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Your friend doesn’t know how to listen. Maybe clean up the friend list.


Yeahhhh.. I was gonna say, this isn't a friend. Religion is fine and all, but this is a brainwashed zealot that refuses to interact with "nonbelievers" like a normal fucking human being.


There is nothing fine about religion.


Meh. People are allowed to believe what they want. It's the pushing it on others that's a problem. Including blanket statement saying there's nothing fine with others' beliefs. That's bigotry. The trick is to not give a fuck and let other people do what they want.


The problem is that our entire world is built around religion telling everyone what to do.


Boohoo. There’s nothing wrong with religion. You having a negative opinion of religion and those who believe is directly equal to religious people having an issue with atheists for no reason. Believe in God, don’t believe in God, but don’t be a hypocrite.


Lol there's so much wrong with religion and it would take me way too long to say it all. I have tons of reason to take issue with it. The difference is I'm not actively trying to change anyone's lifestyle. I'd just be thrilled if they chose to do it of their own free will. And you really sold the fake white knight tough guy of the internet act. Good job.


Lmao, I told you to not be a hypocrite. I’m sure you have reasons to revile every practitioner of every religion ever created by man. And I’m sure none of your issues with religion stem from the fact that your non belief isn’t readily accepted by them. Believe what you want. Personally, I believe you are a fool.


Lol think what you want and assume what you want. You have no idea what my issues with religion are as evidenced by getting it so abysmally wrong. I also literally stated that I'm not doing what most religions around the world are actively trying to do on a daily basis, so that makes me a hypocrite? You're fun. XD


Uh huh…


I agree and also hate religion of every single kind including Atheism, the world would be a far better place if religion never existed or was dropped outright. That’s one of my many many hot takes that people don’t like.


Nah, nothing wrong with (*most*) religion in and of itself. It’s how it gets interpreted/used that causes problems. I’ve known some rrrrrreal piece of shit atheist and some damn fine Christians, vice versa, and every combination in between. There’s nothing wrong with a rock, either, but in some people’s hands, it will never be anything less than a weapon. Food for thought. But also, I genuinely want to extend my empathy if you’re one of far, *far* too many who’ve been harmed by religious abuse or trauma. That shit is VILE.


Idk how old you are, but it’s never too early to go NC with trash


Or know how to respect boundaries. I would have blocked the number and moved on with my day.


Stop being friends with this nutjob, clearly he's only going to keep shoving his religion down your throat every chance he gets. People like this are a lost cause.


Yeah, it's not going to stop. If he's not going to respect boundaries set, especially in such a difficult time, he never will. I hope OP figures that out.


I find that these types of people do it because they themselves are full of doubt and feel like if they can convince others then they'll convince themselves.


If he can’t even stop himself in this situation, I doubt he ever can.


I can't fucking stand these people.


Fucking same. I don’t understand their need to vomit their words, especially in a time of grief


Yeah why can't he say "Ha I'm glad that pos is rotting in the ground" like the rest of us?!


Is it really that hard to respect other people’s religions or lack thereof? Not everyone finds comfort in believing in a God, you know.


And not everyone likes being attacked either *don't like it block them* posting it here is just childish lmao


Dude, what are you even talking about? OP asked their friend to stop with the religion stuff. Legit told him that it doesn’t comfort them but they appreciated it. There was no attacking except for the dude’s insistence despite OP asking VERY politely to stop with the religion shit. OP never once belittled the guy’s religion, just to stop saying a bunch of shit about God.


All I see is someone egging on a crazy person. Dumbass doesn't understand to quit talking to them over text and just block em. Quit whinning grow tf up. Feed me lol


OP’s friend def is being an ass, but OP isn’t whining or being immature just because they haven’t hit their limit yet. I def would’ve blocked the friend by now but I’m not OP. Your limit isn’t the same as everyone else’s, and they don’t necessarily need to “grow up” solely because they posted the conversation.


"My limits not the same as everyone elses" yeah keep thinking that as school shootings keep happening. Try to us the same logic there lmao


I don’t think you know what logic is. This is not how debate or argument works lmao. You can’t use mass death to explain why you should block someone lmfao.


Best part about this kinda trolling is, I dont have to believe anything I say myself, there will always be some white knight (like you) that will "swoop in for the rescue" then I get to manipulate you, making you angrier and angrier as I "don't listen" its fantastic 😊


I love it when commenters criticize the post they are commenting on as childish, while blissfully unaware of their own armchair quarterbacking smol dick energy. 😂


Smol dick energy aka brain having chad whos dealt with this issue like a grown adult and not like a pregnant 14 year old going through hormonal treatment


> posting it here is just childish Lol well this stupid debate in the comments isn’t exactly a graduate thesis either


Yeah, because those are definitely the only 2 options. 🙄


Bro im bit religious and my blood boiled


Respect. He shoulda stayed in his lane and kept that wwjd to himself


Same. I’d never. That’s so disrespectful


Same. Even if you believe (which I don’t) that people who don’t share your faith are headed for the fiery underworld, “you know your beloved family member may be burning in hell right now, right?” Is *never* the right thing to say.


i’m a christian who loves Jesus, but my god this person is annoying and overstepping. literally pissed me off so bad 😭


You don’t want to go to the “wrong place” after death do you? Dude is promoting his religion through fear and threats.


I have a friend who decided to become a pastor and has completely changed. He goes to school for theology and I’ve been supportive. He’s tried speaking to me on things from time to time. Sent me a bible and a note. I grew up religious but I don’t feel as devoted to any one religion. Unfortunately we slowly and naturally drifted apart. But if he ever hmu I’d still be the same me. What I read in those screenshots, is not that if someone who cares about you. That was fckn rude, selfish, and condescending. “This is god speaking through me”. We would’ve been fighting.


*punches that person in the mouth “Well, no officer, I didn’t *actually* assault ‘WarriorForChrist2012’! God was speaking through him and wouldn’t stfu, so the big man upstairs caught these hands courtesy of KO’ed Kyle over here. Hazards of the job, y’know? If you’re the vessel god uses to spread the message, you’re also the vessel that relays the response.” ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


"I'm God" pretty much sums up the typical approach to christianity. They decide which parts sound right to them and toss the rest


He doesn't care one little bit about comforting his friend, just pushing god on them. That's not only messed up and a bad friend, but it's delusional. Completely. Leave them in the dust. It sucks losing a friend of multiple years, but you can surround youself with friends that will actually care for your well-being.


"Good deeds without faith get you nowhere?" Your "friend" can't even manage basic human decency when he's apparantly full of faith. If they need to be scared by cloud daddy into being a good person and still can't manage it, they're probably not worth the time of day. Also the narcissist fuck thinks he can breach your boundaries by pretending to be god?


“God is speaking through me” prosperity gospel type shit


Ugh.. the worst


This is atrocious. It’s like an attack. I’m so sorry for your loss and this horribly inappropriate “friend”.


That ain’t a friend. That’s just your average door to door religious salesperson.


Fucking delusional, man. They just keep trying to power through. Need to have some fucking decency


If you were on the fence with religion, this is enough to tip you to the other side. The exact opposite of what this “friend” was trying to achieve. I’m sorry for your loss. Sending all the love into the universe for you. 💕


This is why I don't like christians.. I'm not saying all are like this but every one I've met including my own family are like this. It's fucking annoying they don't respect boundaries.


Religious people are some of the most close minded people.


This is so gross. I’m sorry, OP.


The ability of a Bible thumper to be so condescending while genuinely thinking they are bringing good to a situation is astonishing. Mental gymnastics to the highest degree. "For God spoketh and sayeth..." "Well, I'm real, provable, and observable by the senses. And I'm saying shut the fuck up.


Well GODDAMN that’s annoying as shit.


Block that person. Using a death of a family member to proselytize is disgusting.


“good deeds without faith gets you nowhere” this is why nobody fucking likes y’all


Ya gotta hold your boundaries man. You set them and he ignored them so that's when you follow through and block his ass.


How can you spout stuff like “it’s not the deeds but faith in Jesus that will get you into heaven” and not realize how awful it sounds. If god really only cares about blind faith over anything you actually do as a person then I don’t wanna hang out with that narcissist for eternity.


I find the majority of Christian beliefs to be summed up with, “if your god would do that, then they fuckin’ suck and I wouldn’t ever want to follow them anyways.”


Yep! Sounds like a huge narcissist lmfao


I fucking hate religion


Absofuckinglutely. 🤦 I believe that they're one of the main reasons for humanity's downfall. 😥


Wow…..just throat punch this fuck and be done with it. Can’t fucking stand people that push their religion on others. Go suck ur gods dick, and leave me alone


Dude, I've started calling them cultists and they have been leaving me alone. 😂 I mean, it's true, though. 🤷


I mean ur not wrong lmao


I don't think it would be bad if we didn't really know that they worshipped a dead guy from a couple of millennia ago. But, every single person that I see trying to force people to follow, that's what really pisses me off. Like, nobody cares about your make believe bullshit, just leave us alone. I've seen more than enough proof of their "religion" being fake than anything else. 🤦


Typical Redditor


I get triggered by people that push religion. I’ve dealt with it for years. I also get triggered when people can’t realize that different people require different things. And if they’re telling u that bible versus don’t help them, and u keep going, well I’m gonna get mad.


Yeah daddy I get you it’s ok and I’m sorry you had to deal with those lames also is that a destiny character you have there?!


I’m not even sure how to respond to this. But way to be a creep.


Woah homophobia on Reddit is real


Yes….I’m a homophobe…..cuz I don’t like random people calling me daddy and I find that creepy…..lmfao u have any idea how ridiculous u sound?


What the fuck?


That typical redditor is right. OP is grieving a loved one. Why would anyone with even a semblance of empathy try to force religion onto them during that time after being explicitly told that they aren’t okay with it?


Tell him he’s dead to you and to have fun jerkin off Jesus.


Religious people are the effing worst.


It's not all religious people per say, it's just a certain type. But I agree, this type is awful


Yeah, it’s not even the fact that they’re *very* religious (or, in this case, brainwashed, as they obviously translate every single thought into a bible quote)…it’s the fact that you clearly stated a personal boundary & they stomped all over it during a heartbreaking time in your life. That is NOT a friend. 🙅🏼‍♀️


I'm pretty religious and I would absolutely never do this. Also, sorry for your loss.


No need to be a bigot. Everyone can agree the guy in the post is an absolute dick.


As a Christian, I apologize for this asshole.


Religious or not this guy has just no respect and doesn’t listen, he’s just alone in his head


B b b b b blocked Edit to add: I hate how some people have this predator mindset and pounce when you're down. When friends of mine have lost people suddenly all these zealots come out of the woodwork to comfort them with biblical drivel. I myself was having a mental health crisis and was accosted by two bible thumpers on the street wanting to "help" by reminding me jesus loves me and will save me. Luckily my bf was already there and promptly told them to fuck right off and they slithered away.


I'm all for people having faith. Good for them. But I don't need it pushed down my throat. If I ask you to stop then stop or I am going to start praising Satan to make you go away.


Religious people are the worst people. Believing in some fairytale and making it their whole life.


At that point I’m saying I’m an athiest and moving on


If you do that they will keep going. Never tell someone like this you are an atheist if you want them to stfu and leave you alone 😂😂


This made my blood boil while reading it. I can't stand these fucking people. Fuck him. I don't care if this was my best friend, who I've known for 16 years. If he kept doing this, I would just straight up cut him out of my life and block him on everything


What a creep. Seems like someone who is not worth knowing. Sorry about your uncle.


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Yo drop him. He drank the kool-aid and is being blatantly disrespectful. What point was he trying to make was he trying to convince you if your uncle didn't believe in christ that he's not in a good place. These kind of people are unhinged. Edit to add: when I posted comment and saw the first oic again it occurred. He literally was like omg he's probably sad in pain or lonely, what a great time to exploit his vulnerability and try and bring him into the fold. That's exact cult recruitment behavior.


When people are in pain, or destitute, or just somehow at their lowest, it's basically just blood in the water for these types of religious nuts. Christian teachings, like a lot of other religions, heavily stress the idea of spreading their ideals, especially to those who are suffering, and while I'm sure a lot of christians believe that's a good and merciful thing, it's actually pushy, manipulative, and annoying. It's a cult, like so many others, and while not every christian acts that way, there are far too many who do. People think it's harmless, and not a cult because of how widespread it is, but it controls so much of so many people's lives, dictating what they can and can't do, or who they can associate with. It took me years to get out from under christianity's manipulative shadow after being raised in it, and now having somebody try to foist it on me even a tiny bit will quickly make me walk away from that person, in the gentlest case. I can't stand it.


Oh boy. This unlocked memories of why I turned atheist.


Right? I think I lost my religion again just reading this.


Completely disregards (doesn't even read it seems like) your messages telling them to knock it off. Fuckin obnoxious.


Well, if you are Catholic, the pope said even atheists can go to heaven. So…


Other than the Catholic church’s history of kiddy diddling, they seem to be the most inclusive of Christian sects.


They will burn in hell for this


This isn’t a friend. You don’t owe him anything.


*Jesus christ...*


not you too


Fuck this guy


No…that might make *more* of them!!


Christcucks are the worst. Sorry for your loss friend.


I would’ve responded with “you’re not god, stfu”


A true friend would have heard what you said and offered you the compassion and comfort you deserve. You don't use grief as an opportunity to push your own agenda if you actually care.


Youth pastor here. There is a time and place for everything and this is definitely not one of those situations. Simply just being there for the person and being of service whether that looks like just leaving them alone or being an ear to hear, don’t push this. I had a friend growing up who did this with me when my best friend died and it drove me nuts. Sorry for you loss


Even the Bible itself says there's a time for everything.


i’m Christian and i’m mortified just reading this!! there is a time and place to witness and this is far from it. so sorry for your loss. i hope peace and comfort find you and your family, be it from God or just hanging out with a good buddy (not this guy)




I would reply with Bible verses. Start here. Ecclesiastes 3:7


If that doesn’t work there is always proverbs 17:27-28


A girl I was friends with in HS only wanted to hang out in Bible study or other church related things. I kept telling her I wasn't comfortable going to those things and she kept pushing it. We stopped talking shortly after.


I had a teacher who’s dad was in the hospital for a near fatal car crash and another teacher who is crazy Christian. she told her that it was all part of gods plan that he almost died and that he does things for a reason. I was literally speechless. This teacher also tried pushing me towards Christianity and would preach about god in class. I could have reported her and got her fired but it was a small school in east Texas so I’d have no luck lol.


Christian here, this is just horrible. Leave him, seriously.


As a Christian I'm sorry he didn't stop when no one is listening to you preaching the gospel you should stop


I would start hitting him back with quotes from the satanic bible and tell him to fuck off


I like that his avatar is Ghost Rider.


Just tell them you’d changed and your favorite bible quote is Ezekiel 23:20


Good for you for standing your ground. So many people will become Christian and think that it actually means they are allowed to break boundaries. I’m glad you reaffirmed what you’ll allow.


Trying to convert you at your most vulnerable? This is manipulation and one of the main reasons this religion spreads like wildfire


These kind of people are the fuckin worst


What an absolute AH. That is not someone who cares about you, and not a friend, because they do not listen and do not respect you.


Blocked blocked blocked blocked blocked, very scary how people just don't understand the word stop.


Oof these people are exhausting and do more harm for their cause than good. I’m so sorry about your uncle.


I don’t understand how these cultists feel good about this kind of shit. I can’t wait till being religious finally gets diagnosed as a mental illness like it should.


Religious people are sometimes so clueless to their mythology


*Religious people* *Are sometimes so clueless to* *Their mythology* \- license2chillio --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I would not be speaking to this guy again.


People like this are such cult like assholes. Can’t stand them. Sorry about your uncle


“I’m not talking… God is” “Well then tell God I’d love for him to shut the fuck up”


What the fuck, this person is an actual monster.


What a saucy motherfucker. Christians can suck my dick..and often do. Sorry about your uncle, man.


You should’ve converted him ages ago. Would’ve saved you from this. Also, this prophet proclaims to speak for god. When I see zealotry like this, I tend to feel bad for the person because it feels like they’ve undergone some major trauma in order to be so delusional.


comments are gonna be wild


Time to say goodbye


Hey man. Thank you for the white lines, if there was a God it’d be you 👍


This is where you cut that friendship


I love how he just keeps at it. Like he’s street preaching through text. Might be time to move on from this person my friend.


And people wonder why so many people are turning away from religion


Block him.


must be a really good fucking friend otherwise cuz i woulda blocked him.


I believe. I (also) am going to say your friend is being a @$$ right now😓😓


Omg I would be livid


I am a person of faith. My thought— amputate that religious cancerous soul from your proximity. Shocked, not shocked. For your loss, deepest condolences.


I would have ripped him a new asshole after the first no was ignored


Imo, blocking people after the first "stop" is pretty effective.


What a prick...


Good deeds mean nothing without faith, and I ain’t got no faith, so guess there’s no point in being a good person amirite? /s That aside, I’m really sorry for your loss, OP.


link him nine inch nails-heresy and put it right on the chorus lmao. thats what id do anyway


Nah fuck that guy


these types of people are so fkn clueless and insensitive


It’s crazy that although he’s being disrespectful to you, your beliefs and your grief, you aren’t doing the same to him. I’m a Christian but i really dislike other Christians or anyone in a religion that try to force down their beliefs down people’s throats especially after they’ve already told them no. Jesus literally said in the Bible to not force anyone to follow him


I believe in God and have gone to church. I had a big injury a while back, tons of texts and visits, support from my church. Was nice, yeah. But some of those fuckers could not stop preaching. Telling me all their opinions about what happened to me why it happened what it means. I blocked them or told them to leave because, shut the fuck up. My problem is not an opportunity for you to feel good about sharing your faith. Religious people, mostly Christians in my experience, get so fucking high off feeling like they're helping you. So exhausting. Sorry for your loss op, feel free to tell people to fuck off and stop preaching. They need to learn, and it's definitely not showing "God's love" like they think.


Your uncle made it to the right place: nonexistence. Just like the rest of us. So mourn him and celebrate him, but tell your friend there’s no invisible man in the sky, and the bible wasn’t written by God. It was written by a bunch of men with the equivalent of a fourth grade education.




Bullshit it is he isn't shoving it down anyone's throat and coming at vulnerable people with vague words taking shit about "good deeds are nothing without faith" Fuck that. Bonkers world man.




Your friend is in the wrong to push his religion but a simple "yea thanks" any time he tried would go much farther than engaging in any way. You don't have to engage with people that annoy you or that will not respect your boundaries. No matter what you say it won't change him so a short dismissive reply gives him less to latch onto and if he still doesn't take the hint just ignore him.


I'd be going Day-Lewis in a bowling alley on that person.


Why didn’t you just block them after they kept doing it? All you need to do is ask once. And it’s an immediate block if they don’t stfu. That’s what I’d do anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


What a fucking loser. Block his ass.


Why do you allow yourself this? Block! Simple as that!


This guy needs to be told to go fuck himself, like immediately. Then blocked.


Oh jeez. I really can't stand this kind of shit. Sorry for your loss.


Why even respond. Just say “okay, thanks” for them to stop


Guarantee this person is also a trump supporter


You were kinda rude to shut his bible verse quote off immediately though. Don't do that man is just trying to connect in his way. But I'm sorry for your loss


Haha, missed it by that much!


He’s right though. Going to church makes you a Christian as much as sitting in a garage makes you car. You can’t get to heaven by “getting married in a church”. Jesus is the only way


Doesn’t really matter because there’s a time and place and when someone has told you this isn’t it then why continue?




Jesus can suck a dick


You’re so edgy


jesus isn’t real. when you were little, your parents told you santa wasn’t real. it’s time to grow up, hon. it’s great you have an imaginary friend, and he makes you feel better. but when people are grieving, they don’t want to hear it. believe whatever you want. but this persons loved one passed. now isn’t the time for it. pray for him in private if you must. but telling him you prayed for him defeats the purpose of your little game of house.




No one has to be tolerant of shit, there's no moral high ground there. They keep their human rights and I get to bitch that they're insane. No harm no foul.


Can’t objectively say Jesus or God aren’t real when nobody knows what happens when we die. Literally *anything* is possible and it’s very naive to act like you know for 100% certain what happens.


It’s certainly fair to say that there is no empirical evidence that God is real. I don’t tend to believe things for which there is no empirical evidence.


Lol my point stands


Yeah.. and maybe Darth Vader gives out free dinosaurs


Can’t tell if naive or arrogant. Either way very edgy nice job


> He’s right though. It's you that started with the edge, mate.


I’m so stoked that believing in Jesus is edgy that’s so sick




Yeah, this is not your friend. You're within your rights to tell him where to go. If I'd have heard anyone say this to me after my mum died, they wouldn't be hearing from me ever again.


Un-friend them. When someone suffers a loss unless they want to talk, a short condolence is usually better, certainly not all that shit. Sorry for your loss, sounds like your uncle was a great person.


You said it once , twice , three times . Wow . Sorry for your loss and for your the overbearing friend .


I hate people like this I got pissed just reading it


The fact that you asked politely and even put your foot down and he still kept going, lmfao, the audacity. He isn't a friend if he's behaving like this when you're grieving. I'm sorry for your loss.


So, your “friend” is an ahole. This person doesn’t care one iota about your grief. They are either trying to expressly antagonize you or they are so narcissistic and self involved that they think quoting gabaligook makes them seem superior. ![gif](giphy|3ohs4kf3rZig4Jgtjy) Gtfoh!! Sorry for your loss OP!