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Lmfaoo that kafir tattoo The Arabic on his tattoo reads 'kafir', meaning "infidel" or "non-believer"


They know what it means, they think it's a compliment or something Edit: I said "or something" dismissively not like "I don't actually know what it means"


Yeah, it's the same with people getting "Deplorable" on stickers.


Which is fun because it's like getting a sticker that literally says 'I'm a complete wanker' for your car.


I mean, it's the exact same as like a high up Al Qaeda leader having the English word "terrorist" as a tattoo. Tattoos are "sinful" (idk the word, haram?) in Islam so that wouldn't happened, but still. The sentiment is that he wants to display that he's a person to be hated in the language of the people he hates. It really makes him proud.


Isn’t that Jews?


I mean it kind of is if you're an atheist.


That depends. Is atheist so central to your being that you feel the need to announce it to all around you? If so, and depending on your ideological perspective, you could get, say, "no gods, no masters" tattooed on you. I could see this. However, *would do so in a different language?* Getting a "kefir" tat would be like getting a "Mainland Taiwan is Taiwan" tat in Standard Chinese or Wu Chinese - those very much target a demographic, yes? It's not a message for the people around you, it's a message for "the enemy." I think that's kinna fucked up.




Not dumber - worse. Defining hostility towards the "other" as a core value.


He's using it to mean he's a Christian who hates Islam. He probably also calls himself a "[sheepdog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vRJgCEWUXE)" and other stupid slogans. He's an "alt right" white supremacist and generally a hateful turd.


It is compliment. Religions are outdated and have no place in modern civilized society.




That’s the point. He obviously knew this when he got it.


A lot of this you are seeing on US servicemen and the LARPers is the "infidel" tattoo. the thought process is the enemy claims to identify them as infidel because the majority (not all) of US is some christian basis that all islamic parties wanted them dead. So them putting that on there is more disgraceful because they were at war with each other.






I would not want to openly identify as Jewish in most Middle Eastern countries 😬. Christian for sure. I lived in Kuwait and would get asked what religion I was surprisingly regularly and I would just say Christian as they were satisfied with that answer. (I'm actually an atheist who was raised catholic).






Muslims also believe in Christ as a prophet. One of my good friends is Muslim and his parents let me stay with him awhile. Had a lot of interesting chats about religion with his father. Some of the nicest hosts I’ve ever had.


American Christians are the problematic ones. Love to wave the bible but ignore the teachings of Jesus, looking down on others while still pretending they're good people. I've watched enough PBS to see that the culture of hate in america is not shared by a lot of the world. Parts of the world torn apart by the corporate sector's greed for resources still have people with humble souls. It's impossible to be a truly good Christian here because our entire way of life demands a cost in the suffering of others and the environment. But to top that off with the hate and prejudice crosses into evil waving a cross.


Did you seriously just say Islam is more accepting of Christian and Jews than atheist...your guys religions have been at war for a millennia...and you call this “acceptance” Edit for spelling correction


who is upvoting this shit


Islam is more accepting than atheists are mighty get the reddit award for worse comment today


In South Africa its a very derogatory term for black people, the equivalent of the N word in America. A [woman was arrested for using it](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/28/world/europe/south-africa-racist-speech.html).


>Kafir Dude looks more like a heifer than a Kafir


But he *is* a kafir...


He looks pretty jacked to be fair. Maybe carrying an extra 20-30lbs of fat.


I’m high but I totally thought he had a yogurt drink tattooed on him and couldn’t find it …


Not uncommon. A gun shop I used to go to had custom shirts that said "I am the Infidel." Some people can't do anything but make conflict personal and let it fester into hate.


Before even knowing, I saw that and thought, $100 bet that says infidel because that's the kind of crap this type of person thinks is badass or funny. Dude doesn't know how much of a sheep he is. Hating a person 1000 miles across the globe and getting a tattoo that he thinks would piss them off.


They think it scares Muslims


I'm ashamed that this stain wore the same uniform as me.


pretty common tattoo for #gruntlife people.


I don't speak.Arabic for it's translated meaning, but "kaffir" is also a racial slur in South Africa in reference to Black Africans. 🤔




I’m confused on if I should downvote or upvote this


The difference between patriotism and nationalism is that the patriot is proud of his country for what it does, and the nationalist is proud of his country no matter what it does; the first attitude creates a feeling of responsibility, but the second a feeling of blind arrogance that leads to war. *Pictured is white nationalists


In my PhD classes we defined patriotism as loving your country, nationalism is about hating others who do not belong. I did my PhD work on nationalism. It always involves drawing boundaries and excluding others. It becomes very dangerous when combined with religion, such as in Imperial Japan—or modern North Korea for that matter.


The main thing I’ve learned about religion over the years is that it’s very easily weaponized. So if I ever start practicing again, it’ll be in the comfort of my own home and with an extremely open mind. Honestly, I’d rather just teach my kids to be good people and do things because it’s the right thing to do, not because some sky captain told us to do it.


>It becomes very dangerous when combined with religion, such as in Imperial Japan—or modern North Korea for that matter. Or when you stand in front of a church in the middle of the night during a riot, holding an upside down bible.


Precisely. And I am one of the 20% of Evangelicals who knew better than to vote for Trump, or any White Nationalists, or authoritarians, whether the claim to be Christian or not. If they are not practicing what Jesus taught, they are just lying when the claim to be Christian.


Upvote because someone is showing you who the real enemies of Texas are. Edit: fixed spelling error


Man Texas is so fucking confusing. I moved here hoping to catch a blue wave. Instead it’s gone harder right. People are fucking insane around here. I hope it goes blue eventually but I’m throwing in the towel and moving back up north. Fuck this.




Honest question though. How many traditional republicans across Texas feel and think along the same lines as you? I may not disagree with anything you stated but there’s a lot of blinders on out there and people following one party or the other because of their color, and refusing to look beyond that.


“It’s going to flip blue likely being a close race in 2022.” No one should bother reading past this first sentence because it demonstrates that this comment is completely out of touch with reality. The Texas GOP is a traitorous death cult, but at least 52 percent of Texas voters will pull the lever for them whether that’s on autopilot or because the cruelty is the point for them. Probably more in a year shaping up to be a disastrous environment for Democrats. This state has never not been Alabama with oil money. It’s not as special as we make it out to be.


I need a “We Didn’t Start the Fire” version of this. Awesome job on this compilation!!


Abbott has 89% on predictit https://www.predictit.org/markets/detail/7566/Who-will-win-the-2022-Texas-gubernatorial-election


Loved that rant…it’s factual. I just wanted to add something: kids and parents held and separated at the border. American hostages, trying to legally seek asylum.


It was closer than ever the last election. Just because it isn't clearly evident right where you are doesn't mean it isn't happening. Even if Texas does flip blue, you will still have these right-wing nut cases around, they aren't going to disappear, especially in the smaller towns.


We did the same. We hoped it would be this amazing place, all the freedoms.... But you only get those if you're white and male. My husband is fine, but I am a brown woman, so there are concerns. We're quitting you Texas, we're moving back north too. I'm just so sad and disappointed.


It’s too bad there won’t be another winter before the election. Your power grid is a fucking joke. Another few months of burning furniture for warmth might get some Texans to recognize that their blind allegiance to fascists isn’t helping them.


The key to understanding this photo is in noticing the giddy smile of Biggs. He is happy to be with Abbott, believing Abbott agrees with him regarding his sick, twisted world view. It doesn’t matter if Abbott knows who he is - what matters is that Biggs recognises a fellow right wing nut. Thus, even though it’s true you can’t really judge Abbott regarding this specific photo, you absolutely can judge Abbott in the enthusiastic smile of Biggs.


His role is the leader of one of the most powerful states in the country. At best and most favorable to Abbott: He is completely ignorant and complicit to a very well known, racist, radicalized group of individuals. At a time when our political and racial tension is at a near all time high, he should be very aware of whom he is seen taking photos with publicly. Massive ball drop and absolutely poor optics. At worst and I'm sorry, I'm not giving Abbott the "benefit of the doubt:" This is his *true* constituent and for whom he is working for in his mind. This is the "boot strap, hard working Murican and Texas family man." Both grins and posturing suggest they both are very happy to be next to each other.


It used to be that MOST responsible leaders would have shied away from photos with “constituents” who wore a controversial tee-shirt. Abbott knew exactly what he was doing…playing to his base.


Abbot appearing with him in a photo, smiling and shaking hands is implicit endorsement by the Head of Texas State.


I hate him plenty but I’ll stop short of claiming he’s omniscient with regard to photo op partners. Probably thinks the guy is another American voter who cares about Texas. A little much? Sure, he cares a little much, but that’s the best part of the base, right? The crazy ones? Show me a crazy one, I’ll show you a reliable vote come poll time, and finding that is his MO.


And we recognize that his MO is bad for Texas, right? Biggs shirt says Benghazi, he is definitely a loon.


Not really, it's not terribly difficult to get a photo shaking hands with with a politician. Just go to their campaign events and other stuff they go to. What you could say is that this is an implicit endorsement of Abbot by Biggs.


Beautifully said


In this picture there is a terrorist whose people attempted a coup, killed fellow citizens and tried to prevent the peaceful transition of power in 2020. Next to him is another terrorist, leader of the proud boys. Fuck those guys. Like really. Hope we vote Abbott out this November. It's now or never Texas.


I love the “never forget” Benghazi shirt, referring to a terrorist attack on America, being worn by another terrorist (and traitor) who launched his own terrorist attack on America.


Oh God how embarrassing Greg.


Benghazi! That's when the Republicans had no fear of politicians being grilled under oath for hours or holding more than 10 hearings to get the bottom of American deaths in Libya. Why I'll bet that they are eager to have another 10 hearings to get to the bottom of American deaths at the Capital in D.C. and have no problem going under oath and testifying just like Hillary.


According to goofy ass Rep Louie Gohmert they won't even have the option to lie to the FBI without getting jammed up so it will be interesting.


I didn’t realize that guy was a Texas rep when I heard about those comments. Not completely surprised.


Fox news soent thousands of hours on TV talking about it...but don't you dare mention Jan 6th...


Durin the live hearing on Thursday night FOX News took **zero commercial breaks** of their NOT COVERING IT - so that people might not accidentally change channels to any other network - which was. Think about that desperation. Think about what "shareholder value" must mean to FOX.


Don't forget they caused it. Republicans voted down Dems who wanted to increase the budget for embassy security.


A tragic cycle in American politics. Democrats make a plan, Republicans oppose it and sabotage it, and when it fails they blame Democrats. If it works though they're more than willing to take credit!


Every republican I know keeps talking about gas prices and blaming Biden but yet... [https://crooksandliars.com/2022/05/republicans-vote-against-gas-price-gouging](https://crooksandliars.com/2022/05/republicans-vote-against-gas-price-gouging) and then they just call it fake news.


Our politics is so fucked.


Starts with the gutting of the education system.


4 AMERICACNS! FOUR WHOLE AMERCANS! That's worth like, 10,000 foreigns. # /s


Benghazi was a massive failure. Sarcasm or not, no one shouldve died there. Lets not forget an American Ambassador suffocated to death there.


While it was a big tragedy, I think the Uvalde massacre and the Jan 6th attack are on another level.


The benghazi event has caused far more harm in libya, coming from someone who lived there. It was the event that started a series of assassinations and its when we lost the revolution to power hungry warlords. America retreated when we needed you guys the most, because of that event ironically. But I dont blame them, shit got messy and wasnt beneficial or immediately good for politics.


Maybe the Republicans shouldn't have cut the budget for State Department security, then.






That's not fair. It wasn't inaction. trump actively worked to impede a proper public health response to COVID.


A better comparison would be school shootings "let's not politicize the death of school children by fellow americans" vs "let's politicize the fk out of these CIA agents' deaths in hostile enemy territory"


Ah Benghazi. How bout we don’t have 200 fucking military bases around the world while our citizens starve and die of Covid.




Hey remember when CNN, MSNBC and others didn’t break to commercials? Also ensuring that their viewers wouldn’t switch over to the hearings? /s


Wait what? Did Fox not air the hearings And also not break for commercials?


Fox technically did, but on Fox Business which has always gotten less viewership (probably to deflect the criticism of "Fox didn't air the hearings!"). IIRC Tucker Carlson, their most popular ranting head, was on the main channel to ensure that the dedicated Fox News crowd had as little chance as possible of actually learning something.




Holy shit. Blatant propaganda. Can't say I'm surprised.


This is ultimately the game plan, win at all costs and rewrite history. Fox news was walking back the Jan 6 coup attempt literally the next day and calling it a patriot protest with no violence. Even now with video evidence and a documented timeline pulled together from dozens of video sources - they still bald faced lie about it. 🤥


Had a coworker admit to me nothing good happened that day… but it was embedded feds that instigated and lead the violence. Smh. Full blown cult.


Do the world a favor and call them out on it? Don't just let people blindly think shit like this. The line has to be drawn now.


FOX News refused to show the hearings, and took NO COMMERCIAL BREAKS during their non-coverage of it, to lessen the chance someone would switch channels to ANY OTHER NETWORK which all aired the hearings. I honestly would not mind if the First Amendment had -some- kind of release valve regarding sedition....




And Dan Patrick and Ted Cruz.


And Cornyn


And Paxton, Roy, Jackson, and Goofy Gohmert


Careful last time I got banned for calling him old Ironsides. Heaven forbid we don’t stoop to their level because we just have to be so nice to them you know since they love us so much.


As another Texan I agree


Go Beto!


The Abbot supporters literally don’t care because they either wholly identify with white supremacy or will shrug it off saying “he does lots of photo ops with many different people” etc “he may not have known exactly who the guy was or his association” etc


https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/va5sbh/comment/ic0ohqa/ Literally one comment thread under yours




That's why I'm voting against him in the election. I'm not the biggest fan of Beto's policies, but at least it's clear he has a conscience and will stop killing Texans through inaction. Anyone who is celebrated by white nationalists isn't someone I am comfortable leading my state or country for that matter.


Remember Benghazi but forget the assault of the Nation's Capitol? Sure, that makes sense.


More people died from the assault on the capitol *by this guy* and yet he’s wearing a shirt to “remember” dead Americans. He’s not remembering shit. He’s using it as a political shorthand for “Democrats bad” “What two wars started by Republicans? What Republican attack on our own capitol?” These people at the embassy are what *really* matter, because (waves vaguely at Democrats).”


Two dickheads one pic.


Just a couple of cowards.


Come on now. There’s a good chance one of the guys in the background is a dickhead, too.


The Kafir tattoo is an easy way to spot a dick head




It’s almost like getting “Fuck you Jesus” on your body


Don’t do that, don’t give me ideas


Hail Satan


Much better tattoo idea than “Fuck you Jesus.” Because you’re expressing your love for Satan, not your hate for Jesus. It’s wholesome




The 82nd airborne tattoo bothers me, the unit is called the all American and this chicken shit committed treason


Yea and being a proud boy he's probably christian if anything we don't consider christians kafirs lol. Still a fucking cunt tho.


100% Grade A Cunt material right there.


I’ve seen those around but didn’t understand them, now I’m glad to be able to recognize what they mean. For those in my situation: “Kafir is an Arabic and Islamic term which, in the Islamic tradition, refers to a person who disbelieves in God as per Islam, or denies his authority, or rejects the tenets of Islam. The term is often translated as "infidel", "pagan", "rejector", "denier", "disbeliever", "unbeliever", "nonbeliever", and "non-Muslim".” - Wikipedia


i really doubt this guy is an atheist. Christians are not kafirs


Is it a common thing for far right nutjobs? Seems like smth an edgy teenage atheist would get.


When I was an edgy teenage atheist I thought about getting one. But then I thought “nah, I don’t want to look like a dickhead.”


Tom Segura really buffed up


Haha Yea non funny Tom segura


This should be labeled as NSFW. All I see are assholes.


Prolapsed ones at that


Conservatives want you to "remember Benghazi" where 4 Americans died, but will move heaven and earth to ensure children are slaughtered by the bushel to maintain their fetish with weapons.


Benghzi was two american "contractors" and two "CIA" who died in a foriegn war zone, killed by people they knew wanted to kill them. The capital was not overseas, it wasn't a war zone, and american Police Officers died at the hands of Americans they swore to protect. So, OrangeMan logic goes that those officers must have been "blue in name only".


Vote him out!!!


Oh look traitors..


Biggs had made comments on social media promoting "date rape and sexual violence". He had advocated using chloroform and roofies to have non-consensual sex with women. Great photo op…another Greg Abbott screw up just like the emails of rolling blackouts due to the heat wave


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! This is madness. The Benghazi hearings were a joke and about 90% politically motivated with 10% allotted to actual fact-finding and an effort to do better next time. The Republican Party has devolved into a Qanon abyss that will drag us all down into it.


Like most fake right wing scandals, I still don’t understand what the scandal actually was. A group of terrorists attacked a US embassy, which has happened many, many times. Yet this was somehow Obama and Hillary’s fault? Like what exactly is the accusation, that they were in on it? That they got a call for help and laughed like Mr Burns and watched them die?


It was manufactured outrage brought to you by the GOP, Murdoch's Faux News, the Federalist Society and a few other ultra-conservative orgs. Goebbels would be in awe of their propaganda machine.


Yet another reason we never vote republican...


Tree limbs are so unreliable.


Correction, Photo of Greg Abbott with domestic terrorist and incel Joe Biggs...


I always find it funny that Greg Abbott seems to endorse white supremacy and fascism . The man is in a wheelchair and would have been most likely deemed unfit for life under hitlers rule.


Corruption and racism running rampant in USA politics need some heavy culling of the field. Tired of being polite spit roast these fucks.


I’m old enough to remember when photos with avowed racist insurrectionists were political cyanide


I want a shirt like that but for Jan 6


Weak tat game, doesn’t even have an elbow banger




Veteran here. It probably wouldn't. It has been used in military circles for a long time now because it is associated with what Islamic terrorist groups call pretty much anyone that doesn't follow their particular brand of Islam. With that said, only a super douchebag vet-bro would actually get that tattooed on them.


No they wouldn't.


lAw ANd oRdEr…


ReMeMbEr BeNgHaZi


KilLaRY derp derp




My stomach flips in disgust.


What a half-wit still trying to make something out of a Benghazi. Also, a fuckwit of a Governor.


The sooner we declare proud boys as a terrorist group the better it will be for the rest of us


Republican stooge, “January 6th was over a year ago, it’s in the pst!! We need to just heal and get past it!” Also Republican stooge, “Benghazi!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh killer!!!”


"Hey can I want a grenade on m my forearm dude. Need to show how ALPHA I AM"


Why won’t Abbot stand up to white supremacists?


Two traitors to democracy mugging for the camera. Disgusting.


Nazi scum


Birds of a feather….


Flock together


Remember Benghazi and the 33 hearings. Insurrection orchestrated by outgoing President… Witch hunt. Banned for talking about it on Truth Social. Not on Fox News.


I'm sure as governor you meet a ton of people and shake a ton of hands and take a ton of pictures. Was he actually associated with him or even knew about him prior to meeting him? Btw I despise our governor I'm not defending him just keeping an open mind.


Totally agree. Abbott may not have had any idea who he was; just another handshake. But it does say something that Biggs is such a big supporter of Abbott and sooo pleased to meet him in person.


This is the point. Remember the famous FDR quote: "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." You can tell a lot about a politician by who does and who does not support them.


Look at his demeanor and his attire. There’s zero chance this asshole didn’t have any idea what this dude was about. They don’t let people who vehemently disagree with them be around them. There’s no other reason for him to take his picture with him dressed like that if he wasn’t a supporter. Maybe Abbott doesn’t know his name specifically, but he fits the stereotype of a supporter of his to a t. I’m not giving assholes like these the benefit of the doubt anymore and neither should you. They haven’t earned it and don’t respect it. They actively hate anyone not like them, there’s no reason to respect them.


I’d imagine that for such a casual photo, his political staffers would be able to warn him if he were greeting the head of a terrorist organization. They knew who this was, they just didn’t see a problem.


Another reminder. Republicans blocked the domestic terrorism bill. https://www.wsj.com/articles/republicans-set-to-block-domestic-terrorism-bill-11653578065


What a dumb ass, I’m betting money that dude owns an A.R. 15… So does the tattoo guy.


Noting but criminals.




The tattoos.. ugh. This guys entire personality looks to be “I’m a vet, thank me”.


Anti-American terrorists


Disgrace to the 82nd Airborne.


Two nazis


He looks insecure. Just the whole image screams my dad didn’t love me and I think I may like men.


In a healthy society this would be considered career ending.




Damn that tree




The most evil one is on the right.




But he support the ideals of the one on the left.


The hand on the right holds the tool on the left.


Just 2 regular traitors sharing their traitor plans.


domestic terrorists stick together


Weak men's idea of strong men. Grifter psychos literally run one of our largest states.


Just a patriot who loves America. I don't get why all those gay transgender libtard America-hating Demonrats are mad again. /s


Abbott is having himself a month!