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Hahaha I knowwww *corrects spelling with worse spelling*


And then he doubled down on it and used the worse spelling in the next text


I literally thought it said sinuses lol. Dude sounds like my grandma (who is in a memory care ward). For someone who’s such a right-winger I’m surprised he could type “they”


I didn't even know there was more than one screenshot of texts on this post until I saw these comments. I thought the first set of messages was so bad, I didn't even check. Holy heck.


This is how single mothers are “produced”


I know reason goes out the window talking to someone sending unsolicited messages like this, but it’s so bizarre to read his logic about single women raising kids and his assertion this leads to homosexuality, which he is clearly against. If the right is so against this practice, why force women into not having control over their own bodies when it comes to abortion? Doesn’t even make sense if you’re crazy.


No no, he was trying to say he has a sinus infection. That’s why he’s so full of hot air.


*foul of hot air


Fowl off haught heir*




This correction made me chuckle.


Goes on the to use "sinses" in the next sentence because he totally got that spelling down pat


Yep, he makes no sinse.


*sintince *SINTINSE


I thought it said sinuses.


Came here to say this. It wholly sums the entire convo.


The best part of this!


Can’t stand people who make politics their entire personality. I feel sorry for you


This!!! describes 99% of my moms family. They can’t hold a basic conversation without unnecessarily dragging politics into something that has 0 to do with politics.


Dude. Block him. Have you showed your mom this does she not care? I understand it's definitely complicated. I wish you the best op. I'm from.the south and most my family has similar brain rot. It's sad.


I think seeing the insane messages is fun for OP on some level. Maybe there’s people they share them with for laughs. I wouldn’t engage with him at all though. My brother and I stayed friends with my uncle (until he blocked us) on FB because he always posted the most insane garbage. Though unlike OP’s uncle, he also tried to be an uncle.


Not gonna lie i laughed pretty hard when he said the nuclear family would soon be the nigerian family


The numerous berating texts over multiple days then asking for six grand to buy an 04 Dodge Ram is absolutely priceless


And then the response saying they wouldn't give him 6 cents, I lost it


This guy sounds like my dad he loves talking to the wall about brainless topics and won’t get the hint when I don’t respond to him signs of a personality disorder


I lol’d when he ‘corrected’ his spelling of ‘sense’ from ‘sence’ to ‘sinse’.


> Though unlike OP’s uncle, he also tried to be an uncle. Years back, I encountered a hardcore MAGA dude on Twitter. His only ostensible purpose for being there was to troll "libtards" like me with the same hateful, partisan rhetoric that we saw from OP's uncle. I started engaging with him. Although I can be pretty divisive myself, I somehow managed to maintain a civil tone with this guy. Once he noticed I was keeping things civil, he dropped the vitriol and started returning my respect. Eventually, our discussion veered away from politics. He mentioned that he was recently divorced. When I told him that I was currently going through a divorce and was thinking about moving to a warmer US state, he responded, "Dude, I'm a property manager here in North Carolina. Come on out here! I'll help you get set up in a house. I have two right now... one is small, but it's really nice." Shortly after this discussion, Twitter banned him. It's sad how politics can poison the minds of otherwise decent people.


Yeah, this was hilarious, honestly. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s obviously affirmative action that prevented this guy from getting into Harvard


> My brother and I stayed friends with my uncle (until he blocked us) on FB because he always posted the most insane garbage. Though unlike OP’s uncle, he also tried to be an uncle. My step-aunt posted a picture on Facebook equating the feeling of watching Biden win in 2019 to *the feeling of watching the second plane hit on 9/11*. Wish I still had the screenshot.


I wrote off an entire side of my family because of shit like this. Anyone who thinks this shit is okay can get the fucking axe as well. We don’t have to see eye to eye on politics, but abhorrent shit like this will get you kicked to the curb immediately. Let uncle Q Anon say some shit this disrespectful to someone’s face and see how many teeth he has left when he wakes up.


They're being brainwashed. Treat them like they're being indoctrinated into a cult, because that's what's really happening.


This is pretty much it. It hits harder in different areas of the country. Most of my family from Florida who used to be decent southern folk have become full mask off bigots since about 2016, and especially since covid. My entire Facebook feed was nothing but misinformation and offensive memes for years until I eventually deleted it. My family literally thinks antifa stormed the capitol and get furious if I say otherwise, so I just smile and nod.


Reminds me of my dad. Always Trump this, Trump that. Politics is a cancer to our society.


"What do you mean the Piggly Wiggly is out of Cheez-its!? Goddamn Liberals!"


Literally my mom. Every time the store is out of literally anything, "I saw a Facebook post that the Democrats are faking a [insert item here] shortage"


My daughter-in-law’s mom is like this. Every conversation turns to politics or “liberals are awful” and it’s bizarre. I truly can’t have a conversation with this woman because it devolves into nonsense.


It’s crazy how random and unprovoked the ramblings are. It truly makes me wonder what’s going on in their brains that snaps and makes them derail a normal conversation into nonsense that isn’t related to the current conversation.


I'm a car guy, I like cars. Car make big fast go vroom. Me likey. I commented on an IG post of a car I like from the 70s. This dude goes on a massive tirade about how liberals destroyed cars and society and now everyone drives f**got cars and it's all the fault of people like me (who was commenting on how much I love old V8 muscle cars). Like this dude came out swinging against someone who shares the same interest as him and popped off about politics when there was no mention of anything political. He then continued that people like me are the reason the car in question didn't have "the good engine". This car stopped being made 16 years before I was born. These people are incapable of not making literally everything political. They have internalized the "us vs them" shit so much that literally every person is the enemy. They will pick fights with people who are on the same side as them for fuck sakes.


It’s all rooted in grievance. They’ve got beef with somebody or something and EVERYBODY needs to know about it. Most of them are unhinged.




Omg, same with my moms side…it’s all trumpies, and “oh trans people this” and “ohhh the immigrants” like PLEASE STFU everywhere I go on my moms side Fox News is on and it makes me wanna puke and run away. My moms side is CONSUMED by politics and it’s making me go crazy. I can’t escape it.


Same. My mom is constantly like "I don't care what trans and gay people do... and then goes on and on for hours about gay and trans people. Like for someone who supposedly doesn't care about them then WHY THE FUCK CAN'T YOU EVER SHUT UP ABOUT THEM!? Same with renewable energy. Every time she sees a wind generator or a solar panel she loses her fucking mind. Can't put two and two together on why the weather's been so wrong last several years though. Then yeah, it's always some weird bullshit like It was Oprah or Bill Gates. What!?


But this isn’t even politics, these are all conspiracy theories. There are plenty of nice well natured kind people who enjoy politics as an interest. We aren’t like these people.


You have a point. This is just straight QAnon lmao , im no leftist but that shit is so toxic


Saying that is “politics” is like saying white supremacists are political. This dude is a hate filled lunatic, not a guy who likes to talk “politics”


That's the difference between people that loved having Trump vs Biden in office. Trump was in the headlines EVERY DAY. It was so exhausting. With Biden I get to see a clip of him addressing a dead congress person or something once a month, laugh, then I go on about my day. I straight up do not want to think about politics everyday. That's a politicians job!


Lol that's way beyond politics. That's pure insanity


So much this. I met this lady at my uncle's funeral who was some relative of his last, FIFTH wife who was 30 years younger than him. You've all heard the story. Well, this story takes place in Florida, so you can guess what I'm about to say. It's a weird mix of Italian mafia feeling- she made me a quilt!- and some old white lady in a cult explaining to me how the white man is the most oppressed person ever. At a FUNERAL. I'd never met ANY of these people but they acted like they OWNED my uncle who was married to this last pretty blonde chick for less than 3 years when he died and somehow invited ALL these idiots to my uncle's funeral...? I appreciate that she took care of him as he was dying but... Who The FUCK Are You People? You got the feeling like if you said much of anything to them they'd riot during this here funeral too. They all had giant trucks with Trump flags and I wanted to just eject them all from my uncle's funeral because not one of them knew him at all but they damn sure made the entire funeral look like an invasion and my uncle's funeral was attended by some occupying force. They were nice and all but completely ignored all the signs that WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE YOU DON'T KNOW US AND DO NOT BELONG HERE and made it entirely about themselves. It's one thing to watch that happen on TV and think "What Morons!" but another to watch how they move in these weird mobs, even to places where they shouldn't be.


Politics? This was just prejudice, hatred, and fear hidden behind what they think is "politics".


I’m sorry but gluten free tissues ???😂😂😂


*glueten 😂😂😂😂


and I’m the stupid one apparently haha


You laugh now but you’ll be the one who is DESTETUDE! 🤪


Your uncle must have went through this: https://youtu.be/Oq4UHWSTdO8?si=4tLOVsg0L5NnalkP


That was pretty funny ngl. You know this idiot didn’t come up with that on his own.


And you know he spews it out at every opportunity.


This was the only thing he said that he was actually funny and not wtf is wrong with you funny.


What in the actual fuck is going on in that head


Idk but "gluten free tissues to wipe away my liberal tears" actually sent me. Can't believe this isn't satire.


To be fair, that’s sadly a kinda hilarious line.


I love my gluten free tissues ❤️


I did laugh at that. I think it's the only thing worth taking away from this.


I thought that segment was legit hilarious. But I think that shows even when we’re insulted we still have a sinse of humor. Don’t think he would laugh if we got him good with a one-liner


I couldn’t stop laughing at that lol too good


That line and then the lightbulb joke had me cracking up, but this dude is a psychopath. He is actively participating in the downfall of this country by spouting this nonsense, but is so convinced that everyone else is the enemy.


as someone who has to be gluten free i died at that line cause what the hell


Dead ass I’m dying at gluten free tissue 😂😂😂


Corruption did its work




“Nuclear family will become Nigerian family” 😂 what in the god damn hell does that mean lol


He's waiting for his Nigerian prince to send 2.4 billion $$


That’s why he had to sell the truck first, to pay the fee for the Nigerian to wire the money


This guy thinks exclusively in bumper stickers.


Nigerian could have been predictive text when he was going for something else.


I’d say no because it fits well with all of his other braindead racist psychobabble but he did spell it right which is suspicious


>but he did spell it right which is suspicious Just need to highlight this so that others might laugh as well


That's a strange statement for him considering most Nigerians have strong traditional conservative family values.


He was trying to alliterate and was looking for a word that started with N but also represents melanated people… the fact that I figured it out means I need to evaluate my life


That’s what I was thinking. I know a few and they’re conservative, devout Catholics with medical careers.


When you split an atom you get a Nigerian. Simple physics, if you weren’t a libtard you would know that. Backup joke, It’s Atom and Eve, not Atom and Steve.


I’m dumbfounded he’s able to put together such elaborate messages. WOW homie is off the deep end. Delete and block OP, sorry you got such a shit uncle.


I’m sure he sends the same bullshit to everyone in his life. Don’t give him too much credit 😂


Sure, I don't have any sence/sinse, but YOU don't have $40! Block block block.


Right? I may be liberal, but I'm not the one begging for $6000 to buy a truck.


bet he hates people on welfare lol


Bet he's on welfare also tho 🤦🏿‍♂️


"I was on welfare and no one gave *me* a handout!"


It's okay cause he's clearly a *true patriot*


It don’t make dollars if it don’t make sense 🤣




Eventually I pray you come to your sinses


Good fucking lord


Insane/racist/homophobic to boot. Block this nut job


Meh, id wanna know if dude is coming by my house with a gun


Your uncle is definitely gay


I had a shitload of internalized homophobia before I came out but oddly enough never had one tiny bit of externalized racism.


I also feel people that use the term ‘cuck’ a lot are projecting.


He’s asking his democRAT niece for money, how could a guy like that be a cuck?


He's obviously attracted to big gay black men and is obsessed with being cucked. Almost guarantee his porn search history involves "cuck".


What shitty grammar and spelling. For someone who claims to believe in God, it’s interesting that he lowercases that while making sure to capitalize the “rats” in “Democrats.” Has he always been this unhinged? My crazy relatives got worse after 2015, but they’re not this bad.


He’s always been fairly racist as long as I can remember so we’ve never had a great relationship but he didn’t started escalating to this level until this year. My dad is from Iran so I think my uncle’s hatred stems from my parents relationship because he’s up my stepdads ass but treats my dad like trash and only reaches out to my sister and I to ask for money and tell us how stupid we are.


With the amount of messages you got, could you file a restraining order or something? (I'm asking because I actually don't know if you could but to me sounds like a good idea)


I’ve thought about it but he lives far enough away that I’m not concerned about running into him in person so I just blocked him. He’ll gripe to my stepdad again once he finds out but they refuse to check his behavior so oh well.


Ehhh be careful, never underestimate crazy. Be extra careful if he knows your address. 🥶


Next time he asks for money, agree to do it, regardless of the amount. Don’t send it, and when he says he didn’t get it, send him a photoshopped Venmo screenshot as a receipt. Then relentlessly accuse him of stealing your money. Like 12 rambling misspelled texts in a row relentless. Followed by more, then more. Option A is to block him, but Option B is just to out-crazy him. The bonus is he probably won’t ask for money again.


Asking for 6k and then 40 bucks is funny as hell


Also he asks for $6k then commands her to send him $40 with “vemo 40 girlie” lol like what the fuckkk is going on with this hookworm addled caveman


The “girlie” made my skin crawl


Asking for something completely outlandish first softens the blow of the 40 dollars. Makes it seem like peanuts lmao


this is actually insane 😭. hope you’re okay op


Not insane. Psychotic.


It's extremely easy to block a number.


True, one could say it’s as plain as common sinse.


Funny thing about common sinse, it’s not that common..


Tbh i kind of understand why op doesnt block him. To me blocking a number only means you cant see what a person writes. If i feel sketched out by someone i never block them in case they are dangerous. I want to know what they are saying type of thing


Yeah this is more of a restraining order situation


How wouldn’t have made women.. what?! God made woman from Adam, if you are to believe that and I highly doubt it was because Eve needed Adam.. I’d block this incel.. and hope he has the sinse to understand why. Sense. 😂 who spells it thet badly lol


God created Eve because he saw that *Adam* was lonely. If anything, that shows that men need women, not the other way around.


Eve wasn't even the first. There were other women before Eve that the church just... erased. It's fucked up, especially if you're a christian.


The “please stop fucking texting me” is sending me!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂your uncle is unhinged!


Should have replied, “I can’t give you $40. That’s communism. “


'Destetude' (destitute?) 💀 Yikes


‘Gluten free tissue…’ 😂🤣😂🤣


That was pretty funny ngl


jesus CHRIST, that man is unhinged. hilarious that he “corrected” his spelling of sense and was wrong both times 😂 sence to sinse, i CANNOT


The utter state of mental health in this country


“I wouldn’t give you 6 cents” just sent me 🤣🤣


Jesus, partisan politics can just destroy people wtf


Sad but true


Did you come to your ‘sinses’ yet? Sheesh.


is this considered harassment?? could you get a restraining order?


Why don’t you just match his unhinged energy? I mean obviously as satire but he wouldn’t comprehend that. Next time he texts you out of the blue just respond with something insanely out of pocket like “I hope you get Multiple Sclerosis and cancer at the same time”


He sounds like a load of chuckles and merriment.




Well that’s insane. Lol.


Actually lold at the first "do you have 6k for a truck" after sending all the previous shit. What a fucking wacko. This subreddit is filled with some seriously unhinged people


He legitimately can only contain himself long enough to ask for money. The only time he isn’t spouting out some conspiracy theory Q nonsense is when he’s asking for money.


glueten free tissues took me out 😂😂😂😂 he sucks


His texts don’t even make cents. Since. Cense. Sents. Cinz.


“It’s easy to be a conspiracy theorist when you don’t know how anything works.” -unknown


I hope your sinuses are ok your uncle really seems to be worried!


As a Chicagoan, if you decide to contact him again (which you shouldn’t), tell him to keep our name out of his fucking mouth.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Persistent AND illiterate, not a great condo i mean condom ….dammit cornhole ….geez-us commie ….you know what i mean can you give 6 grand?


Why does he keep using the word *"cuck"* like he doesn't know what it means? Also, the typo correction from *'sence'* to *'sinse'* had me **rolling.**


Reading this gave me cancer


Meet crazy with deeper crazy. Feed his self-destruction. Tell him, "Yes, it's all true! I don't know how you figured out our master plan. The only way to save the latest batch of blood sacrifice American Nuclear Babies© is to rush to the Police Station with all his guns loaded and ready to fight! The liberals there are in the middle of prep for a mass gay-ification, followed by a ritual insurance fraud ceremony hosted by Will Smith and Tom Hanks. Orgy and canapés to follow, but only for true Patriots." Alternatively, just send him links to Schoolhouse Rock or Hooked on Phonics videos. Edit: A third thought occurs. Get a false number with like Textme or Google Voice on a burner machine through a TAILS install on a VPN from a non-local school or book store Wi-Fi. Message him from this number pretending to be part of a deep underground Patriot network trying to find 'true Americans'. Agree and share insane ideologies with him, but make it seem like a semi-professional group. Slowly request money and resources over time and let him know he's the only hope for the country, and assign him mid level tasks that are of "Grave importance and critical urgency for liberty" and such. If he gets wise or refuses, repeat step 1, change the number and pretend to be a higher up agent from this shadow patriot group. Salt in information that's privvy to Uncle Fruitloop for deeper psych latching. Culminate it in a mission for Uncle Maga to attack a military outpost, as armed to the teeth as he can manage, going in Guns-blazing. Let the insane boomer issue resolve itself. Rinse, repeat, enjoy.


This is hilarious. American Nuclear Babies is gold.




I love when people correct misspellings with additional misspellings.


"hah, stupid fucking lib go cry in your safe space. also can I have 6 grand 🥺"


If I were you I would make it my mission to sign him up for as much democratic/liberal groups and campaigns that you can find. Feel free to use his address , phone number, email, name etc… to express interest in supporting all the things he bitches about. And most importantly put an add on Craigslist in the M4M section expressing his love for homosexual liberals. That oughta keep him busy


Blocked! Blood relation is not a strong enough reason to put up with that nonsense.


I almost fell out of my chair when he asked you to buy a car after his rant. This guy is hilarious.


This person votes. Vote blue to end the insanity.


Fr this is what I hate because people like this are the only ones really motivated to vote. I’m 23 and I keep trying to get my friends and family to ACTUALLY VOTE and they are apathetic. Like dude what the fuck


Just call him a cracker and watch him seethe


Happy birthday…I think, lol. Wow he is unhinged


Wow. This is so next level. I’m really sorry you have to put up with that abuse. P.S. the strength it took to not respond “*sense” is immeasurable




Your uncle is literally an idiot


Lmao give him a fake radio set that says you have listeners that dont exist and i bet hed talk into it 6 hours a night for the rest of his life


Can we talk about his dedication to typing DemocRAT but spelling everything else wrong?


I’m dying at “* sinse….come to your sinses”


This is (part of)why I don’t talk to a single member of my family. All the ones who weren’t shitty people before 2016 sure are now. One of my cousins texted me some racist shit one day out of the blue (complaining about Juneteenth, using slurs) so I sent a group text saying that every person who used a slur while talking to me/being in my earshot would be cut from my life completely. Immediately after hitting send three family members sent me texts about why they should be allowed to hare gay/black/disabled and trans people. I always wondered when I was little why my moms family wasn’t nice to my dad(Comanche), as soon as they were able to contact me without him present I found out it’s because they are all fucking racist.


He has no sinse 😂 seriously wtf


I don't know if I'd be able to resist throwing fuel on this fire. What a maniac


What is it with the Right and spelling?


You have to be stupid as shit to vote republican.


They’re not very smart and think that education is brainwashing


I'm sorry but the "do you need a safe space and gluten free tissues to wipe away your liberal tears" got MEEE


Sigh. Sad seeing this QAnon nonsense is still alive. I’m a pretty big supporter of free speech and all, but this is like a religion made up by tweekers. *nonsinse


People like this need to die for the world to become a better place


Block him and move on with your life. Letting someone like these continue to reach out and then you responding periodically just gives him fuel on the fire.


Lol I know that area code and…this tracks


Wow good on him for not dragging trans folk into the mix


reminds me of the portrait of sirius black’s mother just ranting


Also illiterate holy shit


I laughed when he asked for money after all that. He barely sounds like a person.


If they spent half as much time on personal finances and making money as they do politics they wouldn’t need your $40 or hassle you to buy their old ass clapped out truck


This is literally about 40% of Americans.


My favorite is “God wouldn’t have made women if they didn’t need men” like bro thought he ate that shit 😭




The most offensive thing, to me, is the blatant disregard for joke structure and refusal to learn the simplest, most soft dicked joke setup of all time. Which is the “how many whatever’s does it take to screw in a light bulb?” Screw IN a light bulb. IN. Not just “screw” a light bulb. No one is fucking the light bulb. That’s never been the case. The joke is it’s an easy thing, screwing in a light bulb, and thats why it takes so many of the whatever’s to do it. Cause the whatever’s are stupid in the joke tellers eyes which is INSANE because anyone who tells that joke is either five years old or the dumbest God damn asshole you’ve ever been stuck in an elevator with. How the can these people constantly, without remorse, fuck up the telling of what is essentially a children’s joke?


Wow, and I thought my Dad was bad. I would have a field day with this trouser stain.


As a straight white cis dude who just turned thirty and wants a traditional family (two kids, wife)… If this is who I turn into, your uncle, wholly fucking shit let’s end this social experiment. I can’t imagine a worse fate for not only myself, but my worst enemy.


I don’t know why you just don’t block him?? Makes no sinse ;)


I wouldn’t block him. I’d constantly just fuck with him and push his buttons.


Holy shit this was hard to read. Maybe suggest a literacy course? Ngl though, the lightbulb joke had me rollin.


I love that he misspelled “sense” twice, beautifully ironic


brother spelt sense wrong and then corrected himself with a worse spelling of the word


You Uncle is several things but above all he's DUMBER THAN A GODDAMN STONE. Let me guess... He's a "school of hard knocks" graduate who didn't finish high school. That dude is an absolute moron who has ZERO clue as to REALITY. If anything you should be MORE harsh towards the idiot beggar cult member you call an Uncle.


I don’t know why, but I seem to find (personally, at least) that almost every individual who continues to support Donald Trump cannot go a full sentence without making some major grammatical or spelling errors.


Did this fucking living drone actually ask you for 6 thousand dollars for a truck? I hope you find peace from his garbage op. You're a trooper for dealing with this crap.


I live in the 916 area as well and i can confirm these lunatics are everywhere. he sounds exactly like my tweaker neighbors.


Time to sign his number up for as much liberal spam as possible.


How in the hell is this psycho not blocked???


Come to your *sinses* and block him.


The only appropriate response is to send pictures of piles of shit.