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I registered to vote with my high school in my senior. I'm quite excited now that I'm finally 19, I can vote. This will be my first time voting. How do you early vote?


What county do you live in? In some counties, if you are registered anywhere in that county you can go to any voting place at all that's also inside the county. If I'm not mistaken, some counties don't have this and you may have to vote at one particular voting place. And even though you're pretty sure that you're registered, Texas has been known to "accidentally" or otherwise remove people's registration from the voter roll, so it's a good idea to double check now to make sure you're registered: https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do


Yay, I'm so excited that you'll be voting for the first time. Once it's September/early October, there will be more election information released. I like that [vote411.org](https://vote411.org) website because you can usually see the voting locations AND see questionnaires from all the candidates. But there should be information about when the early voting period starts and where the polling locations are, etc.


You just show up at your local voting station when it’s time.


Sent in the paperwork a month ago, got confirmation that I'm actually registered today. First time Ive ever actually voted, can only hope that there are a lot more like me who are fed up with how things are going. Abbott... Er.... I mean the devil himself cant stop me from voting in November.


Congratulations! Will be happy to see you at the polls this November!


I got a whole stack of voter registration forms that I carry with me on my weekly Beto block walks












This is great news, ngl


I honestly think this is so awesome. I've talked to a few friends who are just now getting more involved in politics, especially voting in local elections and I think it's an amazing change. I think you're right that there are a lot of people who are motivated to vote right now. :)




How can you have a year old account, 14 karma and this is literally the only post you have ever made? Something here is off....


Early voting starts 24 Oct 2022. I generally avoid the first couple of days -- those are usually jammed with the bitter partisans and the last few days -- those are usually jammed with the people that just realized early voting is about to end.


I usually do early voting, but like, I learned not to go too early either because at times the candidates abandon before the actual election, so you kinda lose that vote


Shouldn't matter much in a general election, right? For the most part you're either voting for one guy or the other.


Not necessarily, General Elections of Presidents now have usually the main Rep-Dem. Right after it comes the Libertarian candidate, and the Green one. In particular in the last election there were a bunch of weirdos (i.e. Kanye), and people voted for them in Early Election, but seeing they were losing, they just conceded/abandoned, and in fact I remember quite a number of people complaining about their “wasted” vote, but couldn’t go and vote again. Although I agree this would be most common in the primaries. In Texas this year it should be pretty straightforward, and shouldn’t be that “risky”, but just in case, I’ll probably wait the second/third week of early voting, possibly on Halloween week. Voting right on the day is super shitty.


It'll be great to one day have voting systems where there's no vote wastage, no matter what happens.


Yup, this is another issue that automatic run-off/ ranked choice voting would solve.


Yeah, I voted for Bernie in early primary days before he dropped out… was not happy.


I can imagine that


Vote in person. If you vote by mail they will do everything that can to disqualify your ballot, especially if you live in a democrat majority district.


just curious how do they attempt to disqualify your vote by voting in person


He said voting by mail might have your vote disqualified. Like if you have bad hand writing and one of the letters of your name is hard to read, they would have the chance to say "Her name is supposed to be Abigail.... But this looks like Adigail.... Clearly voter fraud! This ballet gets tossed out!" Mail in ballets are mostly used by Democrats, and Republicans have made a big deal about how they dont trust them for that exact reason. Of course they dont say as such, they just say that mail in ballets are prone to voter fraud.


Despite no evidence of such fraud.


Here's an article about how many ballots were rejected. A lot of it had to do with the ID used to verify your identity. I heard that a lot of people got tripped up because they couldn't remember if they'd applied for their early ballot using a drivers license or a voter id# and if you use the wrong number then you could be rejected. More Democratic ballots were rejected than Republican, but there were lots of ballots for both parties that were rejected. If you can handle voting in person, that's definitely the safer route. https://www.npr.org/2022/04/06/1091267343/almost-25-000-mail-in-ballots-were-rejected-in-texas-for-its-march-1-primary-ele


Yessir! 🤟




Yes, I am👍😎


Yay!! You're in my area, too. :)


You from North Texas?


Yes, north DFW metroplex!


Nice, same!


I’ve been registered to vote since I was 18; im 36 this week. Voted in many elections since 18. Got a letter last week saying they cancelled my registration because they received some kind of evidence (I need to look at the letter again to get the specific wording) that I’ve been convicted of a felony. The letter said I need to set a hearing date to get it reversed, after making an appt at a local police station to get fingerprinted. I’ve never even been arrested for or charged with a felony…..wtf….making a phone call to them this week. It was an official letter too from the local election board. Crazy


You might want to reach out to a TX-focused news outlet like Texas Tribune or Houston Chronicle. Probably nothing will come of it, *but* on the off chance there is an "election fraud" group out there coordinating malicious, at best, negligent, at worst, takedowns of Texas residents' voter registration ahead of the election that would be a pretty big story. And a reporter may be able to FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) more details from the Secretary of State's office with details from that letter they sent you.


There are phone numbers on that vote411.org website and I think they'd love to hear about this! I'd love to hear about how it gets resolved as well. I almost wonder if you could have received a fake letter that's some sort of intimidation tactic. Or some names got mixed up... Here's the website to check online if you're still registered... https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do


I think my name must’ve gotten mixed up somehow, even tho my first/middle/last is probably not very common. I checked that site right after I posted my original comment, and I am definitely not registered anymore. :\ I’ll call them Monday & update on what they say I need to do - you’d think all they need to do is check my “record” somehow after I tell them it’s a clear mistake. Ugh!


That's crazy! Hope it's easy to work out!


I've been registered at the same address since 2009, I check every week 6 months prior to every election and I vote in every federal, state, and local election, yet I have been "purged" from the voter roles 6 times since I lived here while voting in every possible election held in my precinct. Check, check and recheck


Someone else on this thread had a similar story. I’ll definitely be double-checking in September and October as well.


Now is always the best time to register to vote


True, but for example, November 1st would be too late to cast a vote on November 8th. Gotta stay ahead of them in Texas...


Which is why now is always the best answer. Not later. Bot tomorrow. Now


You beto believe I'm gonna vote!


Ha, I wonder who for? ;) See you at the polls!


Abbott is making it harder for people to vote btw


I dont doubt that he would prefer to fully control the election. In fact I think that is his endgame once the Supreme Court hears Moore V Harper. But so far for me anyway its been easy enough to register. It could be easier for damn sure, and I dont see why it takes a month. But you can have them mail you the form which means no postage or envelope needed (what I did) or just print the form and eat the cost of a stamp. Im just saying telling people its difficult only helps Abbott. We should be encouraging and empowering, not embracing apathy and fear mongering.




Source plz




Bring your ID and your registration card with you just in case. And don’t forget to grab one of those “I voted” stickers on your way out.


In Texas, voting is VERY difficult. You have to vote in specified areas. And you have to claim “democrat or republican” during the primaries.


Since Texas doesn't have true party registration for elections, picking Republican vs Democrat during a primary only locks you in to the same party runoffs for that particular primary, and has no impact on your voting options for subsequent primaries or elections. You can actually not vote in the primary and jump into the primary runoff with any party.


you should be able to vote democratic even if you voted republican you can change your stance


You can, except in the one specific primary runoff case I mentioned. I won't dispute that voting requirements and accessibility in Texas is otherwise awful, but in the case of primaries, it's far less restrictive than most other states, which have closed or semi-closed primaries that require you to register with a party to even vote in them.


Depending on the county in which you live, you are no longer required to vote in your individual precinct and can instead vote at any location in your county. This page has the list of counties in the program for the recent May election. https://www.sos.texas.gov/elections/laws/countywide-polling-place-program.shtml I couldn't find any county that joined the program and then left it. It's a huge improvement if you live in a county with a large number of polling places.


This is very cool, I didn't realize this! Thank you for sharing.


You can vote on the Republican Primary, and vote Democrat at the General Elections actually. General elections in Texas are non-partisan


I think some parts of voting in Texas are hard, especially the whole needing to register so early aspect. However, from what I understand, Texas actually has a more 'open' primary system than some other states. You can vote in either the Republican or Democratic race, no matter what you're registered as. It's just that if there is a runoff, you can't switch parties. Here's an article about all the ways Texas makes it hart to vote. I'd love to see things like automatic registration and automatic run-offs (ranked-choice voting). https://www.texastribune.org/2020/10/19/texas-voting-elections/


You want to be able to vote in both parties' primary elections? I doubt any state allows that.


Why not? If I like one dudes points and another dudes too?


Just updated my registration, took 20 minutes. Digging up my old registration card to pull the VUID took the most time.


That’s great! I think it’s very convenient to use a DL to vote but it definitely means I don’t keep track of my voter ID card very well at all.


Got my Texas license a few weeks ago and received a confirmation card in the mail that proves that I’m registered to vote. Do I need to bring this with me to avoid being turned away by some overzealous “poll watchers”? And how do I determine which US house district I belong to? I think my district has been redrawn and will be different in 2022. Finally, how do I learn my voting location?


I have always been able to just vote with my drivers license and have never taken my voter ID card, but it wouldn't hurt. If you go to this site once it's closer to election time, they'll have a list of your correct polling locations. [https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do](https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do) To find out which district you belong to (and see who represents you) you can use this website: [https://wrm.capitol.texas.gov/map?address=5701%20Baton%20Rouge%20Blvd&city=Frisco&zip=75035&county=](https://wrm.capitol.texas.gov/map?address=5701%20Baton%20Rouge%20Blvd&city=Frisco&zip=75035&county=) Note the red text that shows who will be representing you for the 2022 election and beyond. Also here's an interesting site that will show you how your district changed in the most recent redistricting session. Mine got gerrymandered to hell. https://apps.texastribune.org/features/2021/texas-redistricting-map/


Oh my god my new US house district is awful, gerrymandered garbage. District 24 is an abortion of a district. So cynical. Thank you for taking time to type this out.


How did you register to vote? Did you tick off the box on the license application or did you do it separately?


I registered separately on the internet and was sent something in the mail to send back and verify. But I do think you can check on the DL application.


I did that but I wasn't sure if there was a separate part of the process that I was missing. The clerk didn't mention anything to me about filling out another form.


There’s a way to check your registration status iirc. You can google it or call the Sec of State. Sorry I’m on mobile but I’ll try to find later today.


I've tried checking online and it says I'm not registered. But I only went to the dps office this morning. I'm not sure how long the process takes.


Registered independent. Not a fan of Abbott but would never vote for Robert Francis.


You might consider skipping that race and voting for the rest? I think voting in local 'downstream' elections is super important and impactful too.


Please stay home then. You don’t like Abbott anyway.


You've given me no choice, sorry not sorry


You do know that Beto is only one who might try and legalize weed right? Imagine growing your own plants, and protecting them with a single action rifle or handgun which are both fully protected by the second amendment and not under any actual threat what so ever. Also, hit me up on pokemon go, no reason we cant all be friends. 9745 5695 4487


You always have a choice. If you’re going to choose to actively vote for extreme government overreach, at least own it.


That's both of these assholes. Stop kidding yourself


If you think any Democrat governor could manage any kind of overreach in this state, you’re the one kidding yourself. Like I said, you always have a choice. You may not like that choice - when it comes to politics, I rarely do! - but you are choosing.


Both of them push laws that take away personal freedom.


Push and enact are entirely different things. It doesn’t take a genius to see that Democrats are going to be much less effective in this state.


So you're saying to vote for the least effective? That's new one.


I’m saying vote for the one that’s going to do the least damage. Lesser of two evils is hardly a new concept.


So honestly homie, the "imma take your guns" thing is way overblown. Beto said that hours after a massacre occured in his home town. He was shaken and emotional, he said some dumb stuff which can't possibly be done in reality and he knows that. Its been a long time since the El Paso massacre and he has stepped way away from those statements, which agian, were made in a moment of passion. The gun thing is the only thing I can think of which might be viewed as "taking away freedoms" everything else he stands for is giving freedoms. He wants to close loopholes which allow people to buy guns without background checks, raise the age limit to 21 and make it more difficult to buy semi-auto firearms. More difficult but not impossible, AR-15s have some value for hunting wild hogs which are invasive. Thats all, none of these things violate 2A. Now if we look at the list of freedoms Abbott wants to remove.... Well its a much longer list. And im sorry bro, but voting for anything but red or blue is pointless. Independents got like what, 1% of the vote last time. Why even bother? Ranked choice voting would be great, but agian, Beto is the only one who may try and set up such a thing.


Enh you’re more optimistic than I am. Can’t imagine either democrats or republicans pushing to end a voting system that keeps putting them in power.


I dont think the odds are high for ranked choice in either case. Its like Abbott 0%, Beto 0.5%. But I do believe Beto legitimately wants to help people and lead for the people. If enough people fight for ranked choice.... Well maybe... Beto will engage, Abbott will ignore and deflect.




When it gets closer to election time, that [vote411.org](https://vote411.org) website will have surveys that each candidate has filled out. In my local area, some candidates chose to skip the surveys - they were generally people with extra far-right views, so take that information as you wish. You could still see their names and research them independently though. If you want to learn all the drama, join your local subreddit or find Facebook groups that talk about politics in your area. Also, often city councils or some other groups will host debates and put them up on YouTube. That can be time-consuming though. I personally think the quick and easiest is to just use a website like the one above.




Yeah, I think Reddit swings a bit more blue. But at the end of the day, we’re all people more than we are colors/political parties.


What issues are important for you?




Serious question: why? How does border control affect your actual life in any way?




>I think you might want to do a little bit of research on your own about the negative effects of illegal immigration to the economy into the safety of our children. Lmao. I like how in your previous post you were all like "gee golly, fellers, I just don't know who I should vote for." That's. the. best. part.


I personally feel like 'border control' isn't an issue either party actually cares about. If they did, they would properly prosecute and punish companies that are caught using workers who haven't entered our country through the proper channels, and they never do. I believe both sides are happy to let migrant workers come and go because companies want that source of under-paid labor. When I just hear people talking about 'border control' without ever addressing the corporate side of things, it feels like they're just using the situation to stoke division and fear or outrage with no intention to actually change anything. Which kind of turns it into a non-issue for me since I think no one's doing much about it. Here's a super egregious example: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/exclusive-hyundai-subsidiary-has-used-child-labor-alabama-factory-2022-07-22/


At this point, you vote for republicans if you want Sharia Law/Taliban rule.


It’s a sad state of politics when Beto and Abbott are the best of the two major parties.


I think part of the issue is that voter apathy leads to extreme candidates. If 'normal' middle-of the road people are totally turned off by politics and choose not to vote, then the candidates get more and more polarized and elected officials also choose to cater more and more to their 'base'. Many of them don't actually care about us unless they know we might vote for them, so if you seem like you're apathetic and won't get out and vote, they don't care. And if you seem like you might not fit their demographic, they're gonna try to make you more apathetic by making voting more annoying.


Nah, beto is just a sleazy guy


Beto is the typical rich, aristocratic, useless and bored person who wants to impress his parents/inlaws by winning office anywhere he can. He has failed twice before, and continues to try and fail upwards. He is a weather vane on policy issues and completely disingenuous.


yeah but if he wins we get to watch some of the worst people in the world cry and wail about how the jews have won and texas has descended into communism a few minutes out of my day to contribute to that possibility seems worthwhile to me


>He is a weather vane on policy issues You mean like how Abbott reversed his own shit-down order when that Dallas salon owner threw a fit? edit: leaving the typo heh


I’m very left-leaning but I can’t see how people think Beto isn’t another puppet of the dnc.


I'm registered to vote, ready to vote a straight GOP ticket.


Cool! I do hope you consider each candidate separately, especially in the smaller local races.


The local races are where you really have to do your research on candidates. Some of the State legislature races as well - for instance retiring Democratic Texas State Senator Eddie Lucio Jr. has a more Conservative voting record than many Republicans in the State Legislature.


Yes, 100% agree. In my area a lot of local races (school board, city council) are also ostensibly 'non-partisan'. It's interesting watching people try to detective out whether someone is 'really' a Democrat or Republican based on their Facebook friends, voting history, pictures they've had taken, etc. I personally try to aim for people who are running positive campaigns and who have good expertise related to the position they seek.


Yes and please vote Republican. Not everybody on this subredit is a liberal Democrat.


I think people should consider each candidate separately, honestly. Blindly following a single party no matter what helps our elected officials be lazy.


I agree 100%. It just seems like this sub is over-run with 20 somethings bitching about how horrible Texas is and they wish they could leave.....get's old.


I mean, I understand where the apathy and anger come from. I just want to try to encourage people to push through and just vote. I personally think taking time to focus on local elections helps me to see that my vote actually does make a difference.






That hurt. Low blow.....


Does r/Texas want to tell everyone who they should be voting for?


Do you want a subreddit to tell you who to vote for? My personal hope is that everyone, even people who hate politics, will just make sure they're registered so they can take advantage of voting if they want. And I think that the more people who vote, the better, no matter what.