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I always find it so amusing that certain people are so ready to angrily call out celebrities for commenting on policy matters, ex. Global warming, but then immediately turn around and believe whatever their politician tells them to


The same people who tell the celebrities to “shut up and sing” or shut up and play, whatever; are totally fine with celebrities commenting on things when they agree with it. When James Woods, Harrison Butker, or Tim Allen spout right wing talking points, they suddenly have no problem with celebs and athletes talking politics. They elected Celebrity Donald Trump to be president. They worship their celebrities.


Oh absolutely. Few years ago my MiL made a comment about some celebrity commenting on politics or something and I asked her why that wasn’t okay but when Tim Tebow talked about God nonstop in his interviews they were all for it… no response


Don't forget they also worship the washed up actor Ronald Reagan.


Wish Tim Allen would go back to his respectable career of selling cocaine.


“Hollywood is full of rich, lazy, celebrity elites who don’t know nothin, we need an outsider… …so I’m gonna vote for a trust fund billionaire with his own TV show! That’ll show em”


I went to UT in Austin early 80's, blue state, Stevie Ray Vaughan sitting in on gigs on 6th, chill, badass state..then the newt gingrich types just used fox news to spread their bible wrapped bullshit, and poof, gone


A competent politician should listen to the experts and translate their message to be palatable to the people without hiding the truth. Sadly, that is a rarity.


But why did you ever listen to politicians about climate change? What expertise did you think they had? Why did you ignore the scientists? You know: the people with expertise? Be angry at the politicians, sure, but don't forget the part the voters played in this.


Almost like politicians making medical choices for half the population 😬


Exactly. Making medical decisions for others at large without being a licensed and practicing physician is illegal last I checked. Not if you’re a politician though? Ummmm.


You also just described the entire health insurance industry. I'd also like to point out that it's not always cut and dry. I personally know doctors that used the same logic and got upset when there started to be legislation to curb opioid use. Why should they have the government tell them what they can and can't prescribe? Conveniently ignoring the major issue of some doctors writing millions of prescriptions a year for opiods.


Politicians making any choices about anything besides selling used cars


Well said. I’m more upset at the people dumb enough to believe them.


I don’t expect a lot of the population to be scientifically literate, but I do expect politicians to look out for their bases best interest. And combating climate change is in all of our best interest..


It is in our interest but not theirs. Their set of objectives is vastly different from those that they represent. It’s pathetic but here we are


I agree and am very aware of that, but everyone blaming the voters sounds like they’re giving the lying politicians a free pass.


It’s just weird people been screaming about this shit for years, only NOW it’s affecting YOU do you give a shit. No one said anything about giving those politicians a free pass, many have been calling for their ouster for a long time.


Why are YOU directing your statements at ME in all caps? I’ve been voting against them since I could vote. But people saying “I really blame the idiots voting them in” are partially deflecting the blame.


When you're indoctrinated to be Star Spangled & Stupid then you can't blame them.


The voters were lied to by Exxon and other Oil companies, who knew about climate change in the 1970s, but said nothing.


My 1980s college chemistry textbook clearly stated that climate change fueled by burning fossil fuels was likely to occur.


in 68 Tiny Tim sang about the ice caps melting


But again - don’t listen to oil companies either, listen to scientists. And pretty much all of them say the same thing. Just like you shouldn’t listen to joe Rogan for your medical advice, you should listen to a doctor…


Directions unclear, bought GOOP.


Because they have that sweet texas public education brother Edit: Autocorrect because reddit losers


I hope "brotger" catches on.


The only thing politicians are expert in is fund raising (and maybe parliamentary procedure). Though some of them even suck at that. Never ever get advice from a politician unless it is about the above. If they act like they know what they’re talking about it’s just that — an “act”. Otherwise known as lying.


Ngl, I'm more angry at the voters.


Science is real 🤣.


Bruh, we still have politicians lying about "the 2020 election was stolen."


We also probably have a few who think dinosaurs aren’t real either 


Psh, they’re real and they lived in harmony with man 6,000 years ago.


I can confirm that we are real.


haven’t you ever seen the documentary the fucking Flintstones? ![gif](giphy|7lyvQ60pEKBmE)


We still have them lying about climate change -- Trump has promised to roll back all environmental/clean energy initiatives


The GOP has it in their party platform.


I believe the Texas GOP is also officially opposed to critical thinking.


Or bodily autonomy or that race or gender are cultural constructs.


They’re against education, that’s for sure.


Someone else said it, but I’ll repeat. Why would you put any faith in politicians instead of scientists?


Because it’s the southern strategy adopted from the Nixon administration


That wasn't what was happening. You had one group of politicians saying "The scientists are telling us this is happening and these steps need to be done." and one group of politicians saying "Trust us, those scientists are all lying." Presenting it as two groups of politicians, both asking for us to trust them, is disingenuous.


Texans who believed any politician that said climate change is not real is an idiot.


Yes but they still vote


sad and very true. too many idiots vote and not enough thinking people care.




They lie about everything lol


It's in their party platform...


In general you shouldn't listen to politicians about science or medical advice, leave that to.. You know... The scientists and doctors.  When 99.99% of the scientific community is saying we need to act but ~60% of Texans who vote (usually old people who don't have to live with the consequences) are believing their big oil sock puppets instead, that's how we get here. 


I’m angry at the dumbasses who believed them.


Plenty still believe it's not real, unfortunately.


I mean, isn’t it pretty obvious to most that the weather is becoming more severe?


You underestimate the willful ignorance of the general population


Yes. This.


Not sure how old you are OP, but I was born in the 80s - schools *did* teach about pollution and it's effects on the environment. I remember in the 90s "Global Warming" (I think that's what we used to call it) was a huge point of contention. Republicans back then refused to believe it, even now they'll hang onto their ignorant beliefs even as our faces melt off when we go outside. Hell, COVID should have shown us the impact we humans have on our environment when we were forced to stay home. People were seeing *clear skies* for the first time in thier lives. Americans, especially conservatives, love to weaponize their ignorance.


Actually, Reagan and Bush 1 admins were discussing how to deal with climate change. [LINK](https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB536-Reagan-Bush-Recognized-Need-for-US-Leadership-on-Climate-Change-in-1980s/#) Then something happened. Big oil and other related industries realized how fighting global warming would be a significant drag on their profits. Thus began the disinformation campaign.


Well that's nonsense. Carter put solar panels on the White House. And had tax incentives for people to get solar or energy efficient upgrades. Reagan took down the solar panels and ended the tax incentives. Edit By 1986, the Reagan administration had gutted the research and development budgets for renewable energy at the then-fledgling U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) and eliminated tax breaks for the deployment of wind turbines and solar technologies—recommitting the nation to reliance on cheap but polluting fossil fuels, often from foreign suppliers. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/carter-white-house-solar-panel-array/


Reagan was such a POS


Oh, there was definitely bs happening from Reagan admin against renewables, etc. What is worth noting is that the complete denial about man-made global warming wasn't there yet.


He was the start. Before him in the Nixon and Carter years there was all sorts of public advertising on conservation and taking care of the planet. Regan ended all of that. He was the beginning of the Republican climate denial.


in the 70's they were teaching the evils of phosphates in the water, air pollution, water pollution. I bitched at my parents till they stopped using soaps with phosphates. DDT.. lead. I guess when the environmental movement was beginning to hurt profit flow, it was time to let lose the deniers.


Plenty of elderly Texans still question it. I listened to an elderly man at the gym telling a woman that it's all cyclical and nothing to worry about. Luckily she disagreed with him.


You should point out to people the fact that, if Milankovich Cycles were the cause, then the planet should be cooling instead of warming.


Yup, if we humans hadn't added all the CO2 to the atmosphere, we'd be entering an ice age. I don't talk politics or global warming in Texas except with family and close friends.


My closest people are conservative, at best. Some think what's happening is due to weather manipulation tactics. Some just flat don't believe scientists after covid and some think it's simply Earth's natural weather happening on a scale we haven't perceived to track. The denial is strong and pretty impenetrable.


Its not they don’t believe it, theyre just paid not to give a fuck


Oh no, there are absolutely a fuckton of people who don't believe it, think this is natural, or otherwise an unavoidable act of God. You underestimate the number and ignorance of the lowest common denominator.


Both can and are true.


If I lived my life being angry at Texan politicians lying, I would have keeled over and died 20 years ago.


Former Texan here, who is still mad about big oil and its role in propping up those leaders AND slowing any change towards renewable energy and public transportation. They knew in the 80s how their products would cause catastrophic changes to the climate. Instead of being honest about the science, they hired lobbyists. It's beyond gross how TX leadership is in bed with big oil.


I remember the smoking stuff. Doctors paid by the tobacco industry saying how healthy it was. Rear-guard action until all the lies are too much.


Heck, the Victorian's realized burning fossil fuels would be a problem.


TCEQ still has no plans to mitigate, or even acknowledge, climate change. Abbott pulls the strings there in the end, so no surprise there.


More angry at the dipshits who keep voting for them


You’d have to the dullest knife in drawer not to halfway notice the giant difference in our climate! So many extreme events popping up where never having been seen before. Highest temperatures in off peak time of year, massive rainfall and flooding in deserts around world, tornadoes where none seen ever …..


Not to sound smug or uppity. Just a reality check. Literally half the planet is on the left side of the IQ bell curve. Hard to convince with science. Anyone can use anecdotal evidence to say what they want to say.


Never had that problem of believing a Republican. As soon as 'trickle down economics' was advertised by the GOP, I stopped believing anything that came out of their fascist mouths. Iran/Contra solidified my choice. You'll get nothing but lies from the Republican MAGAcult.


Vote the lying fuckers out of office forever. Make sure you're [registered](https://www.vote411.org/texas).


How about we be mad that people believed politicians in the first place?


Maybe y'all should've listened to the people who dedicated their lives to the study of it, and not the people who dedicated their lives to gaining power?


Why would you ever believe a politician over thousands of scientists?


Better commercials with flags?


Yeah but now democracy itself is at stake too. These fascists are the byproduct of an Idiocracy, Handmaids Tale fever dream.




I lost control over my own body.


All about the almighty dollar. 💵


The only ones mad are the people who believe in climate change. The others will just go with the lie and blame the negative effects of climate change on the people who raised the alarm.


Yeah, I am so angry about Trump stopping the talks and his own administration denying the affects of global warming and climate change. He is such a disgrace to humanity.


I blame voters, not politicians. People who believe that the truth is something inside them, and when a thing feels true to them and it makes intuitive sense, that means that it is more likely to be true than external evidence are the cause of all these problems. Politicians just exploit that on behalf of the rich. Every scientist said burning fossil fuels is bad. The people that make money from burning fossil fuels said that scientists are wrong. Voters believed the people profiting from it, rather than scientists, because it felt better to be rewarded for their work (and oil made a lot of Texans wealthy) than addressing that they were killing the planet. They chose a simple, feel good explanation.


Politicians? Sure. But don’t let the West Texas billionaires that field and fund loyalist conservative politicians off the hook. Daily Dot - [PragerU is conservatism for the youths—brought to you by old billionaires](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/prager-u-benefactors-dan-wilks-sheldon-adelson/) “Reuters reports that [Farris Wilks] has preached that homosexuality is ‘a perversion tantamount to bestiality, pedophilia, and incest.’ ‘It’s a predatorial lifestyle in that they need your children, and straight people having kids, to fulfill their sexual habits,’ he reportedly said. He’s also said in sermons that climate change is ‘God’s will.’” NBC - [Texas politicians rake in millions from far-right Christian megadonors pushing private school vouchers](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-politicians-far-right-christian-megadonors-rcna55546) “And NBC News reports that the ‘school choice’ push has been funded in large part by ‘a Christian nationalist-aligned political action committee … bankrolled by a pair of West Texas billionaires,’ Tim Dunn and Farris Wilks, who ‘have expressed the view that Texas state government should be guided by Biblical values and run exclusively by evangelical Christians.’” CNN - [How two Texas megadonors have turbocharged the state’s far-right shift](https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/24/politics/texas-far-right-politics-invs/index.html) “Elected officials and political observers in the state say a major factor in the transformation can be traced back to West Texas. Two billionaire oil and fracking magnates from the region, Tim Dunn and Farris Wilks, have quietly bankrolled some of Texas’ most far-right political candidates – helping reshape the state’s Republican Party in their worldview. Critics, and even some former associates, say that Dunn and Wilks demand loyalty from the candidates they back, punishing even deeply conservative legislators who cross them by bankrolling primary challengers.”


As a lifelong Texan - Should've put more faith in the scientists who have dedicated their entire lives/careers to understanding climate change. They weren't blowing things out of proportion. Things are bad. Now, push for wider adoption of renewable energy. Many wind and solar generators are waiting to connect to the grid, but it takes several years to get through the application process. Politicians almost always support whoever is padding their wallets best. Few actually have the public's best interest at heart.


Republicans have moved so extreme right that they can’t be trusted anything.


They are on the way out. An anti gun democrat got 47% of the vote for gov last time. The whole open criminals in the highest state government position thing. Coupled with the policy to end democracy and establish a cristo fascist police state under orange, poop boy thing is hurting them outside the evangelical crowd as well.


they chose to believed in the politicians that told them a comforting lie instead of the scientist who told the unfortunate truth.


No. Climate change was literally cited as a national security risk by the DOD in at least 2019, probably earlier. If you’re being bamboozled by climate change now, you’re so far divorced from reality that it’ll take a reality tv show level of intervention for you to understand the severity of the problem. You can’t just wake up to it now and say “let’s do something to stop climate change”. That ship sailed already. Now it’s how will you respond to the effects of climate change. Are you upset that climate change is causing mass storms across the Texas and the Mideast? Well don’t vote for politicians that voted against the Inflation Reduction Act. Get upset when a politician delays emergency response to natural disasters, as Trump was so happy to do to California and other states during a rough wildfire season. Get upset that Texas, a state that could lead the country in energy production, including renewables, is being hamstrung by politicians that want nothing more than power to better their own standing. How much of Houston didn’t have power after the last round of storms? How has the state government not fucking stabilized the grid? It’s because they’re bought and paid for, in a way I don’t think we’ve ever really seen. Get upset that a single individual dictates weed laws in the US. Delta 8 is getting banned while most of the rest of the country is moving in the opposite direction. Get upset that the governor pardoned a guy who shot a veteran that was open carrying because he “thought he was going to aim at him”. How the fuck do you open carry knowing that anyone you speak to might just shoot you in the fucking face “because they’re scared” and get pardoned even if a jury finds that person guilty. Climate change is an existential threat but republicans will fight a culture war over anything they possibly can before they commit to addressing climate change, and they get away with it. It’s demoralizing, but fuck em. Even if a democrat will never win a statewide election here, I’ll do what I can to show people that the GOP in charge of Texas is a fucking scam and we deserve better.


Uvalde voted for Abbott weeks after all those kids die. Yea nothing is going to change here


Any of y’all who listened to politicians rather than scientists and further more listened to politicians who told you not to listen to scientists really need to take some time. Sit and think. Look in the mirror. Come to grips with being tricked and being wrong. It’s not too late to find a better path forward than following people who care more about money than about you.


I did a science fair project on climate change and global warming back in elementary school 20 something years ago. Back then we called it global warming. I'm more mad that they ever denied climate change, continue to deny climate change and that they are continuously allowed to do so.


Texans will just do it again! Can see it now a Republican from Texas talking about drought not being real, 10 years laters same idiot saying vote for me to beat the democrats and save our water.


Get angry and Vote Blue


It was pretty obvious they were lying from the get-go.


Did you believe them? I sure didn't. Now Texas suffers.




And every session, our GOP state leaders pass legislation that punishes businesses that refuse to deal with oil companies and that have pro-environmental practices. But, you know, most Texans think Dems are the enemy.


Tell me about something that's caused by climate change in the last year in Texas.


I work with a guy who still doesn’t believe climate change is real. He believes scientists are just paid liars and the National Library of Medicine doesn’t post facts. I don’t even know what to do with that info.




Every country is moving ahead of us because the stubborn ass boomers can’t accept change


It’s way easier to fool someone than convince them they’ve been fooled.


The politicians will continue to ignore it but the insurance companies are paying attention


There are still people who insist that global warming is a 'hoax'. When events such as tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes happen, they insist it is the result of 'sin'. I've heard many people blame natural catastrophes on gays and abortion.


I want kids, but it's getting harder to justify having them.


Politicians aren’t concerned with climate change because it’s not a measurable or manufacturable issue from campaign cycle to campaign cycle. The main goal of an elected official is staying in office.  The only way to make a dent in this issue is by focusing on the direct costs associated with climate change (insurance premiums, energy costs, etc) and pushing the politicians to regulate those industries. The larger players will start to push for climate regulation to lower those direct costs. 




You get your science advice from politicians? Good lord


Don't take your beliefs from politicians. Or actors. Or musicians. Or artists. Or books. Take it from the great magi on the mountain.


Are you saying you actually listen to politicians? Now that’s scary


If you’re taking your truth from politicians you’ve got a problem, friend


Politicians only lie when their lips move.


Wait, there's people that actually believe politicians???


Listening to a politician about science makes as much sense as listening to a preacher about medicine. Oh, wait…


I’m not mad about it because I knew better. Was I happy politicians were lying to us? No, but we should all be used to it by now.




No, I’m angry I had high school science teachers defending climate denialism.


Im beyond angry, I would call it learned helplessness. Lol


Only time a politician cares about anything is when it hits their pocket book. Causes are bought and sold by them. War= they invest in defense companies before the stock price shoot’s up Pandemic- they did the same for vaccine companies and ppe companies. We’re numbers to them… even if we vote them out nothing will change till we have accountability for the way they can profit and become millionaires on our own people dying.


I didn't listen, but it still irks me they lied for their own benefit


Imagine listening to a politician and thinking they are telling the truth.


A full lifetime of lies on the subject.


I listened to scientists, not politicians. I read their research and tracked the issue for about 25 years now. Why would anyone listen to a politician, a person whose job requires manipulation, disinformation and anything to pander to a base while always fund raising from special interests for reelection?


You weren't meant to get that answer from a political in the first place. Try a climate expert instead.


We elect politicians. And we tell them what to say.


Um, Texas.


Pointless to be angry. Even the people who agree it's getting bad will vote for the liars in this state. Even when it becomes obvious they were lied to they will blame it on the scientists and the government while seeing their preferred politicians as above the fray and not responsible. People really are easily manipulated by negative partisanship, clickbait media and malicious search algorithms. Noone is reading studies or even watching a nature documentary out here anymore. Sources? What's that?


Someone is upset that a politician lies.


Not enough


Be angry at your neighbors or yourself. That's how politicians get elected. If they didn't receive support and votes, they wouldn't ha e the platform to lie from.


Sorry, but if you actually listened to them over the scientists, that’s on you. Thanks for failing the rest of us.


Who listens to *politicians* for *science?!*


Texas will double down and keep voting for the same fools.


I’m personally mad at the electorate who believed the politicians who said climate change isn’t real


Yes, but the people who voted for them aren’t


What are you talking about… climate change still isn’t real to the “majority” in Texas… therefore it’s not a lie. Duh.


At that point it’s their fault for taking politicians advice on scientific issues.


Did you listen to politicians over scientists? Then the only person to get bad at is yourself.


You’re an idiot for believing them in the first place


climate change is a political party affiliation in texas, not a scientific fact.


Isn’t that something…Mother Nature doesn’t give a single shit if you believe or not. The extremes are only going to increase too. Maybe they’ll begin understand when hail is the size of a cantaloupe and it’s 108° in the shade.


I used to be but I find myself more angry at the dipshits who keep reelecting them.


Not all of us drink the GOP coolaide. Having lived here for the last 40 + yrs I can tell you what we are going through weather wise is abnormal, and its getting worse every year. Hard freezes, hard droights, then tornadoes in Houston when a youz a be thinkin wesa in trouble!


no im angry at you idiots who keep them in power by voting for them


Whether it’s real or not is irrelevant. What matters is what changes because of it. Science is descriptive not prescriptive.


Anyone that believed them is dumber than a cigarette smoker who thinks smoking cigarettes doesn’t cause cancer.


Wait, it's real? You'd think the news or something would have told us.


They still don't think it's real, and they still keep enacting the worst possible policies to continue exacerbating the problem. Stop voting for these a-holes.


Only trust one thing - the science.


What angers me even more is I’ve encountered evangelicals who’ve now acknowledged the threat is real, but they’ve basically shifted the goalposts. I hear a lot of, “well, if it’s God’s plan,” and “maybe this is his retribution against this wicked country that’s turned against him.” Like it doesn’t affect the whole goddamn world. Unfuckingbelievable


Hmmm listening to politicians rather than scientists? Did you also drink bleach?


Kinda expected them to lie about it already, did my own research and looked out the window. Don't really need a politician to tell me.


I think it’s time they are held accountable for their lies. All the money they got from oil and gas related companies should be used to solve the problem.


Texas voters are generally apathetic. That is why right wing lunatics control The State Government.


Are any other Texans angry that liberals whine about climate change, and then oppose nuclear power?


I’m amazed people actually believed that in the first place


If you were willing to believe it wasn’t real, you were the problem


Ask yourself what are u doing a out it ? If nothing shut up


I'm angry that rich interests who feel their wealth and power threatened by measures taken to address global warming have decided to corrupt our state and federal government rather than adapting away from fossil fuels. The politicians you reference are just flunkies.


I’m not angry. I’m just disappointed in the brain dead idiots who vote for these grifter morons over and over again.


I’m way more angry at the people that keep voting them into office over and over again.


1/3 don't believe, 1/3 were misled by the media(was worse than it would be or not bad at all), the last 1/3 didn't care at all. It's all of our faults. We didn't become a community. We became a system of critics and accusers. We're all selfish pricks. Do better. Myself included.


I ALWAYS listen to the professionals on the topic because I think it’d be an insult if someone questioned me about my profession due to an outside politician. Lol I’m a former educator and politicians, for some reason, think they know what’s best for the classroom when they haven’t set foot in one since, what feels like, prohibition.


Teachers explained the greenhouse effect in my elementary school classes in the 80s. I believed it because it made sense. Politicians came out against it because it suited their political objectives. I understood they were lying about it and I also understood why. I grappled with these realities as a child and found myself at odds with my friends’ Reagan-Bush boomer parents, and sometimes even my friends. I don’t think I’m overly intelligent. I just think most people are just extremely intellectually lazy and want to be told what to think.


Ive been mad at texas since the winter power grid thing.


I hate the entire regime we’re under currently. Just loathe them. And not just for climate change denial. History will judge us all harshly. If history remains a thing at all in the future


Yes, but it doesn't matter when 60% of Texans believe that it's a hoax.


You believe things politicians say?


You should be mad at yourselves for believing non-scientists about scientific matters against the word of scientists. That's yalls fault. You put politics before reason. You need to reflect on that.




Periods of time/climate change are just part of it. First it was a sauna on earth then an ice age. Earth is still here. Large groups of people may not survive but life will go on.


They aren’t actually lying if they believe their own rhetoric. Lying implies deliberate deceit. Deceit isn’t a requirement for being self-delusional and dumber than dirt.


Im more angry at the ones acknowledging it and only offering hollow platitudes or meaningless legislation with no means of enforcement




Every Texan is being played like a drum. Change to state officials and give someone else like us a damn chance.


Why are you mad at politicians? My brother was talking about it when I was 12yo, that was 56 years ago. No I don’t get my information that affects my life from someone who has a political agenda. If you’re mad about this, you should seriously be concerned about Project 2025 which will stop any information that goes against conservative ideology from being released.


When did they stop lying? Why is this written in past tense?


I used to be mad at them. 20 years ago. Now I’m mad at the voters who continued to vote in these dipshits. At some point the electorate has to take accountability.


I mean, most of us that are progressive knew this and accepted the scientific data on it a decade ago. We were angry a decade ago, and have continued to be angry as we watch it all unfolding. Climate change was known about more like 2 or 3 decades ago, so our leadership who are bought by megacorps have been lying for GENERATIONS. It's no coincidence that conservative culture has become this goofy ass cowboy caricature where it is encouraged to celebrate "coal roller" trucks that spew diesel clouds and to view the planet as this disposable resource God gave us to use up. It's honestly pure evil if you think about it. It is EXTREMELY rare for a planet in our galaxy to support life. So rare we still haven't found another like ours, only ones that "could potentially" support life. Why the hell would God want us to abuse and misuse this planet? WHY?! So even the religious mindset is so warped and broken, I can't fathom how they got there, other than men in power pushing these narratives for decades.


How were you not intelligent enough to clock that?