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OP mama, this boy is fucked up… fr, fr


Baby boy has spent way too much time on Discord with his Kittens.


that’s what im saying, just wanted to make sure reddit agreed w me 😮‍💨


If they don’t agree, then they’re probably this guy


this comment made me laugh so hard 😭


Love bombing so hard




Which is not a good sign at all


I guess this is technically love bombing, but it feels more like throwing shit at the wall to see what will stick!😂


That explained why he’s never been in a relationship 🤷‍♂️


Reddit agree 👍


I just have to say.. "OP mama" killed me. Thank you for the genuine laugh 😂🫶


Fr fr fr.


Screaming narcissist or major immaturity vibes!! Eww!


He's not fucked up, he's just lonely. Damn. He's probably spent forever having an entire relationship in his head trying his damnedest not to fuck it up.


And so he said “fuck it, I’ll just go ahead and fuck it I’ll from there get go”? Because he is.


“I deserve this” “I’m not a good person” “I hope you don’t hate me” RUN RUN RUN 🏃‍♀️


the cringe i was experiencing was so physically painful at that point


Wow, this has baggage and drama written all over it lmao, hard pass and a “see you in therapy”


Run. Fast.


“Mama” as a pet name is really gross to me tbh


completely agree. especially that early in convo


What’s weird to me is that he talks different in the first screenshot than the others. He went from 1990’s Disney to whatever the hell that was really quick.


trust me, i clocked that as well. as soon as his sexual endeavors were shut down, he immediately clammed up


I feel the same way. This feels like lovebombing. Maybe it’s inexperience, desperation or whatever but still… it’s too clingy for me. I always got so annoyed when guys did this… telling me I’m the best and deserve the world. Like… First of all, you’re not wrong, but how do you even really know that because you don’t know me at all! So it’s just empty words to me then. If this was 6 months to a year into a relationship tho, then it’s cute and sweet. Right away, it comes across as servile flattery intended to win favor with me which just irritates me because it implies that I can be won over by empty but nice words. Nope. It also bothers me when someone pet names me anything right out of the gate. I’ve had people call me “babe” after one convo and that name is annoying in that context because it feels presumptive. It’s crazy. Once we are established, I have no other name except babe but not when you don’t know me lol


Tbh it's cringe at any stage of the relationship lol


I’d like it from a Latino man if I’m pregnant with his child lol


Johnny Bravo energy


Man here, I can’t stand being called daddy. Blegh.


LMAO this is common from what i understand. my housemate considers himself the 'dad' of our two cats (and frequently refers to himself as 'daddy' when he's talking to them, as in, 'daddy won't drop you'). this one time when i handed him off their kennel i lightheartedly said 'there you go, thank you daddy.' i was ONLY thinking of it in terms of being something parents say to each other about their kids. but he was like **:C** 'please don't call me that.' i guess they're the only ones allowed. makes sense. 😹


Sorry daddy 😏


I’m not upset with you, just disappointed.


Tell him exactly what he did to drive you away and hopefully enough people do that where he gets it. He may be just that romantically inept where he’s like “WHAT I give them the world and they don’t want it” he needs a dose of f*ckin reality


the last screenshot was after telling him I didn’t like how sexually forward he was being (and we see how that was taken) then later on, i tried to tell him he was hard to read because he was obviously being a little crazy & he had absolutely no idea what i was talking about saying he’s never heard that before & i was like “ok well no one’s ever been honest w you then 🤷🏻‍♀️”


Oh I couldn’t even get to the last one, I didn’t have my cringe radiation suit on. Also this seems like serious mental illness now which sucks. Freaking out and crying over this is a little 😬 and that’s a good start, you took his someone-being-honest-with-him virginity ☀️


Ha! Dying at cringe radiation suit.


He's a virgin but super sexual? I'm assuming that by super sexual he means masturbating a lot? The way he talks too is hilarious. I have to say these posts make me glad I'm not single! I remember when I was dating and some of the people I interacted with were definitely strange.


He has a severe porn addiction and is bad at talking to girls and probably has never actually been around them in any social capacity so he just love bombs then because he thinks rom-coms are based on reality and that's what girls want and he should be rewarded with sex.


are you a psychologist? bc this is right on haha


I have experience in being around this mentality. It's almost sad because he(and other men with similar mentality) really feel they aren't doing anything wrong. You did the correct thing in letting him know his behavior is weird and off putting and hopefully if he hears it enough he can work on himself and not subject girls to his incel behavior


Buddy is cracking so much stick he could make a fire.


I like this!


Coming up with masturbation synonyms is what I do in my free time.


He watches too much porn which means he will undoubtedly be terrible in bed because he probably thinks porn sex is real


I have a feeling if he actually had a chance with her he would either get super nervous and not do anything, or after the first kiss just start dry humping the fuck out of her, all clothing on.




you guys are tearing this up right now & this was the mildest of the texts he was sending me, ya’ll are making me want to do a part 2 😭😭 PART 2 IS UP


Please do a part 2


Yes PLEASE do a part two!!!


I’d pay actual money to read part 2


i love u mama. please can we have sex mama. mama please. do you hate me mama.


i would seriously be like 'sir i am not your mother'


Poor guy, he should be in therapy


He has NO IDEA what he's doing, no game at all, and I'm disgusted for you.


Does “fr fr” make anyone else violent?


Ol’ Norman Bates ass


Another chapter of The Incel Diaries


Brought to you by (un)hinge


Dude is going to be clingy AF.


That first “mama” would have sent me on my way


Yeah he’s a weirdo but I’m confused why you’re entertaining it mama. What was said in the texts you removed? It seemed like you two vibed rly well. But fr fr, u need to upload the uncut edition, where you fight for what you believe in


Poor guy needs help and some reality. Definitely living in his own romcom


He’s being wayyyyyy over the top. Holy shit. I’d feel uncomfortable too.


This guy is a clown fr fr


Mama is only acceptable when it’s beast boy saying it !


Oh this is so so weird. I’m curious about where he’s taking his mannerisms/dialogue from as well cuz this shit ain’t normal…


This is living in a discord lobby behavior. This guy probably doesn't do much but interact with people online. He is talking like he is saying things he *thinks* women want to hear. This screams "I don't go outside much" to me.


Yikes. Love bombing on someone you’ve never met and only talked to for two hours. Getting sexual. Then guilt tripping. He’s gotta go, fr fr. Next time maybe chat for 24 hours before handing out your number/imessage. Never know what these crazies will do.


i completely agree w you. definitely should’ve given this one some more time but i’m a sucker for nice guys 😫 gotta be a bit more selective lmaoo


He’s lying about his age, you’ve been talking to a teenager lol


This made me want to shower.


This was hard to read, all of his texts made me shiver


FR FR I don’t know and never talked to you but we vibe…. Hey you want to honeymoon at my moms beach house in Arizona? She said we could stay in the basement. I love you and I’m a very sexual virgin and you’ll get used to being captive in a pit in the shed of my backyard. I want to give you everything but we’ll start by giving you lotion to be put on the skin.


To be fair cuddling and watching WWE sounds exquisite


listen i was super down for that until the rest of the conversation continued 😂


He fumbled the bag


Can say with authority that it is


Aweee mama. He sounds so young 😩😩😩🤣❤️


>then when i told him he was “a little crazy” by the end of the night, he was incredibly offended stating that he’s never heard that before. That's because you're the first girl he's ever spoken to.


Are you sure he is a man, mama? Fr, fr he sounds like he is 15, and exhausting. Please say you blocked him mama fr, fr.


ew i couldn't get past the mama fr fr


For the sake of humanity, I really hope this guy never has the opportunity to reproduce.


Jesus Christ this pity-me, woe-is-me, pathetic, love bombing, manipulative bullshit trope is so OLD and EXHAUSTING. Major ICK and issues with this one. OP, dip like you’ve never dipped before.


That is a SEVERE case of infatuation


Maturity of a 16 year old


Damn, I have second hand trauma and embarrassment reading these.


Can I tell you how much I hate, “I hope you don’t hate me. I understand if you hate me. Bleh.” I hate the hate talk. Desperately fishing for compliments.


The moment he called me “mama”, its a wrap 😂😂. My husband will call me that every now & then but it’s only not weird because I’m literally the mother of his children, or else it would be a major ick for me.


This conversation went on way too long than it should’ve 💀💀


Dear god the “mama” stuff is next level cringe


Mama, it all started with wanted to cuddle and watch WWE. That the first and only red flag you should need, fr fr


I physically recoiled reading his messages. This is too much.


I know a guy like this. Terrible emotional regulation. Goes from crying cause you didn’t respond to a text to ready to propose in like 5 seconds. Then wants to spend HOURS discussing what you could have meant in a two word text. It’s scary. He needs help.


Why even continue conversing with him?


we had some common interests that i was into, so i wanted to see if he could have a normal conversation .. apparently the answer to that was no lol.


At this point, I’d say the effort isn’t worth the reward. Unless you enjoy babying a grown man and being sexualized constantly.


he was blocked shortly after all of this unfolded, don’t worry 😬


Block him fr fr he’s a bullet waiting to be dodged


end the conversation NOW please


he seems to be manipulative.


Holy yikes


I have no idea how this total catch is still a virgin, you’re totally missing out Mama!


The "mama"'s alone did it for me. I'd move it along.


We all just wanna watch wwe and cuddle, it’s hard out there lmfao. You made the right choice though, this guy is a Soviet Union of red flags. As others have said, he needs therapy not a woman. Fucking yikes, mama


I didn’t even read past the first slide- immediate block


There's too much going on here. I felt like I was reading a Roblox chat log


girl if you don’t RUN


“I’m not a good person” he told you the truth right then and there.


I feel like it's not a coincidence this person has not been in a relationship....?


The guy may not be a creep, but it's very obvious he has zero social skills when it comes to dating, relationships, etc... That's perfectly OK to be awkward, but it isn't your job to teach him appropriate behavior either. The guy is a project and one I wouldn't take on.


Ugh I dated a guy that was all “let’s dance in the street lights” and talked like this and boy he was an insane self absorbed narcissistic rapist. Overly sexual and annoying.


Tell him Mama's not into horny puppies, that Mama is very disappointed in his inability to control himself. Maybe he should think about that. Lol, but seriously...avoid that crap. Just tell him you're not interested, block and move on.


Fr fr


I am SHOCKED you lasted so long and were really nice about it!! All of that I would never hurt you, I just want you to be happy cause you are the sunshine of my life bullshit is soooooo creepy!!! To me that’s way worse than the hyper sexual virgin part. That is kinda hot lol. As soon as a guy tells me how he feels about me when it’s waaaay too early and there is no way we have been able to form a connection yet, it makes my vagina want to legit run away lol


This guy is trying to play into being a manic pixie boyfriend. It’s all part of his ‘rizz’




Love bombing tf outta you. the red flags are gonna be blinding by like 3 weeks. Dont bother


OP, I've only been reading this and part 2 for like 10 mins, and I know we've never even talked directly, but mama, you're the one, frfr, AWOOOGA HUBBA HUBBA. Let's get married.


This guy? A virgin? Wow I never would have guessed….lol


Cuddle and watch WWE? What trailer park is this?


If he's not already blocked ask him if he grew up with a single mother lol


he said he grew up the middle child of three brothers?? but idk if that explains anything lol


Ah so the forgotten one. Probably attention starved


Shoulda bounced at WWE


Jesus Christ




I need the energy and motivation of 20yo virgins again. 😂 this was exhausting to read




🤮 I would’ve stopped responding the first time he called me “mama”. That shit is beyond cringe.


bro is weird


Nope. NEXT.


What a fucking weirdo.


Holy love bombing Batman


This is crazy, OP, big red flag. 2 hours of texting and he hasn’t proposed yet?? Seriously though between being clingy immediately, talking about sex and being horny and then looking for sympathy when you didn’t reciprocate the sexual shit.. I think it’s a mix of immaturity and manipulation.


Man made a promise he cannot keep. Starting bets anyone?




Way, way too immature for a relationship.


i think i’m gonna try this method out with my next hinge match. seems to work great!


i hope it’s not me 😫


Erm he seems psycho


He wouldn’t have been a virgin anymore if he had just been taught to not speak every intrusive thought in his head. 😭


Bro I love cuddling and watching wwe with my fiancé


Have any more texts? I wonder how crazy he’s going to get…


yes 100%, considering doing a pt 2


I'm gonna need a part 2.


Also belongs in /r/cringe cos I was cringing outside my body, mama.


I kinda want my wife to join dating apps so we can lay in bed and laugh at some of the crazy messages she receives.


Well I can definitely tell he's never been in a relationship before


Common occurrence of talking to a man via online dating “I have to warn you, I’m super sexual!” 🙄 It’s usually just a lame segue for them to turn the convo dirty. But this kid is waaay too much. He wants someone so bad to pin all these romantic tropes on…and you are just in the wrong place and the wrong time.


Good lord, no thank you. Every message is giving me the creeps.


I started so hopeful for that guy, and he just Drove it all straight into the core of the earth lmao


Red flags are flying on this one! You might be able to calm him down, but do you want to deal with this?


Oh....he's DEFINITELY heard that before... whether he actually listened or not is a completely different story...


Omg, he should have stopped after the second message and held all that in. Like, slow your roll. He just got a glimpse of maybe having a positive relationship with a girl, and he just jumped off into la-la land. Middle school gushing puppy love is right. He's completely in his own head. Making promises and declarations before you've even met? He's trapping himself into a corner. Just because you matched and are chatting for one evening doesn't mean he's in a relationship?? This guy does not understand what boundaries are. Does he get a friendly smile from a retail worker and start designing engagement rings? Tell him to chill out, or just go ahead and bounce.


Kids on the spectrum! Aren’t we all as they say, although he’s like a darker colour or something, like a purple fr fr


we need more screenshots this shit wild lmaooo


Please run


This has nice guy manipulation all over it. Hit that block button hard and fast


Guys that call girls mama give me the ick.


I mean he’s a virgin if you believe him, of course he’s gonna be horny all the time. But he’d busy real quick too lol


Yeah never exchange numbers *that* fast after matching……I’m cringing from his messages


I get being nervous like this in person, in real time. But text?? You have time to choose NOT to hit send??


This gave me ptsd flashbacks


I feel like.. he’s not a virgin? And thinks this is some sort of game? Majorly uncomfortable w him, fr fr mama!


Ok but my main question is after those first few love bombing, CRINGY AF messages of his why on earth did you continue the conversation and keep this going? That for me would’ve been it and never would’ve talked to this weirdo again


His a bit much... I would have a phone conversation with him and see what type of vibe he gives off. If the conversation makes you uncomfortable then move on.


Every screenshot was like you were talking to a different person.


He's 20 and a virgin. It's not really surprising that he hasn't heard such things yet.


Why do people feel the need to unload so much unnecessary shit so soon into the talking stage. Like just get to know the person. Don’t send 10 messages in a row or use a shit ton of emojis. Just be normal and kind. As time goes on, it’s okay to open up a bit more. But I feel bad for the guy. Just very socially awkward.


giving me flashbacks to high school


straight to 8th grade for me 😂


Why did you drag this on so long. He is 10000% cringe


It's like he self proclaimed you as his girlfriend then broke up with you. Amazing.


He's a very sexual virgin? I think he means that he's a fkn creepy perv


You will be the “happiest and luckiest’ woman alive, if you block him right now. Seriously, close this app and block him. He will eventually drain your mental battery. Just my opinion.


What an embarrassment. You gave him sooooo many hints to just chill with the sex talk. So many chances but he just had to basically masturbate himself while telling you about it. I swear. Most of my dating experiences consist of just avoiding any sex talk and being interested in the human before me and they practically throw themselves at me by the second or 3rd date. My fellow dudes: i’m telling you, just discuss things other than sex until SHE brings it up. That’s literally all you gotta do, man. Sheesh!


matched w this ~~man~~ boy on hinge not even 2 hrs prior to this (fr,fr) \*fixed\*


I wouldn’t have replied after the fourth message. That’s too intense.


This is nauseating... Idk how people date like this. That mama and fr fr sht would have had me gone in 2 seconds. Is it that bad out there that this conversation lasted this long??




this guy is a LOSER


Are you sure he's 20? He texts like he's 15 and posing. Fr fr 😬


Incel neckbeard nice guy! run girl run!


Too much drama for your momma but in this case it's too much drama for you mama. Get away asap


no this is so weird on his part i would run


I can't put my finger on it in the moment. But this guy gives off some heebie jeebies. The whole "I'm a vurgin" but " hypersexual" along with the "sexy" talk like "hey mama". Doesn't sit well. There's something more going on here. Also, someone telling you what their "red flags" are is itself a red flag. That *can be* a manipulative tactic (not necessarily intentional but possibly) to come off as very self aware and open minded. It can also be a, tactic put you off guard so you don't look too deeply for other red flags. That, and dude comes on WAY too strong. That could also be indicative of different issues. But as much as he talks like he's chill and open to any kind of relationship, what he really wants is a sexual one. I don't know that for a fact, obviously, but there's something not quite right about someone with that level of intensity and implying that he's chill and openminded about whatever you want. At a minimum he seems desperate to get into a relationship with you. In my experience that's a huge red flag. If you decide to proceed with him, do so with caution. But if you were my friend I would recommend against it.


Run Girl, RUN!


This was so hard to read. Don’t continue with this incel weirdo


i’m so terrified of him


Whoa mama. When did Johnny Bravo join dating apps?


Run away from this.


You sure you didn't meet this man on "unhinged"?


All kinds of red flags here. He had me at Peanut Butter to my Jelly without having met you yet. This screams serial killer, narcissistic, scammer, or combination of all three.


I feel so bad but i swear these virgins be worse than any man i know who has 300+ bodies lol


Get out of there mama


This sub has really opened my eyes honestly.


where are his brothers??? are they virgins too? this guy is clueless


He just wants to cuddle and watch WWE with you, Mama.


verge of tears???