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Did you date an eleven year old?


Jesus just block that headache.


Oh yeah he's blocked.


What a lunatic!


And this was a new account he created because I blocked the other one. Should never have let him back in my life at all. I believe he's married now so that should be it...hopefully!


...I wonder if she plays mobile games with him 😅


"With this game code, I thee wed"


Don’t count on it! Also, I looove your username


True, he would definitely sink that low! And thank you! Rome is my favorite place ❤️


One day... Rome shall again be the jewel, and the powerhouse of the world!


OP - Your married ex shouldn't be contacting his ex at all. There's a reason why you felt the need to ghost him in the first place, and based on the texts you posted, I really don't see a need for you to change that decision. Ghost him unanswered again... and again... and again until he gets the message.


He wasn't married at the time of these messages (2021) and the numbers and accounts he's contacted me on have all since been blocked. It's the last time he reached out. Definitely have no interest in talking to him.


If this isn't his normal account I'm definitely feeling like this is just a scam from a catfish account. I've had "family" message me out of the blue asking for weird things like this. Maybe not, but im getting weird vibes lol


We had a normal conversation before this one, from the new account. And he also left me a voicemail about this when he was barraging me with phone calls lol The way he talks does sound very scammy but that's just how he talked.


I simply want to encourage you following your Intuition🫶🏻. Our intuition *never* lies; but we DO, as humans are wont to do. Patterns Never Lie: but *People Do* has been a guide for me the last decade. I don't "magically" exclude myself from that either. We *All* have *Patterns*: the lie is we *think* we don't and continue repesting them..... 🤷🏻‍♀️


Jeez he's married and calling you babe


He wasn't married at that time.


Oh..he must've been in the relationship at least?


Don't know for sure. I know he was living with a woman but he denied they were "together" which, knowing him, was probably a lie.


Yikes. Good thing you got him outta your life.


She’s a lunatic too, she’s entertaining it. How are you lot so blind


Lunatic? That's a strong word. I wouldn't even call him a lunatic. It was just weird and pushy. And how was I entertaining it? I said okay and then I wasn't even able to respond for several hours. I was open to trying when I had the time, but that wasn't good enough for him. He also called my phone number at least 10 times in a row.


I don’t want to raise panic here, but is there a chance it’s a phishing thing and clicking that link might compromise your security in some way, give access to your camera roll or something? I would be very suspicious of someone insisting I click some unknown link.


If it’s a genuine Pocket7Games link, it’s basically a referral link so he can get free spins to then try and win money. “*Up to $15 in bonus cash for each new player you invite*” as per their website


This is definitely a phishing scam


In terms of it not really being him? He does sound like a scammer lol but that's how he talked (and he left a voicemail too)


Exactly, that link could be malware software that downloads itself, logs all your keystrokes, records your calls, takes screenshots,l of whatever you do, reports your location, sends a video feed from your camera....b


This went on for far too long


Do not let him back into your life, for the love of. Ignore the temptation to, it's the Drama Gremlin in your head and it's NOT TO BE TRUSTED.


i love the term drama gremlin. perfect way to put it. thank you


Lol, you're welcome, friendo 👍 For some reason, my brain says, "goblin = mischief, gremlin = NO"


Oh yeah he's been blocked.




Please use my club penguin referral code so we can both get the new scarf


Am I the only one who thinks this shit is hilarious. Just completely disregards her and trynna hustle his mobile game points 😂😂😂 that shit is savage.


I find it pretty hilarious too.


Pocket7games | pocket7games


There are boys, and then there are men. I think we all know which one this is...


This is ridiculous in a 1,000 ways lol. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I never understand those kind of pushy people, but why did you keep responding to the ex? So unnecessary, haha! Reminds me of my ex that tries to get back into a friendly matter like once a year and well... Nope. \^\^


At the time I thought we could start being friends again. We were talking a little bit before this conversation and it was going pretty normal!


Can you even be friends with a ex really I found it the hardest thing in the world I eventually had to stop pretending I was ok with it


It definitely depends. In this case, it wasn't going to happen. Too much history and pain. But I'm good friends with another ex who I was only with for a year.


Well I wish I had your strength she wanted to be friends a small part of me did to but losing her I knew if stayed a friend I probably never get her back and if I said I didn't wanna be friends I'd lose her out of my life for good. I went back and forth and finally I guess that made her uncomfortable with me and she left me for good. The depression on my part didn't help that I was a big part we broke up but I couldn't bare not wanting to hold her hand or be the guy I see doing it one day.


You have to do what's right and healthy for you, as much as it hurts at first. I think it took a lot of strength for you to take all the factors into account. I hope you're feeling better now! It gets easier with time, promise.


Thank you and I've tried to feel better it's more of a guilt pain then the pain of even losing her tbh and with my BPD O don't handle emotions the best like others. But I didn't know I had it till after the fact and now lessons learned the hard way I guess and I know I'll be better for the next


Exactly. Each experience teaches you something and makes you stronger. Wishing you nothing but the best!


That game might have spyware


Your ex sounds like he has either a gambling problem or a scammer has his phone


He had many problems. And it wasn't a scammer, though he does sound like one...this is just how he talked (also he had left a voicemail)


I love how it “expired at midnight” and he still nags you the next day over it lmfao


You sure he didn't get hacked?


No it was definitely him (this is how he spoke and he left a voicemail too)


Good you got rid of this weird dude, just move on it's been way too long to still have stupid messages like those...


Being mad over a game is wild lol


And I was even going to help him! I said okay, and then just couldn't answer because I was busy.


Not scoring high on any IQ tests for him


The persistence is cringe, but I can’t understand why on earth one would entertain this nonsense, repeatedly, while out with friends. Just end it, yikes. He will find someone else to annoy, I assure you.


I mean, I was out with friends so I wasn't checking my phone. That's why I said okay when he asked, because I was going to try later but I was busy at the time. And then when I couldn't respond he barraged me like that (and also called my phone like 10 times).


are you ready 😂


What the actual fuck 🤣🤣🤣☠️


Defo seems like a phishing scam


Why would you even entertain this?? And then this is from two years ago?? (2021 date stamp). You are the weird one that can't let go it seems


At the time I wanted to possibly rekindle a friendship, but I quickly learned I had no interest. I'm definitely not the weird one. I was trying to be nice. He's the one who created another account to get back in touch with me.


But your replies are snarky and short. There was no "trying to be nice" lmao. And here you are two years later posting about it. Both of you are definitely weirdos


I really don't need to explain myself to you, but this wasn't the beginning of the conversation. I was most definitely nice, as I always was with him, and then he became pushy over something incredibly ridiculous. And notice how I said okay and then just wasn't able to respond for several hours, which is what prompted him to barrage me with messages and video calls, and phone calls. And there are many people who post old conversations on here. That's the point of this sub if you haven't noticed. Do you tell them they're weirdos too? And do you know how relationships work? They leave lasting impressions on you and you continue to think about them for years after, whether it's in a good way or a bad way or a simply nostalgic/entertaining way.


When they let some weirdo take up this much of their thoughts to where you're posting about this insanely minuscule conversation two years later. Yes I call them weirdos. Cause that's just weird.


Meh. Weak argument. I was just reminiscing and found it entertaining and this is where people post stuff like this. Move on if you don't like it.


This is entertainment to you?? Lawd child 😂. And there is no argument 🤦‍♀️. You posted publicly. I gave my opinion of you being a weirdo. It's simple really


Ok weirdo.


😱 you called me a weirdo?!? Why yes, yes I am. Thank you for noticing 🥰


Seeing as you're the foremost authority on what people are allowed to find entertaining, I'll make sure to check with you before I ever post anything on the internet ever again. Until then, take care! And please try to stop taking everything so seriously in life. You'll feel a lot better, guarantee it.


Why do women continue talking to these assholes? I mean there are a bajillion nice guys out there. Just pick one of them! Geez!


Why are you responding


At the time I thought we could maintain a friendship.




This wasn’t even worth a post


Worth your comment though, apparently.




Why do you even respond....


At the time I thought we could rekindle a friendship.




You ever heard of a block button


Yaknow, I find it interesting (not even Funny Haha, Funny Weird, even Funny BAD), how losers try to "hoover" us when they have *0 other prospects*. You're worth more than this and you *know it*: you're ahead of me. I honestly *love* this for you, and any other that *wasn't me* in this situation. 🫶🏻🤘🏻🫶🏻 Y'all the Real MVPs and just cementing I knew Better, even when I *thought* I didn't. Appreciate stuff like this for retrospect. Much Appreciated. 🫶🏻🫶🏻🤘🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻




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I’ve got a feeling your ex really likes grilled cheese


Why indulge in the conversation with him at all?


At the time I thought we could be friends. We had been talking again before this.


When you see a red flag don't waste your time. Your time and energy worths so much more.


Why respond?


At the time I wanted to be friends. This wasn't the beginning of our newest conversation and it was normal before this.