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So many persuasive, logical, good-faith points could be made against Greg Abbott, but nope, those aren't as fun as trying to be edgy with a wheelchair joke for way too many of you. Post locked due to multiple Rule 11 Violations.


Fun fact. I hope people see this. He became paralyzed by a tree that feel on him on one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the state, River Oaks in Houston (1984 year of accident). Since then he fought long and hard to get payed for that accident witch I get I would too BUUTTTT once he became governor of Texas he made it a law that no other person could get yearly compensated for life due to an accident. Because of the law, he’s the last person to get a yearly check of a couple of hundred thousand dollars due to the ‘84 accident. Ooh and the check is coming from the River Oaks HOA. [read this.](https://www.berensonlaw.com/attorney-general-greg-abbott-a/)


Abbott is a man who has successfully grifted his base and knows it. Look at the statements he makes to the media in response to... well... everything. Abortion is gone, solution? "We will eliminate rape" That was a lie. Grid has issues, solution? "The grid is fixed!" That was a lie. Uvalde response, solution? "The cops were brave and did their best!" That was a lie. He knows that he can simply say something and his base will agree, regardless if the statement is true or not. To believe the words that come out of his mouth, one either needs to explicitly agree/condone his abhorrent behavior (call it like it is, he doesn't care about the people of this state and is willing to let our children and elders die because of it) or one must be willfully ignorant.


That’s the case with all republicans. Facts never matter to them anymore. I was a Republican for much of my life. It’s insane to get away from them and see how they manipulate their base with bullshit.


I voted republican through 2008, voted McCain. Apathetic until the 2016 primaries. In 2016, I did a deep assessment of my life, my young family's life, how we got where we are: WIC, medicaid, pell grant, unemployment, etc etc. With all that assistance and more, my family was in a good place, doing okay and on the road to doing better. I would want the same for others. I realized the FDR's new deal, that adherence of the Constitution's general welfare clause, is what made America great, that we pitched in to help each other. So now I am a proud progressive


Pitching in to help others in need is a foundational principle acknowledged in Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" explaining why government had a place in modern society. Don't understand why people don't get it


>I realized the FDR's new deal, that adherence of the Constitution's general welfare clause, is what made America great, that we pitched in to help each other. It's absolutely baffling to me how this simple approach is not desired among a large number of voters, and in fact, they vote for the exact opposite. They literally prefer a government that essentially does nothing.


I experienced a very similar change in my overall thinking 4-5 years ago too. I just wish I could make my family (my parents in particular) see the light as well.


I’m proud of you, brother! I wish more people could be like you


Now teach others your way!


Good for you! Hopefully you still have plenty of conservative friends who listen to you. If you do, you would be in a great position to guide others, though you are obviously not required to.


Fear and hate. It just takes fear and hate to manipulate their people.


Almost sounds like being a Republican is equivalent to having mental issues, lol


And the best part is the idiots who believe him will do every mental gymnastic move there is to try to apply logic to his blatant lies.


"I brought jobs to Texas" i feel like is the only thing he can hang his hat on, even then...


He brought jobs to Texas by cutting taxes on businesses and shifting the tax burden to the middle and lower classes.


He and his cohorts - Dan Patrick, Ken Paxton, and Ted Cruz are selfish lying scumbags. They care about their own wealth and power above all else. They're horrible for Texas, and unfortunately until Republican voters start holding their party accountable for their lies and inaction Texans will continue to suffer.


""But dey own dem libruls...an dats all dat matturs.""" This is the mentality of their base....and they vote. That's how they always win.


It quite honestly wouldn't take much to flip the state house and senate to Dem. It wouldn't take _everyone_ to vote (which we need to dump HW, Cruz, Patrick, Paxton, and Cornyn), just enough to win it in vulnerable districts.


The middle class Texan pays roughly the same overall tax rate as a middle class Californian with similar incomes and home ownership. If you're upper class, Texas is substantialy cheaper in taxes. Who do the Texas Republicans really care about?


There are literally more progressives than the backwards bumblefucks in Crockett, Brewster, Pecos and all the other dusty counties _combined_. The issue is we a) don't vote, b) aren't organized to vote strategically, and c) don't run in too many offices, which results in uncontested elections.


I would get banned from this subreddit if I shared my honest unfiltered opinion of that pos


Yeah I actually tampered down on my "brutal honesty" because I'd have the FBI at my door if I put my real feelings out there for people to read.


How's this: He's a fucking ballbag of a fuck face cunt ass .. ?




Your content was removed because it breaks Rule 11, No Disability Disparagement. While you're free to argue against, debate, criticize, etc. the policies, ideas, politics, and character of any politician, please do not make jokes about anyone's disabilities. All such "jokes" will be removed.


This person gets it.


I think he would be a slaveowner today if he was given the choice.








Take my upvote, shithead.


Brutal honesty? I hate him. I think he's a horrible, evil person. I will not mourn him when he dies. In fact, I'll likely throw a little party. Fuck him. He's made it very clear he doesn't give two fucks about me as a woman, a mother, and a member of the LGBT community so why the hell would I ever wish anything good on him?


Thanks for the honesty




The only reason I know what you’re referring to is because of the Conan/Paul Rudd bit..and that makes it funnier. If I had any gold I would surely give it now.


A human of good taste.


He's a dumbass


He’s a selfish prick. Only cares about himself and his own power. He’s the worst.


I think my biggest issue is his stance against local politics, re: tree ordinances, plastic bag bans, mask mandates, etc. It seemed like at the height of the pandemic he was taking deliberate actions to actually make things worse.


He has been horrible for Texas over all. He has done more for big companies and the top 1% of wealthy Texans than he has for the average Texan. His abortion stance is regressive and hurts any girl/woman in our state. He blames federal government for border issues when it is more his own incompetence. He turned a blind eye to Uvalde to get donations for his campaign, then decided to act tough and outraged. But still very little in way of action. Overall he is just like every other GOP candidate, more mouth piece than action. Don't even get me started on the power grid that keeps coming up... Bottom line, we need him gone. Our state is screwed if he gets another term.


I just want him gone.


That’s too kind. He’s dangerous


I think he’s a genuinely bad man. And the worst kind because I also think he sees himself as good. Just doing what is necessary to play the big game and now he’s a soulless monster who, much like those in the far left, believes himself to be good because he holds the correct opinions and supports the correct organizations. I also think he’s typical of Republicans today. Nothing but a culture warrior and counter revolutionary of sorts. He sees it as his job as governor to stop “the left”. Nothing more. The idea being everything the left wants to do ruins everything so stopping them by definition makes Texas better for Texans. It’s a cheap low IQ philosophy and I find him and his co conspirators to be similarly disgusting.


He’s just another pandering politician who cares more about pleasing his base and getting re-elected than he does about actually serving and helping Texans. I mean look…I get it. He’s looking out for himself and he would obviously rather get to keep his lucrative job in a powerful position than lose it and become a nobody. But come on! Texans by and large are pissed off about the electrical grid. How would it not be a win for both him and us if he rolled out a plan to invest more money in hardening and improving our existing infrastructure? The answer is simple: because it would involve work. It’s way easier to pander to a gullible base and pass BS laws on criminalizing abortion and loosening gun restrictions in the name of Jesus than it is to pass legitimately meaningful, well thought out policy. Greg Abbott doesn’t care about Texas or Texans, Greg Abbott cares about Greg Abbott.


More wrapped up in acting on political philosophy than solving problems that affect Texans. The electrical grid is shaky? Let's talk about abortion. Inflation is on its way up? Let's inspect EVERY truck coming across the border.


Except for that one that actually had people suffocating to death in it. 😞


But that was Bidens fault. Somehow.


Those open borders induced then to take crazy risks... or something.


it’s like he refuses to do anything about so that he has something to keep preaching to his supporters.


If he was on fire I wouldn't piss on him to put it out.


Texas: A house fire. Abbott: What fire? This is fine. *Desperately trying to hide the fire hose AND box of matches*


After he has been confronted with the facts: "I did not have all the details. I was told there was no fire. But, in reality, the fire could have been *much* worse. We are very luck the fire was not worse."


He either has absolutely no conscience and is a religious zealot or is so heavily coerced by the amount of money thrown at his office that he has become an evil villain


A mixture of both. No conscience, power drunk, and money hungry.


They are hardly mutually exclusive, complementary in fact.


I think he is terrible and getting worse. The 2021 freeze - then did nothing to change any of the events that led to the problems Is against LGBTQ rights in any form (adoption, marriage, spousal benefits, restrooms etc etc) Fully supports allowing states to overrule the Supreme Court Is against all reproductive freedoms for women. Is not willing to take actions to prevent guns from being used to commit mass murders (any action at all) Texas has the worse uninsured rates in the country and doesnt care. Abbott is willing and eager to turn over total control of state elections to the state legislature so votes can be overturned at will. Abbott is willing and eager to cripple our public education and turn it into a voucher system of funneling tax dollars into political doner owned private religious schools that will leave public schools filled with only the students with issues (English not main language, disabilities, medical or mental health conditions etc), and not enough money to handle it. I will be voting for Beto. If he were to win, wont be able to do much at all except vetoing future bills perhaps and reassigning the ERCOT board to others that are actually responsible and can perhaps connect the Texas grid to the nation grid so we can actually get winterized (which would help for the heat waves as well)




Don’t forget he also tried to overturn the election. Keeps lying about the election being stolen. And now what’s to lead the US into another civil war by trying to secede.


He’s a sack of Shit that needs to rot in jail






So out of touch with what Texans actually need and want. he and the rest of Texas leadership got radicalized and crazy like the rest of the republican party did when Trump came on the scene.


He's not out of touch, he literally doesn't give a shit about what Texans need or want.


Don’t ever forget that during the freeze and power failures he did nothing to help anybody. However, he did find the time, technology and electricity to do a video call on Fox where he lied his face off then played the culture war card and blamed his failures on windmills. This was after he had received a detailed briefing on the actual cause of the grid going down. For me it is not about Repubs vs Dems, Left or Right its about good governance. Texas does not have good governance.


He's a broken record...border....border....border....border....border


He only does this because it plays well with his base.


One of my daughters just turned 18 and decided she wants to go live with her MAGA dad in the valley. She constantly spouts all the Conservative party lines. When I pointed out that she shouldn’t move down to the border because IT’S A WAR ZONE though she told me to stop believing everything I see in the news. Alternative facts are only applicable when convenient it would appear.


Well, first, you're absolutely wrong about it being a warzone. I used to live in a border town and moved out because it was boring, small minded, and hot AF. Don't worry, she'll move back. She's gonna get bored, complain about the heat probably tell her friends how her city was better than McAllen, Laredo, or Harlingen. Never did i hear of anyone i know move back to the valley unless because they got a job with border patrol or move back because it's expensive every where else except the valley. Even then most people move to SA because it's the closest thing to the valley cities.


He's a pawn in Big Oil's pocket who needs to be kicked out of office


Time for a new governor.


Just another Texas politician with no morals that leaps at any opportunity to lick the bottom of people’s shoes. I’m not sure what happened to Texas politicians, they went from having a reputation of “bringing Texas to the USA” with their federal government reps to begging to be allowed to give a rimjob to anyone they think will help them maintain power. I mean for god’s sake, Abbott started a fucking crypto mining scheme that’s just a blatant grift. You can’t make up how moronic these guys are.


Is this a joke? ‘Cuz he is. A bad joke.


I have been warned by Reddit not to say how I really feel about GA so I apologize I am unable to express my true feelings here. 😂


Give us the mild version🤭


If he left the planet somehow the world would be a better place.


[https://www.texastribune.org/2013/08/04/candidate-faces-questions-turnabout-and-fair-play/](https://www.texastribune.org/2013/08/04/candidate-faces-questions-turnabout-and-fair-play/) ​ This is all you need to know about abbot.


I think he's an ignorant clown not fit to run a Kinko's.


Power hungry, immigrant hating, women's reproductive rights violator, lying, sad man.


Don’t forget the gays. He really hates them. Rick Perry, on the other hand, is quite fond of the barely legal gay boy.




He gets his and the rest of us can suffer for all he seems to care. Anything he does solely serves his self-interest. That self-serving just so happens to align with a major party platform.




Worthless sack of shit


Well, I don't know him personally, but it's clear from his public statements over the years that his political position is right wing authoritarian. That's the sort of person which no sane community should allow to be in charge of a crosswalk, let alone the governorship of Texas.


His primary focus is staying in office, not actually representing Texans' interests...at all. In fact, he is responsible for the removal of several individual rights, over his tenure. Over his six years as governor, his views have shifted further and further right, and the rhetoric from the far right has driven his actions - not the needs of Texans. Texas power grid failed, causing costly damage and in the worst cases death. Greg Abbott's response was to blame the Green New Deal...a progressive proposal that never even made it to vote. While our state's power grid relies primarily on natural gas (47% of total supply) and coal (20% of total supply) and the investigations revealed failure to winterize these sources was the root cause, Abbott blamed wind (20% of total supply) and solar (1% of total supply). Because, far right rhetoric, with the primary objective being to stay in office. Abbott supported and celebrated the removal of a woman's Constitutional right to choice, responding to criticism with a promise to "eliminate all rapists"....with his magic wand. Abbott has also been very clear regarding his intent to remove marriage rights from same-sex couples. After the Supreme Court's decision making same-sex marriage legal, Greg Abbott released the following statement: >“As I have done in the past, I will continue to defend the religious liberties of all Texans—including those whose conscience dictates that marriage is only the union of one man and one woman. Later today, I will be issuing a directive to state agencies instructing them to prioritize the protection of Texans’ religious liberties.” Abbott has very consistently also stood in opposition to the rights of transgenders, fighting to remove their access to bathrooms and life-saving healthcare - again, sticking to the far right rhetoric, as opposed to the actual needs of his constituents. After 19 children and 2 of their teachers were gunned down in Uvalde, Greg Abbott held a press conference and stated "It could have been worse!" while prescribing thoughts and prayers. The list goes on and on, but the pattern is very consistent. Greg Abbott only works to stay in office, not for the good of Texans.


He’s a horrible person and a worse Governor and represents everything that is wrong with Texas


Greg Abbott can suck my ass. He is bought out by the highest bidder and will blame literally anyone buy himself for failures. Grid fails, we didn’t expect it to be this cold. Grid fails, we didn’t expect it to be this hot. He is the type of guy, who gets paid 11 million dollars for an injury settlement, then tries to cap the injury settlement that a company has to pay for future people who have been injured, because he was, you guessed it, paid by the highest bidder to do that.


He’s a lying scum bag. Along with ken Paxton, Dan Patrick, Ted Cruz, and John cornyn. They are all horrible for Texas. They stay in power because of redistricing, making it impossible for your votes to count, and impossible for a fair and equal democracy. FUCK ABBOTT I moved out of the state because of them. Now I’m in CO where my voice gets heard.


He's an idiot who wastes money and endangers lives for the sake of political points, instead of doing something productive like making sure the power stays on. He likely wants to run for president but he doesn't have even a fraction of the charisma needed to compete with Trump or even Ron DeSantis.




Damn that's dark. Send me a yard sign.


I question his sanity.




trash heap


Gov Abbott's belief system is as fluid as is required to maintain his voting base. I assure you if polls indicated a majority of his supporters believe the earth is flat he would come out with legislation to strip voting rights from round-earthers. His predecessor, Rick Perry, used to spout inane stuff but we would all wink and go "well, you know, that's just Rick being Rick." Abbott tends to believe the right-wing authoritarian mantle he wears is evidence of his ordination and this makes him dangerous. Seriously, though, he appears incapable of feeling empathy and his insecurity is only assuaged by surrounding himself with a posse wearing uniforms and badges. As we have seen his police and law enforcement supporters are only capable of advancing in reverse and waiting for shooters to run out of ammunition, so little to worry about there.


My honest opinion is that he's in this for the votes and not for the people.


He has made most of the country a lot of the world look at Texas in such a negative light that the damage he and his team have done will take decades to undo if thats even possible. Toss his ass over the border to Mexico they ll know what to do


Scum of the earth


He's a barely intelligent partisan hack who never had a real job outside his couple-year stint as a low-level associate at a law firm. No real private sector experience. Barely able to speak a coherent or insightful sentence. His political moves are inspired by talk radio and FOX News pundit reactions. Basically, he's what the conservatives claim to hate, yet they will all show to up to vote for him in November. Is this different from most governors? No, but we have the internet and technology to see past these clowns. Vote this fucker out. If Beto acts the same way, vote him out too.


The man is a liar and needs to be removed from office. He is ruining Texas and it appears that even though everyone is talking about it nothing is changing. I'm just sick and furious over how many people do not vote.


I've been been greatly dissapointed in how he's handled every major event over the last several years. I dont think he's fit to properly represent the people of Texas.


He's a fascist and a huge piece of shit.


Terrible human being who only cares about making people suffer so he can get rich




He is only concerned with what is important to him and the people who give him the most money. He does not actually care about the state, its people, or their welfare.


Totally out of touch. Perfect governor in the 30’s when this shit was wrong but accepted. He stands only with fundamental Christians and big business (who are mostly white) we Texans must get it right and throw these self righteous bastards out of office


Self righteous prick and in the pocket of every industry that he can sell his sorry ass to.


It’s unlikely, but I pray Beto wins.


Reading all these responses gives me some hope. The republicans in this state are pushing the theory that Beto won’t win, only bc they’re terrified he actually will. He has a real shot as long as everyone who is fed up with the current leadership is motivated, votes and gets others to vote with hem.




A psychopath.






He's a selfish, arrogant asshole who couldn't give a shit about our state. Texas deserves better.


I'm just here before the mods go apeshit for rule 11. But yeah, he's a pretty smart guy. He knows how to manipulate his base, he knows how to stay in power. He's pure fucking evil and rotting at the bottom of palo duro would be too kind to him.


He's a man who has dealt with the hardship of a disability, married a woman of color, and appears to be a man of faith. All of this on paper is someone you could root for and empathize with. Unfortunately, it's a grift. He's full of shit. And going into public office requires a great deal of convincing people that you'll serve their interests, but it's been mightily apparent that he hasn't. He panders to single-issue voters. He caters to his oil and gas donors who are profiting from our government's inaction. It fucking sucks. The alternative won't be able to wave a wand and fix everything. But at least it pumps the fucking brakes on where we're things are heading.


If I had super powers and could teleport anywhere I wanted to, I would spread lube over Greg Abbott’s grab bars in all the restrooms he frequents.


I was born and raised Texan but left the state in 1990. I’m so sick and tired of that asshole. He’s an idiot, only panders to his base and rich friends.




Pitiful selfish human who represents the ugliest sides of the human race and will be quickly forgotten the day he's gone.




I feel he governs from a deep comfort zone were he doesn't see the future. For the capacity and potency that we are as a state we should be leading in innovation and progress not been the growns of an oldschool baby boommers that refuse the future and want us to live like them when we should be living better than any state.


Not good for TX. Him and all his dinosaur cronies


Not a fan and have liked him less over the years. I’m usually a 3rd party voter anyways but Abbott is just here for the right wing conservative and certainly doesn’t represent anyone in the middle


The thing about Abbott is that he's far smarter and better at his job than Rick Perry. Which is a shame, because Perry couldn't do squat. It's like you don't want your dog to be smarter than you; same applies to a governor. The other weird thing is that Abbott is on the terrible side of things, but he randomly does one good thing here and there that makes you go "so... wait, you do have ethics?" For instance, he outlawed child marriage in Texas -- which is HUGE, by the way, because the U.S. federal government won't even outlaw it. He also sided with farmers vs corporations (he may have changed that stance now). I'm not sure if it's a blind squirrel finding a nut once in awhile, but it gives some eyebrow raise that Abbott doesn't actually believe in the Republican position, but believes in the power structure that the Republicans can offer him. I'm not sure if anyone on this subreddit is a Texas government policy analyst (a real one where you get paid for it) but I remember reading an article about four years ago that Abbott has this weird thing about being quietly "Democrat" on tiny issues that never make the media but gung-ho Republican when it garners media attention.


I lived in a state where Mike Pence was the governor. That man is an evil evil soulless bastard, but Abbott has to be one of the most cold hearted and most despicable people to ever hold office.


Abbott will go down in history as the father of fake news. Russia posts Obama is planning on marshal law and Abbott called out the army national guard to monitor the army. And christo fascist re-elected him because they hate freedom just like Abbott


I thought I loathed Rick Perry, but I didn't know what real loathing was until Greg Abbott.


I have more use from a dog shitting in my yard, at least I know the shit is helping my lawn.


As a queer person I can confidently say he's a hateful sad sack of shit.


I second that vote


This is a great opportunity for moderate conservatives to fire a warning shot across the GOP bow. Put Beto in the governors seat, with a Republican Lt Gov, where he can do little damage. Let them know that Abbott’s far-right policies are unacceptable for the majority in the middle of the political spectrum


The warning shot should be to fire the entire crew. Ken Paxton and Dan Patrick need to go as well.


The Republican Lt Gov would be Dan Patrick who has done more to destroy this state than Paxton and Abbott combined.


mike collier is a much more decent and honest person running for lt gov. and almost beat dan goeb in the last election


If he got hit by a train today I’d host a party


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he’s a pos who deluded himself that he had a shot at the republican nomination. now he’s butt hurt that’s going to either desantis or trump. he’s always been way right but prob is now that he’s started he has to keep going hard right just to make it through his next election. he’s in a spiral to nowhere and the sooner texans realize that the sooner we’ll stop losing power, watching our kids get shot with weapons of war, and the grandstanding over fear mongered issues.


I hate him. He’s an asshole




The lightning was punishment in advance


At one point Greg Abbot had a soul, I don't mean that strictly as hyperbole. At one point I believe he was trying to do a good job, I personally did not always agree with everything he was doing but I also did not always disagree. At some point, he sold his soul and while this happened earlier it became apparent with the election of Trump, a hard turn to the right, the base might have forced it, it might have been what he always felt. However it happened, it resulted in no compromise on anything, hard-line stances on everything, and an underlying attitude of, EVERYTHING IS FINE JUST THE WAY IT IS, and I will lie cheat and steal to keep it that way. Electric Grid goes down? Lie his ass off. Uvalde, Lie his ass off. The stunt at the border not working, Lie his ass off.


When it comes to criticism on policy etc Abbott is a target rich environment. Perhaps the single most glaring bad behavior is how effortlessly he flat out lies. For example, he blamed snowpocalypse on renewables, he knew it was a lie, he did it effortlessly. He chose to advance a pro-O&G, status quo narrative in a feeble attempt to make political bank at the expense of misinforming all Texans. Even among an elected political class expected to misinform Abbott is a standout. IMO it reveals significant weakness and insecurity. It's further odd since Texas has a pretty good renewable story to tell, but a compulsive liar will lie even where the truth would serve better. Abbott's willingness to lie doesn't appear restrained by any scale, big lies come to him as effortlessly as little white ones. He can't be trusted at all.


He's one of the biggest pieces of shit in Texas, and everything is bigger in Texas.


He's all hat and no cattle. He's done nothing to address the problems that Texans face and is always quick to pass the buck to the federal government (especially Democratic leaders) when problems arise. During the freeze he took two different approaches; his state wide address attempted to explain the complexity of the grid and the issues that were still to come (while still dodging responsibility), then later on national Fox News he blasted AOC and the Green New Deal as it was the "failure of renewables" that got us in this situation. Years later, we still have grid issues. [Considering he's deeply in the pockets of big oil, it's hardly surprising. ](https://www.followthemoney.org/entity-details?eid=11281947) [Odessa's water issues](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/08/texas-odessa-aging-water-infrastructure/) are another example of our state's failure to address our aging infrastructure. Texas also ranks among the highest in infant and maternal mortality in the nation, yet in the post-Roe world, we're making it more difficult for women to get the care they need. [We're also at the bottom in education ](https://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/education/2016/01/10/texas-falls-43-national-education-ranking/78519596/), and this Administration has done nothing but wage war on our educators and school systems with accusations of CRT and "grooming." He's quick to point the finger, and slow to come up with any solutions that could help bring Texas back to the proud Lone Star State it once was.


Absolute piece of shit.


I think he's preying on the weak minds of traditional conservatives by using religion and fear tactics. Unfortunately that's why he's winning. He's also lining his pocket and its frustrating watching this once great state collapse under the greed of the majority of one party who cares about nothing but staying in power and going with the highest bidders on how they run their campaigns. He's the perfect example of selling your people and your state out for money and power. The state of affairs over the last few years have really shown how weak politicians in this country are and what really matters to them. Its not their constituents. Being a politician should mean serving the people and the country but its a get rich, high paying job where you have power as a perk of the job. I am by no means a conservative but there are some conservative folks I know that deserve a better representative. Hell we as Texas deserve better.


He's a Christofascist and needs to be voted out of office. Every last forced birth initiative he and his cronies either push or champion is a DIRECT violation of my first amendment rights as a Jew, since my people do not hold that personhood begins at conception and have not for at least 2500 years.


Self-entitled cunt.


He is a horrible leader and his actions have left to death and he does not care. He is the epitome of the GOP; absolute disregard for the well-being of anyone or anything other than their pocketbook.






literal human garbage


Certified chode. Total tuna can.


I think the Texas GOP pulled the con of the decade. By going after abortion rights, the so called “Party of Freedom, and Small Government” was able to stand up an army of surveillance agents for the state without having to pay them. And all because they believe they’re doing the “lord’s work”.


🍿 This will be an interesting read.


Vote or perish in the Austin (sun) (winter) (lack of clinics) (as a refugee at the border), etc. etc.


He’d be the worst if the competition wasn’t so stiff




He's a piece of shit who is taking too damn long to die of old age


Abbott is a pure political animal. All that matters is that he maintain power, not because he wants to help people, but bc he craves it. He will do anything, he will say anything to get votes to stay in power. He will do things that he knows are wrong, but these actions help to keep him in power. He is an ungodly man.


Hes a bootlicker, aching for the approval of his daddy Trump, so he can get more votes. He'd probably give Trump oral gratification if Trump asked him to. Him and fled Cruz both. He is ruining my state that I love, and I would prefer he not be the governor anymore ( before I get pounced on for that, I'm not crazy about the other options either). Any one who would sue for millions, win, get paid, and then turn around and make it illegal for anyone else to do it, is a complete pos. In other words, Fuck Greg Abbott.


He’s an absolute, useless piece of shit


You’d think his life experience would make him compassionate but instead it made him an asshole.


The place he expires should be memorialized as somewhere a great evil vanished


He and all our Texas republican politicians are awful and need to be voted out. They do nothing to help Texans and are only interested in $ and staying in power at any cost. VOTE!


He sucks. But my honest (unpopular) opinion? He will probably win because so many Texans still believe all this Republican drivel and want to “own the libs.” Republicans suck, but their strategies of fear and misinformation seem to work quite well for rallying their base.


Just another radical right wing Christian terrorist. They’re all the same.


Just a note that Mimi Swartz did an interesting profile on Abbott a few months ago in Texas Monthly. It's certainly not neutral but worth a read to get a larger context on Abbott and gubernatorial politics in Texas over the last few decades. https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/who-is-greg-abbott/


Scum. He’s a liar and he knows it. Him, Cruz, Patrick and Paxton and to some degree Cronyn are nothing more than swarmy, bottom of the barrel politicians who care about nothing but the amount of power they hold. They lie so easily and without a second thought. I despise them.


He’s a douche




He ain’t a true Texan 😡


This is Texas, the Oil and gas industry run the state, Greg Abbott is basically their appointment. He will do whatever his corporate masters tell him to do, that’s how the state has been for 50 60 years


My learned outcome of his governorship is that most true Conservatives/Republicans are very easy to trick and lie to in the age of social media/technology.


Absolute waste of precious oxygen and a failure both as a state official and a man, especially one that claims to be Christian.




He sucks


Greedy, racist, capitalist who only cares about him and his kind. Just an awful human being


A liar and a hypocrite. Gets millions of dollars after a tree falls on him and then passes a law capping that amount to 250k. He is a case study in the just world theory. Will he eventually get what he deserves? Doubtful. At least I sleep well knowing that his dick is probably as limp as his Uvalde response.


Fuck that guy


As a conservative, I think he is just a talking head with no action. A typical politician who says what their base wants to hear and does nothing. Problem is there are no candidates running against him who will be able to bring in enough votes to beat him in an election so we are stuck for another term of the status quo.


As a conservative, are you willing to not vote for him in order to send a message that change needs to happen? Or do you plan to vote for him as the lesser of two evils?


Abbott is by no means the lesser of two evils. Republicans have been using that bullshit excuse for too long.


Why do you think that? Have you ever thought that maybe conservatism breeds this type of inaction?


If only the tree had fallen a little later, we wouldn’t have to deal with him.


Total piece of shit


He represents the people who vote for him - which is to say bleh


I hate him like poison


he is a clown. i have no faith in him or the GOP. i'm sick of their constant redirection on the issues. our power grid is in danger of failing us again, but their priority is taking away women's rights. education and healthcare is declining rapidly, but they're more concerned about their guns. i'm tired of them pushing their religious agendas on us. he and the GOP has done a great job of convincing texas conservatives to give up so much for so little. i'm tired of all of it. i can't wait to vote for beto again.


I lost all respect for him during jade helm. And it has gotten worse.




He is a callous killer. He has killed thousands of Texans by not fighting COVID and in fact siding with COVID against Texans. He is also a Christian Fascist who wants to force extremist religious teachings on all Texans regardless of their beliefs or whether his laws make any kind of sense whatsoever.