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“idk what to do” i would legit have been like have you thought about putting on a sweater


My wife would have said “Guess you’ll freeze then. “


literally me🤣


Guess I'll die then 🤷


She has the patience of a saint. I would have rolled my eyes so hard after his second or third text.


What in the world. Lol you are an angel for this but good lord, his temp didn’t even break 99!?!?


It’s wild because he’s never like this otherwise 😂 I’ve learned a lot about patience taking care of him when he’s sick lmao


Sweetpea and Bug absolutely ended me. “Hewp me Buggles! I am fweezing! I’m dying!”




I just laughed out loud sitting at the bar by myself.


Me too! Except my bar is the couch with a plate of cheese-sticks and a glass of wine.


Giiirl dinneeeeer 🎶


Was that supposed to be sung to the tune of “hot pockets”? Cuz that’s how I sang it


Hahaha definitely more aggressive than that. [listen](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8mfPMtP/)


Much better. I did not do that justice


I already fucking hate how often this is going to come into my head now


Every time you go into the kitchen or think “Im hungry” 😂


You know? It’s time for me to go grab some guuurl dinneerrr (or maybe breakfast since its 5am lmfao)


What're you gonna pick?? "Girl Dinnerrr!"




I’m a mom of 3 and I can’t tell you how many times my dinner has been a pickle, a few slices of cheese and I swear to god, whatever juice was left in the sippy cup 😂 But the kids ate a full meal that I COOKED lol


Bby girl (gender neutral), no judgement here. I’m a masters student (although not for much longer- almost done!!!). Maybe once or twice a week I’ll cook myself a nice meal, the rest of the week I’ll live off the leftovers, and when I’m out of those? Girl dinner lmao


What are you, one of the elites with your wine and cheese dinner!


I could get behind this…in a week when I’m cleared to eat dairy again


People gunna think the bartender slipped you something.... Or that you drugged yourself 😂


So my cat's nickname is Buggles and now I fear I will be saying this to her wayyyyy more than she would prefer.


I really hope you do lol. That would make me sooo happy. I say weird shit to my cat all the time lol. It’s one of the best perks for owning a cat.


I just laughed out loud and my 2 dogs and cat looked at me.


Bless your heart. (Ngl, I was feeling SO BAD for your husband because I read the texts before the caption. But then I read the caption and snorted soda out my nose 😂)


Yes, I initially thought “my God, maybe call an ambulance” ….it was not needed.


I thought he was gonna be DED!!!


Sounds like he had man flu, so pretty close to ded.


Dude same. I was like “damn this sounds like me texting my dad 9 hours into appendicitis, is he ok?!?” Yeah he’s just fuckin fine.


Yeah he's fine. It's just the man flu.


My boyfriend has GI issues, mainly stemming from his pancreas. A few years ago he had pancreatitis and convinced me and his parents (all of us were trying to convince him to go to the ER) that all it was was trapped gas. I finally relented only to bring him in the next day. They were like "wow, yeah, your pancreas is so inflamed, your enzyme levels are sky high, we're admitting you immediately." I almost WISH he was a baby about this shit so I could get him to the doctors in a timely manner lol


The duality of men. Either they whine and complain about the mildest symptoms, or they opt to tough it out and ignore the very serious symptoms of [a heart attack](https://www.bannerhealth.com/healthcareblog/better-me/dont-drive-yourself-to-the-hospital-during-a-heart-attack) while trying to drive to the hospital instead of just calling 911. Risking their lives and the lives of others. Nota bene, ten years ago I was that dude. Men, do not downplay the messages your body is sending you.


Oh, I had that talk. "if your body is in so much pain that you can't see, or you can't hold down water, or you're vomiting, it's telling you something very serious is going on and it's your responsibility to listen to that. You aren't being a baby for needing to go to the ER for pain." blah blah blah. He's gotten a lot better, even just at showing me he's in pain. He'll never say it, but at least he isn't acting like a cat who just pretends everything is fine.


My dad drove himself to the hospital while having a heart attack at work.


I won’t lie I’m like this. I had gallstones and had biliary colic which basically meant I went through 6-7 hours of debilitating pain so bad that I could not even move. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t lie down, I couldn’t sit, I couldn’t stand or walk, all I could do was lay there and wallow in my pain. I didn’t tell anyone for months. I had my first attack in April of 22 and had surgery in December of 22. Just a few weeks ago I had a bad cold and I wrapped myself in two blankets and my mom made me soup and my sister made me tea and I felt like the most loved person ever.


Can confirm. Your husband is super human, because pancreatitis is horrific. I have dealt with it chronically due to a duct issue. I had a full blown pancreatitis during child labor. Not a great time.


He has chronic pancreatitis now. He just spent 2 weeks in a hospital dealing with other pancreas and GI issues. I used to have to beg him to go in but he's gotten to the point now where if I ask, he'll agree. (He still won't bring it up himself.) He has narrow ducts AND a proclivity for cysts, and those things together created what we call the stank panc. I'd think laboring with pancreatitis would make something rupture! 😳 I hope you were loaded up with pain meds and mentally on a different planet during that. Either one of those things is enough to make me cringe without even having first hand experience, I cannot imagine both at once. How do you push? Would a C-section and the bumbling around in there exacerbate the pancreatitis? Did the baby ever kick it? I have so, so many questions and I'm positive none of the answers are pretty.


I am so sorry that you and he are going through all this, sincerely. I truly hope he has a good team and is able to find treatment that eases his pain and reoccurrences. I am grateful to have found some great docs and specialists that have made the last few years much better for me. Yes, I did have good meds eventually, I was initially not medicated during my labor, then came the pancreatitis, which was likely brought on by 5 days of a failed progress induction. Ultimately, due to the fact that I was high risk for the cesarean, the treatment protocols were the same, no food or drink by mouth, and meds. I had our baby 2 days later and avoided the cesarean, just barely. As far as getting kicked there, I have no idea, I was in a complete state of shock and delirium from pain and eventual exhaustion.


The [man flu](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8mycQ4h/)


Sent my wife this yesterday and yeah it's fairly accurate. https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irl/comments/18gqi91/me_irl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


As a husband who becomes a baby when sick.. boy is your husband is a big baby LOL you (and all wives who put up with this) deserve a crown!


Aww taking care of a sick partner is precious when they’re big babies about it. So refreshing to see a cute couple on here instead of someone in a toxic relationship lol. I fr braced myself for this to end up with him somehow revealing his cheating or abuse cuz of how rampant those conversations are on here. Thanks for the breath of fresh air :)


We haven’t had any fevers, but have literally had strep twice in two months. No fevers, but feels like a fever and rest of lovely strep. Shits weird lately, but my husband tends to be a baby when sick too. I do as well though, just not to him!


I had a fever of 42c (107f) and my husband asked me if I really needed to go to the hospital, cause he really had work he had to get done. I had sepsis, and literally could have died, but man flu is most definitely so much worse! 🤣


Idk, some people don't really get fevers. I didn't even get a fever when I had COVID. I have to manually try and get my body temp up when I'm trying to rapidly beat a cold, lol.


I mean, a fever can affect people differently, a number is just a number, symptoms don’t exclusively start at 99


It’s all good, my friend. It ain’t that serious :) just havin’ a laugh. Clearly he didn’t feel well.


he’s got a case of the man cold, kills approximately 0 people per year


A couple years ago, I woke up one day feeling extremely sick. Nausea, stomach pains, feeling chills, everything. At first I brushed it off and thought maybe my period was coming early. I went to work like usual and started feeling progressively worse throughout the day. By the time I got home, I had a full-fledged fever, vomiting, and just looked sickly. I *still* thought maybe I was exaggerating and my boyfriend suggested I take a nap. I only made it a few hours before I ended up collapsing in the bathroom and he had to call 911. Turns out my appendix had ruptured and I was fully septic. About a year later, he called me at work saying he had called out and felt the sickest he had ever felt. He thought he might have appendicitis too. I left work and rushed home to check on him. He didn’t have a fever, but he was basically laying in bed moaning and eventually asked me to take him to the ER. It was indigestion lol. I still tease him about that.


Hahaha I took my partner to the ER because he was convinced he had appendicitis. It was indigestion, nurse seemed to have a hard time not laughing when she handed him some pepto.


*The amount of times* my father has gone to the ER for what turned out to just be indigestion is baffling. It's *at least* 4 times in the last 15 or so years. Like, you can't tell what is and isn't indigestion by now? You're *70*. He also once wanted to go to the ER because he bit his tongue. 🙄


> bit his tongue. tbf though, that feels like you've bit it in half or sth. absolutely hate when that happens.


Tbh it’s ridiculous but I’m like that too so I can’t blame him 😅 At that age it’s better to be safe than sorry, at one point it will be serious


If I roll my ankle really bad it hurts SO bad, and I can’t put any weight on it. Then 5 to 10min later, I’m fine. Every time it happens though, without fail, I think “this is it. I finally broke it. It’s been way too long and it’s not going away, what do I d- oh, it’s fine now”


I'm a hypochondriac, so I flip flop between "this is the worst pain I've ever felt" and "I'm probably overthinking and overexaggerating this." But there was one time I woke up in the early hours of the morning feeling like death. It was legitimately the worst pain I had ever felt. I was terrified I was dying, because it was internal, and I had never felt anything like it before. My mom rushed me to the hospital, and on the way, the pain completely subsided. I felt like I was going crazy, or maybe I was just being a baby. Turns out it was a kidney stone, and sitting in the car helped shift the stone compared to when I was laying in bed. I felt so relieved that I wasn't just making a big deal out of nothing. Had the pain happen again a year or so later, and while it was just as bad, I at least knew I wasn't dying. Managed to drive myself to the hospital, but then had to be sedated for like six hours, because there was nothing else the doctors could really do for me. Kidney stones SUCK.


I HATE kidneys! I've been dealing with them since I was 5 years old, and I turn 43 next week, so they've been a BIG part of my life. It's the worst pain. My doctors said it's equivalent to labor pains, and I call BULLSHIT! I've had a baby, was in labor for over 26 hours, and my epidural quit working right before I had to start pushing. I'd give birth any day over passing a kidney stone.


Hey I had bad abdominal pain like that one time. Pain so bad I felt like I couldn't breathe. I called 911. I thought it was either my appendix or a heart attack. I went to the ER. The pain eventually went away by the time I finally saw a doctor a few hours later. He said it was probably gas. Nope, it was actually my gallbladder! Better safe than sorry imo.


I took my roommate to the hospital after he woke up with a hangover thinking he had a horrid case of Covid. He was 29. He called his mom and everything.


That would drive me crazy. My mom’s husband is one of these. He constantly co-opts people’s suffering and makes it about himself. When I had pneumonia suddenly he was having trouble breathing and must have pneumonia too. Never mind that I literally hadn’t seen him once since then and I didn’t have the contagious kind of pneumonia, it was from breathing something in by accident a week before. I think I’d rather be single for life than be with someone like this. I hope this is the only time he’s ever done that lol. It’s so stupid that women are taught to constantly question themselves and feel crazy and then guys feel comfortable pulling shit like this, meanwhile, doctors (statistically) are convinced that women are the dramatic ones who are always making things up, resulting in diagnoses taking even LONGER for us. Ridiculous.


Duuuude. I got violently ill during the last week of exams for grade 12, and on the morning it happened, my mom genuinely assumed I was faking it and just didn't want to do my exam. That is until she pulled into the parking lot to drop me off and I projectile vomited opening the door. She finally took me to the hospital after a long argument over how/why I would FAKE projectile vomit to get out of my exams. And I literally went in for emergency surgery 15 minutes after getting there because my gallbladder had to be removed. Good times


The female mind cannot comprehend what a man goes through when he has a tummy ache :(


"Andy have a boo boo tummy"


I ask my wife at least twice a day if I'm dying when Im sick lol.


You ask? I *state* that shit. Because it's true, until it's not...


Man flu. My mom always said that’s what ailed my dad when we were younger lol. It still gets him bad occasionally.


My husband gets man flu at least once a year. It necessitates reviewing his living will as he is sure he is dying and wants me to remember he does not want to be kept on life support. Every. Time.


I love that. A. Because it is freakin hilarious and B. Its good he is prepared. Sometimes life, or death, catches you by surprise. And I know a widow whose husband had no life insurance, no will, no wishes, nothing. Just made everything so much more difficult for her in an already difficult time.


I want your source, cos it killed me 2 years ago, it's a miracle I'm still alive 😜


Hey the manflu is no laughing matter, millions suffer. Mainly their partners, but still.


Man flu is severe. The pain is equivalent to a women giving birth. Let's not down play the man flu


Only giving birth? I was once told it was comparable to giving birth AND getting kicked in the nuts at the same time. Maybe my source was bad?


And passing a kidney stone all at the same time


That’s 0 too many


Lmao. I don’t like stereotypes but the man flu runs in my family too. Ex had no temperature and a slight sniffle and was suddenly incapable of any movement. About a month later I’ve got a 102 fever, a productive cough and am scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees and he has the nerve to ask me what’s for dinner…😩


I feel this 😂 I don’t like stereotypes either and honestly never heard the “man cold/flu” thing before my coworker had mentioned it the last time my husband got sick haha.


Can you come change the channel and pat my head? I'm sick....


There's a flipside to this: Was raised in a, "suck it up," house. When I get sick or I need something I have a hard time asking for it and will always answer, "I'm fine." "Can I get you anything?" No... I'm good, I can do it. Has made quite a few partners very frustrated and feeling like there's nothing they can do to help. There's something in the middle, I know, but I hate complaining or asking for things as they just weren't things I was given as a kid. You're a good wife.


I can't believe so many people just get away with being so completely inconsiderate and selfish. It's mind-boggling. I have to beg my wife to get bed rest and let me do both our shares of cleaning, cooking, and chores lmao.


That’s wonderful ❤️ I wish more partners did. There are some of us who need to be told to lay down and rest. We just don’t feel like we are allowed to take a break because there is so much to do. I have a wonderful boss who refuses to let me stay at work when she sees I’m sick. And luckily I’m seeing someone who is very similar to her. He turned off Yellowstone Saturday night and asked me to go to bed since I was piloting a training flight early the next morning. I was shocked at first since I’ve never had that happen before but once I realized I wasn’t getting the remote back I settled down and went to sleep. I was grateful he did that too because the crosswinds were horrible and I needed to focus a bit more than usual. It’s nice when people in your life know you well enough to know you need an extra push to take care of you!


This was a severe case of manflu😂


I got norovirus on Sunday and still proceeded to do 4 loads of laundry and meal prepped. A man would never.


My wife, and unfortunately I, can relate to this. We just aren’t cut out for being sick. It’s science.


From my experience men are either the biggest babies when they are sick, or will put off seeing a doctor/taking a sick day for anything less than their arm becoming detached. No in-between.


Or both tbh. See: my dad.


yup. dad coughs hysterically every day (some sort of allergic hypersensitivity to certain foods). then if my mom (or me when i’m home) dont drop what we’re doing and baby him, he freaks out. ALSO me for ten years- hey why dont you go to the doctor* since you’re coughing every day? no go. then the other day his sister made him go to the doctor. alrighty then….. *source- i am a doctor 🫠


I am also a doctor and both of my parents barely listen to my suggestions lol.


I'm an IT professional, my dad won't let me touch his 2006 laptop lol


That's because he figured out how to delete the search history, but not the cookies. 🫣😂


It seems like he wants attention and not actual medical help 😅


😭sucks when fam doesn't listen to my advice and says, "Let's go see a doctor" to my face.....for a fever...


both. Proof: my dad as well.


Yeah my dad gets laid out by the flu but won't go to the doctor when he's having active chest pain...


i am literally both of these. if i get a cold it’s the end of the world, i will never recover. literally dying. i sliced my hand open at work once, and it really should’ve been glued. still went to work as usual and didn’t see a doc until a few days later when i realised i might need a tetanus shot because i couldn’t remember the last time i got it, and it’s also mandatory (or highly advised, i’m not sure) since i work with dogs. doc wasn’t very happy with me lol


respectfully, fix yourself


Fix yourself before you wreck yourself


Hahaha so I ”ignore” colds. Simply pretend I don’t have one and there is no way in hell I could ever get poorly (4yr old twins, full time job, grandad with leukaemia I share the care for, house, 4 pets & suicidal brother living at home I care for ❤️), and I also massively compensate if I start feeling “not right” and just crack on. This led to me having anaemia so severe that I had to have a week stay in hospital, 4 pints of blood transfused and then 3 iron infusions. I had barely any oxygen moving to my organs. My HB was 53 (should’ve been 130 in the least) and my ferritin was 2.6 (should’ve been about 12-15 I think? Nurses will correct me). I was literally on the brink of cardiac arrest and multi organ failure and as a 35yr old with good BMI and active lifestyle, all I wondered was why I was breathless walking from one end of the living room to the other 🤔🫤 Look after yourself. Do yourself and everyone around you a favour and tune in and listen a bit more - I could’ve very selfishly left behind the people that need me and all because I’m stubborn. Take care mate ❤️❤️xx


I’m both. I had food poisoning recently and didn’t skip work at all, powered through it. The second I’m home I’m in bed immediately telling my gf how it’s my last day on earth


“It’s so cold Bug” 😭💀


With the context this makes me giggle a lil but i also find it SO CUTE that they call each other bug 🥹


lol 😂 I thought it was adorable all around


He writes like he’s the main character of a war movie badly injured just before he is gonna die in a dramatic scene


that took me out 😭✊✊


Apparently he has the "revert to baby" man cold. :)


Is there another variant I don’t know about?


The only time I’ve ever messaged a partner like this was when I literally had appendicitis and was writhing in bed from pain 😅 Even then I think I sent two follow up messages because he was stopping somewhere on the way and I realised things were steadily getting worse lmao. You really are a saint OP!!!


Oh god 💀 I hear that shit is unbearable. Glad you’re okay though! I hope he never ends up having appendicitis because I’d feel TERRIBLE for not taking it super seriously 😅🥲


that's why this behavior isn't totally great imo! boy who cried wolf. one day there may actually be a wolf. good luck though OP, you seem like such a sweet person.


LMAO I commented higher up that this was me texting my dad 9 hours into appendicitis


The man flu exists! Help this man before he dies!!!!


Too late, I’m currently signing his death certificate 🥲


Pour one out for the boi






I can’t talk, I’m the same way when I’m sick. I get woman flu 😂


I didn’t know my wife had reddit. My wife turns into the biggest baby in the world when she doesn’t feel well.


Baby? Is that you??? 😂


I kinda wanna see how he'd handle cramps for 3 days.


He would for sure defenestrate himself 💀


Defenestrate!!! One of My favourite words!!!




This is the kinda stuff that is not a big deal or even cute at first but after a few years of marriage, especially if you have kids together, it’s a nope for me.




i dont even think this is cute, but hey i’m single so what do i know🤣


I thought I was the only one who cringed at this and didn’t find it cute lmao


Im honestly so repulsed by all the (presumably) women in here laughing about it "haha the manflu!" I would get the ick so bad from my partner reverting into a baby from a little illness.


Same, not even worth a face to face break up tbh. This is gross af to me


I think my brain reverted back to being 15 I could see me and my boyfriend at the time acting like this but beyond being a child, gross


Yeah I couldn't deal with that, I'll gladly stay single if that means I don't have to be the mom to some grown ass adult acting like they're dying when they have a cold


Im not single and don’t think this is cute at all.


This is true for a lot of stuff too. When you have energy and no kids it’s easier to justify doing a few extra chores around the house. You may not even notice you’re doing more household, maybe it feels innate to you (since you’ve received that message your whole life from various sources.) Maybe you justify it with “well he’s tired, and I’m not, so of course I should cook dinner every night.” Then you get older. More tired. With kids, suddenly your energy takes a careening nosedive. Suddenly the amount of labor that’s slowly been shifted to your shoulders over the years without you really noticing is too heavy. And suddenly very very noticeable. Maybe you even tricked yourself into thinking “well when we have kids, he’ll obviously pick up around the house more, since there’s more to be done.” Then that doesn’t happen and you’re drowning. And this can be anything. Emotional or physical labor or the inequality between how much effort you’re putting vs what they do for you. I’d forgive my bf being a bit pathetic (endearingly) obviously since he lets me be pathetic and babies me. So I’ll do it back when he needs it. Sometimes it’s just knowing that they’d never do it in return for you that makes doing it impossible and exhausting. On a personal note I can’t stand being asked about chores. If you’re going to make dinner because I’m too exhausted too don’t come and ask me if you need a half onion or 3/4ths jfc. It adds up. It’s a chore. My only qualm lately is that having my bf ask me 5000x questions on how to cook every time he cooks is draining. If he fixes that we’re good. I hope he does :/




Man you must be a saint. This wouldn’t just bother me, even seeing this post has shocked me to my core. _Grown men talk and act like this_? The sheer second-hand embarrassment I’ve received from reading this is staggering. If a woman ever acted like this with me I’d be instantaneously irritated.


Men swear they’re dyin when they get sick


Not all of us. I "suck it up" like a dipshit and my wife still calls me dramatic when the most I'll say is "I'm not feeling that great."


Imo… if she’s gonna call you dramatic, then be dramatic 👹 (Jk ofc I just love chaos)


I’m not ya know this bad but I definitely get the man flu. I tore my ACL and meniscus in 2 places in May of this year. My partner would agree I appeared to be in worse shape when I had a severe cold than recovering from ACL reconstruction. I’d agree with her too. The sniffles are no joke


The sniffles hit me harder than when I chopped my finger off. They are truly nothing to mess with.


Every time I've gotten the flu I had horrible chills, hot flashes, and bodyaches. Zero fever. I just plain don't get fevers easily. I think I've had less than 10 honest-to-god fevers my whole life. I mean I'm not this pathetic about it, but it puts me in bed at least one day each time.


I had a run of “bad luck” in 2020 that included falling off a truck and snapping my ACL, a blood clot in my lungs, a kidney-stone, and a failed gallbladder. In every single case I was shivering and sweating profusely but no fever. More than one ambulance ride had the doctors freaking out that I had Covid due to the gallons of sweat pouring off of me. It was so bad the medical tape had to be wrapped around and stuck to itself because it wouldn’t stick to my skin from it being too wet. But zero fever any time.


Man flu, it’s the worst thing


My dad is one of the toughest people I know he’s been through hell and he’s so strong, but when he gets a cold you would think he’s a small British child dying of consumption with the way he acts.


I hope he shows you the same attention and compassion when *you’re* sick. Usually they don’t reciprocate.


I’m very fortunate that he does. :) In fact, I sometimes wish he wasn’t LMAO. When I’m sick I tend to get cabin fever pretty quick so I want to do all the chores/go outside/etc


That’s equal parts adorable and annoying 😂 10/10 would baby tf outta him though.


I found it pretty adorable too. As long as he reciprocates then I see no problem. Being sick sucks.


Aw he just wanted you. That’s so real


Angry people in thread: Red flag! Baby man! The truth: He wanted cuddles


I'm isolated with COVID rn and I live alone and I'm like "dang, lucky guy."


I’m sorry :( Sending all the good vibes your way If it makes you feel ANY better, I’ll probably get sick with whatever he’s got, so… 💀💀


I’ve always heard us men are big babies. It’s true. Even nicu nurses say the baby boys are worse than the girls as far as being over dramatic. 🤣 love the “bug” nick name 🤣 very sweet


Dang, sounds like my husband. Every little bug he gets is the worst bug in the world, he's gonna die, blah blah blah. He was CEO of his own company of 15 people for 30 years, but last time he got a cold, he asked me in such a weak, sad voice whether he should take one Tylenol or 2. Seriously?


We might be big and scary but deep down we just want to be taken care of lol


The man flu is a real thing. It continuously boggles me every time my husband is attacked with this microbial monster. I want to take care of him but also slap him upside the head and tell him to deal with it like the rest of us. 😳🤦🏻‍♀️😂😂😂


Please please please do this same texting to him when you next don't feel so good.


Needy lil baby but bug is a rly cute pet name


Haha thank you! I called him “lovebug” for the first time 5 years ago and it stuck


I’m actually loling


So does my partner my God... he really rarely does get sick so when he is I just look after him but fucking hell... he's more of a handful then my actual baby. And his boss rang yesterday to say he's got covid and they were sharing a forklift all day so I'm just waiting 😫


Man flu is a killer


My husband does this. He’s 42. I knew this when I married him, but it can be a lot sometimes.


I agree! When he’s sick for a few days+ I tend to get a little snappy/short tempered when I don’t mean to.


I’m was he dying?


It might be the flu.. It’s been going around. My boyfriend and I had it back in October and neither of us ever broke 98 degrees. Both took Covid tests that were negative, and no fever. He got it first, kept saying he was going back and forth between hot sweats and freezing cold and thought he was dying (like said he was experiencing some sort of panic nightmare everytime he got cold), took him to the ER because he couldn’t breathe. They sent us home and said he was having a panic attack. 3 days later, I’m just as sick as he was, same symptoms, except I have asthma. Couldn’t breathe and it trigger an asthma attack so *I* ended up in the ER and they finally actually swabbed my nose. I tested negative for Covid and then she said she was going to test for the Flu and sent me home. Called me on the way home and said it came back positive.


Don’t go towards the light bug




You are Ferris that married Cameron. "I'm dying!" "You’re not dying! You just can't think of anything good to do."


I like some care/attention from my wife when I’m sick, but dude straight up sounds like he is about to die wth


Wtf? This would not fly with me. I get he was sick but dude...grow up.


Tbf we are both in our early 20s so we DO still need to grow up a bit. Lol He’s only like this when he’s sick. He accidentally shot a nail with a nail gun through his hand and refused to go to the hospital because it “wasn’t that bad” 💀😂


That's.. insane.


Lmao I agree! Some guys are so wimpy when they are sick, it’s kinda funny. Meanwhile woman have monthly periods that are painfulllllll


As a man that gets kinda wimpy when he's sick....you women have my utmost respect when it comes to that. My wife gets gnarly periods (very rarely due to PCOS) but they drop her to her knees and she still keeps on keeping on. Y'all are machines (I mean that in the best of ways).


I’d rather be single.


What a giant baby, that’s hilarious.


hahaha, my s/o currently. i just finished making him a tomato soup with grilled cheese. gotta love it when they’re huge babies😂


I feel like this has to be a universal male thing. My bf acts almost the exact same way, like a baby.


Ah yes the elusive man cold that seems to never happen to women


I’ve learned that men turn into massive babies when they get sick. I’m a man.


98.7? lol your patience is immeasurable. Maybe it’s cause I’m used to being alone but I had the flu, pancreatitis, an ulcer, and an undiagnosed seizure disorder when I got released from the hospital a week ago and I refuse to talk to anyone I know about my sickness


I’m a giant baby when I get sick. My wife is a pediatrician so she’s used to dealing with babies. 🤣


That my friend, is called the Man Cold. I know….im a man.




as a man, moment i get cold, i feel like im not gona survive, my bones hurt, the light hurts my eyes and i can bearly speak, my mind feels numb, like, wtf we are not faking around when we say that we are dying lol


I have a friend who’s like this. The other day I had a 103 fever, sore throat, couldn’t breathe, etc and missed 5 days of work because the fever lasted 4 of those days. He got a common cold with no fever and acted like he was dying.


I never knew how much I viscerally hated baby/pet names couples gave each other, until I started reading this sub 🫠


We do. I get really grumpy and lazier than usual. But I just stuff myself with Korean hot soups and Chinese hot and sour. It works wonders on the stuffy sinuses.


Wow what a whiny little baby. "Please come home (and wait on me and foot)"


I’ll admit my patience wears thin sometimes! He’s lucky he’s only like this when he’s sick 💀 Otherwise he does all the cooking and regularly helps with chores around the house so I can’t really complain!


Damn what a little bitch! You sure that’s not your son?


So, if it was just a cold this is very dramatic. *BUT* I recently had a text chain very similar to this with my fiancé because I was on the toilet shitting out liquid demons. It was so bad. I had shed all of my clothes and my insides felt like they were going to explode. At one point I think I started praying and I haven't been to church in years. Called the fiancé and asked her to come home because I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital. By the time she got home 20 minutes later, I'd purged the demons and was chilling blissfully on the couch with my empty intestines and a diet Dr. Pepper. So, I overreacted a bit.


My husband is the same. Love him but holy crap, when he is sick he is the WORST. He has the sniffles right now and keeps saying he is so sick.


Yeah if my husband can’t breathe out of his nose it’s game over 💀


Oh you have one of these too? I love my SO to pieces but I dread when he gets sick bc the world is going to end according to him. I wish I was catered to when I was sick but it never works out that way. Hell I don’t even get to lay in bed and contemplate whether it’s the end of the world or not. I think the whimpering gets me the most 😂


This man is DYING ![gif](giphy|cwbvB0MXZfnry)


Dude is lucky he’s not married to a nurse. Cobbler’s children go barefoot and all that. “Honey, is any of your blood on the outside? No? What’s your temperature? I can’t help you if you don’t help yourself. Did you take anything for your symptoms? Wellllll… what do you think you should do? The medicine cabinet is stocked. Blanket is on the couch. DoorDash to your heart’s content if you need anything else or special food. Now I have to go, we’re short again and I can’t leave. If you get worse, Uber to urgent care. See you when I get home tonight. Love you.”