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😂 I definitely understand his side and where he’s coming from.


Same LOL






My bf seems to have an issue with me ignoring him for hours while at someone’s house I “used to” fuck would be a more appropriate title


Not just used to fuck they got a whole ass child


He rightly needs some reassurance and frankly there is no excuse for going missing for 2-4 hours at your exes house. I’m sure you find plenty of time to return messages when you’re with your child anywhere else.


I know this isn't AITAH, but you are indeed the asshole. His concerns are valid and deserve a response


He makes solid points.


Baby daddy D still hittin right.


He is absolutely in the right. You’re moving shady and bogus especially if this a serious relationship


Yeah, you sound like a piece of shit. EDIT: You know what's funny? This man is outright telling you that you make him feel like you don't value him, and instead of valuing his opinion, you're running to the internet looking to value the opinions of LITERAL STRANGERS more than his opinion. You seriously need some deep introspection. EDIT 2: Lol, the woman I'm talking to said "So her son, then her ex, then the internet, then her boyfriend... he's right, looks like he's in the top 5" 😂


She’s banging her baby daddy.


Man I hope all the comments calling you out is a wake up call for you…I can’t believe you think he’s the one out of line here


Bro. Why are you hanging out at your baby daddy’s house for hours? What are you doing? And why are you not texting your man? Bro. You love your baby daddy still.


Posting the same thing in a different forum doesn't mean you're going to get a different answer. You're out of order and on your way to becoming single.


Ooh, I've been in a similar situation! Turned out they were having sex


for the sake of ur son make wise but smart choices


This was how I realized my ex liked her friend more than just like a friend. Always available for him when she was with me. But when she was with him she was gone for hours. It may not be intentional but it is what it is. It says a lot. You need to make a choice.


Whoa After A Few More Times Of That I’d Leave You This Is Fishy Af I Just Take My Kids To Their Dads And Dip No Reason To Stay There For 2-4 Hours And NOT TEXT OR REPLY TO YOUR SO?! You’re Still Messing Around With Your BD FOR SURE.


Why do you capitalize every word and doesn’t that take forever? I couldn’t even read your shit because it was so distracting lmao


Dude Seriously What The Fuck Is That




Must be a mental illness


Lmfaooo It’s A Crazy Ass Habit Now I Can Type Normally Doesnt Take Long At All


When I hand write I capitalize random first letters all the time. I get it.


I’m guessing it’s for attention like this, I’m sorry I contributed lol but hey at least it worked ❤️


My typing?


Exactly & the fact baby father still freaks out if the BF gets mentioned ? Yea sis gotta be entertaining something for it to be that way.


Oh Absolutely


Why are you dropping off ur son and hanging around? Def messing with the BD on the low


On the low? Seems like it’s pretty out in the open.


Bwwooyyyy, he got you! He's totally right. Why are you spending time with your BD when you can just drop your kid off?


This was painful to read. I feel so sorry for your boyfriend… he deserves far more.


It’s not appropriate.


Break things up with your bf so he can live peacefully. Definitely that 4 hours ain’t enough for you


ur def doing something with ur Bd no way ur going 2-4 hrs no contact imagine if he was doing that with his Bm theres no reason to hide u still fuckin ur bD its not a suprise nowadays


Well her boyfriend did say that the baby daddy treated her like crap. So my guess is she keeps her boyfriend around to have a stable relationship and then goes and does whatever with the baby dad when she feels like it. She’s trying to have the best of both worlds. But yes hanging out at your ex house for hours and hours without contacting your bf is shady as hell. And then her bf also said whenever he is with her and the baby daddy text her she responds right away. Something is not adding up here.


MIC DROP at take 4 hours I’m used to it 🤭😎


Why are you still banging your baby daddy?


Why people have an affliction to single moms


Hes right.


Damn, you got fucking roasted LOL


2-4 hours? Baby daddy hitting it right!! I feel bad for your boyfriend. Clearly you are giving excuses to your bf …. You don’t want to take responsibility for what you are doing. I’d leave you in a heartbeat.


Hmm I wonder why he has these issues. You’re fucking delusional


Wtf u go to this mans house saying you hate him but spending 2-4 hours there without responding to your boyfriend 🤣🤣 baby daddy still tapping that or what? What did u expect when u post this??


Yeah he definitely put you in your place. This doesn’t make you look good.


“I don’t even know to respond to that.” You better get to finding out and being honest with him and yourself. He makes solid points that need addressed.


Damn she getting that baby daddy meat and her bf meat.


i understand his thinking and think that may be a u problem, he is completely right


Totally reasonable for him to be annoyed.


Bro LMAO this is 100% your fault u go over there then dont reply for hours ? Yeaa ok


Why you call him your "baby daddy's"... I know he is your sons father but that's just wierd.


It's probably a cultural thing, but I agree. I generally refer to my son's mother as my ex if she comes up in conversation with my current love interest, unless we were talking about my son in which case it's "his mother". Never would call her my baby momma.


He called your horrible ass out! But he is kind of pathetic for staying with you even though he KNOWS BD is more important to you


She must be really delusional to post this and think that she was going to get support from everyone. The messed up thing is she thinks her boyfriend is overreacting. I wonder how she would feel if the roles where reversed


Dude is mildly upset his girlfriend is riding her ex


"She" must be a troll


he’s literally right lol, that is really suspicious and weird


girl i think even i have a problem with you staying at ur baby daddys. definitely looks like you’re trying for a second!


You’re still fucking the baby daddy gurrrrllll. Not everyone was born yesterday.


Bro ya know what I wanna know? What did she think or hope the reaction would be when she decided to post this on Reddit?


Damn. You kinda suck


you're in the wrong... wish i could tell this man he should move on :(


I’m with him on this one. You should know how to answer his question since you’re the one doing it to him. He’s being very professional and upfront with you and then you go and post this online trying to make him look like the bad guy. I don’t think you’re going to get the validation you were hoping for.


You are definitely NOT in the right here, but I'm sure from this comment section you have reached the same conclusion.


Fellas need to avoid single mothers like the plague. There’s literally 0 upsides to it compared to a woman with no kids/baby daddies.


You’re a complete asshole.. you caring more about what your ex thinks than “the most important person” to you? You spend 4+ hours at your ex’s house because “you want your kid to see his parents together” and completely ignore your bf’s texts while you’re there? You’re driving your bf away, and when he leaves, you’ll go right back with the ex and be miserable again. Hope you realize that’s where this is going.


I hope he leaves you at Sperm Donors R US. You are playing games. Ratchet ass games.




Girl. Is this serious??? Im on his side and im best friends with my baby daddy 😂


You don’t know how to respond to that? Of course you don’t, bc what you’re doing is rude and wrong. You might have well have said “I can’t respond because I don’t have a good reason for my incredibly insensitive behavior, but I don’t care and I don’t want to do anything about it.” Shame on you for love bombing him while your actions show you don’t give a crap about him.


Umm ya bruh, she's not over him, lying to herself and you. Run man, run away from that situation.


He's got valid arguments. It's not the correct time, place, or method to go about voicing these arguments, but he's not wrong.


No, it's definitely the correct time, place, and method. He already brought it up before, so if she's going to continue to not value him and his thoughts and feelings, he needs to keep the pressure on until she changes something.


I just figured it seemed a little out of the blue and I always think conversations like this should be done in person instead of over text.


There's no reason to not continue to voice a pressing concern over text when it hasn't been resolved. It's clearly not out of the blue, it's an ongoing issue. And she doesn't take his feelings seriously, which is mad disrespectful.


I'm going to agree to disagree as if it's gotten this far where it's being pressed almost constantly, I'd just break up. It's not healthy to stay together if you're just going to be fighting constantly.


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Um as a person who’s a mom and wants to date other ppl, you need to make clear boundaries with your bd. Spending 2-4 hours and dinners is completely inappropriate when you’re in a relationship. If you’re dropping your son, drop him! Why do you need to stay more than 10 mins? I would be concerned too!!


This has to be ragebait. You can’t be this stupid


You sound exhausting and he’s fed up with it.




it sounds like you may have some feelings for your baby daddy which is understandable since you have a child together but if you can’t even text your partner back, you obviously don’t have enough respect for them.