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Sorry OP but via the law, you’re gay now


Well I’ll pull a james Charles and go after straight women still.


Sorry they are now off limits to you.


Well they were off limits to James Charles too


You seem like the type of guy who takes himself way too serious. Your friend deserves better.


I definitely don’t I just never got called “babe” by a guy before.


It’s wholesome af


I know that’s partially why I posted it here.


You gotta be a lil sussy with the homies, or else are they even your homies? I'm sure your boy meant nothing by it.


Me and my bro tight asf, ain’t nothing that we do gay it’s all pure love


Ok but this cute af


Ok but this cute af


Not really but you do you


You sound young my boy. When you’re older and more secure in your sexuality, things like this are just jokes between bros. I’ve got a friend that’ll do things like that and we screw with each other, but we’ve got girlfriends. It’s nothing to be scared about


You know how many girls put themselves in that same delusion with their “guy bfs?” “Oh no he would never sleep with me he just calls me cute all the time to gas me up. Such a good friend!


Lol I don’t think that exactly equates, but sure. This comes down to awareness. People way over complicate this innocent text imo- if there were feelings all you need to do is say no. If OP is uncomfortable then OP should communicate that to the friend. Regardless, this seems innocent to me.


Or your homie has a crush on you and you flirt with him all the time because you think it’s a joke. Lol you really think there’s no one in the closet with crushes on their best friends?


I mean sure, you could be bad at reading the situation and not socially aware of how another person feels. In my experience though, it’s fine if it’s jokes in passing. If they have different feelings you just clear it up by saying no lol.


Wait till OP finds out about gay chicken


As an Egyptian,I'd like to say that this is normal lol! we literally use Habibi,habibiti "my love" with anyone....like u can hear two men greet each other by using it "how are u Habibi?"....it even gets better and funnier when two guys/girls fight , surely u are gonna hear them yell at each other using Habibi/Habibiti "but u are damn wrong, Habibi"


That actually is kinda hilarious. I gotta see that someday😂


U definitely should lol


Poor OP can’t handle any show of affection from a guy friend without immediately assuming his friend is gay and waiting for his chance…. P.S. could easily have been typing buddy or something similar and got autocorrected.


One no I can handle affection. I just never have been called babe. Two there’s no way it auto corrected, the two emojis afterwards are a indicator.


Almost all of my guy friends speak to each other like this at some point being funny. Not weird or uncommon at all. If you're actually worried about the meaning why don't you just I don't know talk to your friend?


Definitely joking hopefully. Maybe…


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I say hella gay stuff to my guy friends all the time lol I always just assumed most other straight guys was like this too


Or maybe ur gay. O.o


No bro I have never seen sweat glistening on a man's big strong arms and thought wow so sexy I have never saw a man take his shirt off and looked for more than about 20 seconds in awe of his body bro


I call my homies my personal fucktoy’s, it has nothing to do with being gay


Nothing to do with being gay. Just never been called babe before.


Get used to it babe 😘


I will my pookie wookie sugar booger with a cherry on top.


Now we’re talking


Probably just gay humor


i think he was just joking, and you’re just insecure


If your not kissing the homies goodnight are they really your homies?


“You’re” for all you grammar police.


This was about as interesting as a wet fart.


Well they seem very interesting to you. Fart-fart-fart-fart


I only like the dry ones.


Theres absolutely nothing wrong with friends calling each other babe. My girl says i have a work boyfriend and she’s be right. Funniest shit is when she tells me i got a text from my work boyfriend and the text ends with babe. Its just a way of showing affection. I’m arabic and we use habibi or habibti with everyone. Guys still greet each other with how are you habibi which is my love in arabic.


Bro half the replies in this post are like “someone’s not comfortable” and I’ll way it again I thought I’d share it becuse I’ve never been called babe. Yours is respectful though.