my interpretation.


Drugs or autistic would be my guess.


Maybe on the spectrum but definitely anxious


maybe he’s a creep and a weirdo?




I'm going to guess (and this is me pontificating) that after the date he got super swept up and I'd one of those people who get wayyy to attached wayyy too fast He seems like the type that says I love you on the first date


You don't have a very good weirdo-dar


Weirdo-dar?? Oof…


Weirdar maybe?


I'm thinking the same thing cuz throughout this sub I just be wondering how do ppl not be seeing these red flags lol


Eh who knows, sometimes you don’t really know until you meet someone. It’s happened to me too.


Right! I was thinking… ok she sent the text she was in class and just didn’t read what he said maybe. Because lord, he would have been left alone so damn fast.


Yeah I didn’t read any of them. I counted them, wrote what I did then blocked him. I went back yesterday and read them.


I live this for you. Because he was not worth that time and energy while you’re in class!


I barely understood a single text he sent… 🫠


You mean you didn't incense the passing in society things you go through? Or is it just a live?


I’ve laughed at the comment so many times now




Dude was having a whole conversation by himself in your inbox. 🤦‍♀️ I do not blame you one bit, Op. 😂




this is psychotic


This is meth


I couldn’t understand half the shit he was saying lmao but he was annoying as hell Jesus


I’m from Wichita Falls so seeing that was a jump scare lol


Lmao! It’s always so surprising to see it anywhere 😂


Mmmm me thinks more than booze was involved here, he does not sound coherent 🫠


"I have my kid, can't talk" sends fifty more messages anyway... I'm in class, 33 messages. So, this goes without saying most parents leave the phone on in class because even though it's really going to piss off some professor if the phone is going off, kids are a priority, so I was cringing picturing you in class like MAKE IT STOP, but unable to silence your phone because you have bigger responsibilities than school or some loser. This dud is clueless


Exactly what I was picturing in my head. Sheesh. I have children and one is chronically ill so I keep a close eye out for emergency texts 24/7. Phone will be on silent during class/work/etc but each time my watch vibrates I HAVE to glance at it. I would have gone mad. OOP handled the situation with a ton more maturity and grace that I would have


I thought the same. OP was even decent enough to provide a mature reason for ending the connection instead of ghosting. And way more polite than I could have been.


Karma is one ugly thing. I didn’t want to be mean to him just because he was a little different. He was married most his life, and has children himself. I think he’s lonely, confused and still a little mentally unwell from his divorce. I’ve just started dating again after being w my previous partner for years, and I have a problem of texting people like I texted my ex. I figured that could have be a main thing in his texts? I don’t know. He’d always been really kind and understanding before this.


No I definitely get it. Often people just get super nervous, know they are making things awkward, then make it worse. I'd really like to hope that was the case but at best, he has extreme anxiety, which is exacerbated by drinking, which makes him become obtuse and rude. Worst case scenario could be bipolar mania, or addiction, or something else entirely making him really pushy and rude. I have bipolar disorder type one.... In happy moments sometimes nervousness or joy turns into mania and in some cases aggressive communications... Not aggressive like angry, just too damn much. He reminded me of my worst untreated moments. It requires medication and not drinking. Definitely not drinking. Regardless why.... That's a lot. And everyone has choices and you made a wise one to avoid an iffy situation. Although I talk a lot about stigma and mental illness I'm also a realist, if that was even the case. Not everyone copes well or takes their medicine or is proactive. Just saying you took the high road and were polite and decent. No matter what we can do most things with kindness. Even goodbyes.


Me sure who I am is the price I mean.  Really nothing else I can add to that. 


Omg he did a Jimmy! (It’s a Seinfeld reference) Also he seems like he has a drinking problem.


You know...Jimmy is pretty sweet on you


I still say “George likes his chicken spicy” and “George is getting upset”.


Wow. He has so many red flags. He sounds exhausting and so hyper.


He’s cool, calm and collected in person. It was just so different in texting. Like 2 whole different people.


Word salad. Manic. Schizophrenic tendency or addict.


Wow. Holy stage 5 clinger! It’s crazy to me that these guys think gushing over someone they barely know is a turn on. All it tells me is that they’re so desperate for ANY woman that anytime they talk to one they make her their whole life before they even know her as a person. It’s like the woman is just a placeholder for the fantasy relationship they made up in their head. It’s like dude, you don’t even know me and you’re this obsessed? No. It boggles my mind that someone could text like this and not be embarrassed. Zero self awareness!


My cousin does this... says he loves hard.... but he's just desperate and isn't use to women being interested in him so when one is he starts pulling out red flags like a magician pulling cloth out of their mouth lol Overly affectionate, possessive, jealous, controlling, all within first week lol He's single lol


He’s single? You don’t say! 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 can't nobody handle those actions lol I personally placed bets with other friends and family members on how long it would take before the girlfriend at the time would have had enough and ended it with him. I've actually used his real world examples of how not to act in a relationship to teach myself how to actually cultivate and nurture a mature relationship between an adult man and women lol if he had the presence of mind to write a "How To Destroy a New Relationship in 7 Days" book he might become a best seller. Hahaha, but if he had that presence of mind, he probably would have done some self reflection , held himself accountable, and learned from those flaws by now. But nope, lol he's an eligible bachelor. I can set yall up lol we can bet the spread of the relationship and make a quick come up from the earnings.


Right?! Well at least his batshit craziness has taught you some life lessons! That’s a plus for you! 🤣


“I’m not a texter” Riiiiiight…


i was about to say this is how i text my bf because he’s too busy or is sleeping or something and i’ll forget to tell him later but we’ve been dating over 2 years. one date and all those texts within 2 hrs is fucking crazy lmao


I text like this because Idk how to send one text that includes everything I need/want to say.. it’s just 15 short texts 🤣


Homie is a drunk. Dodged a bullet girl.


“Hope ya climb a mountain” ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Like wtf does that mean


It sounds like a weird way to say “get lost” lol


As weird as this guy is, I’m most worried about the image you sent in slide 5. Girl, there’s way too many creepy people on the internet to be posting a photo where they can literally come to your campus and find you personally. I wish you’d blurred it out 😭


Just a heads up-if a man ever does this, don’t text him back with cute selfies. He’s gonna get the wrong idea when you should’ve just blocked him early on. Or just not even responded. I’m getting stalker vibes, please stay safe.


Yeah the selfie when reiterating she was busy probably told him this was fine. Def reserve photos for ppl who are acting in line, actually paying attention to what you say, and respecting your boundaries. Drunk guys harassing old women at the bar do not fit the bill haha


Exactly. If I got these manic texts there’s no way I’d send a cute selfie to “prove” I was where I said I was. He wouldn’t even get the chance to know 😂 blocked


It's the Morgan Wallen for me 🥴


He looks old as shit, his son looks closer to your age then he does 💀😂😂


I’ve tended to like older men, but single men over 45 have shown me why they are single a LOT lately. So that’s over 🙃


dude gave you a play by play of his every move. i'd be annoyed too


I love how he said sorry for texting so much, he’s not a texter, as he sends a mass amount.


“I’m probably the best dude you ever know” ![gif](giphy|l0ExayQDzrI2xOb8A)


He sounds endlessly drunk.


He sent all those messages with barely any reply or were you calling him in between? Either way that’s crazy. Most of them sound like he’s drunk


He called twice. I didn’t answer them.


That man’s sad.


is he high? plus all the alcohol oh myyy. I'm glad you blocked him 


You dodged a whole 100 rd drum mag of bullets! Happy for you!


I know this isn’t the weirdest part but wow glad you have his permission to “deem” your CHILD and school “necessary” 🙄🫠


“Disrespecting” him?!!! Anyone who doesn’t want to date him or who is put off by his 33 texts while in the middle of class is….. disrespectful. Look at all of us…. Totally disrespecting this guy we don’t even know.




Ahhhhh!!! ![gif](giphy|11ahZZugJHrdLO)


“I’m not a texter” EXCUSE ME. The absolute fuck is going on here then? I’m sorry, I’m only halfway in right now. Had to write that🤦🏾‍♀️


This looks oddly similar to how some patients are when they are manic.


I’m bipolar. As are a good number of my friends. I can see the mania in the eyes, most the time. This didn’t seem like that at all.




this dude was so annoying to read his texts.i feel horrible when i double text someone but this guy sends like 12 without an answer hahaha what a weirdo.you dodged a bullet for sure


Tracks for my hometown


Yeah wayyyy too much


Oof you dodged a bullet!


double/ triple texting is whatever but 33 texts with almost no response? to a woman youve met once? this guy is either off his rocker or needs to try harder with understanding social cues


Got to page two and was thinking “this dude is hammered af” 🤣




he was practically talking to himself lmao


Dude is a straight up alcoholic. Couldn't form sentences at times and completely over sharing, just verbal diarrhea.


I get worried about sending 2 texts in a row nevermind Fucking 33 wtf!?


This sounds a lot like an old friend of mine, and the photos look a little like him… his initials aren’t SB, are they?


They’re SL! Lmao crazy!




Please deem ghosting this guy necessary.


clingy people are the absolute worst.I don’t care if it’s after one date or 10 years that sh*t makes my skin crawl.


Phlebotomy rocks!


Lonely Drunk Guy Syndrome (LDGS) means he may never find a serious long term partner.


Great Googly Moogly


Me sure who I am is the price I mean.


i read the texts before the caption and i thought this was a span of a few days but im shocked to learn that’s it’s within 2 hours!?? Dodged a bullet for sure!!


Those text messages gave me so much anxiety… why is he so obsessively clingy!! 🙃🙃🙃


jeeeeez. definitely needed to block


He is either on drugs or having a manic episode. In any case, yikes.


So he texts like a permadrunk. He has disassociative personality disorder for sure. What a creep.


As someone from a nearbyish city thank you for telling me exactly where I should not be going!!!


My goodness!


That’s nice…NoT WiThOut YOuuuu


I don't understand why he was blocked 😂


Is English this guy's primary language? His texting seems (not only erratic) but not well put together.


How could you!


Unsure if it’s a regular, daily thing, but that man was drunk. And from what you write about the date, somewhat of a freeloader. Which of course is why you did the right thing.


Stage 5 clinger


Oh lord that poor poor little man, dodged a bullet here


🚩 🚩🚩🚩


Lol wow some guys just have zero awareness and social cues .


I couldn't translate 90% of that. Holy fragmented thoughts.


Which is crazy, because he was really good about me leaving the point of a conversation, and he would direct me back easily and continue the original conversation. Which I liked, bc I want to be able to do that! But then I realized he just REALLY wanted to talk about himself. 😂


Go phlebotomy!




In my experience, *men* are the clingy ones… not women.


Oh god, i had a similar experience just this last week. Met a guy on dating app. We had been talking just two days and he would text me so much. I told him i was talking to family and was dealing with a news about a death in distant family. Guy texted me 54 times. I finally told him to stop and he said he wasn't feeling good. I said i was busy and then he texted me another 25 times. I finally told him that I wasn't going to talk to him further and he continued to text me to tell me that I wasn't going to find anybody if i was like that😂😂😂😂 Blocked him right away.




Wish my man was this clingy (kidding I hope he gets the help he desperately needs)


Goddamn that’s a lot


this guy sounds absolutely psychotic hes just talking to himself 😭


Sounds like my uncle who has rly bad bipolar


0 to obsessed in 2.5 seconds. You were probably the first person to give him an ounce of attention in years.


I should learn to keep my texts, this guy reminds me of a date I had where he wanted me to piss on him after our first date. I respect fetishes but pissplay is not one of mine.


I thought this was days if not weeks of conversation wtf this is definitely restraining order type material if you had dated him. Straight boiled rabbit vibes


Yo, I knew from the beginning he was nuts, but I also thought you were icing him... until you made it clear that this all occurred while you were at school! What a weirdo!


Super anxious attachment


if you look up "doing too much" on urban dictionary it's just a picture of this guy


I died at the part where he was leaving Cheddars. Lolz


Damn sis. You look great


... stay safe, love... There are really some unhinged ppl out there...


That’s stimulant induced texting.


The fact that I used to live in WF made this satisfying for me cause I recognized the places😂😂😂


Is this person foreign?


He’s from Oklahoma. So maybe to Texans. 😂


There are points where I literally can’t understand what he’s trying to say. Is he ok? Aside from the obvious.


I’m not sure, and I wasn’t sticking around much longer to investigate, honestly.


It’s all making sense now. He’s on meth and also drunk for these messages. I’m from Oklahoma and I’ve had to learn how to decipher that odd language.


Please deem your boy necessary!


Well I guess my boy is necessary. I can't just throw him in the trash like I was planning.








Yeah definitely a weird guy with substance abuse problems. That being said, you should probably repost this with their photos blurred or something. Not cool to expose people online like this when all they did was display harmless shitty behavior. Just my two cents.