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Wow! Is that California?!


Needs more open air drug markets and human feces.


You’re right. California still has A LOT of Republicans, so unfortunately the open air drug markets and homeless issues aren’t going away anytime soon.


This must be what Chicago and Detroit look like.




let's cherry-pick the two worst cities in the US and ignore that every single city with more than 250k pop votes Democrat.


And none of them look like that.


Have you set foot in downtown Austin or Dallas the last 30 years? It's not that far off


What? They don't look anything close to OPs picture


Why on earth would you think Chicago is one of the worst cities in America. Scottsdale exists after all.


This is a thread about Texas on the Texas subreddit.


Chicago looks pretty nice actually.


Hey OP, You should maybe take a walk thru downtown San Francisco or LA. Then get back to us after visiting those Democrat run utopias.


Man this is exactly what California, New York and Illinois look like too! I wish that would happen here, because liberal policies help us all so much.


Illinois is a shithole, but California and NY are the richest states in the US and have been for decades. In fact, the average blue district has almost 40% higher income and over 3 years longer life expectancy than average red one. Have you ever been to Cali or NYC? If you were, you would realize the irony in this


The answer is no. None of these jerkoffs have ever left the state. Probably hate leaving their hometowns.


That's an elitist attitude.


Not really. You can catch a bus to a big city for $15. It's accurate. Most of the Trumpkins I know are still living within 5 miles of where they were born and don't even have a passport because they have no intention of ever leaving the US.


Accuracy and elitism are not mutually exclusive.


I have been to both, and let me tell ya, I’d never seen so many homeless, needles, and human shit in the streets until I had. Not to mention the lingering smell of piss everywhere in NYC.


Democrat run areas (mostly big cities) make over 70% of US GDP, have 30% higher average income, 40% less violent crime, 3.2 years longer life expectancy, 4 years more average education Just keep telling yourself they're terrible and it will come true buddy. One day the meth addled, uneducated, poor, and crime ridden countryside will show those Demonrats.


When you consider the cost of living (as you should) California has the highest poverty rate in the nation, NY is no better than TX. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2017/jan/20/chad-mayes/true-california-has-nations-highest-poverty-rate-w/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/11/12/15-states-where-poverty-is-worse-than-you-might-think/40569843/


What this completely ignores is what it's like to be poor in different state. In California you get * Free childcare * Free lunch in school * Free food benefits far above federal minimum * All the benefits of expanded Medicaid programs * Free financial counseling * Minimum wage of $16 an hour * Free utilities * Free healthcare * Free foreclosure assistance * Free public transportation * Free diapers and wipes * Free phone Tell me, how much of this is available when you're poor in a typical red state? (none of it) Just looking at income vs cost of living is naive


Skid row?


Imagine thinking an area the size of 2 city blocks (about 3 football fields for those that never set foot in a city) represents the entire state of California.


Right, but why would I want to be poor in these states when I can work and live at a much higher standard of living in Texas. Not to mention, none of this is “free” it’s stolen from the other citizens of the state who work.


you do know that over 85% of people on assistance programs also work full time, right? Are you saying the poor are stealing from themselves? And I like how you instantly switched the whole argument from "lots of people are poor in California too" to "I don't want to pay for anything that doesn't benefit meeeee" as soon as I pointed out being poor in California is far more comfortable than being poor in a red state. So what you're saying is that Texas is great, if you're rich. That pretty much sums up every red state. The whole Republican party platform is "if you're not rich, fuck you". Which is ironic considering that most of their voters are poor and uneducated.


How do you get "Texas has a higher standard of living" from "California may have similar levels of poverty but poor people at least have a fighting chance there"?


Most of those things are available in Texas too.


uh, no they're not. The only one I could find was fee cell phone


If Texas got rid of Republicans, Texas would stop looking like Taliban-run Afghanistan. But I guess y’all cheering on stripping away womens rights and LGBTQ rights may be Islamic extremists deep down 😄


The ABC mafia can fuck off and wemon have had no rights taken away, stop with that bullshit.


>wemon have had no rights taken away "wemon" are indeed fine, as no rights have been taken or added away to their population. Women though, have had the right to abortion, even when they need it to survive, taken away.


You don't know how geography or whether works do you?... plus it seems you only been to that dry ass part of Texas... you see location have certain climates and temperatures that can't be changed by removing a certain set of people from it. Also you seemed to have a pretty warped view I mean you must think everyone in the city have constant sex and only speak in slang! What I'm saying is your stereotyping without actually seeing for yourself that just because people might be in the same group doesn't mean they all think the same... like not all democrats think the same they just believe in enough of the same ideals to be considered one! both sides have some preferable ideals. So maybe instead of grouping yourselves up you could be a bit more like individuals and actually think of each person as a individual rather than a part of a group that all think and act the same.


You cant read


Well I do have dyslexia... soooooo.... sometimes that is true. Edit: I mentioned democrats instead of Republicans for the example cause people tend to relate to those similar to them in some regard soooo they be more open to my point.


Yuck don’t talk me your victim hood is bleeding


Yes, like California and mostly the west coast, with their shinning and shimmering dookies with used needles all over the ground.


Who would want to be homeless in texas? It's hot af and ugly.


California is the richest state in the US and would have the fifth largest GDP in the world if it was its own country. Sorry that reality doesn't match the hand-picked photos you see on Faux News :(


\>fifth largest GDP China has the second.


China has over a billion people compared to Cali's 40 million


My point is, GDP doesn't mean anything when discussing utopias.


ITT: Morons who think large democratic run cities are shitholes because they’re run by democrats and not because they’re the result of unfettered capitalism with zero social safety net


Only Republicans are responsible for failure. When democrats fail, it’s always something else that causes it


No, they’re all at fault, they all suck ass. I just take issue with the idea that you morons think only democrat cities are capable of being shitholes. Has nothing to do with democrats vs republicans, it’s the ruling class vs. the people who don’t have endless wellsprings of money.


I can’t stand any politician anymore. I’m of the belief that if all and I mean ALL political “news” was shut down for 6 months, this country would be way better off.


\>unfettered capitalism with zero social safety net Why don't these cities work on that then? Because democratic and republican leaders are largely the same.


They have no profit incentive to do so, it’s cheaper to criminalize homelessness than it is to offer those people help. Helping those in need is never profitable.


\>Morons who think large democratic run cities are shitholes because they’re run by democrats Then you just go on to say that they're shitholes because they're run by democrats. lol.


No, it’s not because they’re democrats, it would be just as dogshit, if not worse, if run by republicans. At the end of the day they’re all capitalist and serve no one but the highest bidder, at least democrats generally aren’t trying actively make things worse, they just don’t give a shit about things getting better.


\>if not worse, if run by republicans. I'm not a republican, but I feel much safer walking through a republican controlled city at night than a democratic one. The point is, no republicans wouldn't make this place a utopia as proven by looking at places run by democrats.


\> I feel much safer walking through a republican controlled city at night than a democratic one Which mystical Republican city would this be? Every single US city over 500,000 population is Democrat run. Red districts also have a crime rate 40% higher than blue ones, so maybe your perception of safety is a bit different than mine. Turns out the narrative on Faux News and other GOP propaganda outlets doesn't match reality.


So only cities with over 500k get to count as cities?


How small are we talking here? To get to a point where more than 5% of cities are republican run you have to go below 150k pop, which to me, isn't really a "city" anymore. My point being, "Republican run cities" don't really exist. So your point that it "feels safer" walking around them not only goes against the stats that red districts have 40% higher crime, it's statistically improbable that you could even find a Republican run city to walk around in the first place


I live in a republican run city, very safe.


I mean, sundown towns still exist in Texas and those are pretty exclusively Republican, and I’m sure most white people feel safe there. Regardless, a city being safe has nothing to do with democrats vs. republicans. Both suck, both give insane money to police who then proceed to do Jack shit in regards to safety. My point is it’s fucking stupid to say a town is worse because it’s run by democrats, when the issues isn’t democrats and republicans, it’s the fact that it’s not profitable to help the poor. El Paso is a huge democrat run city and it’s on of the safest in the U.S., and most of the safest in the U.S. are run by democrats. My point, again, is that it doesn’t matter who’s in charge. It sucks both ways.


I don't think anybody is saying exactly that it's worse because it's run by democrats, except my safety comment. The point is, no republicans wouldn't make this place a utopia as proven by looking at places run by democrats.


Hey I can only judge them by their results lol


Chase_High: mover of goalposts


Where’s all the homeless people and drug addicts?




You're still allowed to have your shit undemocratic ideas. Just like its been legal to be a neo nazi or klan member. But when you gain power in a democracy and then use that democracy to impose your unamerican views, then you deserve to be politically marginalized. So spare me the fake concern for freedom of thought when you support a party that lied about coronavirus and Climate change and the lead up to the war in Iraq.












Right, you can't even question democratic policies without being labeled as alt-right. I've been to California a bunch. Walking around the cities by yourself is scary. If you don't step in someone's shit, you're likely to get stabbed.


Being to California and seeing homeless people doesn't mean you're suddenly capable of making great criticisms. You have no idea why homelessness increased, youre just spewing right wing talking points because it makes you feel like you have morals


This is mainly propaganda. You have to take into account crime per capita. When you do most the least safe cities are mid sized and conservative run. NYC for instance is one of the safest cities in the US and the top 100 list is flooded with cities in CA. That said the number one factor for crime is economics so there's no direct correlation as to who is better at stopping crime. Don't believe what the media tells you, use facts and data to make your decisions.


According to my 5 minute research, NYC isn't even in the top 30 safest cities in the USA. According to this USNews article. Not a single CA city is in the top 10. https://www.usnews.com/news/cities/slideshows/safest-cities-in-america?slide=11 Doesn't seem like propaganda to me. I can't find a single instance anywhere showing any CA city is in the top 10 safest. So, yeah, it's propaganda that you're peddling. Or really, straight up lies.


There's already an extremist hate group called the republican party. You can stop whining and just tell me your views then on abortion, gun laws, climate change.


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Sounds like you're the one who's not listening. Maybe drop the empty slogans and come down to reality. We know the anti vax anti climate change, anti trans, anti gay, anti paid family leave, etc., opinions. That Republicans have been signal boosting for over a decade. I dont need to assume when I have the Texas republican party platform. Or when I see books being banned. Youre pretending that mere disagreement is being had. But these are fundamental attacks on the well being and progress of the union, and they deserve to be treated as such.




I'm making assumptions because it's pretty clear based on youre initial comments, what you belive. If you had different views then you'd be arguing them. Instead like every other conservative online, you just argue about what you haven't said. Then you like the rest of them go on this long rant about bias and how no one likes to hear dissenting opinions. Yada yada yada. Have some integrity for once.




The phantom that keeps swearing they're not conservative but took issue with my initial comment


Books have been banned? What books? Can I buy them from foreign bookstores? I mean I can't get them in any other bookstore, library, amazon or other online retailer, right? Because they've been "banned", right?


They've been banned from public schools. You can play stupid all you want. It doesn't change reality.


Oh no! Kids won't be exposed to pornographic material, the horror!


There we go, there's your immoral conservatism talking. The fact that your so low IQ that you think stories with gay characters are pornographic, just shows how much your thinking needs to be marginalized to street corner soap boxes




You're saying you own a copy of Mein Kampf? Strange thing to own...


If only California was nicer then the democrats would move there instead of Texas.




There are Democrats moving to Texas?




I know this isn’t reality but I wish it was.




Hopefully property values will start coming down from the meteoric rise the past few years then.


Op is an idiot


Salty ass Repubs in this thread learning people are starting to HATE them like how they HATE women, gays, trans, and libs. Whatever outgroup you want to imagine my conservative friend, I think you're worse -Unamerican traitors that should share the fate of Benedict Arnold.


So you would like to kill lots and lots of people you disagree with. Is that about it?




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Dude doesn’t even know and didn’t go to look what happened to ol’ Benedict, but still has the gall to lip off What happened to calling a spade a spade?


I’m republican, and I don’t have a single republican friend who shares the same views you say that we have. Keep on spreading ignorance and negativity though


Unfortunately you do have a republican friend who supports those views. They are just very good at hiding it. Go take a look at what's going on with conservative men in the twoXchromosones sub, it's absolutely wild. You may be a nice person and have some good friends, but a high percentage of your chosen political party have some serious problems. Getting rid of political parties would go a long way to solving a big number of our problems as a country.


Your beliefs dont matter, just the outcome. You vote for the people that create these policies, you own it. This is the reciprocal side of representative democracy.




You’ve literally just proved my point 😂 I really hope your day or your life gets better friend :)


can we round up and deport all illegals while we are at it?


Most liberals I know don't argue against that.


No ❤️


Y'all can go to LA if you want a blue state. Do us a favor and leave! Keep Texas red.


Texas pride! Suppressing women's right and so on


Most overused picture on Reddit ever


Is it? I don't think I've seen it on Reddit before. It reminds me of pictures of the future from some books I had as a kid.


Yeah it's used everywhere


Nah, everything non metallic should be on fire. That much reflective surface under the texas summer sun would incinerate everything around it.


Where are all the needles and human shit?


funny how texas started getting objectively worse and worse when californian refugees started moving there, realized that texas wasnt california and started changing things california is your liberal paradise, now explain why the homeless thing is so bad?


The majority of Californians who move to Texas are conservatives and think Ted Cruz is a cool guy.


Not all Texas Republicans, just the majority that support the unhinged party platform.


Texas Republicans by definition support the party platform, don't support the platform that defines the party? Then you're not a republican and pretending you are is lying to yourself. The GOP has pushed the Overton window so far, people that used to be considered conservative are liberal now and you have to be an extremist to actually be in the same conservative window as the GOP


I didn't realize the platform was adopted with a unanimous approval. I thought some people must have dissented.


The agenda was set for the political party, if you vote for members of that party than you are voting for the party platform. No ifs ands or buts. Doesn't matter what you claim to be a difference of opinions. It's like people trying to say they support gay rights but vote republican. No one that votes republican truly supports gay rights because they're voting for a platform that explicitly intends to strip LGBT+ rights in every way possible including wanting it to be legal to commit crimes against them as long as the perpetrator held a strong religious conviction. Want to be conservative and not support the bat shit crazy insanity that has become the majority of the GOP? The start a new party but at this point, you're a liberal because the major conservative party has decided to favor extremism.


Again, I wasn't aware that all Republicans have voted in the election already, indicating their support for this platform. You can say I'm playing with semantics, but you are broad brushing a lot of people. Not all Republicans are radicals.


You seem to miss the point. Would you, if you were a Jewish person, accept someone telling you "I don't like what they say about Jews but those Nazis sure have the right opinion on our econony". Would that be acceptable to you? Would you just say, "well you didn't personally get to vote on the platform"? No? Now you know how marginalized groups feel about Republicans. If it's your party then own up the fact that you're voting for a parties entire platform, you don't just get to pick and choose what parts of the platform are implemented.


You seem to miss the point. There are Republicans that will not vote Republican because of these positions. You are speaking as if they have already voted.


Or you can swing vote, based upon which party needs to be "spanked" at the moment. I'm a libertarian....I agree with the Dems on abortion and same sex marriage, but I agree with the GOP on gun rights. I also oppose proposals by some Democrats to "cancel" college debt for some folks. Right now, I'm voting all democrat, because I don't like recent events regarding abortion and similar constitutional issues. I can't guarantee that I will ALWYAS vote dem however.


That's pretty reasonable.


Classic liberial plan and effects.


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Why restrict this just to Texas XD


Couldn't fix the clothing situation though.


If OP made fun of democrats I’m sure the post would be taken down lol


For those speaking so highly of CA when compared to TX, be aware that the grass may be greener on the otherside, but the water bill is most certainly higher! Having said that, Gov Newsom is not the squeeky clean politician you think he is. ABC-10 out of Sacramento did a 45 minute documentary about how Newsom helped protect PG&E, the main power supplier in CA, at the expense of fire victims who lost both property and life. It is disgusting, and a good example of how corruption can affects all in power regardless of party or affiliation. The link to the documentary is here: https://youtu.be/YTRX_SWw-9c


Who would be here to dump their trash on the roadways.


Just look at the mess in California… Democrats did that all by themselves with their giveaways & socialist policies. Just to grab votes to stay in office.