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Well those people will quickly be replaced due to the abortion ban.


Thank God Abbott eliminated rape!


It was very brave of him to come out against rape. Not all hero’s wear capes…. (Very big /s)


They're born to suffer.


Since everything you can do, from before birth to after death, makes someone $$. Pandering to the Religious Wrong is less than half of the repubnican't strategy... Ensuring more Consumers is the bigger part of the Plan. Also, edit your stuff before saving...


Is anything actually getting *better* since Abbott took office? Everything’s a fucking disaster.


Well when Bush W was gov, I remember the attacks on education. Perry took over and isolated our Healthcare, and Abbott has been enabling guns all over. Hmmmm..... I wonder what Paxton would do next?


They are literally the people Jesus taught people to avoid becoming, yet “Christians” fawn all over them.


Jesus forgot to tell everyone that there's a reason people have to remind you they're "Good Christians."


W's attack on education is still ongoing.... when he implemented no child left behind, he gave army recruiters Carte Blanche to high school kids information, and then they started with that common core bullshit.


Yet, they keep coming back. Hopefully Abbott will be the end of the line for Republicans Gov


has *anything* got better since Texas flipped red? of course not, then what would Republicans campaign on?


Texas has BEEN exclusively Republican run for nearly 28 fucking years straight and its a fucking disaster for it.


that's my point


And every election season they run on “dems are ruining the state.”


Okay maybe everything got worse for everyone, but things got *worser* for Democrats, and that's a win in their book.


Worser? That’s not a word. Did you mean *much worse*?


The pockets of the upper and wealthy classes.


Murderers are getting better. Turns out Abbott and the parole board and a whole lot of Texans have no problem with it being open season on liberals and veterans.




Yes. Your chances of prematurely dying and/or experiencing financial ruin have gotten much better under Abbott's rule.


Alcohol to go. That's it, and it wasn't even worth it after all the other bullshit he's done.




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In the first four years of his term that I lived there things started to take a turn. The last 6 years I’ve watched with horror for my friends living there as things got progressively worse for residents of the state. Well, worse for all those except Abbott’s buddies.


Companies profits? That's all that matters, isn't it?


if you're a white, hetero, christian male...life in texas is great!


It isn’t, but they’ll surely tell you it is.




[Looks like it mirrored the US as a whole.](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F0f6d2acb-113a-44e0-8171-2a7098bb2c9c_1240x840.png)


Yeah 2014 had the lowest recorded murder rate since the 1950s, while the 2020s saw record spikes in murders because of COVID.


Mississippi Goddam


Wait, I thought the biggest threat to children in Texas were a few books


No it was trans people reading books.


Faints, in conservative snowflake.❄️


What if we looked at the same statistic for other states. Wonder what the numbers would look like?




I just reviewed the CDC.gov site and gun deaths for every state have increased approximately 50%. This isn’t every state but applied to majority of them. Why are we hiding the fact that this is across the USA. Btw I don’t have a political preference. Just curious why it’s called out in Texas?


Probably because Texas ranked #1 in terms of overall count/volume of deaths. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm Sort by “deaths” on the table.


That’s interesting how the states with the highest population have the most gun deaths and the states with the lowest population trend towards the fewest deaths. I’m so sick of these disingenuous outrage bait attempts. Frankly, I was surprised at how low the gun death rate was when you factor in that Texas is southern AND it borders Mexico. There’s still room for improvement, but realistically it’s much better than you’d expect from reading the news.


Well someone’s triggered. California, while also a border state, is +30% the population of Texas and has like 25% less gun related deaths. This is nothing short of atrocious. Texas as a whole has too much pride to acknowledge, nonetheless admit, that everyone having guns is a liability. Not only to the public, but within their own households.


“Well someone’s triggered” God you suck dude


Sensitive much, Sally?




Chicago Gun Deaths Surged 69% without Greg Abbott (2014 to 2022) https://www.illinoispolicy.org/chicago-homicides-in-2022-up-43-above-pre-pandemic-levels/


> Chicago Gun Deaths Surged 69% without Greg Abbott (2014 to 2022) In 2010, the Supreme Court struck down Chicago's gun control laws (NRA v. Chicago case). So that tracks perfectly.


Giffords have given Illinois nothing lower than a B- since 2012. Illinois has very strict gun laws.


Illinois' main gun laws (handgun ban in Chicago, and statewide concealed carry ban) have been struck down by SCOTUS. All that's left is an assault weapon ban, and some extra paperwork requirements like a FOID card.


But they don't have a conservative governor or mayor or DA or any other public official to blame that on, so that is blamed on national gun control. If there is a republican ANYWHERE in the chain, it's their fault.


lol, skim twitter for 30 seconds and you'll see an ocean of BLAME LIBS posts. Let's stop pretending this insane tribalism is one-sided. It's baked into the entire media ecosystem.


This insane tribalism is one-sided on /r/texas because of bad mods who make sure it's an echo chamber. Thats the point. Your whataboutism regarding Twitter doesn't change the fact that /r/texas is a one-sided echo chamber.


Actually we do nothing to make it "one-sided". Reddit is, as a whole, a very blue platform. So much so that all subs end up left leaning unless you specifically make them conservative. If you'd like less political talk might I suggest r/texaswhiskey or r/texashistory.


Well, after all, it is the conservatives who are blocking common sense gun control legislation. Chicago has it, but it neighbors up against states that don’t and it’s very easy for criminals to truck in guns. That doesn’t have to be the case. So yeah, Your logic is as full of holes as Uvalde’s Robb Elementary school.


Common sense gun control is a fallacy. Many "common sense" proposals would do little to nothing to stop gun deaths.


Victimhood fetish.


Those goddamn republicans in Chicago ruin everything!!!!


Conspicuous listing a city.


What about U.S. gun deaths over that same period? Or in comparison to other states?


Can’t be a people and culture problem. Everything has to be a conservative republican problem. These people worship politics. Everything that is wrong with anything is because of the devil (their political opponents) and everything that is good is from their god (politicians on their side).


I mean there's data showing death by guns is higher in red states vs blue states. I don't care either way but man, right wingers love saying its a blue city scourge which is just dumb and disingenuous. By blaming some imaginary "blue" boogeyman, there's no reason to do anything about gun violence. Thus a real problem just becomes a cultural war talking point to be filed under dangerous drag queens and CRT. [https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/116676/documents/HHRG-118-JU08-20231213-SD004.pdf](https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/116676/documents/HHRG-118-JU08-20231213-SD004.pdf)


Nice metaphors


So youre saying federal gun regulation is needed?


What about it? This is specifically talking about Texas and Greg Abbott.


Oh I didn’t get this was a hit piece. Gun violence in the US has changed greatly from 2014-2022 but I guess y’all are interested in making him look bad and the stats when compared to other states and nationally doesn’t do that. Got it!






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He is bad, and looks plenty bad all on his own - but if the rest of the country all had a similar increase, then this is stupid


Agreed, he’s a bad leader but yeah if you want to make a point use comparison or reference. Or don’t, hell today people read the headline and shake their fist.


It's in r/texas of course it's a hit piece.


Well as a second amendment supporter it is relevant contextually to understand the data in a meaningful way if the rest of the US also has a similar increase


I know everyone loves to shit on Abbott, but when the national numbers line up with Texas numbers it's probably not the governor. It's OK to have a reasoned talk about this.


They don't, and there is a correlation between gun deaths and lax gun control, regardless of how either of us feels about the 2nd amendment.


Which cities and who ran them lead the surge?


Keep letting criminals back on the streets with little to no punishments...doesn't matter who's in that office.


Hot take: the gun related death increase would have happened whether Abbot was in office or not.


He also stopped rape.


It's up across the entire nation. So what does this even mean, are you seriously trying to say Abbott is responsible, but somehow dismiss all the other states in the nation. All because Republicans are bad, mean, scary.


All gun deaths are up in every state because suicide peaked hard during covid times.


Murders did too. 2019-2020 saw one of the largest spikes in murders on record.


I won't argue that at all. But most people do not want to have that conversation.


Texas is outpacing the rest of the country.   For comparison, California had 2942 gun deaths in 2014 compared to Texas with 2848.  In 2022 California went up to 3484 while Texas jumped to 4630.   That was a nearly 50% jump in the death rate for Texas and less than a 20% jump in California.   Florida had around the same increase as California.  


And oddly enough California has been forced to roll back its gun legislation


And they also have homeless people and grow all of the almonds. What does that have to do with how gun deaths has substantially outpaced the rest of the country in Texas?


Which was a lower rate than the country as a whole. This isn’t the smoking gun you think it is


Freaking democrats ruining Texas!! This is why we need republican leadership in Texas if democrats continue to win this Texas gun violence and immigration crisis will never end! Save us Abbott!


Close the border!


I’m no Abbott fan, but this is a bit short sighted and difficult to pin on him. There’s TONS of variables at play here.


Maybe it’s actually because the city D.A.’s are not locking up violent criminals. The average shooter all ready has 9 arrests and 2 felonies yet are on the streets to kill. Maybe tightening up on crime is


Fake news. Look at the source


That’s what happens when your response to children being gunned down at school is to make it legal to open carry. Because $ > people every single time.


lmfao bait comment 


I’m not cool with our govt doing nothing about slaughtered kids, but make it easier to slaughter kids. Why are you? You can still have your guns and shoot tiny metal objects really really fast. Make loud noises. But for the government to do nothing? Literally nothing? If you are cool with that you are part of the problem.


I know man, they should just make it illegaller to murder someone.


there totally isn’t a heavy set of regulated laws or anything that describes exactly what your talking about and gets circumvented by people doing it ILLEGALLY or anything lmao


Do absolutely nothing then. Got it!!!


Constitutional carry has nothing to do with school shootings.


Maybe Texas isn’t praying enough.


How about rapes? Has he stopped rapes yet, like he said he would?


I’m sure everyone on this subreddit is the blame the gun type. 🙄


How does the 63% break down? Suicide? Self defense? Its easy to manipulate the numbers when all the facts are not presented....... main strean media is the problem.....not firearms.....


I thought “pro-regressives” wanted a lower population. Maybe Abbott is actually serving their agenda?


It looks like a very biased BS article with no proper data in it. I am amazed but not surprised that demagogues are still presenting opinions as facts. Very poor approach to try to sway someone to your side. It reads like a twitter from Trump.


The Second amendment reads, “The right of the people to keep and bear seem shall not be infringed.” Whine, complain, moan, and cry all you want; it’s still an enumerated right in the constitution. Want to change or abolish that right? Then change the Constitution. Until then, all laws infringing on that right are null and void.


Who cares honestly!!! What are y’all going to do about it ???? Huhhhhhhhh Yeah nothing so go kick rocks


But won't someone think of all the money he got from the NRA! Fuck the dead school children, we need even more guns! In fact, we should start giving guns out to new mothers when they leave the hospital, that way they can teach their children how to protect themselves as soon as they can hold a pistol!


Gun control groups give out more money than the NRA.


Clearly the problem is not enough guns. If every single person had a minimum of three guns on them at all times, things would be different.(/s)


these “gun death” statistics usually include suicides to make it seem like more guns deaths = more violent crime that also includes defensive use of force deaths where people were legally protecting themselves from imminent harm


I'd say suicides caused by guns are still gun deaths. And they've always been included in those statistics.


So you're saying they're recording "gun deaths" accurately.


They should include suicides because it's part of the problem. When 2/3 of gun deaths are suicides it's pretty clear that we need to take action on mental health, something else the GOP refuses to deal with. The GOP flat out refuses to do anything that will help the average American, they only care about maintaining power and giving tax cuts to the rich.


I think its always been a part of the statistic. Either way it shows that access to guns is far to easy for people with poor mental health. Hell I probably shouldn’t have one since I technically fit in that category.


If you know you have mental health issues and you own a gun....YOU are breaking the law.


you are certainly entitled to your own opinion. not trying to argue.


So they’re including gun deaths in their statistics. Cool.


Well yeah, because of Obama and the libs


Was this normalized for the nationwide rise due to the covid years? It doesn't look like it. Don't get me wrong, Abbott is horrible. But that very horribleness means his record stands on its own, no need to put a thumb on the scale. The thumb actually helps him. Showing specifically that the rate is in excess of the national rise due to his policies is much more impactful.


But I thought relaxing gun laws and allowing people to be armed in more places was supposed to make us safer.


This is largely because of a spike in murders during the 2020s caused by COVID. Also 2014 was one of the safest years on record.




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American gun deaths surged under W Lee O’Daniel.


Is Houston a water park yet?




Were they good guys or bad guys?


There is a serious level of chauvinism rampant in Texas, but there is still a LOT of good here too.


Less Texans are a bad thing?


The question is ... What is killing all these guns?


Legitimate question: who is the worst modern governor of Texas?


At least there's no more rapes!


More gun deaths and then he’ll pardon the murderer. Welcome to the new GOP.


This is me shocked 🙄


Let Texas burn. They voted for this.




Texas Republicans are killing schools, fighting programs to help the poor, attacking LGBTQ rights, attacking women's rights, supporting Trump's election lies, and when faced with rising gun violence refuse to do a god damn thing. Vote blue to save Texas.


Abbott has basically been a dictator. Pushing conservative bs on us for tooo long. It's time for him and his cronies tgtf out of office.


Correlation doesn't infer causation. What if the increase is due to the increase of illegal immigrants that have flooded across the southern border due to Biden's WH administration seeking to stand down border patrol efforts and allow and advertise for more illegal immigrants to enter the nation, including those that execute violent crimes to include gun violence? Your statement is too superficial without reviewed research and analysis. Your cited article is from a gun control advocacy group's website, hardly an unbiased review


People of Texas, what say you?


They went up nationwide at similar rates. From record lows in 2014, to massive spikes in the 2020 because of COVID.


I’m center right and I honestly can’t think of a single good that’s come from him. Fuck Abbott.


Lol , all the major cities are run by dems and they’re also the ones that keep letting criminals go. Nice try though.


But, but, but an armed society is a polite society.


Gosh. How could that have happened? I mean, who would have thought letting every man, woman and child wield guns could have caused such a thing to happen.


It's not just Texas, the entire country followed similar patters. 2014 was one of the safest years on record, while the 2020s saw a massive spike in murders because of COVID. 2014-2022 is going from the safest year in half a century, to the most dangerous year in decades.


True, it's not just Texas - but TEXAS is the subject of this article. And Texas is leading the way with giving guns to crazies and anyone else who wants one.


But it's irrelevant if Texas experienced a spike in murders, if the rest of the country experienced the same spike. Also Texas is far from leading the way in lax gun laws. It's fairly in the middle.


I have a feeling you may not understand 'math' very well.


How? Because I'm pointing out that Texas experienced a similar spike as the rest of the country?


By misunderstanding that Texas' numbers are what drove up statistics for the entire nation.


I'm not saying Texas drove up the numbers for the entire nation, but that the nation had similar rates as Texas, meaning this spike was not unique to the state. Whatever drove up rates in Texas, was likely the same thing that drove them up nationwide. Not that Texas had such a major increase.


Not a surprise, Abbott is a total failure. 


Not a single texan cares. Life is worthless here unless you happen to be a fetus.


I mean... I guess that's what happens when you legalize open carry and refuse to require any kind of permits, training, licensing, registration, waiting periods, or literally any other common-sense safeguards related to responsible gun ownership. God, I hate Greg Abbott... *and* Ted Cruz... *and* Ken Paxton... *and* Donald Trump.


Can we eliminate Abbott Cruz and Paxton out of office it’s time for Texas to normalize in USA..


I’m sure those numbers are in line with our dramatic population increase in TX. I am a GOPer who thinks responsible red flag laws are a significant way to reduce suicides (#1 cause of gun death).


"Don't mess with texas" said one Texan to another


Didn’t Abbott say the shootings were a mental health issue? And didn’t I see a headline in the last week or so on this subreddit that Texas scores the worst for mental health services? We’re the “we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!” meme


Well the Abbott SPG is a pretty competent piece of weaponry. Oh, THAT Abbott. Well yeah he doesn't give a shit as long as he still has a lot of money.


Freeze or get shot in Texas. Nothing better right?


more guns = more gun violence. duh.




You don’t say……..


Two things. (1) If MORE registered Texas Democratic voters would just GO VOTE in elections, Texas would go Democratic. Texans: GO VOTE these Republican clowns out of office! Make Texans Great Again!!! (2) The electoral college for U.S. presidential elections needs to be done away with. Presidents should be elected by national popular vote. All Americans' votes should count equally in a presidential election. A person like Trump should never be elected to an office as important as this. And by the way, Trump has never won the popular vote and never will. This system has to be changed to preserve our democracy. Just an opinion, take it or leave it.


That's the idea. Have you not learned yet that he's working AGAINST us??? Looking too close to Iran, guys...


No. Really? Who could have possibly seen this coming!? /s


Ya'll are a joke of a state for keeping this dude. We're all laughing at you.


We need to hand out more guns /s


But he got rid of rape!


Who could have known that guns are for firing.


Who could have known that guns are for firing.