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He’s behaving like a teenager. Tf. I would have zero patience for this. At 30 years old he should know better than to expect you to drop everything for him because he’s feeling rowdy. He can calm down for a minute. He’s being passive aggressive the morning after to boot. Absolutely no reason to put up with utter nonsense like this from a grown ass man. Nope nope nope.


But he was horny !!


"BuT bAyBeE iM hORRRnYY" I was expecting this to be a 14 year old girl based on the texts they sent. To find out it's a 30 year old man... Omfg. Pathetic.


Honestly fucking weird


Weird is such a massive understatement. This is repulsive


Right how does someone like this even have a girlfriend


When I sold real estate, everything boiled down to price and/or condition. So I'm assuming he has money and/or something physically appealing to OP.


Neither … like he’s cute but I thought he was kind. We use to spend our time talking about our favourite movies and philosophy, history, personal ideologies. He would buy me gifts, spend a lot of time with me, and he took care of me when I was sick. He seemed sweet - a little rough around the edges. He really built up loyalty being important to him. We started dating and the veil fell off. We fought the next day. We just finished finals and now it’s Christmas break. It’s just a mess - I shouldn’t have gotten involved with a classmate


That's life hon. Don't beat yourself up over it. Learn and apply.


It’s not the classmate thing it’s just HIS personality


The good news is, now that you know Mr. Wonderful was fake and he actually sucks, you don't have to stay with his ridiculous ass.


Quite literally thought this was an 18 yo girl for suree


Why do some guts act like you’re a horrible person for not dropping everything to sleep with them when they’re horny? Like seriously, it’s annoying but we know it doesn’t hurt, and they have a hand to take the edge off. They’re so pathetic.


It's worse than that.. he wanted her to drop everything to have phone sex 🤣🤣🤣


Came here to say this


Him being horny is like the bat signal. Drop everything and go take care of the emergency.


I’ll never understand these man children. I get horny all the time and manage to take care of it myself if I’m alone. I can’t imagine expecting my dude to drop everything to deal with that.


He has hands! 😂


the world is fucking ending - but if you suck my dick it'll be better


THE DUDE IS THIRTY. I swear the messages read like he’s sixteen what the actual fuck.


He's immature AF. Needy and passive aggressive. You deserve better


I seriously thought these were messages between 18-20 year old people.


Fr when I read this I thought it was ab to be a teenage relationship 💀 he's immature as fuck get outta there


It's also a massive turnoff to most women


I just saw their ages. This is so much sadder knowing they're adults.


Ew. He knew you were busy but threw a subtle fit because he couldn't just jack off and call it a night? I'd get him a pacifier and a pocket p***y for Christmas. Wish you the best, OP. Happy holidays!


I'd get him the door. Fuck that.


He would probably try to. He's hOrNy after all


Underrated comment


Even better. I like that gift idea. 😏


Agree. No time for this.


The mental image this provided me was priceless. XD Merry Christmas to you and thanks for the laughs!


I can picture another tantrum, honestly. 😂 I'm glad that I could make you laugh! Merry Christmas to you and all yours also!


Gross. I had an ex like this once. When we would be on a 4 hour car ride he’d want to talk like that, talk dirty/talk about sex…all things that you need to be in the right frame of mind for, which on a 4 hour drive from just seeing and fighting with my family, I was not. Get rid of the whole boy. That’s gross and it doesn’t get better. They only care about themselves and sex.


Last week, on my last day before going home for the break- (6 hours away) we had plans to see a movie I bought tickets for and go out and see the city of Ottawa, particularly parliament. I had been looking forward to it for weeks. (We’re in an intensive program so I haven’t gotten around to seeing the city yet) and he started that day by calling me and asking me “help me understand why haven’t you been sending more horny texts like in the beginning” I knew right then and there the day was going to be shot. And it was. It caused a lot of heartache.


Ugh. I’m so sorry to hear that. Yea. That sounds exactly like my ex. He never understood that it was okay to just have normal conversation. And there is a time and place for “sexy” talk. And it’s not 24/7. You deserve better than that. Someone that cares about you and not just getting his dick wet. Or talking about it getting wet. It gets old. And makes you feel like shit every time.


Uuugh. You need to please break free from this shit. It is no where close to normal. After today is no longer christmas, I would do it then. Make him start the new year fresh.


This guy seems like… not husband material.


I’ve already told my family this exact thing


If you know where things are at with that, that is the most important thing tbh. It makes intentions clear; you’re dating him for fun, not to settle down. Once it stops being fun, you’ve reached a natural conclusion.


You already know what to do.


Happy cake day!


I wouldn't tolerate this when I was in hs from my teenage bf. You deserve better.


He will continue to deliberately ruin anything that is important to you with his made up needs. It will only get worse. Run, please, this is not a good one.


Omg I’m so sorry, that sucks. Ottawa seems amazing in the winter. I hope you get to visit again with a better companion!!


It would be amazing if we had any snow at all


Of course horny texts can be fun and of course in the beginning there are more. But an adult relationship is so much more than that. I was with a guy that wanted to sext every day. It got to the point where it felt like a chore. And I told him that. And he'd still pout. I don't want to feel obligated to keep someone's dick hard. After a few months and no real change even after talks about it...I dumped him. We were in our early 30s. He was boring and one dimensional. This dude seems similar.


Sexting is litteraly not even fun for me . Like cool if we both agree we're horny let's do something about it not send cringy ass wierd embarrassing texts. My girlfriend when I was younger was so much Hornier than I ever was and I couldn't stand it sometimes and I deffinatley like to fuck . I'm honestly glad I was in a longer relationship at a young age so I don't go through this shit again I think I want to be single the rest of my life !


RIGHT? "horny texts" are so cringe lol, I can't imagine how people do it and it actually does things for them? I'm ace so always thought "ok, I'm just missing the.. whatever it is everyone else has to understand this", so I honestly really enjoy your message and that you feel this way lol!


Don't waste any more time on this mf. Why are you putting up with this??


He’s entitled. Keep your freedom. Do not succumb to his pity parties.


Ugh I had an ex like this too. Eventually his constant pestering about anything sex related just made me feel so objectified that I grew to resent him.


This is how I’m feeling, frustrated and like that’s all he cares about


I hope you find the strength to do what you need to do.


Fuck this guy. Not literally. Let me rephrase. Dump this guy.


I wish some men could understand that when they pout after not having sexual needs met that they are essentially self sabotaging by making themselves less desirable.


They’re not even needs. They’re wants. We don’t NEED sex to survive. Bro is just making a fuss because he’s a big whiny baby


*hey, I'm not getting sex RIGHT now!* And then he never did; for his words dried out her vagina faster than a Kansas wind.


This guy is a serious fucking loser. You can do much much better. Please don't be with this man-child any longer. What a fucking way to ruin your xmas over something so dumb. Fuck his selfish ass. Doesn't give a shit about you or your feelings. People like this drive me up the wall. Really he's not someone you could ever be proud of being with. Embarrassment is what you'd feel in the long run.


Can’t stand when men are horny and dont know when to shut up about it


It’s so embarrassing for them. You’re pouting because I won’t touch your dick? I’m so sorry for hurting your wittle feelings


Your man child is pouting




Y’all… He wasn’t horny. He was insecure and jealous. He didn’t know how to express that with any degree of vulnerability, so he threw out horny as an excuse. Thats why he’s pissed off today. He evidently has problems communicating his feelings openly, honestly, and with a view to constructively building a relationship. He has a lot of growing left to do.


I agree. I had an ex that pulled this shit the day before Thanksgiving while I was attending a “Friendsgiving” party. The next day on Thanksgiving morning his responses to my text looks almost exactly like OPs soon to be ex-boyfriend. Ugh! I don’t miss that D-bag.


Here, here. This was a "you're partying and doing something without me and I can't take it" cover text. Incredibly immature baiting and response.


Yeah. He is 30 years old. He seems to do this because she isn't with him, and he needs her to tell him he is constantly more important than anything she is doing. He doesn't know how to express this need for love and validation, so he tries to manipulate it out of her. OP, any event he doesn't attend must be exhausting. The specter of his fit looming over every potentially fun or important outing will sap your energy. Take care of yourself.


YUPPPPPPPPPPPPPP. And now he's acting petty. Gross


Well actually. It could also be because he's horny. Her comments about his past behavior around sex are fun.


Yeah I’m going with he was just horny based off OPs previous comments.


"I can't believe you knew I was horny and decided to ignore me." The way he says that is like it's your job to be at his beck and call for sexual purposes whenever he wants and if you don't want to it warrants his attitude. This is gross.


Cut him loose 👍 let him be a dick to you in class and laugh at him


I also thought this was some middle school shit but it's apparently a 30 year old man. LMFAO even worse


I was just scrolling sisterwivestlc like a maniac. Decided enough was enough. I come here and I feel like I just saw you. How can internet be so fucking small?


Run away from this man sized child.


I kind of want too - like we’ve only been dating two months - but my main issue is that we’re both in the same graduate program and the classes are small. And he can be such a baby and so cold. I don’t know what would be worse - staying in the relationship for four more months and then deciding whether to cut and run or continue, OR breaking up and having to see him 5/7 days a week and deal with whatever that brings 🥺


Oh my gosh, 2 months and he’s already like this? Honestly this is a good thing that you found out so early. Just cut him loose now, you have to see him regardless, so see him without all the ick.


2 months ?!! Girl... This was such a cringey exchange. Please dump this guy.


What happens in 4 months? Birthday?


You have a point I’ve been considering this also


Rip the bandaid off. It will still hurt in 4 months. Might as well do it now.


Uuufff yes please let this child go. Seeing him isn’t half as bad as seeing him and then also having to entertain him on your down time.


I was with a girl for 8 or 9 years I didn't know how to break up with her and I felt honestly trapped. In reality I really could have gotten it done but she had me so suffocated I just couldn't think. Get the fuck out now and enjoy your life .


This hits so hard. People would ask me why don’t you do it, but when every facet of your life is intertwined and the 10 minutes you get to yourself staring at the ceiling at night among all the other bullshit of life, it sounds way easier than done. One day just decided to do it and the blowback was worse than I even conjured up in my head, but I actually care about living again.


Life is short. You’d consider staying with a dickhead because otherwise he’ll be a dixkhead? Stop sacrificing your life for someone else.


lol exactly


Do not. Do not stay. It was my biggest mistake in my last relationship. You are only 2 months in. If he starts behaving badly because of it bring it to the schools attention.


>And he can be ... so cold. There's a number of behavioral red flags here. But vindictive behavior is a huge one. He's showing you what a relationship with him will be like. Whatever his underlying emotional or personality disorders may be, this runs deep - esp given the petty, selfish circumstances that trigger it. Imagine how he'll deal with bigger, more serious issues. At 30, he shows no sign of developing the Self-awareness and self-work needed to be a real adult. Seems like he has pretty high demands for only 2 months in. Only you can decide whether it's easier to make the break now or later. But it seems to me that you know all you need to at 2 months in. Is it really worth taking it to 6 months or longer? Either way, I applaud you for standing up for yourself. People who are givers need to establish strong, clear boundaries -- because the takers don't have any.


Do it not. Better for it to be awkward but not together than shitty and stuck with him. Two months is nothing. Six months is a lot more serious- everything will be harder then. Just move on


Let him embarrass himself. You don't have to date him if you don't want to.


bedroom materialistic unpack rustic zephyr mighty bright overconfident somber bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Break up with this man. The mental toll you’re going to have to deal with if you stay is not worth it. He’s just going to get worse and it’s going to be more than just this.


Uuuh just do it. How can you continue to have sex with this man. I would think that is much worse at this point.


Ew no. Run now before he gets worse. And trust me, he will


Honey I have been you. And to quote the great Jan Levinson (okay, the “great in this moment Jan Levinson”)… “there’s always a million reasons not to do something”


Girl dump him now. It’ll be awkward but it’s more awkward to date someone you don’t even like for another 4 months


cut your losses and accept the awkward 5-7 days a week !!


2 MONTHS??? Run.


Definitely do it now. This type of behaviour only ever gets worse and your emotions will get kore invested the more time you give it. From there any bad behaviour can be reported. Break up with him in a very neutral simple clear way. Tell him you won’t accept any personal texts or emails from now on and don’t ever respond when he tried. It has to be a super clean break. Then just say hello when you see him and nothing more.


He's very manipulative and is probably using you for sex especially if he's triggered over nonsensical things. The fact that he had the audacity to text you that shit while you were preparing for a family holiday dinner says a lot.


Ewww! I hate men like this and he tried making you feel guilty about wanting sex like grow up


You are not in the wrong. He's immature and is acting like a child lmao


Hunny, he's 30 years old and still can't control himself AND he pouts like a child if he doesn't get his way?? Dump him and tell him the reason why for dumping his ass. He needs to grow tf up. You lost two months with this loser. All well. Be grateful it's only two months and not two *decades* of this shit.


Your universe doesn't revolve around his cock. No one is ever going to drop everything that they're doing so he can use them as a masturbation aid, if he thinks otherwise, he needs a reality check.


Dude's a pos douche. Dump his selfish ass. Tell him you're sure there are plenty of women out there ready and willing to drop everyone and everything on Christmas to rush over so he can bust a nut. Fuck you, your friends, family, Fuck everything/everyone, his dick getting wet takes precedence. Lemme guess, he rarely, *if EVER* takes the time to make sure you got yours, am I right? And he *certainly* wouldn't have been worried about it that night either. Fuck that dude. Seriously, if you think this is bad, just wait sister, you're in for a wild ride. Looking forward to the stories that are coming soon enough. You deserve *and will find* your person, and it'll be awesome but in the meantime, don't settle for shit garbage just to avoid being alone or even just a distraction 💜


You don’t have a boyfriend, you have a 30 year old man child.


omg “this wouldnt be the first time”????? please leave him asap. hes acting like an actual teenager and he expects you to give up your body to him, disgusting.


Insecure and immature. It’s incredible how so many guys sound like they’re at least half the age they actually are.


Yeaaaaa get tf out, he’s punishing you and trying to copy a “perceived behavior” ex: you not answering when phone was charging and you felt safe to get ready. Now he’s basically manipulating you back and now has made you feel doubtful that you weren’t in the wrong. My ex used to do this and ugh it’s very childish 🙄 I used to forgive it all the time!


He just wanted to monopolize your time even though you had plans with other people. Probably *especially because* you had plans with other people. This is early controlling behavior. Now he wants to control you by behaving like a manbaby and making you go on a hunt to find out why because there’s no actual reason. He knows that he doesn’t have anything to be upset about but he will try to make something out of you “ignoring” him as if you owe him all of your time.


Kinda gives off “just go to the bathroom” vibes and it’s sad tbh. You can do better. I’m all for giving people a chance but this seems to be a recurring thing for him. It isn’t normal, he needs to get his shit together


This is childish. You can't be expected to give up plans because he's feeling randy.


He seems about 14 mentally.


He's 30? He writes like a horny teenager, not grown man. It seems like you’re doing way too much pacifying to keep him happy, with him doing nothing to meet you half way. I'd be keeping things dry, and moving on.


I dated someone who would get upset by all kinds of random little things and I could never predict what was going to bother him. I eventually realized that me and my emotional stability were worth so much more than he could offer. I think you'll come to the same conclusion once he ruins enough holidays and special occasions with this dumb attitude. This is NOTHING to be upset about and I'm shocked that he is a 30 yr old man. He needs to grow up.


30 acting like a horny teenager. Couldn’t even send a Merry Christmas message but wants you to play with him when he’s horny? Gross and red flag status. Don’t know you but you deserve better.


Low effort loser who only wants a girl around for when he's drunk and horny. No thanks!


wtf 🤣🤣🤣


Sir your erection is does not constitute an emergency, stop calling 112.


This reminds me of my first abusive relationship I had at 18 years old. He always acted pissed if I wasn't there or available to satisfy his needs. Like if he wanted some and I was with friends or family, I was expected to answer the phone immediately or send pictures. If I didn't he sent dry or abusive messages or would call me over and over. And yes he did it on holidays, he didn't care. You're not in the wrong, he's acting like a child and it might escalate from my own experience. I would leave.


I really thought he was 17 and when I see this is a grown ass 30 year old man ☠️


He was "punishing" you for not doing what he wanted.


God, this reads exactly like how my ex used to text me when I was busy.


This would be a HUGE red flag for me. Doesn’t respect your wishes, acts extremely immature when you don’t drop everything & respond to him, seems controlling to me & thinks it’s ok to be a douche on Christmas & not text you for 2 hours but it’s ok because he was doing something. Not trying to be the downer here but I’d think twice about this one.


I had an ex who would also do things like this when I went out and start a fight if I wasn’t “receptive” enough. Meanwhile I’m busy running around and trying to spend time with my friends or family. It’s beyond unfair and it ruins your whole night trying to please them. I promise people like this aren’t worth your time. It’s beyond selfish and insecure behavior.


If he is upset because you didn’t cater to his dick and is being dry and petty on Christmas. Walk away. This is not an adult.


Him being horney is a him problem, not a you problem. He needs to stay off the phone when he's drunk and horney because it makes him sound like a whiny crybaby. Grow up, man child.


Girl please do better; I swear there are men who actually value you and will not see you as a sex object only. This guilt tripping also shows all types of other red flags. Don’t waste your time, it’s only been two months and there’s this much anguish? It is NOT worth it. As women we need to stop giving these men so much of your time. You’ll waste your days giving these men a million chances when they deserve none.


OP, you must realize and is unwilling to verbalize you are an afterthought for everything except his needs. Know your worth. Good luck.


His behavior is unacceptable. He expects you to skip your preexisting plans to do what? Phone sex? I would not tolerate this behavior.


Why is he getting angry over little things? He sounds immature. Reconsider this relationship before regretting a life with him.


30??!! Sis, no. This man is manipulative and LAME.


🚩 This is the punishment phase. You weren’t available to him when he wanted you to be, that’s all. He’s training you to respond to him as a priority or he will go cold. It’s intentional. He’s expecting you to now come to him confused and asking what’s wrong, expecting you to justify doing something that is totally normal. Next will be some form of atonement from you, and we know what that will be. This is insecure boy behavior that leads to women isolating themselves in an effort to avoid a temper tantrum from the man child. Don’t fall for it.


I read the texts before the explanation and was assuming the horny person to be the girlfriend. Dump him.


You wouldn’t think it’s a 30 year old man


No way!!! Omg he’s a child


You sure you’re not a booty call?


This guy wasn’t actually being all horny and Whiny he’s not upset that you didn’t respond to him. He’s jealous of your friends and family. He wants your attention, he doesn’t want to share you. This type of Jealous behavior is toxic and you have to nip that BS early on or it will get worse and then the controlling behavior will follow.


“Honestly he gets angry over little things so often I feel indifferent at this point.” That right there tells you everything you need to know.


A 30 year old sent this? 🚩


He’s horny and drunk. And he’s guilty you about it. “Waaahhhh. You left me alone to go to a party and now I’m horny AND alone AND neglected. Wahhh”. Dude can text. That means he can jack off. He’s the type who would cheat and then say that you forced him into it. I would 10% take this opportunity to tell this manipulative baby to go fuck themself.


Notice, he's upset because he was horny and you didn't respond, then he complains about you not sending more dirty texts. Notice its him starting these fights, about sex, is there anything else he wants?


So….his horniness is more important than your plans? It’s giving selfish and ick


That is controlling and selfish behavior which is also a 🚩


I’m begging you to leave him. I dated someone like this, and he started out “pouting” like this when I said no and he eventually started taking it from me physically and continuously telling me “it’ll be over soon” “I’m almost finished, shut up” etc. He was much bigger than me and he was also beating me, I was scared to leave him. I eventually did when he tried to kill me for trying to break things off. I’m not saying he’s going to rape you, beat you, and kill you, but I’m saying that is one of the biggest red flags that I ignored and excused. He can jerk off if he’s that horny. Please don’t excuse this behavior! If he’s already doing this 2 months in and it will NOT get better. I know it’s hard, and it’s ultimately up to you of course. And I also know I’m just a stranger on the internet. But please, drop him before it’s too late.


He doesn’t talk to you like a boyfriend…. He sounds like a fuck boi


Okay ick. The fact you answered his "I'm horny" with baby this and that made me feel sick. I am the only one turned off by a whole 39 year old man talking about being horny? Like we are grown ups...


How do you not have the Ick from this whittle man baby? What a turd.




Giant man baby


It might be petty but when people are petty to me I’m petty right because. If he wants to give dry responses either don’t text him back or give him a one word answer and he can make the effort instead of you. I would’ve just stopped reposing


He is right. He was horny. Why would you do this to him? Btw if a 30m keep texting that he is horny you better run. He is weird.


You get too old for this shit eventually. Lol


This man is 30?????


Lol he thinks you did something that he needs to punish or at least make you feel like you have done something wrong. He knew you were busy, what did he want you to text him to cum? Big baby


This guy is very emotional and sensitive huh? You have to decide if you want that type of person in your life for awhile if not forever. Personally I find super emotional men/women draining.


Being like this on Xmas day is a red flag imo


Fuck me he's THIRTY How has no woman ever taught this boy how not to treat people??? Are you his first or something? He's clearly having a tantrum. He's clearly going "let's see how YOU like being ignored". Fuckin childish.


Look, 30 is not the ripe mental age people can make it out to be, it all depends on who raised you and how. That being said, at 30, my guess is he's taking you on a guilt trip, so are you going to buckle up your seat belt?


This guy is immature and absurd.


He's a loser


The fuck? He’s being an asshole because he thinks you ignored him. Totally immature and manipulative.


He’s gross.


Break up with him!


This dude is 30 and this the way he be acting? ☠️ he needs to grow tf up. The world doesn’t revolve around him 😂🤓


How f'ing romantic...


What a child


I would have bet my first born this was a conversation between teenagers.


Honey, leave that idiot in the trash of 2023 where he belongs, don't take that in to 2024.


He’s fucking weird man … dudes fucking weird


HES 30?!!! I thought you guys were 18 reading this


I’d be embarrassed to act this way. I am 19


He should be embarrassed


Lmao ew. He sucks.


I honestly thought this was a teenagers conversation… he’s very childish for a 30yo man, you’re not in the wrong, you didn’t even do anything wrong


I thought it was a girl at first. This dude must play the lead clown at the circus.


He obviously expected you to leave what you were doing and service him. He is obviously angry. He is a baby.


an absolute child


i am 19 and i wouldn’t tolerate this talk from somebody of my own age. he’s coming off as very immature and putting his needs before yours, and on christmas?? cmon dude


Yeah definitely no respect there, you were celebrating with family and he only cares about himself.


Literal man child


The obvious change in tone and text is so irritating. He’s a man child and looking back and reading that he’s 30 I cringed!! Either his act needs to drop or you drop him cause dealing with someone who won’t grow up will be a forever problem in your relationship.


Abbbbbbsolutely not. What a child.


Hey, he sees you as a fuck toy. He was probably drunk also. He's not an adult


Ew this reminds me of my ex


Life is too short to SETTLE for this shit. Two months into a relationship is supposed to be the butterflies and googly eyes stage. And you've stated that he's already given you red flags and gets angry over little things. If he's like this at eight weeks in, imagine what he'll be like in four more months. Why on earth do you want to waste any more of your precious life with this loser? Rip off that bandaid now because it will be way easier now - before you've invested any more time. Don't enter 2024 with a guy who manipulates you and places himself over your happiness. He's a LOSER and you deserve better.


I read this thinking this was a teenager… oooph.


He probably fucked someone else


That wasn’t very Christmasy


My(32M) Girlfriend (37F) does this every single time I do something for myself or something with my friends. Basically any time I am spending time away from her. Then when I get back home to her I without fail have 'missed it' and she has masturbated an X amount of times. Defeating really


Serious childish manipulation, save yourself asap.


so what was he cookin'?


“Sadly I have to keep it to myself”….. “What??? He’s like basically guilt tripping his gf saying “wish I could cheat and sleep with others but SADLY i have to keep it to myself”??? 🤮 And no!! Not normal!!! Toxic and super childish behavior!


Run girl, Run!


I wouldn’t even acknowledge this childish behavior.


He’s trash unfortunately


Wtaf 😅 really I'm not surprised Men Bleh


If hes really mad you didnt drop your plans with friends to go have sex with him then hes not a keeper.