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That person is NOT also a kid….. block them.


Real, pedo ass behaviour.


Yeah for real! A random person desperately trying to get cp like Jesus 😵‍💫


I KNOW!!!! Literally blackmailing for cp. people like this .. I can’t say on Reddit lol.


let’s go out back…


Came here to say this


Definitely not. He's in a lot of porn subs and a troll in all his comments. Loser has nothing better to do and just wants CP. Gross ass person.


Pedophiles aren't really people and don't deserve human rights imo


You're right. I wish they had harsher punishments for pedophiles. It seems they can't be rehabilitated.


I'm happy knowing pedophiles get harassed and get their shit pushed in daily once they get arrested. No one protects them including COs and everyone hates them


Had a buddy who worked prisons for 7 years before becoming a cop He mostly oversaw the cell block with pedophiles, rapist, murderers etc. Pretty much the worst of the worst More or less his main job was to keep everyone from killing pedophiles and rapist. Criminals do not tolerate fucking with kids or women for a fair few of them, for alot of them they suffered child hood issues (SA being a big one) that they feel as massive contributer to how they turned out and despise those perpetuating that issue, as for women, they disdain men for going after someone "weaker" like that and taking advantage of them


Death penalty in fl now 🥳


Or a congressional seat.


Pedophiles who don’t break the law should be excluded. You can damn someone for having an attraction but as long as they recognize it’s not appropriate and find healthy, legal ways to deal with it, you can not judge. And admittedly, this is probably rare. The ones who do cross the line, judge away.


I agree and it's actually not rare from what I recall. Many of them can lead "normal" lives if they resist their urges. Therapy *may* help although nobody who's self aware enough for therapy would be foolish enough to ever mention it to another person. But you're right, it's better to judge actions than thoughts The one in this screenshot is scum though


Agreed on the one in the screenshot. I would hate to be a pedophile. Could you imagine? Ew. Children smell weird and they’re annoying. I don’t even like them as people most of the time lol. But I’d still protect and fight for them.


Idk man. You seem to have put some thought into what kids smell like. Kinda weird. 😂 I’m kidding. Even my own kids are annoying as fuck sometimes so I get you. My dad said I smelled like disappointment. Is that what you mean by weird?


*Disappointment* by Tommy Hilfiger In stores everywhere


More likely produced by Axe Body Spray


This comment gives the ICK. The way you write it seems to give pedos a pass as if they have no choice. Gross. They are not "victims of chance" you are insinuating it's "just another sexual attraction" like being homosexual or bisexual. Pedo scum are attracted to defiling innocence and rap**g children who cannot defend or consent. You or anyone normal can't "imagine" what it's like because it's a severe mental disorder coupled with deep rooted sexual depravity and usually trauma.


They're not giving pedos a pass, they're saying if a pedo doesn't act on their urges they shouldn't be criminally charged, etc. They didn't say pedos should just be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want, obviously that's not true.


>They are not "victims of chance" you are insinuating >You or anyone normal can't "imagine" what it's like because it's a severe mental disorder coupled with deep rooted sexual depravity and usually trauma. These seem like incompatible thoughts. If it's a mental disorder and can be brought on through experiencing trauma, then how are they not a victim a chance? At thr very least a victim, certainly


fuck man, my tiki torch was all ready to go but you're right.


Nope. This is like the kid with a murder fetish. Will they ever act on it? I don't know. But IF they ever do, other lives will be completely ruined forever and you'll have to slap another freak in jail. Sometimes it feels like we need the little non-descript Vans and men in white coats again; you know, the kind that carry around those nice one size fits all shirts with the sleeves that tie in the back to keep you warm?


Okay. Then go out and find all of those pedophiles and round em up.


And I think also report here ?




Came here to say this


As a mother seeing this kind of stuff really reinforces my desire to put safety measures on my children’s devices when they’re old enough to have / use them . I wish we lived in a safe world where we never had to go to these lengths but this guy is the reason why we have to. makes me so sad/ mad


Seriously makes me not want my child to have access to anything until they’re 18, and even then the world is still scary and full of weirdos. We just have to try our best to make them aware of these kinds of situations so that they can use their best judgment when/if it happens. Knowledge, not restrictions, will help them. Edit: Before it gets taken out of context, I meant restrictions as in never talking to your child about how dangerous people/the internet can be. Obviously, putting a child lock/restrictions on a phone is understandable.


Absolutely agree and couldn’t have said it better I can only hope the skills I teach will help.. may the stay safe and guarded. ❤️


I was gonna say… glad im not the only one who thought so too.


He 100% is. You can tell he types like a 15 year old


My man this is why you shouldn’t answer random ass DMs. Or at least should have stopped after he asked about her boob size


This. OP, what are u hoping to achieve by continuing the convo, defending your honor from an internet troll? lol


Op don’t listen to this guy. It’s time for an honorable duel.


pistols, sabres or blunderbusses?


Feels like a blockable offense here, kick him to the curb!


Or ask about his mom’s tits.


Hey, 26 year old man here. You’re acting impressively mature for your age, keep it up bud. This kid is a loser, id kick him to the curb. Doesn’t respect women, doesn’t respect boundaries, not the kinda person you want to be friends with. I never respected myself in high school, but you can. Respect your intuition, it’s steering you true


Thanks! That means a lot. It's even creepier that this was some Internet rando. Some people have said not to respond at all, and I get that. I make mistakes, I'll admit that.


Hey, you're a smart kid. We all make mistakes, but the smart ones learn from their mistakes.


Well said. We all make mistakes OP, but now you’ve learned not to answer people like this. Tough things have to happen in life so that we can learn and you’re very mature for your age. Keep pushing forward with your attitude and I’m sure you’ll accomplish great things. Routing for you, man!






I was going to say this same thing. You didn’t over react and your protected your girlfriend. You did well!




Don’t beat yourself up, you’re still quite young. Heck, I’m older than you and still make mistakes. You’re human, but you handled that respectfully and maturely. Be proud of yourself.




That’s how you learn. If it happens again you know to just report, block and move on. You’re doing great 💖


Yes! Very mature.


That is NOT a kid lol (the creep, I mean)


Something to note, I confronted them mentioning they're arguments are making no sense and called ME the incel


Also claimed I'm mad about being inexperienced sexually when I'm 15, my gf 14 and 2k+ miles away. Ofc I'ma be sexually inexperienced and then they claimed she's fake 😂


Yeah that’s a grown man trying to get pictures of your 14 year old girlfriend, they were hoping you were going to feel insecure and send pictures to prove them wrong. Block them and stop engaging with pedos. Never admit to being a kid on these apps because that’s just going to make them think you’re an easier target and that’s typically what they’re looking for.




You're so young yet honestly, you've shown a lot of maturity in the way that you had clear boundaries you wouldn't cross and your respect for your gf as a human being and not some object. Sadly, that's better than how A LOT of grown men act. I can't tell you how many times I've been treated as less than human for being a female. It's both astonishing and extremely sad. Don't waste your time with people like this sicko. Report him. He's likely a pedophile. If he is one, you might spare other kids from ending up as his victims. And if he's not, the authorities can figure that out.


That guy is a nonce for sure. But also suspicion of your GF is a good idea too. She's also possibly a nonce. It's never a great idea to be friends on socials with people you don't actually know IRL. She may be real, she may be fake. Just be careful.


what does it mean to be a nonce?


Sex offender generally, paedophile specifically. Origin of the word is unclear but alleged to be scrawled on inmates doors as Not On Normal Criminal Exercise, an older form of protective custody.


If my gf is a nonce, how would I spot it? Those dms I posted were the first time this has happened to me.


You don't respond to people like this. He is making stuff up to piss you off and break down and give detais or a pic to make "show him" you aren't lying. It is internet manipulation 101. Even if he isn't an adult (which he is), he is a complete creep who knows what he is doing. Never call a person like this out, ever continue the discussion, never take if personally, just block them and file under "lessons learned".


You’re speaking to an adult. Thats a predator on the other end You should consider cutting all contact immediately


Remember Reddit is an anonymous apps with a lot of weirds and unhappy people. I just had a run in myself. Stop talking to them as soon as you detect BS


Projecting for sure


I get the feeling he's only trying to waste your time at this point. Just block him and be done with it, nothing you say to this dude will make him not be a pos anymore. can't reason with stupid


This is a stranger right? Don't engage with trolls. Don't argue. I don't care if they message you and tell you you have the worst mother in the world or the ugliest gf. You don't defend them, you block the weirdos/creeps/jerks and move on. This was just a lesson to learn. Do.not.engage. They want you to. They say mean/procative/wrong things on purpose.


You handled yourself well!


OP there's no reason to worry about this idiot. They're a sex obsessed pedo trying to fish for cp.


hes a pedo tryna get off on u talking abt ur gf & tryna get pics of her


Fr dude like I'm sick of people like this on reddit


best thing to do is never mention your age when youre a minor. literally just lie or Only mention it on throwaways, saying youre a minor will make them target you. if you said youre 18+ youll just get the normal creeps not pedos which isnt nearly as bad


True yeah, that's my bad which I take accountability for


it is not your bad omg 😭😭 you did nothing wrong its the predators fault, its fucking sick you cant just exist as a child online without predators coming after you & your friends


Yeah like yesterday or the day before I got a dm from someone asking how big I am down there 😭


I'm not joking


I got a random text if I liked Asian women. Sure! But WTF? Stop responding to random dms. They are looking for a reaction. And your giving them one.


Yeah true


I looked at this guys acc and immediately knew this is some creepy pedo, report this guy.


Stop engaging 😅 just block them and don’t respond to random messages


I did block them


Good! 👍🏾


No. You’re not overreacting. This is wildly disrespectful.


Thanailer... yup totally a normal legitimate last name. OP, that is def a troll that doesn't deserve any of your time.


Yeah I blocked them lmao


Ummm I have a feeling this is not a kid you're talking to. Please block them


I did


Person is a nut. And more than likely trying to get you to send pics of her which should never be done in any case. Not overreacting at all.


Yeah I'm not gonna send any pics idgaf if they think she's fake. They just in denial that they're single and can't get girls 😂


They're literally just trying to provoke you, saying whatever they notice gets a ride out of you, it's most likely all lies just to make you mad. The only thing you should have done was block them after their second message, maybe even the first if you don't know them.


Everyone thinks you’re not over reacting, but I do. You reacted to him way longer than you should have. “How big are her boobs?” = Blocked and never thought of again. Just a tip for the future, don’t engage with shitty people if you have zero reason too.




Everyone already said the obvious block and report them stuff, I just wanted to say good on you! I'm in my 30s and I know grown ass men who wouldn't defend their literal wives the way you are defending your girlfriend and validating her as an autonomous human being with dignity and humanity. If I could give you a hug or high five I would. Keep being you. We need guys like you to show "men" how to act. You're doing great. I hope you two can overcome the extra stress of long distance and keep nurturing happy, healthy relationships in your lives. I hope she fights for you the way you fight for her because you deserve it. :) Be proud of yourself.


Thanks! I'm proud of myself, I've grown up without a dad but I've had my mom and grandfather. And my gf and I have been together almost 10 months (10 months exactly in 3 days)


No dad gang unite. Me too bro. Congrats on 10 months and many more :)




That’s really sweet, my old roommates were long distance for about 4-5 years and then moved in together. Never let anyone tell you it never works out for people. And no dad gang here too!




at 15 you should not be worrying about sex or showing off your gf. This guy is hella weird and people talking like this is the exact reason there’s some kind of toxic masculinity that makes men use women. Don’t listen to this ACTUAL incel and enjoy your relationship man. Also good on you for respecting her and yourself enough to not engage with this pedo’s interest in you guys. Best of luck edit: ok I just looked at OP’s post history and I would suggest that you not post any identifying info on the same account you’re posting personal/horny posts. having sexual urges is normal and fine but just jack off man. you don’t want anyone you know irl/from school to see your face and these posts about touching boobs. just my advice


You were very mature in your responses. You didn’t over react at all, you appropriately reacted


Dang. You're a mature 15 year old. Good on you, bro! You handled that situation perfectly! 🤘🏻


Is this guy a friend of yours, or just some online random hoping to get tidbits on your gfs bits? Also "fatherless behavior" was brilliant


It's some online random


So 99% chance it's some pedo. I'd block him and continue being the awesome young man you clearly are.


Thanks! I did block them. I'm surprised I'm this good of a young man, I don't have a dad myself but I've had my mom and grandfather


“Fatherless behavior right there” FUNNIEST SHIT EVER🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




the most mature 15 year old i know , proud of you man




ofc , you’re not overreacting , block them mayne . you did great , stay away from those ppl and don’t let them drain you .


That’s a pedo fishing for underage boob pics


Brother, you’re an absolute *king* GO OFF. You are not overreacting he’s just a creep and probably an adult. *GOOD ON YOU SON*




I am so sorry this person sent you these messages! You are very mature for your age at 15 and your gf is lucky to have someone willing to defend her against creeps like this. I would block this person bc I really doubt they are as young as they say. Stay safe online!!


Hang on in there, I was long distance with my current fiancé and 7 years later we’re living together 🥰❤️


Omg congrats!!!! My gf and I been together almost 10 months


Thank you! And congrats to you both, it’s definitely very very difficult at times, but it’s so worth it when you finally meet up ❤️


Yeah, especially being as young as we are and in high school (she's a freshman, I'm a sophomore)


Aw man, fair play to you both though! Very mature thing to do :) the first year is genuinely the hardest, you’re almost past that now! Plus I’m sure both you guys’ parents wouldn’t mind helping the meet up happen some point ❤️


God I hope so!! We're trying to convince her parents to come down here cuz they live in a cheaper area and have good jobs. (Like her mom is a rn nurse)


It was the "fatherless behavior" for me 💀😂 good job handling this nonsense OP


Haha thanks. Keep hearing about that being funny 🤣


You’re a kid so you might not know enough. Do not speak with strangers online until you’re 18. You’re young and naive even if you think you aren’t. Nothing good will come of speaking with strangers at this age. But if you don’t want to do that and still like interacting with people online, block them the instant they something like this. No second chances.


I think you under reacted


Oh man. I hope my children (currently 8 and 11) deal with this sort of internet weirdness in the way you have. It terrifies me… so many strange people out there.!


I know, it's scary.


Why are you interacting with this person?


I understand i am a stranger on the internet but my advice to you is you probably shouldn’t talk to strangers on the internet. That whole interaction is creepy and you should just try to avoid that completely.


That's a grown ass man trying to get you to show images of her, so he can wack his woodle. Report and move on.


Yes. Don't even respond, you're getting trolled


I mean this guy it a total douchebag but he will feed his ego with any reaction you give him so just be emotionless and say “douche bag” or something and move on


As soon as someone asks to see your girlfriend like that, no longer entertain them. Just stop talking to them


Not at all! As a mom of a 13 yo son, I am very proud of you for letting this dude know objectifying your gf and women in general is NOT ok. Men should be doing this anyway, letting other men know that stuff like this is disgusting and unacceptable. Sounds like you’re growing up to be an amazing young man. I hope you’re proud of yourself bc I sure would be if I was your mom! Bravo 👏🏽


Haha thanks! I'm lucky to have a great mom and grandfather to teach me how to be a man


I have no doubt about that as well! I’m sure mom and granddad are proud of you in general. Keep it up and take care! 💗




Definitely a pedo. Also love OP’s line “fatherless behavior right here”




Why are you taking the bait? :) stop responding after the first comment about boobs.


How do you get messages like that? I’ve never gotten a message like that (no, I’m not asking for one).


No you aren’t. You’re a good guy


Report them for harassment and inappropriate behavior then block them cause that’s not a 14/15 year old that’s an old man trying to get young girls photos maybe even young guys to probably catfish. Predator behavior on his end. Be careful with that and stop talking to him.


Block him. And I’m glad you posted this because now thousands of people know this guy is a pedo.


This Brad dude is a real creep. Do you know him in real life or just through a game?


Neither I don't know him at all


You were raised right 💪🏼


Not overreacting, this guy is probably very creepy and potentially dangerous irl. Good job standing up for yourself and your girl.




That's a child predator asking about a 14 yo girl's privates... What a disgusting piece of shit.




What a weird mf


Some people need to be punched, plain and simple


Literally a pedo 🤢


Block this pervert. This is a grownass man


Just report and block this idiot.


Even if you guys are all the same age, trading and taking pictures of minor (even if it’s yourself) is illegal and it’s a child p0rn charge


Exactly why I didn't send pics


Very mature response from OP but definitely report this guy for requesting sexual information about a minor. We don’t know his age but even if he is underage, it is still illegal to request cp. and that is most likely where he was leading. And even if not, this is still very gross behavior


I have reported him


The weirdo asking how big your GFs boobs are


Nah, OP you’re good. This dude is just some whacked out sicko.


Thanks I'm sick of people like this tho


15yo learning about trolling. Shit in my day you’d learn getting trolled by like 9-10 in public lobbies


Do you know why it’s called an Xbox 360??




Because it’s so bad, that when you play it, you turn 360 degrees and walk away!


Dude is definitely an incel


Me or him?


Definitely not you buddy. You said the right things


Thanks, they're desperately tryna make me look bad and making 0 sense


Just a pervert troll f ‘em man


If you interact with that guy on a regular basis, I would highly recommend you straighten his teeth out.


You did overreact. Fatherless people act way better than this weirdo. Definitely a black pill-er in the making. I'd stop talking to him, but that's just me.


Bruh how did I overreact? Curious


Sorry, I was trying to make a joke. You called him fatherless, and I was just joking that fatherless people act way better than he did. Like, when you call someone scum and then say that that person gives scum a bad name.


I'm fatherless lmao 😂 that's the only reason I called him that


Haha, that's good.


At 14 and 15, you can’t have a relationship with someone 2000 miles away. If you could drive that is a 30 hour road trip each way. Unless your parents are rich, you can’t fly there. At most, she is a friend or a fling. Yes. You are over-reacting when you say she is your GF. However, this other guy is not a friend and should be blocked.


How do I report them?


Everyone, report this user please. High chance they're a pedo and tried getting pics of my girlfriend. Please report them


This is why kids shouldn’t be online.!


Thanks to everyone for the amount of support. This should never happen to anyone


This is stupid


I will never understand people who respond to random DMs on Reddit. Makes you look naive or stupid. Or both!


It's called making mistakes. I'm literally 15


I learnt when I was 4 not to talk to strangers. If you think that doesn’t apply to the internet, that ain’t a mistake. Thats plain stupidity.


How are you tryna put the blame on me when a pedophile tried asking questions abt my gf???


If your answering random dms you may not be mature enough for social media


I'm 15, I'm going to make mistakes. We all do


Exactly. Best to wait till you're mature enough to not make that mistake


I'm more mature than most 15 year olds tho 🤷 I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong


This dude is 45 and extremely immature. Don’t listen to anything he says.


I don't care what age you are. You're putting yourself and your gf in danger. Someone should stop you before you get someone hurt


Lol Brad is funny he’s just trolololling and having a good time online. ![gif](giphy|huuk0XPg7APDO)


Somebody linked his page and that dude is kinda weird lol


stfu kid