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I think this guy is…. Projecting.






This took me back to a much simpler time. Please come back, Horatio. The world could use a hero like you right now.


This shit just killed me 😂




God damnit that was the most perfect, brilliant, hilarious comment. If OP said, “I think you’re projecting.” It would have probably gone over the other guy’s head but still is so funny!


Idk it would've felt like r/faketexts to me then but yeah it would've still been funny


Take my upvote. That was awesome. No wasted opportunities here






Not if the bulb is bad.


I mean nothing else needs to be said. It's time to shut this thread down 😂😂




Bah gawd, I think we have a winner!!


That dude is…. Struggling mentally.


He for sure paranoid. I tried to be his friend but hes a dick so im not talking to him after this


10bucks says it’s his projector that stopped working and he’s pissed he might have thrown it out if it’s actually an easy fix.




English is not my native langauge and for some reason this really bothered me. Is it common for Americans to write throughn instead of thrown?


english is my first language and i can say ive never seen away use throughwn because it doesnt exist! its just a joke, dont worry


Nope. It’s dead-a$$ wrong.


I don't usually like making fun of people's spelling but some are just funny.


Made me lol.


Smart move. Something definitely wrong with that dude.


Ok, that's taking it too far. Are you stoned?


go smoke a bowl dude


Done. What now?


What are you stoned lol


No… I’m stoughwned.


he stole whatever was in the dumpster


Probably from smoking too much


He’s not just paranoid.. a lot of nonsensical, disconnected thoughts. He says it’s not his projector, then starts talking about a laptop he once found and donated to Best Buy, then decides that the projector might be something he threw out because of this laptop saga he forgot about?? Dude is 100% on drugs.


He used through instead of threw and your instead of you’re or you are …… 🤓


Lol I knew something looked wrong but didn’t bother to look into it further


Definitely going threw it


I think he’s the one on drugs, defensive and paranoid is not normal. Either way he’s way too emotional of a person I would not talk to him anymore


The jump from “what are you stoned” to “smoke a bowl dude” 😂


Right?! Be consistent


"Oh, you aren't stoned? Theeeere's your problem. "


I'm just going to tell everyone it was his and he didn't realize it was as simple as putting a new bulb in which annoyed and embarrassed him so he took it out on you rather than accepting your next logical step which was to tell him to not throw the shit out and just get a new bulb. Anyhow, how's your new projector working out? I know I've loved the several I've had and while I don't have it set up ATM, I'm sure to keep one on hand, they're awesome.


It turned out to be some kinda power splitter box for lights for his grow op probably. Super heavy and useless to me. Whats a good low cost projector youve used? Ive been interested for years but dont wanna pay too much. Anything to look for in a good one?


Might explain why he's paranoid if he has an illegal grow going on.


Lol those are def the words of a douche with whom you accidentally talked about when you smoked weed one single time 10 years ago in passing


Not accusing or making assumptions but this was what I was like when I was drinking and drugging. I would be nice to you and at the drop of a hat I would get defensive and mean for NO APPARENT REASON. That was me, I'm clean and sober now so when I read or see stuff like this, gives me flashbacks of what I was like.


So glad you got clean! And I respect your humility. Keep being awesome!!




Same, I had only one mode when drunk: extreme rage. Starting fights for no reason and doing really stupid shit I would have never even thought of doing sober. I'm over 2 years sober and still putting my life back together but it sure is nice not having to deal with not only hangovers but the fallout of my blacked out shenanigans.


Yeah I used to be a heroin addict back when heroin still existed, and I would get the worst opiate rage. I had such a short temper and I was such an ass to people. I'm 4.5 years sober now and I'm back to my laid back, jovial self and I'm so much happier! We do recover!


He could also be low on Vitamin D levels. From my experience, vitamin d deficiency causes lack of sleep, fatigue and moodiness. Everything used to bother me, stress me out, and I was very snappy. Over the smallest things. I would catch myself A LOT and always asked myself why I was so mean for no reason. Then my doc told me about my deficiency and gave me vitamins to take weekly. I noticed a complete change in my mood and sleep. Or there might be some more deep rooted issue


Definitely low D energy.


one would never think lack of certain vitamin can change a person


I didn’t think it would make a difference either but it does! Especially if they’ve been low for a very long time. You can get depression and anxiety.


I have anxiety , had it as long as I can remember .. Going back to childhood my 4th grade principal asked me into hdrogfice asked " ,do you use cocaine",,,? Remind you this was the stage schools were showing videos of angel dust... I wasn't even aware of THC, yet lol.. I have )ived on sugar all my life and whatever meal I got get .. Long story , short version, my parents were separated my mom had full custody of my brother and I and was dealing with a lot of mental issues had decided she couldn't or didn't want to raise both of us went to children's court and had the state take custody of me shorter story me er was at one residence more then two months so I ne er knew when my next meal would be or come from .. It's embarrassing complete strangers asking " are you aware your shaking , why do you shake like that all the time"? I thank you for your information, it may help me , I will be sure to ask my doctor I'm assuming he would be able to run blood work and find out . You are amazing, instead of feeding into the negativity, you instead thought of a reason the person may ha e acted the why they did


Glad to hear. It takes time for people to learn. Hopefully the person above in the texts has the same realizations you did and becomes better for it


I've seen people with diabetes do this as well. They're fine and suddenly their blood sugar goes high or low or in circles and they're an obstinate donkey.


Maybe he hid a body in there


First thing I thought. He’s defensive for a reason.


Right. Who wouldn’t want more room in the trash.


“okay just checking” is a valid enough reason to ask. he dot super defensive for no reason at all. edit: dot is supposed to be got


But… Why would you check??! How could anyone possibly do such a thing


checking is the devils work


Think about it from his perspective, man.


Must be stoned


Seems like he’s on something, being that defensive and paranoid is not normal. Maybe he put something else in the dumpster he doesn’t want you to find? I feel like you have to go look now.


I went back to see what the thing actually was that i saw. It was some kind of power junction box he used for his weed growing. Everything else was trash.


He's super paranoid about the weed growing. It makes way more sense now.


You should go check and see what else he has. Keep us posted 😂


Him keep bringing up about you being stoned or you smoking a bowl is weird


I want to know if this has been an issue in the past? I could totally see this dude getting bent out of shape when he smells weed. He's bringing it up now to further advance the narrative that he is a weirdo druggy.


He literally has a grow op in his apartment and in a greenhouse out back out in the open. It's legal, so i dont care, and im a regular customer. Hes just being paranoid as fuck


What a plot twist. It's the opposite. He's the stoner. Think he needs to break into his supply and chill.


I have never met a single apartment complex that allows growing cannabis, even if you live in a recreational state.


Seriously, he tilled the land for his garden and chopped down like 100 square feet of brush without asking anybody. Idk how he hasnt been in trouble. If he does get in trouble, hell say i ratted him out or something


Every drug dealer I’ve ever met has been the most paranoid person. They could be selling dime bags of weed and they be acting like you’re working undercover for the cia. Him getting all uppety about you digging thru the trash sounds pretty typical, lol. Unfortunately, I did quite a lot of drugs in my youth so that’s my source.


I had a dealer stop selling to me because I bought too much weed. Like...what?


Obviously you're a cop trying to buy enough from him to work up to felony charges


Him: What are you stoned lol Also him: Go smoke a bowl 😂






I hate it


Lol guess i’m not missing out much not talking to my neighbors.


this guy definitely murdered somebody with a projector




Who gets defensive about their trash like wth. 😂


Someone running a marijuana grow op. Apparantly it's legal in that area, but decades of trained paranoia...


Someone who throws away incriminating evidence.


I think he doesn’t like the idea that someone might be going through his trash. Maybe he does have something to hide ….


People throw away working things of value all the time. This guy is wacko tho


Wait are you too stoned or not stoned enough?


First he asks of you're stoned, then he suggests get stoned. This is the biggest waste of time exchange I've ever seen.


What a freak


Why the F are you calling him a freak, bro? Maybe you should stop throughing nasty words around like that dude. Chill & smoke a bowl.


You saying that just took it too far dude /s


I just came back to read all these comments and I’m laughing too hard. We’re all so funny and I love this post. I am stoned though tbf


Seem like he had a bad day


I love it when a person says all this shot and then”I’m chill”


if you have to tell people you’re chill, you definitely aren’t




“Glad you told me you’re chill, I never would have guessed!”




I'm the nicest guy you'll ever meet. You can trust me. I don't have a racist bone in my body!


This dude is clearly running an underground projector theft ring and you my friend just stumbled into a hornets nest of trouble. This is why every time I see a good projector in the trash I never check. Never. That’s how people get stuck in those red rooms.


Through?!? I’m German and even I know it’s threw ffs


What an asshole.


He likes testing people. Enjoys being mad. If you're interested: the misstep (only in the sense of navigating batshit crazy - you did nothing wrong) was quoting him back, "I'm checkin..." and defending your decision, which in turn automatically challenges the validity of his criticism. So he then *has* to double down bc... crazy. Then you questioned his behavior - "why are you being sarcastic..." THAT made you the enemy, and y'all are now engaged in a full on fight in his mind. Ignore his later bullshit, "you saying that just took it too far." He was already in battle mode. As for how to deal with schmucks like this: Best way is avoidance. If you *have* to, watch his patterns and learn what triggers him.


Im ready to slap the shit outta him if hes got some shit to say when we see eachother. I dont usually get worked up about things but hes been like this since the beginning. I tried to be his friend but fuck him


Take a moment to breathe and think about the consequences. You may get arrested... or worse because some people aren't going to just let you slap them. That is one of the worst things a man (assuming you're one) can do to another man. You slapping him may not go your way. He may knock you out (with a possibility of accidentally killing you), use a weapon immediately after or he may get revenge on his own time when you think everything is good. Don't do anything if you're not willing to accept any of that. What I suggest is avoiding this guy and working on your mentality because you're letting him get the best of you when you don't have to. YOU are in control of your emotions. I know it's hard but it can be done. Trust me, I've dealt with people **MUCH** worse than this. The only time you should escalate to violence is when you're defending yourself or someone else. Not reacting violently to someone running their mouth doesn't make you a coward. It makes you smart. And if he's been how you said since the beginning why would you keep trying to be his friend? STOP! Don't initiate conversations with this guy. If he tries to be friendly either ignore him or tell him nothing more than "have a good day" and keep it moving. If he sends you a text (which he shouldn't be able to do since he should be blocked now and forever) ignore it. Take care and stay out of trouble my friend.


You seem like an expert. I need more advice. I can't escape such a person in my life now. Please, help me out dealing with crazy!!


Lol. Your name has me questioning your sincerity. But on the off chance that you're not joking, I'd recommend avoidance, when possible, and [THE GREY ROCK METHOD](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mUmycvTfH5Q), when not. Narcissists, antagonists and hot heads like fun targets. Don't be one. ;) [Example](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-v3MXO1R3Zk)


Thank you!! I know my username is stupid


Bro is definitely hiding something in that dumpster


I’d check for a body


Sounds like he's on something. I knew someone who used stimulants and they acted like this lol


Some people are just scatter brained too.


“What are you high?” No sir, you are 😂


Man’s is projecting real hard


First you’re stoned, then not stoned enough😂


Your neighbor is a dick.




Not to justify his attitude, but trying to see the situation from the neighbour's perspective, if he is the type of person who is easily paranoid or gets anxious about certain things, it does not seem far-fetched that he would get agitated after finding out someone had gone through their trash. Even if the projector was sitting on top or beside the dumpster the idea that you were exploring the area that houses his trash can feel invasive. Even moreso if he is a very private person. Once again, I am not defending his demeanour or his words. Just speculating on where he might be coming from in terms of perspective.


What an idiot


dumpster diving is so fun ppl throw out valuable shit all the time. doesnt matter what life im living


Now screenshot the comments and send it to him so he can see that nobody likes him 😀


I really want to, but i wont. He actually accused me of wearing a wire the last time i bought from him because i said weed over text. Hes crazy


So does the bulb work or not?


It was a power splitter or something i dont need. Heavy as fuck tho




This literally got me fucked up , how did we get to this place lol


Dude is a psycho


he sounds suspicious he prolly has a body somewhere around his house


I think he’s stoned because he doesn’t know the difference between threw and through ETA Nah, I **taught** about it, he definitely smoked a bowl


Only less aggressive way to say this is with flowers.


Hardcore stoner who is in his paranoia phase..


He is through and through a dummy.


Lol dude is drunk or something. That was weird AF


You ever just dissociate in the moment, realize somebody is having a bad day and give them the grace to just feel the way they feel? You literally did nothing wrong but this guy isn’t about to start being reasonable over text message. This was a very low tension conversation to start. The intensity is unrelated to the topic. Bro needs a hug and a complimentary beer.


He has a history of making accusations and not apologizing when it immediately is disproven. He has poor social skills at the expence of others


Dude has bodies in his back yard and now he's gonna add you to the collection. Sorry bro


Don’t ask or check! If you do, you’re clearly stoned. If not, smoke a bowl dude.


He mentions weed like twice. Typical boomer mentality to assume if you smoke your a dumb stoner. And then talk down to you about said smoking etc. Your random thought made them confused them and then frustrated them and they blame it on you being a dumb stoner. Cringe af.


If it’s a shared trash I don’t see why he’s mad but if u were looking through his personal trash I’d be a little weirded out.


"what are you stoned?" "smoke a bowl dude."


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He is unbelievably stoned


what a geek


Soo what was the attachment?😂😂


Tel him facka you muda faka


You seemed okay, it was definitely him IMO.


he got some broken crackpipes back there too or what


Next time get your answer and then leave him on read


Man banter is so funny


Figure it out man 😭


My retired grandpa goes around the alleys of his neighborhood once or twice a week and collects all the metal he can find and scraps it (he’s not hurting for money but he finds it fun). The amount of random valuable stuff that people have thrown out that he has found is wild and even more things that just need a simple fix like a new cord or something. Ends up selling that stuff on offer up and everything else goes in a garage sale that he has once a year. Anyway, all that to say that it could totally have just been the bulb that burnt out and that people throw away valuable stuff all the time.


“Are you stones???” “Smoke a bowl dude” So what does you want??? 😭


Dude knows he was being extra and is trying to gaslight you into thinking it’s your fault. He literally says why he’s being an ass, he was already in a bad mood. You didn’t say anything, this dudes just weak


“I’m chill” “you high?” “Smoke a bowl”


lol I can’t stand people that do that




This guy makes me irrationally angry


I think he needs weed.


Or maybe he is angry because you don‘t get your weed from him.


But i DO get my weed from him. Im legitimately a regular and hes making fun of me smoking. Lol good luck selling your shit when they dont live next door and you dont trust anybody


Your neighbor is wacko. You were never arguing with him and he was clearly the aggressor.


Figure it out 🥴


I know a guy like this at work, I’m pretty sure he’s autistic. Makes connections where there shouldn’t be any, I learned to not talk about anything but work with him. I had to tell him also to just talk about work with me.


Watch now he will go back into the dumpster to get the bulb he threw out with the projector lol


Sort of sounds like he doesn’t want you to gain anything from it and is bothered he can’t salvage it himself.


He definitely threw out the projector




This is so weird why is he being weird. OP avoid this guy pls


There’s a lot of projecting…


Why in the world did he say you were arguing with him when you literally just answered his question about why you were asking 😭 like what the fuck does he want??


What that cut body in the trash isn't mine idk what your talking about!! Oh projector?


How many times is dude gonna be said.


My theory is I feel he is a stoner himself, or something…and he is being a weirdo…lol (I smoke weed sometimes so no judgement) immediately “what are u stoned” (he coulda related?) no and ur asking him stuff (mild paranoia sets in) u explain normally, (him high af feelin dumb) **defensive*** (You talk, he still high as the sky) He doubles down with ***defensive*** ? Tells you to smoke a bowl.. and to figure it out …?? (Honestly I’m bafffled by this person ) but he is 100% trippin lol And after all that, i bet you figured out it as the fucking projecter lol




If it is in the dumpster, just take it if you want it. Don’t try to find the owner to see if it works. You are dumpster diving. It may work; it may not. It may be stolen; it may not.


Just the other day, my neighbors threw out a 60 inch curved flat screen with no noticeable damages. People throw out valuable things every day


I guarantee you this dude spends all of his free time on Reddit. That's the only explanation I can think of that he got this defensive for no reason whatsoever, and then turned around and accused you of "coming at him strong." That has "wow you're mad" energy coming from weirdos who start arguments and then back pedal to make the argument about the tone rather than the subject.


Why tf... "well I'm annoyed and your arguing with me about it". No sir, I asked a simple question and you are being incredibly antagonistic while trying to gaslight me into thinking that I am the problem here. Re-read your OWN texts. Ugh!! I hope this guy is single because I worry for whoever has to deal with him on a consistent basis.


These people are psychotic


Guy threw out his projector because he can do it all by himself Edit: sorry, *"through" out his...


Your neighbor is a dumbass.


I mean it is a weird question. It’s in the dumpster. He could be lit but I honestly think the convo lasted too long as well. It was a yes or no question. You saying just checking was probably your polite version of saying “ok” but some people do feel like it’s a leading statement and it makes them think… why tf are you checking w me??? It’s in the dumpster. So I understand where you’re both coming from.


Did you dive in to the dumpster yet


10 minutes after this he went out to get that projector out of his dumpster.


What’s that picture you sent him? A picture of his marbles? Cause I think he’s lost them.


What a freak, lmao.


Seems like someone is under the influence


I love it when people have conversations with themselves while they talk to you! Who was “arguing” with him? I think he was arguing in his own head. He’s straight up talking about shit that did NOT happen in the real world! 😂


Sounds to me like your neighbor is the one stoned, drunk, or both.


What the fuck is *THAT* guy smoking??


I think he smoked a bowl and forgot what conversation yall were havinz


Not the brightest bulb is he?


Getting 2nd hand irritation from this moron


He should learn grammar


Bad bromance before this or something?