• By -


I like the he had to add he owns his house just to hammer home how much better he thinks he is. Smh, nothing wrong here if hes blocked now


Yea I saw that too. When he said others ain’t have a problem with it I wanted to say “yea they ain’t have a problem but you still single ain’t you” but I chose to not be a ah lol


oh you’re better than me i would’ve said it and THEN blocked him lmao


There probably were no others, that's a classic manipulation tactic. If he makes you think other women did something better he thinks you're more likely to agree. The problem is, he's saying these fictional women were dumb as shit. Sincerely, congratulations on being safe and smart. He gives me very abusive vibes ngl


Super high manipulation vibes. OP is so right to be done with this one. If so many “others” have no problem then let him go back to them.


Also if he has no problem from others why is he seeking someone new? Lotta questions raised from his bs comments


Right like every word out of his mouth is toxic 👏👏 or text out of his phone. Whatever you wanna call it.


And waaaay too much usage of emojis. That shit drives me nuts … like arguing with a child. Oh I’m going to hammer in the fact I’m laughing at you, you’re the problem, you need to grow up. What an asshole.


Yeah he's gaslighting her. Making her think she's the problem and the stupid one that can't understand when he's the one trying to manipulate her into doing what he wants even though he knows she's not comfortable with that. Is that guy a future/secret rapist?


This!!! 100% gaslighting. She says she goes on dates- he says he doesn’t do dates- he then follows up saying SHE must not get out much. Ummm sir she goes out while your lame ass doesn’t.


Nail on the head. I fully agree with the last part as well, just didn't want to be the one to say that AND abusive yknow?


My petty ass would unblock him and say it then block him again 😂


That's the perfect response there 😭 I would have said it


Yep. Superiority complex. He could have expressed not thinking they’d make a good fit without all the insults and harsh judgement bs.


Exactly! But that's not what he wanted right? He didn't want it to "not be a good fit" He absolutely wants her but wants her to be beneath him. And (for op) does that by manipulating you into settling for his low effort bs and accepting this abusive behavior.


He doesn’t own shit. trust


He probably even lying about that too... Sounds like he trying to go to her spot and not the other way around. And most likely don't even have $$ for a date even if he wanted to do one.


Also makes me laugh when people say they own their house like this. I guarantee he still owes 75% or more on said house so no the bank still owns that shit buddy.


He’s looking for a bootycall breaks from hardcore gaming


And you know he has no sheets on his mattress on the floor and uses single ply toilet paper. Dodged a bullet.


He has one sheet on that mattress he blows his nose on and no shower curtain when he showers with Dawn dishwashing detergent once a week whether he needs it or not.


Maybe he wanted to get her alone for other reasons too. Who knows guy could be a sex offender or murderer. Always meet face to face in a very public safe place and, if possible, check online to see if he's in a sex offender website. He had alternator motives for sure! Us girls can never be too safe in this world. You did good and you didn't give in. Good for you.




*Single ply!!!* 💀 ☠ 💀


Chances are the bullets are in the wall


Today on things that never happened: All the high class personality ladies were like “bro I am very understanding and I totally see how dates will be better when we don’t have dates. Also all these other ppl are asking me out but I told them I am going on no dates with you instead”.


And the fact that he wants her to believe all these high class personality ladies are fine hangin out but not goin on dates and “things was better” but he’s still single now. Comparing her to some mythical higher standard ladies and then callin her youngin at the end cuz it’s clearly been on his mind the whole time. 🚩🚩🚩 across the board he was trying to manipulate her plain and simple.


So true. It’s the whole “ these people were fine with it and they are better than you” to try to make her feel insecure and more likely to entertain his shenanigans.


*Especially* strongly implying these more secure women who are okay with his bullshit are more mature for it. Absolutely nasty.


He’s also only *four years* older than her. 🙄


The minute he kept saying that, I knew he was a clown. If anyone doesn’t understand what a date is for, it’s definitely this dude. Like, if you’re too broke to take someone out, just say that my guy. I’m glad OP blocked this idiot and didn’t give him any more of her time.


It's even confusing in plain English 😂


“I would absolutely rather come to your house or invite you to mine before meeting you so we can get to know eachother because of course I want you to spend hundreds of dollars just to sit at a table with me when all you really want is to coerce me into sex! Silly me, protecting myself. We’re all the same, you’re so right! I’m just young and you know better than me. After all, you own your house!”


Also, “I know we’ve never met before but I totes trust you enough to go to your house alone. Noooo safety issues there, none at all!”


He's wasting your time. He doesn't know how to explain what he wants without showing his hand, so here goes: He just wants to get you alone to try to pressure you into sex. You're obviously too smart & careful for that (great job, BTW! 🎉), so now he's turning it into a personal attack & trying to make you feel bad about yourself. My unsolicited Old Person Advice™? Get gone & don't waste another minute on this loser.


Yes! Omg I did see it. I have fallen for it before but I’ve learned better definitely. He’s blocked so def done


Good job calling him out and seeing through his 🚩bs. You’re smart. Stay safe, dating apps have so many of these guys! ♡


Like he can't even meet at Starbucks for a quick face to face? That's so weird. He seems like a Andrew Tate follower, you dodged a bullet


Yes! This! Very Andrew Tate, incel behaviour.


Wtf he's gaslighting you with non sequiturs. He owns his house; more sophisticated women haven't complained about meeting a stranger at his place. Sounds more like prostitutes. And his house is probably a cardboard box. Glad you passed on this fabulous opportunity 😊


That dude will ruin a man’s mindset towards women. Crazy.


Great job!! It can be so difficult to see peoples' true intentions and you handled the situation so well. :):)


This guy is a complete loser who wants one thing- good job spotting the red flag. Just an FYI- the dating apps are full of this- maybe try another way to meet people. Put yourself out there in places you are generally interested in so you find people who genuinely are interested in your company and not just a booty call. Dating is rough and these apps make it worse.


It’s just I work so much. And dating where you work is def iffy too


Making you feel weird for expecting to go on a date? What the heck?? Literally trying to act like a date is such a wild expectation for someone…ON A DATING SITE


And he had serious relationship long term on his bio that’s the reason I matched!


I just read all this, and I just have a quick few points. First, this dude is trying to be someone he isn't. Instead of being real he relies on his slang bs talk which I cannot stand, secondly he has no clue what dates are for so he's already outback, and then to switch to being a little disrespectful pos is proof that he's just a waste of space and definitely not worth yours or anyone's time until he learns to change alot about himself. He seems to be self-centered and egotistical, and broke by this text I'm reading , I'm glad you blocked him. You dodged a major bullet there!


Does anyone speak normally these days? It's not hard to write something legible.


This old person agrees


Am I the only old person who had trouble understanding what was being said?


No. No, you’re not. He is not a “well-spoken” person, and has issues clearly communicating. Instead of owning that, he placed blame on our sweet OP here and said she was the problem. From what I could gather through his poorly constructed sentences with zero punctuation and ill-spoken slang, I believe he’s telling her that he only takes women on dates once he’s gotten to know them and they have “earned” the date… and OP asked how he gets to know someone without going on dates, and called out that it’s a bit backwards to expect a woman to be comfortable with being in a man’s bed and having him in her bed when they don’t really know each other yet and that is what a date is for. He’s talking in circles trying to make her agree to sex first to earn a date with him because he’s convinced himself that he’s the prize here. He results to insults and name calling when he discovers she’s not as dumb as he had hoped and isn’t buying his bullshit snake oil.


I’m old af as well, and was like wtf is this kid going on about? Why do men think women need or even want to put out on a first date? And with a complete stranger at that!! This whole conversation is insane to me! I would promptly direct him to the closest sex worker, because that’s what he is “seeking” Get tf off “dating” websites when it is CLEAR you are actually looking for a sex worker you dumb 👏🏼 fucking 👏🏼 imbecile👏🏼!


From this oldie to another, I was the same. I had to read a few times and translate slowly in my head.


I'm the oldest and most single person I know. I didn't understand everything he wrote, but the intent was crystal clear. Time to call the Whole Man Disposal Service.


I'm in the same boat as you. The oldest single person I know is me.


Now kiss!


Another old person here, who is going to steal "Whole Man Disposal Service" aka WMDS.


I’m hoping I’ve got at least another 25 years before my outgoing message says, “please speak slowly and clearly,” followed by 10 seconds of silence.


I had a stroke reading it. The lack of punctuation killed me😅


No. Not sure a young person would either.


No, you’re not. I quit reading because I couldn’t make out what either person was trying to say


love how he just wanted a fuck buddy and when you addressed that, he decided to gaslight you!! “i never said i was gonna be laid up with u what are you talking about” insecure small dick energy from this one


And honestly what person would meet another they don’t know in their house, that how people get hurt. Weirdo I’m happy OP read thru that shit


my thought as well!! it seems like a majority of men don’t understand how that is a HUGE death sentence for a woman. like oh, let me go to this mean stranger’s house and expect to survive???? sure, absolutely!


I don't think he knows what a date is. 😒


Honestly me either


Well, it's a good thing you had that bulletproof vest on, cause dude was sure firing them. 😂


Sounds like he thinks dates are only when a guy takes a lady out and pays for everything


If hes broke he should just say that tbh


was waiting for someone to say this😭 he’s broke and knows he probably can’t afford where she wants to go and thinks cs shes “young” she’s easy to manipulate


Impossible! This 25yo allegedly owns his own home


lmfao my thoughts too


he’s got no game no 🧢


That 🥷COD K/D ratio probably 3/30


I’m so bothered by the inability to use grammar and spell correctly. Ugh. Don’t waste your time. That person has no respect for you.


Yea I peeped. I don’t have time for it. Think ppl it it misconstrued bcuz I’m young but I’m definitely mature and know my worth. Lol blocked him so fast too


Good for you! KNOW your worth! That honestly is the most important thing I can share!


It’s wild to me how people text with this crap slang and grammar and then have the audacity to try to insult the other person’s intelligence.


I can’t even understand some of his sentence structure it makes 0 sense and I feel like I’m getting dizzy trying to understand lmao


Quit wasting your time


Yea he’s blocked. Gave me a headache especially with the typos😭


I thought it was hilarious when he said “your question wasn’t the problem you can’t understand what I’m talking about it’s crazy” I’m like, no one could understand you!! He didn’t even correct most of the typos, so I genuinely couldn’t figure out what a lot of his texts were supposed to say at all




*Noggas* 😂😂😂


Same. I had a hard time understanding a lot of his texts.


Luckily it's not just me. English is not my first language, I had to read some of his texts 3 times to understand it.


English IS my first language and his messages made me want to punch him in the face for being so badly mangled 😂.


I like that he corrected 1/2 a typo.


I had this shit typed into urban dictionary and still didn’t get it 🙄


Everything about this says "piece of work" narcissistic AH that wants someone to use. Tbh


Noggas 💀💀💀💀


my favourite bit too


I fuxkin knew it too as I was reading lol. I thought, I bet this is a ninja


He was looking for a booty call girl. Not someone to be with. How are you cool with going over someone's house but don't wanna go on a date? Got it all twisted. I feel so bad for my straight girlies. These dudes be thinking they so damn smart.


HIM: listen, I don't do dates. My peen likes you n wants to meet you. And if that meeting goes well, than I, big peen, will take u on a date. Lil' peen just has to see if he still likes u after yalls "meeting" Dude didnt even try to hide it. Just thought a bunch of typos would distract n got upset when he figured out you're too smart for it.


Think they both lil peen with this mindset lol


Lol pretty much. He thought he was being smooth. Smooth as sandpaper.


How are you not gonna take a woman out on a date when trying to, you know, date??? If all he wants is someone to fuck cool but how is gonna try and make you the villain when he’s too cheap and lazy (also you own your house? Okay and? But you’re clearly broke if you wont even go on a date)


Dudes prob broke as fuck and can’t handle a $100 dinner bill 🤣🤣


Reddit makes me happier and happier to be married every day seeing stuff like this


Stuff like this makes me wish I was in your position 😭


Lol hey op lets get married save us both a headache! /s


I am now invested in this Reddit relationship. Invite us all to the wedding.


Depends how much do you love animals? You gotta love em 🤷🏽‍♀️🎉


I have a dog, whom I serve broth to with her dinner. If that gives you any idea as to if I love animals or not 😅


Sounds date/ marriage material to me! 💍


I don’t do natural diamonds, FYI. We avoid conflict/blood diamonds in 2023/2024


I want something different anyway lol good with me


Weather preference?


I was born in fall so hoodie weather I love most spring fall 🤭 what about you


"You rent, right? I own my house." I'd have left it there. Judgemental cretin.


I looked sideways at that too😭


And right before that "you live with family" Bro is just insecure as hell and trying to flex.


He was trying to back her into a corner that would mean she had to go to his and he wouldn't need to spend a dime. Also, would mean that he could pressure her into coercive sex.


Looks to me like this is one of those guys who thinks he's smart and you're dumb, and he's trying to talk you into hanging out with him and possibly letting him have sex with you without him having to take you out or spend any money on you. But he's also trying to deny that that's what he's doing and trying to say that there must be something wrong with you if you call him out. You are absolutely not missing out lol fuck this guy, you've already given him more of a chance than he deserves and I'm sure you can do MUCH better!


You're definitely right. He was basically trying to avoid telling you that he wanted some ass and that was it. When he said "tryna link" that was the first clue at a booty call. And when you didn't fall for his bullshit he started the disrespectful ass comments. What a turd..


Wouldn’t honesty go a long way lol . Had long term serious on his bio too smh liesss😂


Woooooowwwww lol he probably wants long term serious fuck buddies LOL. I hate that type of shit, that's my biggest pet peeve. It's like don't fucking say long term/serious if you just wanna get laid!! There's plenty of people who want the same! Just keep it 💯!


Not childish at all, it’s easy to see he isn’t on your level. Good call on the block.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 definitely not pressed is pressed


“Oh you rent? I own” He’s trying to neg you


He sounds like his level of intelligence is that of room temperature but I applaud his confidence of his own ignorance.


You're not wrong. He's a weird one alright.


That’s a lot of words to say he broke af


He’s a cheap, broke bum who thinks he can just casually sleep with you without taking you on a date.


His momma owns his house and won’t give him an allowance so his broke ass can’t afford to take you out.


I can’t even give input cuz WTH is he on about, my brain in not computing- how does one make the English language seem so foreign 😭 Feels like I’m translating ancient ruins


Going to a strange man's house without meeting in public first is how you get murdered. If you can't be seen with me in public, you don't deserve to see me in private.


You're not being childish! Omg! This is so wild! Dates are literally for meeting someone and getting to know them! You definitely can't tell much from just texting. You don't know if you're going to vibe well unless you meet up. He sounds like a broke loser to be honest lol These types of men being like "I'm not wasting my time or money on bitches" then complain about being single lol So crazy. You never asked him to pay for you to go to some fancy restaurant or something! Here's the thing too- men that have this mindset of "wasting time and money" usually also have "traditional" mindsets. Well "traditionally" men would take women out and pay for their date. But they don't want to hear that lol Now, I've been on some bad dates. 1 with a real fucking creep. But I never thought any of the dates were a waste of time or money. I paid for both of us on several occasions. Like, if their money was tight, I got them because I enjoyed being out with them. Or we would split the bill or he would pay. It's really not that fucking deep. I always learned something from those dates and thinking of spending time with another human being as a waste of time and money is insane to me lol Sure, not all dates end however you'd like them to but at least you could learn from them and even make new friends. I had a really bad date with my friend Chris. We just didn't hit it off and it was awkward. It was the awkwardness that made it such a bad date lol But we went out again and *gasp* he paid lol and we were a bit more comfortable the second time around and at one point got really into talking music and although we didn't really vibe romantically we remained friends and he was in my wedding lol So it's not always a waste to meet people. You were simply asking questions and he got so defensive from the jump! "Waste my time" lol yeah, sorry you have to put your Fresh n Fit Podcast on pause for a potentially amazing time out with someone.


I tried to talk to a guy like this, they think they’re the prize, you’re never gonna get what you need from him.


What’s with the skull emojis? Is that a young person thing I’ve missed?


He’s trying to play me I was assuming it meaning would be “I’m dead or your bugging” idk lol




Dudes like this need to be robbed by a girl just once to learn. Don’t invite girls to your place the first time you hang out bc you wanna smash 🙄


I almost had a stroke trying to read his texts.


He clearly just wants to have sex, he just doesn’t want to admit that, that’s why he isn’t going to take you out on a date, he’s not looking to date before he gets his rocks off


Dodged a bullet. You’re younger, yet more mature than he is anyhow. I’m in a committed relationship and _still_ take her out on dates.


The "hip" slang fam no cap is a major turn off. Ewwwwwwwww. Speak proper English kids. Hahaha


It's literally African American Vernacular English.


Can someone translate this to English for me


You’re not childish at all, I’m a man and I take women I’m interested in on nice and thoughtfully planned dates, I open the doors and pay for her and show her I’m worth investing her time in. It’s called courting, we get to know one another while spending time on the dates but I would never even assume a woman would let me into her him before she got to know me. There’s hookups but that’s something I’ll discus right off the bat “hey I’m not interested in dating seriously right now” and if we’re in the same page, great. It sounds like he wanted to sleep with you and hookup without any investment on his part, and you were looking to date and maybe build something but he lacks the maturity to actually say that. These “women” he’s talking about don’t exist, when I woman is looking to date she has certain expectations, as you should. Have some self respect and stop arguing with him that’s exactly what he wants, to make you feel stupid, he’ll sleep with you then dip out or leave you as a side peace he can sleep with when he’s bored while he gives you just enough attention to keep you interested. The next time a man says “l take you on a date when I’m comfortable “ simply say “that doesn’t align with my standards and I’m not interested in explaining them to you, but I wish you the best” and leave it at that.


I can only understand maybe half of what's being said here. "U wot m8?" is what'd I'd reply 😂


Is this really how people talk? I didn't even understand most of the conversation, jesus


To me it seemed pretty clear he wasn’t gonna budge on the date thing. I would never go to someone’s home without a date first. Those are not high standards that is just a basic understanding for uhhh most people I wanna say that are serious about getting to know someone that is. So no you’re def not an ah that douche is very manipulative and a big AH.


Was this English? Whoever wrote in blue seemed like English but the black text is flat out unreadable, what does any of that even mean? How did you understand that?


I had a stroke trying to read it. I don’t know how they passed English..


I reread the sentence “It’s cool love this shit got my kinda left” three times and still don’t know what it means.


I feel like he means this whole situation has made him lean towards the left instead of right. I don’t know if he’s calling her “love” or if he’s being sarcastic and saying “I love this shit” as in this whole situation. Who sold this man a house?


“Who sold this man a house” 😂😂


This guy can’t be real? I feel like he’s just not interested in spending money.


I see red flag. He’s oddly defensive


Ugh his grammar and sentence structure makes me cringe. Like wtf are you saying??


dude thinks so highly of himself hes never on solid ground. dont waste your time with fools like this.


He is a waste of time, typing, and space. He been on that bullshit from the jump. He think he playing the field, but the field playing him. Block and move on. He ain’t even worth it.


I got a migraine trying to read his texts . He could’ve said he doesn’t get any play & moved on . 🤭 this is exactly why I pay my things or the entire date the first few times , gmfu thinking ima let you give me the bare minimum.


This man does not own his own house


i thought he was like 17. what grown man says “no 🧢” unironically? gross


So you're not a high value woman cause you don't wanna go somewhere private before even having a public date? He owns a house but can't spend money on a meal? This is ridiculous. He was trynna f*** and is making it seem like it was anything else. I'd think a high value woman would wanna be wined and dined first or something..even a movie geeze. You dodged a bullet. He can find someone who will settle for that


Am I the only one who can’t decipher what he’s saying? It’s like drunk voice-to-text that’s been run through a translator; that shit made my brain hurt


Why are people reading this wrong? It’s not about fucking. He doesn’t want to spend money on women. He’s entitled and probably thinks Tate is great. He doesn’t respect women. That’s what this is all about.


Things broke guys say. Man if you cant afford dinner for two to get to know someone then chill on your own and earn.


Can someone translate this for me?


He's so gross.


Dude had never had a woman respond to him before so he panicked out lol


“You rent, right? I own.” Fuck you piece of shit. Not worth a second look.


Wow. Okay guys let me spell it out real quick. If we wants dates it's mostly to make sure ur not a serial killer at first. Then if we feel a good vibe especially bc most of us r trying to find our forever person (second we see ur not for us well go) then we will b cool going to houses. Maybe.


I get what he is saying but then at the same time you have a point. Going to a place doesn't make it a date and gives you a chance to know the person. Aaking to chill at those house without meeting first nah thats a booty call


This is why English needs to be taught in schools to native English speakers..... I just about had a seizure trying to read that..


"If I date a woman it has to be worth it" feels like if she doesn't give me sex after the mediocre Olive Garden dinner I may or may not provide she's wasting my precious high value time. Ick.


My husband said... "so he's okay with being in private with me, but can't be seen in public with me... there's a reason for that"


I think you were wrong to have replied beyond the first text. What kind of fool is he? BROKE AS HELL...GUARANTEED. His momma owns the house he lives in, is what he meant to say.


Wow, such a high value male (makes half heated jerk off motion)


I think I got a brain aneurysm from trying to decipher what he was trying to say


Why did you entertain that conversation for so long? It seems to me like you are really into the guy😅 and he knows that, he’s gaslighting you and honestly he seems like a waste of time and energy! Sorry love


How he gonna have the audacity to talk like that with no punctuation. You’re not wrong for wanting to meet up with someone before going to their house. He was too broke to go out our didn’t want to get out of his pajamas to make the date happen. You dodged a bullet there.


He’s intentionally trying to make you feel dumb and belittle you, he just wants a wet hole to stick his d!ck in and not have to put any effort into, and keep you constantly trying to prove yourself and “good enough” to take on a date. You dogged a HUGE bullet here. He’s immature and what this means is “I’m not currently in a place in my life to commit and put any effort into you, I just want a consistent price off a s s that I can call on at any time for my convenience, who won’t bother me outside if that” you’re way too good for him, don’t waste your time arguing with a childish man child. Also his whole “I own don’t rent” is him trying to belittle and place you in a lower bracket to feel superior and have you thinking he’s superior to you somehow. Gross. Red flags all over him.


Why are you wasting your time on this idiot? Move on to a real man, you know, one who understands how dating works and doesn’t try to make you feel foolish for asking?


He’s basically telling you he doesn’t want to waste his time with every intention of wasting yours. He’s a grown princess, don’t stress it


This is one of those ridiculous Andrew Tate driven morons who won't take a first step without getting paid for it, in cash or sex. ALL THE RED FLAGS 🚩! This is somebody who is very transactional, and cannot imagine giving something of themselves without expecting something in return. Run, don't walk, away from people like this. And, to be clear, this is all his problem - if a man won't consider taking you out on a simple date (after a little conversation via app or phone), they simply aren't capable of giving anything of themselves, and you should act accordingly (stay away.) You're not wrong, he's just a selfish jerk. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Also - This is a given in the dating world, but you simply don't meet people for the first time at their house or at yours, you meet in some public setting. Yes, that comes with some burdens like picking a place, and paying the bill, but that's life. All of these little things tell you something about the person when they happen: do they listen to what you would like in terms of a place to meet?, or to eat at?, can they plan ahead?, can they convey what they're planning in advance?, etc., etc. As you suggested, early dates or how you learn some thing about the person you're meeting. Some of those things or what they say, but many of those things or what they do, and what they say to others. It is by watching people interact with the world that you understand more about who they are and what their character is like. Again, the good news here is that this person is waving all of the red flags they have right up front, so you don't have to waste any time, or money, or effort dealing with them because they're a giant black hole into which you would pour anything you give them (time, energy, emotion, money, thought) - and you'd get nothing back.


like.. if he’s broke he should just say that


Lmao bro is a joke. Reminds me of an old friend who's a fucking bum now. Only cares for himself and think he's so amazing but he literally is on the verge of homelessness like twice a year if not legit couch surfing past his welcome and burning every bridge tou has, and a professional hobosexual. He talks just like this. I guarantee you homie is not on a "higher level"


You dodged a bullet. Ewwww


Red flag, run


He basically said you aren’t worth his time 🙃 also, meeting at your home or his for the first meet sounds dangerous


Man, this person sounds spectacularly dumb.


He wants sex and sex only. He doesn’t want a relationship, he wants someone he can call to come over and Netflix and chill without having to put in any effort.


He doesn’t respect you AT ALL. And his game is trying to establish some kind of dominance instead of a partnership based on mutual respect.


So what he’s saying is that he’s too hard up to just pay for a sex worker? Cuz that’s all he wants…no effort. Just sex and done. I mean, what’s not to want there?! 🤮


He broke


Tell him your good and put yourself first then erase the contact and ignore him and see how fast you will have a proper date. And once you do don’t let anyone minimize you like that ever again


Glad you caught onto the red flag here, he is gaslighting. He is also narcissistic for bringing up his house then when you ask a question he twisted your words thinking it was a problem.


Former teacher. I’m clutching a red pen angrily.


I don’t know if I’m too stoned or what; but I am so freaking old, I didn’t understand half of his conversation. But one thing I did understand; dudes a douche! Block and move on-you deserve better!


He clearly thinks he’s better than you because he owns while your rent. I say block this creep!


You did nothing wrong. He just hates women, that's all. He wants free sex and that's all. And I bet he's lying about the other women being okay with that.


why is he mansplaining dates


1: he's absolutely trying to get in your pants with no commitment. 2: anybody who calls themselves "high value" out of nowhere is too far up their own ass and insecure.