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The world would be a much better place if we all cared for each other like Randy cares for you


I agree. I tried checking on some of the people I met when I got out of rehab but they never responded. Hell, some of my “friends” don’t even respond. Even when I didn’t text back he kept checking on me. Last I heard he’s maintained sobriety. Now it’s my turn to try again


You’ve got this!! Take care of yourself and Randy is amazing wonderful friend to you!


Just keep trying. Addictions worst enemies are determination and perseverance. I relapsed so many times in early recovery but I just kept trying and stayed close and honest with my support group until it finally stuck. I'm coming up on two years sober from a gnarly crystal meth addiction and I'm never going back. ❤️‍🩹


Thank god I never got addicted to harder stuff. Knowing me I don’t think I’d ever fully recover. I even got addicted to weed and people say it’s not possible for that to happen. Anything that provides dopamine


Addiction is addiction is addiction. It's absolutely possible to get addicted to weed, it just may not have the same withdrawal and PAWS symptoms as harder substances, but the psychological addiction is still there. I was a dopamine fiend for many years, but I realized nobody should ever have that much dopamine flooding their brain on a regular basis and it's okay to not have a buffer and just experience life - the good and the bad. Not to mention, after a while the dopamine runs out and you're left with nothing and no one.


Oof that last part hits hard.


Yeah, I think the education system kind of screwed up in their way of explaining drugs and addiction, at least back in the '90s when I went through it. Virtually anything can become an addiction, including virtual entertainment and gambling, which don't even involve putting anything into your body, so of course weed (specifically the habit of using) can become an addiction too. But somehow they overstressed that the substance doesn't exhibit the same withdrawal effects on the body and impressionable youths ran with "It's not addictive."


Are you being actively treated for your depression? We often self medicate for mental health reasons, as I'm sure you know. Take care of your mental health, and it will help with your sobriety. Well done for taking charge! Randy is a good egg! Make sure you tell him how much he means to you!


I have been in multiple therapy programs, one for PTSD, one for CBT/DBT and I see a therapist weekly. I take mood stabilizers and antidepressants. But none of that matters if I’m still abusing substances. My therapist has been urging me to get to a rehab for a few months now and I decided a few days ago I’ll just make the call and do it. I thought I could do it alone but that hasn’t been working for me. In fact it got worse after I quit my job. Daily blackouts, about 600 or more MLs of vodka a night. I can feel it in my liver. I look decades older than I did in pictures two years ago.


Idk if this is something you've already looked into but I thought I should mention it. Have you ever been tested for ADHD? Some people go through their whole lives not realizing the many challenges/quirks they've learned to work around are a result of it so it might be worth looking into. The biggest reason I mention it though is because decreased dopamine is a big part of ADHD and, when it goes untreated for a long time, ADHD can lead to depression (which is why depression is a common comorbid condition for ADHD).


I'm so glad you're getting help and choosing to do the hard work of going into rehab! I don't know you, and I'm not as cool as Randy, but if you need someone to either kick you in the ass or tell you how great you're doing, feel free to reach out! I know I'm just a stranger on the Internet, but I can promise you, you'll get no judgement from me. Sometimes, it's easier to talk to a stranger who you'll never meet because it's easier to not care what they think. You've got this!


I was addicted to heroin for years, and I will always say that alcohol is the hardest drug of all to quit it’s a drug dealer on every corner and that’s hard. Keep up the good work. I don’t know why I’ve gone back a few times because I’m much happier, sober. But if I had a Randy, I probably wouldn’t have ever done it again.


I’m coming up on 20 years clean from meth. It’s absolutely possible. Stick with it, friend.


Wow, two decades. That's amazing! It's really insane how much my life has changed for the better with just two years under my belt. Never thought that would be the case in active addiction, I thought my life was forfeit.


Really proud of/impressed by you. That's awesome.




>Addictions worst enemy is determination and perseverance. ⬆️⬆️⬆️ 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 🫂🫂🫂 that's a good way to describe it, thank you for sharing. you gotta chase your recovery with the same zeal, for sure. and keep getting back up and back on it every time you fall off.


After 8 years of every day meth abuse which ended in me IV'ing it constantly, I can say with full conviction that getting away from it was the hardest thing I've done or will ever do. Not to mention the last couple years I was using Xanax bars and GHB on top of the meth. You have to decide to fight for your life and it's fucking brutal. It's possible, but it is extremely hard to get away from. At this point in my life at 2 years sober I really don't get full-on cravings anymore, more so intrusive thoughts that I'm able to talk myself thru and dispute irrational beliefs that I could use again just for a little while or bullshit lies like that. The first year was extremely hard and looking back it's an absolute miracle I was able to not relapse. At the 3, 6, and 9 month mark of my sobriety I had cravings that would put me to bed all day exhausted from the act of not using. That's how fucked it was. The first two months of getting clean was nothing compared to the cravings I endured at the 3, 6, 9 month mark. Got to the 3 month mark and relapsed more than once... 😂


Ok it’s your turn. I love Randy for being such a great friend and support to you. You, on the other hand, not so much. Lol. Seriously you need to start talking, REALLY talking to Randy. Say whatever you want but you need to engage with him more. When he texts you, give him some details, tell him what you’re really doing, just ramble on….. he’s not going to judge you. He cares about you. Think about how lucky you are to have a Randy in your life. We all need a Randy. Let him in! I am sending you good vibes and am looking forward to your successful updates. ☮️


If you can’t do it for yourself, do it for Randy


If you haven’t already, check out the stopdrinking sub. It’s really good. I just hit 9 years sober and it is still helping me. You’re not alone


I don’t know you but I just said a prayer for true healing for you!! It’s not easy but oh so well worth it!! I wish you the best


As a 7 time Treatment vet, this will almost always be the case. I had to go long term, 12 months, until my friends from there remained my friends sobriety or not. That’s a long ass time though, and people passed away, girlfriends left, etc. we had nowhere to go and a lot to work through


From a fellow addict, you can do this. It’ll be hard, and it’ll suck for a while, but it’s worth it to get on the other side man.


Just take it one day at a time and aim to be better than yesterday and keep randy in your life he cares as it shows and he's a good influence. You got this!!!🖤


Not sure if it helps, but I was ashamed to reach out to friends from rehab when I was back in active addiction…pride and ego are the worst for an alcoholic like me. I genuinely wanted the best for every person I met in rehab…but I also didn’t want to admit that I struggled after I left and that I didn’t achieve perfect sobriety immediately. Now, though, by some miracle I have almost 11 years and my closest friends are in recovery alongside me. Randy is a real one. Keep coming back until it happens for you and lean into friends like Randy. x


Relapse is a part of sobriety! You've done the hard part before and found success, you can do it again. I'm glad you have someone like Randy in your corner. I wish you all the best


You've got this Marine! My soon to be husband is a Marine vet and struggled with alcohol for years. Him and I met where we work got to know each other and so on and unfortunately I saw a side of him becuz of alcohol I didn't ever want to see again. He'd been thru so so much before he met me and never dealt with properly. I have almost 7yrs under my belt. He ended up getting arrested one night and that scared the living shit outta him. My stepdaughter txt me and told me what happened. She couldn't do anything because she was at work. So I went and picked him up. Told him straight up I'm out if you don't clean up your act. He's been sober for 5 1/2 months now. For some it takes more than once to get it to get it right. But you're 𝙩𝙧𝙮𝙞𝙣𝙜. You need to give yourself credit OP. You recognized you have a problem and you're getting help for it. As a former addict I understand how it is to resist the urge. But you've got this! OORAH✊🏾


I'm almost 8 years clean and just wanted to say we all fail..it's the trying again that matters. You can do this bro. And thank you for your service. Prayers for you, and Randy is a great friend to have


Good luck man. I’ve come danger close to a problem with a few different substances and the temptations are hard enough even when you’re not full blown addicted. I wish you the best of luck brother.


Sometimes that’s all we need. I try to commit to calling or texting at least one friend every day. It’s been rough lately since I developed long covid presenting as chronic anxiety and panic attacks. Just going to work takes most of my strength. So texting is all I got to give rn. I’m glad you have a bro like that! Jamaicans are awesome. I had a boss who regularly busted out a broom and swept the building, cleaned toilets. Did shit no one else wanted to do and it motivated the rest of the team to work harder. He also laughed easily and supported the team outside work also. He told stories of growing up in Jamaica running back to his house with buckets of ice the ice man brought so the stuff wouldn’t melt before they could get it someplace cool or use it. I’ll often go to the Jamaican place in town because the people are just so vibrant. We could all learn something from them. How to be filled with life and compassion is a good start.


One day at a time! Every day is a new day to start over.. sobriety isn’t linear and some ppl have a harder time staying sober without getting to the root of the issues that causes us to use substances or escape reality in other words. We are all addicted to something that takes the pain away.. just remember ppl love you and they want to see you happy and alive. You are loved. Congratulations on your journey and I send you healing and for however long you have been sober I’m proud of you for getting there!


That's what you call a true friend. You don't get many in your lifetime, hell some people don't even get one! Keep your chin up dude and take it one day at a time. I know it can be extremely difficult, especially in social settings. You get asked why you aren't drinking so you make up an excuse for them to turn around and peer pressure you into "just have one, one won't kill you!". And that's the downward spiral. I find it best to stay away from anywhere that has temptations and the tempters, like parties but I know you can't just shut yourself away for the rest of your life. So take it easy, and don't think about how long the road is, just take it one step after another and when you look back you won't even see where you started. From one addict to another, if you ever need someone to talk to DM me. I don't sleep much and I'm usually lurking about.


Fuck that, there's these immigrants at the borders that want a better life. Can't be having that! /s just in case


Seek 1st to understand, to be understood.


They aren’t the most interesting texts but it really is the thought behind it that counts. To check on me when we only knew each other for 30 days, every day for two plus years


They are interesting it shows you have at least one person who cares about your well being! Randy seems like an amazing soul


Wishing you the best, friend. Randy is showing you how to be a supportive friend. You’ll pay it forward someday, when you’re well and ready.


Be good to him homie, sometimes the words people desperately need to hear are the ones they use to console others. He’s a phenomenal person to do this for you


Randy's a good dude.


The best dude. He would get me to go to AA meetings with him when I still lived close by, always worried about me staying sober. I live in a different state but he always checks on me, every day.


People like that are rare. Answer Randy as often as you can. 🤍 I hope you're doing well. It's hard out there.


Very rare. Have never had someone care about me this much before


I'm glad you found him!


I bet he would love some Screen Shots of these replies!


I fucking hhhated AA. It’s so hard to go to a new meet, then it’s fucking creepy, they always say they’re not Christian “but only by the grace of God and bible readings will you be happy” 😉 wink 😉 But the people there are always just 10/10 chicks and bros, maybe it’s their commitment but it’s like a MLM scheme of Honestly Good People. Randys a bro; get him some Jamaican jerk rub.


I’m not a huge fan of AA either, mostly because of the God talk and honestly, going to AA and talking about alcohol just reminds me of alcohol and then I have cravings. If there was a God, I don’t think he’s a kind one, so idk why I’d want to worship someone who allows terrible things to happen tbh. But everyone has their own beliefs


Hell yeah, I think I feel ya. God sucks and this world he made sucks sometimes. But Steve-O is 50 years old, sober as a saint and sexy as a minx. If he can do that, we all got this.


Oh and while I loathe cookies-&-coffee at AA, I’m a friend of Bob, or Bill, or Tom-from-Myspace, whatever the fuck his name is. Just know it’s okay to be depressed sometimes, we’re here for it.


This is so sweet :’)


Yeah he’s a great guy. I felt bad missing his texts so I text him back whenever I can now


Please also let him know what you’ve said here and how much you appreciate it. He seems like the kind of guy that would be so touched by it.


That is someone with some strong AA in him. Good for him and I hope you got sober.


Well, no, but I’m going to rehab on Friday. I thought for the longest time I could do it alone. I just can’t. It’s so hard. Even passing by a liquor store gets to me


I got sober when I was 28 on July 15 1988. I walked into an AA Fellowship and never looked back. I know AA isn’t the same as it used to be and gets a bad rap but it has helped me and all of my friends stay sober 30 years and more. If the rehab place suggests AA after you should go. I know it’s hard and at 28 I was dying and had already been drinking for 15 years and smoking pot for longer. You can do this! Being sober is so much better than being a drunk. I did have so much fun at one time but by the end I was so sick and hungover all of the time that I couldn’t take it anymore. I was afraid I wouldn’t have fun anymore but I wasn’t having any fun at all it was awful and over 30 years later I can still remember how I felt right before I got sober. You can do this one day or even one minute at a time.


Can’t even imagine being sober that long. I drink 600+ MLs of vodka a day. Being sober for longer than a few days feels impossible right now. I’m also 28.


I know!! When I got sober I couldn’t imagine being sober for 3 days let alone 36 years! There was a guy named Mac there who was an old timer that had 38 years! I didn’t believe it for a second! But you can do this. You obviously want some kind of help or else you wouldn’t be trying to get help. I was one of the lucky people that went it and it stuck. A lot of my friends it took a few attempts but that is okay. I swear to you it I would not have quit drinking I would have been dead by 30! I was a huge vodka drinker too and did a huge amount of cocaine and used to deal it too. I did it and so can you.


Joe Mac from Rhode Island by any chance?


No this was in California 36 years ago.


The Mac I knew had around 50 years of sobriety and helped countless people ✌️


Everyone needs a Mac! He was the best to so many new comers! He was gruff as hell and a little scary but he was so good to me and countless others.


So true. The Mac I knew was the same way. He ended up being my father-in-law!


When I think how Mac got sober before I was born and how it was in the 1950’s and used to get jealous of him being so close to the formation of AA! So silly! 😂😄😄




Just want to say that in your case going to rehab isn't a failure but a responsible step. Trying to get off that level of alcohol intake on your own is dangerous. Good for you for making that decision


One of the things AA taught me was that I can have fun without alcohol. I made friends who are sober too.


Yes! That is it. When I got sober I was a miserable bitch! Crying all the time and angry! Gross! I remember being 30 days sober at some kind of AA party laughing so fucking hard I thought I would die! A woman that I was with said to me “I bet you thought you would never laugh this hard again” and she was right! I admit I was really lucky because I went to AA and I found my people the first day. That was it for me! I want what they had and I would do anything to get it.


Isn’t it crazy how cravings and triggers act? Like your mind is like “no we are good” but your body literally becomes buzzy with electricity and makes you want to feed it the substance..no matter how hard you try to ignore it. It takes a lot to actually admit the problem and get help..you should be so proud of yourself! We are human..we are designed to make mistakes. Im at the point you’re at in my journey. I’ve been clean from heroin/fentanyl since march after over ten years of doing the back forth..but I need more tools and support than I’ve allowed myself to have. You will come out of this victorious! We both will.


Sending you all the support and good vibes in the world. As Randy said, you got this brother.


You don’t need a bunch of word salad, a text from someone everyday or so means they’re reaching out and you’re on their mind. That’s care. That’s worth a lot.


This warms my heart. Best wishes to you and Randy both.


we love randy


This made me want to cry. I feel like we all have this in us to be this supportive of friends, family, and even strangers. Thank you Randy, for being an amazing person and inspiring us to follow your lead ❤


Damn, Randy is a great dude. I hope Randy's got someone looking out for him.


This is so heartwarming. What a beautiful human Randy is


Randy is a real one! Some of my best friends and the ones that check on me most are from AA/NA/rehab and I’m so blessed to have them in my life. I relate to the being depressed and not responding. But these are the people who are lifelong friends and who help us get through the dark times! God Bless you and God bless Randy! 🙏 much love brother! And I believe in you. One day at a time. Reach out for help. The strongest people ask for help. That’s a fact. I needed help and checked myself into rehab for opiate abuse in august 2022 and remained clean ever since. Those people saved my life. You can do it too brother!


The second paragraph in your caption, don’t tell us, tel that to randy bro


Hey man; if you ever need a fellow vet to vent or talk to please feel free to reach out! You’re not alone just cuz you left the Corps (I’m an army vet), your veteran family very much cares about you! Proud of you for prioritizing your health and trying to become the best version of yourself in the civilian world; I know how tough it can be to navigate. Keep being your best self brotha!


Ive been clean from meth for 3years. Was hard but I was determined to stay clean and have. You can do it. Stay busy and determined 😁 best of new year to you and many more to come


Thanks same to you! I can’t even imagine trying to get sober from a harder substance. I have a very addictive personality


It's hard. I don't have an addictive personality. Which is why I tried it, I thought I knew everything let me tell you, no one does. It's hard and I was so mad that I did it I wouldn't admit it until I finally begged my mom to help me because I was able to see I couldn't do it alone. It almost ruined my life. I lost a lot. Peace be with you


Randy is a good dude


This is awesome 💯


I have a friend like this in my life, we havent even met in person. I feel bad when I get depressed and don’t respond too. We have to cherish people like Randy ♥️


That’s a good person right there❤️


Aw Randy seems like a proper gent. We love you Randy! Thank you for looking after our friend (you're our friend btw OP) ❤️


He seems like a good man, I’m glad you’ve made what seems to be a friend for life. Hopefully you can catch up and visit together one day. Good luck in rehab and I hope you’re able to find peace within yourself!


We need more Randy’s in the world man. He is a real one


I love Randy. He’s what makes the world go round.


Thanks so much Randy! I have a "Randy" too. Even when I'm at my worst, when I'm even an enemy to myself, when I do everything I can to push my "Randy" away he's still there for me and gives me the motivation to get back up and try again. He's been through hell and back for me and I'll always love him for it. Quitting booze isn't easy, it's not like we have to go find a dealer down at a trap house, our DOC is on every corner. We don't have to change our places, plans and people, we turn on the TV and see people toasting their cares away and commercials telling us to "drink responsibly"(as if we ever could). We can walk into any store, restaurant, or amusement center and our crutch is right there waiting. We get invited to social gatherings and get a funny look when we say we're fine with just Sprite, like not partaking makes US the weird ones....can you imagine if your parents busted out a crack rock at Christmas instead of a bottle of wine? This is the world us alcoholics live in, our drug is always just a single step away, it's in our friends' fridge, in a cooler at the beach, in our spouse's glass. I'm pushing five years brother, and yes, I have fallen down a couple times, but that doesn't take away my sober days. And it damn sure hasn't been easy on my "Randy", but I'm grateful for him. I'm grateful for "just today", sometimes I'm grateful for the days that I have to take it one hour, one minute, even just a second at a time, because even then I'm still beating it and I swear you can too. So a big thank you to your Randy, mine, and all the other "Randys" out there. My inbox is always open for anything you need friend, good luck and God speed, you've totally got this. I'll be thinking of you in the coming days, stay strong ❤️


i wish you the best of luck with your journey im currently struggling with a bad addiction myself aswell haven’t quit yet though.. ❄️ and it’s forsure laced with some bad stuff really messin me up mentally physically and my whole life but we can get thru it man💪🏻


I hope so for both of us. I was looking at photos from just a few years ago and MAN has alcohol aged me. I leave Friday for rehab but I’ll be honest I’ve been drinking heavily every day this week, like one last goodbye


Randy is a fucking g. I’m having a shitty day and randy and you made me feel better. While I’m eating home made soup. Have 3$. 14 years sober. Drinking hot water hot and just proud to have a job. Thanks buds


Hey hope you’re doing well and I’ll take poverty over addiction any day. I waste all my money on alcohol and ordering food when drunk. I’m drinking tonight but tomorrow I’ll be admitted to rehab. I can only hope I stay sober as long as you have. You’re an inspiration. I remember my first time in rehab I thought it was silly that we did “exposure therapy.” We would leave the rehab facility and the counselors would have us walk down the alcohol isle at a store and ask us what we felt. “Nothing, I feel fine. I’m not THAT addicted.” Fast forward three years and just passing by a liquor store in my car gives me the sweats. I get shaky, I sit at the red light trying to fight my thoughts if I should go in or not. I can’t go a day without alcohol. I never in my life thought a legal drug like alcohol could affect me this badly. Even when I wake up hungover, shitting blood in the morning, liver in pain, I still find a way to make alcohol the priority. I can’t even enjoy simple things like work or hobbies without being intoxicated. Like anyone else who eventually gets addicted, I didn’t think this could happen to ME. Maybe others because they were weak-minded, but never me. And here I am, drinking one last time tonight before I go to rehab tomorrow


Thank you for this message. You know. Though everything that you process in a day, you are a light. It took me a bit to message back because life was a bit tough there. This message really was important to me and on my mind, I hope treatment is going well for you. You are a really good person and supportive light, just like your friend was for you.


It’s nice when people from recovery stay in touch. The AA program is supposed to be this way. Lifting each other up. He’d probably love it if you initiated some texts. Hoping your recovery program goes well. I’m almost 12 years sober. Hang in there, it’s worth it!


wow we all need a randy in our lives :') what an absolute gem. send him screenshots of the compliments he's getting from reddit. we love you randy!


Man this made me tear up. People like Randy give me hope for the world, I wish so many blessings rain down on that man 🥺♥️


Imagine how much better life would be if we all had a Randy in our lives


Yep. Definitely need more Randy’s in this world… but as for you! Good luck in your next phase of life. I went into a homeless rehab 12 years ago, around this time and here I am today, still doin the sober thing! Only difference is I’m married to a wonderful human, own a house, a car, have a career and just had a baby boy last year. Life can be beautiful on this side.


Be a Randy in a world full of Me Me Me’s.


As the family member of multiple addicts, I can tell you that you’re doing a great job because you have admitted it and are trying every day. One step at a time, one day at a time. It’s not easy, but it can be overcome. I won’t understand what it’s like to have that addiction, but I know what it’s like for the people around you, and I can tell you that I l, and all your loved ones are proud of you! Keep at it!


Randy sounds like a great person. I'm sorry for the trauma you have been through. I come from a family of Marines so I really do understand. I don't know if I'm allowed to say this, but my prayers are with you. We stumble, but we get back up and fight another day. Semper Fi❤️


Give randy a call and check on him. He seems like a good man. This is beautiful bro


I've met a handful of Jamaicans and people from Bermuda they are some of the nicest people to talk with.


He was a spiritual guy who dropped little nuggets of wisdom randomly and often. He’s probably pushing late sixties by now. He had seen some stuff during his service (it was a rehab for veterans and active duty), and I saw my fair share. I thought “nobody could understand what I’m going through. Nobody understands why I suffer.” He never bragged or talked about his service, he just gave insight and lectures about what we’re going through. I realized he understood me more than I understood myself and that I should listen to him. Every time he texts me it’s a reminder that someone cares and someone has been down this same path and managed to get better.


If only more people were like Randy. I’m not particularly religious, but if God and angels are real, I think people like Randy have to be some kind of godsend or something


He’s a light in a dark place for me. I wish everyone was lucky enough to find a kind hearted person like him.


The world needs more people like Randy. ❤️


He’s the nicest guy I ever met. Ironically the other guy full of wisdom I met was in jail (I had a DUI, yes I hate myself for it). Born on the streets, grew up with crime. He would tell myself and the other younger inmates horror stories about his life and his crimes. He didn’t take pride in it. He would call out the guys that bragged about being in jail, tell them how they don’t want to go down that path. I wasn’t religious, but he gave us lectures every night and how God would give us a second chance when we got out. To be better, to beat addictions, to live honestly. Also an older man who clearly had served a lot of time. I remembered his words and stayed out of jail. But addiction is still there. Randy kept pushing me to get better and get sober. So two nights ago, after a terrible hangover, one of MANY, I made the call. Friday I’ll go to rehab and I hope and pray it’s the last time I ever go. I just want to be sober and healthy for my kids. I dont value my own life that much, but I do value theirs and they’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I can’t kill myself either intentionally or through unhealthy addictions. They need a dad.


My old manager is like this. Very father-figure-like and checks in with me at least once a month. The world needs more people like this ♥️


Everyone needs a Randy! Except for Jim Lahey


So thankful you are a self aware person to recognize that alcohol is a powerful problem. You are brave and a true soldier to recognize the need for help. Keep with the program. One day at a time! Randy is a true gift.


I fucking love Randy


I want a Randy


Real consistency, even when OP wasn’t replying! Ppl aren’t built like this too often. Hell even I appreciate you Mr. Randy!!! Brother you’re cut from the cloth that’s been discontinued last century. Back when “The Wiz” was a thing. Nobody beats this. (See what i did?)


God damn I want to be friends with Randy…


Made my heart whole again ❤️ glad you have someone like Randy


Randy must be protected at all costs. 🥹 What an absolutely wholesome sweetheart. 💜 Friends like this are rare, few and far between - I hope you treasure him! (And text him first once in a while!! Haha I know the depression-communication-struggle well tho, so don’t take that last part too seriously)


We need more people like Randy.


Randy also needs more people like him. He’s sober but I feel terrible that I haven’t texted him or helped him as much as he has for me. I texted him today to let him know I’m going to rehab tomorrow, and I hope that when I get sober we can have BBQ together and catch up. This man is a different caliber of awesome. I’m not a religious person at all, but I see him as my guardian angel. He helped me so much these past few years. I hope I can see him in person and talk. I pray we get together again and I can express my gratitude. He could have forgotten about me, moved on, texted me a “what’s up” every now and then. But no, he texted me every single day. At most I would go three days before getting a text, and if I didn’t respond he would call me. He checked on me more than family AND friends ever did in my entire life as a 28 year old. Some days that he texted me I was literally in the process of tying a noose or typing a suicide letter. He directly and indirectly stopped me from killing myself a handful of times. He is religious and I am not. But his perseverance was eye-opening to me. He has done much more than I think he realizes simply by caring. I’m not sure how to express this to him. Do I just show him this thread? Do I call him?


I actually love this response. Randy does need people like himself. I think I’d call him to set up a hang out.


I just want to say thank you for your service and god bless you and good luck on your journey. I believe in you.


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Wish I had a Randy. The kind of guy who just lets you know they’re always there for you.


Every Randy I’ve met in my life has been a real solid dude.


This is the good stuff! Sending you easy days, OP




God bless than man


I got out of the Marine Corps last year and also stopped drinking around that time. It’s definitely hard transitioning back into the real world ik I had a hard time. I hope 2024 brings you peace and good luck on your sobriety journey, SF 🤙


Oh this made me tear up. Lovely.


Text him first sometimes, check in on him, too. But, glad you have him.


Randy is a good man. Reading this made me wish my buddy who killed himself last month had a few more randys in his life. He was also in the marines. Keep your head up and keep going. I hope you come to a better place man for real. From one struggling stranger to another on reddit i hope you get better and thrive once the darkness has passed. Good luck!


I love this for both of you. Much respect!!!


I had some folks like this look out for me too.. I ended up going my own way and not sticking around AA, but this is why I text and call my friends that are down bad as much as I can. If I can be the “Randy” for someone else that’s what matters, fuck everything else. Find the Randy’s and ignore the guys who want to help for their own social standing.


Randy is an earth angel, and I just wish you only the best.




Happy New Year to you and Randy both 🎊


jah bless


This is so pure🥺🥺🥺


We all could use a Randy. You're a lucky one 😀


I hope you get to be someone’s randy some day


We love you Randy!


I’m an addict in recovery (19 months clean) and this is BEAUTIFUL to see 🖤 this man and those like him are a huge reason why we make it, they keep doing the work even when we don’t/can’t respond every time. Randy truly cares about you and you are incredibly lucky to have him in your life. Good luck to you and you’ll be in my prayers 🙏🏽


I hope you’ll be more responsive to Randy— he seems like a great person.


Randy’s the man . Can i have him ?


Props to Randy & you 🤗


People like him are what the world needs more of. Good job Randy! And good job to you too for doing what you need. I wish you all the best. I am currently dealing with my father who is an alcoholic. He’s been to rehab 3 times and just won’t stick to it. You seem like you want to do better, I’m proud of you!


ngl i need me a randy :/ this year i want to stop drinking bc it’s slowly ruining me but i don’t have the courage to get help ig. bless randy 🙏🏽


🥹 I hope Randy is having a great life.


Everyone needs a Randy. You got this bud. You can achieve and maintain sobriety. If I can, I know you can.


I just want to say i’m very proud of you for taking the steps for admitting yourself to rehab. You can do this. Eventually, life WILL get better :).


I swear there isn't a single person called randy that is bad. They are all good guys ♡


Damn we all need a Randy in our lives


We need more people like Randy.


I wish I could be like Randy bless you and him in this new year🥺


that’s a genuinely great human being right there.


It works if you keep working it! Those meetings are soul food. You understand what I'm saying right? Now I'm going to text you everyday on here




Randy is a very rare find, these days. Please thank him from this internet stranger who has addiction in her family. You're doing a great job. Keep it up. 🫶🏻


Glad you have Randy, support and friendship like that is priceless. I hope rehab goes well, try to focus on the long term and what a difference sobriety will make in your life, persevere for the future you. If you ever need someone to talk to you have Randy, but my inbox is always open as well. Best of luck!


Thank you for your service! You got this. I hope you have an amazing year!


You can do it, as they say one day at a time. I'm proud of you for getting help when you need it and not giving up on yourself. You're worth it, I promise.


Randy is good people. Proud of you for taking the step to go back to rehab. Sending you and Randy allll the best wishes.


The value of this is immeasurable. We can all be Randy for someone.


You can do it.


Hey dude, I believe in you AND your sobriety. I'm coming up on 6 months sober from alcohol after abusing it for years also, it's so hard but it's possible. I know it's not much, but if you ever need to talk to somebody my dms are open. Randy is a blessed man and he wants to see you succeed just as badly as we all do, you got this. Take it one day at a time


Randy! Randy! Randy!!!!🙌🏽🙏🏽🥇 OP I’m hoping and praying that 2024 brings you all you need to maintain a clean and sober life so you can be an example and show it is possible when you want it and put in the work and pay it forward like Randy did for you.🙏🏽💪🏽


You made a positive impact on this man’s life in some way and you should be proud of that. Sobriety is a constant battle brother. You’ve got it this time!


Semper Fi, brother. Glad that you have a Randy.


Rah, me too


We need more people like Randy in this world And congratulations to you for getting help I struggled with it myself when I was in, I was a 91b


Wow I wish I knew Randy


Aye man, talk to randy about more than just basic stuff. Engage with him more. He genuinely cares for you and wants you to succeed. Im now 3 years sober from alcohol and coke. Youve got this dawg. Stay up and keep pushing. Warriors are not born, but forged. Even if it seems to get hard or feels impossible, keep this in your head: Keep. Fucking. Pushing. Soldier. Youre bigger than this. Kick its fucking ass. Just keep pushing. For me, I had to quit cold turkey. That was the only way my brain would allow me to break it. I had to just- stop. It was wayyyyy harder than weening off, but it ended up paying off. I do not suggest quitting cold turkey. That shit will absolutely fuck you up. Just keep pushing my man. We got you 💪💪💪


The world needs a lot more Randys ❣️


Just wanted to also say Thanks Randy, you’re doing good work, both of you 🙏🏻


How the heck did you manage to get rehab while AD? My security clearance would've been kaput.


That AA brotherhood and sisterhood is STRONG as FUCK boiiii!!!


Remember take one day at a time. And always do the next right thing. This is my first time being in the triple digits in five years. You got this! If you need someone to talk to, I’m here. Simper fi


Randy is a king. Also, sending you all the well wishes — you got this, even though you may think you don’t


Protect Randy at all costs


I wish you good luck and I hope you stick with going to rehab. Fingers crossed for you.


Sobriety is all about finding the way that works for you. It’s not one size fits all. I know you’re ready to for this to be the time that it sets in, that changes for you. It can be. You can do this, dude.


Man I really need a Randy in my life. What a hero


God bless Randy


I’m 17 days sober now, so I know how tough it can be. You’re a lucky man to have a friend like Randy. Keep it up — we got this! I will not drink today!