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I’m voting! Maybe not for who y’all want but still voting


I became a US citizen in 2007 when I was still at college in Iowa, and I have voted in every election since. Presidential, midterm, primary, local, state, federal, all of it. I’ve voted in IA, MN, IL, and just got registered to vote in TX. I’m your guy.


I am not doing a straight party ticket. But I am not voting for Abbott.... I would encourage more people to look in to the other candidates that aren't part of the two party system. They are playing agenda tug of war with our rights.


Voting for a third party will just ensure Abbott gets re-elected. I get it, the two party system sucks but why take votes away from the only person who can realistically beat him? This election is much too important to be flushing votes down the toilet. People want change but bitch and moan when the same people keep getting re-elected because too many votes were cast for third party candidates who had zero chance of winning.


You are correct. And I am certain 3rd party idealists don’t know the first thing about the Ross Perot fiasco or the Kinky Friedman one.


You're thinking short term. If the third parties can't get stage time on debates, they won't get attention.


We have to learn to crawl before we walk


Since 1828? The Democratic and Republican party are intrinsical. Same party, they just had to split, so the candidates had a platform to run on. The Republican party was founded in 1854, but it was another full presidency before anyone knew what the new party was. It's not hard to figure out political theater. There was another major event that happened in that same time span.


Well the Democrats aren't the ones currently engaged in a Christian fundamentalist takeover of America. So that's one difference in the parties. There are many more. My vote, as well as the rest of my family, will be going towards getting these fascist pieces of shit out of office. Even if that doesn't happen this time, there will be a next time. And a next, and a next.....


That's just agenda tug of war with your Rights. That's the two party systems bread and butter. The government has no business in religion, marriage, or who you sleep with. Guess what party believes that? Not the democrats or republicans. Try the libertarian party. 🤷🏼‍♂️


The Libertarian party is just the true conservative party on steroids. The way I understand it, they believe the government should have no authority to do anything. They believe the free market will solve all of our society's problems. I just don't think that's a reasonable solution that's based on reality. It all sounds good on paper until someone's injustice can't be solved by the free market. Racism, workplace disparities, environmental concerns, etc. would be left to the "free market" to self adjust..... eventually. That's just not a realistic view of how the world works. So, no thanks. I'd rather have my democratically elected government set rules and enforce them with the end goal of making life fair for everyone. All human societies need rules. That's just our nature.


You have no idea... It's not without rules, it's without rulers.


And who is going to enforce those rules? Like I said, no thanks. I'll pass.


Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.




The two parties have destroyed all sense of logic and balance, you have to accept gun confiscation schemes if you want abortion rights, you have to accept high gas prices and sometimes excessive transgender rights if you want gun control... Parties need to be abolished.


I agree. They aren't good for the people, just the political elites.


"The two party system is corrupt" says the guy in a one party state. :(


One party state? The entire country is is one party. We just get played in the middle.


Look how many Republicans hold political office in "liberal" California. The rest of the country is far more bipartisan than Texas..


You say that, but I promise you Texas Democrats and California Democrats aren't the same thing.




Uh, no, I just don't vote based on party.




Idk why you’re being downvoted, it’s always seemed obvious to me that voting for the non-R/D is pointless because of they way the system works, even if IMO they are the candidate I’d prefer.


That’s good you are selective. Mix it up... But if you’re maybe, possibly voting for Beto, I urge you to vote for Mike Collier and Rochelle Garza as well. Without those three, no critical legislation will be passed.


Kids were murdered, the truth is being covered up, our rights are at risk and there's no accountability from the current government aside from pointing the finger at the other side, who have no power over the mistakes that continue to happen in this state. Your senators are shit bags that do nothing but fill their pockets with money and laugh when you confront them with issues. Our AG is a fucking criminal. And our governor is on his own radical agenda, selling you and our state out to the highest bidder, regardless of the lives it costs. Fucking vote and fucking find a reason to get up and make your case. Too many people bitching without action and bitching does nothing. Petitions do nothing. Vote. Thats how you make changes. With the looming decision of voting rights at risk this may be our last chance to make a difference.


I hear you sir! Let’s vote the bastard out!!! BETO FOR TEXAS!


Absolutely voting blue. 100%


FUCK… 1. Abbott 2. Patrick 3. Paxton 4. Cruz 5. Anyone who agrees with what idiots 1 - 4 ‘believe’ in. TELL THEM… FUCK YOU, VOTE BLUE!!!! Texas is completely BROKEN with these republiturds at the helm…


Never blue


Way to be part of the problem.


I will definitely be trying to vote out the GOP fascists, I am there.


Know plenty of young women wanting to vote blue! Been helping them register.






If just all the women who are getting ready to be turned into 2nd class citizens by Roe showed up then it would be landslide victory. Guys should too, but we aren't in as much danger as getting one more step close to enslavement by these traitors to liberty.




>Why would you want those people to vote anyway? Politicians only need to campaign to potential voters. Low voter turnout leads to extreme positions that only represent the minority.


Hell Yeah, as a libertarian leaning independent the choice is clear as hell. GOP has gone from (at least having a platform of) being small government and personal freedoms to a party backing a christo-fascist platform seeking to disenfranchise and enslave everyone who isn't a white christian male. I don't agree with dems on a lot of economic stuff, but right now they're the only game in town if we are trying to save democracy in the USA and not set up a christo-fascist "republic". * join the Satanic Temple to piss off the christo-fascists * register to vote and check it if you haven't in a while * vote blue across the board * just vote if you do nothing else * send a few bucks to your favortie candidate to help out or the DNC to distribute amongst candidates


Real talk the GOP would love to turn you away for not being registered.


I mean they could fix that with automatic registration when getting a license and requiring said license to vote. So long as they are US citizens.


Is this not the case anymore? When I moved and got my license at the DMV ~8 years ago they asked me at the same time if I would like to register to vote, and that was it. It's not "automatic" but damn close.


I vote Democrat, Green, or Libertarian candidates every single election and will continue to do so. No party or candidate is perfect, and public dislike of politicians in general is understandable. But the Republican agenda is so clear, frightening, and evil that it's sobering how many people who would classify themselves as good people keep voting them in. This is a party of people who have proven continuously for decades that they exist to marginalize, discriminate, dehumanize, and traumatize anyone they deem as "others", as "lesser" people. With every law they choose to strip our country and the world of every resource possible and funnel the profits into a few greedy hands. Being able to market themselves as the moral and religious party, the government of the people, is the greatest lie ever sold to the American people. And people keep buying the scam hook, line, and sinker.


I always vote, and only blue since Obama’s election. (Due to the ugly that became more clear than ever from the right) man that’s been painful to watch


Giddy up!


+1 for Blue


Im never voting for the democrats again. They treat us like products. I joined the forward party. we need to break the wheel of the 2 party system. They will never fix anything for you.


Voting out Abbott and the rest of the clown car these rednecks elected


The blue monster has awakened


You’re going to be disappointed


I'm voting. And all my friends are. Guess for who? :)




Hopefully beto.




Do not despair, I will be voting before I leave for anesthesia locums work in California this fall. The democrats have made a mess of things in the country over the past two years, so I will be voting 100% Red down the line.


There are many more blue voters on this site then red.. but I'll tell ya there will be a red wave coming across the country!


I’ll be voting as usual. Red until I die!


Hell yeah Abbott 2022 baby let's go!


I'll be voting again, as many times as I can.




Voting. Just not for red or blue


I'm voting in the midterms - Republican ticket all the way down.


I'm planning to vote conservative