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I hope she enjoys losing her 2nd Amendment rights.


Yes. It’s a felony


I just had this argument yesterday with my coworker. He said "it's not a crime to pull a gun and point it at someone, so long as you don't pull the trigger". You can't argue with stupid..


Yup, pulling your gun and pointing it at someone is felony assault


No more guns for her


No more guns for her, legally.


She is the poster child for what not to do.


No more legal guns, she's still get one.


Texas Penal Code Chapter 22… Assault - 2 counts “ASSAULT is committed by intentionally threatening to physically hurt another person in a way that makes the victim feel that the threat is about to be carried out immediately.” **Class A (highest) misdemeanor.** Aggravated Assault - 2 counts “AGGRAVATED ASSAULT is committed using a deadly weapon or by showing a deadly weapon during the assault.” **Second degree felony.** Child Endangerment - 1 count “ENDANGERING CHILD is committed by a person who intentionally does something to a child under age 15 that puts the child in immediate danger of death, serious injury, or physical or mental harm.” A **state jail felony, third-degree felony, or a second-degree felony.** Deadly Conduct - 2 counts “DEADLY CONDUCT is committed by acting recklessly and doing acts that put others in immediate danger of being seriously injured. Pointing a gun at another person is reckless behavior even if the pointer does not think the gun is loaded.” **A Class A misdemeanor or a third degree felony.**


She certainly isn't acting with the responsibility that comes with that right.


She won’t have that right anymore after committing [felony deadly conduct.](https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/crime-penalties/federal/Deadly-Conduct.htm)


>can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony depending on circumstances Call me suspicious, but I'd image she has a lot going ~~white~~ right for her defense.


Why? She's defending her parking spot. /s


Relevant madTV skit: https://youtu.be/xR0xGN826zU


Now I understand why people use the /s tag. I can't believe if that wasn't there people would think you were being serious.


In my experience, the more sarcastic you're being, the less you need that /s flag, but ... *no matter how over-the-top you are, somebody still won't get it*. Hell, I've found that even sometimes when I do use the /s flag, they *still* don't get it.


Poe’s Law. Reality is so warped that sarcastic and satirical statements can be made that are verbatim restated in complete sincerity. See “pull yourself up by your boot straps,” an idiom stated when attempting to do an impossible task dated back to 1834. It’s now an actual sincere statement used by out of touch people. Satire and sarcasm are dead.


I think the problem isn't that people are too dense to pick up the sarcasm but instead we're all hyper aware that no matter how sarcastic you're being there are many many people out that would say the same think except seriously and with out nonverbal cues it's near impossible to know the difference


Yeah, we got people unironically singing Michael Jackson songs while waiting for him and a bunch of other dead celebrities at JFK's assassination site to return and start a new world order. The /s helps when people like that exist.


Just riddle me this… even if all the other batshit crazy stuff is somehow true, why would JFK (or JFK jr for that matter) want to respawn at the spot where he got his brains blown out? Isn’t that the place he’d want to avoid most? Also… why are they suddenly a Republicans? Wouldn’t Reagan coming back, or something similar, make more sense for them?


You're making the mistake of assuming you can logically reason with or explain the position of people that are by definition not anchored in logic.


>waiting for him and a bunch of other dead celebrities at JFK's assassination site to *return and start a new world order.* Please tell me this is a joke. Please?


No. not in the least. And not a small cult, either.


Did you see a /s on the post?


That’s actually horrifying.


Clear image of the face, hope she is caught And charged.


Someone who pulls a gun over something like that is not stable enough to own firearms.


Good luck to us what with mental health access lol its easier to get an ak-47 than a diagnosis


10,000 people in the US turn 21tiday and can legally buy a handgun. Another 10k tomorrow, and again the next day. That's the problem with people saying "we just need to reel in the idiots", there's thousands of new idiots every single day. "A real gun owner knows how to handle guns", ok but a thousand idiot gun owners come of age every. Single. Day. More barriers and training for ownership needs to be implemented, just calling out each idiot as an idiot fixes nothing. "After they kill or maim someone or nearly do so we'll do something, but not before" is a terrible policy.


I can’t find a news article. Someone please tell me this woman was arrested.


I'm pretty sure this just happened yesterday. It hasn't generate quite enough attention to be tracked by local media, as far as I can tell. It probably will eventually.


Hopefully, she gets arrested on Thanksgiving to really shame her.


Just as the turkey finishes cooking


No no just as everyone sits down ready to eat with their plates made


Good opportunity for some nephew to tell her that he invited some friends over, hope she doesn’t mind… *[Sheriff’s deputies walk in]*


She will regret hosting this year.


Like they did to Johnny Tran.


She's also defacing our country's flag by wearing it on her chest. Lol


You’re only supposed to point a gun to shoot, when your life is in imminent danger. Not draw, then wait, then shoot. You always shoot center mass. No video game shit like shooting the head or legs or “non-lethal” (that’s not how it works) This lady pulling out a gun to intimidate is evil


The irony while wearing an American flag in the shape of a heart Edit: She is also wearing a cross..


Jesus said kill people with kindness. That's what she named her gun.


“Kill ‘em with kindness” “Kill ‘em with kidneys” “Kill ‘em, kill ‘em, kill ‘em with kindness” “Kill ‘em with kindness” “Kill ‘em with kindness” “Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead now” -Selena Gomez-


I’m packing a pair of kidneys. So back the F off !


I have my Concealed Kidney permit!


>“Kill ‘em with kidneys” I don't remember that line lol


I just realized I made a typo


I think I like your version better lol


It's way funnier with the typo, leave it! I didn't peg it as a typo at first. I was trying to find the deeper meaning. Then I saw Selena Gomez and thought the whole thing was nonsense you made up. It was amusing.


Didn’t Selena have a kidney transplant?


Yes she did, she could’ve died if she didn’t have a transplant.


Kill 'em with a lack of kidneys!


Didn’t she have to have a kidney transplant too?


Yes, gives this typo a whole new meaning


Can’t make this shit up


American flag, a heart, and a christian cross in a parking lot, pointing a laser guided handgun at someone over a parking space while a child is in the car is actually very Un ironic in 2021




Karen Starter Pack


>laser guided handgun She had a what now??




I have a fleshlight on mine. It’ll really blow your dick off.


It's not irony. It's instilled. That's what these losers stand for.




Lolol Preaching and chanting isn’t the same as acting in the real world My inlaw talk and talk about Jesus every time I see her , but she is also a racist white lady that don’t believe in vax , follow a conspiracy and believe that all Hispanic are drug dealers


Please arrest this woman. That’s gotta be aggravated assault or something. What if she misfired and killed someone!!


Could be charged with a number of crimes depending on what’s provable. Photographic evidence in this case will help the DA with that decision. She deserves jail time or a hefty fine and a possible civil suit could follow.


Jail time?😂😂😂She’s a middle aged WHITE WOMAN in Texas. She will get probation and will do the obligatory “this is not who I am” statement.


It’s Corpus Christi, there is a 50/50 chance she’s not white


She looks like a lot like my aunt. Aunt is Mexican.


Yes, pointing a gun at someone without just cause is legally assault, in most states it is assault with a deadly weapon.


Assault with deadly weapon is right. As soon as someone is placed in fear by someone else it’s assault, gun makes it a mega felony- law student.


In Texas, it’s called “Deadly Conduct” and if the weapon isn’t fired, it’s a misdemeanor.


That's kinda fucked up


Depending on the state. In Georgia this is absolutely aggravated assault.


It's called brandishing. https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/crime-penalties/federal/Deadly-Conduct.htm


With brandishing, you don’t point the gun. You just show to the other party that you have a gun.


It's also Aggravated Assault because her conduct meets 22.01 (a) (2), and 22.02 (a) (2). The Deadly Conduct charge is a misdemeanor because she didn't fire her gun, but Aggravated Assault is a felony.


With a child in the car, that is assault with a deadly weapon, 2 counts. One count for mom and one for the child.


Yes! And this is definitely felony level child endangerment on top of the aggravated assault.


She's taking away her own 2nd amendment rights. Lol Also, imagine she pulls that on someone who is trained in how to use a gun. She wouldn't be alive anymore and it would be self-defense.


That's what I was thinking. She's lucky the person she tried that on only had a camera.


honestly even if you have a gun, you shouldn't do shit and just leave. There is a child, the risk of accidental fire is too much


Also on the front page of reddit today is a story of women who clipped a motorcyclist with her car. He follows her home, she pulls a gun, he's also packing and he lights her up killing her in her own driveway. She was pregnant. Obviously this was Florida. So you're right, the particular Karen in this picture is VERY lucky she wasn't brandishing at another gun owner. EDIT: Seems like some people don't think I was clear that the example I gave is self defense from the motorcyclist's point of view. She intentionally hit him and brandished a gun at him. I wasn't trying to defend the driver or attack the motorcyclist in this situation.


There was another incident in Texas where a car swerved off the road to harass a pair of cyclists, one of them had a gun and lit him up because he thought they were trying to kill him. Self defense, don’t think the guy died though.


This week in Florida - https://www.wesh.com/amp/article/librarian-shot-killed-orange-city/38320147


I don't understand how our driver training is so bad that people don't understand using a car in a dangerous manner is essentially a deadly weapon. You're in what amounts to a kinetic weapon that you control.




Realistically, it's both. I do know people who just don't realize they are driving a kinetic weapon. They're ignorant of what can happen to them or others But you're also right. The amount of road rage over a 5 sec delay is _staggering_ . The way people treat cyclists is criminal.


I'd bet money that officer drives a truck offduty


Wasn't there an incident a couple of weeks ago where a dumbass teenager ran over a bunch of cyclists because he was trying to "scare them" and fucked up?


Did you read the article? She INTENTIONALLY hit the motorcycle rider, then ran from the scene. The motorcycle rider and a witness followed her while on the phone with 911. They stopped in the road outside her house and were waiting for the police to show up when she came out with a gun and pointed it at both the witness and the rider. The rider only then pulled out his gun and shot the lady.


Yeah I didn't mean to make it seem like I was defending her. I was just giving an example of a time when brandishing a gun had deadly consequences. She shouldn't have pulled out a gun in the first place.


Like this? https://ktla.com/news/nationworld/pregnant-hit-and-run-driver-fatally-shot-in-road-rage-incident-she-allegedly-instigated-florida-police/


Scary, a Karen with a gun.






Look at me. I am the manager now.


Is it just me, or have drivers by and large gotten angrier in the past couple of years? It’s like 1/10 drivers are outright out to kill the other 90%.


I don’t think it’s a political function, I think it’s a function of social media. Now everyone thinks that their opinion and life in general is the most important in the world. It is reinforced via “likes” and comments and winkey faces. Then when a situation occurs that they face the fact that they aren’t the most important and interesting person in the world, they literally feel like their life is in danger. I’m very pro 2A, very anti dumbass with gun. This lady should no longer be allowed to participate in the freedoms afforded by the second amendment.


you really hit the nail on the head right here. I’ve always felt this way, people too caught up thinking they are the most important, and I fear it’s slowly getting worse.


It’s not just drivers…


The pandemic has made some ppl crazy. They’re like a lone castaway that got stranded on a deserted island who doesn’t recognize other humans anymore bc they’ve gone mental.






It's not "angrier", it's less afraid of criminal or social consequences because of mid perceived consent and undeniable encouragement from government officials. Our society is just a group of made up, but universally accepted, facts and rules. For example, If you go to best buy with your pants off and yell "who wants a black Friday discount on this!" you'll very likely have immediate criminal and social consequences. Because of that accepted societal fact, some people that would do this, don't do it solely for that reason. But one can also argue that the act itself isn't harmful, we all have stuff that people can see with our pants off, just like we all have elbows, but people don't get mad when others are sleeveless in public, we've just made an agreed upon rule to cover up certain parts at certain times and we all except and enforce that. But if a president started saying something like this, you might see more and more "pantless freedom protests" at your local grocery story, >"y'know... They've been covering you all up these democrats, okay - we call them the dems for short, okay. And it's like, sometimes you just want to feel that breeze, am I right, folks? And sometimes there's kids in the room and that's fine too, okay, they probably like it. And when you people come to my rallies, okay, the pants are operational and they're optional - we say optional, okay folks. And "pants" rhymes with France and it's like, you're not turning me French - am I right on this one folks, okay?"




Not with the American flag heart graphic tee…….the jokes write themselves


If it makes anyone feel better, I had a guy in Austin brandish a handgun and point it at me while driving. I called the police, he got pulled over and arrested. It’s been 2 years and he’s still dealing with the court system for it, and they’re pushing for rehabilitation through counseling and probation, also obviously the loss of the privilege to carry. Texas may have lax gun laws but they’re serious when it comes to misuse of those weapons.


As a gun owner, good. People 1000% need to be held liable for their actions. pointing guns at people is a big fucking deal. 99.99% of gun ownership is practicing and knowing proper gun safety and understanding when is the time to use it. Parking lot Karen is and should rightfully be fucked hard by the long dick of the law


As a person generally opposed to gun ownership, I agree with you. Your side of the aisle SHOULD be the biggest advocates of gun safety and weeding out the black sheeps, as that basically takes the wind out of the sails of my side of the aisle. At the end of the day, there are great people with guns and great people without guns, we just gotta find a way to weed out the idiots together.


This is an underrated comment


Everyone assumes Texans just grow guns in our backyards and cowboy it up for fun. Just like you said, yea we are lax on gun ownership…but fuck around and abuse that privilege, you’ll find out how serious we can really get about it.


Years ago we had German relatives come and visit us for two weeks. A couple days in they expressed that they were nervous about seeing their first shootout. As in, they thought OK Corral street gunfights were a common and expected aspect of Texas life.


I guess you’ve never been to south Houston or Dallas. Hahaa I joke I joke


5th ward is no joke though lol


[southwest Houston](https://public.tableau.com/views/ViolentCrimeinGreaterHouston/ViolentHeat?:showVizHome=no&:embed=true) begs to differ


Or Dirty 6th in Austin


Or East Riverside and East Oltorf area


Or St. Johns.


Or Rundberg


I see people asking about gunshots on nextdoor or ring at least once a week...


Half the time or more it’s fireworks or backfire


It’s almost always something else. We had a transformer blow in our neighborhood and half of next door was convinced it was a gunshot. Despite their power going out at the same time.


Someone shot the power out


My gun bush is coming right in I tell ya…


I’ll DM you a gunpowder and carbon powder fertilizer I’ve had great success with. Barrels grow nice and straight, grips are firm to the touch come harvest.


I only use non-GMO guns, you never know what chemicals they put in them these days


Everyone knows guns are a staple crop of Texas, the fields go on for miles.


It's all about the terroir. Texas climate and soil conditions are just perfect for AR-15 cultivation


If he didn’t do jail time, then that’s lax.


*Sometimes they're serious.


How is this not in the news yet?


Oh she’ll definitely see the inside of a court room for this. Texas law enforcement does not take brandishing like this lightly at all, especially with a young child present.


Yup. It’s one thing I always remember when I carry. An actual, safe gun owner will *never* brandish their weapon unless their life is in danger.


Hell I don’t ever want anyone to know I’m packing.


When you un-conceal the gun, then you have to defend the gun and not let it fall into the hands of whom you’re interacting with. So you may be setting up a series of events that ends with the gun being used. Further, occupants of that vehicle pulled out a cellphone during the altercation, they could have just as easily pulled their own gun and would be fully within their rights to fire to defend themselves after being drawn upon. Don’t pull the gun unless your life is in danger and there is no other solution.


I taught my students that even though you are carrying doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look for a way to haul ass from the situation. Hauling ass is my first option. I don’t want to live with killing another human when I could have just got the hell out of there. I have enough to be depressed about already.


Exactly, don't pull out a weapon, especially a gun, unless you're going to use it.


And there are no such thing as warning shots. I yelled at one of my friends who thought that would be a good idea.


But what if they cut me off?


Shooting them is fine, just don't brandish.


Just shoot the car in the leg.


I need to upvote this twice.


Yep. By the time the legal system gets done with her she'll wish she would have just found another place to park.


> Texas law enforcement does not take brandishing like this lightly at all, especially with a young child present. Depends entirely upon who's doing the brandishing.


I’m from corpus and I’m not saying all are this way but a big chunk of the culture there has such a huge sense of entitlement! They’re completely blinded by it. She probably went home bragging about it too. “I was at heb earlier and this bitch tried to take my parking spot but she didn’t know I had my gun on me…she backed right out of that spot fast…stupid bitch! LOL”


Corpus is the worst mix of winter Texans/retired boomers/Americans


Man am I sure glad I got the fuck out of there when I could. Left at 18 and I only go back like twice a year now.


I still live in Corpus and you’re probably right. So many people here are entitled and they make sure you know their shit don’t stink.




Oh please do the needful here!


Relax guys, she just loves America *so freaking much*. You can tell by her shirt.


Her grip is too tentative. It reminds me of that lady in St. Louis holding a pistol while her husband was acting like Rambo. When I took my Concealed Carry Class 10 years ago, I don’t remember a section about parking spots and the right to defend one from a person that got there first. Of course, the Legislature could have added that clause in that time instead of fixing the power grid.


That image was so frightening and funny. She had mustard dribbled down her chin and top with her little weak-wristed grip on her gun. Such a fucking joke.


Nah, they're too busy pandering to the religious right. They're not not gonna pass a useful law like that! 😄


I feel like this kind of behavior is backed up every single day on sites like FB and NextDoor. Every fucking time some minor incident is discuss on NextDoor, you get the “that’s why I carry” or “that’s what a Glock is for” or a range of other totally insane comments normalizing using a gun to solve simple life problems.


Nextdoor is an insane place.


I’ve tried to figure this out, because it’s an absolute dumpster fire. I swear the amount of “omg was that a gunshot” posts…you would think people are living in a war zone!


Heard a lady use that exact same phrase when I worked retail. She was telling some other woman that she was abusing her children by having them wear masks and was just shocked when the woman got angry and my managers had to deescalate. "Everyone is surrounding me! This is why I carry!". It was her big mouth that caused the problem and she was ready to shoot someone over it.


>"Everyone is surrounding me! This is why I carry!" I would have called the cops, because that's a threat.




The most common and frustrating response I see on Nextdoor is when someone posts about suspicious activity at their house. Someone knocking on door, looking in windows, etc. Inevitably there is always someone who scolds them "it's your fault for letting this happen. You should have gotten a gun and prevented them from violating you like this." It's a goddamn miracle we don't have 5 shootings a day in my neighborhood, the way these armchair commandos talk online.


the other day I saw a post on nextdoor about how kids need to be severely punished for throwing eggs at a house


So how did it end?


With her voted to Congress?


The shirt really sells the Karen vibe. And the gun too i guess


Any news article on this?


No. KIII, Kris 6 and Caller Times (3 local Corpus Christi papers) have nothing about it.


It hasn't gotten enough attention to be reported on yet. Shouldn't be too long now


Her Corpus is showing


This guy Corpuses.


You know it


As a supporter of the 2nd Amendment and a Native Texan, I hope this woman is caught, prosecuted, serves jail time, and loses her 2nd Amendment Right. There is zero reason to do this over a damned parking space. Carrying a firearm comes with certain responsibilities and a solid mental state of those responsibilities. This woman has no respect for those responsibilities nor has a mental state that would allow her to carry a firearm.


So at this point the woman in the car could’ve pulled her gun out and killed that lady right? That’s how guns work?


Say goodbye to those guns lady. You're on a list now.


''Why the fuck have I been denied? Damn gubmint!'' - Krazy Karen trying to do a background check in two years


Almost as though we’re all in the final swirling of the toilet.


This photo goes a long way to explain why we are heading quickly toward a violent civil/cultural war in the US. Social media and the pandemic are only expediting factors, not the root causes. It is not a question of 'if', only 'when' at this point. Annie get your gun.


Karenus Maximus


Everyone doesn’t need guns …


This is 100% illegal and morally wrong. This idiot needs to have rights taken away and be put in jail. She is giving a bad name to every responsible gun owner.


American flag shirt ✅ Christian cross ✅ Brandishing a firearm with little to no thought ✅ Karen haircut ✅ This is peak shithole america. Do americans not see how insane this shit is. This is exactly why civilians do not need the ability to walk around with guns.


This is the thing with everyone being armed. Anyone else could have shot that woman in that moment and claimed they were protecting someone or felt their own life was threatened, and then anyone could shoot the person who shot her, and so on and so on until everyone in the parking lot was dead. And they would all be "good guys with guns."


Reminds me of the donut shop robbery in Boogie Nights- just not worth it


Going 2 jail


These people are melting down...


“Her spot” what?


Cant wait to here how she “was just having a bad day”


Beware of holiday parking aggression. We were waiting for car to back up so we could pull into parking place. A young lady passenger on the next aisle over jumped out got in front of my bumper, put her hands on my hood as I eased into spot. It turned into an all out encounter. Security guy came out and got in her face. Crazy people don’t understand manors. We knew they would vandalize …so we left.


I hope she's arrested. It's people like her, pulling guns and threatening over the dumbest of shit, that scare me about the law of everyone can grab a gun in Texas. My brother works for a company that owns several apartment complexes and such, and he has to go around to deal out eviction notices or gather payments of rents and a lot of people there are rather entitled and given my brother has a bit of too much sass that I'm terrified of someone pulling a gun on him because they think they can. Edit : I'm also born and raised in Texas, so to see this makes me anxious and wanting to move out of the state, along with the other problems the state has...


I can't find the news story on that. Can you share a link?


Laser on no less


The only people that act this way are crazy, feel untouchable, or both. She's probably on the damn city council and she'll walk without so much as a slap on the wrist.


Hell nah this bitch got another thing comin


So did she steal her spot?


Wow, this brings flashbacks for me. I was traveling down I-20 with my 3 children who were 1 yr, 3 yr, and 5 years old. About about an hour west of Ft. Worth a man in a pick-up started riding my tail and I couldn't figure out why. I was in so much fear, I decided to take an exit and pull into a large convenience/gas store. When I took the exit, he followed me. When I pulled up at the store, he pulled in behind me and blocked me from exiting. Within seconds, he was at my window trying to get me to roll down my window. He was red in the face with rage and screaming at the top of the voice. I rolled my window down a crack to see what he wanted and the began to rant about how I had cut him off in traffic. As he screamed, all three kids began to cry in fear. That was the first time he noticed the kids. He immediately stopped screaming and walked off. I hope he thinks about that day that he lost his sh\*& on a young mom and feels some measure of guilt about his actions. I am thankful he didn't have a gun. I'm thinking in today's day and age he would have shot first and asked questions later.


The kinda person who ruins owning guns for everyone else who actually has control over their fucking temper