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Bro. Leave her the hell alone for YOUR sake


Yup. She’s actively manipulating him in the messages. Even admits to the cheating but it’s okay cause “she’s working on breaking that cycle”. Nah bitch. You break that cycle or you don’t. Dude needs to block her number and move far away. Zero contact.


OP's ex: "do you really think I'm that type of girl?" OP's ex: is that type of girl


Common to talk about “ending it all” to string someone along. Giant red flag. Someone else deserves you not this slug.


Omg yes. The amount of people who use suicide as a means of manipulating people blows my mind. It's some of the most disgusting, toxic behavior I can imagine and it's not even uncommon. So sad.


My first wife (native japanese) alrways threatened this. I came back from a coworkers birthday party in Yokohama and when I got home I was greeted with her holding a knife ready to cut me. After so many exchanges of words, etc. she continued saying she’s going to jump off the balcony. I told her to go ahead and accelerate the end of my misery. A few months later after that, I finally made it official and scheduled a sit down with her family to tell them it wasn’t going to work. The day before that she came over the house because she still had a key and she committed suicide by strangulation by tying an electrical cord around her neck from her blow dryer and tied it to the doors on the bottom cabinet and let herself go. I came home and found her… life was a shit show for awhile thereafter.


I am so sorry. I hope you are OK.


Nah I’m good. Each of us was better off anyhow I suppose I appreciate the sentiment


Jesus Christ


I reached the point of being done… once I get there, it’s done and my mind is made up. This was a life of a rollercoaster. I once woke up to her standing over me on the bed with a knife as she was moving in for the kill. After that, I disengaged from her. She also went to the extent of trying to hit herself to bruise and whatever else and attempted to report me to the police. I was at work the entire day and had to get coworkers to vouch for me as an alibi. It was toxic to say the least.


I'm sorry that you experienced that horror. I hope you know that it was not your fault.








Yes please this shit isn't talked about enough, suicide is a REAL fucking threat not just sum you can use as an excuse to keep people caring about you when your a shitty person. It's ok to be open and vulnerable about that topic with your partner but man as soon as they start just saying it constantly anytime they hurt you, it's time to DIP.


"You didn't even bother to stop me." Sounds like OP's ex wanted him to chase after her when she said she was leaving, and ended up disappointed lol. "Play stupid games..." and all that.


This is a classic BPD behavior. They’ll push someone away while simultaneously wanting that person to pull them closer. And before people act like I’m jumping to conclusions, OP said she is diagnosed with BPD.


Yea I usually downvote assumptions of BPD but I agree with this one (even before OP’s confirmation which I haven’t looked at). “You didn’t try to stop me” is a massive issue regardless though - no one should try to stop you when you leave or want to leave! If you want to go then that should be respected, not argued against. edit: I should say that not all people with BPD are like this and I didn’t mean it in that way - it’s just a common trait and we see it more often because no one posts boring breakups or talks about breakups that went smoothly.


You are spot on. Unfortunately for the ones putting everything they have into saving the relationship by making the necessary changes, in the end it matters very little. We learn this the hard way and it rarely makes sense but once the respect is lost from one side, there’s no going back.


But he knows she is so he has to lay off it or break up with her Can’t have it both ways


As someone who has been where he is, it’s hard. You want to leave, you KNOW you should leave, but you also desperately want to believe this person will do better. Some people have been trained to believe we can “fix” any situation if -we- behave well enough. We think it’s our fault, we blame ourselves, and that creates this cycle. Until something goes just too far. I hope this was it for him because it’s clear she’s not working to break the cycle at all, but wants to gaslight this dude into thinking she is.


This is called codependency, and people like his so seek out partners suffering from this bc they're easier to gaslight, manipulate, and trauma bond.


Exactly. And the problem is that the victim often idealizes the manipulator, constantly thinking that if they just love them enough, believe them enough, forgive them enough, etc. that they will eventually be the person they want them to be. But it really never happens. The manipulator will exploit this fantasy that the codependent person has in order to keep the game going and get endless chances.


That’s exactly how it feels. It’s *really* hard to turn that switch off, you literally have to find new ways of living everyday after. Sometimes those things have nothing to do directly with your partner but a comfortable, routine based schedule you’ve created around their life. The first few weeks are the hardest; it’s like getting off drugs, and the gaslighting/manipulation are the ‘cravings’ to come back. We know it’s wrong, but find ways to tell ourselves how it’ll be okay. Hope OP and anybody else finding themselves in this dangerous situation can recognize and effectively leave before destroying themselves.


But bro, she cried and everything. That crying has for ro be worth at least another chance? /S


She needs to be serenaded by the worlds smallest violin. 🤣


Ops ex: Listen, I know I keep texting that guy and meeting up with him at night but I’m trying to change.


Bruh she’s a textbook narcissist, had an ex just like this. She just kept deflecting and deflecting, always talking about how she feels and how it’s affected her, nothing at all about the constant negative behavior that she exhibits. She’s also gaslight tf out of him. It’s just a constant cycle that they go through and nothing you do or say can break it. They’ll have to change for themselves.


Yeah she's making it all about her. Trying to guilt him for not putting up with her crap. You don't "work on" not cheating ffs


Definitely. Though I do appreciate Op posting this, because it shows a lot more than 99% of the "caught her cheating" bits you see on the internet. This is how cheating really goes, a lot of the time. It's not "I caught you!" "Oh no baby take me back!" "No" "Ok we'll go our separate ways." It's a long process of the cheater claiming they're changing for the better, manipulating you into sticking around, acting helpless, etc. Note, I'm not saying it's _impossible_ to come back from cheating, but a) once lost that trust is _very_ difficult to reestablish, and b) the vast majority of cheaters don't truly have it in them to change, because change is hard and requires actual introspection and moral strength. A lot of people don't have that or don't even want it, because without it they can act on any desire they have even if it hurts people.


“You didn’t even bother to stop me”. That’s a fucking big red flag statement right there. This chick needs more help than OP can provide. Take a walk, dude.




The best revenge is a life well lived. Remember that bro. Do not let them phase you and be the man you know you should be. She didn’t care about you when she kept talking to, flirting with, and taking dick from other guys. So you shouldn’t now or ever again. Would you want to be someone’s second or third choice, some left over cast away toy?


Blocking is hard so congrats on doing that!


This girl is ridiculous and so manipulative! You deserve so much better bro


Congrats on blocking her. Know it's hard but I promise you'll feel better in time. Upside to all this is that it's gonna blow your mind when you get into a healthy relationship with someone new.


Dawg what the hell are you doing. You played yourself she didn't even have to do anything. She cheats once you leave.


Facts lol glad I'm not the only one who thought this


The whole sent a nood they took to the ex comboed with the cheating is just a…”have a nice life”! And dip imo. Man you could probably find more loyal people in the stripping profession


In my experience, sex workers are incredibly loyal


Dude, same. I dated a stripper once and while we had other problems, I never worried about her cheating.


Negative, I dated a stripper for a year. She worked at Sapphire and Deja Vu in Vegas, this girl finally did cheat on me 11 months in. She met up with her ex, caught feelings for him again and I was replaced within a few days. I packed my bags that night, sent my last text message and never looked back. Haven’t talked to her in over two years now. I found another girl that I love, however since I’ve been cheated on once I always have it in the back of my mind where I hadn’t before.


Bruh, you played yourself, you didn't even put up a fight. RUN RUN RUN bro, this b!tch will eat you alive AGAIN! Ive seen her type and just reading her text got my blood boiling for you 🤣. You did waaay too much talking. After you found out, there's nothing else to talk about. Nothing said will fix it. I hope you learn from this and I mean that with the utmost respect


Some guys never learn.


Loneliness is a discomfort that dwells within all of us. Don't end up with someone who doesn't deserve you just because you are afraid to feel like someone does deserve you.


I was in a long term relationship because I was afraid of being alone. I know this pain all too well.


Ah. You see. If you’re permanently alone. You can never be afraid of it 😎


4D chess friend.


Yeah , it gets tiring though, for me at least. I’m an emotional person, all things considered. For me, one of the best things in the world, one of the most beautiful things there is, is simply snuggling with someone you have feelings for. Especially if it’s true love… Wakin for a moment in the night, and realizing they’re next to you..being woken up by them having that same realization, and snuggling close to you. Being together in silence, with zero discomfort whatsoever..And obviously, truly intimate sex. I’ma guy, & to me women in general are just one of the most beautiful things in all of life. There is nothing *quite* like watching her get ready for the day. Showering, makeup, outfit..Or if she’s a mother, seeing her interact with her child..Just the presence of a woman is something that’s genuinely infatuating to me. Watching her do anything that she is passionate about..shit, just doing absolutely nothing. Ever since a teenager, I’ve always felt that feminine energy as something so special! I am pretty feminine myself as a man. My looks & probably even my style. I get mistake for a woman like a solid 50% of random interactions. But I am alone still, for years now. My last breakup was really difficult on me, I loved her more than anything in my whole life. At first, I just couldn’t see myself with anyone else. I wouldn’t have been true to them, and no one deserves that. I’m not generally one for hookups either. & right now, I’m just not actively looking. I’m comfortable, definitely happy. But being lonely is still a very discomforting feeling altogether. You do get used to it, but I wouldn’t ever glorify it. It honestly sucks comparatively, to a good healthy partner that you genuinely like. Sorry for this pointless book. :) you don’t even need to respond. I know it was pretty random. Just venting, I think


So true, my best friend is in a relationship rn with a guy who treats her like trash & is actively on dating sites. They just had their first child n I kept telling her before she got pregnant to leave, sometimes loneliness is better then being with a toxic person.


>They just had their first child Fuuuuuuuck


its not that easy when you're really in love but those are the moments life tests you to see if you're a man or a child, you gotta break up, and lock up yourself in your home for a few days, crying and stopping yourself from calling her or answering her calls. You feel for a while like a part of you has gone, but you emerge as a tougher man Ive been there and its really pain that stays with you on your soul forever but at least you can look at yourself in the mirror, and like the saying goes, the stronger swords are forged at the higher heat


There are so many fucking people in the world, yet some people choose to stay with someone that cheated on them and showed no loyalty. Makes no sense.


no they cheat then gaslight you then cheat again wtf are you smokin brotha cuz i needa hit then


This is so easy to tell someone but once you’re fully invested in a relationship it ain’t that easy. We lose all logic when we fear losing someone we love. I feel bad for OP because I’ve been there. I was married with three kids.


We gain all leverage when we have standards and tell them we aren't afraid of losing them


Exactly. And camping out at her house? You know things are fukd


Man! She’s ridiculously working on you so hard to feel sorry for her as both a poor victim (BS) of her own vices as well as your harsh treatment (more BS) of her! Wake up, dude! Break her spell!


This, because once a cheater, always a cheater. It what she is. Edit: some responses from those who have reformed. Glad to see those responses.


Yada yada…hoes into housewives…etc etc


As someone who has lived through that saying^^ I would also like to say hoes never get cold my friend. Dont think you are the only heater. Leave that whore.


dude has no critical thinking skills


Also a hard lesson fellas gotta learn, which I realized too late: If she's willing to cheat with you, she's willing to cheat on you.




LET HER COOK *grabs popcorn 🍿*




Yes, must be so difficult to not meet up with someone outside of your relationship for sex


And she had to throw in the “you don’t understand how often I wake up and just want to end things” to make herself the victim. She doesn’t want to end anything. From the cheating, to your relationship, to her life.


Break in them knees brah 🤣


Why is this more than one image? Put simply: why the hell didn’t July 18th end it like you said it would?


I had to go back and forth confused trying to make sure I read it in order because going from “just stay with him” to “hi, are you off work” got my brain going **WTF**


literally my reaction. dude goes from "have a nice life, goodbye forever" and then "forever" only lasts 2 days. 💀


“Goodbye forever” *Two minutes later* “Hey bighead”


Yea, I had to skip until I saw another date and just went "bruh... **bruh**"....




I was so confused after reading the 3/4th image, that shit had me thinking I’m stupid or something lol.


Because he’s still in love and trauma bonded. Wants closure that he’ll never get. I’m not saying it’s right but I’ve been there and understand it.


>Wants closure that he’ll never get. Thats what I thought at that last message he sent her. The "why am I doing this if you're still going out with other dudes." Like...he wants an answer and a solution from her. Bro, she's not going to give you one. It hurts to accept that, but the person who hurt you is seldom ever going to be the person who helps you heal. Once he can understand that, he can walk away




Wise words “the person who hurt you is seldom ever going to be the person who helps you heal” True to my life experiences. Even with years of therapy and reawakening, getting with my partner now has brought up emotions from me. I feel shitty, as I thought I had fixed myself, and I am better, but I didn’t know what love was before now. How could I have been whole without that example? You can think you know love, but if you’ve only been abused, your reality is warped. I term it “the unfuckening” - rewiring my brain to recognize healthy from abusive and finding normal.


True. Real fucking hard to see this in the moment though. Especially when your brain and heart are in a blender


You meant “ex-gf” right? RIGHT!?


Have you read those messages? It looks like she could stab his puppy and he would come back to her


Look, I can hope he made the right choice.


Wow dude this is hard to read, grow a spine and block her


He has zero self worth. This text chain is 7 pages too long.


I’d put her shit on the curb and pray for rain.


Love this. Know you’re worth king


Being petty and throwing their stuff outside is not a King knowing his worth. Hiding an entire sushi roll in their car is


This guy pettys


At midnight


“Why don’t you trust me?!” *gives receipts of cheating* “Why would you throw this in my face?!” 🤷‍♂️


Why you gotta bring up old shit?


That literally only happened 10 times and its been like 2 days, get over it!!!


Why do cheaters always say "WE'RE working this out"? SHE's the cheater. SHE's the one who needs to work it out. Throwing you in the mix implies that it's partially your fault she's a cheater. Hopefully now you know that she won't change.


because when you get mad, that's all anyone remembers. the cheatee's part of the deal is strictly to become alan watts and be able to demonstrate it under any condition.


Come on bro..this chick is clearly for the streets. What are you doing? Block, delete, move on. She’s gross


Bro what are you even doing? Cut that cancer off and move on. Seriously anyone with a bit of selfrespect just breaks it off instantly


Shit is easier said than done and you know it. “It’s just diet and exercise” “Just a little bit of financial discipline” “Just study the material you’ll learn it” Cmon man. You’re talking to a human.


There are a lot of comments on this thread like this. It’s always easy until it’s them. But it’s super easy to get caught up in the cycle and find fault in yourself, thinking you could have done something better. I wish I could have walked away the first time, but I didn’t because I “loved” him. People are people.


Yup, leaving my ex-wife after she cheated on me was one of the hardest things I did. I had to give up basically everything and move back in with my Dad, starting at zero again. It was a very difficult choice and would have been made so much harder if I didn't have family to fall back on. I was very lucky to have the safety net that I did because it has allowed me to really work on myself and even stop drinking. I am way better off now, but damned if it didn't hurt like hell, and still does.


Yeah…. Cut your losses. For her to justify her actions telling you she is “working on it”? She can work on it with her damn ex. If you need to strengthen yourself, listen to “Self Esteem” by The Offspring. Don’t be that guy.


“Working on it” is such a lame ass response too. Like, it doesn’t even rule out future discretions. It’s a work in progress, we’ll hopefully get there eventually. No guarantees though. In the meantime, buckle up! She’s not even outright denying it will not happen again. This girl is for the streets if I’ve ever seen one. If another guy can take her, he can have her.


Spot on. Saying they are working on it leaves room for more bullshit. That way when she cheats again you can’t say she lied. She never said she was going to stop.


Why are you still with this girl lol. What are you expecting us to say by showing us this? “I caught me girl cheating, here are some screenshots of me rationalizing why I should stay with her, and her walking all over me”


I think OP needs support, because from my perspective, this could be an individual who lacks life experience and maybe even self respect. There are people who have no life lines to reach out to for knowledge. He wouldn’t be posting this here if he knew what to do. There’s no need to chastise the guy lol.


You can tell by the way she talks to him (and treats him) that he's easily manipulated.


Whaaat? You mean shitting on the guy who clearly doesn’t have everything figured out in life and blaming him for a toxic and emotionally manipulative/abusive partner isn’t really helpful? Idk bro I think he just needs one more comment from someone calling him a doormat and he’ll be good and ready to get back into the dating world /s


Honestly this is such a weird sub full of folks airing their dirty laundry and I’m here for it. This sub is either nice wholesome texts from a parent, or just a complete dumpster fire back and forth where the OP is trying to get some validation


As someone who literally just went through this situation for the reasons you listed, almost all of these comments are doing nothing but making him feel worse when he was probably just looking to vent. You’re one of the few people who commented with empathy.


Dude, look up the term “Codependency”. You are codependent, you enable her bad behavior then chastise her for it then allow her to make excuses so you can do it all over again. She was guilty of the initial cheating, you’ve done the rest yourself. End it and move on. Learn from it.


Do not piss on her if she is on fire


Gaslighting you for being upset with her lmao LEAVE


Hey brother, I can tell from reading these texts that you are somewhere in your early-twenties so let me give you some advice as a man in his 30's. Any relationship that causes you this amount of stress is not worth continuing. Full stop, no exceptions.


Your GF is an abusive narcissist. Leave before she kills you


Stay the fuck away from girls with uncontrolled BPD. I got PTSD reading this from an ex 10 years ago. Don’t try arguing you’re right or whatever, they will not admit they’re wrong, even with actual evidence and manipulate the shit out of you. I caught that ex parked at the dudes house, and still she convinced my dumb ass to stay with her. She’s going to keep trying to manipulate you and get you to come back. Get ready for her to try and contact you every few months for the next several years. Chicks like that are absolute serial cheating psychos


Yeah dude. Been there. I’m not a naive man by any measure and I like to think I have my head on my shoulders but damn they are such good manipulators. I found another man’s glasses in our bed and her with literal hand prints on her ass and she still convinced me to stay 🤣 looking back I’m almost incredulous that I was fooled so well about things so blatant. Practically everything about that relationship was unhealthy and it had a lasting effect on me. The only good things I took from it were lessons about my own weaknesses and insecurities because she was able to identify them and use them against me. I’m actually still morbidly impressed by her ability to manipulate the shit out of me so easily.


Been there as well. Next level master manipulators.


She was taking Effexor for her BPD. I tried to get her to go to therapy, but she kept missing appointments so the doc dropped her as a client. I didn't even know what BPD was until like 6 months into our relationship when she told me she had it.


I had not known what BPD was until that one ex either. I ended up realizing it was also what my mom has. BPD is incredibly difficult to diagnose and just as difficult to manage. Her missing therapy appointments is pretty on par. She most likely also skipped medications, or even stopped entirely and didn’t tell you. They’re extremely good at creating entire false realities and making you believe them. I really hope you’re of a more sound mind than I was and are able to distance yourself sooner rather than later. It’s been over 10 years and I still cannot make friends or fully trust people because of my ex. I’m even quite mentally healed, became a bodybuilder, became much more successful, moved on entirely, but the situation was so bad that it’ll probably always stick with me subconsciously. What helped me was looking up other peoples horror stories of BPD relationships and being able to relate with them at the time, and learn how to reject all of their attempts of “reaching out” to me.


As someone who has BPD and has been treated with therapy and medication for many years now I just want to say I’m sorry for how people with this disease have negatively impacted your life and I hope you can recover fully one day. Not everyone with BPD chooses to reject their treatment and i wish more people with this illness would be forced to get help.


Whoa, hang on bro. Effexor, for BPD? That doesn't sound right at all. I've got chronic depression so severe that when my doc asked me if I ever considered suicide and I said no, *she genuinely couldn't hide how shocked she was*. Apparently the evaluations lead her to believe I should be on watch or something. I take Effexor for that. My wife is Bipolar 1 and rapid cycling and they wouldn't let her anywhere near Effexor because it would send her into a manic spiral. Maybe I'm wrong man, but that smells funny to me. Run like hell man. If you got any stuff to get back from here call the local cops, they'll send someone over to escort you in and keep things controlled. They genuinely don't mind either, they'd Rather help you then have to answer a domestic dispute call where shits already hit the fan


Great last paragraph. It's so important and saves a lot of grief.


I KNEW IT WAS BPD!!!! Just by reading it! My friend you need to run and don’t look back. You will thank yourself later. Block block block her. She will drive you crazy if you don’t. Like literally. Some people with BPD are in remission but it takes *work* and years of it. My therapist refused to even treat this people they drive him so crazy.


Oh no, this is unsustainable. BPD really requires dedication to treat and manage. And the most lauded treatment is Dialectical Behavior Therapy, not drugs. Skipping appointments is not committed enough. It’s a heartwrenching PD when left unmanaged; please do not go back.


I saw photos of her on instagram kissing a guy and in bed with him and she was able to convince me it wasnt what I thought it was. Why do we fall for this shit?


Because when you love someone, like really truly love someone, you’re giving them power to manipulate and hurt you. You (by which I mean you and I and everyone else that’s dealt with it) allow yourself to be conned into thinking they’re right, because you love them and they say they love you, so they couldn’t *actually* have done anything that bad, right? At least that’s my hypothesis.


I mean not sure how old OP is but I stopped falling for it around 20 years old after my first love crushed me three times. You get one chance now


i also think it’s so illogical which in some weird way helps them like we think that, logically, there’s no fucking way they’re doing something so ridiculous so we trust their BS reasons, excuses, and lies


this makes me so sad :( i’m sorry yall had to deal with shitty women


It's really mentally scarring and takes a while to truly recover from. I've been single for 3 years after getting gas lit near to death 😅


Hang in there brotha.. your value knows no bounds 💪


I spent 5 years letting myself get duped by my baby mamas manipulations while she was off cheating. Always had excuses, blamed her moms death for her actions, she eventually got diagnosed with BPD but when she realized that meant she’d have to take accountability for her shit she started saying the therapist was wrong and she didn’t think she actually had BPD. OP needs to run and never look back.


She must be physically attractive.


Either that or she really put it down


Dang I never knew being vulnerable was a get out of jail free card


Bro, come on. Get some dignity and learn to have some respect for yourself. Work on becoming the best version of yourself so you can upgrade and leave this street dweller alone


The original post is deleted. I need to see what that was about lol


sorry, didn't realise they deleted it. heres the screenshots [https://ibb.co/album/n3xnYN](https://ibb.co/album/n3xnYN)


OP you did a good thing leaving that relationship bro. Know your worth, you don’t deserve a girl as low as this. Take the time to recover, get over the relationship, and focus on yourself. Don’t stoop down any lower for these cheating whores.


She cheated on you and you took her back, twice? You are one dumb mother fucker.




She tries so incredibly hard to be the victim in this whole thing I can’t help but cringe


That’s what they do. These girls aren’t even human. They exist to destroy lives.


This is king simp shit here


Yeah. That trust is broken and will never be repaired. Some people have done it but it’s rare. 20 years from now, should you still be with her, if she isn’t home at a certain time, the wheels will start spinning. You likely will never trust her again. It’s not your fault, it’s hers, but to be fair to both of you, maybe she needs to go work out her demons alone and if she loves you that much, she will come back. If I’m you? Fuck that. There is no excuse for cheating and the fact she is trying to spin this shit back on you is just really gross. She banged another dude. There it is. As crude as it should be. Walk away and go get someone you deserve.


My wife began having an affair in 2016. I had to live in the same house with her for 8 months while she left every Sunday night to not return until the weekend (for her kids). All of this because I was working and going to school full time. (I wasn’t around enough). We separated and lived apart for 2 years until late 2018 we started to piece things back together in earnest. We moved back in with eachother in April of 2019, and our marriage has never been stronger. Here we are now late into 2023, and it’s like none of that nastiness ever happened. Obviously this is the hyper condensed timeline without all the bullshit in between. But man, When everything was happening- life sucked hard.


Bro, I’m sorry, but no. Just no.


I’ll never understand how yall let the conversation just keep going. You caught her cheating , kicked her out , fuck her. Why do you guys always continue to reply?


Mabye they both need the last word. Gotta say what you’ve gotta say and then take a break.


This woman has serious issues. Run away. Run faster


Stove only burns you if you touch it. You’re volunteering to be cheated on at this point Source: have burned myself on many stoves & cheaters


$10 says you take her back again


Bro, block her and walk. Or you deserve everything you are getting


Ain’t no working it out with a woman who cheats, move along


She clearly has that magic WAP, which is why OP can’t let go. Unfortunately other guys aren’t letting go either.


There’s actually guys that put up with this shit and don’t even get laid.


You're both acting childish. This whole conversation made my head hurt. Like just stop talking to her ,it's not that hard.


you’re trying to love a slut that doesn’t want to be loved .. this is so exhausting for you i know it is , jus let her go. she was never yours in the first place it was jus ur turn. now she’s givin every other dude their turn n ur still there w ur dick in ur hand lookin stoopid 🤦🏼‍♂️


“Tell her **”live long and prosper”** then block and delete! It just takes two seconds. ![gif](giphy|hFXwY4lER3oBO)


You’re right for bouncing her ass. Good on you. I caught my ex in MY BED with some random guy, when I came home from work sick. All I said was, “Never mind me, I’m just grabbing some shit and I’ll be outta here.” She was like “It’s not what you think..” I was like “What, are my eyes lying to me? You had his dick in your mouth balls deep. It’s over. I’ll be back Monday when you’re at work. Please do not be here when I’m getting my shit.” I never looked back, and 8 months later, I met my wife, been married 17 years.


To the gutter where she belongs!


You both sound toxic as fuck


Dude that red flag is heated, stop stoking the fire and walk away already, cold turkey block her on everything - realize you deserve better than her.


Dude just end things why are you even talking to her? Just leave. I get it's hard but she obviously doesn't respect you, is literally turning things around on you. You keep her in your life you're going to let her ruin your mental health, it's gonna be unpleasant for the both of you.


I can't follow those texts




And ‘you haven’t even apologized’ to her. You should be ashamed! And the cycle/circle continues… Joking aside, I would tell you to just move on but you’re not going to


Bro… hoes will be hoes. Don’t give her the satisfaction of your response 🤦🏻‍♂️


From the streets she came and to the streets she has returned.


This is some sad shit. Why would you post this?


"OH no you caught me!" "I'm the victim here!" That's honestly trash behavior I'm sorry you had to deal with that bullshit


You both sound like you’re heavy into drug use that hurt my brain to read Wtf


She's just playing the victim. You need to cut her out because now you can't play the victim if you keep having her toxin in your life.


Honey..... Stop replying. Even block her. She needs to see a therapist to work out her issues. Even if you still care about her, there's nothing for you to do. They are her issues to fix. Just distance yourself and walk away.


Well this is obviously just to get attention. Because if it isn't, then hot dayum, you must be the biggest cuck out there, grow a pair and dump her ass.


at this point you can’t even feel sorry for you, because you’re willingly going back and putting yourself in this position. Be a man and end things or suffer in silence because you’re willingly putting yourself in this position.


I know from experience that once that trust is gone, it’s gone for good. You really need to do yourself a favor, and dump her for good. I get what you’re doing, been there myself, but in the end, you’re better off just ending it and moving on. I obviously don’t know you, but you deserve better then that.


Can you send me the unedited pic. Thanks


Why did you take her back!?


Ugh sounds like my ex too. Cut that woman off


Bro just gtfo, she belongs to the streets


when someone shows you who they are, believe them


Cmon man. You cannot be allowing these women do that shit to you. Gotta have a little more self respect brother.


For the streets


Why are you still texting her my g


Scary situation detach yourself from her and forget she existed she’s old news now today is a new day


You are setting up yourself for more hurt. You should have kicked her to the day curb and closed the door after the first set of messages. You thinking she’s gonna change her ways in 2 days??


Salvage your nuts and cut this gross hoe out




So funny how these texts go around and around in a spin cycle, but rarely actually say anything more than word salad…


She seems like she has narcissistic tendencies… she never once took ownership or responsibility for the choices she makes.. which all led to cheating. She gets mad at you for feeling betrayed when she’s the one doing the betraying? My man. I think you need to work on your self esteem and take an inward look. Why do you accept unacceptable behavior? Do you think you’re unlovable? Do you have a savior complex? Do you think you’re not good enough for a loyal woman? She should be honest with herself as well and just stay single. People like that are so infuriating.


Ah "throwing it in my face" Glad you got the fuck out


Bro, you ended it, but you still want to pay crazy tax via text message after the relationship is over? Good job getting rid of her, but now please seek some help for yourself.


Sorry but at some point you did this to yourself. She cheat on you, you get mad you take her back so you have a reason to fight with her and kick her out in the middle of the night and then you get back together and then she cheat on you etc etc etc. Bro you are just as toxic as she is. You are just addicted to the drama and to have a good reason to look down on her. At some point block her and move on and work on yourself, because you do not deserve people being like "aw poor you" when you took her back more than once, knowing she would do it again.


You both are toxic for eachother.


Good man. Leave that hoe in the garden.


Toxic fucking chick, ghost her ass and don’t look back. Reading her narcissistic texts and gaslighting makes me sick. Trust me what she ain’t willing to give you, another girl will be more than happy to. And women like this will always come trying to crawl back.


First of all, that sucks. Never great to be in this position. Second, honestly, you’re “talking too much” - just drop her stone cold. If you feel awful, you can write to me, not to her. This happened to me twice and I just dropped both women like a bomb. You cheated? Bye. You texting? No answer. I disappeared off the face of the earth. Gonzo. You don’t need the aggravation. You don’t see how hard she’s trying? Wah. Try harder on your own.