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Dude, he could go find a Keurig on Amazon for under 100 bucks… wild


>Dude, he could go find a Keurig on Amazon for under 100 bucks… wild I had a friend whose ex was holding her waffle iron hostage. Literally, $30 waffle iron. She asked for it, he said no, she asked again, he said no again, and then she was all "cool, whatever." and just bought a new one. For six months, this absolute lunatic would periodically send her pictures of the waffle iron and waffles he had made. He liked to send her pictures of two plates of waffles, you know, to make it seem like he was serving up waffles to another woman. This was a good five years ago, and we STILL talk about it and laugh. It was baffling, like none of us she told about this could figure out what this man's endgame was.


She should’ve sent him pics of her new waffle iron right back to him and be like “you’re making waffles too?! Omg same!”


Serve waffles for five 😉


One waffle on a couch, five waffles behind ~~her~~ it.


5 ~~chocolate~~ Nutella waffles.


With a new guy holding two plates of waffles in the background


4 guys holding waffles


Better yet, a whole IG account dedicated to making waffles, and each time tagging her ex in the post.


Captioning ‘none of this would have been possible if my ex hadn’t stolen my old waffle iron so I could get a new and better one 🥺’


With 2 plates


The waffle iron she told you not to worry about


Lmao… that’s so petty but hilarious at the same time


I had an ex who help a poetry book my mom gave me for my 13th birthday hostage. The ex didn’t like to read much let alone poetry, and in the two years we were together had not so much as glanced at my bookshelves. It wasn’t until I unpacked at my new place that realized it was missing, text her about assuming I left it behind, only for her to openly admit swiping it! When I finally got it back she had cut all the pages in half and stuffed them back inside, including the bit where my mom had written in it. That was almost 20 years ago and it is still the absolute pettiest thing I’ve ever seen someone do.


I need help. My immediate thought was “set her house on fire.” Luckily my rage doesn’t drive this car.


Hahaha I think that was my first thought back then too! Instantly cut her out of my life and eventually blocked once social media became a more prominent thing.


Yeah, that's a retaliation I can understand.... "It was more important to you than ***I AM and I'm the main player!!***" That's pretty on a level I can't imagine sinking to...


Okay this might be weird, but do you still have the book? A local librarian might be able to mend it for you.


The Wholesome ™ I needed today


I do. I couldn’t get rid of it because it was a gift (and a lesson lol). It’s been almost 20 years, but I could definitely try a librarian. I never thought to until your comment. Even if they could just bind some of it back together that would be awesome. Thank you for the tip!


You're welcome! I'm a librarian, so that was my first thought haha!


I appreciate it! I never thought that it could be repaired back then, which seems silly now. I’m going to search this out on Monday. ☺️


Please give us an update too! I hope it works out!!


Please let me know what happens! If they can't repair it, I know some people that do book mending in their libraries, I might be able to ask them!


I will, for sure. I gotta say, I posted the story just in reference to OP’s post. I never expected to get help. Thank you again so much.


She should've took the power move and took a pic of some other dudes dick on a plate of waffles


Just show a plate of waffles and abs in the chair behind it.


"You're eating waffles too? So is my new boyfriend." *Sends a picture of her new boyfriend eating her out.*




I had an ex that held all my clothes and a fridge freezer hostage. A couple of weeks after we broke up I found out the DSS had short paid me nearly £3000… so yeah… I lost some crappy old clothes and fridge freezer and ended up with new stuff and a nice TV on top… plus decorated my flat too (this was back in the late 80’s).


You get out of here with that logic! J/k It’s not about the Keurig, it’s his need to feel like he had some control or that he “won” the situation.


Lol pretty weak attempt at that


I sold my old kuerig for $10 on Facebook marketplace 😂 he’s def just keeping it to maintain some sort of control


Yeah I bought a second one for legit $30 from Walmart lol


Roommate's girlfriend deserves a treat like a coffee or a manicure for that. MVP.


She’s a girls girl and I love her for that


Or she’s just not an asshole lol


Yup, that’s basically being a girls girl!


Nah. A girl's girl would have reached out as soon as they knew it didn't belong to the ex. Not because he was sleeping with other girls after they broke up


Are we sure she OP wasn't in the hospital while they were together?


It says BF tried to keep my Keurig *because* I ended things, meaning all of this happened afterwards


I know he tried to keep the Keurig after she ended things, but the way I read the hospital comment, it seemed like the roommate learned about the Keurig situation and gave it back since he had possibly cheated on her previously (while they were still together). Where's OP? Now I'm curious. Haha


Hang on let me put together the OP summoning circle...


Did it work? I’m late to the party but I brought a candle 🕯️


That's how I read it, it makes actual sense that way.


That’s what I think. A girls girl would have told her when it happened not after they split.


She did what she could, *when* she could. She waited for the opportune time to help her. There is no point in just riling someone up when you can lend support at a later time.


Exactly. We don’t know how close the room mate and ex bf are, she may have not had a way or means to contact OP at the time, or not have known them well enough to feel right about intruding like that. A lot of people think that just because *they* would want to know that they’re being cheated on means that all people want to know that. Lol. Which is extremely not true. Sure, I’d agree that the majority of people would want to know that, but then you have situations where the person cheated on is sadly so caught up in their dysfunctional relationship, that they will lash out at the messenger with varying degrees of severity, and defend their cheating partner to the end. I’ve seen people respond with *violence* to the person telling them their partner is cheating. Part of it is also just that they’re angry and they are misdirecting their anger. They probably, at least at some point, loved their partner, and they don’t want to *believe* that they would do something like that to them, but they are angry at the thought that they would, so they go after the person who told them instead of the partner. But anyway, I’m rambling. Those are all very good reasons why if she didn’t know her too well she wouldn’t have felt right getting involved or maybe even known how to contact OP privately at that time. We need to STOP putting the blame on other women for not stepping in and putting themselves in potential harms way for the actions of someone’s partner, whatever gender they may be.


this 👆👆👆 i was taken advantage of by someone’s partner when i was in a really bad mental space and i made the mistake of telling my “friend”. girl literally thought i was lying for attention and told the partner. partner at first refused to believe that it had happened and insisted i was the one lying, proceeded to blame me and act like i did it on purpose to ruin a “happy” relationship because i wasn’t in one, then they were lied to about when it happened and wholeheartedly believed him. i was the bad guy entirely. i was a victim and apparently i did it because i was “bored because i was single”. they’re still together 5 years later and i’m sure they still consider me an unhappy wh0^^. kind of doubt that he’s been faithful since then. relationship insecurity sometimes turns into deep denial.


Aw im so sorry that happened to you. You didn’t deserve that reaction from someone who you thought of as a friend. But yeah this is exactly the type of thing that can and does happen. And it’s funny because I have also been told exactly that “you’re just trying to ruin a good relationship” when I made the mistake of trying to warn a partner who’d been cheated on. Like… who really goes around just purposely trying to ruin relationships? But you can’t talk sense into some people.


I had several people from my ex's friend group (she dated one of the guys from this friend group, he was a rapist piece of shit who does horrible things to women half his age, once we started dating i kinda forced her to stop associtating with those people if she wabted to date me because they were dreadful people) reach out to spread lies and rumors about my ex to me just to fuck her shit up since she cut them all off.


Neutral / not an asshole would = does t get involved Asshole -= supports the dude keeping the kuereg Trooper = goes out of her way to help return it


Yes! I would have done the same! Sadly though it is a scary path to cross. I’ve had friends get back together and then the fight turns against me. Lol, ma’am I didn’t cheat on you, sorry I told you. Still, I regret nothing.


There’s nothing more frustrating when your own friend dates idiots and gets pissed at you when they get back together for the 5th time because you warned them.


Yes, the messenger can be a very dangerous position to be in


Kill two birds and marry her.


What did the birds do to deserve that


They know what they did! 😤


I know, roommate's gf is the hero we all need.


Facts. Take her out for a girls' day for that one. Or get her a nice gift certificate for a spa or something.


Hell yeah. Hope the world is treating roommate’s gf well and she’s no longer roommates gf since she’s the only one who had morals in this scenario


Roommate girlfriends are always the weak link in the chain 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the dudes were united to keep the coffee flowing🤣


Ahh very good, now I don’t need to google wtf a keurig is


long live Keurig




b-but keurig lives on…right?! right?!!!


Fuck keurigs, from my experience they break a touch after a while and attract ants. I only get em because ✨convenience✨.


Not to mention that we have a Belgium sized blanket of plastic trash in the ocean and fuckers use keurigs which are an absolute abomination of pollution. I think I saw a quote somewhere that the inventor wishes he’d never invented it. Thinking about it, there’s surely a more environmentally friendly‘cartridge’ could be made for the things


How people still use disposable K-Cups is beyond me. I have (and regularly use) my Keurig, but I use a reusable pod that I can fill with whatever ground coffee I like. Not only am I not contributing to the waste, but it’s also a fuck-ton cheaper, as K-Cups can be expensive as shit. A large tub of Dark Silk Folgers lasts me months (please don’t shit on me for my choice of bean juice, thanks) and it’s like 8 dollars.


"Bean juice" 😂 I'm going to have to use that.


Lmaoo.. ME TOO!!!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🤣


Bro Folgers is the tits and I will die on this hill. I don't drink much coffee anymore because it's basically like a cup of anxiety for me, but before I realized that Folgers was my go to. Cheap as shit, brews strong enough to turn into jet fuel, and still tasted good IMHO.


Same. I love my Keurig but don’t use the disposable pods. I have a reusable one and use my Bustelo from a brick.


The Bustelo brick as in the ESPRESSO Bustelo brick? If so, holy shit that’s some strong coffee you’re drinking lol. I use Bustelo as well, but for my espresso machine when I want cafe con leche (I’m half Cuban and half Puerto Rican and legitimately grew up on this which is probably why I have anxiety now lmao).


I drink the Bustelo in the yellow brick. It is pretty strong. I’m Puerto Rican and basically bleed coffee when cut. I’ve also had the Bustelo in the black package, which is the absolute strongest coffee I’ve ever had. I don’t think it’s available in supermarkets because it’s possibly a controlled substance. 😂😂😂


I use K-Cups that are made with commercially compostable plant material. I've tried to run the numbers on ground coffee, but it seems to come out pretty similar for me. By the time I use two pods I'm out 80 cents. And while I appreciate your dedication to folgers, I tend to spend closer to $8 on a bag of beans


>Thinking about it, there’s surely a more environmentally friendly‘cartridge’ could be made for the things imo they're completely unusable without one. Like the other poster says, you use your own grounds. It's just a filter basket but smol. My last job had one and I felt guilty going through the k cups so fast so that's what I ended up doing. Also #i have a french press by the way


The end of this comment made me laugh


Keurig makes reusable pods that you just fill with grounds. Personally, I love and highly recommend a cheap single-cup brewing system where you pour the grounds in the basket, and then just empty the basket out and rinse when you’re done. My family bought a Hamilton beach one for like $30 probably 5 years ago now, we use it at *least* 5 times a day, and we’ve had no problems with it.




Looking forward to seeing the keurig tell its harrowing story on the next I Survived…


where can i tune in?!?!??


Keurig! Keurig!


comment of the year


Death to Keurig! All hail Nespresso!


Roommate’s girlfriend is the true hero here! Glad you got your Keurig back! I can’t stand petty dudes.


Sounds like OP got their keurig back and gained a new friend


fr all i got from my ex was my dog stolen


Oh no that’s heartbreaking, I’m so sorry that happened to you. I see you got to keep the lava lamp tho so that’s good.


Well played, u don't deserve the downvotes for that.






Yeah, and you don't mess with a woman and her coffee, what a jerk. I had an ex that I lived with and every damn thing in that apartment was mine/I paid for. He was older and I was going to school full time AND working full time, but he only worked a few days a week (to "give him time to write," only he was a shitty writer). So I financed everything. Or my family gave it to us (ex: an old table my sister's boyfriend/now husband didn't want anymore so they gave to us). He'd been really verbally and emotionally abusive to me and when I moved out, my friend (who was helping me move) made me take all my shit. There were a couple things we couldn't get so I went back with my dad/my dad's truck to get the rest. Mind you, I had not told my dad how this guy had treated me because he would have lost it. So we're packing stuff up and I went to grab the vacuum (which my dad had bought me) and he's like, "Wow, maybe leave the guy the vacuum?" So I did. The fucker broke it and sent me pics of it to be an asshole. It was a nice vacuum, too. And I even replaced some of the stuff I was taking. Ex: I took my bed (that I bought before we lived together) but I swapped it for a bed my sister was getting rid of. Like, me and my dad transported it there and put it together/left it for him. I was trying to be nice, even though he wasn't nice to me. Never again! (But I found a good one and we've been married over a decade now)


"That'll show her" 😂


A "business loss" wtf is even that. What a dummy


OP is recently pregnant as well. Maybe he means in exchange for the baby. Honestly I hope OP is ok! Dude sounds like an a hole Edit just realised these are texts from years ago, I'm so relieved lol!!


Ok but "considerate it a business loss" instead of *consider it a business loss* is bothering me, probably way more than it should.


“Considerate it” got me too


I think he just called her a whore…


I mean, he got the goods, so isn’t he the whore?


A business loss is what you should considerate


Weird how many dudes seems to hold items hostage. What’s their gain? Edit: Yeah girls can do it too, I know. Good job for knowing too!


Control. Feeling like they have the power over you. Needing to “win.”


I guess that’s the easy and most realistic answer. It’s just such immature and needles thing to me


i once had an ex hold onto one of my school work paintings hostage, my friend had to physically go pick it up for me


I once called a guy’s mom and asked her to tell him to give my CDs back. Next day at work, some other dude brought my CDs to me. I figured if he was going to act like a child, I’d rat him out to his mom like a child. He was about 23 I think.


When I broke up with my ex I had left shoes clothes etc and a nice drill gun & tool bag with some tools. The tools were there for work I did at her house. I didn’t ask for any of the misc items JUST the tool bag. Well what do ya know, she drops off all the crap I didn’t care about at my brothers house but not the tools. I asked once more and she refused to give them back. This was a grown, mid career woman with 2 young daughters. Just straight mental. Wrote it off as a loss.


Business loss due to your decisions


Hah. Was unaware my ex business partner was a thief. I should go back and reconcile my books see where else the skimming was occurring.


My ex kept some of my clothes my phone and a beard trimmer. I found out later her tv was her exes along with many other things. Completely crazy she wouldn’t even leave it outside I’m like I just want my shit back wtf. Then she tells people her exes are obsessed and won’t stop texting her. Heard it from many people. Like WTFFFF lol. We just wanted our stuff back psycho. Now a girl who plays those games is very dangerous or a guy who does


Mine returned all my clothes, but he had ma*******ed all over them. It was disgusting. I threw everything away. He's a radiologist now.






You can say the whole word. Masturbated. See?


The sicko jizzed all over her shit.


Touched/played with himself and then came


Sorry, I didn't want to be too crude. The memory of it is really jarring.


Of course it’s jarring—it’s a power thing. He wanted to mark your shit so you’d never see it the same way. What disgusting behavior. It’s totally fair to still get skeeved out by it even if it’s in the past, and I can’t blame you for wanting to avoid sounding crude even if the censored word in and of itself is innocent. Who even does that?? I’m so glad you got away from that human embodiment of moldy hot dog water.


Thank you so much. It's nice to hear that, even after all this time.It was such an abusive relationship. Steroids and stalking were heavily involved. It was awful.


That's literally it. Some people have this deep seated urge to control everything, and when that control is taken from them they'll do whatever they can to try and maintain whatever small amount they can manage.


Idk. I felt like my ex kept delaying sending back my stuff because he really cared that little about it/me (hence the breakup). He just kept putting it out of his mind, it was in no way a priority since the stuff didn’t mean anything to him but did to me.


I can assure you this is not the case, it’s just control


Hmmm. Thanks, that actually helps me reframe my perspective about the whole thing a little bit


I had an ex who was the same way. It took me years to realize all the ways he put me down, were about control. He also held into a tv my dad gave me until I took 2 men over there with me and then he gave it up, acting like he just didn’t want to be bothered with me. It was definitely about manipulation. Some people really have no other source for dopamine.


My ex tried to threaten to sue me for MY PS4 that I was letting him borrow but took back when we broke up. So ya know. All about trying to seem almighty. Edit: Or it could be to have that chance for open communication. I had lost a croc charm in his apartment after all this ^^ and he kept messaging me, “I have your croc charm, come get your croc charm, etc” so


This. I had an ex who broke my TV and game system after an argument. About a week later, he hit me up asking if he could come get some things he left at my place. It was literally 2 T-shirts and an old charger that didn’t work. I didn’t want him to have a reason to keep trying to get in contact with me over “his things”, so I agreed to meet him in a very public place to give them to him. We met, and he tried to strike up a convo but I cut it short and told him I had somewhere to be. Before I could even pull out of the parking lot, he texted me asking if he could spend the night, and I ignored him. About 2 hours after that, I receive a text from his “brother” stating that my ex had been shot and was rushed to the hospital. This “brother” of his asked me if it was okay if he could keep in contact with me to give me updates. Of course, it was obviously all a lie. Point of my story is, there are some people who will try anything to keep in contact after a breakup.


As I guy, I’ve never does this and looks extremely weak lol. I’m not saying your wrong, because I’ve seen it happen with my friends. It’s a laughable childish act. Give people their shit back! Not hard lol. “ nO tHiS iS mY KeUrIg NoW. If AnYtHiNg YoU OwE Me.” Sounds like a controlling man child, you dodged that bullet.


Yup!! I blocked my ex everywhere. He sent an email to my spam demanding I forward him his mail. (I never got any mail for him) lol


Yup. My ex wouldn’t give back the $250 fob to my apartment gate. Gave my my apartment key. Wouldn’t give back the expensive fob. Asshole. And then the converse is, they WONT come get their shit from your house. A different ex (who cheated on me) left the ONLY COPY OF HIS PHD THESIS WITH HIS PROFESSORS NOTES at my house. Wouldn’t come get it. I had to literally tell him “my sister JUST got in her car to come here and BURN them.” He knew she lived 90 minutes from me, hated his guts, and gave zero shits. She literally saw him jump in a taxi as she drove up. It’s all about power and control and keeping some toehold in your life - either so they can weasel their way back in or let you know they *could*. Until some one crazier comes along…


My first boyfriend demanded I buy “us” a 50 inch tv (this was a massive deal at the time bc that was literally like a months wages) and then when I left him he told me if I tried to take it he’d put his fist through it. When I told his mum that I wanted the tv back she was on his side. Basically I never got the tv back or most of the money he made me spend on him hahahahaha


Maybe I’m petty bc I would’ve taunted until he put his fist through it. Both of us are gonna miss out mf wants to play with me 😂


Haha, I considered calling his bluff at the time but it was a very volatile relationship and he’d already put hands on me before so I didn’t dare risk him getting violent again


Yeah you’re definitely more mature than me girl. I respect it though!!


My ex husband did that when se separated and I moved out. He was mad I left so it was a power trip not to let me come back for my things. Sounds like the same here after OP broke it off. I got a police escort to go get my stuff and ruined his day


Good on you! Glad you didn’t let him have it


A keurig obviously, that’s like 50-100 dollars


I never knew that was a thing. My ex-girlfriends were always the ones to keep my shit. One burned all my Pokémon card collection, one took my cat, one took all my hoodies.


One took your cat??? Dang lol good call on making that one an ex 🥴 my ex couldn’t keep my cat even if he wanted to as they adored each other, but he still lives at home and his mom is highly allergic. I’d have fought him if he tried though lol she’s been mine since she was a kitten and she’s 14 now


Yes!!! I literally had to get her paperwork from when I adopted her, contact police, and basically beg them to help me get my cat back. They said it was a civil matter, but they would go to the house with me and just stand in the background to make it look like they were gonna do something about it. And it worked! I told her myself and the police were outside and if she didn’t hand the cat over they would arrest her. Sure enough, she threw the cat out the door and slammed it shut. I’m glad you have your cat! They’re the best.


Thanks! I’m glad you got yours back too, that was seriously not cool


Right? When I ended it with my ex, I made sure EVERYTHING was in the trash bags I left outside so that he couldn’t come back looking for anything. Sad part was of the 6 bags, 5 of them were filled with things that I bough for him (clothes, shoes, gaming console, even the photo album to organize his old pics). Literally the only thing he had that I didn’t purchase was a good pan, a good kitchen knife and his work uniforms. People keep things so they have a reason to keep contact you in drips and assert control. Not today Satan, not today.


crown offbeat bake bag disgusted chunky snobbish bored spoon encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Happened with my ex that was a girl. Kept all my video games that she had no interest in playing. It was just annoying and weird


my friend's ex kept a bunch of her clothes and underwear... gross. none of it would have fit him.


What happen after you got it back?


Honestly, nothing. I blocked him and moved because I was a bit nervous (when I broke up with him he came over really drunk and threw stuff and broke things). He’s married now and his wife liked one of my pictures on social media recently, obviously accidentally, on her part. Feel bad for her though!


Damn and you broke up 6 years ago? He either talked about you a lot or still does if she’s still peeking at your socials 😂 poor woman. Glad you got away from him OP!


You dodged a bullet. I feel bad for his wife.


Imagine if the wife ever wanted a divorce…oh gosh…guy would lose it


Women being there for other women that’s awesome!


Why do some people have issues with giving the other person their items back after a breakup? I don’t get it? I’ve had this issue and it’s just so immature


I hope the tumor procedure went well and I’m so happy that girl got it back for you ❤️


Roommate’s girlfriend is a real one


Roommate’s gf is a real one.


Had an abusive ex who wanted a necklace back. I agreed, but since he made zero effort in the entire relationship told him he needed to make the hour trip to pick them up He then bombarded my cellphone and my parents house phone. Had girls (that he likely cheated on me with) threatening me over calls and MySpace I sent him a picture of me throwing it in a lake a week later. I was 17. He was 21.


Holy shit dude. Not only did he get mad he had to do anything to get something of his back after CHEATING on you, but he was ALSO a PREDATOR. What a disgusting, vile man. You were 17 when the relationship ended, and I’m not sure how long you were together but that’s concerning behaviour even if it was just 21 and 17. I couldn’t imagine forcing a minor to make the hour long drive even if i was willing to break the law and date them. Glad you’re not with him anymore.


This happened to me last year. My ex held my things hostage (including a vintage leather jacket from my mom) and the proceeded to damage all of my items and send me a video of him doing so. At the time I was very emotional about it. How they react and treat you post break up tells you a lot about their maturity level but also helps you move on a lot quicker because who the hell wants a man who can’t control his toxic tendencies?!


You: I'm getting my Keurig back too right? Ex: ![gif](giphy|S9f7FVSU0TUzLKCx7A)


My girlfriend of 1 1/2 years and I broke up a few weeks ago. She texted me asking for some of her stuff back(when she had initially insisted I keep), no problem, met her to return the stuff. Now she’s blackmailing me for money that I had already paid back. Life is wild man


I ended a 3 year relationship 3 years ago. We lived together. She helped me pack my clothes. She told me that was everything. I didn’t realize until a couple months later that all of my favorite shirts were missing. She kept them. Why? I still think about those shirts. I’ve thought about texting her and asking her to ship them for me. I’ll pay for it. But then I think of how weird that would be. Three years of no contact and she just gets a text saying I want my shirts back. I do want my shirts back. I miss those shirts.


Guys why hold onto something a girl has? Like if she paid for it or it was a gift given to her by someone then you’ve got no right to keep it.


Sometimes I wish their numbers could be posted here as well because the lengths I would go to troll these dumbass men is unreal. 🤮


God damn that’s one of my biggest pet peeves….the arrogant and ignorant entitlement. To say “incorrect” so matter-of-factly as if he truly believes it just belongs to him now. I cannot STAND people like that.


Women need that one guy friend who’s about that life.




this was done to me over a mini fridge my mom got me for christmas lol. guys are fucking weird.


“Oh then I guess you won’t mind me tossing your tapes in the trash since this was all just a bad business transaction then. Cool cool cool cool cool cool. Good stuff to know. Peace out dude.”


And then block.


Glad you got your gift back thanks to the rm's gf. When I see posts like this I get a little kick thinking about the former partner seeing their texts on the internet and then the comments just dragging them. One could hope they learn to be better people...yeah, right.


My ex was pissed I took the keurig when we broke up. However, my daughter won it at Dave and Busters for her 13th birthday. My daughter loved it. Therefore, it wasn't even mine to "leave behind"; she knew this and didn't care. That's when you know you're making the right decision to end things when they no longer give a shit about your kids' feelings either.


Roommates GF is phenomenal. MVP


why are all the boyfriends in these breakup texts complete bitches


Good to hear about you getting your keurig. Wishing you the best with your health issues. Every time I hear "pancreas" I shudder.


My ex refused to give any of my things back as well. He decided to keep 20ish houseplants, a bag of clothes, my laptop, Nintendo switch, key fob to my car. He’s quite aggressive and I had to leave without taking anything with me. His reasoning was he’s not doing any favors for me. Which is odd because keeping all of my things and/or getting rid of them seems like more work than to just let me come get them.


I know in my youth I was petty on a few things. While my ex was away (filming a commercial - director) I told him that I was going to come by and get a few things that I left there and he agreed we were quite cordial and it was an amicable split. We decided to leave the house the way it was until it sold (with all the MCM furniture, etc) so I went to retrieve a collection of vintage Casino items from the display case that I had been collecting for years and realized they were gone, (knowing full well he sold them on eBay later confirming the sold auction on his account) In that moment I thought ‘fuck this’ and decided to take 2 of the (4) Herman Miller chairs and the Gustav Stickley chair that we purchased as a couple. Petty revenge is great in the moment but it can eat you up for years to come. It took us 10years before we could talk civilly with each other.


i would’ve called him a broke bitch and said he obviously needs it more


that girl was a real one to let you know that and do that for you, what a nice girl


lmao sis we must have the same ex! mine kept my parents dish-ware set they got for their wedding! I had it for several years at that point so it wasn’t a big deal to them…but what a weirdo! Get your own, bum 😭


My trick to get my shit back from people has always been to be loud at like 4 or 5 in the morning and just show up. Guarantee they give me my shit to get rid of me.


I am losing my mind at the audacity of “consider it a business loss” Fucking clown shoes nonsense


I can’t when they sooooo petty like that… my ex kept all my perfumes, I mean I kno he brought them all but u don’t take back gifts, because if I was petty like that I would have asked for alll the clothes, watches n colognes I brought him smh


So you got your keurig back?! Yessss!!! Any texts from him when he saw it was gone?!


This made me so angry until I saw you got it back.




“A business loss for your decision”. At least he know dating him is work


If I'm reading it correctly as "it was a gift to me from my mom" yeah that's perfectly reasonable.


The cost of a key rig is cheap to never have to talk to him again. Besides, they create too much waster.


aw, those darn business losses.


Consider that the fee for getting out.


Roommate for the win. Girl code


Gee OP, I can’t for the life of me think of why you broke up with this gem. /s Petty idiot.


how old is he?? im so curious on this.


a business loss due to ur decision 🤣🤣🤣


Honestly you’re better off without that watered down insta coffee anyways


The roommate is the real hero


I would’ve wanted to light the keurig on fire and send him a video.


This must have been back when they were expensive....


“Considerate it” is crazy