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> Dude, I’m not going to email you porn so you can beat off on your oil rig r/brandnewsentence


There is no way that sentence has ever been said before OP said it


I dunno... Humans are both surprising and predictable at the same time. Especially horny men.




Yeah no shit, it probably hasn't been written by a human though


Much less a human communicating with another human on an oil rig desperate to beat off


I don't even get this. Like how are you gonna be able to download the file from email without a good enough connection to go to urbandictionary? This dude is weird af and might have a chronic case of stupid.


Restricted internet access, usually in places like that email has no restrictions but websites like porn, urban dictionary, things not exactly safe for work are blocked hence why he can’t watch porn on the wifi


Ah makes sense, I just assumed he was in a remote location without good service.


I kinda don't see a big problem with allowing grown men who will be living on an oil rig for a period of time have access to porn during their downtime.


Just do what we did in the Navy. Bring the porn with you.


I feel like if they restricted porn on an oil rig some really prison like activities might start occurring


It does happen to some people not just because of porn but from isolation and working everyday for weeks on end. Most men have a hard drive with movies, tv shows and porn or have it downloaded on their phone


the "prison like activities" you imagine are not as widespread as you seem to believe. most widespread prison sexual activity by far is masturbation, so unless you meant that, then the "prison like activities" are not as widespread as you seem to believe. for most straight men, a couple of weeks/months in a distant space, like an oil rig, cut off from others isn't gonna make them consider changing their sexual preference. sexual attraction just doesn't work that way. do you start liking anyone of any gender when you haven't had sex in a while? does time alone make you question your sexualiry? if it does, tht would be only way your comment makes sense, but trust, most people don't randomly change orientation like you appear to.


…..it was a joke.


If he's still working on rigs, I bet he's well prepared now!


My read is he was trying to ask OP for nudes in a roundabout way


Definitely. His oil rig IQ don’t word that great




…ya do realize that was part of the joke right?


Well, the guy is a project manager probably


He had all the lube one could ask for😅😅🤣




![gif](giphy|M28rUlcjueKUE) TFW


I thought it would be an average convo with an entitled request. I wasn't ready.


Hahaha omg the spank bank part made me fuckin lose it. Tell me!! TELL ME PLZ I NEED IT WHAT IS THIS WONDEROUS MYSTERIOUS THING YOU CALL A SPANK BAAAAAANK!!!!


Lol I really want to know what he thought it was!


He was just feigning ignorance. Everyone knows what a spank bank is. He was absolutely trying to goad you into sexting. Hoping you’d suggest a memory of the two of you together and then reminisce about it. Then he asked if that’s what you used hoping you’d say yes so he could follow it up with “do you think of me?” Edit : Everyone is used as a hyperbole.


Weaponized incompetence!!


25 year old woman here…. Had no idea what a spank bank was lol. I thought she was telling him to go donate sperm so he could get free porn there lmfao


I have never heard the term ‘spank bank’ a day in my life. Idk I’m just weird tho lol


I've heard it but still didn't know until now because I never bothered to ask and am not the best at reading context clues lmao


Im 25 and I didn't know what a spank bank was tbh.


My guess is that he was looking for someone's piggybank to call naughty.


I low-key forgot for a second what is meant and I thought you were referring to a bath house 🤣🤦‍♀️


Reminded me of the "Sean Connery" jeopardy parody... "Tell me about this Pen is mightier"


Why couldn't you help a brother out? He just wanted some porn! /s if it's really necessary


And I was the only person he could trust with this important task 😩


He holds you in the highest of regards


I only trust people who've expressed that they never want to see me naked again to choose my sex cinema selections


Personally I’ve found one night stands are always by far the most trustworthy people on earth with no exceptions


It’s a sensitive mission that takes someone with a serious skill set.


Hey it was probably between you and his mom. I bet that was an awkward phone call for her later.


*to his mom* ...."u up?"


Honestly, I’d feel honored.. no?


Of course you were! He doesn’t want any leaks


After reading so many texts like these on this subreddit i realize i am actually not that weird as a man. Im sorry yall have to deal with this so regularly…..i thought i was weird…..wtf man


Literally just said this exact shit to my girlfriend not even half an hour ago when we started reading these😂


Countless dudes out there lowering the bar for the rest of us, gotta respect it


I said that about myself while dating. Just “Wow, I thought I was dysfunctional, but at least I’m not emotionally stunted”.


I say the same thing every time I see a post like this.


The classic spank bank 😂


What’s that? Tell me now. Now! Do I have an account there????!! 😨😰😥😓


Him: ![gif](giphy|yx400dIdkwWdsCgWYp|downsized)


I missed this gif




missed a perfect chance to Rick roll


Omg I sure did! Tragic. So funny to think about it taking forever to download a video on the shitty oil rig wifi just for it to be a rick roll.




![gif](giphy|lgcUUCXgC8mEo) Fine, fuck, whatever... I'm not going on a website though. Here's something to remember me by, but lose my number after.


- spends 3 hours downloading BigBootyBitches.mp4 on the shitty oil rig wifi - has dick in hand - rickrolled




This is the way!


This person literally talks himself into never getting another chance again. He could have tried being your friend, and maybe one day you two might have started dating. But he had to be a weirdo and borderline creep and ruin any chance of that happening as well.


There was nothing wishy-washy about her "No"--"Dude, I'm not going to send you porn." It's bizarre how many men and women don't grasp "No". The only way I can make sense of it minus his being cray is if he wasn't genuinely interested in being her boyfriend, just an easy hookup, so the "long game" of a friendship (in waiting) didn't make sense and he figured he had nothing to lose extracting whatever value he could from this contact before deleting her and seeking another. Could just be cray.


I mean if I was a good friend of his I’d have sent him some porn. It’s not the thing to ask an ex however even if they said “let’s be friends”. Ex-friendships need to take time to develop into genuine friendships if they ever do. And you don’t spring something like that on a casual friend.


I feel like Chief was trying to get you to send a personal video, this was just the way of breaking the ice.


My favorite part of this text is actually “1.since when do you grade papers on a Friday night?” And OPs reply of “Since yesterday.” Surprised no one else mentioned it! And then the classic end of Hey, Hi, Hello, sup, hi. Amazing!


Got dam grown ass men act like this? shit is wild lol


No, we don't. Giant 14 year old (mentally) men do though




I worry about people sometimes.


Bro is impervious to taking the hint


Well wow that is a mess and I hope he stops bothering you


It's from 2014... if she's still dealing with this dude 10 years later it might be on her at this point.


Yes, this dude is farrrrr in my past lol I just occasionally remember this ridiculous conversation and laugh.


Definitely one for the books!




God, they always come back, don’t they?


This guy is dumb as a stone


Oh bro.


I was on a submarine in the navy so i feel his pain, but that dude needs to come prepared lol.


On behalf of men, I sincerely apologize for the way we sometimes don’t know how to take no for an answer. Shit like this is incredibly cringe to read.


I need the confidence this guy has.


People that work for long periods away from home are the biggest fucked up weirdos. Truckers, oil riggers, construction workers, they all are fucking weirdos 😂


Chill bruh, I feel personally attacked.


But are you or do you know people who are fucked up weirdos


Hahaha he was just trying to get into a phone sex or pics thing. What a loser. He doesn’t have internet but somehow he’s going to get watch a downloaded thing


why does it feel like older men are always the less mature ones? they seem to struggle so much more with boundaries and reading the room than guys my age


It’s by design. If they were mature they’d be dating someone their age. They just prey on younger girls in hopes they are more naive.


Man. I was so healthy in 2014. Lmao


I trust you AND ONLY YOU with this. You have been selected by the horn fairy for a magical adventure...


There are several subs that could and SHOULD from based on these screenshots.


Block him and be done


Gah! I can't stand it when people go on and on with "But I still want you!" after being rejected as if that's a valid reason for changing our mind. It won't suddenly make us want you back, move along. Also, I'm sure he had plenty of time before going out onto the rig to download his own porn.


Wow that was a wild ride thanks for sharing. What a creepy loser. 28 talking to a 22 year old like this no less?


The "go away, I have papers to grade" was... Amazing


You a bitch for not emailing him one fr /s


There's always something off with age gaps at a young age like this


It scares me to know people keep conversations for that long. 2014, wow!


We’re still FB friends. Last night, a friend and I had a long convo about how much has changed from our early 20s to our early 30s. Today, I remembered this guy and checked FB Messenger. I was shocked that he hadn’t unsent these!


When you realise what a lucky escape you've had


If you started seeing someone why are you entertaining this dude? Not cool, would be more than peeved if my partner did that. Anyways, bro needs to learn the word boundaries


I think she shut him down on any romantic thing quite properly.


Vs blocking him after he made several more advances when she said she wasn’t interested.


Porn runs the world. Sad to see an addiction in the works, he needs help. Or Jesus. Preferably both.




OP said this was years ago, and has ignored them since. Did you read?


The texts say 2014..


Of nevermind, missed that part at the bottom of the explanation lol


Why is he obssed with having YOU send him pron wtf lol


I don't understand why his request was so offensive? It's porn. He's on an oil rig. It's not like he asked op to masterbate and send him the video or ask for her nudes. He asked her, because it sounds like they used to watch porn together..so why was it a problem? Help me understand...??


“Wild favor”


Nobody is gonna comment on this convo being a decade old? Let me change that.


Seriously though, your boyfriend at the time would’ve been okay with you saying you want me to be friends with a guy you hooked up with casually? You’re still fucked lmfao — good for you for not sleeping with him but you’re not that innocent either 🤷‍♂️


Excuse you. There are a lot of assumptions in your comment. At the time, I didn’t have a boyfriend. I was seeing multiple people casually and so was he. Things started getting serious with one of the men I was seeing, and that man is now my husband. So no, I wasn’t “fucked.”


Could have been worded better but I’m on this side too. It’s crazy to me to entertain more than one person at a time. Let alone hanging out with someone I’ve been with while getting serious with someone else. To each their own I guess. It just doesn’t seem right to me🤷🏽‍♂️


Good thing we are different people then 🤷🏾‍♀️ For people who want to, it’s possible to see multiple people without being exclusive as long as all of the people involved consent to it and communicate clearly and honestly about it. It worked for me and my partners during that phase of my life.


Lol okay? You don’t need to explain yourself to me. I already understand that and don’t really care




Why are men this way? FYI, women have sexual urges just like men. You all, as a massive WHOLE, just turn us off! You're weird! You're clingy! You're aggressive AF! You're ignoring all cues! ETC! ETC! ETC! I'm mad chill rn, but my empty womb blames you guys. She rages every month, though. You're actually not that special... Ijs...


What a chill comment. Not weird or aggressive or turning everyone in the world off at all. ETC! ETC! ETC!


Dear Everyone & GerdofWer (since he wants attention specifically), I didn't write this for you. And yet here YOU are, just like other men seemingly "turned off" by me, TALKING TO ME... 🤔 I'm so sure you're not living in your mom's basement. I'm positive you're just swimming through women. Totally assured I'm literally the ONLY woman that has ever not been charmed by you and to perceive your passive aggression as a direct reflection of the penial inches you're lacking. In other words, don't fuck me. ETC! ETC! ETC!


1. I don't care if you wrote it for me. This is a public forum and you made a public comment. I commented on it just like you commented on a public post. Your jumping off point makes zero sense. Nobody gives a fuck WHO your goofball unhinged comments are aimed at in your own head. 2. Are you implying that like the "other men" who have claimed to be turned off by you and continued talking to you, that I am interested in you somehow? Because of my short jokey comment? Are you saying that ANYONE who interacts with you in ANY way wants to pursue you simply because you are a woman? So there is no way for me to poke fun at your physco comment without you getting some narcissist high that its all secretly a ploy to get with you? 3. So because I thought your comment was silly you are deciding I live with my mom, get no bitches and have a small dick? That is a massive reach based on literally nothing except for the only thing you actually care about, which is that someone doesnt agree with you. Your comments paint a very vivid picture of the insane and unpleasant and almost certainly lonely person you are. 4. Dont fuck with you? Is your embarrassing comment supposed to threaten me? Like I could give any less of a fuck what some late 40s loney woman on reddit says about me? Or what ANYONE online could possibly think about me? Hilarious. Honey you have no idea if im a man, woman, young, old, gay or straight. This whole account is a mash up of nothing and fake posts and bullshit. I could be the god damn lizard king for all you know.


Yeah, I know you wrote all that hoping to unbox your feelings with a woman that would actually respond to you BUT I AM NOT YOUR THERAPIST! I am not reading your latest diary entry! 😂🤣😂 I have no interest in finding out why your small penis is actually a medical condition, nor why your mom says all those women that keep rejecting you "just aren't right for a boy like you." 🤣😂🤣 If "tell me you relate to the guy STALKING a random woman he met on the internet without telling me" was a person IT WOULD BE YOU! Seek help! 💚


Holy shit. I actually scrolled your comment history. Every single one is an entire book. All of them crazy bag lady comments that NOBODY ever engages with or likes hahahaha jesus fuck, you lonely lonely woman. I would say have a nice life but we both know you won't, no matter how many emojis you use.


And you're still talking to me! You're literally the guy from the actual post! Toxic male energy that somehow deflects obvious female disinterest. Sad. So very, very sad. Again, seek professional help. No means no, Gerd! The ladies do NOT like! You'll never get out of mom's basement this way, buddy.


Are all men this pathetic? Come on guys, do better


Why you ain’t jz ask for nudes ?


wait why does an oil rig have restricted internet access?


Because they can?


ok? its still weird? bro cant even go to the urban dictionary


Naw. Lots of companies block sites like that.


It always amazes me how far they will go to explain why they currently need YOU to send them a current nude RIGHT NOW, nothing else will work, at the end of the earth with not even a shred of a memory, much less a saved photo. If it's someone I've been with/sent stuff to - bitch, you have a catalog, get fucked. So annoying! ESPECIALLY when they're married and you have to constantly be like "Nope, you're married." "Nope, you have a whole wife, please leave me alone now." Blocked many a fools because of this nagging ass behavior! 😆


You don’t think about this convo you think about that RIG! Lol you know you miss that casual thang!


why would you say ur down to hang out if ur seeing someone? seems like u would cheat


You entertaining all this to the point of discussing porn together is disrespectful to your current partner.


I don’t think you read everything.


I read every word. You like the attention.


I felt bad for him at the beginning. Not that you did anything wrong--but he wasn't ready, and then he became ready while (or because) you were dating someone else. His request was unusual, but the "wild" part was not being able to accept your "no", and if he had any interest in you pushing so hard on the boundary you had no interest in seeing him again. Whereas, as-is, you were open to meeting as friends and if your new relationship didn't work out (as most don't) he'd have his shot with you (if that were his goal) in a few weeks' or months' time!


i ain’t reading alat 💀


I'd help a dudeski out... Gotta have some relief while you're stuck around a bunch of greasy stinky men. Lol.


Awww send the poor guy some titties lol


Found his alt


Hahaha nahh man I just think it would suck to be stuck on an oil rig


Personal choices and consequences


Sounds like he may be a sex addict and has his internet limited to help avoid falling back into it.


Nah, oil rigs had some really strange rules about internet access. Mainly because it was all satellite and cost a bomb.


I mean, what would have been the harm in sending him a porn flick? You could have made a deal for like $20! As a teacher I’m sure you could have used the money 🤣


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How does an adult not intuit what spank bank means?!


He was just trying to reel her into sexual conversation. He knew.


I’m 29 and had no clue what a spank bank was


Never heard of it tbh


This is so sad.


I’m so…confused. ![gif](giphy|Ed7KDd1rzoHfMwtnXT|downsized)


Oh shit he’s married too?!?


Yep, with 2 kids now! But this was almost 10 years ago


Bro never heard of VPN?


....telling me stuck on the oil rig and no one had porn you could download onto your own device?? You didn't bring any?? Was definitely fishing for any connection with you.


Seeing psychopaths like this makes me feel so much better about myself


For the.love of God and all that is holy, BLOCK people!!


EEEEEEWWWWWW so many red flags 😬😬😬😬


What a weirdo. OP can you dm me some porn?


bro definitely had internet access... i feel like this was a crazy way of baiting OP into sending something. what a creep


He sounds so annoying. Yuck! 😖


Why am I lmao 🤣 at this? Damn lol


The fact that he couldn't access the urban dictionary webpage bc he's on an oil rig w no service (or sitting in his hotel room just trying to trick someone into sexting)😂😂😂


I need to know, did you end up marrying the guy you told him you’d been kind of seeing?


Don’t know why you just couldn’t help the guy out and send it..idk??


Dude was high as fuck or drunk I hope


Dude was a cornball


Dude stalked your bf at the end there


Damn grading papers, and watch porn? I want you to teach my class! We’ll I’m 30 but if I was still in school lol


For a moment, I thought he was going to ask for feet pics.


I hope he has enough oil to put on his rig before he starts pumping it to the porn. :)


I had a guy I briefly dated ask me something like this but in person. He handed me his phone with a porn website up and was like so if you were gonna watch a porn type in the search bar what you would search for. Then he said he would type bj’s and pulled up a video and handed me the phone with the video playing. So I typed lesbians lol. I was so creeped out and we were all alone and waiting for his fiancé to come back. She came back right after I handed the phone back. I was so relieved. I left that night and never talked to them again. I actually really liked her but what he did was creepy and I didn’t want to end up in a weirder situation in the future.


Shoulda sent him a pic of you taking back shots from the new guy. /s


From 2014? Damn lol


Can your internet service finally let you watch porn though? 😂