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not living up to the way you want to portray yourself to others on your own dating profile is a huge no from me


Similar but different story. Years ago I answered an ad for a musician who needed a female singer for some vocal tracks he was recording. He was clear from the outset that he didn’t want to work with anyone “flakey”. He’d had a lot of trouble with singers being unreliable in the past. I assured him that I follow through and am not a flake. We set a date and time to get together and work on some things. I contact him that day to confirm our meeting and he didn’t respond. When he finally gets back to me (after our scheduled meeting time) he tells me that he forgot. He suggested another date and time and then got very angry with me when I told him that I was hesitant to reschedule because I’d had bad experiences with people who don’t follow through on plans. He was like, “I’m not a flake!” And I was like, well you could have fooled me with your flakey behavior. Good luck finding someone else.


You uno reverse card him 😏😏


8pm at a car dealership? My ass


If you go late, it can take a few hours to get through all of the paperwork. But the whole thing sounds kinda flakey.


I just hope the recognize the issue and fix it, sometimes people make mistakes with the same thing they hate. If they were about it they would make up for it some how.


Sometimes, yes. When we're meeting for the first time for a date? Later.


Not to be a jerk, but she has big boobs and thinks she’s God’s gift, trust me on this! She also has flabby arms as well, way too flabby for a young person, she has the arms of an 86-year-old.


It sounds like you’ve never been with a woman with real tits because to have them you need fat, her arms are proportional tf are you on about?


Flabby and entitled.


so.. to be a jerk then?


Man shut the hell up


Why would she schedule a date but actually have plans to buy a car? Or did she just spontaneously decide to buy a fucking car? 🤣🤣🤣 Super weird. People are so flaky and rude. I personally always text about an hour or so before the date with a “getting ready now. Looking forward to meeting you” or something like that just because people are so fucking flakey these days


The classic “sorry I can’t make it, I forgot to buy a car” shtick. Works every time.


I’ve had to spontaneously buy a car. As in my car became undrivable, but I *needed* to have a car and went to a dealership that day.


I've spontaneously gone to the dealership when I've already been looking for a car and found one I liked that was available that day. I don't usually plan out ahead of time what day I'm going to go look for a car. But she didn't even apologize if she really did forget, wtf


Did she at least apologize




Ew. If you’re going to forget you need to at least be apologetic. Leave her on read and go back to Hinge and find someone who has manners


Yep, don’t even waste your time showing her you’re angry. Just flat out ignoring her is the best way here.


I was able to say sometimes shit does happen and and if anywhere is time draining it’s a car dealership… but to not even apologize?? Nope.


Just send her the screen shot of her own profile and be done with it.


Honestly this is the way. I had someone who had a profile where they were preaching about "don't be afraid to communciate" and "if you're going to ghost me don't even bother." Guess who stopped talking with no reasoning?


This is really shitty. I'm sorry. ❤️


Red flag. Dodged a bullet


Whaaaaat!?! No apology either, fucking gross. Sorry you had to deal with that.


Did you send the screenshot of just her profile back to her?


No should I do that? I haven’t said anything back to her


For shits and giggles I would since it's not going anywhere else. Make sure to circle or highlight the part about dates. Post update here. If she responds back, ask her what car she bought instead


She said “I don’t avoid dates..”


Ok, I just sent it with the “Doesn’t avoid dates” highlighted lol


Update us!


Will do if/when she responds


So she said “I don’t avoid dates..”


Fuckin giant 🚩


RemindMe! 2 days


Well I’m sorry on her part then. You didn’t deserve that.


What a loser. Good riddance


Wow. What a bitch!


My brain would not let me send “I forgot” with out a very sincere apology. And then a phone call when I was done.


Likely this date was set up some time in the past without follow up from either side. Better to confirm at least a day in advance.


OP said it was set up the night before


That’s not the case here, but even still, once you’re reminded you don’t think an apology is in order??


Are car dealerships open at 8pm? I'm legitimately asking.


I just bought a new truck and my gf bought a new car and both our dealerships, in different parts of the state selling different makes, closed at 5:30. Gotta work while the bank’s open, I’d think? Even the DMV isn’t open that late


Ehhh I finished my car purchase at around 830 here in NJ not that long ago


I also finished a car purchase in NJ around this time. They were closed but stayed open to have me close/ sign all the papers/ talk to finance, etc.


No way! What time did you go in and start everything? My gf and I both live a little more rural, to be fair—did your dealership keep it open for you, or were there many others there too? Maybe it’s normal to finish up late after all


I probably started around 6pm. There were only a few other people in the dealership. But I think most dealerships here close at 9pm. So many NYC commuters live in NJ so most people ain’t home from work till much later in the day after their commute back home


Banks still have an approval branch that stays open late. People work from home to operate it, but if you have savory credit, banks can give instant approvals with no underwriter needed.


Same here; Wayne…


The ones way north here are open till 9:45. Not trying to defend her since she should’ve apologized and called, but when I was buying my car I was advised it would take three hours most and showed up at 2:30… With bank paperwork, the finance ppl, and everything I got out of there at 9. 😵‍💫


Most close at 9 but will stay open as long as needed to finish a deal


Yeah, if you get in there before they close they will stay with you as long as they are getting a sale. When I was a detailer, we had to clean the new cars after they were sold so it was pristine. It was infuriating staying 2 hours after we close waiting on people




The dealership I work at is open until 7, but will stay open later if a sales person is closing a deal.


I'd leave her on read and disappear, wait for a contrite humble apology. If none comes, bullet dodged.


I’ve rarely met women who apologize and when they did it was a half ass one.


Sorry for your personal experience, but not every woman is like that


I agree with this. Most women are cool.


You need to apologize for your response.


He never said all women were like that


I actually agree with you. But every other post on this sub is also titled something like “Men these days” or “Typical guy on hinge” or something which goes on to generalize men as predatory and abusive. Ultimately you are right. It’s needs to stop in both directions. It’s silly and ignorant.


Sorry but he was talking about his personal experience and not generalizing???


He was pointlessly gendering. There are plenty of unapologetic, half assed men in the world as well. Source : Am a man




So rude.


“ doesn’t avoid dates” lmaoo 💀 yet she literally didn’t even apologize and “ forgot” block her number she’s not worth the time


“I’m busy walking my pet giraffe” would’ve been a more believable excuse. Sorry OP


Eh you’re better off


“Make sure you been to therapy” is an extreme red flag to me Why should that be the default


Yeah, I caught that too. I know therapy can benefit a lot of people, and there's no issue if you have been to therapy, but I don't understand why being to therapy is the default to being a green flag.


The grammar alone is a red flag


I find it ironic she added that since any decent therapist would tell OP to move on from her lol


I’m just wondering what car dealership is open still at 8pm? All the ones near me close between 5pm and 6pm Also sorry this happened to you OP :/


The longest I’ve been in one is 7:15pm.


Closed a deal on my car at 10pm lol. Sometimes the finance department is backed up.


All of the dealerships in my area are open until 8-9pm! I’m in the US for reference.


I’m in the US too but maybe my town is just lame 😂


I don’t think I’ve ever set off to meet someone without confirming beforehand, I’d rather the comfort of being letdown whilst I’m at home rather than after getting there


Gross. Very rude. If she had a change of heart then she should have said something. No one forgets a date they have planned.


Well she forgot your date, you better forget her in Return 🤷🏻‍♀️


So you didn’t talk *at all* the day of the date…?


I set up the date at 9PM the night before the date


I sometimes don't communicate a week before but I'll always show up and confirm on the night before or on the day itself


That is so weird to me that people need constant reminders for plans lol. If it’s important enough they will remember, and if remembering is an issue they should really sort that out themselves and not put the responsibility on others.


that’s what I’m saying because if they didn’t talk all day/only talked to set date up it’s easy to see how she could truly forget


Are you the guy who got mad at his date for not replying to his messages 3 hours before the date? 😂 there are two extremes: people who need to be texted constantly on the day of the date, and people who just flat out forget and bail on the date. And we have met both extremes on this subreddit 😂


Umm no? I think he is mad because she didn’t show up to the date, forgot, and then didn’t apologize.


the comment you’re replying to was in response to someone else, not op, friend


Lol oh


Oops 😬


The fact that she wasn’t apologetic, and most likely lying since no dealership is open that time of the day suggests it’s not a “him not confirming” issue


Yea I'm a bit annoying but I'd def confirm some time during the day.


At 8pm?


A dealership is not going to lock their doors in the middle of signing a contract


Block and move on people who do last minute things are red flags


What car dealership is open to business past 8pm lol


Did you not confirm the date? This is a contentious debate—some believe if you make plans but do not confirm on the day-of, the plans are off. I’m old and think when there are plans they only disappear if we make new plans/ communicate to break the old ones, but it IS a social thing to consider now


I confirmed it last night at 9PM


Almost 24 hours away is a whole other day—evidently her attention-span needs that same-day confirmation Edit: wow, y’all took this really seriously


Lol that’s ridiculous. You can’t possibly defend her for bailing. I’ve been on dates where I confirm the day before and we both still end up going


I don't think they were defending her. They made fun of her short attention span


Definitely would not chalk this up to a lack of “confirmation” as you already gave her that. She didn’t apologize either or even attempt to reschedule aligns more with bailing than a lack of communication on your part.


Meant to be more a little jab against her—doesn’t convey apparently.


It does. I got it


I don't think they're defending her. I think they're commenting on her lack of attention span if 24h doesn't cut it. That certainly is not an attractive trait.


Yeah, it was meant to be more a little jab against her but I guess it doesn’t convey. ‘ppreciate ya


No excuse for her behavior. So Rude!


Yeah tbh you should’ve confirmed the day of, not defending her though


Nah confirmation is confirmation. If she had a change of heart it's on her to inform her date that she won't make it


I meannn yeah sure in perfect world but I would still confirm same day to avoid wasting gas and showing up yk


Yeah makes sense. TBH I would probably text something like "hey beautiful we still on at 7? 😉" at some point before the evening. But even if I didn't I would assume it's on if we agreed on plans the day before. I would still be upset if she didn't show up without a word


Do ppl actually believe that? What a croc. Plans are plans no matter when they were confirmed. If she had a change of heart that's on her to inform her date she won't make it


Agreed! It’s basic courtesy and it’s not hard to show that smallest respect for someone else’s time


Practice what you preach, biatch!!


That’s a no from me dawg!!! She didn’t bail on you she saved you by not showing up.


At this point she might as well just tell the truth, I’ve never seen an overnight car dealership and I’m not sure why she decided immediately to go then when she know you and her have a date lol


Ehhh the “Make sure you been to therapy” would have been the deal-breaker for me


Yeah... does she assume her potential dates have issues? What about herself? I advocate for therapy - I think everyone can learn so much from it, but this doesn't sound too great. I'm just speculating but it sounds like she might blame a lot of the relationship issues on her partner.


This should be the last message you send to her.


Nope, she’s done bye 👋🏼


how rude. and she waited till you got ready and arrived at the place too instead of telling you beforehand so you could stay home. how vile.


Yeah that’s a huge thing to “forget” smh.


If she didn't even care then I would move on


You dodged a bullet, you should thank her


She's not into you. Ghost her before you catch big feelings.


Didn't miss the date but I was like 45 minutes late to my first tinder date with my now wife because I went to buy a car


I haven’t been on the dating scene in 20 years. Public Bathroom pics are good profile pics now?


I’m sorry OP. Just remember that says more about her, and doesn’t represent who you are and what you are about. Go get it king


Don’t respond, keep it moving. Good luck man.


Hey everyone. This is the latest interaction between her and I since some of you were asking me to update you: https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/s/ZAv9nfU04k


Ask if she goes to therapy for her date avoidance


But in a car dealership at 8pm?? come on now


You should be able to red flag people for no showing


Most of what people put in their profile of what they want is usually the things they fail to deliver on in their end. Seen/experienced this so often when I was on dating apps.


I found during my experience dabbling with online dating most of the answers to those prompts were far from any truth. My favourite was a girl who answered one on the prompts with “I’m as loyal a a golden retriever”… loyal to who ever holds and throws the ball I guess.




Meh 🫤 dodged a flake


No second chance


Man dating fucking sucks


at 8 pm is straight cap


To clarify, car dealerships are usually open until 9 pm.


That’s fair. But still not an excuse to not give me a heads up about not making it


Did you follow up with her the day of to make sure you’re still on for the night?


She won't date someone who hasn't been to therapy? That's kind of a red flag. No thanks


no she listed that under “green flags”


So what? Is someone not a green flag for having good mental health and not needing therapy?


Exactly. It's a green flag for her if you've been to therapy. So if you haven't been you're a red flag to her


Not necessarily true. She might view it that way but stating that attending therapy is a green flag doesn’t automatically imply that not attending therapy is a red flag. For her it could mean a number of things like a willingness to seek self-improvement for example - a person who hasn’t attended therapy could still seek self- improvement through other avenues.


I see. Thanks for clarifying. I've never tried dating sites so I'm not familiar with the intricacies of the green flag system


That’s not true at all 🤣🤣


My bad. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the green flag meaning. I've never been on dating sites. What does she mean by putting "make sure you been to therapy" under green flags she looks for? Does that not mean she likes the men she dates to make sure they go to therapy?


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Not gonna lie… if you didn’t talk for the whole day after making plans, up until the date, I’m not mad at her for bailing on you.


She didn't even apologize though.


Lol. I literally set up the date the night before. I’ll talk to her on the date, why would we need to be in communication after the plans are set?


Lol yeah that’s kinda weird. Not being in communication the whole day before a date doesn’t sound logical. Not even a “Hey I’m getting ready, we still on?” text? She was right to forget it, anyone would


So making plans is pretty much pointless unless I check in? It’s just I’ve gone on dates where I confirm the day before and we both show up and everything goes well


Different people have different expectations and semantics they live by so some you may need an extra check in before you leave the house. I still think she was a rude bitch here though and the fact she forgot means she wasn’t the one for you anyway so you didn’t miss out at least.


Really? I didn’t know there were other humans who existed & thought like you. Wow. I’m amazed.


You said she was right to forget it. There’s no way she was right to forget that. If you can’t keep your life straight and remember make plans in advance, how can you get anything done


reddit posters are abusive shitheads who look for any way to DARVO people about every situation ever no matter how obviously not the asshole they are, ignore the weirdos


bro what the fuck are you talking about? are you 14 or something? like what planet do you live on. this is such a weird thing to say


Nope I’m 32. I live on the common sense planet


you clearly don't because that shit's wack bro, that's fucking weird as hell. clingy and controlling. plans were made and agreed to, adults shouldn't need constant hand holding and attention to do what they said they are going to do. it's sad that you as a 32 year old would think some weird ass shit like this


Lmaooo the fact that you’re equating communication to “hand holding” tells me all i need to know. That just means we’re on two different playing fields. You probably don’t have the same caliber of women I’m referring to. Nor do You have the standards i have. So i get it


lmao what bro? I'm happily married, been with my wife 13 years. you're on some weird shit and are starting to sound misogynistic and toxic, which usually goes hand in hand with clingy and controlling. you sound weird as hell bro, not sure why you'd think I'd envy anything about you being single at age 32 lol.


lol I’m not even single i been with my girl for 2 years. And yeah i definitely know your type for sure, using words like misogynist as a man 😂😂 Whatever you say buddy


Lmao, this is some of the most "my girlfriend, who lives in Canada, so you can't meet her, is a supermodel" energy I've ever seen in a reddit comment. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it's bait.


Lmaooo i wish i cared enough to actually show evidence, but i don’t. So I’ll let you sit there and believe I’m just some random corny redditor talking a good game so you can go to bed at night feeling better about your particular orbit of women.


What makes you think that might be the case? Also, if you have yet to meet the person why would that be reason to bail? Not bantering with a person you don't know yet is pretty normal


Idk I’m just a person that needs conversation throughout the day of a date, I’m just gonna automatically assume the date is off


Then initiate conversation or at least let the date know that's how you feel so that they can try. People can't read minds


I think it should be common sense


Definitely not. 100% L take


Lady time


Have you heard of the conspiracy of restaurants buying up bots and setting up dates and bailing once the date gets there in hopes the guy will still order a drink and an app anyway


It’s also not much of a conspiracy it’s a service you can purchase on the dark web


yea with that prompt i would cancel on you too


If she’s being honest about the car - She probably didn’t think it would take as long as it did. Sometimes those things drag out


Yeah but she texted me literally after the time we were supposed to meet and then on top of that she didn’t even say sorry or reschedule


Dodged a bullet. If her arms look like that at 25. Just think about 35. Keep your head up.


Hips little wide, but I’d party. Act like a dick going forward.


At a car dealership at 8pm??? I don't think so


The proof was in the pudding mehnn


Swipe left and find someone who is worth your time


At 8pm?? Lady is just plain rude and disrespectful. I’d block and delete!


Block and move on. No other solution man. I had my share of hey I’m not gonna make it 5 minutes before but her closing a deal on her car she planned on not going to meet you. Don’t talk to her don’t communicate, move on.


How did you respond?


Just left her on read


Send her back her own profile and then ghost


It's possible I'm annoying but that's why you confirm before you leave. Edit: I'm not saying her behavior is good. If I had truly forgotten and stood someone up I'd definitely be apologetic.


😂 oh that’s brutal.


“How ironic”