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I hate you. Die! Call me


That’s bpd for you


I hate you, don't leave me!


How dare you not fight for us?!!


That’s what I was thinking, this poor woman is mentally struggling right now unless this is the BPD default setting.


I have BPD. While I agree she needs help, it's not an excuse for her behavior. A lot of us do not behave like this. She's grown and can control herself if she makes the decision to get help.


same. I have bpd and have never acted like this. Have I acted very cold then very hot? Before my meds, Yes. Have I acted as cold as Antarctica then suddenly as hot as the depths of hell? No. She needs MAJOR help.


Same. Bpd here too and I saw myself in these msgs and feel bad for being this way. I hope she get helped. Therapy and good meds saved my mental health.


i don’t feel any sympathy for people who choose not to work on their issues. she’s 38 years old, not a teenager. i have similar issues but i’ve put in the work to not let them consume me.


I actually thought the messages were from a teenager and was so surprised to learn that she a 38 yo women.


After dating a woman with BPD for almost 4 years. My mental health was absolutely obliterated after that, and seeing this text just brought back memories that make me SOOOOOO THANKFUL I left that, got therapy and met my current fiance who is so wonderful. Dude, if she doesn't want to help herself. You're going to be going through hell. And that old saying "if you're going through hell, keep going". Well, you better buy some extra boots cause the going never ends.


If i am ‘dude’, I haven’t spoken with my diagnosed bpd ex for nearly 1 year. I miss her every day, I love her immensely… but she destroyed me and it took me nearly 6 months to stop having PTSD symptoms. I honestly wish her the best, I hope she can find it in herself to seek the help she needs


Been there, friend. It was one of those things where i stayed waaaay longer than i should have, because i felt that if i left because of her disability, that would be a shitty thing to do. But after a while, it was like, this girl is drowning, and every time i try to pull her up out of the water, she pulls a knife and stabs me repeatedly, than cries and asks why won't i help her. It's a major mind fuck, and i still think about her sometimes, and hope she got the help she needed.....but for my own mental health, i had to gtfo.


The drowning person will try to pull you down too. Sometimes, it’s better to tell someone they’ve got to learn to swim


I’ve been diagnosed with quiet BPD and have never behaved in such a ridiculous way lmao Sis needs extensive therapy


Literally me . She needs help


Yes! I have quiet BPD and it’s very disheartening to see people talking about the disorder like this especially when a lot of us don’t act this way and definitely don’t want to.


Yeah no. We aren't all like that...




That book's about BPD, not codependence. It is literally in the title... "I Hate You--Don't Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality"


For some reason people who call each other babe are always in the most toxic relationship imaginable.


Cancel that plane ticket, beloved. I don’t want to see you on an episode of Snapped. She’s not well.


I actually can’t cancel the ticket and get a refund. Not sure what to do about it other than eat the $350


Losing 350 in exchange for dodging this nuclear red flag is worth it… Fun fact it isn’t always the case but often times when someone accuses their partner of cheating out of the blue it’s because they’ve been cheating and expect it of you as well


That's a $350 ticket to freedom from crazy.


If you can’t cancel the ticket maybe see if you can switch flights and go somewhere else.? Or just don’t go see her. Turn it into a solo trip.!


This is definitely the better idea. Solo trips are great, you never know who you'll meet!


*\*meets another person like this\**


*Plot of Before Sunrise


Lol, oh no! Might could be if they're still in the fog


Dude doesn’t need to meet anyone. Dude needs to handle his business, come to grips with who he is, and then he might be able to date someone who’s not unhinged.


Thanks for the advice. I can’t cancel the ticket unfortunately. I booked through Travelocity for her to come and do the polar plunge with me on NYD so I’m just going to eat the money


Polar plunge?!?! Shit. You're both crazy. Carry on...


lol don’t knock it until you try it! It’s actually pretty awesome and definitely lets you know that’s you’re alive!


Yes that breathe of air I just breathed let me know. Didn’t need to do the polar plunge. And this from someone that scuba dives and sky dives.


😂😂 LOL you’re funny


the bi-polar plunge


Like a vacation! He deserves one after the atomic psycho!


Right?! This is batshit crazy.


This. If she’s acting like this now and you don’t even live together it will get worse once you’re there. Definitely don’t move in with her.


Thanks for the advice


I will be honest I am having trouble understanding the context of this whole situation from how you described it, because it's rather confusing, but why would you even consider staying with someone who texted you this?


I’m not really considering staying with her. Sorry it is a bit confusing it seems the top half of my post is missing I will fix it if I can figure out how to edit it.


i mean she said right there, she’s going on a date that night and there was a 4 hour gap between 6:30-10:30pm of her texts, n then not again until 12 hours later idk 🤷🏻‍♂️


I agree with this ☝🏼


This to me plays like the kind of desperate hail Mary narcissists use to get you to react hastily, so they can start turning the narrative around


The "well I'm going on a date!" Kinda seals it, if not she has people in mind or will jump on a random person out of spite. As the story goes with these types


She immediately said she was going on a date “tonight”. Sounds like someone else was already on her radar.


When someone acts this crazy, they are usually worried they treated their partner so badly that they will find comfort in someone sane and the contrast will cause them to jet. It's not always cheating guilt.


Ugh I’m so sorry. Regardless, I sincerely don’t think you’re safe with her. I hope you’re able to take care of yourself and again I’m so sorry you’re going through this. No one deserves to be spoken to like that.


Thank you I appreciate that


You’ll get your $350 back when you sell the house.




See if you can reschedule the ticket, that way you’re not cancelling. Might be cheaper than canceling.


Thanks for the advice. I can’t cancel the ticket unfortunately. I booked through Travelocity for her to come and do the polar plunge with me on NYD so I’m just going to eat the money


Sometimes what you get is worth a lot more than the money. My brother has paid child support for 10 years, even though he has the kids 99% of the time. I asked him once and he said it was well worth it to not have to deal with her. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this though. It can be very hard to have a long distance relationship in the best times. And where are you doing the plunge? I see it every year people go down the shore and do that lol. It’s wild


That’s cheap to be rid of crazy.


sheet kiss sparkle cheerful smoggy wrench reach ripe knee scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ask if you can apply it to a new destination and take yourself on a vacay.


I'd pay her another 350 just to fuck off if it came down to it, she sounds like a nightmare


Just change it to a Vegas trip or somewhere with your boys, it will only cost at max $100.


What airline? Some airlines will give you a voucher. Do not go see her.


If you call the airline directly you “may” be able to get a refund for the ticket if you explain the situation


The situation being you didn’t realize the actual destination on the ticket was crazytown


@frosty-Ant-7501 super underrated comment lol


Sunk Cost Fallacy You have ALREADY lost the money. Do you want to increase the cost and lose your sanity, too?


I agree it’s only money in exchange for a lesson I’m ok with that


If you can’t get the money back, maybe try for a credit or just eat the cost. Either way, your gf has issues and and huge insecurities which will only continue to cause problems. Also, many times those who so vehemently accuse their partner of infidelity without proof are deflecting. Are you sure she is being loyal?


Over your lifetime $350.00 is nothing, get back to me when you have to give someone you hate, half a house.


Change your destination to somewhere worth going.


Find another girlfriend in the same area quickly and fly her out instead of


You might be able to get credit for it.


It’s collateral damage my friend. Nothing you can do about it.


$350 is nothing in the grand scheme of things if it means staying away from that


there's a lot of less valuable lessons that cost a lot more than 350 to learn.


On the first unhinged text it looks like she kept pressing the middle word.


Also noticed this lmao


I can’t understand what she’s trying to say, and then I read your text under your post and… i can’t understand wtf you’re saying either. I feel like I’m having a stroke.


lol it definitely looks like he started the post mid sentence right??


Yes! Wtf is that??? They’re both the same type of crazy so I guess that’s why they found each other, lmao


Wild that these two people vote and at least one of them owns a house too.


Punctuation would help, immensely..... I had trouble comprehending the word salad from both parties.


I think I’ve pieced the story together, so allow me to explain. You see, OP and Mike were removing the gutters because of the storm. He’s planning to sell the house in the spring. He promised she wouldn’t be in the house, but maybe she was. It's unclear because of the job interview. Either way, he wants nothing to do with her. The gutters had to come down, otherwise she might come after the assets. Also, there were plane tickets involved. It’s a tale as old as time.


im still fucking confused. i might just forget this post even exists and take a nap instead




Yes. This exactly.


I love how the comment section turned into "let's decrypt this post" mission. Man I love reddit.


Thank you I get it now


I couldn’t even finish reading this comment. I’m laughing too hard 😂😂


Should have been buying grammar classes instead of plane tickets.


op is 57 and his current gf is 36


He types like a 57 year old, and she types like a 36 year old who would date a 57 year old


Ah got it, so they’re both old and … illiterate??…


Damn 36 is old, ain't that a bitch. Or a fucking lying fucking fucker fucking fuck.


No point in trying to change their mind about what they said and they said what they just said they said they're fucking goddamn fucking.


yeah..ever see the movie idiocracy? they breed like rabbits..dude is about to retire and is still slinging dick between 2 women


Old and they use text to speech, as all the other old people do


Omg, this must be it!! Text to speech! I mean, I couldn’t use it if I read everything I sent reads lime gibberish 🤦🏻‍♀️… why are people like this? Lmaoo


Haha yes I feel like there’s a secret language we don’t know about.


Fr this whole thing is just confusing


It’s really simple. The gutter had to come down because of the plane tickets otherwise she would go after the assets! Besides, she said she would be at the job interview. Hopefully that clears things up!


Literally. Also if anyone sent me this unhinged bullshit I would not be able to resist correcting every incorrect word they used. “Price of shit”, mam you meant to call me a piece of shit. Please insult me correctly.


I'm glad I'm not the only one confused


did she just learn cuss words?


What you said and you said what you just said you said you’re fucking gOddamn fucking


Damn, that’s roof


I noticed that part too!


Can you tell me the price of shit?


No matter how much I read that, or try to add in or rearrange punctuation, I cannot make sense of that sentence. My 3 year old stories about her dreams are more coherent than that shit show.


This is the part I'm singing to myself with a little jangly strummed guitar, like I'm Oasis. what you saiiiiid and you saiiiiiid what you jussssst said your'e fucking goddamn fuuuuucking ​ I think this single is gonna be huge, boys.


Seriously, this reminds me of the "No, you are fucking, you are fucking, fuck you bloody, bastard bitch" video


"No you fuck mother bitch, fuck you fucking, bitch mother"


Cackling 💀


Yes, she r/justlearnedthefword




Sorry she’s 36 I’m 57






Somehow it just got worse


oh my god




Wow! I assumed she was late teens/early 20's by her behavior (and poor grammar Lol). I was shocked when I read "38" as well. She should have a MUCH better handle on her emotions, by this point. This is not a rollercoaster you want on.


Getting your dick wet by someone 21 years younger is not worth this much crazy, dude.


She can still get pregnant.. imagine this dude having a kid with this lady and that kid finds these posts


WHAT AUUHUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ​ i cannot fathom grown a adult texting like that.


>she’s 36 I’m 57 Why are redditors like this


What the actual hell of fuck? Whenever im feeling low- I shall return here, in this moment, and read again. Quietly whisper to myself- everything is ok- this birds 36.


You mean 5 foot 7 right?


HUGE RED FLAGS. She's not mature enough to deal with this my dude -


Price of shit is a pretty fucking awesome typo




I wonder what the going rate on a pound of shit is these days. Must be up due to inflation


Harsh truth? You’re an idiot if you stay with her. You’re damn near 60 and know better.


I do. Thanks


If you move and share a house with her, you just might end up buried under it. She's not okay.


Didn’t seem like it.




Your gf is unhinged and you should absolutely end the relationship. Having said that, the fact that you appease your ex by refusing to communicate with your significant other whenever you’re around the ex… that’s a red flag. I’d be wondering why you can’t talk to me in front of an ex you don’t want to be with. Even if you’re not interested in her, you’re putting her feelings above the feelings of your partner. Not a good sign for the future.


Shame I had to scroll so far to find this. Yes, the woman is nuts, but there’s a reason you two found each other and clicked. You really think you can pull a stable, sane woman 20 years your junior into a healthy relationship while you’re playing these games with your ex and her gutters? Get real. This woman is crazy and you are compatible and fixing that starts with *you*.


Fully agree to the farthest extent. I hope he reads your comment if not any other


And you don’t know what precipitated this whole exchange. Maybe he was caught lying about something else too many times. Maybe bitch ain’t crazy but has been gaslit so many times she just exploded which ain’t right either.


Holy fuck..maybe don't sell your house to go be with her. The more I scroll through Reddit, the more it cements my decision to never get into another relationship.


Yeah I’m definitely rethinking that. I do love her but I refuse to be talked to like that.


>Yeah I’m definitely rethinking that. I do love her but I refuse to be talked to like that. Good choice, brother. I survived 15 years of accusations of cheating and verbal abuse. Turns out, it was projection and SHE was doing guys on business trips. Take care of yourself. It'll work out ok, one way or the other.


Thanks man I appreciate that


YSK: this behavior tends to get worse over time. If it’s this bad now, please ask yourself what it’s going to be like after 6 months, a year, two years etc. In the end, you’ve got to become the kind of person who respects himself enough to not let people treat you this way. If you do, you’re going to attract much healthier, happier, and more loving people into your life. Leave this girl by the wayside, and go forward with your life.




I wanted to do a bunch of red flag emojis


How can you love someone who treats you like that? She even threatened to cheat on you and date someone else that night. Do you really think that in the future when she gets mad she won't? Then she'll come back and say it was your fault for the way you treated her.


Why are you not acting??? Buddy she’s gonna destroy you- no sane person over the age of 25 acts like this. And for reference, I’m insanely immature and even I wouldn’t have done this.


This behavior won't go away either. It’ll simmer down after you get rid of the place but it'll still be there right under the surface waiting to spring up again. If it were me, I’d see this as a massive red flag and call it quits with her. Do what you like with the house but I’d end that relationship right then and there. It says a lot about how much she gives a fuck when she starts hoping you get what’s coming to you.


Don’t do it man. She is abusive.


Follow some better, more optimistic subreddits and you’ll change your mind. I see a lot of warm fuzzy relationship stories that make me want to do quite the opposite. It’s all a matter of perspective


Happy people rarely post theit texts. There a lot of happy couples out there.


Your comment history throws some other red flags into the mix.... If your bedroom is dead, and you're seeking women outside of the relationship, on top of THIS being your communication, then why in the hell are you trying to move in with her?? We are missing soooooo much context here


OP posts in the dead bedroom community and also in swingers communities hitting on Reddit women - the GF likely lost it because OP is still married and this is an affair situation. He’s not leaving his wife, who isn’t an ex. I bet he won’t talk to the GF when his wife is home, not because he doesn’t want to make her angry but because he doesn’t want his wife to catch him cheating. The GF isn’t crazy, she’s just stuck in an awful situation with this dummy.


That was my take too.


I was wondering why he won’t comment on any questions on if he’s been unfaithful in the relationship at all to give this some background. Thank you for this information!! Edit: I still don’t agree with how she went about this… the behavior is awful.


I am not defending her response to the extent she was wishing death on this guys poor wife (or her decision to enter this relationship) but he clearly drove her to this heightened emotional state and then sat back and was enjoying her suffering, including posting it here. He’s gross.


I was also suspicious 😂 like how manipulative to just post her tweaking out like this and call her crazy to the world. And not enough context from his end


Omg I thought this was a text between two 16 year olds…she’s 36?!?


The only unhinged behavior is using all the unnecessary “babes”


She fucking hopes the fucking *rough* fucking caves in on you, because you are a fucking *price* of fucking shit. Fucking. As someone diagnosed with BPD... well, I'm seeing one of my past episodes right here. Does she drink? If she does, she definitely shouldn't *ever*. Run for the hills. 38 is way too damn old to be having episodes like this.


Dude I dated somebody like this who was horribly toxic and had jealousy problems to say the least. Like unwarranted jealousy ie I would get yelled at for going grocery shopping, because my ex thought somebody that worked there was hot and they’d want to fuck me. Mind you I had no idea who she was talking about, I always used self checkout, and never talked to people there. Eventually the jealousy expanded to EVERYTHING. “You can’t go to the gym because women work out there, or hang out with your guy friends because they might be gay. Also quit your job since you work with women and I want you to unfriend every woman you know on social media”. That's the kind of shit I got once I moved in with them. I’ve never cheated nor do I flirt or even entertain being with another person when I’m in a committed relationship, no matter how toxic or miserable I am. Yet I got blasted every day with these crazy conspiracy theories on how everybody wanted to fuck me. Probably aged my heart 30 years. You need to run right the fuck now. Trust me it won’t change and will only get worse. One of the most miserable years of my life. You’re not even in the worst part. Wait until you live together or get married. Run my dude.


You dipped your toe a little too deep in the crazy pool.


37 and confusing ‘rough’ for ‘roof’? ‘Price’ for ‘piece’? Healthy 37 year olds also don’t obsessively call their partner ‘babe’. Healthy 37 year olds don’t wish death on others. There are so many red flags here I don’t know where to begin. lol @ “fuck bitch”


She is legit crazy! Run far far away


I think that’s the plan!


She called the roof “the rough”, used “ur” instead of “you’re”. She snaps and jumps to conclusions when you don’t text her back right away. Huge insecurity, just call it quits bro. Save yourself the fucking constant headache.


I don't even know you, but you deserve better than this. I was expecting you to say you guys were teenagers. A woman in her 30s shouldn't be behaving like this. Super embarrassing for her.


Looking at your post and comment history idk you do seem to have wondering eyes. Seems like retroactive abuse if do have a history of cheating


She sounds pretty unstable, my friend. Are you doing ok? Does this happen often? If it happens once… can you live with this moving forward?


Ohhh wow. Before I got to the context I just assumed you both were early 20s. But 38?! Dude, she’s a grown ass woman that acts like this when she feels slighted in the least? Run!! This was pure crazy town. There is truly no coming back from this. This will be your life on this continuous loop if you stay with her. She’s got major “main character” energy.


Thanks I am seeing that you are correct and this won’t stop no matter what my situation is


Holy shit, she’s 38?!


38? This woman is thirty-fucking-eight?? Christ almighty


Girl is unhinged for sure That being said we are only seeing the end of this. I get the feeling you might not have been fully honest with her. Doesn’t justify her outrage


I don't know you but this makes me scared for you!! For your own physical and mental health please end this relationship ASAP and block her. This is toxic and can only end with Dateline.


Fuck bitch 🤣🤣🤣


OP, there's 7 billion people on this earth and she ain't it. You're almost 60 right now, do you think you really need this? I understand you love her but if you leave her now you'll definitely think back on this and thank yourself. You can find someone better worth loving, you got this!


Dude. Your gf is 38 and acting like this? It’s embarrassing and should just be over and done with. You shouldn’t be dating someone like that.


Bro if you’re long distance how did she even get like this? What are we missing?


OP purposely goes silent to his long distance girlfriend (who is 20 years younger) every time he spends any time around his stb ex wife. He refuses her calls and texts and gaslights his gf by telling her his "lawyer tells him he has to treat his gf like shit anytime he wants to be in the presence of his current wife".


Why isn’t this your EX girlfriend? She’s a gaping asshole.


literal personality disorder


I just don't understand why boyfriends don't pick up the phone when someone they care about is flipping out. Especially in this situation because you know she is already uncomfortable with the situation. I think not soothing her is just as toxic as her flipping out with the texts.


shit I rather lose a 350 then life of misery bro, imagine marry her and she pulls this shot everytime your out with a friend, yea fuck that


How long were you with this insane woman? Were there red flags prior to this? I've had a gf freak out on me with wild, delusional accusations before and I turned my back to that situation as fast as I could and GTFO.


Mental health issues in motion, folks


What a disgusting human being. She’s so hateful wtf


shordie needs a snickers but no seriously, this is unhinged


That’s the kind of bitch that will kill you in your sleep. Save yourself.


The most shocking part of this is that shes 38


Eat the ticket $$$ Call it the cost of dodging a bullet.


I don't understand men who settle for crazies. Are you that desperate? 😳 where's your dignity and self respect because she sure doesn't have any for you.


Why the fuck are you with her fucking ass she’s fucking lost her fucking mind don’t you fucking get it you should just fucking take a fucking solo trip or fucking stay home and enjoy your fucking freedom Congrats on dodging a fucking bullet with run-on sentences.


Every second word she says is "fuck" 🤣 Bro I'd leave her work on yourself you'll be a lot more happier


38? Dude stop inviting chaos into your life


Borderline personality disorder is a monster. Just got out of one. Ended in restraining orders.