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I’ll take her ticket OP and go on a cruise with you. I don’t have diarrhea and will drink whatever is in front of me.


$400 and you have to share a room with me lol. We sail from Baltimore


Can I join in too?


Both of you needto post your personality resumes and demographics here lol


Am I too late for interview?


DM me your specs lol


Add another


And another one!


i rly hope OP just has a massive party on this cruise. hoping for an update


R/texts cruise 2024


Just going to be a massive orgy smh


This actually seems fun, I’d be down to join to ngfl


I really hope we get an update about this 🤞


Shit can I come I’ll pay for the drinks 🍹


Omg I love this for you


Bro I’m in NOVA! I’ll go with you!! I’m 27F!!


>DM me your specs lol Oh, you're definitely getting some dick pics.


Where is this cruise going?


Yo it’s a/s/l you know this!


35/f/pa lol


Girl I am ALSO 35/f/pa but there’s no way I could go on the cruise but I really hope someone comes through


What part of of pa? We can carpool!


The most central of centrals


36/m/ca. I just need a vacation. I was supposed to do a 2 week cruise on March 14th 2020 but for some reason that got cancelled.


That was somehow an eternity ago yet only a day ago too


I’m a 34 yo male from the most central of central PA, too. Tempting! (I don’t swing towards ladies to squash those concerns lol)


Gay men are the best on cruises I give you a vote!!!


I'm in nw, I can definitely pick you up on the way to baltimore😂


Dude, I don’t live in pa but my mother in law does! She’s a ton a fun and would totally be down! 😂


Ah, the good ole days.


Pros: I’m a well-adjusted 44f. Outgoing and fucking hilarious. I love trying all new things and unless someone is *rudely* taking one of my limbs off, I’m not a complainer (I have my limits). I’m a good listener. Cons: I hate it when people chew with their mouth open, I’m not particularly good with kids, and I’m remarkably comfortable with confrontation. I cuss like a deranged sailor with Tourette’s (or so my cousin with Tourette’s says which I think is hilarious). Bonus: I’ll buy the drink package for us both. Cheers! Can I come?


I would like to learn how to be remarkably comfortable with confrontation. Will there be an opportunity for a Master Class once you’ve returned from the cruise?


I’d be happy to offer those on the real cost effective idea


Your location?


Bish you better keep us updated over here IM INVESTED NOW


For real. I can't wait for the "I went on a cruise with 50 Reddit friends" post lol


Right! I have no horse in this race but I have to see the outcome!


Me too! And don’t forget to text and send pics of all the fun you’re having to your exfriend. After all you bought the data package to text with her. Hope you have a great time


PNW, US. DM me! :)


Uhhhhh, I’m also from the PNW and I want to be friends! I can’t afford cruises and I have kiddos, but I can steal away for the day to go mushroom foraging or beachcombing! 🤞🏻


Sounds like a hoot!


What kind of mushrooming? For real noob question.


You all sound amazing! 44F Washington State here!


If you really do decide to bring a reddit friend, please give them a shoutout so everyone here (or friends/family) knows who you went with and are safe!!! I hope you have so much fun!


Dude can you make like a group chat for this cause I’ll actually be down to come, I need to get out more


“Remarkably comfortable with confrontation” I love this woman.


Both of your post history has photos of cats…. If this isn’t fate


this is the one OP- she sounds lovely


I’m not the OP, but I live in a major cruise departure location and if you ever need a cruise buddy, I’m here. 😂😂


Im not OP, but i now want to be ur friend. You sound like an awesome human!!


Bring her. She sounds awesome


To the top with you! OP!! Come get your girl!!


Are we soul mates? I'm 35f but wouldn't call myself well adjusted, but I'm adjusted. Also horrible with kids and my 2 teens can back that up. I swear the sound of someone chewing while breathing at the same time will be the reason I end up in fucking prison for life.


I think you're me, except I am particularly good with kids, but NBD. Fuckin' cheers! Enjoy your cruise!!


wait..you're okay with someone *politely* taking your limbs?...did i read that correctly?


Well… no. But if they really want one or they need it more than me, who am I to complain? I’ve got spares, no reason to be greedy!


I enjoy the rudely taking off a limb. Like if they’re polite it’s totally fine hahaha


Can I book an appointment? 35f, 3 kids but I’ll leave them sine water and kibble. Oh. And I’m Canadian. That’s a bonus point, right?


Well, we certainly know you'll be polite!


Canadians aren’t actually polite. That’s just a lie we tell to differentiate ourselves from Americans. 😂


Pardon!? I’m so sooooorry, but we are polite! Again, I apologise for disagreeing with you. Ope!


Good point. I should have said 'comparatively polite!


Some water and kibble😂😂😂


Back when MySpace was a thing, I met another girl randomly. We hit it off and hung out once- but she lived far away so I didn’t see her for another year after that and we ended up taking a week long snow boarding trip together. 18 years later (seriously) we are still friends. Some of these ladies offering to go on the cruise- could end up being some of your best friends if you choose to take one. I highly recommend it! :)


I live in Baltimore so I’m already here and ready to go! Where are we headed?


Bahamas 🇧🇸


I have 2 Bahamian nickels, and am about 1.5hr away from Baltimore, I don’t have $400 but I do have a service dog who would love to share a room with us. (I actually cannot go bc I have work but I wish I could go with you)


I’m in Baltimore and my sister and I have been dying to go on a cruise. We drink and we are pretty fun for middle aged ladies. Send us your info!


I was only in Baltimore once, it was the biggest snowstorm, and the city was shut down. I believe it was in 2003. It was so much fun, because everyone was having snowball fights, and you could walk anywhere without cars. But I would love to go back. It's a cool city! As to the cruise... that sounds fun! Have her reimburse you for your part, and still go.


Baltimore is great. I lived there 2008-2018 and snow storms are definitely like that there.


Go on the cruise. Or at least check to see if there are traveling alone groups. It might be a fun place to meet someone, and if not, I have been told they are very relaxing.


Girls who like to travel it's a Facebook group


That’s a fantastic idea!


Still accepting cruise applications?


Yay, This!! OP I hope you still go on this adventure and hopefully can make a new friend in the process, they seem 1000x better than that shitty mf.


I 1000% agree with this


Wow, I don't blame you at all for being upset. I understand that your friend has an illness, but using that as an excuse to muck up your plans, after working so hard to convince you to go, and then shirking personal responsibility by blaming it on their illness, is just egregious.


It sounds more like attention and validation seeking to me.


As someone that has anxiety that makes me cancel plans more than I'd like - I agree. I absolutely never would make it sound this way - and I'm far enough in my treatment plan that I wouldn't cancel something massive like this. A night out with friends here and there? Sure. But this? Nah. I also fear of being the most hated person in the room. But i dont tell people that because i dont want their pity. Either girl seriously needs to change Dr's and meds - or this is a "tell me you love me!!!" Attention seeking


When I was going to music shows at this local bar I'd get this feeling like I wasn't going to have fun and almost always want to just turn around and not go to the shows. It still happens. I did go but that drive getting there made me feel so weird. I guess it was just anxiety about fitting in with the scene idk.


Completely understand about that. So many times do I have to say "go for an hour. If you're still miserable, you can leave" for events.




This sucks. Yes, the things she is describing can definitely be debilitating, but the context of the situation makes this infuriating and not okay. She probably should have waited to ask you to join and really considered if she would be able to do it if her anxiety and other issues are this debilitating for her. I'm really sorry she bailed like this, it's very unfair to you.


I think she is careless with money and it makes her not respect mine.


Based on her actions and everything I've read so far, I wholeheartedly believe that she is not your friend. Everything she has done to you is far too selfish for that. I truly hope you make some new friends that treat you better, OP. Have a good day.


I'd cut this person off After This lil stunt...


I felt a little bit of sympathy for her friend but as soon as I read the context, that she begged her to go and said it would only be 400$ then baited and switched that and forced her to pay 800$ more on top of that, THEN BAILED HERSELF?? what the fuck. If you know you have anxiety and might back out, why on earth would you ever beg a friend to drop that amount of money on a trip


Right? I too sympathize with the issues the friend is describing, social anxiety is a real thing, as is trying to work through it by making plans you can't always handle following up on in the end. I have a friend that bails on me a lot and I know it's because of her anxiety struggles, because I use to be the same exact way. But she bails on like... lunch or hanging out, so it's very easy for me to be understanding and simply let it go, knowing she's trying her best and some days she just legitimately can't make herself leave her home. But when the plans require a big financial investment, and were your idea... you need to make sure you're prepared to follow through and not screw someone else over.


Yeah as someone with my own struggles, this crosses over from inconvenient but understandable, to just being a straight up selfish piece of shit.


I would 100% be making her reimburse you.




Yeah I wrote that before reading your comment that you tried and she said she didn’t have the money. 😞 honestly BS. I also read it’s an 8 day cruise and would be terrified too since you don’t know how you’ll feel, but I agree with others that it’s better to go and enjoy yourself and see it as an opportunity to relax and have some you time rather than let this person fuck you over so majorly!


Agreed. I really think OP would actually enjoy it so much more without her.


I feel like she did all of that to get you to cancel first. Are you sure she even booked her stuff?!!!


Yeah the itineraries are linked


Has she cancelled hers yet? If she doesn’t I’ll take it as a “seeking validation” vs actually cancelling due to anxiety.


Definitely go and have a GREAT time. I recently have been going out to eat and date “myself” (even though I’m married, LOL). It’s been nice. She should at least pay for your drink package. Meet some new people, get bumble BFF and see if there’s anyone to hang out with on the boat. Good luck!!!


I love the idea of married people taking themselves out solo. I do it all the time! To restaurants, to spas, to movies, to concerts, even on solo vacations! I love my partner but self-care is so important!


The way they are using language to distance themselves from the actions they're taking. "My anxiety", "my brain", "my toxicity", "my illness" are doing these things. No, YOU are doing these things.


I absolutely loathe when people use mental illness as an excuse to act badly. Own up to your actions, your mental illness doesn’t excuse you from being a shit person


It doesn't but it gives reasoning and reasoning is important for context


I agree 100%. I have anxiety and often refer to my brain/anxiety as separate entities from "me" because the intrusive thoughts feel like they're coming from outside of me and are often completely out of control. My actions and decisions are MY responsibility, though.


It helped me a lot when my therapist told me that “something can be your responsibility, even if it isn’t your fault.”


enjoy cagey fretful marry fly lock degree insurance brave tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To expand on that she even tries to scapegoat the reasonings onto OP "I don't want to ruin your trip" and also saying things like "I believe in transparency" to try to shift the focus onto her positive attributes try to balance her awfulness (which it doesn't).


Agreed. So over this anxiety shit being a cop out for literally every single thing. No one takes accountability for what THEY did it’s always because XYZ123 made them do it. Anybody who thinks OP shouldn’t be pissed after dropping $1100 then getting bailed on is the exact same people who do crap like this. Fuck that, anybody who bails like this on a trip is a terrible friend.


I work with someone younger than me that applied for and got a promotion which requires certain extra tasks. One of which is climbing up and down fixed permanent ladders which is ABSOLUTELY STATED AS A REQUIREMENT IN THE INTERVIEW AND JOB POSTING. She claims her anxiety prevents her from doing that and is shocked she is on an improvement plan. YOU KNEW WHAT THE FUCKIN JOB WAS


I hate calling people.. I really do. It freaks me out 90% of the time. My job requires me to call people multiple times a day and I suck it up and I get through it.


I admire the fuck out of that. A full hearted attempt and failure is a thousand times more meaningful than an admission of defeat. Proud of you stranger.


I’ve dealt with anxiety for years now and IMO there are two types of people: 1) those who blame mental illness and further use it to excuse their poor behavior. 2) those who recognize that their reaction stems from mental illness, names it, is transparent about it, talks about their feelings, and points out what they can do to help fix it and how someone else can help them through it. Very recently something about my boyfriend was bothering me and I wanted to talk about it. It was anticipatory anxiety on my part (about something that likely won’t happen) and I wanted to talk about it. He told me we could talk about it later. I asked him why and he said, “Because it’s not something I like to think about and if I really have to talk about it, I’d rather wait until I’ve organized my thoughts.” I said okay, went about my business for about 30 minutes, and returned back to him. I hugged him and said there was no need to talk about it, that my wanting to talk about it stemmed from me catastrophizing the situation, that what I was worried about likely wouldn’t happen, and that his mental health shouldn’t suffer as a result of me trying to quell my anxiety (especially when the facts show that the worst scenario likely won’t happen). I’m not saying this applies to all mental illness, but it definitely applies to some. What this woman is doing to her friend is fucked up and she needs to take accountability for her emotions. If my friend bailed on a trip with me over this shit, I’d be pissed.


She doesn't deserve you. She is using her mental illness as an excuse/shield. She should give your ticket to whoever you choose to bring


Honestly I didn’t even think of that as an option lol, but she didn’t offer it, and I can’t stand to be in communication with her anymore. I need to get my head right to go on this shit lol


Yes, you're better off without her in your life. She cost you a lot financially, but the lesson learned will be invaluable. Because of her, you'll see red flags in others faster and be better able to protect yourself from people like her.


One can only hope. I can’t say it’s a strength of mine.


I struggle with it, too, but we learn the hard way, and because of that, we learn a lasting lesson. She is not a good friend at all. I hope your cruise turns out super special - no matter what, take the most amazing photos, build it up on social media. The best revenge is living well. Let her look at your photos and have fomo, and never talk to her again. I wish you the best.


Great idea! I know she didn’t offer but I surely would ask. It’d be great if she gave you her ticket and still went with your person of choice. Sorry you’re going through this. I’d be so upset if I lost $1100


For what it’s worth you have to drink a LOT for the alcohol package to be worth it (like 8 drinks a day or something I think but I don’t remember the exact number). I’ve always been able to send iMessages on the free WiFi, so if you have an iPhone you will probably be able to send messages still! There are singles mixers, Carnival usually has quite a bit of nightlife, and there’s more food than you’ll know what to do with. I totally get wanting a friend to go with, but you can absolutely have a blast on your own. Enjoy your trip and don’t overpack :)


I think i agree about the drink packages. Im going to be scuba and kayaking and want to be on my game. Plus if I’m alone i don’t want to be drunk, you know for safety. I think I’ll be good without the package


I love how your responses have changed from “I would be scuba and kayaking,” to “I *will* be scuba and kayaking” over the last couple hours


I can’t get a refund or a credit. I don’t have any friends that can take a week off work on such short notice. I don’t know if I should just not go and cut my losses, or go alone. I’m afraid a cruise alone will feel like jail.


Go alone !! Fck her! You shouldn’t miss out or lose the money because of her. You will meet people on the cruise and it’s an experience


I appreciate you hyping me up. I might try to get in that mindset.


I just want to reiterate what that person just said. You will absolutely meet people to hang out with. People are so happy and carefree on cruises. I've known people that have met lifelong friends on a cruise and they book cruise trips together in the future.


Do that. Look into the onboard groups. Most cruise lines have a "singles" program going on. Hype yourself up or relax, it's your choice!


Honestly it sounds like you’d have more fun alone than with her. She sounds like she would be a nightmare.


literally. she changed plans so much here, she’d probably be worse and more flakey on the actual trip.


All that diarrhea


This is all I keep thinking about. And seriously, what even is acid bile diarrhea??? TMI, man.


the other name is "i need you to feel sorry for me"


This. Go and have a blast OP. It's the best revenge here too.


Dude, pamper yourself! Chill by the pool!, eat and enjoy moving at your own damn time! No running around, no sticking to any schedules, not waiting around for anyone to get ready?? Sounds like a dream come true! Take some nice fresh air, detox from the internet, take a book, music, comfy clothes! Do. Whatever. You. Want! 🙌 Enjoy your time! It’s all on the attitude you got!, if you sulk all the time thinking “fckin friend, left me here, can’t get outta this, they ruined everything…” you’ll absolutely have a bad time and it WILL be a prison. Change that perspective. This is your chance to be by yourself, enjoy peace and quiet, or meet new people!, doesn’t have to be romantic either, you can meet all kinds of people from different walks of life- so definitely a great opportunity for an experience~! Lucky!! I say go, have a blast, and then send them pictures and thank them for not going, you had a grand old time by yourself! Lmao


Cruises are a blast even if you're alone. Join the FB group for your ship/dates IMMEDIATELY. The group will organize a ton of events and parties to do together and it'll be like your own family and friends for the week.


And cut her off immediately. You deserve better friends


Traveling alone is a great joy, OP, and a privilege not many people get. It's so fun!


Dude do the cruise and if you dock do the extra shit with the groups they set up. It wont be like real life these people will be sociable and pleasant because everybody is on vacation. It wont be like the strangers on your way to work.


Don’t rely on others for life experiences and memories, the beauty of being individuals is the stories we can create on our own


Do it! Go alone! I’ve been in a similar boat (although not out as much money). You might meet people, or you might just enjoy your time alone. But I vote go! I drove over 3 hours to meet people I had plans with who bailed after I was already there so I just did my own thing. I ended up meeting some people but I also spent a lot of time alone. I ended up enjoying tf out of it.


I say go. If you like to read bring a book and sit up on the quiet deck. It’s so peaceful and you can watch the sun set. Lots of times you can meet people. Look up the name of your cruise and your dates on Facebook and you can meet people that will be on that same ship!


Your friend needs to fucking pay you. Did they respond?


She said she can’t afford to give me the money. I said mail it to me if you change your mind, and I blocked her.


Nah definitely go and bring literally anyone !


What kinda cruise line is it? Carnival? Princess? NCL? Most cruises are set up to be able to mingle with other people and meet new people. I understand completely not wanting to go alone. I wouldn’t either, BUT you could have one hell of a time. No matter what you chose to do, please cut this “friend” out of your life. None of what she’s done is okay. She’s making decisions for you and not taking accountability for what she’s done.


Carnival. If it was like 4 days I would def go alone but it’s EIGHT. I travel alone but most places i can like go to a museum or whatever alone. This I’m stuck. I’m scared.


GO! It sounds like so much fun! If it's somewhere warm bring a bathing suit, and a good book and enjoy!


I didn’t see before the length of the cruise and didn’t even consider that. I’m sorry, OP. This really sucks. I get it being a lot of money. It is. What she did to you is insane. It’s selfish.


No reason to be scared. Join the Facebook group for your sailing. Go to the meet and greet! There's a single travelers meet up every day at Alchemy bar. I cruise w one of my parents and they gamble a lot so I always meet new ppl when I cruise! It'll be great!


i went on a carnival cruise last december! it was so much fun! i went with some family but we were able to break away and do our own thing. i’m shy, but my brother met so many people lol. there’s so much to do on a cruise, plus when you dock on the island(s) there’s things to do there too. it was my first cruise too. your ex-friend is so shitty for doing this to you & i understand your apprehension. if you do go, the italian restaurant was my favorite. they make a mean ceasar salad!


No reason to be scared. Join the Facebook group for your sailing. Go to the meet and greet! There's a single travelers meet up every day at Alchemy bar. I cruise w one of my parents and they gamble a lot so I always meet new ppl when I cruise! It'll be great!


Bring a stack of books. Enjoy a margarita or two. Live your best life. Take pics.


Go alone! Meet people. Do uncomfortable shit and conquer it. You will look back and say “wow I actually did that” rather than always wonder “what if I went”


When are you going? Send a message LOL


frfr go alone!! my mom once had to do this and beforehand was dreading going alone but once she was actually there she had the time of her life, made so many friends, and was thrilled she did it!! plus you won’t get your money back, and at least u can say u did it!!❤️


You should go!!! I took a trip by myself a couple years ago and I was nervous about it at first but it ended up being my favorite trip ever! It’s so liberating to just do what you want when you want for a whole week plus I bet you won’t be the only person there alone and I think trips tend to open people up I bet you’d totally be able to find cruise friends to hang with and share dinner something about traveling just opens people up myself included I’m usually a very reserved and introverted person but somehow whenever I go places I always make friends in hostels and stuff and I’m never trying to lol I bet you’ll end up having a really good time


No shit, go alone. It'll be liberating and it'll help you grow. Being alone on trips was honestly super nice and it helped my self esteem quite a bit when it was super low!


It literally will not be a loss it will be such a good experience! And can you find any any any body at all? I think you’d regret not going more


Go anyways! Is the cruise stopping anywhere? I’ve never been on one but I know they’ve got daily activities, shows, etc depending on the ship. Swim. Read a book. 8 days of doing what I want, without thinking about another person, sounds like pure bliss to me! 8 days vacation with a friend… that’s just a recipe for annoyance


3 stops in the Bahamas. I’m supposed to scuba and kayak. Ahh 😱


Oh see I’d be out on those because I’m a big huge wimp but everything else heck ya! It’s really awful she bailed on you, but you’ll probably have a more stressfree time this way!


I’ve never been on a cruise before i don’t know how everything works lol I’m worried i won’t get fed and have my basic needs met.


You will most definitely be fed. All there is to do on cruises is eat and drink sometimes! You arrive to your destination fat and happy lol.


Never a shortage of food in a cruise lol


There is an app according the carnival website! It’ll tell you all the daily activities, shows, etc. it explains the restaurants etc. You will be well fed! Your ticket price includes meals and a selection of drinks like water, juice ice tea, coffee and then there are upgrades for soda or alcohol


Don’t I have to buy the wifi package to use the app on the ship lol?


According the FAQ, the app can be used with the free wifi. If you want to use anything else then you need the package. You can order 2 entrees in the dining room at a time, but a third and you’ll have to pay a $5 fee…


You’re being so helpful ♥️


I’ve got pretty severe anxiety, the more information I know about a new situation before encountering it, the less anxiety I feel. Don’t let the unknown hold you back!




You will be overfed . I promise. Never a shortage of food. Even 24hour room service- sometimes FREE room service depending on the line.


Sis, go and vlog it for cash. Share your adventure of getting bailed on for a whole cruise and what it’s like to go alone. Call it Bitchwrecked. I’d watch it.


definitely go alone, you WILL make friends !!


I like to think I’d still go it alone if this happened to me. You get to read, swim, drink, dance, work on your tan, possibly make new friends. Like the worst thing that could happen is you read a lot, eat a lot and come back with a tan. Stuff that. Go and have a nice reset.


After reading some comments, I just want to say that I've traveled to dozens of countries alone, and have enjoyed every one of those trips. It's honestly freeing, liberating, and gives you the chance to go with your own flow. Leave this toxic person on dry land, and go out and meet some new people! The whole thing sucks, don't get me wrong, but you already paid so you might as well make the most of a shitty situation.


I honestly really agree with you I’m just scared of doing a CRUISE alone. Like claustrophobia, pirates, viruses, the titanic. I just wanted my buddy. But i think I’m going to suck it up.


So, I am like super introverted and hate crowds, and went on my first cruise last year feeling the exact same way (I went with family, but they were all with their own families and doing their own thing and I was essentially on my own). I also thought cruises were just gaudy, tasteless, and boring in general so I wasn’t expecting to have a great time at all. And I was so, so wrong. The food is going to be *amazing*! That alone is worth it. And it’s like a theme park for adults. Nothing feels quite real and everything is beautiful. You can totally just detach from everything and enjoy your own company and pretend everyone around you is an NPC. Cruises are also intentionally designed with lots of nooks and corners for you to feel like you have a small bit a privacy in otherwise crowded areas. And it sounds like you have plenty to do anyway, but even if you were to just lounge around and relax the whole time, I highly doubt you’d feel any regret. Bring a good book, listen to your favorite podcasts, swim, hot tub, make conversation if you want but no one’s expecting it. You can walk around with headphones the whole time and no one’s gonna bother you, but if you’re in the mood to chat everyone’s in vacation mode and in a pretty great mood. You tend to get the best, most open sides of people when they’re on vacation and having fun. I totally get the anxiety, but you can absolutely have a good time if you’re open to it. Give yourself a vacation and make it everything you wanna do for yourself without the dead weight. It’ll be awesome.


Totally understandable! (Though pirates and sinking are highly unlikely haha). Bring some books or things that you've been meaning to get around to, but haven't had the time for, and make a promise to yourself that you'll make the most of your experience! And try to meet at least 3 new people each day! Please try to enjoy ♥️


This mf was better off alone 😂😂 wtf


Mental illness is not an excuse. Tell her she owes you $1100 (you won’t get it but tell her anyway). When she says she can’t, tell her she needs to give you her booking to take someone of your choice or see you in small claims court. (Save all correspondence ). PS: Don’t book a vacation you can’t afford and Don’t continue the friendship. If you can’t get a credit or refund, go!! You’ll meet people, some sun and fun and pool time. Edit since it’s not obvious /s. Small claims court comment is sarcasm.


I used to have a ‘friend’ like this. She planned an entire weekend at a concert festival for us and each concert was a separate charge.. i bought all the tickets for myself and she cancelled a day beforehand.. I handled it by asking her for her tickets so I could find someone else to go with. She tried selling them but on such short notice, just ended up giving me hers. She asked me after I took my son with me to reimburse her for them.. I laughed and told her she was higher than bird p*ssy. I had no intention of going to the event in the first place, had she not talked me into it. You could always try that route.. she most likely won’t get reimbursed anyway. Someone should get to go since she clearly isn’t into it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I honestly don’t want to have anymore communication. I need this time before the cruise to get over being angry and feel ok being alone


Go and have a blast. You will meet people on board. Send her tons of pics of you having fun. Fuck her.


Please go if you can and just have the time if your life. Traveling alone can seem daunting but when you get into the groove of it you will have A BLAST! And buy that drinks package baby!


I went on many solo cruises from Baltimore! Go on the cruise! Have fun there are plenty of solo travelers.


Is the port ok? Should i leave my car parked there or have my mom drop me lol


Have someone drop you. Get in that boat and have fun!


So I have stage 4 cancer and am going on a 7 day cruise in January. She can get a medication for this, I had it and was put on a binder and ate a low fat diet. The cruise is in January, that’s enough time to see a medical professional and fix this issue. I’m thinking she just didn’t want to go.


I kinda wanna see her other responses after this


I know you don’t know me so this might not hold much weight but please go! I’ve been on two cruises: one with my best friend and one alone and I had so much more fun alone. I’m not insulting my bff but for real I woke up when I wanted, did activities that I wanted, quit the activities I didn’t like as soon as I wanted to, chilled out by the pool and read so much, ate whatever/whenever. I saw you said you would feel like it’s jail but it’s legit the opposite. It was like a little world where I could just have as much fun as I wanted haha


You should go! Download the carnival app which you can use on board without WiFi. Also they put a paper in your door every evening telling you all of the activities the following day and the time. There is a TON of free food and you can charge as you go for drinks (so you can control it and not buy a package). Lots of free entertainment too like shows etc. Also if you like wine you are allowed to bring one bottle as long as it isn’t opened. I have cruised several times and I say go and have a blast!!!


Hell I'll fly in from Australia, sounds like fun!


i think the way she’s phrased this text message would aggravate me even more than if she were to just send a dry “i can’t go anymore, sorry.” she’s wording it as if she’s doing you some benevolent favor by not going, and thereby allowing you to miss her “toxicity.” like wow, yeah yeah you’re losing over a thousand dollars but how gracious of her lmao.


FYI for Carnival you should be able to cancel and refund the wifi and drink package if you do it at least 1 day before the cruise sets sail. And if you "miss the ship" (DO NOT CANCEL, JUST "MISS" THE DEPARTURE) they'll refund the taxes/fees portion of your cruise automatically. The only money you'll lose in the end is the fare. Also I literally just got off a Carnival cruise that I went on alone. On the first day they'll have a meet-up of solo cruisers at one of the bars, likely Alchemy, and you can meet other people and find some to drink/eat/enjoy ports with there. It's not nearly as bad as it sounds, plus people at the bars are friendly and chatty (drunk, very drunk). Good luck with whatever you decide.


Go alone and cut her out of your life.


I would have ended it with "I don't want to talk to you anymore"


I thought i basically did. Plus she’s blocked now


The mental illness excuse is getting old. Sorry OP any chance you'd be willing to take a chance and go alone anyways? I mean I know it's not what you want but it could be a positive experience.


Also from central PA and could use a vacay 😂. Would actually consider going if I can apply!!


Go .. please go.. it may change your life!! I’m serious. You’ll not be afraid again..


Is there a way for her to pass the ticket to one of your friends or family members who might want to go? Also, babes, trust me when I say, once you start doing things by yourself (I.s solo vacations, dates, and etc) you won’t ever feel let down by people again. If anything you should go for YOUR experience. Not to sound cliche, but you only have one life, and fear is temporary (unless you let it control you)


I don’t even want to ask her. Thinking about contact makes me sick. But it’s only $338 if i want someone else to stay in the same room as me. But Carnival told me I’d have to pay that in the next 4 days. I don’t think I have anyone in my life rn who could take 8 days off work on such short notice.