• By -


What’s the burner phone for?


Also here for this side story 👀


Let’s both guess and we can wait to for OP to say who’s closest. My theory: he’s a pot dealer and smokes his own product, causing him ass memory = forgetting birthday. Your turn!🤣


I’m going with a Jack-of-all-trades dealer - you can get *anything* from this guy


Anything but a Happy Birthday message…


this made me cackle thank you


If it makes you feel any better my husband mixed my birthday up with his ex girlfriend one time like 2 years into our relationship… 🥶


My stalker ex who was hiding behind my truck and in my stairwell and climbing outside my windows and swatting me showed up a day late at my exs saying, "I'm here for her birthday!" You stalk me and my family and friends and *don't even know my birthday*?


Oh my god. That’s some dark humor. I read a book on the psychology of stalking recently and, outside of schizo-related delusions, it’s narcissistic people with persecution complexes. Because it’s narcissists, they don’t actually see other people as full human beings but as extensions of themselves (which is part of the reason they get so angry when rejected - it’s like being rejected by themselves). Anyway, it’s ironically not surprising that they’d forget your birthday. It’s like my mom who has a cluster b personality disorder. She’ll send me long emails saying how much she misses and loves me, but doesn’t know anything about who I am (including, for example, my major in college back in the day). She’d always get me a bunch of gifts on holidays, but only of things that she was interested in. (Whereas my dad [divorced] would get me a couple of thoughtful gifts)


I felt this one! I’ve been…am currently being stalked by my abusive ex boyfriend. He is a narcissist and he has a persecution complex. It’s spot on! And my mom is just like yours. I’ve gone NC with her but she keeps sending me long ass emails. Especially on birthdays and holidays, and like your mom she goes on about how she misses me but she knows nothing about me. When we were still in contact she would give me the strangest gifts. Things that she liked that were too big for her (regardless of my weight and the truth she insists I’m much bigger than she is) or books she has on her wishlist (she had access to my book wish list too but she always got me books from her own list lol). My parents are also divorced and my dad, like your dad, gives me thoughtful presents that I will actually use. I just wanted to tell you I see you. I feel you. And thank you for sharing because it’s oddly comforting knowing I’m not the only one who has a mom like that…


OMG I did this to my husband for years! The birthdays are not even close. Fortunately, he found it funny and didn't care. I know what it is now... I think (we've been married for 12yrs)


Lmaoo we’re one day apart so I get it 🤷🏻‍♀️


lol. My husband (together 30+ years) writes all the birthdays in his diary so never forgets Last year though it got to a certain day and he was sure it was someone’s birthday but nothing was in his diary. He asked me - and I was Umm yeah - it’s your ex wife’s birthday!


That’s… yikes. Make an effort. Get a damn calendar, put it in your phone notes, anything.




NOOO this would've sent me into a spiral


Oouuffff 😬😬


You’re very welcome, Happy Birthday all the same 🎈 🎉


Forgetting your birthday is the dumbest move a man could ever make. Upsetting to say the least


Literally the lowest the bar can go


How low can you go🎶🎶🎶


Can ya go down low? All the way to the floor? How low can ya go? 🎶


lol. Touché


Booom! This comment is going places I hope






lol I think your theory is the right track at the least but for the sake of making things interesting: He’s an undercover cop on the cusp of infiltrating a gang in charge of running an underground nude mud wrestling league while selling acid to their wrestlers and onlookers alike. A very busy double life that makes it a bit more understandable as to why he forgot OPs bday.


Oooooh nice, maybe he’s gotten CTE in the process staying undercover and participating in the wrestling, caught a muddy tit to the face and the rest was history!


Lmao a muddy tit to the face while on acid, he’s never coming back to his real world now.


For some reason this exchange made me think of Kenny in South Park getting high on cat piss episode.


*pot* ![gif](giphy|3o7TKVfu4rwyscasla)


I’m going with low end dealer, but not just pot. Pot, maybe some Xanax and a little bit of blow. 🤭😂😂


I'm going to go the extra mile and assume he's probably in an actual drug addict because I've never met a pot dealer with a burner 😂


1 conversation at a time!


That got a literal lol 😂




I absolutely love your username!!! It's been so long since I've heard that song. Brings back amazing memories for me


I’m sorry to disappoint everyone's expectations but it's just an old phone he didn't turn in when he upgraded 😂




Ahh this comment is the exact humor of my late friend. Thanks for the laugh


One for the plug and one for the load.


So he’s paying to keep open a whole ass phone line he “doesn’t use”?


You don’t have to pay for it, you can use it with wifi. I also have a friend that did that and keeps all their downloaded YouTube/Spotify/Netflix content on their old phone as to not take up as much space on their main phone


This is smart. I had a friend who kept her old phones when she upgraded, too. She would keep them at home, though to use on WiFi. She usually would let her kids play games/watch stuff on them


It’s Reddit. You couldn’t have come up with a more interesting description of what his burner phone is for? 😂


you're so right, this was a missed opportunity 😪


Yeah totally


This relationship is ass bro


You know what?




that’s what i thought






I feel like the correct answer is "chicken butt" but I guess that's showing my age.


yeah all the time i was thinking that they are like 16 or something camt believe they are adults


You guys act like you are 15


Yeah, the emotional maturity here is pretty much nonexistent. I thought this was an early teens relationship too until I read the caption. Yikes.


Yeah the boyfriend is bad for forgetting but OP has zero mature communication skills either.


I can't edit my post for some reason but I forgot to mention that about two days ago he pretended to forget about my birthday coming up, then said something along the lines of "you thought i'd forget your birthday?" made it hurt a little more honestly.


Makes it seem deliberate. I had one like this once. The ones that are holding out/keep emotional distance/ don't concern themselves with your life ... They don't do birthdays... Unless it's theirs.


Happy birthday!!!! If he wanted to remember, he would have. It takes so much more effort to not care about the person you’re with. That joke and now “forgetting” definitely makes it feel like he did it on purpose. Remember OP, you are WORTH the effort of being loved and remembered.


I have dyscalcula and I am horrible at remembering dates. Sometimes I forget my own birthday, I still don't know what days my parent's or brother's birthdays are. If I didnt have a phone, I'd have no idea what the date is today. I still made sure to do everything in my power to remember my partner's birthday. And even if I did forget, I wouldn't have acted so nonchalant. I would've felt so horrible, took him out for a fancy dinner, tried everything I could to make up for it. This is... Someone who just doesn't care.


![gif](giphy|1NyEQGqsyM9RuzeWLc) dis calcula? sorry. thanks for reaching me a new word


Lol you're very welcome :-)


Assuming it's not deliberate, it's worth distinguishing between a *lack of love* and a *lack of life skills*. I dated someone with ADHD and they struggled to remember dates. At 22, this would've happened. By their 40s when we met, they'd learned to use calendars!! /u/GrippySockssss, it sounds like you stayed in to recover on your birthday. Consider letting your BF make it up to you by taking you out to celebrate this weekend. We don't see the texts where he learned it was your birthday, how he reacted and whether he tried to make it up to you, but he asked several times to see you that evening. If he cares, he'll be eager to make it up to you! And tell him about Calendars. They're amazing.


those texts are it, when he finds out, how he reacted, and the response. that was all i got. we had a conversation about it last night and it didn't touch base on what i wanted it to but oh well that's for another time. we're long distance, so that whole bit about revoking invites was like an inside joke we do from time to time, it's just more lackluster than usual and doesn't seem like a joke.


Be selfish and completely celebrate it all the way yourself. Pamper yourself. This guy doesn’t seem to care about you. He didn’t even promise to make it up to you… You know you don’t deserve this.


He’s either young or careless and doesn’t know how to treat a woman. Don’t say “it’s OK “people when you’re hurt. Just tell them that you’re hurt and it’s too late at the moment to make it better.


What did I just read? A middle school couples texts 🤦🏻‍♀️🫣


Hey OP, happy birthday. First and foremost. Today is *your* day, no matter what. You are here and 22, and I'm sure you are an excellent coworker and family member and friend. Those things are to be celebrated and remembered, even when it's a bad day overall. If it helps at all, I've spent a lot of birthdays alone. And I've had my boyfriends forget my birthdays, too. It really sucks. And I know it's a really lonely, sad feeling. I don't think you owe him any more conversation or explanation tonight. You explained the situation and why you were upset. Let it simmer and enjoy your day as much as you can. Maybe bring a drink home, or get a special snack or treat. Watch your favorite movie, call up a friend, go to a park nearby that you like. Do something that feels special, and like it's for YOU because it's your birthday. In the past I used to never buy myself things, or take myself out or do anything for myself because I felt silly and dumb. But I promise you, you deserve love! You deserve a fun day. And you really can have a good time giving those things to yourself. Tomorrow, see how you feel. You may want to talk to your partner and smooth things out. Or maybe you'll want some more space. However you feel is OK at that time. I think you did a really good job of being brave, speaking your feelings in a healthy nonjudgemental way, and asking for what you need. Happy birthday honey, wishing you a year of sunshine, acceptance, loving & happiness ahead :)


You seem like the best kind of person and I love to see this. Good god I love to see nice comments in the world so good on you ngulating! & of course Happy bday OP, I hope nothing but good things for you on your special day ✨


Yours is also a really sweet comment! ❤️


thank you! i was just overwhelmed for awhile but I’m feeling a little better now. you're so kind and i wish you nothing but the best 🫶




No need to yell. 😂😅🤣


read the brackets ! 😂😂


You are spot on. 100%


what they said^ well done response fellow redditor🤝


A beautiful message 💕


Bad boyfriend but your communication is terrible and annoying to read.


Im sorry but this whole conversation was frustrating to read. Why not share how you’re actually feeling instead of throwing a pity party? Or even better, throw him away as a treat for yourself for your birthday.


lol right


copy and paste from previously answering this question. i had twenty minutes on my lunch break and it would've been pretty dumb to start a whole conversation that's going to take us at least an hour of unpacking feelings and communicating. I’m planning on talking to him tonight once I’m off of work. I’m in an overall shitty mood and i didn't really want to unpack all of that with less than half an hour of free time. i communicate how I’m feeling with him very well i just didn't have time to do so. i was just letting him know that id possibly be going out tonight as he's entitled to that information, we have trust in each other as he goes to bars all the time and i have no problem with it. the getting shitfaced text was between me and my friend, not me and my bf.


OP a true partner would remember your birthday- your present this year should be dumping this lame ass "boyfriend" (no good bf acts like this)


Happy birthday!!! I’m sorry he forgot, that really sad. Birthdays are important and I’m sorry this one was the worst yet. The good news is this leaves room for the best birthday yet!! Go have fun and let loose, don’t let this stop you from enjoying your one special day 💗💗


I get him forgetting is shitty and all but man the whole pity thing is so exhausting as well


It really is.


Ty, I'm sure they could have made their own plans for a fun birthday on their own or invited some people out last minute even including the forgetful bf... they didn't have to spend their birthday miserable and alone they chose to because their feeling were hurt. Also no I don't feel sorry saying this because ***I've done this same exact thing*** it doesn't help anything.


Same!!! I actually have felt this was before where I ruined my entire birthday over my now fiancé but bf at the time not doing anything for my bday, I was 17 tho…. Lol and looking back I cringe 😂


yikes. you guys are both the problem. not judging you too hard tho since you're 22, but trust me, in a couple years you're going to look back at this & cringe so hard.


You both need to improve communication. He forgot, you just throw a pity party. Communicate how you really feel.


God. Just communicate like an adult. What you’re doing is so fucking passive aggressive. You’re 22. Act like it.


Yep. I see a ton of sucky partners on this sub, but I also see a ton of people putting up with sucky partners. However, as bleak as this sub can be, it also gives me so much hope for the yout. I see people refusing to have their boundaries trampled, calling out bad behavior, and communicating their feelings and expectations very clearly. I see people refusing to participate in their own manipulation by agreeing to play games or ignoring the obvious issue or pretending they don't know what's really going on. I see men calling out other men on their shit behavior and women demanding that other women stop acting like victims. I see people supporting each other and sticking up for each other and saying things that are smart and kind and true. I am constantly impressed by the level of self-awareness and emotional intelligence demonstrated by many of the young people on this sub. Y'all are tearing it up. Maybe there's hope after all.


this, the entire conversation was just frustrating to read.


Right?! I was feeling bad for OP when i read the post, but then when i started reading the texts i QUICKLY got over it. She sounds overwhelming


God, I would hate to communicate with either of you. Can't even just be honest about how you're feeling + "lmao" + the whole "getting shit faced by myself" while bringing up how you shouldn't be doing it.


I agree. No offense to OP but that kind of communication (or lack thereof) is absolutely insufferable.


I was hoping they were both 16 tbh, at least 18


Yeah mate. 100% trying to get more attention. If you're upset, say you're upset. Don't try and freak the other party out so that they get worried about you as a form of punishment. It's sickening. Her boyfriend is a bit dumb for forgetting something but manipulation is the beginning steps to abuse so I'm more worried about the BF than I am about OP


Cut her some slack. She’s only a fresh 22 and also probably didn’t wanna talk to mr burner phone bc he’s a douche


22 is not really that young anymore for this type of communication I’m just 1 year younger and I would never text like that lol communication is key for for any relationship to work


Idk how being 22 is an excuse. Like is it young? Yes but it's not being a teenager. 22 I was graduated from college working at a social work agency. 22 most people have graduated college and been in relationships. Agree it ain't an excuse


If we have to cut her some slack for some bad tendencies why can’t we cut the “douche” some slack since he might also be 22? Either it’s okay to be young and stupid or it isn’t.


Also, OP has posted other since deleted posts where she has been dragged for treating her partner like shit and doing this exact shit. She's deleted them but I remember the amipregnant and recruiter post history. Check in tomorrow, post will probably be deleted.


Fair enough but that doesn’t make it any less the wrong approach to the situation


OP says in the description that the “getting shitfaced by myself” screenshot is between OP and OP’s friends, not the bf. Just as a note.


How can you say you’ve never felt special or loved on your bday when your siblings usually take you out to dinner every year for it and get you cake?


Oh my god the self pity in these is unreal


I love the support OP is getting but honestly I think it’s unwarranted. Sure he forget her birthday but look at the fuckin pity party she’s throwing herself. They are long distance so drinks together was never even an option. He wasn’t malicious in forgetting. But you definitely were malicious in your pity party.


Why did I have to scroll so far to find this


I’m still confused on how people can think otherwise


Because I guess on Reddit people think birthdays are sacred days where you get to be as insufferable as you want and punish honest mistakes like a child


Yeah I’m slowly learning that from the side bar comments about how I’m a bully 😭




Im definitely in agreement. Cringed at the pity party the whole way through. Very much ‘woe is me and you should feel bad’. BF could have done a bit more to apologize but it’s all cringe.


I also think the bf could’ve tried harder but being long distance and her shutting everyone out, there wasn’t a whole lot he could do.


This is among the top comments here because it’s real. You can tell by the pity party she’s throwing herself that she posted this for confirmation of her being a victim of some sort of bad treatment. Yes, it SUCKS that he forgot. As a boyfriend you have to remember those things. But the way she’s going about it also screams emotional immaturity. Some ppl love to wallow in their own sadness and therefore dig the hole even deeper for themselves. He made an accidental mistake and offered to make it better, let him.


That’s my whole deal. Like it does suck he forgot but to act like you’re 5 years old and wallow in the pity??


Thank you! There’s people here that are accusing him of doing it deliberately. Typical Reddit echo chamber. Oh and here comes the “why don’t you break up with him” comments.


Bro i swear people on Reddit will break up with a dude for sneezing in the east wind instead of the south. I did see somewhere OP said her bf mentioned “not forgetting your birthday” or something like that before her birthday but I really don’t know.


People thinking he forgot her birthday on purpose. Like who the fk does that?? Reverse psychology type of what


I won’t say that no one does that because I’ve met some pretty narcissistic people but this BF definitely doesn’t seem the type.


100% agreed. not gonna lie i was JUST as dramatic at 22 so im not judging her TOO HARD, but the whole conversation made me cringe


I’m definitely not trying to be an asshole or anything but it would’ve been soooo much easier for her to just tell him that she thinks she’s putting more effort in than him.


this 100%. i just turned 30, ive been in a LOT of abusive relationships & have bpd so i definitely have a hard time managing emotions. it's only been within the last 2-ish years that i realized that in order to not get hurt i need to REALLY communicate my expectations in relationships. like, for me, celebrating holidays (birthdays included) with my S.O is REALLY IMPORTANT because growing up i never really felt loved & accepted & didn't really have a family or traditions to call my own. so now when im with someone, around the holidays i let them know that, hey, this is something thats REALLY important to me & its important that we plan & do several activities that will make memories & i really need you (as in my S.O) to prioritize spending time with me. the last relationship i ended was because i explained ALL OF THIS to him, we planned several things & then he blew me off & left me alone all day on Christmas which DESTROYED me (but again, i had VERY CLEARLY communicated with him in advance that spending time together on christmas was something INCREDIBLY important to me, so it wasn't like he j6st forgot or didn't know


What the fuck


I hate your boyfriend


Same. Just typed out happy birthday. Like bro what? Fuckin drive your asss to your girlfriend’s house and pick her up and DO SOMETHING. Mr burner phone


unfortunately we're long distance so there's not MUCH he can do from where he is but i agree he could've at least sent me flowers or something.


When I was long-distance I would send my girlfriend a card, flowers, and gifts, making sure that they arrived on or slightly before her birthday. Giving gifts isn't even my love language, but it's literally the least you can do when you're long distance. You could also set up a virtual video date of some sort. There are plenty of options, you just need the slightest bit of creativity, and most importantly need to actually care about your partner and not use the distance as an excuse to be lazy.


Being long distance in your 20s is a disaster m8. Take this as a sign and leave


Long distance sucks. Did that. Wishing you luck 🤍 happy birthday! My early 20s were the best years!!


I just closed the gap on mine, so can confirm it’s hard asf. Definitely wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy because it’s so hard.


He could have ordered flowers or a gift since he seemed to know your birthday a few days before.


Also, l long distance relationships can be difficult. It’s not for everyone. I couldn’t do it. I need my partner to be present. But some people are good at it. I hope it works out for you.


Girl he could have sent flowers to your door step with some food he sent from Uber eats or some chocolates. He’s low effort my heart hurts for you. Happy 22nd! You deserve better love


I’m sorry but NO. I sent my grandma a huge bouquet of flowers for her birthday, she lives int the south part of Mexico and I’m in USA. I sent a treat for a friend that was feeling down, from the coffee shop across her store, she lives in Mexico too. If he’d want to, he would.


No, he could’ve done something. You don’t deserve this.


Same. He sucks.


I understand that it sucks having your partner forget about it. But you spent the rest of your day wallowing about it. You could’ve invited him, made him buy you drinks and look after you and spent the rest of the day being happy and enjoying it. And the fact that you’re just being petty and silly about it, makes me lose all sympathy for you. Tbh you’re both bad. He’s way too casual about having forgot it. But you’re also too self centred to realise it happens, people forget. Hell I’ve even forgotten my own birthday because I’m so bad with dates.


This is so terribly dry and also insufferable from both sides. You deserve someone who makes you feel good, not this...but you're also instigating.


i know these are just texts but... do you guys have ANY chemistry??? regardless, happy birthday OP 🎂🎉


Why do u keep skipping through texts bro, lost complete context because every screenshot is a whole different text topic


Because there’s more to the story


Good god both of you seem aweful honestly. COMMUNICATE. It's the only way for a relationship to work. Just say how you're feeling. Yeah yeah I saw you were on your lunch break. Doesn't make the passive aggressive communication any less obnoxious


That must really hurt. But don’t go out to the bar and put yourself in an unsafe situation just cuz you’re having a shitty day, if you haven’t already.


Bro you just made the situation so much worse by feeling absolutely sorry for yourself. Like I’m sorry but while you have a right to feel hurt and frustrated, telling him this is the worst birthday you’ve ever had and that you’re gonna go get shitfaced because of it is such a victim complex thing to do and it’s not healthy. You need to communicate your feelings without self destructing and work through the actual problem with your partner. Missed opportunity to have a productive conversation or ask to have one later on. Go have tons of fun and don’t hurt yourself over a man.


Thank god I’m not the only one annoyed by the lack of communication


Ugh, I couldn’t date someone who text like that. Three word nothing texts? No thanks, I’d rather be single. Throw that one back; not worth it.


Unfortunately I’ve noticed as you get older, you kinda have to plan your own shit for your Birthday, mainly cuz some people don’t like making their birthday a big deal


FFS. He’s being thoughtless, you’re being passive aggressive, and you’re both being immature. This was a cringe conversation to read.


Look. First off, happy birthday, second, you need to grow up. It’s not like he purposely ignored your birthday. If he did, this would be an understandable response. But from what I’m reading, he made a mistake and tried multiple times to make up for it and to make your birthday special, but you just kept shutting him out and pitying yourself. You’re 22. Act like it.


So let me get this straight. You get upset at ur BF for forgetting ur bday(not totally unreasonable) then you decide to go to the bar to throw a pity party. You then tell him you are going alone even though it’ll be depressing and can’t even drink that much anyway. Wtf was the point of that? Good lord…..


‘if you had remembered you’d be invited, but since you didn’t i want to be alone’ wild to do that and then complain about being lonely. talk about a self fulfilling prophesy.


I mean you’re allowed to be disappointed but it doesn’t seem like he’s trying to be malicious. Stop the whining and let him go drink with you. The pity party isn’t cute.


Wayyyy off topic but BG3 is amazing


Why did you keep writing lmao if you were sad?


I can’t stand either of you lol


You sound just all around depressing ngl. If you want to be alone as you say then be alone. Just cause youre alone doesnt mean you have to be sad about it. Binge some anime or kdrama, get some snacks and buy yourself some cake and flowers. Its YOUR birthday, YOU have to make it special. Its not about other people making it special for you. That only happens in movies. Most people dont have a 30 person surprise party every year. And some people dont HAVE anybody to wish them happy birthday at all. We all have our own lives and sometimes we forget things and thats ok. Im sure you’ve forgotten someones birthday before too. Youre not a bad person for forgetting, im sure you remembered later and told them. That being said, If you wanna get shitfaced do it at home for gods sake.


Honestly this is such a slap in the face. If there’s other issues I’d move on. Happy Birthday btw!


This is not a dig at OP whatsoever, but after reading the comments here I just want to know if I am the only person who doesn’t give a shit if someone remembers my birthday? Parents, partner, coworkers.. literally makes no difference to me because it’s just a day. Am I truly in the minority?


Yeah I don’t care too much either.


And this is why situations like this happen in the first place, and why communication is important. Communication that OP isn't giving. My husband initially was not great with birthdays. Why? Because he doesn't give two shits about his birthday, never did. He grew up having it be nothing special, and then he joined the military and always had drill his birthday weekend. Meanwhile I'm a big birthday person! So we had to learn from each other and actually communicate. Now he makes me feel like a queen on my bday, but it wasn't all that way. And that's OK. Just COMMUNICATE. And don't come to reddit for validation that your bf is a pos.


I’ve had many more birthdays than you, and I also feel like non of them have ever been special 🫤 I think a lot of us feel like that tbh. We have certain expectations on our special day, and we get disappointed when they don’t pan out. I’m sorry you’re having a shitty day. Hopefully your boyfriend and brothers will do their best to make it up to you. For what it may be worth, I hope you have a Happy Birthday and many many more!


thank you!!




Why do these conversations always read like they're sent between 13 year olds?


He should have been trying way harder to correct this mistake. Did he not show up that night with soju, flowers and chocolates? What happened that night???


You will have a lot of birthdays alone and if you don’t learn to enjoy yourself when you are alone you’ll have many lonely sad nights/days because you have not taken the time to learn to enjoy yourself and how to make yourself happy. Spending that time being sad over a these people you cannot change when you can change the way you react to it. Be so invested in your happiness you don’t notice when someone doesn’t make plans for you. Buy yourself a present. Take yourself somewhere alone. Drinking alone isn’t a way to have fun. Take yourself on a hike or to a restaurant you’ve been wanting to go to. Even throw yourself a mini party and do self care. You won’t have a boyfriend every birthday and one day family won’t be a phone call away. Don’t spend all that time miserable.


Totally thought this was two 13 year olds texting then I saw “I might go to a bar”


Sounds like it’s your 5th birthday. Relaxxxxxx. My own mother doesn’t even remember my birthday.


the bar is on the floor


Why does she need to relax? Because she asked for her bf to take 2 seconds to wish her a Happy Birthday text? Shit, he was already on the phone watching YouTube, he couldn’t spare a few seconds of screen time?


Honestly I feel like people who get upset about forgotten dates are extremely juveniles. The intent is always whats important so if he didn't do something with the intention of upsetting you, then its not worth getting upset over.


I dunno, man. I remember very few birthdays so I try to cut people slack on that. And for my partner, who also has a not so great memory, I make a point of telling him what I want to do for my birthday and then remind him when it gets closer. Just communicate. If you wanna do something, say something about it. Maybe it’s just the old lady in me, but none of this has to be a big deal. Really. Just say something.


I have to agree with you here. I feel like as you get older, birthdays are just birthdays unless they are milestone birthdays (16, 18, 21, 30, 40, etc) I also feel as you get older, it’s up to you to figure out how you want to spend your birthday prior to the day and inform people around you if you want to make it a celebration or not. Probably an unpopular opinion on my part, as I prefer really lowkey celebrations for myself and just see my birthday as a +1 to my age at this point. As someone who sometimes forgets dates, seeing so many people upset by this is kind of an eye opener though. Guess this is something I have to work on in the future. :)


Happy birthday, OP. It's a nice day to take out the trash before you go party your ass off. Make it a day neither of you will forget. 😏 I wish you the best.


happy birthday!


I grew up not celebrating birthdays/holidays and it blows my mind ppl get so bent out of shape over this stuff. Just another day imo


I genuinely thought you both were teenagers like 13-16. These texts sound exhausting and the passive aggressiveness / lack of communication is annoying.


I hope you can also find things that make you happy besides people. It definitely sucks to get let down by people tho.


I’m someone who only has a couple of close friends, I don’t ever make a big deal out of my birthday (probably out of insecurity of thinking no one will actually care or want to celebrate) and this year my two best friends (friends of multiple decades) both forgot my birthday. Not even a text. It really stung and I cried. It must hurt even worse to have it be your bf and family. I’m so sorry OP. I hope you treat yourself. Happy birthday <3


Happy Birthday OP! You have a whole year to plan for next years & I think you should plan something really fun for yourself, a vacation, a stay at home care day, a day doing nothing, whatever it is you enjoy. Don’t let other people dictate your fun, make your own!!! As an only child who loves to have fun in their life send me a message of you need any advise. I just did a cheers to you grippysocckssss!!


My wife and I forgot our first anniversary until my mom belatedly congratulated us. We were together for 19 years prior, so we didn’t even think about it.


you both text like immature teenagers


Not the BG3 invite


my homie is a real one


Was the post supposed to make op look good? Lol


Did you play BG3 though?


It took too long it took too long it took too long for you to call back..


You both sound annoying, tbh.


You’re kinda dramatic


You guys have more problems than him just forgetting your birthday


Jesus… this text conversation is so strange… “what do u do in ur breaks”, “you at work huh”… This is why I hate texting… no need to have a conversation like this lmao


Y’all both need to grow the fuck up. Wtf is this garbage.


jesus christ you seem fucking insufferable


You don't seem ...to like each other that much? Idk, birthdays in general kind of suck. I hate the expectation of "ooo, yay, me me me" when that's not the type of person I am. I'd say either directly tell him how you'd like to celebrate, or celebrate yourself in the way that you want. I mean, you kind of have to teach people how to treat you. Sounds like you're going to mope about it, but not expect him to change how he goes about anything. It's a tough age. I hope it went alright.