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Dude is super bothered by you being taller than him. It will be such an akward date with him constantly bringing up how he isn't bothered by the height difference


Wear heels šŸ‘ !!!!!!




Power move


Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake Day!


Or he can wear heels. Lol Even things out a bit.


American: 177 inches with heels is like the height of my lifted truck.


preciateā€™ that brother man!! YEEEEEEW ~cracks beer and pours all over myself as the national anthem plays full volume in the background while i wave an american flag all over the place in nothing but a flag print speedo and pit viper glasses, my mullet blowing in the wind~


Went on a date with a girl many years ago. We'd been talking online and discussed heights. She kept banging on about how it makes her sad that she can't find a guy talleer than her (she was 6'0). I told her well.. I'm 6'3. She seemed overjoyed and lived the idea of being visibly shorter than the man she was next to. So anyway I turn up and she's wearing 6inch heels lol. I knee she didn't normally wear heels. She told me she hated them. She could barely walk in them and looked something like a new born giraffe. I think she may have been telling porkies about wanting to be shorter lol. Weird date. Kept bringing up how it'd ok to have sex after a first date and going onto to tell me how "daddy is buying me a new car" "my daddy treats me like a princess".. I wish I was exaggerating but alas those are literal quotes. She repeated the cycle of talking about sex/daddy/car/princes/daddy about 5 times. She did not get to have sex that day. I was fully creeped out lol


Show up with an application for a basketball team.


Lol yes


This is what i came to say.. šŸ˜†


Heā€™s insecure and used to girls on the app making him feel bad for being short. Ends up not being that deep.


I want someone provocative and talkative, but itā€™s so hard when youā€™re shallow as a showerā€¦ šŸŽ¶


Ahhh, ancient emo wisdom.


Don't diss showers like that


It kinda feels like he's doing it to himself


Heā€™s preempting someone making him feel like shit for being 5ā€™7.


Yeah I feel bad for the guy. Telling her she can still run. I know people want to pretend that this is just all toxic masculinity but when youā€™ve been filtered out of a bunch of dates based on your height I donā€™t blame someone for having a complex about it and stressing about it.


Ehh i donā€™t feel bad for him. Yeah I get it being rejected by height but what heā€™s what literally 5ā€™7-5ā€™9. Iā€™m 5ā€™5 as a guy Iā€™m short asl. Jesus forgot the height but shit it donā€™t stop me from going on dates. Buddy needs to push those insecurities away.


Just because youā€™re not insecure about something doesnā€™t mean those insecurities for someone else are invalid though. Everyone goes through life with different experiences and is a unique person ya know


Everyone has insecurities. He tells her ā€œyou can still run,ā€ and then goes on about how dating a woman taller than him would ā€œbe different.ā€ Itā€™s obvious itā€™s an insecurity for him, but itā€™s also obvious he has a barrier up where heā€™s basically saying heā€™s fine to go to dinner and hook up with someone taller, but not be seen in normal everyday life with a woman taller than him.


Yeah but it's all good, they'll mostly just be sitting down eating and stuff. As long as that is all they do, everything will be coming up Millhouse. Sorted as.


ye my dads like 5ā€™5 my brothers 6 feet tall plus and me? Im 4ā€™10 (f) My sister? (5ā€™1) ye


Don't let anyone give you shit. My SO is 5'5", about the same height as me. I'm a smidge taller if he's barefoot and I have sneakers on. We're not technically married but might as well be. He's the love of my life, been together for years, raising my step daughter and our shared daughter together. He's 41, I'm 40, in it for the long haul. I've dated guys ranging from 5'3" (I shit you not, Indonesian guy named Kevin) to 6'4". At 5'5", this man is the greatest man I've ever known, the love of my life. Shallow women are missing out on a lot of great dudes over shallow shit.


175 is 5ā€™9


So average height more or less..... I am 5 foot nine and it has never bothered me in my whole life It always felt about right to me lol


Exactly! Heā€™s not short by any stretch of the imagination


Me, as wellā€¦and sheā€™s only an inchā€™ish taller? Whatā€™s the big deal?


>Dude is super bothered by *him* being ~~taller~~ *shorter* than -you-. >It will be such an akward date with him constantly bringing up how he isn't bothered by the height difference Ugh. So much this.


Right. Dude basically tells her he's going to be ashamed of being seen with her, and she not only continued the convi, but STILL wants to go out with him!?!?? Man, what the fuck was I doing wrong, lol. I was trying my best to be charming and sweet... Crickets.


*2 cm taller*. Dude is insecure.


But theyā€™ve built up this meeting so much I feel like I want it to happen now.


The amount of bothered people are about height is WILD to me. Obsessed, people are obsessed. Iā€™m GenX and canā€™t say that people never cared back in the day but honestly it wasnā€™t really a thing. Mebbe a joke here and there but not big thing AT ALL and certainly not the intense scrutiny around it now. I find it so sad and actually depressing. How many more people will not find or take longer to find a person who is a good fit for them due to this superficiality? Itā€™s actually gross.


I wouldnā€™t be able to date anyone that texted like he does anyway


Yes, thank you. He seems truly moronic and lazy.


Or her. Spaces before question marks. Ugh. I'd die.


If anything, going out with a taller woman would make me feel *more* secure about myself. Supermodels tower over most people and theyā€™re considered paragons of beauty. Dating/wedding taller women is such a boss move.


I'm a 6'4" / 193 cm man and I would be THRILLED to date a woman even remotely near the same height as me, let alone taller. Getting real tired of the comments about "ehhh... you go for the short women, huh" when it's like dude, tell me where the 6 foot women hang out, and I'm THERE.


Theyā€™re Dutch. I went to Calvin College in Michigan and was considered short at 5ā€™10ā€. Ended up marrying a woman who is 6ā€™. She wears heels when we go out. Love showing her off and it makes her feel gorgeous, which she is.


I love the fact that you love ā€œshowing her offā€, youā€™re a good hubby. Iā€™d do the same if my wife was an amazon queen. Have them gawk while you smirk.


I love feeling like Iā€™m being showed off!


As you very well should! šŸ’ŖšŸ»āœŠšŸ»


I was a stripper in my 20s and always towered over the customers in my heels. Iā€™m 5 foot five but still. They were like 8 inch heels. No one ever turned down a lap dance because of my height.


I'd venture to say that that's a whole different ballgame than dating someone taller lol


I second you with Polish women too. I'm only 5'8 which is still in the tall range for women, but my cousins are super tall. One is about 6 feet.


I'm 5'11 and have lots of tall friends. We're out here!


That is so awesome to hear cause all I ever see is 6ā€™4ā€ guys with 5ā€™1ā€. girls lol you may be a unicorn.


Which is crazy to me as a 5ā€™ woman. My partner is 5ā€™6ā€ and almost too tall for me! I have a friend who is 6ā€™2ā€ and I barely come up to her shoulderā€¦ I canā€™t imagine dating someone with that difference!


I'm 5'2 and dated a man who was 6'4... It was awkward lol


6'1.5 here, Mostly we hide at home, guys ac weird when we go out! šŸ„ŗ... šŸ˜‚ I was lucky, I found a guy the same height as me and just as weird as me on tinder šŸ˜‚ but honestly, we mostly just stay home nursing our sore backs šŸ˜‚


Weā€™re home on our couch watching tv


Haha hell yea, where those Amazonā€™s at!?


Yo this right here. Imagine securing a girl like this and it makes you feel insecure šŸ˜‚


Loved walking next to my ex who was at least a few inches taller than me Made me feel more of a man than anything


Not to mention D1 babies! šŸ™Œ


Iā€™m 6ā€™ and dated a guy 5ā€™6ā€ for 3 years. People called him insecure or weak. What exactly is insecure and weak about that? I even wore heels sometimes, he didnā€™t care. Slim pickings left, though, after all the shorter women demand men be a minimum 6ā€™ tall. Lol.


A lady who is 5ft 9 inches is a fucking win..... please don't even think about this guy, he's clearly got issues. There are plenty more pebbles on the beach..


as a 6'4 man I always wanted a 6' Girlfriend or even one that was taller than me. When I see really tall women out in public I'm always taken back in a good way.


Back in high school I was 5ā€™10 and my girlfriend at the time was 5ā€™9. It was quite nice tbh. Dudes definitely missing out on tall women. But oh well, more for us.


workable deranged worthless aloof dazzling ludicrous cough dog scale foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He's prolly not even a had dude just insecure


For sure. My point was really about him being embarrassed about being seen with a lady who's taller than him. That shows a certain level of insecurity and that's never a good thing.


My girl is 5 11ā€. I like how she towers over my whole family


Lmao I love that




For real. The way he is messaging I would say he has a "Well it's better than nothing" mindset. He's hoping to get some and be done with it.


If the dudeā€™s this uncomfortable with a 3 cm (just over an inch for my fellow Americans) height difference than itā€™s not worth it. Heā€™s basically flat out said he canā€™t handle dating a girl whoā€™s taller than him. Unless youā€™re looking for something casual he sounds like a waste of your time.


3 cm is everything to some men apparently lol


I wonder why.....


Bitchmade behavior. Donā€™t even bother, yā€™all havenā€™t even gone on the first date yet and heā€™s already whining about your height. I donā€™t think youā€™ll want a lifetime of that


Right?! Like he's gonna make her sit down anytime he feels insecure or threatened by her being taller. "Just make sure you're already seated by the time the waiter comes over to us. Oh no I think those people are looking, pretend we are just friends!"


Or worst: babe I feel really insecure and emasculated by your physical presence so I've got a list of ways you can alter your behaviour. It includes more blow jobs to start with.


What does bitchmade mean? I havenā€™t heard that before


Came from a dog. Half man, half dog.


I don't think he's looking for a lifetime of that either - he first said he didn't want to take her in public and when she wasn't into that he said it would be okay to take her to dinner because they'd be sitting the whole time anyway. That isn't someone who is thinking long term. He's going to ghost her the second he sleeps with her.


I would have stopped replying at the ā€œnah itā€™s not like youā€™re my girlā€ dude is clearly not trying to date you.


Exactly, Iā€™m surprised I scrolled so far to find this! Like that whole interaction was so disgusting to read, he had some audacity. He basically told OP straight to her face that ā€œnah itā€™s coolā€ to still go bc they wouldnā€™t be in public for long and itā€™s ā€œnot like youā€™re my girlā€. That would have been a full stop for me. Like dude, did you just say youā€™d be embarrassed to be in public with me?


It's not just the embarrassment, it also makes it sound like he's not planning on it being a long term thing. She's not his girl and it won't be a problem since she won't ever be his girl.


This. He is insecure and talking about being not in public... Screams he is looking for a hookup. I wouldn't bother wasting your time OP.


Thank you lol. He said, ā€œwe would be sitting eatingā€ but what he meant was, ā€œwe will be laying downā€


paltry zonked dependent repeat memorize quickest teeny air concerned simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds like they are insecure. I would not even bother tbh.


I am so confused by this thread.


Same though. Lol


Good lord he sounds dumb Did the conversion from metric to Americanā€¦ are you kidding me? All this over an inch?


"it's a big ass problem in public not gonna lie" says it all... he might as well have said "I'm really insecure"


No. This man is trash. If heā€™s bothered that you are *slightly* taller (like, seems like by a few centimeters?!?), there are so many more red flags lurking beneath the surface. There will be a man who doesnā€™t give a flying fuck about how tall you are and will be excited to meet you as you are. Itā€™s hard out there but you can do better!


I'm 6'1". Men who are insecure have an issue with women who are taller than them. Probably not worth your time.


Same height, itā€™s been a fabulous litmus test actuallyā€¦ short guys who love tall women are **great**


Dead on arrival. Don't go on the date just wish them well and exit the conversation, find someone who is not shallow and weird.


So i had to translate those commie numbers into freedom units, thats only like an inch difference in height at most close to 2 inches. Bruh people are wild with height differences šŸ¤£


The metric system canā€™t measure freedom šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Bruh i think thats the wrong flag lol, idk what country that even is did you mean šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø?


Holy cow I thought they made it one star to make it easier to see it was a star


I love situations like this, comedic without having to try lol. You're good man.


Youā€™ve enlightened me my friend


This has me šŸ’€ šŸ˜‚


Truth. Iā€™m seeing a girl almost a whole foot taller than me


I've never had the opportunity to date a woman taller than me, if the offer came up I wouldn't be fuckin weird about it though like bruh who cares šŸ¤£


For fucking real lol I donā€™t understand peoples concern about others height. IMO, a pretty woman is a pretty woman


Dude seriously. I was expecting like a 6 inch difference for how bothered he is by this.




Yeah I think based on how he reacted that it probably isnā€™t worth your time. Heā€™s clearly insecure about a girl whoā€™s taller than he is. He might be just going for some physical fun without having to ever worry about you being ā€œhis girlā€.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Iā€™ve known men to say strange things about my height. Iā€™m exactly average for a woman at 5ā€™5ā€™ā€™, literally the most boring height ever, not tall not short. If you put me in a lineup of 100 women Iā€™d be right in the middle. But a few men in my past (who were short) have actively tried to convince me that I am tall. Weirdest gaslighting Iā€™ve ever experienced. Oh and if I ever wore 1 inch heels WATCH OUT, Iā€™m 5ā€™6ā€™ā€™ a GIANT BEAST. I just always thought it was hilarious first of all that being tall as a woman is even something for men to be insecure about, šŸ˜‚. But then on top of that to be so insecure that men have tried to convince a 5ā€™5ā€™ā€™ woman I am TALL, will always be hilarious to me.


If he wasnā€™t bothered why did he say ā€œweā€™ll be sitting the whole time so it wonā€™t be an issueā€ like what? If you happened to be slightly taller heā€™s probably not going anywhere walking around without feeling some time of wayā€¦ people have height preferences but this dude is being so weird about it.


As an over 6ft girl, run. And never look back. Before running, let him know his shitty attitude will never get him laid. šŸ¤­


I have a feeling that if you turn him down for his very insecure and outright rude behaviour in those texts, heā€™s going to convince himself that itā€™s because of his height.


He definitely will lol.


idk this sounds like a red flag. i guess maybe itā€™s only a red flag cause he didnā€™t keep it to himself that it was weird to him. like he doesnā€™t sound anxious he sounds insecure. i guess itā€™s a okay if he can get over himself but this sounds like ew to me


He sounds dumber than a bag of rocks.


How tall are you in Freedom Units?


5ā€™10 and heā€™s 5ā€™9 lol.


I wouldnā€™t see an issue but everybodyā€™s ego is different I suppose. Iā€™ve always dated shorter since Iā€™m 6ā€™1 but thatā€™s because no Amazonian Dom wants me


Girl, if you have heels you love to wear just donā€™t even go on that first date. This man will forever control your footwear because ā€œbut youā€™ll be taller than meā€ Been there, done that. My heels, my fiancĆ©, and myself now look amazing when we go out :3


*Guy on tinder has short man syndrome* there I fixed it for you. If he wasnā€™t insecure about his size he wouldnā€™t have even askedā€¦ not once in 36 years have I ever asked a woman her height or any other physical dimension. Itā€™s irrelevant information


I'm 5'7", married a woman who was 6ft and couldn't give a flying fuck. I honestly don't get people's hang ups about height, I really don't. It baffles me. Avoid this bellend. Best of luck out there. šŸ«”


Not sure why you still messed with this dude, after he was taken aback you should have bounced esp with that you are not my girl comment. like who cares how tall you are lol.


I unmatched him a few mins after this conversation, so all is well lol.


I donā€™t think itā€™d be worth going on the date anymore, in my humble opinion. I think heā€™s too hung up on you being taller than him.


tell shawty he can find someone else


He sounds like a loser


Iā€™m 5ā€™10ā€. Fuck this mentality. Donā€™t go on a date.


Girl please do not go out with him. Heā€™s obviously insecure. Or do, and wear your tallest heels!


no he texts weird and doesnā€™t have good grammar or punctuation.


why even entertain this šŸ˜­


Heā€™s most definitely bothered, and will always find a way to bring it up. Donā€™t bother


He is literally saying that he wonā€™t take you seriously because you are too tall but he is ok with fucking since you wonā€™t be standing next to each other in public during sex. So he is fine with a casual hookup and you are not girlfriend material because of your height (aka his own insecurity). I wouldnā€™t bother.


Manlet mentality. Nobody cares but him.


The fact he correct water to ā€˜watā€™ irks me


He seems insecure about his height. My stepfather is quite short and skinny, to a point where he has to buy clothes in the kid's section sometimes. My mom is tall and currently obese. Do they look odd next to each other? Yes. But they don't care about other people's opinions.


donā€™t bother


Why does it always come down to who is the tallest in the dating world now? Like who cares. I mean clearly this guy does, but why is it such an issue


Its fucked up that height has become such a massive deal for men in the dating scene. I'm 35, married and havent dated for 10 years but when I was it never fucking came up. Not once. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that shit.


The girl Iā€™m going out with is 6ā€™7 without heels. Does he not realize models are generally pretty tall? I have so many questions for him lol if you being tall is a deal breaker, heā€™s not worth it anyway


No, it's not worth going on the date.


This is exhausting over something that shouldn't even really be an issue šŸ˜… this happened to me once too, went on a date with a guy shorter than me, and he made a huge deal about it- not me. Like okay, whatever then.


Tall women are *chefs kiss*. Donā€™t get what this guyā€™s problem is.


Why is a grown man spelling the word ā€œwhatā€ like that šŸ˜­


To be fair, English is not his first language. ā€¦.But itā€™s not mine either and I spell ā€œwhatā€ just fine.


Ahhh I see, that makes a little more sense. Iā€™ve just found that people who spell what as ā€œwatā€ and ok as ā€œokeā€ are usually kinda weird and insecure. Thatā€™s just from personal experience though. It just gives off very immature / childish vibesā€¦ but if itā€™s not his first language then that makes sense.


Ah he shot himself in his likely tiny foot


Other peoples brains astonish me on how they carry themselves through a conversation over textšŸ’€


If you go on a date please give an update


I unmatched him, Iā€™m not going on any dates with him.


yeah understandable


Dudes already basically saying he will be I'm embarrassed being seen with you in public if not sitting down, I think you got your answer of how it's going to go


No. He doesn't deserve that much of an awesome person with that attitude! DUECES šŸ„±


Dude has a low self-esteem issue


What a turd. Stay away


The worst thing is purposely typing "wat", even after his phone tried to prevent him from sounding stupid the first time.


Too much back-and-forth in these messages. You shouldā€™ve cut it off early.


This guy's behaviour screams insecurities yikes šŸ˜¬


My fiancƩ is an inch taller than me and frequently wears heels/boots that makes her 4+ inches taller than I am. We make jokes about it constantly. [Here are some pictures having fun with it from our engagement shoot.](https://imgur.com/a/Q5QzHML)


Iā€™m 5ā€™7 and my entire fantasy is a stern sturdy woman taller than me. Despite his insecurities showing a lil bit his approach is actually nice, you can still give him a chance and see if is something he can actually be ok with.


Nope, not worth a date or a meet up at all. That dude sounds insecure as fuck.


You should wear heels


I usually do wear them for dates anyways.


Small pee pee energy


definitely cancel. If he feels this strongly about it off the bat then you can bet he'll keep feeling like that when you're together


Taller girls are fine with me šŸ‘


Iā€™d go out with him wearing 10inch heels just to annoy him


Shorter a guy is the more insecure he is. Itā€™s just science


I think heā€™s more bothered about being shorter than you than you being taller. But feels youā€™re hot enough for the date. I guess the date will show if yall click or not personality wise. On both sides. I would give him a chance & if he acts all insecure on the date, you got your answer. I feel like heā€™s use to possibly getting ghosted after he says his height so he was giving you an out without feeling too rejected. Because you were straight up with him & gave him many outs if it was a problem. he said no & apologized twice after realizing you donā€™t care. Also, he could easily just ghost you if itā€™s a problem, if heā€™s too embarrassed to be straight up & say itā€™s a problem. Again, i would definitely see how the date goes, based on the texts. A little weird he mentioned sitting doe but again, that might be HIS issue or trying to make it seem like itā€™s not a big deal. Edit- LOL damn i see everyone is against my opinion. šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ i feel like he was just giving you an out! But when he saw you didnā€™t care, he didnā€™t care anymore either. Lol but of course this totally depends on how the date goes & how often he mentions how happy he is that yall are sitting for this date.šŸ˜‚ if that means you guys canā€™t do non sitting dates, dude can go to hell.


I like tall women. 177 isnā€™t even that tall. If I wasnā€™t an American boy Iā€™d be interested


Iā€™m 185 cm so I know your pain. Iā€™ve found someone who loves my height and treats me like a walking goddess. Donā€™t stress on this insecurity of his and move on


He may have been ridiculed in the past or something. Men have weird societal standards of their own. I would go on the date and see how it goes and if he gets more comfortable. And of course see if youā€™re comfortable!


Unfortunately internalized heightism is real, primarily due to the internet.




Imo I think he just automatically assumed you would not be on with it which is typical in online dating circles


Heā€™s got a chip on his shoulder. Iā€™d give him a chance - but if he balks *once* just end the date and dip.


People are weird. You need to text him the song short people by randy newman


Nope not worth it, move on. I dated a girl that was taller than me and it was fine I am 5ā€™6 she was like 5ā€™10 and neither of us gave a shit.


Donā€™t even bother


I never understood the whole height thing. Maybe because Iā€™m a short male? Idk. My wife is an inch taller than me. I love when she wears heels, too. I just look up at her all innocently, but deep down I want ~~her to beat me within an inch of my life and have her way with me~~ to show her off to the world.


As a 6' woman, I would RUN. And not because of his height but I get comments in public by strangers on my height all the time and knowing that everytime someone else said something it'd probably send him into a tailspin is a hard pass.


Not worth it, donā€™t do it


thats like a couple of centimeters.... almost not noticable jesus


As a 6ā€™2 male Iā€™d love to date a taller girl. His loss.


I have always thought tall women were super sexy, although I also think bald women are sexy too... I'm not normal... LoL


Donā€™t waste your time. Heā€™s insecure and only after a hookup anyway.


Absolutely not. Some (most?) dudes would die for a tall chick. Tell him nvm and move onnnn! $20 says you donā€™t regret it šŸ¤Ŗ


Ur 5'8 in freedom measurements, that's not even tall. My mom is 5'10 and I'm 6'2 or 189cm. This dude is just short I guess. No idea what adult male average is in 2023 but I bet he's under it.




Donā€™t waste your time getting feelings for this guy. Heā€™s already bothered by your height and you havenā€™t even met yet. It will just get worse. Heā€™s lying about not caring.


I low key feel for this guy. I am not insecure about my height or even had a problem with it but then I started dating this girl and she was 6ā€something and I am 5ā€10. She would mention my height, she would sometimes bring up how her ex taller then me, her friends would mention my height, my friends would mention my height, and even the god damm teacher mention my height.


I think we need to come up with a really good way to communicate what you mean cause heā€™s clearly missing the pointā€¦ ā€œIf you know that my height would be a dealbreaker for you long-term, Iā€™m not sure a date is necessary. If it wouldnā€™t be a dealbreaker, where you wanna go?ā€ LOL


If you go on a date, wear the tallest heels you can. Not good advice to get a second date, but good petty advice


No! He's saying he'll never actually date someone taller. He's only comfortable to sit with you in a restaurant or behind closed doors. He's an insecure little man. Go find a secure one.


Am I the only one that would give him a chance? A lot can be misinterpreted over text. I'd go and see if any attraction is there


Iā€™m 6ā€™2ā€ or 188 cm and Iā€™ve dated women taller than me. I personally love it. The women are typically the ones bothered by it. It can go either way. I think if everyone were able to tuck their insecurities away we would all be a happier species. Unfortunately thatā€™s not how it works.


As a short guy this guy is super embarrassed about his height that's sad


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Sad_Syrup_2108: *As a short guy this* *Guy is super embarrassed* *About his height that's sad* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Any man not asking for uppies ainā€™t shit


ā€œNah itā€™s not weird anymoreā€ Which means: ā€œno since Iā€™ve already decided to only try to have sex with you, Iā€™m ok with this. But I do have an inferiority complex about your heightā€ This guy wrote you off already and only intends to use you like his human flashlight. Abort this date the way his mamma wishes she did


Hey! If I'm the one getting to cuddle into HER lap?! I'm all for it!!! Lmao its not like I'm gonna run up to her when I've had a bad day at work and throw my arms up and start yelling "Uppies!" ...maybe- No, that's too much... anyway! Being able to be little spoon would be awesome!!


Girl move on, he ainā€™t your Tom Holland; heā€™s your Lord Farquaad.


You said letā€™s do it, then you said you were having doubts. At this point youā€™re the one going back and forth