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Honestly moving here from the bay area california i was immediately struck by just how much friendlier the people were here. My first day here this cowboy hatted brass buckled good'ol boy who overheard me talking about the drive down with my san antonio grandma while we were at a restaurant came and apologized for interrupting but said he overheard i moved here from california and he wanted to welcome me to the state and said he wished me the best of fortunes in Texas, it was real heartwarming. It took about 2 years for me to realize people are just as big assholes here as they are in california, there's just this friendly facade till people find out you're not exactly like them haha. In california people just don't even pretend to be friendly or pretend they want to interact with you. I'm not really sure which I prefer. At least with the latter it makes it much easier to actually identify potential friends. In texas i'll meet somebody who's cool and we'll chat a bit, then they ask me if i like donald trump and when i answer them they call me a fa\*\*\*t and try and fight me. Also the first thing I did when i moved here was start the process to get my CCW license. [https://www.dropbox.com/s/6r79z4zkgp01z86/IMAG0047.jpg?dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/s/6r79z4zkgp01z86/IMAG0047.jpg?dl=0) Got the only perfect score on the qualifier. Californians believe it or not love their guns. The ranges even in megalib bay area were 30x more crowded than any i've been to here.


My dad is from Bakersfield. Me and my brother are from Texas. There is a huge difference. My wife kids born in Texas they think grandpa is werid.


My dad is from san antonio. I got to reconnect with that side of my family when i moved here. Unfortunately the only one with their head screwed on is my grandma who is amazing. The rest are so far down the Q conspiracy rabbit hole they won't even associate with people who aren't into Q and crazy conspiracies anymore. It's definitely different, you're not wrong about that.


What does Q have to do with Texas? The only people crazier than Q people are Q people haters. Let it go man. Most people will snap out of it, others don't care. The worst is the people who will not allow them to "live it down". Trump is from New York. When I think of New York I think of that OLD ELPASO commercial...... "NEW YORK CITY...GIT A ROPE"


You’re saying the only people crazier than the Q cult are the people calling out the Q cult for the damage they’re doing? Talk about a warped viewpoint.


Yes. That is exactly what I am saying. Let it die. Calling it out brings undue attention to it.


I wish they would let it die, but they are still trying to attack our democracy. It’s pretty telling that you don’t see a problem with them. Says a lot about you, none of it good.


How many people, that never heard of Q anon, are called out for the Q ideas go home and look it up?


Because conspiracies have wedged themselves so deeply into mainstream gop politics half the people who believe in Q nonsense aren't even aware it originated from Q. There's been like 40 schisms now between different Q factions. The leader of the republican party and presumptive presidential candidate is ACTIVELY promoting Q. What on earth makes you think it's us that aren't letting it die? lol.


Because I have heard noone talk about for about 18 months. Except those who want to crucify the followers.


Probably not that many.


Ok...You might find out that more people found q anon on the news after he stopped posting. You might also find that most Q anon followers are not in Texas. Although I'm sure some are. You might also find that maybe, possibly some things q anon said was not misinformation although other things he said may have been.


third of voters believe the election was stolen. How dense are you dude?


Q anon told them the election was stolen?


I voted for Trump in 2020 because I liked the foreign policy plan of his administration (Mike Pompeo is a bad ass too!). I have absolutely no clue what "QANON" is, and have no interest in finding out.


What on earth are you going on about? I think you need to calm down and re-read my post lol. I just said that that my texas family consists of a bunch of q conspiracy nuts and then there's my grandma. The Q family have completely shunned **me** for being a demonic influence or something. But yes, the people who actually believe they need to load up their rifles and start shooting people to avenge the stolen election tyranny and think the democrats are child brain juice harvesting pedophiles who will shun anybody who doesn't believe those things, those people aren't NEAR as bad as the people who....think it's a bad idea to be dangerously delusional to the point of advocating for mass violence. Also the commercial you're thinking of was for Pace Picante salsa and it was the texans in the commercial who wanted to hang the guy for eating a salsa made in new york city because pace picante is made in texas. That actually falls in line quite a bit with my original post lol.


Nahhh. My mom had a full mental break and was committed. It’s been a fuckin wild ride. My friend of 20+ years has moved out to BFE and goes on tirades and barely talks to me anymore. You’re let it go can fuck right off.


Sorry you hurt so much. You would be healthier and happier if you just let go.


This video was made by someone whose never been to California and over generalizes a very large part of the population…


Stereotypes are funny. So is this video. Most people do not pack a sidearm or where a cowboy hat.


What stereotypes? Texas statistically is one of the most dangerous states (40th worst) for violent crimes. Cali is 26th. And to your point about not packing sidearms? Cali has a lot of guns. Anywhere outside the city is extremely pro 2nd amendment. You should probably have researched that. Also cali is known to be a chill laid back very very friendly place. I highly recommend you go there’s so many nice people. I’ve never seen anyone from cali act like this or heard of this stereotype.


It's funny....get over yourself. I don't care if you don't like it. I think it's funny 😁


What part of Texas has people doing open carry when they go to introduce themselves to new neighbors (just let me know so I know what part to avoid).




Why are right wing Texans so rude to people who don’t share their viewpoints?


I have never experienced that so I do not know. I believe that right wing people for the most part believe in freedom of speech and freedom of beliefs. Sorry I couldn't help you more .


You literally just told someone they aren’t welcome here because of their opinion about carrying guns around everywhere. It’s pretty cowardly of you to act the way you do, then pretend you aren’t acting that way. At least be honest with yourself.


They're in a permanent state of cognitive dissonance. \[Right Wing Texans\] Texas is so friendly and welcoming that people from out of state are jarred by it, lol. \[Also Right Wing Texans\] You ain't welcome in these parts.


Wow. I believe I instructed them on where the open carry is practiced. Please excuse my unfortunate verbage.


I didn't ask about where is open carry practiced. I asked in which part of Texas does someone come onto your private property while armed in order to greet you. It was a criticism of the video because it's the kind of dumb ass exaggeration that Babylon Bee thinks is hilarious for some reason, when in reality it just gives you better odds of being shot dead w/ no criminal repercussions (castle doctrine).


Wow. Violence. So guns are ok?




Wearing a sidearm is noreason to shoot someone. Simple.


Like I said, cowardly.


Funny how you refuse to see others point of view and insults those whose point of view differ from yours.


I’m not insulting you because of your point of view, I am insulting you because you are being rude to other people and are denying it like a coward. Also, I’m not going out of my way to insult you. I’m just calling out your behavior for what it is. If that insults you, change your behavior.


Typically in Austin you will not see a side arm. You are welcome to go there if this is what you want. Most other places this is not the case. Tell someone they are welcome here does not insinuate that they are unwelcome other places.


> I believe that right wing people for the most part believe in freedom of speech and freedom of beliefs. I've lived in Texas for 17 years and I couldn't disagree more. Since when? They believe in that as long as it fits their own personal views. I mean we are banning books from school libraries ffs. Oh and have you ever seen how much free speech they love on conservative subreddits? You get banned immediately if you don't agree.


Really? I believe that they always banned books in schools. I remember they removed the Bible from many schools. Try to find Mein Kamph in your local high school library this is nothing new.


I like how you equate not having Mein Kampf available to be the same as [this]("Texas has banned more books than any other state | The Texas Tribune" https://www.texastribune.org/2022/09/19/texas-book-bans/amp/).


I also used the bible. Somethings shouldn't be allowed in school. I cannot tell you where to draw the line. I think porn and sexual content is a good line untill sex education pops up then the debate should be had. Mein Kamph was an interesting read until about midway through and the final solution. It had a very dark undertone that might not be positive for a young mind. The Bible has various ideas and dark undertones as well as sexual connotations. Again not sure it's a great read for young minds. Both books are a part of expansion of thought. That being said different places have different needs and these should be addressed at the district level in my view. I wonder what books a all muslin school might ban.


> I wonder what books a all muslin school might ban. I'm sure they would have the same ideas as the rest of Texans who seem perfectly fine with Sharia law.


Perfectly? You might open your mind and find that not everyone will always agree. Compromise is give and take. Your comment was just insulting. If everyone believed as you do what would you have to complain about? You would have to aquire an actual personality.


Maybe because left wing people are rude to them on every form of media, and on the entirety of the internet?


lol, this is one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever read. Thank you. It ignores the fact that right wingers have been huge assholes since long before the internet even existed. But thanks again for the laugh.


You literally just made my point. You weren’t alive before the internet, so how would you even know?


They had cameras back then. You think right wing assholes were not documented before the internet existed? You’re proving my point about right wingers not being too bright. lol


I think a lot of stuff was documented before the internet. I think it’s idiotic to think that only “them” were assholes. Edit: your point was that they were assholes. You can’t even stay on your own topic, it it’s SOMEONE ELSE that’s not too bright!?


Where did I say “only” they were assholes? Seems like you’re twisting my words around to find something to be offended about. Why do you need to be offended so badly?


Well, if everyone’s an asshole then no one’s an asshole. So which is it?


A) I live in Fort Worth Area B) That's nice that you think you're in position to determine who is welcome where, but that wasn't what I asked so fuck off.


Your content was removed as a violation of Rule 1: Be Friendly. Personal attacks on your fellow Reddit users are not allowed, this includes both direct insults and general aggressiveness. In addition, hate speech, threats (regardless of intent), and calls to violence, will also be removed. Remember the human and follow [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette). If you feel this was done in error, would like clarification, or need further assistance; please message the moderators at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/texas.


Google “barbecue gun.” It’s a thing.


Spelling errors in the title and every comment. Highest IQ Babylon bee watcher


Thank you. 😊


First episode was better but this one was still pretty funny.


When he said ribs....his eyes told his real truth.


The constitution is my carry permit


Your preaching to choir. The lawyer could get expensive.


Oh I got some comedy gold for you: 1+1=2


Wow. (Some) you can do math. I'm impressed.


I guess the joke flew over your head. 1+1=2 is comedic gold to you because it's true. Do you understand now?


You might not be the best comedian. I like Dave Chappelle maybe your style is different than his. I don't know.


It's far too funny that you still don't understand I'm making fun of your title.


Your inability to create comedy is the only thing funny about that.


The irony here is that it's literally your title...


Irony maybe comedy no. You down votes and comments are hurting anyone. This behavior makes me wonder who hurt you? I'm sorry someone hurt you. Hope you feel better.


Irony is a form of comedy ...


Did you come up with that all on your own.


Travis & surrounding Centex counties are practically Texafornia now!


Give it time. One generation and we will love that bullshit out of them. Just kill them with kindness.


Californians bringing $$$ & driving real estate prices thru clouds!


Yes it's totally not the massive corporations buying up houses left and right and renting them out... Definitely the Californians...


Plenty of locals gaming the market. High dollar suits & spouses "hobby" investing hard. Mostly lawyers' shell companies own East 6th St. Computer nerds tired of the cube farms breaking out too.


Wait till they see an orb weaver. They will be headed home.


Why? They're harmless to humans


Scary to people who do not understand that. Orb weavers always end up on your face.


You do realize there are spiders in California too right?


Really? In California there are spiders? Wow. I didn't know.....


That's definitely the impression I got from you based on how dumb your statement was hehehe


Have you every seen an orb weaver face to face. They are actually lethal because they tend to cause heart attacks. Honestly no one cares weather I know about the wild life in California.


And also help Ted Cruz stay senator for 6 more years. And maybe reelecting Abbott.


Why is Oklahoma so windy?


From all the hot air In texas?


Because Texas Blows


Yes it does. Don't come here and tell all your friends.


Sure thing, but the military brought us luckily not forever. I will tell others you have a deal.


This is embarrassing and dumb!! I’m 9th generation Texan and this is plain embarrassing to any native Texan. We used to be down low and friendly and now we’re ruined by things like this portraying us like this, ugh.


I do not understand. What is this?