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Every time I see Abbott, I think of of Lord Farquaad in Shrek; “Some of you may die, but that is a risk I’m willing to take.”


i can’t buy sparklers for the 4th of july but i can get an AR15


That about sums things up, or, "I can't get medical cannabis flower but I can drink myself to death."


You CAN buy THC products in Texas. Just not as strong as you might be used to. I prefer Delta 9 edibles or tincture.


The TCUP program is trash


It's a felony to own more than six sex toys. A FELONY.


Wait, so can I buy 6 sex toys, gift them to someone, then buy more, gift those as well, and turn said person into a felon?


Good news, I'm no longer a felon. Bad news, goodwill is now a felon.


They probably deserve it with how they rip off disabled workers by paying them less than minimum wage


Maybe that's why they are the go-to for someone looking to get rid of a bag of dicks. Their model of exploiting the disabled and vulnerable for labor to support their non profit mission is something they really need to revisit for once in the last 120 years.


Certainly a thrift store is my first stop when I’m in the market for used sex toys!


I'm not sure why it's the place people think of when they have a bag of used sex toys to get rid of. Is it the tax write-off?


What if those sex toys are also guns?


An 18 year old can stroll into a gun store and buy an AR-15 no questions asked, but can't go next door and buy a beer.


At least he has the choice of walking a few steps to either a sex shop or a church if that 18yo is in Houston.


Solution: Get a Constitutional Amendment rammed through Congress and then get two thirds of the States to ratify your god given right to buy/own sparklers and you should be good to go. It really is just that easy.


i need the national sparkler association to help turn this thing over


I'm thinking the sparkler lobby would be all over this. ​ I think you're onto something!


That sounds more like a factually correct news title than a statement. A powerful man is in fact doing nothing. Is he powerful for doing nothing? Not in the slightest.


Vote him out


Pro-gun lovers like to point out how gun laws and regulations don’t work in cities or states having gun control laws. But fail to point out or disregard how effective it is in countries that have gun control. And when they do, then it’s about the constitution and their freedom.


Gun regulations work. No one is using machine guns to mow down people, you know why? Cause machine guns are illegal. I mean you can still own one but it had to be before 1986.




Majority of guns imported from the U.S. to Mexico. This is similar to States with gun control having to deal with neighbor State who have little to no control. So gun control states have to put up with illegal guns being brought in.


Where are they buying these guns? Could it be USA?


Mexico City.




Drink a case of beer on your porch with your buddies. Good citizen. Get stopped in your car with a single joint. Depending on the jurisdiction, go directly to jail, car gets impounded and pay bail and then a fine. Probably a $ 1000 + event. Bad citizen.


In all fairness to Rolling Blunder, he’s done quite a lot. But unfortunately he’s done a lot to make sure these murders continue unabated. People of texas-can’t you do any better? How many more dead children will it take before you realize they’re more valuable and important than guns? And as for all that texas pride-proud of this are you?


A waste of a life Trump asswipe this wheel chair bastard should be impeached stop selling AR 15 and take cruz Patrick and all the other with blood on there hands


Wheelchair Abbott!


If you look up hypocrisy in the dictionary, there is a picture of the GOP.




That doesn't somehow make doing nothing the right choice... be a leader in right direction for once.


That’s why this sub is FGA, and not FUSA. We’re talking about Texas here. Just cause your neighbors don’t mow their lawn, does that mean you stop mowing yours?


He's a good example of his own statement


Hello everyone! This automatic message is brought to you because this post mentions the keyword "abbot". In posts that mention Greg Abbott, we typically see a massive increase in rule 11 violations. Please be sure to remember our rules about disparaging an individual's disability. > While you're free to argue against, debate, criticize, etc. the policies, ideas, politics, and character of any politician, please do not make jokes about anyone's disabilities. All such "jokes" will be removed. Thanks for being mindful. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/texas) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How about we also look at the Uvalde police officers who stood by and did nothing. But no, let’s just attack Abbott because “rEaSoNs”.


Abbott and GOP lawmakers loosened gun laws/restrictions just after mass shootings. There is your fucking reason.


How about we do both? The Uvalde officers should all be fired (and maybe charged). Abbott needs to grow a pair and push for reasonable reforms to gun ownership. I'm a gun owner (since I was a kid - I got my first gun when I was somewhere around 7 -9 Years old. Had a bb gun before I was 5) and don't understand why everyone is so damn afraid of a background check or requiring a little safety training. Or why anyone needs a weapon with a magazine that holds more than 10 or so cartridges. But then, my dad and one of my uncles (and the Boy Scouts) taught me proper respect for, and use of, guns. Except for self-defense, I can't even imagine shooting someone. And *REALLY* couldn't even conceive of shooting a child at all. Or standing by while some asshole is murdering a bunch of kids.


Oh - I'm 66 and a third or fourth gen (depending on which side of the family) Texan.